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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15021044 No.15021044 [Reply] [Original]

Why do amerishits say "Math" instead of "Maths"?

>> No.15021048

Programmed to by language norms? Why do other countries pronounce "herbs" with the H? Why do the British insist on unnecessary "r" sounds at the end of many of their words? Dumb language rules that everyone gets used to.

>> No.15021052

Same reason we say physic instead of physics. Just makes more sense intuitively, like imperial units.

>> No.15021064

They should stop, it's incredibly homosexual.
>Just makes more sense intuitively, like imperial units

>> No.15021071
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>> No.15021075

No retard, "math" is short for "mathematic" and "maths" is short for "mathematics" so since it's "mathematics" and not "mathematic", "maths" correct.

>> No.15021079

*"maths" is correct.

>> No.15021085

Math = Math
Simple as

>> No.15021093

You = Faggot
Simple as.

>> No.15021097

Cool it with the anti ‘smaticism bro.

>> No.15021144

because american english and british english are different. why do europeans get so mad over stuff like soccer/fahrenheit/math? so weird lol

>> No.15021150

because maths sounds really gay

>> No.15021174

A liter's too much and a milliliter's too little.
Believe it or not but imperial's based on largely every day items.

>> No.15021179

Why would you add the S at the ending of a shortening? This is like adding a y at the end of lab because lab is a shortening of laboratory, or adding m at the end of max because max is a shortening of maximum.
Mathematic is technically not a word(it's a root word, but as far as I know mathematic has no actual definition,) but mathematics is, so therefore, math.

(On a serious note, it probably came about because our continent paid for ads by the letter instead of whatever the fuck you guys decided to land on.)

>> No.15021182

Well they get pissy over soccer because the British were the ones to rename associative football to soccer initially. They don't like being shown that Americans will adopt ideas they think are actually good.

>> No.15021198

Honestly what needs to happen is American English and British English need to turn into different languages, so i.e. become mutually unintelligible. Brits dont chimp out when krauts say "Mathematik" or "futbol" or whatever because it's a different language, but show them one American English word and they go apeshit.

>> No.15021213
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>Math lol

>> No.15021214

Because mathematics is not a plural of mathematic (what's a mathematic?) so abbreviating it in a way that preserves plurality makes no goddamn sense.

>> No.15021224

There is such thing as a mathematic you retard. An axiom is a good example

Just cut them bro. Remember, down the ladder not across the street.

>> No.15021236

Just another Brit seething about language differences. Honestly grow up, America's not changing because you threw a hissy fit.

>> No.15021238

I'm not a Europoor but they have these right.
"Math" sounds way gayer, "maths" sounds normal
Millilitres are fine but just use centilitres then.
It's language it only has to make sense sometimes, and "Maths" is based so it's correct.

>> No.15021396

>hello good sir I would like to order five hundred milliliters of beer please
Gib pint

>> No.15021418


>> No.15021425

Why would you keep the s and drop the other letters in between? I wouldn't shorten "shirts" to "shits" arbitrarily like that.

>> No.15021544

I mean, "maths" makes more sense. If I'm pretending to be smart, I'm just going to use the full blown word "mathematics" though.

>> No.15021555
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>Oi bruv u why th fook avent yu got some mafs yea?

>> No.15021558

Looks like someone didn’t get laid in college

>> No.15021612

Let's use your own reasoning against you. You argue "math" is wrong because "mathematic" is incorrect. If "mathematic" is incorrect, then "mathematics" is not a plural—it's a singular. You only append the -s in diminutives if it's a plural (e.g., girlfriends becomes gfs). So, if "mathematics" is a singular and not a plural, it's incorrect to append the -s in its diminutive; it must be the case that the correct diminutive is "math". Checkmate, euronigger. Kys in embarrassment and shame for not knowing your own language.

>> No.15021626

That's...not what a diminutive is.
The word you are looking for is abbreviation.
ESL shitter.

>> No.15021631

Not a refutation. I accept your seething as your unconditional concession.

>> No.15021634


>> No.15021664

>Why do amerishits say "Math" instead of "Maths"?
Because "mathematics" isn't actually plural, you fucking Eurofag moron.
We say, "Mathematics is easy," not "Mathematics are easy."
So when it comes time to abbreviate the word, notice how there isn't an "s" after the "th"?
Can you see that?
You wouldn't abbreviate "examination" as "examn."
You wouldn't abbreviate "circumference" as "cire."
So why in the fuck would you abbreviate "mathematics" as "maths"?

>> No.15021668

Mathematic is the description, mathematics (multiple fields within or just the general subject of) is a plural noun.

>> No.15021676
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>I will not say anything because thread will dead

>> No.15021688

Not a britbong.
Beer is bad for you.
Sex isn't real.
Read this, faggot, >>15021238
>It's language it only has to make sense sometimes
Also, what >>15021626 said, and I'm not a ewwro, you piece of shit, and MY language is not English.

>> No.15021706

Don't people use deciliters? We use it all the time here

>> No.15021713

Yea and centiliters

>> No.15021714

Are you Hungarian? I've only seen that used in Hungarian recipes, otherwise nada.

>> No.15021729

Finnish, we'll say like "add two decis". But I don't know how often that really comes up in everyday life outside of cooking. Like if I go to a bar, I'll just order "a beer" and then I get a beer, be it half a liter or a pint or whatever

>> No.15021972

What's a mathematic? Any examples? Genuinely asking.

>> No.15021979

Always amusing to see undergrads and worthless talentless trash in general obsessing over useless jargon

>> No.15021992

Gib beer
Unless you're a woman or belgian, this means half a litre.

>> No.15022154

America is full of fatties and goytards who got the goychop, had the goyshot and the education

>> No.15022211
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>everyday quantities

>> No.15022232

What's a math?
Always amusing to see pretentious faggots who think they're above banter.

>> No.15022235

>>It's language it only has to make sense sometimes
Then why bitch about the abbreviation of "math"? Just admit you have no argument.

>> No.15022244

Because this is one of the times when it does, you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.15022258

Justification? I provided justification for why math is one of the situations where it makes sense. Mathematics is a singular, not a plural. You only retain the -s suffix when abbreviating plurals such as girlfriends -> gfs.

See? I provided a case example. Can you provide any other instance of a singular word ending in -s that gets abbreviated to retain the -s? If yes, what's the example? If no, why the exception? Just admit you're wrong and that Americans bested you, Ivan.

>> No.15022265

You should use Google to verify your point before posting responses that make an ass out of you.

>> No.15022276

You should use Google to verify your point before posting responses that make an ass out of you.

>> No.15022292

Americans invented math so any way we call it is correct

>> No.15022295
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Your parents should consider beating the smug out of you.

>> No.15022324

Why are euros so petty?

>> No.15022349

Based retard

>> No.15022532

Because they like butchering the English language.

>> No.15022552
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but when you try to make them say lego they suddenly add an S

>> No.15022573

"Mathematics" is different because it's both singular and plural.
Not even close.
Not a Euroshit.

>> No.15022585

I'm Australian, and I prefer 'math'.
'math' connotes something grand, elegant, and solemn.
'maths' connotes some arithmetic mental push-ups like adding up prices on a shopping list.

>> No.15022808

>I'm Australian, and I prefer 'math'.

>> No.15022827 [DELETED] 

>they all say the word, in various ways, but no one is actually good at the practice.

>> No.15022921

Whole numbers are another american invention. The rest of the world calls them Natural numbers

>> No.15022926

We usually say "500 ml", not 500 milliliters. Yes, m then L. Everyone understands it

>> No.15022967

"Math" would be an abbreviation for "Mathematics"(uncountable noun), as far as I understand. If "Mathematics" is plural, then I think it's reasonable to assume that the singular form("Mathematic") has a meaning. If that's the case, then what is a Mathematic? And if you say that it has no meaning, then why does that word even exist?

>> No.15022994

"Math" would be an abbreviation for "Mathematic", see >>15021075. That's why I asked you what's a math?

>> No.15023024

Like I said, as far as I know, "Math" is an abbreviation for "Mathematics". The "s" doesn't make it plural. It's part of the word -- so the word "Mathematics" is singular. Calling it "Math" is just truncating the word to shorten it. Calling it "Maths" is truncating the word except for the "s" at the end(Because the reasoning/assumption is that "Mathematics" is plural).
If "Mathematics" is plural, then what is a "Mathematic"(noun form)? Do you have any examples?

>> No.15023114

"Mathematics" is both singular and plural.

>> No.15023249

It's because we're objectively superior so Europoors try to cope by shitting on us for not following their retarded conventions.

>> No.15023289
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Why do you say shit like they are 'in hospital' rather than 'they are in the hospital' or when you are talking about a model of something you leave the out. 'The F-22 compared to the F-35 is less advanced, yet costed more to produce' vs. 'F-22 compared to F-35 is less advanced, yet costed more to produce. Or finally stateside everyone says college rather than university.

Its just a difference in speech pattern. (fyi you all sound like fucking morons for saying 'maths' to us).

>> No.15023307

Imagine not knowing how to read a dictionary. They're saying the plural of the singular (mathematics) is still mathematics. That's because mathematics is a mass noun. Honestly man, if I were you, I'd seppuku in shame.

>> No.15023308
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Americans pronounce this the way ancient Greeks would have pronounced it, yet it seems everyone else says it wrong.

>> No.15023311

Nice try, eurofag. I'm sure you only ever write "maths" to abbreviate the "plural mathematics" and never the "singular mathematics", right? Just admit you're wrong, and it's math.

>> No.15023314

Amer: Nye-key
Everyone else: Nhik

>> No.15023327
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Brits lack intelligence needed to understand the unity of math. They see topics like geometry and calculus as fun discrete exercises but cannot comprehend the notion of math as a universal language.

>> No.15023642

We don't talk like that where I'm from.
Again, I'm not European, and the way "mathematics" is both plural and singular, so is "maths".

>> No.15023650

Its still math, unless you like "mathsematics"

>> No.15023665

>Again, I'm not European, and the way "mathematics" is both plural and singular, so is "maths".

>> No.15023684
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 1650503404410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> math(-ematics)
> maths(-ematics)
> Its still math, unless you like "mathsematics"
>Anonymous 12/01/22(Thu)01:44:35 No.15023665▶
> >>15023642 (You)
> >Again, I'm not European, and the way "mathematics" is both plural and singular, so is "maths".
> "Mathsematics."

>> No.15023721

>maths is singular
Can you share any other example of a singular word ending in -s which is abbreviated to include the -s?

>> No.15023727


>> No.15024408

Because language diverges over time

>> No.15024660

Lmao what a fag. Are all Europeans homosexual?

>> No.15024664

Can you all just shut the fuck up, im trying to do things here

>> No.15024674

>"math" is short for "mathematic" and "maths" is short for "mathematics"
Found the guy who tells econ majors they're actually econs majors and pol majors they're actually pols majors.
Nothing at all wrong with either 'math or 'maths'.

>> No.15024678

This is too intellectual for /sci/

>> No.15024696


>> No.15024697

If megaliters has no use then why is it an option?

>> No.15024707
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>> No.15024737

You got me

>> No.15024739

Because it's a single subject you fucking bucktoothed inbred white trash europoor

>> No.15024766

You've been positively defeated.

>> No.15024777


>> No.15024781


>> No.15024789

What is a mathematic? You guys seem to study a lot of them.

>> No.15024869

-1 is whole but not natural

>> No.15025064

No, because you very clearly misquoted me.
You know I probably should do that, thanks. And no, "Math" is gay.

>> No.15025086

t. lewis hamilton