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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 241 KB, 1x1, Covid 19 vaccines and the misinterpretation of perceived side effects clarity on the safety of vaccines - PMC.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15014274 No.15014274 [Reply] [Original]

>Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process.

>misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine

The quotes above are from a recent study, and from the looks of it, the anti-vaxxers have really made fools of themselves, although I suppose that's not very surprising. Anti-vaxxers have spent the last 2 years claiming, without evidence, that the vaccines are ineffective and that they have serious side effects that the "deep state" and the "mainstream media" don't want us to know about. Well guess what? It turns out that a large portion of these supposed "side effects" are actually not a result of the vaccines themselves, but rather the result of stress and trauma induced by the constant barrage of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric coming from anti-vaxxers and other conspiracy theorists. Basically, most of these "side effects" aren't even real, it's just a placebo effect caused by all of the fear-mongering and misinformation that has been circulating on social media for the last 2 years.

>> No.15014397

All my PCR tests were negative even when i was constantly around my sick family. This year too, they got "covid" in february and now two weeks ago, all my tests this year were negative.
And since i don't believe covid exists and i'm apparently immune to it, the only logical conclusion is that covid is placebo.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.15014440

Not today, FDA.

>> No.15014449

the classic NO U
sticks and stones will break my bones, but experimental mRNA therapy cannot hurt me

>> No.15014504

vaccine so effective it can be nullified by shitposting

>> No.15014506
File: 360 KB, 679x377, 1638971548562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a pure blood and still successful and rich at the expense of vassfags

kill yourself OP

>> No.15014568

>The quotes above are from a recent study, and from the looks of it, the anti-vaxxers have really made fools of themselves, although I suppose that's not very surprising. Anti-vaxxers have spent the last 2 years claiming, without evidence, that the vaccines are ineffective and that they have serious side effects that the "deep state" and the "mainstream media" don't want us to know about. Well guess what? It turns out that a large portion of these supposed "side effects" are actually not a result of the vaccines themselves, but rather the result of stress and trauma induced by the constant barrage of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric coming from anti-vaxxers and other conspiracy theorists. Basically, most of these "side effects" aren't even real, it's just a placebo effect caused by all of the fear-mongering and misinformation that has been circulating on social media for the last 2 years.
Wouldn't the same thing apply to covid in general though?

>> No.15014575

So what you're saying is that vaxoid sheep are so weak and susceptible to propaganda that the mere words of a pureblood chad can kill them with the nocebo effect.

>> No.15014633

Just give it to me straight. Did I fuck up by taking it? It's been almost a year and I don't feel any worse. I wanted to keep my aging parents safe. Not shit flinging just curious.

>> No.15014636

You fucked up but as long as you don't take any more you might escape with just a few years shaved off your life. You also could have gotten the placebo, and can check on "how bad is my batch" to find out if that's the case.

>> No.15014638

Thanks. I'm completely out of the loop. What are the side effects/negative outcomes I should look out for?

>> No.15014641

So we've gone from
>There are no serious side effects. The vaccine is safe and effective
>There are widespread serious side effects, but they're caused by anti-vaxxers talking about widespread serious side effects

Wew lad

>> No.15014643

Mostly cardiac related, but also amyloidosis/prion disease if the spike migrated to your brain. If you feel short of breath or experience reduced physical capacity or chest pain you should see a doctor. If you experience "brain fog" or reduced memory and cognitive capacity you should see a doctor.

It also collapses your fertility but /sci/ is nonreproductive anyway so that doesn't matter.

>> No.15014645

Aw shit. I have a history of these symptoms before the shot. Fuck.

>> No.15014650

Where's a trusted source where I can read about the negative effects of the vaccine and how widespread it is? I want to learn more but don't trust the Google results.

>> No.15014655

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (Germany's vaccine regulator) gives a rate of 1 severe side effect for every 5,000 injections.

>> No.15014688

How late can these side effects manifest?

>> No.15014698
File: 75 KB, 1200x675, FBExzSoVkAIWtWr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have the power to give people heart attacks and sudden death with shitposting

This is not what I would want to tell a bunch of people claiming to hate me and the system I work for.

>> No.15014701
File: 311 KB, 1500x1125, 1668524223420553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly
causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are
panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the
constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups.

Lmao and the antivaxxers continue to blame Bill Gates and the "globalists". You can't make this shit up. These fucking retards are so paranoid and so delusional that they literally work themselves up to the point of having a heart attack or other cardiac incident.

I can't say I'm entirely surprised though. Just look at how angry and enraged right wingers become if you point out how stupid they are. They just sperg out and start calling to a shill and a normie and "bluepilled", and a bunch of other buzzwords. The right winger lives in a constant state of fear and rage. The government is out to get them. The "deep state" is out to get them. The "globalists" are out to get them. The minorities... The gays... The SJWs... etc., etc. They're always under attack, they're always the victims. Everything is some kind of existential threat in their mind. No wonder they're in a constant state of hypertensive crisis.

>> No.15014706

Months to years on in the case of prion disease.

>> No.15014707

>These fucking retards are so paranoid and so delusional that they literally work themselves up to the point of having a heart attack or other cardiac incident.
No the article says we're killing vaxoids with our shitposting. Antivaxers are safe.

>> No.15014718

If I have an immune deficiency (not AIDS I'm not gay) should I risk the vaxx? I feel like I'm choosing between death by heart attack or death by glue lung. I don't know who to trust. Who the fuck do I trust? Certainly not the msm. Certainly not some anonymous poster. I'm up shit creek here.

>> No.15014719

Why bother asking if you don't trust any advice? Just do your own research.

>> No.15014725

The prion disease is bullshit, and I don't think any serious scientists or regulatory agencies have looked at that, nor has there been any concrete evidence suggesting that prion disease is a genuine concern.

However, myocarditis, pericarditis, fertility concerns, and several other issues have been documented in legitimate medical research and have caught the attention of regulatory agencies in other countries (although US regulators have largely ignored these concerns). Myocarditis and pericarditis, in particular, are the most serious concerns.

>> No.15014728

What sources are trustworthy? Everyone claims to be certified or from some legit organisation but the results all vary.

>> No.15014729

>The prion disease is bullshit, and I don't think any serious scientists or regulatory agencies have looked at that, nor has there been any concrete evidence suggesting that prion disease is a genuine concern.
CJD shows up on the side effect sheet.

>> No.15014735

It almost feels like none of this is serious and almost comes down to faith in the vaccine or faith against it. Or just pure shitposting.

>> No.15014738
File: 2.79 MB, 320x240, Its Working giddy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone get boosted!

>> No.15014740
File: 299 KB, 1638x776, VAERS charts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It almost feels like none of this is serious and almost comes down to faith in the vaccine or faith against it. Or just pure shitposting.
If only there were some kind of evidence that there is definitely something wrong with the vaccine.

>> No.15014748

Is long covid real?

>> No.15014765

I'm up to date on my boosters and feel fine with no ill effects. Know plenty of people who never got vaxxed at all and are totally fine. The only thing I know for sure is that the severity of all this is way overblown by politically polarizing faggots trying to turn people against each other

>> No.15014766

How are you keeping parents safe by jabbing ? It doesnt stop transmission

>> No.15014769

It was early on and I was misinformed.

>> No.15014771

Almost everyone I know who got the poke has had a huge decline in their health. Mysterious illnesses in the heart/gut/brain and memory loss.

>> No.15014773

It really is a crime how they fucking lied to everybody.

>> No.15014778

Better late than never. I hope.

>> No.15014782

Well unfortunately my anecdotes don't match yours. Hope they recover soon.

>> No.15014797

You're right anon. Surely it couldn't be that the anti-vaxxers are just scientifically illiterate morons who have no idea what they're talking about. Nope, both sides are being unreasonable, and only enlightened centrists like yourself can see the truth.

You sound like a complete retard, and you're entire argument is based on a false equivalence. You're completely ignoring the very obvious fact that we are in the midst of a global pandemic that has literally killed MILLIONS of people. People were literally collapsing and dying in the streets and hospitals and morgues were filled to capacity. In some places the hospitals and morgues were literally overflowing. They had to stack the bodies in the hall way. This was literally the greatest tragedy since WW2, and it could have been entirely avoided if people had actually complied with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine recommendations. Equating the position of the anti-vaxxers with the position of normal, sane people who took COVID seriously is a complete false equivalence. This could have been completely avoided. Millions of people that died from COVID would still be alive today if it weren't for the anti-vaxxer and anti-maskers. This is not one of those issues where you can make a "both sides" argument.

>> No.15014802

>People were literally collapsing and dying in the streets and hospitals and morgues were filled to capacity.
It was good bait until you posted this btw. You went a little too hard.

>> No.15014813
File: 91 KB, 702x647, makeshift_morgue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, they literally how to create makeshift morgue in places like New York because the morgues and hospital were filled with many hundreds of dead COVID victims. In some places there even using mobile crematoriums to cremate the bodies because there wasn't enough space to store the bodies.

>> No.15014815
File: 109 KB, 1053x742, mobile_crematorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15014817

>Bruh, they literally how to create makeshift morgue in places like New York because the morgues and hospital were filled with many hundreds of dead COVID victims. In some places there even using mobile crematoriums to cremate the bodies because there wasn't enough space to store the bodies.
Oy vey it's just like da shoah!

BTW they do that all the time. It's not common to have dedicated morgue space anymore, these trailers are the norm.

>> No.15014831
File: 123 KB, 1226x644, body_bag_fill_hallways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe in whatever schizo alternative reality the anti-vaxxers live in none of this happened, but for those of us who live in the real world, we know COVID is not a joke. Anyone who was informed and following the news at the height of the pandemic would remember that many hospitals were filled to the brim with dead and dying COVID patients, and the morgue and crematoriums couldn't even keep up. In some cases, they even had to keep the bodies just out in the open, lying in body bags along the wall because they were running out of space.

I genuinely don't understand how people could forget all about the overflowing morgues, the lifeless bodies filling the hallways of hospitals, the mobile crematoriums. The people collapsing in the streets. It was truly a ghastly sight, but what's even more troubling is how many people can deny that all of this happened. This wasn't some isolated incident. This happened in some of the biggest hospitals in the biggest cities, and it was all over the news, and yet the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers still continue to deny and deflect. It's like they live in a fantasy. I always wondered how people could be retarded enough to deny the holocaust, and thought it was just a few fringe crazies, but as we see with COVID, a very large portion of the population is just bat shit insane.

>> No.15014837
File: 71 KB, 1201x748, NBC_overflowing_crematorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One particularly disturbing account from the state of Florida where governor DeSantis basically refused to address COVID in any meaningful way:
"At West Side Crematory in Winter Garden, they're overwhelmed with the remains of people that need to be cremated.

There's an influx of bodies like they've never seen, worse than the first wave of COVID-19. The area where bodies are stored prior to being cremated is stacked to the ceiling. The staff is working day and night to honor the dead.

WESH 2 called 20 funeral homes and crematories and many were too busy to be part of our story. Some were too busy to even talk on the phone. One funeral director said that in a 30-minute period where he talked to his partner, four new cases came in."

Do people really not remember the overflowing funeral homes, the hospital filled with hundreds of dying patients, and the COVID victims collapsing in the streets? It was all over the news and all over social media.

>> No.15014839

>It was all over the news and all over social media.
But not in real life. The crucial test of something's factual basis.

>> No.15014847

Ahh yes. Very true. It was so hearoic and brave of the nurses to do endless ticktock dances while pulling 25 hours shifts in an overfill hospital. It's also so strange how at the start of the pandemic videos we're coming out of China about people collapsing on the street due to covid and teams in full haz mat suits were cleaning up piles of bodies, thank God we didn't have that here despite it being the same virus. Our collective belief in the system must have stopped it.

>> No.15014855

Nurse Practitioner Shayronda told me twerking on patients is very good for opening constricted airways.

>> No.15014866

Not here. But then again, my country is not a nation of morbidly obese mouth breathers

>> No.15014873

>never masked
>never tested
>never vaxxed
>never boosted
>never got kicked out of uni
>never fired
>never succumbed to leftist authoritarian social pressure
Feels good man.

>> No.15014876

>Be Australian ATAGI
>Recommended fourth dose and on course for fifth dose for old folks
>Limited the under 30s at third dose
>Citing risk of myocarditis
>While already got Novavax

>> No.15014880
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1659951114750116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it's already too late to get vaxxed since covid is already gone.
Maybe next pandemic.

>> No.15014895
File: 88 KB, 970x647, kremlin_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my country
By that, I assume you are referring to Russia?

>> No.15014898

>out of nowhere mentions Russia
you okay my man?

>> No.15014906
File: 1.62 MB, 709x995, 8B7C2443-BAF0-48A6-B301-B6ACCDEBBE4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all vaxxfags will

simple as. sometimes science can kill.


>> No.15014913

>be me
>uni said show either vaxpass, negative pcr test within 3 day, or negative rat test within day to be on campus
>be me on first day on campus post-lockdown
>no one asked for it
Vaxxies are cuck

>> No.15014922

So a disease that spreads fast kills millions in a country with millions of overworked, overstressed, obesse and old people. A vaccine that is made thar doesn't prevent it, doesn't cure it, and has side effects is made while masks that don't work are given and the only working solution of staying indoors had worse knock on effects. Yet "anti-vaxxers" are the dumb dumbs.

>> No.15014925

Her son died from vax right after that btw. Pure evil.

>> No.15014933

The bulging vein on her four head real complements the crazy eyes. She looks insane.

>> No.15014986

>the side effect are real
>but they are just placebo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jabbies dying to made up shit now. No longer global warming, or shaking their duvet to abruptly.

>> No.15015009

Maybe instead of airing out your duvet it's winter vagina.

>> No.15015195
File: 292 KB, 1876x1020, ADEinAUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADE in Australia

>> No.15015203

Wow that's actually insane that they're willing to share data that damning. There's a clear dose-response relationship.

>> No.15015205

holy fuck, antivaxxers are literally hitler
exterminating proper, scientistically correct and vaccinated citizens with their terrifying placebo propaganda
we need to stop them

>> No.15015212

I can't get over how funny this is. They're practically encouraging us by saying this, and saying we have this kind of power over them.

>> No.15015217
File: 3.35 MB, 166x263, 1669507570536171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets jabbed
>dies on the spot
>oopsie SADS ,what a tragedy, too bad he doesnt count as vaccinated until 1 week after the injection

>> No.15015218

it's not surprising, people who experience qualia are immune to covid
they accidentally released a tool that identified all the programmable npcs

>> No.15015529

This board is supposed be about science and math. Do any of you brainless imbeciles that come from /pol/ have any knowledge to discuss science or your education consists of slurping Russian propaganda in the form of shitposts?

>> No.15015531

Name one source posted here which is Russian.

>> No.15015538

It's almost like there's a selection pressure for covid to not be detected by PCR tests
But a sample size of (anecdote) 1 is meaningless anyway
yall are dumb af

>> No.15015550

Russia is provaxx and they even created their own.

>> No.15015702

>Well guess what? It turns out that a large portion of these supposed "side effects" are actually not a result of the vaccines themselves, but rather the result of stress and trauma induced by the constant barrage of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric coming from anti-vaxxers and other conspiracy theorists.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that actually made me burst out laughing
is this your real opinion? first it's:
>oh it's safe and effective and you will and should DIE if you dont get it
now it's
>uhh ok the vaccine has real side effects and it's dangerous but people are only dying because of the stress from all the anti vaxxer nazis!
this is reminiscent of how whenever you bring up 41% in front of a tranny he will mutter something about it being because of "those evil internet nazis bullying us"

>> No.15015711

>selection pressure is magic that can defy physics
Ok, let's assume it is.
Calculate the probability that the 6 PCR tests which were during "alpha" variant, were falsely negative.
Or did your handlers patch that ability from you in the last update?
Or perhaps you're implying that covid's infectivity is so low that a week of family members coughing and sneezing into my face isn't enough to establish infection?

>> No.15015712
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>> No.15015713

According to Fauci, it takes 10 years for
for a potential vaccine to be declared safe.

>> No.15015719

>supposed "side effects"
you can shift it any way you want, this vaccine increases the risk of heart complications this is a fact not opinion.
>stress and trauma induced by the constant barrage of disinformation
assuming. but if this is true, doesn't it seem to you that all the unnecessary panic around this virus create the same effects?

i am unable to understand how this claim can hold, while for two years the media has functioned as a breeding ground for lies and scare tactic propaganda

>> No.15015724

Don't care, still not getting the jewish juice.

>> No.15015755
File: 25 KB, 473x500, b81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get traumatized by horror dogshit lies on the news
>say that "antivaxxers" "misinformation" causing people stress and anxiety
wait you are serious?
there must be a term for that, how is it called?

>> No.15015762

Anyone else disappointed that the normies are getting off the vaxx-train?

Talked with several yesterday at a party, and one of them complained that he got two shots, but three bouts with covid! He was "definitely" not going to get the third one! Other double-vaxxed normies said the same thing. They're not getting it. The height of hilarity was reached when one of them pulled up his digital covid "passport" - and it was invalid. Despite three times covid and three vaccinations.
Still no one is really comfortable admitting the vaccinations were complete garbage and pointless.

I want them to get the shots. I want them to get the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, in perpetuity.

>> No.15015763

Yes you fucked up. Even if your injections were just salt water, what did you do? You took a highly dubious, untested, suspicious substance because you were told so by the television.

That's more disgraceful than any health side effects you'll end up getting.

>> No.15015768

to be fair i had the privilege not to get this thing because i work from home and don't have a family to take care of.
it is not right to judge people who are in a different situation, and i am not talking about the provax cult im talking about people who didn't had any other choice.
if you avoid this by staying at your NEET comfy basement is not really make you smart or brave when you talk shit about victims like them, its just make you a cunt

>> No.15015769

"muh family" is not a valid excuse, for anything

>> No.15015770

The situation is the same regardless, stand your ground, especially FOR your family. There's always a choice.

>> No.15015773

yeah but they should just call it early onset t cell exhaustion though

>> No.15015776

What choices are those? If someone works in healthcare, they're fucked. Places are still requiring vaccines even for remote staff. People have mortgages and rents to pay.

>> No.15015780

yeah the idea that any significant percentage of the people that had their livelihood threatened would have the technical ability to find the arguments for why they shouldn't take it and then back their own judgement against the social status cost is silly.

>> No.15015782

I'm hopeful now that midterms are over the bivalent booster will get shilled/forced even more especially if there is another "wave". Can't wait for the MRNA flu shot to come out too. Just keep pumping vaxxies lmfao

>> No.15015794

How well has protest worked out so far?

>> No.15015808
File: 59 KB, 1386x770, vaxadpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't being sarcastic

>> No.15015835

>people replying to an obviously paid for glowpost thread

>> No.15016058

The gauge of needles used for COVID vaccine injection are between 22 to 25, ie. a diameter of 0.413 to 0.260 mm. The smallest Bluetooth module created is 4 mm (W) x 10 mm (L) x 1 mm, there is no way it would fit inside an injection needle.
>inb4 "they" have some secret technology to make smaller Bluetooth modules
How small a bluetooth module can be made and still be able to transmit and receive data is hard limited by the laws of physics. Bluetooth uses an antenna to transmit electromagnetic waves with frequencies around 2.4 gigahertz. Performance declines relative to antenna size, just like a telescope, the size of the lens determines how much light it can gather. Bluetooth is already shit because of its small size and energy-efficiency, there is no fucking way an antenna that fits in a module under 0.413mm in size would be able to transmit a signal underground, without even going into how it is powered for months or years from inside a rotting corpse.
>See the Chu-Harrington Limit: for an electrically small antenna, the minimum Q of a lossless antenna is given as Q = (ka)^-3 + (ka)^-1, where k=2*pi/wavelength and a is the radius of the smallest sphere containing the antenna and its current distribution.

>> No.15016077
File: 627 KB, 1010x759, 1654543453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all you are wrong about the size, and probably right about the transmission capability, however you don't need it to transmit anything you can use a scanner that read it, but i'm not sure about its ability to read the burned information in this potential case.

>> No.15016098

You have such poor imagination. Must suck to be you.

>> No.15016361

Wrong thread?

>> No.15016373
File: 15 KB, 281x360, DUMB-BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically, most of these "pandemic safety measures" aren't even real, it's just a placebo effect caused by all of the fear-mongering and misinformation that has been circulating on social media for the last 2 years.
ftfy, faggot

>> No.15016463

They know. That's why they need excuses for why the depopulation measure is working, so that people don't revolt.

>> No.15016588

You made it this far. Why would you risk the vax now?

>> No.15016648

>>never masked
>>never tested
>>never vaxxed
>>never boosted
>>never fired
>>never succumbed to leftist authoritarian social pressure
>>fuck communism by the way

and this is why most anti-vaxxers are retarded. they believe in everything that on the web. guys, this picture has been debunked many, many, many, many times. you retards are either troll or retarded autists.

>> No.15016652

>guys, this picture has been debunked many, many, many, many times.
Yeah no lol. The picture is real and her son died from a heart attack. You have no source for any of your claims but I've seen her facebook and gofundme.

>> No.15016657

>All these posts that don't realize OP's being facetious
Autism at its finest

>> No.15016660

No we all realize it, but it's a good chance to make fun of vaxoids and discuss the actual problems with the vax and the hysteria around covid.

>> No.15016662

>pointless vaccine debates over and over
there's no vaccine, there's no covid, there are no viruses. virology is a rockefeller's scam.
>Although researchers could study the effects of viral diseases in humans, animals, and plants, they had no criteria to describe viruses chemically--in fact, the very definition of a virus was a subject for debate!
>In 1926, Thomas M. Rivers (1888-1962), director of the Rockefeller Hospital, made a bold statement about the essential nature of viruses that set the course of virology for decades to come. He said: "Viruses appear to be obligate parasites in the sense that their reproduction is dependent on living cells."
rockefeller university was the place where it was decided that viruses are invisible enemies that you need to protect yourself from by constantly purchasing vaccines and medication. what a surprise.

>> No.15016670

theres no covid faggot

>> No.15016675

Covid is a scam but the vaccine does exist and does kill.

>> No.15016677

what "vaccine"? theres nothing to vaccinate against

>> No.15016680

you should put your name back on

>> No.15016682

Call it an injection or whatever you want. It does contain a gene therapy in a delivery molecule which causes death and infertility.

>> No.15016833

Not everyone experiences side effects, you're likely to be fine but keep an eye on your heart/blood. Only ideological retards think everyone who took them will die or that they're 100% perfectly safe, moat people will be fine but the number of serious side effects from these things blows every other vaccine out of the water by orders of magnitude.

>> No.15016880

>in anticipation of
The models expected the death rates of obese 80+ year olds with diabetes to be replicated on the entire population. Turns out that while COVID was a serious concern, being healthy made a world of difference.

>> No.15016886
File: 126 KB, 1100x1098, Bad Vax Animals Zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propaganda like in the OP's picrel, REALLY makes people wonder WTF is in those vaccines that they want every human, even animals and plants to have now!

Seriously, they are developing Covid vaccines for PLANTS! WTF!

Something seriously sinister about all of it. Like Extraterrestrial plot to take over the genetics of all Earth life SINISTER!

>> No.15016890
File: 58 KB, 500x616, cuomokiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makeshift morgue in places like New York because the morgues and hospital were filled with many hundreds of dead
Yeah, everyone knows why NY was hit so hard. Politics killed most of them.

>> No.15017321

any proof that prion disease has occurred because of the jab?

>> No.15017336

vaccine induced antibody dependent enhancement was always the goal because then you can call the deaths caused by the vaccine covid deaths


>> No.15017337

Prion disease, if it does turn out to be one of the side effects, won't care if you believe in it or if there is publicly allowed evidence. It will just eat your brain and cause your body to be cremated. Which isn't to say that it will turn out to be a side effect, just that being glib about it isn't going to change the impact, whatever that might be.

>> No.15017350

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is printed on the official list of vaccine side effects published by Pfizer and appears in the clinical literature as a known vaccine side effect.

>> No.15017355

Yes, obviously the only answer is to shove politics into medicine and turn people against each other. Anyone who doesn't is clearly a traitor who thinks Covid isn't real and isn't vaccinnated.

>> No.15017469

okay and how often has it happened so far in vaxxies?
no shit retard

>> No.15017523

>okay and how often has it happened so far in vaxxies?
I'm not sure on exact numbers for the whole population, but I've seen 2 case study reports myself, which is already higher than the background prevalence of the disease.

>> No.15017554
File: 150 KB, 1080x1122, CDC scamdemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wealth tranfer. Scamdemic was just another method of the rich leftists getting richer, while everyone else got poorer and deaded (depopulation plans)

>> No.15017655

Remember those meme tent hospitals they set up in the UK that were never used?

>> No.15017824

>You're completely ignoring the very obvious fact that we are in the midst of a global pandemic that has literally killed MILLIONS of people.
You are ignoring the obvious fact that there is no proof that covid even exists.

>> No.15018463

>vaccine side effects caused by anti-vaxxers

>> No.15018481

if they are rich they can't be leftists

>> No.15018534

The majority of leftists are middle class or rich, or the useful idiots they import. It's a luxury ideology.

>> No.15018569

>It's a luxury ideology

Absolutely. It's actually kind of funny that lefties always bitch about living sustainably - which is legitimately a good goal - but then they're also the ones who are obsessed with tech, obsessed with big cities, obsessed with building more cities (urbanisation) and more infrastructure, obsessed with pop culture and consumerism, obsessed with travel, and typically wealthy and educated and materially comfortable.

A lot of the supposedly backwards and ignorant conservatives that don't trust "the science" probably live far more sustainably. In "flyover" states, a lot of people buy produce from the local farm stand, for instance, and most "flyover" conservatives probably work locally in their hometown. Most of the affluent Americans who have advanced degrees and work in industries like tech, law, medicine, accounting, engineering, etc. and who drive 2 hours a day to work in some big city are probably liberal. Most of the people buying the newest gadgets from Apple or Microsoft are liberal. Most of the people who travel the world in order to go hiking in some remote national park or to see "exotic" cultures are liberal. Most of the people eagerly awaiting the next Hollywood movie or pop music album are liberal. Most of the people eagerly awaiting the newest line of clothing from "fast fashion" brands (which have notoriously unsustainable and inhumane production practices) like H&M and Zara are liberal. Most of the people eagerly awaiting the next Nike shoe are liberal. Pop culture and consumerism are largely driven by liberal tastes and liberal sensibilities. Of course, some leftists might try to cherry Marxists or communists or other lefty groups who may be less consumeristic, but mainstream centre-left neoliberals are by far the biggest consOOOOOOOOOmers in the world. Consumerism is a religion to them, and their temples of worship are big trendy cities like San Francisco, New York, and Seattle.

>> No.15018572

*cherry pick Marxists or communists

>> No.15020309


Except for the brave anti-lockdown protestors in China. Those guys are great, and we need to support them in their fight against the ridiculous and over-the-top "zero COVID" policy of the Chinese government. The only thing I hate more than anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists are freedom hating foreigners like the Russians and Chinese.

>> No.15020797


>> No.15020842

So true. china government reminds me the fascists in the convoy protest

>> No.15020853

Those chuds need to be executed. They were evil for fighting the heckin' valid vax mandate. That's why we need to support China, so that no fascists can dictate what other people do with their bodies.

>> No.15020965

bruce lee died because he drink to much water

>> No.15021074

>because you were told so by the television
This is reaching.

>> No.15021117
File: 585 KB, 1125x1139, FD58260F-51B7-4354-BC21-42005520625C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip to 6:30 and watch until 7:00. Then come back and ask again

>> No.15021118
File: 924 KB, 768x768, 1624626595434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hateful rhetoric
How to tell us you're a homosexual redditor without explicitly telling us you're a homosexual redditor.

P.S. I guarantee that the 'authorities' have generated far more stress/anxiety with their bullshit 'deadly covid' pandemic theatre than purebloods ever have or will.

>> No.15021126

12 actually

>> No.15021156

It's true though.

>> No.15021194

>with recommendation

>> No.15021200
File: 52 KB, 750x267, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f they are rich they can't be leftists
2500 Billionaires in the world. Over 2100 of them identify as Socialist. Socialist is about as far left as you can get. Less than 100 of them are conservative leaning.

>> No.15021202
File: 60 KB, 500x500, xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else disappointed that the normies are getting off the vaxx-train?
>I want them to get the shots. I want them to get the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, in perpetuity.
Yes, they need to be purged.

>> No.15021203

>bruce lee died because he drink to much water
That and a handful of muscle relaxers and other drugs.

>> No.15021277



Bruce Lee died because Chuck Norris.

>> No.15021362

Muy basado.

>> No.15021369

>Bruce Lee died because Chuck Norris.
Isn't Chuck Norris a god? Gods create life. He merely transcended Bruce Lee into the next plane of existence.

>> No.15021386

>Wouldn't the same thing apply to covid in general though?
Very likely, yes. He mainly talks about the cardiovascular side effects of stress. Measures were taken that reduced socialization and time outdoors, led to job loss, required people to get injections they did not want, crashed the economy, created division, postponed elective procedures and doctor appointments, created anxiety by constantly running death totals on news channels...yet it was the stress caused by the anti-vaxxers that are at fault for all that stress. Yeah, sure.

>> No.15021643
File: 702 KB, 1952x2760, SMNgrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mortally opposed ideologies of fascism and communism are 'le same'
Fuck off and kys, boomer.

>> No.15021806

Thank god i was wrong about the vaccines. It means my friends and family members will not wither and die to fulfill some made-up 2030 agenda. I'm still not gonna take it (the vaccine) but I humble myself in intellectual defeat.

>> No.15021822
File: 33 KB, 655x414, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascism and communism are 'le same'
They are. Crack a legit book sometime. Both are authoritarian forms of Socialism.

Socialism =
Communism (Extreme left wing socialism)
Democratic Socialism (moderate socialism)
Fascism (Right wing socialism)

ALL forms of Socialism are far left ideology.

>> No.15021980

your image says Left = government power, Right = individual liberty
>Fascism (Right wing socialism)
>All forms of Socialism are far left ideology
>Far left far right ideology???
>Maximum government power and individual liberty????

>> No.15021989

what exactly does the vaccine do besides give lifelong myocarditis?

>> No.15021991

it's true for most people

>> No.15021995

vaxcattle really are mental

>> No.15021999

novavax is still shit

>> No.15022085

Where's the reply? That was sent 10 months ago

>> No.15022099

>they are ineffective
That'd beyond dispute.

>caught COVID prior to vax's
>unpleasant flu
>get vax'd
>unpleasant cold
>get covid after vaxxing
>very mild cold
The vaxes failed to stop transmission at all, and it's impossible to guage their effectiveness as therapy since the covid strains now are so mild as to be very minor colds.

The anti-virals work quite well now too.