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File: 837 KB, 598x2102, skizo chimpout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15020972 No.15020972 [Reply] [Original]

How is Musk's unhinged public behavior on Twitter likely to impact the future of SpaceX?

>> No.15020977

"Public Behavior" is obsolete.

>> No.15020980

Love me schizos.
Love me billionaires.
'Ate j*urnalists.
I ain't antisemitic, I just don' loik 'em.

>> No.15020995
File: 24 KB, 490x640, nasa meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of the incompetent people at nasa and at the rest of spacex's competition are constantly seeking for any and every excuse to try and undermine spacex's success because spacex's success only highlights the rest of the gang's uselessness.

>> No.15021007
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How has souring Western Eastern relations affected his incentive structure to align his operations with the agitprop. It needs to be coherent. Tesla, space X, probably boeing lockeed as well, got some real work to do depending on what happens over the next few weeks/months here.

Dont you see that in the reality West-East goes south, the most logical alignment are pepe meshnets, at least this narrative is coherent, instead of waking up one day to the party proclaiming 2+2=5 than the next it equaling 4. You cant do real business on top of that

>> No.15021017
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Trump wanted to reopen domestic rare earth mining, but the corrupt congress RINOs wouldn't let him

>> No.15021024
File: 647 KB, 1038x804, Screenshot from 2022-11-29 14-00-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like Elon gets to be schizo than, at least until the democrats start behaving like the the ones that signed that trade deal in the 90's with them and not a walking paradox.

Or not and Elon can come find lithium in old Albertan oil wells

>> No.15021028


>> No.15021030

You should post an example of something unhinged that he's tweeted to provide a baseline for this conversation

>> No.15021031

anybody saying something about "psyops" is unhinged 99% of the time

>> No.15021041

"He is in space" while the NASA has to take pics and burn money to stay relevant

>> No.15021084
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>> No.15021090
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>> No.15021108

This man is so incredibly based I don’t know how to process it.

>> No.15021114

That pic
>we are at war with eastasia. We have always been at war with eastasia.

>> No.15021132

oldspace cuckold execs used to say he was unhinged for pushing to land and reuse orbital boosters so so maybe being hinged is normgroid cringe

>> No.15021141
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>> No.15021160


>> No.15021173
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Fuck he is beyond based! He is the bedrock! LOVING ME SOME MUSK!

Hope he destroys all the corrupt institutions.

>> No.15021208


>> No.15021217

>someone acts like a human

>> No.15021232

You've spent too long on 4chan if you think that's how humans act. The people here are not normal.

That said I'm all for it.

>> No.15021305

i'm pretty sure musk is getting the trump treatment from the media, they're making it sound a lot worse than it is, possibly because twitter was biased in the same direction as most of mainstream media so now they're losing a way of controlling the narrative. According to twitter they have had their highest number of active users ever recently

>> No.15021343
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>> No.15021349

>According to twitter they have had their highest number of active users ever recently
makes no difference, they'll just tell some lies on other media platforms that counteract the effect of whatever happens on twitter, eventually twitter will fade from importance and end up as forgotten as every other formerly hot website.

>> No.15021378

>i'm pretty sure musk is getting the trump treatment from the media, they're making it sound a lot worse than it is, possibly because twitter was biased in the same direction as most of mainstream media so now they're losing a way of controlling the narrative.

>on other media platforms
There are none that rival twitter. Facebook/IG/Meta is next and is failing.

>> No.15021381

>There are none that rival twitter. Facebook/IG/Meta is next and is failing.
This is why they're desperate to take him down before he can reset the narrative. Losing Twitter as a captive disinformation platform for the Left will mean the next election can't be bought without major trouble.

>> No.15021453

>will mean the next election can't be bought without major trouble.
Most all election fraud takes place in the "blue cities" that are completely Democrat/Mob controlled.

That's how politicians with a 15-25% approval rating gets 99% eligible voter participation and 75% of the vote and wins re-elections year after year for decades.

Rigged voting system. You cannot vote your way out of a rigged voting system.

>> No.15021495

So Elon is JC Denton?

>> No.15022923

David Sarif.

>> No.15023770

probably the same as when he called that one cave diver a pedo

>> No.15023791

The only african-american I like, now I can say I'm not racist, thanks 'Lon 'Usk

>> No.15023818

we need a /sg/ space general to contain this garbage
>inserts Star Wars (1977) trash compactor scene

>> No.15023872

>cave diver a pedo
is "cave diver" a new term for pedos?

>> No.15023998

hey remember how a few shirt years ago everyone on this board called you schizo for talking abour the psyops and Jews? that should tell how stupid the people here are and why they will always be second fiddle. they are always at the back of everything instead of out in front where the leaders and innovators are

>> No.15024004
File: 5 KB, 225x225, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should write a letter to the SA parliament demanding the US judicial system reverse it's silly decision.
He should bribe the SA parliament $40 billion.
His best alternative to a negotiated agreement is a $44 billion loss.
It's a criminal bribe, so he's going to leave with little more than a tattered coat, i.e. $4 billion remaining after a potential $44 billion loss resulted in a $40 billion loss.
Full disclosure: the only reason I know this is because ALAN SCHWARTZ IS A MENSCH!

>> No.15024012

>Musk Thread

>> No.15024225

He's cringe but that's outweighed by the amount of delicious seething he produces so he's okay in my book

>> No.15024504

>unhinged because it exposes your shit
stop misusing the "unhinged" word, it's not like elon is hurting himself, he's hurting you pal, by exposing your jewery

>> No.15024508


>> No.15024513

science requires more faith than any other religion, obviously you'll find the most governement prayers in academia

>> No.15024517

>caring about spacex when you should have reasons to celebrate its demise
that makes you a schizo who thinks he is going to mars or some retarded shit like that, so you're also unhinged

>> No.15024589

>Star Wars
ur on the wrong board kid >>>/tv/

>> No.15024629

>not caring about the latest Current Thing is unhinged
Or perhaps he's autistic enough to actually not care.

>> No.15024638

Musk has the luxury of not needing to pretend to care about the Western institutions, since he's so helpful to them geopolitically (whether through claims to space, or his rocket tech for military rockets, or starlink for the Ukes and whoever else). It's kinda like how social media was open until the Arab Spring and the Syria conflict started to wind down, then it had served its purpose as a regime destabiliser for the Middle East and got tamped down.

>In a democratic era, people wouldn't try to manipulate the public through media campaigns and staged or selectively reported events, despite historians saying this has been the case since the start of the modern era, governments admitting or even bragging about having done this, and liberals and milint people saying that we have a moral obligation to do this and that it's commendable (making psyopping a communal bonding activity that libs/leftists proudly participate in)
If being honest is "unhinged" because being "unhinged" messes up propaganda, then who cares?
Maybe you're unhinged if you're pathologising honesty.

>> No.15024675

the name is now SpaceKKK

>> No.15024679

Twitter is a private company. He can do what he likes.
This isn't some gotcha against people who were saying that and then changed their tune. I'm a libertarian who's been saying it from the beginning and was often criticized by cuckservatives who think libertarianism should protect them from their humiliation fetish that leads them to support hostile actors.

>> No.15024693
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Kanye, Tucker and Elon are talking about it now so it's based! These sheep are loathsome

>> No.15025003

we know elon visits this website but what boards does he go to??

>> No.15025017
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Free speech was founded on the principle that all education would be based in objective spiritual reality as testified to lives lead through Deity. America is not only not religious anymore, it is for the most part actively anti-religous, though specifically anti-Christian. T

o be fair, most denominations outside of the traditional Orthodox Christian sects aren't preaching true Christianity anymore, so I would mock and hate it too. But my main point is as follows: Humans can't create moral values, only God can. But everything we call 'virtue signaling' and 'woke' culture are a bunch of psycho's attempting to create objective values, which humans simply cannot do. And what's more, every attempt to do so has usually resulted in horrors of one kind or another: Replace God with man, and the natural horrors and flavors will follow.

So either we return to God, or we parish. Free speech can only seemingly be 'attacked' by allowing anyone to speek freely, if there is no basis in God. If there were a basis in God, any stupid comment or concept that is thrown 'out there' on the internet can and would be contradicted in-season and out of season in every instance it is met. Not a complicated concept.

>> No.15025026

i even remember how back in 1995, NASA was calming that for only $500 million they could build an 8 meter space telescope and launch it in 12 years.
NASA ended up building a space telescope only 6.5 meters in diameter - half the size they originally promised, they took more than twice as long as they said and their expenses were underestimated by about 3000%.
from all that you can accurately peg a number to how much less intelligent and capable they are compared to how intelligent and capable they think they are. 12000% difference.

>> No.15025287

>I demand you disapprove of beatnik behavior
Musk is a murderous nut. He's a real beat.

>> No.15025290

No, America is too Christian.
The Christians are very critical of heathen hijinks.

>> No.15025298

Britney Spears is the worst Christian by far. People don't think she's Christian, and that just makes her venom so acidic.

>> No.15025334
File: 314 KB, 561x933, 75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15025365

You should make yo way bag to Facebook you fucking boomer

>> No.15025372

>makes an absolute mess of twitter so that he has to liquidate 3x the annual budget for SLS just to keep it afloat
>has to pay over $1B a year on interest alone
This is the genius manager people where talking about? Shotwell really is the reason for SpaceX success

>> No.15025375

He did made this trash fire all by himself