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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 304 KB, 1536x903, 1638974979282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15014320 No.15014320 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>15010657

>> No.15014324

Space Edition

>> No.15014326

NASA still too bashful to show Starship HLS

>> No.15014330
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, jsc2020e042872-june-19-2020_50357030091_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a space station's thrusters to move itself from low planetary orbit to a location elsewhere in the system as a gateway for exploration was fantasy in the 1990s on Star Trek DS9. NASA is making it reality.

>> No.15014336

did they even show gateway

>> No.15014337

I'm almost glad they are. It's going to fucking blow people away seeing Starship ops without years of advance warning.

>> No.15014338
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 0CD61480-62C3-42C1-86CF-E40B3217DF98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxar’s PPE is kino
pic unrelated but Saturn V posting is always welcomed

>> No.15014345

Buzz Aldrin, David Scott, Charles Duke, Harrison Schmitt. Will any of them live to see Artemis 3?

>> No.15014346

No considering they’re all in their late 80s to 90s already, and artemis III is close to a decade away

>> No.15014348

doesnt seem that hard, just steer outward instead of inward

>> No.15014361
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>> No.15014360

my grandpa lived to be 101

>> No.15014364

It's more of having the dV to do useful maneuvers with it.

>> No.15014369

bad karma manifesting in south texas

>> No.15014384
File: 444 KB, 354x608, 4088395E-4E51-4327-914A-A98E9794DB1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only...

>> No.15014389

Any amateur astro-photographers taken pics of Orion yet? Would be kino.

>> No.15014390

QRD on the left rocket? Also is that the weird russian-euro capsule?

>> No.15014393

No but I saw the ISS last night when I was taking the garbage out at work. It's still neat.

>> No.15014411
File: 40 KB, 500x344, 5573-c584c89ef112d5ce9b15063be5d61e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the random 90s Ariane 5 derived vehicle studies, the "Ariane Super Lourd"

>> No.15014412

The family person I was randomly assigned to give a nice Christmas present to this year is a spaceflight geek.

Recommend cool gift ideas.

>> No.15014413
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>> No.15014417

It has better performance than SLS, lol

>> No.15014422
File: 1.30 MB, 1517x1513, ArianeAplicationProject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a bunch of those derivative projects, the germans had a try at it too

>> No.15014424

Lock the doors. Shoot anyone that tries to break out.

>> No.15014426

>only one female in sight
I'll settle for it

>> No.15014427


>> No.15014438

Ariane 7 will BTFO Falcon 9 and it won't be close

>> No.15014444

Too bad the US will have quantum vacuum thruster SSTOs by then.

>> No.15014451
File: 471 KB, 1170x1133, CA69451A-1A01-4005-9875-92CE9DE83AB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it’s true

>> No.15014452

America really is extraordinary

>> No.15014457
File: 1.42 MB, 3559x1370, YuroCapsule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the capsule, i don't think it's supposed to be any one in particular, but in the early 90s, after the cancellation of hermes there were a variety of studies of capsules that reused some of the technologies behind hermes, none of these went far and the only thing that came out of it was the ARV (Atmospheric Reentry Demonstrator) which flew on the 3rd Ariane 5 launch.

on picrel, left is LaReCa, a german crewed capsule proposal from 1992-1993, was stupidly large (7.3 m diameter!), center is CTV/ACRV (ACRV is bishell version), a CNES/French one from 1992-1998, 18 tons and could hold up to 9 crew, it actually had the same post-hermes roots as the ATV; right is CARIANE (capsule+ariane), an uncrewed orbital capsule/experiment platform from 1991

>> No.15014458

True, I wish I could move there at some point. It's ridiculous that it's easier to get there illegally, through the Mexican border.

>> No.15014472
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x3072, 1655696627581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX CRS-26

What's the cargo?

>Second pair of new solar arrays using XTJ Prime space solar cells. They will be delivered to the station in the unpressurized trunk of the SpaceX Cargo Dragon spacecraft.[8]

>The installation of these new solar arrays will require two spacewalks: one to prepare the worksite with a modification kit and another to install the new panel.[9]

>> No.15014473

>b-but it’s the FAA and the government that’s holding back Starship from flying

>> No.15014475

so many computer screens how did we ever do it without computer screens bros

>> No.15014476

yes that is why

>> No.15014481

We didn't. Even Mercury had some computer screens in ops.

>> No.15014488


>> No.15014497


>> No.15014498
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>> No.15014501

weren't the OG plans to fly a YOLO stack with like 20 engines and just see what happens?
That was the spacex I knew, and loved.

>> No.15014509
File: 159 KB, 1255x1210, 1412618282131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA finally gets their 4K stream running for Artemis
>they don't use it for this mission

>> No.15014516

A543c just went full kerbal, never go full kerbal. Also that wide one looks like that russian proposed rockets

>> No.15014518
File: 691 KB, 1377x1080, ritsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15014532


CRS mission t-3:50 min

>> No.15014537

>nasa stream
>only 720p

>> No.15014538
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>> No.15014541

So which SpaceX launch this year is this?

>> No.15014549


>> No.15014550


>> No.15014555
File: 208 KB, 323x500, Jupiter III concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cursed rockets

>> No.15014558

he almost lands outside the barge . Scary

>> No.15014561

I saw the mouse again

>> No.15014566

It was his first try please be patient he'll try harder next time and do it right.

>> No.15014567
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>views of the earth

>> No.15014572
File: 458 KB, 1981x4200, 2dffba1a9fbf3452cc7adfe6f870d4fc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about an early draft Angara design?

No, I don't know how this was supposed to work either.

>> No.15014573

Small multi dollar space organization
please understand

>> No.15014574

Wasn't 60 the 2022 goal? I hope they make it.

>> No.15014576

Derp tanks.

>> No.15014577

It was 50th early on in the year, then 52, then 60

>> No.15014584

As long as your TWR is high enough, what's the issue?

>> No.15014590

idk why they insist on narrating every second lmao, both NASA and SpaceX

>> No.15014591
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>8 launches in 6 weeks

>> No.15014593
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I think this is an interesting conflation of the flat earther psyche. The idea that whoever runs a globe-spanning conspiracy also forgets to check their hoax-rocket for errant mice, an idea that is mirrored by the flat earther's apparent superiority in the global order yet also extreme socio-economic failure

>> No.15014597

I think it's from the same design philosophy that put the Proton's first stage fuel in a separate column from where the oxidizer was. That made a lot of sense given the constraints the Proton was designed under. This just looks like a rocket that doesn't want to fly.

>> No.15014602

The iROSAs are too expensive but are otherwise super cool. I like that they're so compact (when stowed) and lightweight for the delivered power.

>> No.15014620

scared of silence

>> No.15014621
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2021-11-13_11-26-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their pattern recognition and suspicious systems are on overdrive leading to lots of stupid irrational crap like that, Everything is a conspiracy to them.

>see ice forming on the bottom of a rocket nozzle
>must be mice because they happen to look like mice moving
>no follow up questioning of this line of logic as to why it keeps happening everytime and if that may not be ice behaving in ways they aren't used to because the space environment is different from our own
>eventually super clear video showing bright white ice getting yeeted by the SECO into the nozzle plume during one Starlink launch
>they drop the mice accusation altogether or bring it up less often now

The fact that SpaceX flies so frequently really must annoy them because every copy argument they present eventually gets demolished
>ice not mice
>video no longer cutting out can see booster go from above Earth to landing at sea without any interruption
>several cool videos of payloads deploying and behaving like they are in zero g
>several videos from higher above Earth than ISS
>several crewed launches including the all private launch

At this point they are just doubling down on an irrational belief in the weight of all the evidence against it and its hilarious to see how far they're gonna push it. Their favorite counter-argument to avoid admitting any fault is of course "CGI", so impossible to reason with them.

>> No.15014625

cope* argument

>> No.15014637

Pretty fucking insane. Feels like they just hit the 100th reused booster and they’re already growing exponentially. Also hilarious how they’re the only ones landing orbital rockets right now and the more they do it, the larger that lead gets

>> No.15014647

I hate it when mice get on the set of my CGI space renders

>> No.15014656

>cargo dragon has higher capacity than Cygnus
lmao what

>> No.15014666

Like when that groundhog or pika photobombed the Curiosity rover on Devon Island.

>> No.15014668

Consider the launch vehicles, anon.

>> No.15014672

Gateway isn't some type of Trojan horse. You're way overestimating NASA here

>> No.15014674

Nta and it’s definitely not a trojan horse for some deep space mission down the line, but it IS a trojan horse for testing the PPE that got cancelled in 2017, and it works as a hostage taker to make sure Artemis gets funding

>> No.15014687
File: 496 KB, 734x1196, __irina_luminesk_tsuki_to_laika_to_nosferatu_drawn_by_ema_kuguiema__3f91d4a6e6dfdcba2239a10adf5088fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine the looks on Congress's faces when Senator Administrator Astronaut Ballast tells them that Starship is the only way to keep Gateway permanently crewed.

>> No.15014693
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, A1D1C67A-0AF1-4E25-A0B8-745233695887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t worry. Ballast bill will call it Starliner again and then everyone will be too confused to complain

>> No.15014754
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>> No.15014761
File: 234 KB, 1749x1121, NEA Scout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26/11/2022 - I am forgotten

>> No.15014768

solar sails are the biggest meme of all time

>> No.15014770
File: 23 KB, 423x320, E7F3BC76-B746-405E-8CE5-FF1CD2EFDA20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s a cool JAXA lander and solar sail mission on the mega moon rocket that will take attention away from Orion?
>shut them down

>> No.15014780

They probably got damaged by all the scrubs and rollouts/rollbacks.

>> No.15014795

Not really, they're just greatly underfunded. We need to send out thousands of mass produced probes to survey asteroids, the only two good options are sails or solar electric propulsion.

>> No.15014804

>the only two good options are sails or solar electric propulsion.
Combining both into sort of an interplanetary "two mast" sail ship is the best option.
>hybrid powersail
>photon propulsion for the inner system, plus photovoltaics all the way out to Saturn
>photovoltaics can drive a plasma magnet sail for antisunward acceleration, and an electrodeless MPD/helicon thruster for other directions

>> No.15014807

Is he into models?
You could gift him a nice model of some rocket.

>> No.15014810
File: 238 KB, 970x546, Oval planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Earth.

>> No.15014811

For Kuiper Belt Objects too. I want a pic of every dwarf planet during my lifetime. Also a good way to develop the technology for a Proxima Centauri mission.

>> No.15014812
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>> No.15014816
File: 141 KB, 1939x1269, rocket desk pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak to the quality of these as I've never owned one but there are spaceflight related desk pads you can buy and they won't break the bank.

>> No.15014819
File: 59 KB, 673x522, apollo deep space EVA 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solar photon sails are obsolete, magsails are better

>> No.15014820

I think the biggest "sails" most spacecraft will have will be radiators or solar panels, considering that the plasma magsail is so compact.

>> No.15014822

Book: Ignition, Liftoff, Failure Is Not An Option, Stages to Saturn

>> No.15014824

Conspiracy claims are unfalsifiable because if you show evidence against, they keep pulling shit out of their ass to protect their theory. It's impossible to prove them wrong, and it's why there is no reason to care. But if I say this, half of /sci/ will shit their pants.

>> No.15014825
File: 79 KB, 698x601, LFV hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photon sails will always have the problem of how to deploy such a fragile thing without damaging it

>> No.15014826

Scale models of rockets or spacecraft.
Estronaut merch if they're that kind of geek.
A Starlink subscription if they live innaboonies and don't have better Internet already.

>> No.15014829
File: 36 KB, 640x360, children practicing rosa deployment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too. Solar panels are sturdy enough to deploy like this, with gas pressure.

>> No.15014830

>how to deploy such a fragile thing without damaging it
Could this be the engineering legacy of the JWST?

>> No.15014832

>yo dawg, I heard you like side stacking. . .

>> No.15014842

the several month delay probably ran their batteries out

>> No.15014843
File: 100 KB, 878x643, miloslav druckmuller sun flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. The sort of thin film you need to get a good TWR makes the JWST shield look like strong canvas

>> No.15014846
File: 87 KB, 800x495, A2017U1_5gsmoothWHT_enhanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there still a chance to send a probe to Oumuamua?
I wish billionaires invested into something like this instead of just going to fuck around in LEO.

>> No.15014851

Anon that hoe is long gone. We’re talking past neptune

>> No.15014852

It was just another rock, time to move on.

>> No.15014857

Even if it's just another rock, it appeared to be a very weird rock anyway.

>> No.15014858

They recalculated a while ago and found that interstellar rocks are actually very common.

>> No.15014860

Oh thank goodness. They just recalculated and now the wrong model is right again.

>> No.15014861

wow! only one interstellar object ever observed but the models say they are incredibly common

>> No.15014862

There have been multiple, but they didn't know they were until they did the math correctly.

>> No.15014863

What fuel is best suited for sitting around for an eternity without problems? Besides solids. Hypergolics?
We need an armada of probes in low heliocentric orbit that can be activated at any point and try to rendezvous with hyperbolic objects flying down toward the sun

>> No.15014865

Reaction mass with a radioisotope steam boiler.

>> No.15014867

I read ago that ESA has a plan for a spacecraft that will stay on Sun-Earth L2 waiting for a interstellar object.

>> No.15014868

meh, just have the probes sitting down here and some reusable launcher with high energy upper stage available on short notice. Probably can launch them in a few months from discovery if it takes priority over other flights.

>> No.15014870

how about xenon ?

>> No.15014871

What's with the scaffolding around the Starship right now? Haven't been paying attention to Boca.

>> No.15014875

$10 says they suggest a solar sail

>> No.15014879

This is the best idea I've heard proposed. Something waiting on station at SEL-2 with a high delta-v kickstatge would be the most reliable way to run one of these guys down.

>> No.15014883
File: 195 KB, 1920x1393, E-smDWCX0AI5tTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a crewed mission to Saturn happens, I want the astronauts to say that line when they get close to Mimas, I don't care if the retards here think it will be cringe to make the reference.

>> No.15014885
File: 37 KB, 320x157, Extrasolar Object Interceptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USNC-Tech is proposing a compact 20 kWe, 500 kg dry mass, radioisotope-electric-propulsion spacecraft design powered by a novel Chargeable Atomic Battery (CAB) that is capable of ∆Vs on the order of 100 km/s with a power system specific mass of 5-8 kg/kWe. A spacecraft powered by this technology will be able to catch up to an extrasolar object, collect a sample, and return to earth within a 10-year timeframe. The data collected from samples and data from interstellar objects has the potential to fundamentally change our view of the universe and our place in it. Two of these objects ‘Oumuamua and C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) have passed through our solar system in the past three years, and we must be ready for the next one. The core innovation of this spacecraft architecture that makes this amazing mission possible is the CAB, which has a power density of over 30 times that of Pu-238. The CAB is easier and cheaper to manufacture than Pu-238 and the safety case is greatly enhanced by the CAB's encapsulation of radioactive materials within a robust carbide matrix. This technology is superior to fission systems for this application because fission systems need a critical mass whereas radioisotope systems can be much smaller and fit on smaller launch systems reducing cost and complexity.

>> No.15014886

If we're talking about Comet Interceptor, the renders for that don't show a solar sail.

>> No.15014896

Activists the 4ASS hypergolic-hyperbolic probes

>> No.15014899

Bolly Golly I

>> No.15014901

Fission bomb orion scout ships

>> No.15014902

>Two of these objects ‘Oumuamua and C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) have passed through our solar system in the past three years, and we must be ready for the next one.
The Ramans do everything in threes.

>> No.15014905


>> No.15014914

They also make good noodles.

>> No.15014920


NSF's autotracker using neural net trained data sets

>> No.15014924

Made with genuine Russian pentaborane!

>> No.15014946

it's not catching the tip. Someone tell these faggots about PID

>> No.15014947
File: 118 KB, 411x403, dPsvrceoLLdivvrrfaoAxwzqukkayxxwws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15014950
File: 763 KB, 1170x1156, 34919966-A2C0-45A0-8D1E-02315990A626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK Lander interior. This is what the chink lander will probably look like

>> No.15014959

Yeah bit of latency + offset issue

>> No.15014965

>Besides solids. Hypergolics?
Neither have the delta-v for such a mission.
Radioisotope-electric-propulsion is only remotely viable because of the very short half life of isotopes like Cobalt-60, they cannot be placed in space in advance of incoming interstellar objects and the lead time of producing such spacecraft would be years. Working with gamma producing radioisotopes is exceedingly expensive and existing regulations surrounding launching nuclear objects at risk to the public means it could only ever low power source for electric propulsion and for a science payload, defeating the purpose, hence why that NIAC proposal never advanced beyond phase 1.

>> No.15014980
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[71_08_04_59], take=[2022-11-26 18.02.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15014981
File: 681 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[71_08_06_22], take=[2022-11-26 18.03.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15014988

How is pelvic inflammatory disease going to help with tracking rockets?

>> No.15014995

when did mars get water

>> No.15014997

2 weeks ago

>> No.15015013
File: 374 KB, 1137x1516, 1668744595861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gateway is taking forever to be built

>> No.15015016
File: 1.26 MB, 3664x2159, 1651833554221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineering design

>> No.15015025

it's not mars retard

>> No.15015026


>> No.15015029

you cant be this dumb...

>> No.15015035
File: 3.83 MB, 2000x3000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it kino?

>> No.15015039

I swear I have a photo saved on my phone from like 3 years ago of gateway “development” and it’s literally in the exact same state now as it was back then lmao

>> No.15015043

check the archive

>> No.15015045
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1661731093254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first two seasons are good. season 3 is awful. you'd be better off watching natgeo's mars.

>> No.15015046

>biker gloves

>> No.15015052

shitty drama with sci-fi elements

>> No.15015056
File: 41 KB, 595x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Berger ever listen? He NEVER listens

>> No.15015058

even the natgeo show has faggot social drama garbage. it cant be escaped

>> No.15015059
File: 2.06 MB, 1000x1426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it cant be escaped
you just havent looked hard enough

>> No.15015060

that screw cant possibly be so important to warrant the risk

>> No.15015062

Planetes was hippie dippie antinationalist shit too, just lower key.

>> No.15015064

what about Rocket Girls? or Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu?

>> No.15015066

I haven't seen Rocket Girls, but the central plot arc of Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu was about how racism and nationalism are wrong and the only reason the not!Soviets got into space first was with not!Jewish/not!Albanian space vampires. The season finale made a point of shaming the not!Americans for the way they treat their not!African space vampires.

>> No.15015068

are the (not)african space vampires cute?

>> No.15015069
File: 310 KB, 1351x1920, adrift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all so fucking compromised bros

>> No.15015071

>western wokeshit
ugly la goblinas
>jap wokeshit
cute brown skinned girls
its not that hard to understand

>> No.15015072

They're pale anime vampires instead of ooga booga whitey on the moon ground apes so yes.

>> No.15015073

Holy basedboy

>> No.15015075

How can you make a spaceflight story interesting without making it an action adventure or a psychological or social drama? (national conflict is a type of social drama too)

>> No.15015078
File: 17 KB, 342x450, 1668916119200376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since you've neatly removed all the man vs. man and man vs. environment forms of drama, your choices are comedy or smut.

>> No.15015080

That's the point. Anons complain too much about sci-fi.

>> No.15015082

yeah but its not as bad or cringe as for all mankinds

>> No.15015083

action adventure, psychological drama, social drama, or survival story are about your only options. Right?
That encompasses basically every great (or otherwise famous) sci fi space story ever told. Rama, 2001, firefly, martian, star trek, star wars, war or the worlds, caves of steel, etc. They can all be boiled down to the abovementioned genres

>> No.15015089

Seikai no Monshou?

>> No.15015092
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15015095

You want a story about murder mysteries in space?
There is a very fun game about this called Among Us.

>> No.15015099

It's China vs South Africa space race after all.

>> No.15015103
File: 156 KB, 1026x765, rocket science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'll check it out

>> No.15015105

Hey, there's still room for romantic comedies in there

>> No.15015106

Pretty standard pop music. It's kind of hypnotic if you don't think about what you're listening to at all. Yang Chaoyue is pretty cute. 4/10

>> No.15015110

im not listening to this chinese shit

>> No.15015132

Was Travellers the real /sfg/ kino we needed?

>> No.15015138


>> No.15015140

>Berger is writing his "Global launch totals for Q1 2023" tweet
>hears the door open behind him, it's Musk
>wearing walmart jeans, a plain white t-shirt stained with mustard, and a $5000 pair of handmade leather boots
>breathing heavily, face locked in a hard autism stare
>how did he get in the house
>He sets a printed excel spreadsheet down next to the keyboard, with tonnage to orbit tallied by both nation and launch company
>Musk takes a step back, standing to the rear-left of Berger's office chair, still breathing heavily, still staring
>Berger feels the cold touch of a gun barrel against the back of his neck, hears the cocking of a hammer
>"It's a better metric"

>> No.15015145
File: 78 KB, 420x600, keep this door closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important to keep the record straight

>> No.15015149

kek, it's legit the third or fourth time eric has made this tweet and elon replies to correct him. does he feel no shame?

>> No.15015152
File: 30 KB, 287x223, Detective'sOffice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know, you know

>> No.15015154

At this point it's just guaranteed engagement from Elon-watchers so Berger has every incentive to keep doing it unless Elon bans him for being a fag.

>> No.15015155

>Elon is one of those people who has to post an image once per thread

>> No.15015161


>> No.15015194

If you can get past the "RICH MAN BAD" and other woke shit, unrealistic timespans/timecrunches, unrealistic 3 man race, unrealistic expectations, etc

You need to throw away your critical thinking brain for this show.

>> No.15015197

wasnt the show produced by some astronauts? they dont make them like they used to

>> No.15015201

Some guidance on mechanics on what type of space tech might be possible, but he didn't want to interrupt any of the story telling.

So if you take the series as pure what if tech shows, then its interesting. But if you're looking for a story/plot/characterizations/pacing, its trash.

>> No.15015206

i'm looking for a cute, submissive asian gf who will let me do all sorts of sexually depraved things to her

>> No.15015220

Many such cases!
So fucking many. Hope Rendezvous with Rama is kino.

>> No.15015222
File: 841 KB, 1170x906, 43E13BC0-54D8-4FA6-BCDD-C1F67420460C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

57 years ago, France launches Astérix—becoming the third nation to put an object in orbit using its own booster

>> No.15015223

>Astérix continues to orbit Earth as of 2022 and is expected to remain in orbit for centuries.
Starship mission to capture the frog sat just to make them seethe

>> No.15015226

yet france has never been a major space power and was instead immediately sidelined to sidekick

>> No.15015228

Why can't frogs into space?

>> No.15015235
File: 102 KB, 599x555, 1668497720002764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too bashful

>still barely in prototype stage
>fucking thing can't even correctly test fire without cooking its "Raptor 2" engines (AKA overclocked Raptor engines, lol)
>that's to get the prototype to LEO
>the final HLS would need another six+ flights by a nonexistent tanker version to get enough fuel to make it to the moon
>still needs a nonexistent refueling system to even transfer this fuel
>and the HLS itself is nonexistent
>a top-heavy tower landing on the uneven surface of the moon for a life-or-death mission that could strand astronauts if it fails

NASA picked SpaceX because the normie Congress heard of them from their LEO and GSO successes and they wanted to secure the funding, which could easily be handed over to another contractor when they fail. But at the end of the day, it's like hiring a taxi cab company to take you on a transcontinental journey.

>> No.15015236

europe is the largest crab bucket in existence.

>> No.15015245

France has 1/5 the population of the US and it has by far the most advanced space program for a medium sized nation, kinda weird to shit on them of all countries. Also they've never had a great incentive to become a major power since they can piggyback off the US

>> No.15015255

The US has less than a quarter of the population of both China and India. What’s your point

>> No.15015257

My point is that you're retarded

>> No.15015265

Your dumbass argument might work for a country like Japan. Definitely not France though. Quit deflecting one entire continent’s failure on other more efficient countries running a similar space program

>> No.15015270

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.15015275

all you have to do is remind a euro that their space program is insignificant. It generates enough cope to power the whole continent for the cold winter

>> No.15015280
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, D67A0E71-BB3C-414D-BD2E-524EA0000202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re joking right?

>> No.15015281

>most advanced space program for a medium sized nation
If France had more of a say in how Europe ran their collectivist space program the Ariane 6 would be 80-90% solid stages. That's not an "advanced space program." That's an ICBM program that helps justify itself by attaching itself to a nations space ambitions.

>> No.15015285

Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.15015288

Maybe in the 70s yes. Actually not even, still

>> No.15015297

>If France had more of a say in how Europe ran their collectivist space program the Ariane 6 would be 80-90% solid stages.
Ariane Next is 100% French

>> No.15015299
File: 231 KB, 1588x1920, artemis 1 pad flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not an "advanced space program." That's an ICBM program that helps justify itself by attaching itself to a nations space ambitions.
haha yeah can you imagine lol that'd be awful

>> No.15015304

Hey, whoa, SLS isn't an ICBM program.

It's a jobs program.

>> No.15015306
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x3000, IMG20221126113108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist's Conception: Artemis III docked to Starship HLS

>> No.15015307

It's not that bad if you're only real concern is having competent missile tech, but solid fuel systems don't really scale well into launch vehicles. The Titan II led directly to the Titan III and IV, and the Dong Feng 5's grandkids are still 80% of all the rockets China launches. The Peacekeeper led directly to the Minotaur series, which is as dead and end as your likely to find in American rocketry.

God, I wish that SLS was techsharing boosters with the Sentinel.

>> No.15015310

>Artemis III docked to Starship HLS
Artemis is the name of the mission not the craft you retard

>> No.15015313
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, 1666101493019785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are unbuilt cold war designs co comfy?

>> No.15015314
File: 239 KB, 984x684, Titan II Electric Boogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solids are a meme people support because of KSP and a 'it just werks' mentality, hypergolic ICBMs have better performance, objectively speaking. In a modern version they'd just detank the rocket when workers are fucking around in the silo so pic related doesn't happen again.

>> No.15015316
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 1666101191256658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15015317

>who wins
>one Titan II
>or a little wrench boi

>> No.15015318
File: 218 KB, 2160x1440, 1638706233965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15015319

that was my bad I was having a wee smoke break next to the UDMH

>> No.15015324

wait shit I forgot Titan II is NTO and aerozine

>> No.15015329

Miller was a great character. Shame he only lasted a few books/seasons.

>> No.15015340

Frankly, Miller held together The Expanse series. When he was finally sunset in end of S4, I feel the the entire series lost its heart. Like obviously, Miller has no story after S4; he's completely dead. But, the story desperately needed an anti-hero to balance out Holden's presence in the show and sadly no one is able to step up to the plate to act as a good enough foil. The absence of that is what leads to the decision by Holden to not put down Inaros when he had the chance, and consequently, leads to double digit millions dead on Earth.

>> No.15015361

The only good hard sci-fi is From the Earth to the Moon. You just have to be able to suspend your disbelief when they get to the moon landing arc

>> No.15015362

fuck you ass

>> No.15015364

The HBO series? Nigga that doesn't count as sci-fi. It's like calling Apollo 13 sci-fi.

>> No.15015371

I believe you mean Verae Historiae.

>> No.15015374
File: 192 KB, 827x828, LM2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of ICBM derived rockets, we've got a surprise Long March 2D coming up in about seven hours.

There will be no stream. It will be boring. Someone will eventually post a video ripped from twitter. It might be me.

>> No.15015376

The US uses exclusively solid ICBMs because of decades of problems of having constantly tanked up hypergolic rockets maintained by enlisted military.

>> No.15015383
File: 98 KB, 779x514, 7DD5F81E-ED84-4CC6-ADAF-05BBC4976E20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Earth to the Moon is so fucking good.

>> No.15015387

whenever any "POWERFUL" scene came on I would just skip it until it got back to space
boosts enjoyment tenfold

>> No.15015389

I had it the box set as a young child, would watch it over and over with my dad. That opening theme is stuck in my braaaiiinnnnn

>> No.15015395

It's no longer the 1960s, noncorrosive even nontoxic storable fuel is achievable

>> No.15015396
File: 188 KB, 1200x879, sadgozin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when when you're space force MRE doesn't have the hydrazine flavored crayons

>> No.15015400
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>> No.15015404
File: 664 KB, 3000x2300, Mercury_Control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have analog readouts.

>> No.15015405
File: 564 KB, 632x1308, C1CE1E89-548B-4917-9FD3-5222DF7C6F4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon 9 Block 5 is only four launches away from reaching the Space Shuttle’s number of launches, but with a 100% success rate

>> No.15015406

You could probably condense each season into a 2-3 hour movie if the irrelevant drama and wokeshit was cut.

>> No.15015408

they thought electric fans and rocket fuel vapor yielded anything other than that.

>> No.15015409

Don’t let thunderchud see this.

>> No.15015427

Astronaut ice cream!

>> No.15015430
File: 176 KB, 1200x772, AAEBE48A-C274-49A8-98F5-9236CDA1C897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a SLUT for analog aerospace displays
kek I know

>> No.15015431
File: 532 KB, 586x514, thunderf4g btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15015439
File: 74 KB, 1628x708, passengers-avalon-ship-53683955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now, the social drama that can arise from spaceflight can be kino if written well (Passengers 2016)
Also one of the few movies with absolutely 0 physics related goofs, with travel timelines, message travel times, artificial spin gravity, gravity assists off stars, and a bunch of realistic things in there
One flaw is that it's pretty convenient that interstellar dust or whatever can cause the ship's software to slowly break down over time rather than all at once upon impact.

>> No.15015440

>still barely in prototype stage
its in prototype stage
>fucking thing can't even correctly test fire without cooking its "Raptor 2" engines (AKA overclocked Raptor engines, lol)
they solved that issue long ago
>that's to get the prototype to LEO
Lol what?
>the final HLS would need another six+ flights by a nonexistent tanker version to get enough fuel to make it to the moon
making a specific tanker version wouldn't require that much engineering compared to what they have already done
>still needs a nonexistent refueling system to even transfer this fuel
they have several years to develop that
>and the HLS itself is nonexistent
99% of the hard HLS stuff is getting starship itself to work, again, developing HLS is nothing compared to developing the baseline starship system
>a top-heavy tower landing on the uneven surface of the moon for a life-or-death mission that could strand astronauts if it fails
which is they will land it on a relatively even surface. its not the 1960s anymore, we have the lunar surface topography mapped in very high quality these days.

>> No.15015446
File: 1.41 MB, 1474x1416, Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 2.00.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15015451

I tried showing this game to people when among us was popular and they were all like nooo its too complicated and the graphics aren't good enough

>> No.15015455
File: 490 KB, 1920x1286, skylab telescope controls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a SLUT for analog aerospace displays

>> No.15015456

This is gonna sound like a “no shit” thing but Los Dos says that the reason Starship is so delayed is that NASA doesn’t want them to YOLO a starship stack anymore. SpaceX has to make it all the way to orbit or NASA will be mad.

>> No.15015458

How are they going to make it safe for crew if they have to avoid testing so much?

>> No.15015459
File: 577 KB, 2912x2061, MercuryControlCenter_CAPCOM_1962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things were better analog.
I mean... touch screens -- in a space capsule!?

>> No.15015460

They aren’t avoiding testing, they’re increasing the test campaign so it succeeds on the first flight. SpaceX wants Starship operational ASAP, and not just a prototype that has a 50% of failing to make orbit

>> No.15015462
File: 235 KB, 1600x1007, 9B280A12-F66A-41B7-AFB1-5B315367CA37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upgrading the shuttle to a glass cockpit only shaved 75 lbs off the bird. And yes it had more benefits like less power consumption and stuff but come on—analog is beautiful and makes all the info way easier to digest instead of needing to fiddle around some ugly UI with shitty government contractor graphics

>> No.15015466
File: 444 KB, 1366x2210, hero-img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're increasing the testing
>by removing sample size
I see. What other genius ideas have they come up with?

>> No.15015468
File: 153 KB, 1600x900, nuclear-and-future-flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that hybrid nuclear electric propulsion and methalox will be used to get to humans to Mars.

>> No.15015473
File: 705 KB, 1372x1090, 2734AD33-B51A-45CE-BB1D-19D810BB5E7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am obsessed with OldSpace mars missions

>> No.15015475

Which launch is this?

>> No.15015477
File: 58 KB, 879x485, 538C7885-8A0F-40FB-85CB-D442FC0B7575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like it when Elon tweets about space I miss those days…

>> No.15015481

that's only season 3

>> No.15015482

Why is NASA so quick to suck boeing’s dick with expensive designs and a decade of CGI artwork around it, but HEAVEN FORBID they try a spin inflatable in these designs, or show off their actual HLS selection

>> No.15015488

>Also one of the few movies with absolutely 0 physics related goofs
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
At one point the spin gravity "loses power" and they abruptly find themselves weightless.

>> No.15015490

The idea is to get starship to the point where it can easily make it to orbit so they can iterate on things like orbital refilling and reentry without having to worry if starship will explode on the way up or destroy the pad.

>> No.15015492

No idea mate. I too think it’s weird that HLS does not portray Starship at all.

>> No.15015494

That is retarded and would be extremely expensive. Chemical is fine for the inner solar system, stuff like that only makes sense if you're trying to head to the outer solar system from Earth or Mars directly.

>> No.15015500

Starship goes in the same "deplorable conspiracy theory" category as election irregularities and vaccine injuries. Polite people don't want to talk about it.

>> No.15015502
File: 3.05 MB, 600x448, tether.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further down the line, a network of rotating tethers will coordinate launches around the solar system.

>> No.15015503

It IS funny though that NASA still selected them for HLS. One day NASA will have to admit Starship won

>> No.15015504
File: 103 KB, 811x953, clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna watch some spaceflight romcom antics, starting off with the usual mild stuff and culminating in a lewd zero-g space sex scene.

>> No.15015507

We need more “slice of life” stuff with spaceflight as a backdrop. Like a remake of Mean Girls set on a lunar colony in the 2080s

>> No.15015513
File: 986 KB, 1170x1670, 9483B1BF-DD49-4450-8B08-5BFDA61FE198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not the anon you’re replying to (just for clarification, I’m >>15015482) but it is a bit odd. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a conspiratard. I went to JSC a few weeks ago and they had a giant HLS Starship print on canvas almost as soon as you walk in. And they openly love spacex. But they have oddly weird requirements on how they are supposed to show HLS in Artemis mock-ups. There’s a slide out there that specifically states “DO NOT DEPICT SPACEX LANDER. ONLY HLS REFERENCE MODEL IS TO BE USED” like what the hell? If we lived in the timeline where they chose a boeing lander that bitch would be plastered everywhere.
I think it either has to do with the fact that
a) they always somewhat expected a second lander to be chosen so they decide they didn’t want to play favorites in schematics and stuff
or b) they knew boeing and/or national team was going to bid something very close to their reference lander and was likely to win so it just made it easier to keep the reference lander in all the schematics

>> No.15015516
File: 321 KB, 1002x1523, this was a real nasa proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was pretty Kerbal

>> No.15015524
File: 241 KB, 1170x1416, 28C83940-8556-44A5-A9E7-FBD831F64D86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15015542
File: 399 KB, 1000x1500, 1668641795676530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used MMH as weed killer at Nike SAM batteries.
>senior noncom tells private fucknugget to go dilute some MMH in water and spray it on the weeds
>private fucknugget realizes he's gonna have to keep spraying the weeds since they grow back if you spray them with the diluted stuff
>use undiluted MMH instead
>nothing grows there for 40 years
This is an actual story one of the former enlisted guides at the Marin Headlands SAM battery tells.

The real answer is c) they made all the renders before Option B was also awarded to SpaceX so showing a "potentially non winning competitor for a funding award" in official government documents would have been prime lawsuit bait for Boing! and blorpgin.

>> No.15015545
File: 296 KB, 919x667, E1C277AF-1478-47F8-800C-B33EEE9C0D54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit has zero abort capability on descent or ascent. I can see man-rating Starship as being not too difficult
>”NASA, you’re willing to have no abort modes landing on and taking off of mars. How is it different on Earth?”

>> No.15015546

On Mars there's nowhere to abort to safely, if their ship breaks they're literally dead either way. The LEM didn't have abort modes either.

>> No.15015552

i want to go to space church (every sunday)

>> No.15015554
File: 238 KB, 840x455, 65FFB9D9-B334-4F82-A7F8-5417E8E85571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An issue I’ve seen with most OldSpace mars proposals is that they have no Segway into colonization. It’s literally Apollo 2.0 but for Mars.
Zero reusability, $1 Billion+ dollar launchers, four people flying once every four years, etc. Just horrible. Cool but shitty.
Lockheed’s MADV architecture is cool but it still relies on SLS and Orion

>> No.15015555

chemical is great any time high thrust is needed to counter gravity losses, outside of that higher ISP propulsion systems quickly outperform it in transit time and/or payload because so much of a chemical rocket's mass is propellant

>> No.15015556

>The LEM didn't have abort modes either.
UMM AKSHULLY they could abort back to orbit if they failed during landing. If it failed on ascent you're fucked lmao.

>> No.15015558


>> No.15015559

>An issue I’ve seen with most OldSpace mars proposals is that they have no Segway into colonization

This is like complaining than the Falcon 1 wasn't a fully reusable rocket, there is a reason why idioms about crawling before you run exist.

>> No.15015561
File: 78 KB, 1738x924, starships on mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because NASA isn't authorized to promote Mars colonization on behalf of the US government. Their only mandate is exploration, aka flags and footprints. The American frontier was settled by private citizens buying their own passage, and so it will be with Mars.

>> No.15015563

Just looks like modded KSP

>> No.15015564

Apollo was pretty fucked if the CSM service module failed (Apollo 13 got lucky). Artemis will be fucked if Orion had an issue, too.

>> No.15015567

And that's a good thing.

>> No.15015569
File: 1.13 MB, 3024x4032, 1eq1uck25e2a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that

>> No.15015570

Don’t read into it too much it’s just part of a Tesla presentation.

>> No.15015573

a tesla presentation that has bob and doug's actual suits on display. these models are legit

>> No.15015574

Why does all the footage of KSP2 look so laggy. Like watch the car at 0:28, or watch the rocket pause for a few frames immediately after that.

>> No.15015576

In that case I don’t know

>> No.15015578

orbital vape chargers

>> No.15015581

assuming that's running on beefy machines, we're in for a very bad time

>> No.15015583

The black ring is engines. It also has no ailerons, so that's clearly HLS Starship. I expect that those are more than likely extended solar panels on one side and radiators on the other. All excess heat from the Starship will feed into those and any residual heat from heating of the solar panels will also feed into those and bleed away that way directionally towards the surface.

>> No.15015585


>> No.15015590

Wow, Sfg is alive

>> No.15015596

i dont think so

>> No.15015597

what's the one on the right? it has flaps and legs and isn't shiny stainless steel

>> No.15015598
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x4032, x7bvcuk25e2a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15015602

Elon didn't found Mars, he bought it and pretended he invented it

>> No.15015605

can we go back to ITS?

>> No.15015607

ITS was too good for this world

>> No.15015610

I think we'll probably see ITS build on Mars and used as a Mars <> Moon transport vessel or Mars >> beyond transport vessel. A 12 meter ship makes way more sense in an environment that has 1% atmosphere of Earth and 38% its gravity, wherein it can easily become an SSTO despite its mass/volume difference to the 9m counter part. 9m will probably remain the defacto standard for Earth <> Earth orbit and Moon at most, simply as the mass/volume and fuel cost to escape the Earth's gravity well quickly becomes kind of ridiculous at scale.

>> No.15015613

Raptor 3 will be powerful enough to do the ITS form factor in steel, but even bigger than originally intended.

>> No.15015615

He's...getting handsome

>> No.15015616
File: 84 KB, 694x1200, DDLaFMFXoAEAQZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once we start maxing out Starship's upmass, we'll see a reversion to the original dimensions.

>> No.15015618


>> No.15015623
File: 409 KB, 1916x1080, sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt it only 250 tons thrust? still not even close to the original raptor specs

>> No.15015626

Unfriendly reminder that you're a retard. Solid core nuclear thermal doesn't have the delta-v for very quick transits to Mars even with dozens of launches to assemble it in orbit, and the atrocious dry mass of nuclear electric means incredibly slow acceleration, it's vastly inferior to solar electric at that distance from the Sun.
There has never been a lander on Mercury due to how hard it is to reach using chemical propulsion, just orbiting it is hard enough and IIRC only the MESSENGER probe has done so.

>> No.15015638
File: 148 KB, 1293x643, solar nuclear electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTP doesn't have the delta-v for quick Mars transit
>NEP is inferior to SEP

absolute retard

>> No.15015642


>> No.15015645

>LDHEO mass: 125t, 420t, 440t, 470t
>totally the same thing bro and I'm not going to make a real argument against anything you said

>> No.15015661
File: 800 KB, 936x1008, muskrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dirty shit

>> No.15015666

Sir, it... its... the simulation...

It's based on the moon

>> No.15015669

February is what’s being said in Los Dos too.
Big question mark is whether or not SpaceX fixes S24 or just moves on to S25.

>> No.15015720

Apart from the fact that all the good mods (colonisation, interstellar, multiplayer) aren't coming until sometime after launch.

>> No.15015725

Artemis is the name of the project encompassing SLS, Gateway, Orion ànd in fact commercial lander (Starship!)
Get your facts right when correcting someone.

>> No.15015728

well cocksucked
you will never go to mars or space

>> No.15015783
File: 478 KB, 700x1202, AC1488CC-E9D7-4808-9B5F-ACD84880A0FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 1980 Ariane 5 concept is a direct leap to Ariane 62

>> No.15015883

For Hydrolox engines the higher the mixture ratio the better it is right? You have less LH2 to worry about.

>> No.15015900
File: 147 KB, 567x810, 634B9944-6613-4D7E-A3ED-48FAA232700F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cobalt-60.

>> No.15015934
File: 113 KB, 705x699, astro helm hartmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ wants a scientifically accurate, poz free show but refuses to watch Star Cops. Curious...
>Star Cops is set in the year 2027—some 40 years into the future at time of broadcast—a time in which space travel has become common and mankind is in the process of exploiting and colonising the Solar System. There are five permanently occupied space stations orbiting the Earth and there are bases on the Moon and Mars. Approximately 3,000 people are living and working in space.[3] This near future setting was influenced by the potential for greater access to space promised by the burgeoning Space Shuttle programme and by the militarisation of space through the US Government's Strategic Defense Initiative programme (also known as "Star Wars") both of which were underway in the early 1980s.[4] Accordingly, space travel and life in space is portrayed in a realistic manner with depictions of weightlessness and low gravity environments and lengthy space journeys (months or years in cases of interplanetary travel)[3] as well as hazards such as spacesuit failures,[5] radiation exposure[6] and explosive decompression

>> No.15015985

>It's still an ALPHA!!

>> No.15016010
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>> No.15016019

Please don't utter these words. I used to follow a dev project name Star citizen and people from the fanbase cried this at every obvious failure and setback (and still do, 10 years later) and they were also the ones who continued to buy $300 - $600 pictures after years of nothing. This is my trigger pls be nice

>> No.15016026

Lol enjoying that lovely Texas scheduling hahahaha

>> No.15016029

>Dec 2021

>> No.15016082
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Never heard of it. I'll have to give it a shot.

>> No.15016089
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>> No.15016096
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>> No.15016118

has there been any progress? lmao

>> No.15016157
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326th for an unnecessary increase in cost

>> No.15016163

>It’s literally Apollo 2.0 but for Mars.
That's the point. Oldspace doesn't exist for the sake of exploring space, it exists for the sake of grabbing taxpayer money. And the government just wants the bragging rights for those missions.

>> No.15016170


>> No.15016183

The French think they’re the best “nation” on Earth. Why should we humiliate them by holding them to lower standards? Instead humiliate them by showing them how far they are from their delusions.

>> No.15016186

If you've been paying attention, yes. Now, is it the kind of progress a 12yo CoD player would appreciate? Not at all. I backed the game because I wanted to see them develop new server side tech, which would trickle down through the industry. You can also thank star citizen, in some part, for the pipeline that created no man's sky. Alot of us appreciate the engineering and design aspects of what it takes to pull this vision off, so we remain patient. Even if it takes another 5 to 10 years to go full release, I'll still be happy to announce that its really the only game ill play, and plan to play forever. I see it becoming what EVE should have been.

>> No.15016187

It’s easy to draw something that looks neat if you never have to make one

>> No.15016193

Actually it was gay space magic that made the series unwatchable. You should go back to watching Harry Potter and MLP with your husband’s boyfriend’s son.

>> No.15016204

hey space fags, another eager video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z26hKBMzNvE

>> No.15016205
File: 265 KB, 1579x2000, usnc-ntp (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA doesn't think NEP could be ready in time for a 2030's mission to Mars but thinks NTP can, and they can piggyback on the development work the DoD is doing.


>> No.15016206

>governmental organization
>partners chiefly with jobs programs for unemployable people in the poorest and least literate states
>lead by career politicians interested only in converting tax money, military intervention, the promise of favorable legislation and the threat of federal fines and prison sentences into personal power and political capital
Stop asking why NASA is garbage. The only reason they ever succeed is that they’re too incompetent to even fail consistently.

>> No.15016214

We had won the commercial space game and we would have kept winning it if we didn't rest on our laurels and spacex didn't exist, Ariane 6 half a decade earlier without F9 as competition would have assured us continued domination until the 2030s

>> No.15016220

>Mars Society
I wasn't expecting NASA to visit Dr. Z

>> No.15016223

Do I see it right, did they mill a whole fucking tank?

>> No.15016227

according to Pam Melroy, NASA also concedes chemical propulsion may remain competitive with NTP and will probably be what gets us to Mars, but also that nuclear would be nice to have

>> No.15016236
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New MarsGuy

RGV Aerial weekly Starbase show soon.

>> No.15016241
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>haha, no silly, wipers wouldn't work
Why is everyone acting like we can't really solve the dust accumulation issue?

>> No.15016244

It’s not that easy in janitory

>> No.15016255


>> No.15016258

Yes. BO is doing this as well. It especially makes no sense for SLS though, because the shuttle external tank had baffles which is way quicker and cheaper to produce. And inb4 it has to be different because SLS carried a lateral load with a second stage on top instead of on the side—Starship is the largest (and probably the heaviest) rocket ever built and it uses baffles
It’s just a production scheme to increase cost

>> No.15016265

Odd take, considering gay space magic was introduced literally in the pilot of the series. But okay.

>> No.15016311

josephus fucking miller

>> No.15016317

Tethers are stupid.

>> No.15016320
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yup, I think we're going

>> No.15016321
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No, they are good you poof

>> No.15016326

whats this

>> No.15016327

>After 50 years, humankind will once again return to the surface of the moon using SpaceX’s new vehicle, Crew Starship (also known as HLS or the Human Landing System) – this time for good. Starship will usher in the next era of manned spaceflight and exploration, ultimately allowing us to establish permanent communities on the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
>As a Mechanical Engineer on the Crew Starship team, you will design and build spacecraft systems that are critical to the success and safety of future astronauts. Disciplines within this team include primary and secondary structures, mechanisms, and crew-interfacing hardware. Your design solutions will be driven by the all future Crew Starship missions (Lunar, Mars, etc.). This role requires full hardware ownership, from initial design requirements and concepts all the way through design, analysis, prototype, qualification, and integration.
>Own the design and development of next generation structures, mechanisms, or interior systems for Crew Starship vehicles
>Perform hand calculations and FEA to develop, assess, and optimize designs
>Rapidly iterate on manufacturing processes and development testing in a fast-paced environment
>Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to ensure hardware integrates with Starship systems and supports necessary mission operations
>Lead design reviews internally and externally with suppliers and customers (e.g., NASA)
>Negotiate complex trade studies to optimize for cost, schedule, safety, and performance, among other considerations
>Be responsible for project delivery timeline from early design through production, launch, and recovery
>Exemplify technical excellence and be accountable for your work

>> No.15016329


>> No.15016334
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Why do they call him elmo? are they 5 years old?

>> No.15016338

>they solved that issue long ago
They've only recently done a full burn test with a raptor 2, shit's not ready. I doubt that the first OFT will reach orbit
>making a specific tanker version wouldn't require that much engineering compared to what they have already done
It sure as shit would. The tanker variant would be shorter, causing different aerodynamics and controls. Keep in mind that they also haven't shown anything new on those fuel-mix RCS systems, which would be required for every starship to function.
>they have several years to develop that
It won't be ready until like 2026 at the earliest

>> No.15016339

>...a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is fundamentally more exciting than one where we are not
Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.15016351

>I doubt that the first OFT will reach orbit

>> No.15016362

I give it a 70/30 chance of failure due to the massive amount of Raptors involved. 33 on the booster, then 3 vacRaps on Starship itself. Note that the separation system has never been tested in practice.
An orbital flight would be far more complicated and longer, and the far simpler suborbital hops have had a success rate of 2* out of 5. (*SN10 is debatable)
Safe return to earth I'll say is far less likely than that

>> No.15016364
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DC-X based SSTO shuttles when?

>> No.15016365

>the far simpler suborbital hops have had a success rate of 2* out of 5. (*SN10 is debatable)
And where exactly was it that they failed?

>> No.15016366
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If you count Starship as shuttle then 2 weeks away.

>> No.15016368

They failed during landing, meanwhile, ascent (the most crucial part) every time went flawlessly.

>> No.15016370

can you land a shuttle safely without wings?

>> No.15016371

Your not as smart as you think you are...

>> No.15016375

All failed on descent, but more importantly they all failed due to engine malfunctions.
SN8 had an early shutdown on ascent and a green flame of death on descent ignition, SN9 had an engine failure mid flip, causing it to undercorrect the maneuver, SN10 was underpowered on final descent, causing it to slam down too hard and blow up a few minutes later, and SN11 presumably had an engine failure on approach which forced the FTS to blow it up.
The engines caused all flight failures, and reignitions are risky with current Raptors

>> No.15016378

It's also a cope to reduce mass so it can actually send even just a tiny capsule to orbit the moon kek

>> No.15016379

If you buttslam it and use powerful enough nose RCS rockets then yes

>> No.15016381
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Why remove wings?

>> No.15016382

>they all failed due to engine malfunctions.
That were specifically to do with relighting.
The only things to believe may go wrong on ascent are possibility immediately after ignition but before launch and stage separation.

>> No.15016384

wings kill astronauts

>> No.15016394


>> No.15016395

They were testing both reignition and vacbraps recently at McGregor. We're still a few months away from launch so by that time they should resolve most issues if they have any.

>> No.15016402

>Your design solutions will be driven by the all future Crew Starship missions (Lunar, Mars, etc.)
>by the all
Clearly grammar isn't part of SpaceX's workforce optimization

>> No.15016403

wings are gay

>> No.15016407
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>> No.15016410

You are wrong
Failed due to autogenous pressurization issues during the flip n burn. Header tank failure here
Actually failed because of an engine here
Failed because the helium they used to pressurize the header tank ended up forming bubbles and causing low thrust on the Raptors during landing. Not an engine issue.
Failed because an engine had a “hard start” and blew up the whole vehicle. Actually an engine issue.
Successful but had an engine shut down early on ascent.

>> No.15016412

Indeed, no need to waste my money on it

>> No.15016427

The shuttle has so much character

>> No.15016439

do reusable ICBMs make sense

>> No.15016447

Unfortunately, no.

>> No.15016448

all the flights you listed failed

>> No.15016449

SN15 worked

>> No.15016450


>> No.15016451

So what's the deal with NEA Scout

>> No.15016475

DSN is still trying to connect to it, but at this point I'm not hopeful.

>> No.15016477

Propellent is stored in the balls

>> No.15016485

God, I can't wait till space is militarized

>> No.15016501

Rocket companies aren't places for word retards

>> No.15016503
File: 188 KB, 736x1177, 3441E3C3-6284-4989-A861-834E3A9C7EF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna sound retarded but I work in a research lab that experiments a lot with yeast. Our team of very excited to see what that Yeast cubesat launched with Artemis 1 will find.

Thoughts on the Constellation program?

>> No.15016507

>In the 1996 book The Case for Mars, author Robert Zubrin discussed a possible future heavy launch vehicle named Ares. In the book, the rocket would have consisted of the Space Shuttle external tank powered by four Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and a second stage powered by an RL-10 engine. One notable difference in the Zubrin et al. design is that the SSMEs were on a small side-mounted flyback craft. This design was meant to allow the Ares to fly using existing Space Shuttle infrastructure.
How influential is this man?

>> No.15016509

Less influential than the Nasaspaceflight.com autists with DIRECT/Jupiter

>> No.15016511

Ares 1 was super retarded. Ares V is basically SLS Block 2 with a better upper stage.

What sort of information are you looking for from the yeastsat?

>> No.15016517
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>> No.15016519
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>DIRECT was advocated by a group of space enthusiasts who asserted that they represented a broader team of dozens of NASA and space industry engineers who actively worked on the proposal on an anonymous, voluntary basis in their spare time.
I hate NSF even more now

>> No.15016521

Lots of stuff about DNA damage due to cosmic rays, and the rate of mutations that follow. Right now we are manipulating three sets of genes in yeast cells to determine if our “map” of the yeast genome is accurate.
So say locus ABC is altered. Our models state that the yeast cells will have elongated future generations. We are trying to verify these models.

>> No.15016522

Ares 1 was retarded, but also extremely based

>> No.15016529
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retarded mongoloid, lmao

>> No.15016530
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What are they looking at? Mars?

>> No.15016534

If it works and doesn't require over 100 mods then I'll most likely buy it.

>> No.15016543
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Reusing the engines using a recoverable pod sounds like a great idea.
NASA was able to fly the shuttle 4 times per year, on average. I don’t see why SLS couldn’t have done that if the engines were reusable

>> No.15016545

An ICBM will be sitting around in a launch tube, maybe for years, waiting for someone to press the big red button. It doesn't make much sense to add the cost and complexity of reuse to the system.

That said, you could have a "reusable ICBM" that fits into the military paradigm in the same way that a long range bomber does. The part that gets reused is viewed in the same way you would an aircraft, while the part that doesn't is seen as a munition.

>> No.15016546

why are you excited? some speculative applications that could only happen in space using yeast?

>> No.15016551
File: 723 KB, 1430x2481, ESAn luotain pääsi matkaan kohti Venusta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something new and something old. Article from today on IXPE's observation data on Blazars, and two articles from 2005 with Venus Express and Hayabusa. Old articles are a bit crummy due to spending a few decades up in the attic.

IXPE solves 40-year old mystery

Venus Express and Hayabusa

>> No.15016554

what nose cap is being used on the front of that Mk3 cockpit to make it look so good?

>> No.15016565

Now that I see it, ULA's SMART seems like a better and most importantly, simpler idea. It's just part of the core stage that at some point detaches and uses an inflatable heatshield (that was recently tested) to survive the reentry.

>> No.15016568

Aerodynamic nose cone

>> No.15016570

It's just the regular 1.25 meter smooth booster cap with one of the vanilla variants, they added it in a few years ago

>> No.15016573
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it sounds harder than just doing ye space shuttle
huh, maybe I'm retarded
I probably kept trying to put stuff like probe cores on the front or something

>> No.15016576
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SpaceX is going to the Moon in 2 days, with Japan and UAE
Weather 90% favorable

Downside: it will take 4 months to reach the Moon


>> No.15016586

Let's hope Japan's lander attempt goes better than Israel and India's attempts. The Japanese aren't exactly known for their reliable missions

>> No.15016590

Japan has almost never been as good at software as the US, and for deep space missions software quality matters a lot.

>> No.15016594
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>> No.15016627

truly soulless panel

>> No.15016639
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>> No.15016642
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>> No.15016653
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So S24 is undergoing a modification because a test tank crumbled during a can-crusher test.

>> No.15016658
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is bill nelson a good administrator? has he done anything?

>> No.15016663

he is a great halloween decoration if you like mummies

>> No.15016687

He played an important role during the shuttle program.

>> No.15016709

according to berger, nasa likes him. but nasa liked that dumb black guy too so meh

>> No.15016711

>is bill nelson a good administrator?
>has he done anything?
cute feet

>> No.15016713

hot chick, want to see naked

>> No.15016726

how about reusable warheads

>> No.15016727

He occupied space and provided necessary weight during his flight onboard the Shuttle. He is exceptionally good ballast.

>> No.15016731

Bloat should be reduced for such missions.

>> No.15016733

which means it would've crushed during launch. Got it

>> No.15016736

Yes, that's what was said in the video.

>> No.15016739

why couldn't the simulations predict it

>> No.15016743

He hasn’t done anything outright bad. He also seems fine with giving SpaceX extra money to build a second Starship HLS when the original plan was for just one original manned landing.
Just like a “good president” for spaceflight doesn’t have to do anything other than NOT cancel a prior program, Nelson is a good administrator

>> No.15016745

except canceling S*S

>> No.15016746

>"I asked him to submit the design, but it's just a squirt gun"

>> No.15016769

Ask Elon, but seriously, for me, it also seems weird. I know that Ship has undergone many changes, probably the most notable ones are going from 4mm to 3mm steel and increased thrust of Raptor. I bet you can simulate that. Maybe that's what they did recently but since seemingly they're doing production and design simultaneously, some changes in the latter took place while the former was going further.

>> No.15016850

space is busier than ever yet it still feels so dead or boring most of the time

>> No.15016865

get other interests

>> No.15016869

Get married and have kids.

>> No.15016878

sorry for retarded question but are the starlink antennas required to rotate or can they just be static. It's a phased array after all

>> No.15016888

They only need to rotate if they're attached to a moving vehicle. For a fixed position starlink it just needs to point towards the equator.

>> No.15016893

Anyone know what the "ultra purge" is on S24?

>> No.15016908

watch this video

>> No.15016922
File: 1.94 MB, 1802x1920, 1665258646640586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out an acquaintance of mine had a private conversation for about an hour with Neil Armstrong in the late 1980s (which I believe as this acquaintance used to work in the USAF test field, as well as for NASA in a position that put him in contact with Astronauts on the regular). He claims that he asked Neil how he came up with the "One small step" exclamation, to which he was told by Neil that he had actually come up with the phrase with the help of his brother some time before Apollo 11 launched.

Just interesting to hear it confirmed from someone I know that he didn't come up with the phrase while in the LEM like was originally claimed.

>> No.15016940
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>> No.15016949

I honestly don't really like that phrase. It felt obviously planned ahead. I feel the genesis reading during Apollo 8 had much more soul to it, and I'm not even a christian. I hope the first person to step on Mars just says whatever they are thinking.

>> No.15016950

The video is actually more indepth than the usual SpaceX/Starlink videos from third parties.

>> No.15016957
File: 1.55 MB, 1654x2054, Ariane5R_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible Stitchjob (with some AI pass over it), but this is what the first Ariane 5 concept would have looked like, hopefully didn't fuck up the scale too much

>> No.15016959

Didn't Neil always maintain that he said "One small step for a man"?

>> No.15016964


>> No.15016971

I'm too retard to get this

>> No.15016978
File: 122 KB, 330x500, BF9CB21A-4E27-40A0-9A0E-AAEA2EF3C1EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD on this vehicle?

>> No.15016990

>steps on Mars
>billions of people listening in
"Man…I really need to take a shit right now"

>> No.15016992

>first step on Mars
>it's a sharp rock

>> No.15016995

If I was the first to set foot on mars I’d probably say
>”There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”

>> No.15017004

If I on Mars
"Poopy stinky ass poop"

>> No.15017005
File: 162 KB, 500x500, BE7B97C5-0B66-450A-9C08-D65E592FC5F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In complete unironic sincerity I would just say
>cuts out the camera feed using a sharp rock

>> No.15017006
File: 213 KB, 1200x721, iss is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15017012

This is exactly why none of you fuckers are ever going to be allowed to leave

>> No.15017016

Anything planned next will be even worse, unless maybe it's planned to not be serious.

>> No.15017024

>first steps on mars
>"Anon's first words when he stepped on mars were:"

>> No.15017027

Niggers tongue my anus, a famous failget and expression of racial solidarity

>> No.15017034

It will be planned, it will be serious, and it will be the most reddit globohomo shit imaginable. I almost (almost) hope china lands on mars first because at least whatever phrase some chynanaut utters in mandarin will translate pretty close to “we come in peace for exploration” or something very simple. NASA will no doubt throw something about vaginas and melanin in the mix—as they will do on Artemis 3

>> No.15017040

>be me
>step foot on Mars for the first time
>turn around and fire 6 rounds into the earth return vehicle
>"None of you fuckers are ever going to be allowed to leave"

>> No.15017043

Artemis 3 will be
>We come for all mankind, and for all womankind. We step foot back on this frontier for all Americans from every background. We explore this frontier in solidarity with every culture on planet Earth.

>> No.15017047


>> No.15017050

How much would a company be willing to pay for the first words to be an advertisement?

>> No.15017053

>cut live feed

>> No.15017061

"we come—*communications lost*

>> No.15017062

It’s not like it’s the first time we are going to the moon, so the astronauts shouldn’t feel bad about saying something silly. “And with no help from Boeing, we return” would be hilarious

>> No.15017063

these first words brought to you by WebEx and Amazon Alexa

>> No.15017066

Whatever the first words will be, I guarantee you estronaut’s stream will crap out in a timely manner and drop to 480p and everyone watching will miss it kek

>> No.15017070

"I'm coming--*doesn't log in to Facebook for a week then unfriends Earth and blocks immediately*

>> No.15017071

>we cum in pee

>> No.15017074

>Glad we’re not on the national team lander!

>> No.15017076

do i have to narrate that whole part

>> No.15017079
File: 233 KB, 601x725, DF2397D3-FAB4-47A7-8181-D97B2C50A175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late 70s
>shuttle is trendy
>CNES and various French aerospace industries want their own space shuttle (Hermes) and their own SSME (HM-60 that would become Vulcain)
>But CNES and Ariane leaders are obsessed with modularity: launchers capacity must be iterative and tailor-made to the payload along the same architecture, so complete redesign of Ariane is unnaceptable
>Ariane 1-4 are gonna use Viking (Hydrazine) first stage with side boosters
>Ariane 5 will introduce the HM-60/Vulcain/French SSME, but still needs to use the Viking first stage
>So Ariane 4 S2 (viking too) is replaced with a huge hydrolox-Vulcain stage
>Top heavy, but initially the scale stays acceptable, capabilities is expected to be a bit above Ariane 4 (something like 1 more tons to gto and 2-3 more to LEO)
>Hermes program gets funding, but tbe spaceplane gets heavier, at the same time market studies expect Comsat mass to increase in tbe future.
>Ariane 5 now needs to lift 8 tons GTO and 17 to LEO
>Need to Add another Viking engine to S1 and stretch the tall Vulcain Center core, Ariane 5 becomes 75m tall
>Guidance system now can’t cope with the top heavy rocket
>Additional engine (totalling 9 now)+ tall rocket creates pogo oscillation (hello N1)
>additional engine needs a complete and expensive redesign of the Center core
>Vulcain mid-air ignition is dangerous and unreliable
>Performances are already maxed with little room for improvements as Hermes keeps getting heavier
>Can’t use SRBs anymore which is a big no-no for the French military industry m

Eventually this design gets ditched in favour of Ariane 5 Prime/Poudre with big SRBs (fun fact, A5 poudre was initially supposed to have drop tanks for S1)

There also was Ariane 5C, but the vulcain only first stage was complex and underpowered

>> No.15017080
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"Well you see, Sneed's Feed and Seed is a very clever play on words by the simpsons writers to insinuate that—”

>> No.15017086
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Possible static fire tomorrow

>> No.15017093

why dont we make a rocket called the peace rocket? china-usa-europe work together

>> No.15017094

How much paper has SpaceX wasted printing out these alerts and then nothing happens. Think of the trees.

>> No.15017095
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Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me.

>> No.15017099

You can reuse paper

>> No.15017100

Conrad and Bean had those high-testosterone hairlines lol

>> No.15017104

"...the shop was formerly named after someone named Chuck, most likely Chuck Sneed. The new name is much catchier, something that the sophisticated audience of a show like The Simpsons wouldn't fail to appreciate."

>> No.15017108

Isn't it just one sheet?

>> No.15017111

>“Gentlemen… this, is democracy manifest”

>> No.15017114

>Hello from Mars. I hate Earthers so much it's unreal.

>> No.15017116

One of the biggest issues with the A5C was the development time. Arianespace was dead set on getting the A5 into commercial service by 1995 and the all-vulcain design wasn't expected to be done before 2000 at the earliest.

>> No.15017119

Have a look at this planet here

>> No.15017121

It's really that easy in SpaceX reusability

>> No.15017122


>> No.15017128

Interesting, this is expected, but do you have a source? Only thing I read about the complexity is that it was considered to be harder than developing the EAP SRBs

Maybe it could have been a good idea to have less vulcain - 2 or 3, but with Ariane 4’s side boosters.

>> No.15017143
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How does the Moon ISRU supposed to carry over to Mars? Won't we have to re-engineer everything?

>> No.15017144

"Ah, yes. I see that you know your massfaggotry well."

>> No.15017149

All four letters are the same, dummy.

>> No.15017155


>> No.15017156

Thanks for the non-answer -_-

>> No.15017157
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>> No.15017160

There's water on the Moon and Mars

>> No.15017166

Why has noone designing any of these capsules considered putting in electromagnetic coils for shielding against solar wind?

>> No.15017169

newsflash: no one cares about mars. remember red dragon? musk lost interest to focus on tesla.

>> No.15017175
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first you just build your spaceship out of carbon nanotubes

>> No.15017176

It’s very tiresome, indeed

>> No.15017181
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Just make sure your spaceship doesn't have a RTG on board

>> No.15017183
File: 95 KB, 688x1024, 66CF0A97-EB80-47B6-A43F-C4BED69581E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I do wish Elon just shut up and focused on spaceflight

>> No.15017194

he should be executed for that little stunt

>> No.15017197

I always imagined that in the future humans would no longer fight as soldiers in wars, but I didn't imagine it quite like this.

>> No.15017199

The “bio robots” quote from Chernobyl still reigns true

>> No.15017203

Well, it'll probably be SpaceX, not NASA.

>> No.15017205

Imagine hating your own nation so much you hope China beats you to the moon lol.

>> No.15017211

I emphasized ‘almost’
But yes my disdain for this place grows greater each year. We could have kept Saturn V alive and healthy and had planetary probes and landers on every major rocky solar system body by now but instead we resort to identity politics and eternal shuttle

>> No.15017233

also for being Japanese

>> No.15017242


>> No.15017245

Stepping in mud is better than stepping in shit but you don't want to track either into your house.

>> No.15017248

How do you feel about Koreans?

>> No.15017253

Japan > Korea > niggers > China

>> No.15017265
File: 376 KB, 825x864, Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 21-52-43 Super Heavy Booster 7 Ship 24 - UPDATES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spacex hate bro... I don't feel so good.


>> No.15017275

not happening. sources say pad is beyond repair

>> No.15017282
File: 375 KB, 1170x825, DA827794-F520-4B8B-900B-C53640675C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long March 2F target acquired

>> No.15017304

If anything Moon ISRU is more difficult than Mars due to the lack of an atmosphere, extreme temperature swings and regolith that is like static charged sandpaper.

>> No.15017305

take the shot

>> No.15017376

what I mean is NASA is saying we have to go to the Moon to learn how to live on Mars. To me it seems the Moon is very different from Mars, and that living on the Moon will require dissimilar technologies than will be required on Mars. So NASA is kinda lying. Like how the ISS was supposed to teach us how to live in space for long periods, and now they're saying the exact same BS about Gateway and the Moon

>> No.15017385

Casey is fucking crazy

>> No.15017391

It will still be somewhat relevant. There's a huge difference between living in orbit and living in a low gravity surface environment; Mars's gravity is closer to the Moon than to Earth. Also, the Moon is more relevant to short term manned space exploration than Mars anyways. Establishing a permanent presence there has massive scientific and economic upside which Mars won't be able to match for decades, even if it's much better long term.

>> No.15017392

It is. Mars is superior in every way, although the moon is closer and landing on it is a bit simpler.

>> No.15017401


>> No.15017404

They never attempted doing ISRU on anywhere, nobody has stayed outside magnetosphere for too long, and they never stayed on the moon surface for longer than a day.
The trip to Mars takes many months, the stay on the surface is longer than anything the Apollo missions ever did, and they don't have the option to abort the mission since there are launch windows.
Adding all this to moon missions being cheaper, it is the best option to get experience in the Moon before going beyond.

>> No.15017405

North Korea is pretty based imo

>> No.15017412
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Is it thought? Most equipment/habitats/landers meant for the moon are completely different from ones destined for mars

>> No.15017418

Oh damn it's not about the machines, it's about the techniques, the concepts, the protocols, getting data from deep space health, and generally being safer and cheaper.

>> No.15017421
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>> No.15017423

Also about making surface EVA suits that aren't as old and clunky as the A7L.

>> No.15017436

>they never stayed on the moon surface for longer than a day.
I'm seeing multi-day stays for 14, 15, 16, and 17 on NASA's website, anon.

>> No.15017444
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i still cant believe it actually launched

>> No.15017445

We live in a society

>> No.15017446

The info I read said the longest EVA on the moon lasted for 22 hours total, they probably excluded the time they were resting on the module.

>> No.15017449

speak for yourself.

>> No.15017451
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Bezos should have never touched their final resting place. He disturbed a holy place, and his company is cursed for all time because of it

>> No.15017452

Get offline, Ted

>> No.15017453

17's time on the surface from landing to liftoff is listed at 75 hours.

>> No.15017454

Apollo 17 was on the surface for 74 hours, of which 22 were EVAs.

Your original point still stands, of course, since 3 days is just a short camping trip and that experience will never be able to scale up to what is required for Mars.

>> No.15017459

Tbh recovering the F-1s was one of the few things Bezos did that is pretty cool.

>> No.15017461

He probably wants to recover something more historical like explorer 1 or snoopy, but he doesn’t have an orbital rocket

>> No.15017464
File: 44 KB, 487x360, carter-tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty cool for us, but Jeff and BO now suffer a terrible curse

>> No.15017470

RS-25 recovery when?

>> No.15017478

Thanks for the correction.
Early mission for both Moon and Mars will require a lot of shipped supplies before ISRU gets well developed, but this is much harder for Mars due to the variable distance.

>> No.15017480

SLS Block 2 is required to land the permanent base habitat on the Moon
SLS Block 2 is required to land the JAXA habitat rover

>> No.15017484

>explorer 1
It already decayed. Vanguard 1 is the oldest man-made object in space. Recovering Snoopy would be very cool though.

>> No.15017489
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The Moon is a more difficult environment to live in. Any habitat for the Moon would be more capable than what is needed to live on Mars. The reason we are going to the Moon first is because the Moon is extremely easy to get to compared with Mars.

>> No.15017496

Oh thanks for the correction, I thought explorer 1 was still kickin’ about

>> No.15017501


>> No.15017508

Block 1 and 1B are anemic

>> No.15017513

fairing :)

>> No.15017516

If you are only using SLS that is.

>> No.15017529


>> No.15017532

How would you replace the wipers when they get dusty?
You'd need some sort of automated wiper changing machine

>> No.15017536


>> No.15017540

It's better without the article.