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15013348 No.15013348 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15013351

it doesn't because it's not real, regression to the mean only means people will bully you into submission for no reason

>> No.15013354

It effects everyone, but white people have mean IQs over 100 so it's "regression" upwards usually.

>> No.15013366

By why would your offspring regress to the mean if your bloodline consistently mated with high IQ individuals?

>> No.15013385

Then where did the averages come from? Surely all human populations would have regressed to the mean of humans before creating differences

>> No.15013388

Endogamy. Exogamous marriage is a very recent phenomenon.

>> No.15013406

So why wouldn't endogomy of only smart black people create a group of smart black people?

>> No.15013441

because blackness is a primitive trait overall

>> No.15013444

Well, in Africa it did to a degree. There were some fairly well-adapted and intelligent West African tribes, but they were killed by the hyper-aggressive Bantu during the Bantu Migration.

>> No.15013452

Bantu is a language grouping, not an ethnicity. The Bantu migration has very little to do with genetic replacement and more to do with cultural exchange.

>> No.15013463

Except for the archaeological proof of their slaughter and expulsion of the Khoisan, sure. If you ignore all the data then you can claim anything you want.

>> No.15013464

Why? It (being black, not the ethnicity/race of Black) is just extra melanin in the skin. What if we selectively bred white people to make their skin darker? They would technically be black, would that make them dumber as well?
So that would mean there is no regression to the mean because the mean changes as you go

>> No.15013469

>So that would mean there is no regression to the mean because the mean changes as you go
Well at least you're making it obvious that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15013473

blackness is not just skin tone, otherwise indians would be black

it's interchangeable with "% African dna", now even african groups with higher average IQ like igbo nigerians have wider lips, wider nose, forward set jaw (prognathism), bunch of physical traits that distinguish them from other dark skin groups. IQ is highly polygenic so overtime the smart black group will just take in more and more of the unenriched African genome and end up regressing to the lower mean. it's not like having a few genes for a bigger cranium is enough to outweigh that effect

>> No.15013480

Igbo Nigerians don' t have higher IQs, they literally just accepted Western ideals while Hausa and Fulani people stuck to Islam. Hausa/Fulani literally were terrorizing the Igbo and selling them into slavery for centuries. The Igbo were impoverished before the West came.

>> No.15013489

Looks like you ignored what I said in parenthesis. A color is not an ethnicity and black is a color

>> No.15013490

Mate two high IQ white people and you'll find that your premise likely will be proven false.

>> No.15013492

What is orange? A color or a fruit? In your world, it can only be one or the other.

>> No.15013494

"Orange" is a color. "An orange" is a fruit
Try again.

>> No.15013720

I will fuck you

>> No.15015061

People say regression to the mean implying the mean of humans when it is actually more the mean of the parents. If the mean of the species then why not the mean of all animals?

>> No.15015144

an orange cat is a fruit cat?

>> No.15015160

wrong as always niggero-san, it also effects spics

>> No.15015164

You regress to you parents mean. Not your "racial mean" whatever the fuck that means. 4chan doesn't know what it means lol.

>> No.15015165

>The Igbo were impoverished before the West came.
They had their own federations and economic power. Hausa/Fulani had their own thing up north.

>> No.15015169

>archaeological proof of their slaughter and expulsion of the Khoisan.
You do know it went both ways but there was also exchange and trade? Also the Europeans pretty much wiped them out during the cape years.

It's a language group. Plenty of "Bantu" who don't speak a Bantu language.

>> No.15016134

It would. but If you were to take a bunch of Africans of 130 IQ, already a very extremely rare treat, only then would you be able to create a town of 100 IQ average Africans, because of the regression. This is for Africans only by the way, as African Americans have 20-30% European admixture on average and are smarter than Actual Africans.

>> No.15016139

It doesn't, stop falling for pol infographics made by people with barely passable high school education levels.

>> No.15017200

It's actually the opposite, their features would change as you selected for intelligence. There was a russian experiment with silver foxes where they bred them for tameness. As they became more tame, they also gained more features similar to domesticated dogs such as dog-like tails and dalmation-like fur

>> No.15017322

Holy fuck, go look up what regression to the mean is. The mean is the mean of whatever you're sampling.

Regression to the mean occurs even with random noise.

As to why mean values for many traits in humans don't vary that much, that's a different phenomenon that tends to cause successive generations to regress towards the mean of the population they came from.

This is why people have been trying to breed gigantic dogs for plenty of generations but you never get a dog the size of a horse. First, you might have recessive traits that help boost whatever trait you're trying to breed for, and you end up breeding those out of your population.

More importantly, organism are complex dynamical systems. 9 foot long dogs or 9 foot tall people will have all sorts of health problems. There are tons of positive and negative feedback loops designed to stop and organism from changing too dramatically because it will tend to result in something that isn't fit.

>> No.15017349
File: 187 KB, 1000x666, 774136D7-9A1B-48AD-947E-866619696E59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok the Congoids slaughtered the Capoids but it went both ways!!
if you had ever even met a hottentot or a bushman you would understand how comically wrongheaded a notion this is

it really is a funny thought. an army of kalahari bushmen hacking arms and burning huts, shouting and frothing. haha

your way of understanding the world is to type a leading query into google and scan for a result that more or less agrees with what you think the answer should be

if you want to become knowledgeable about the character of africans, the only honest way is to move there and spend time among them

>> No.15017356

It's even more interesting than that. The foxes were red foxes. They became silver because a silver coat color was polygenic with sociability.

>> No.15017373
