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15001424 No.15001424 [Reply] [Original]

Considering earth was completely ice-free for 80% of it's existance and life prospered much more during warmer periods, name ONE reason why I should care about global warming (I don't live near the sea).

>> No.15001428

you shouldn't care because it's probably not happening

>> No.15001431

Because other animals will be adapted to warmer temperatures, but humans aren't. We'll have to stop living near the equator and all 8 billion go live to alaska

>> No.15001451

Warming alone isn't specifically a standard heating up of the world; it would be a result of cooling and heating. Global cooling would also have a negative effect.

>> No.15001454


OP is a moron hopefully Santa brings his cionide this year..die in hell homo

>> No.15001468

They can't adapt fast enough, most will die
Do you like black people?

>> No.15001519

Do you live in a region that suffers from the effects? Then you should worry. Do you live in a region where you won't suffer from the effects? Well, prepare to share your room with 9 Africans who didn't find enough water and food in Africa.

>> No.15001588
File: 89 KB, 850x625, Global-warming-level-of-exceedance-of-extreme-Wet-Bulb-temperature-threshold-Global.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While people can live in very hot climates, the hottest climates always experience dry heat only, that people can deal with well. Global warming however, increases humid heat. Large swathes of land could become literally unlivable because of the heat.

>> No.15001602

>I don't live near the sea
then you are fucked, assuming global warming happens and so on everyone who lives in the coast will migrate to your land and take over your shit and turn it into an overpopulated wasteland like los angeles

>> No.15001676

>Well, prepare to share your room with 9 Africans who didn't find enough water and food in Africa.
Why? You don't have to be a cuck you know.

>> No.15001725

Because the whole infrastructure of your country relies on workers near the equator, and when they die, you die. No more pollution haven, no more cheap imports, no more affordable mobile phones and computers. The west would go back to the technology of 18th century but with modern capitalism.

>> No.15001756
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>name ONE reason why I should care about global warming
The fact you perpetuate the terminology by not caring about "it" is proof you buy into the psychosis. "It" being "global warming: the accurate description of fear pornography fantasy".


They were going to do that regardless of the climate because it's the money that drives them not the weather you dipshit. More fearmongering to get people who care about illegal immigration to care about your made up psychosis involving "Global warming". I'm not sharing shit with anyone and no one should be illegally immigrating to my country regardless of reason. Do it legally you pieces of shit. Don't like the weather? Get your corrupt shithole governments in order to provide you the archaic herzian waveform we first worlders refer to as "electricity" with your abundant oil reserves so that you may use A/C and heatpumps like the rest of us.
But no, instead you will buy into more fake news regarding "climate migrants" and "CO2 is bad" from the same media that covers up atrocities like the Sri Lanka starvation (caused by globalist nutcases who prevented them from using fertilizer for bullshit climate reasons). Netherlands and obviously the US/California is next. What will you fags say when you "save the planet" by causing Holodomor? You will say nothing because you were book learned retards who are too smart to be wrong or ever be held accountable. I hope for your sake that you're really just bots because you're not even human if you believe this bullshit.

>> No.15001787


>> No.15001870

I'm gonna make you work on a collective farm and confiscate all your grain and give it to niggers while they fuck your wife, faggozoid

>> No.15001877
File: 81 KB, 896x896, lookatye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna try and you're either gonna fail or end up with no living body to push your till.

>> No.15001941


>> No.15002084

>prepare to share your room wi-
Just kill them.

>> No.15002096

yeah it's going to be a disaster for countries around the equator.

politicians are going to have to set up refugee plans to relocate possibility billions of people to Alaska, Antarctica, Scandinavia, and Siberia.

>> No.15002099


>> No.15002114

The entire infrastructure in those areas would collapse under its own weight. How can you feed and govern 3+ billion Africans when you have your own population to care for as well.

>> No.15002126

Northern Canada too.

>> No.15002130

Like I said, politicians need to create a plan that would relocate these people and provide jobs for them. It's going to be a huge task but industrialized countries are responsible for climate change and the burden is on them for helping people who are victims of their irresponsible activities.

>> No.15002131

>politicians are going to have to set up refugee plans to relocate possibility billions of people to Alaska, Antarctica, Scandinavia, and Siberia.
No lol. Fuck niggers and fuck you.

>> No.15002134

The only reason those places are overpopulated is because of people like you and your "charity" causing them to reproduce without pressure. We should be sending you over there to live in the mess you made.

>> No.15002143

This is so idealist. Western politicians would just send them some aid or money with a note saying ‘Sowwy :’(. Unless a world government happens the primal factor of individualism will sway nation-state governments

>> No.15002144

I used to live in Africa for many years chud.

>> No.15002158

You should have stayed there. You deserve to be with your kind.

>> No.15002207

>I'm gonna make you work on a collective farm and confiscate all your grain and give it to niggers while they fuck your wife, faggozoid
Proof that you silly dumbfags never have an answer except fascistic terror fantasies that simply mirrors your subhuman roundworm existence. Please spread the vomit your faulty brain regards as "words" or even "sentences" in the sewer tunnel you belong to.

>> No.15002311

Oh no, that won't do, we need to import them to Europe and turn it into a dystopia.

>> No.15002333


Counterpoint: Strong borders.

>> No.15002530
File: 44 KB, 444x640, Global warming hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
Ponzi Scheme Hoax by the rich 1%

>> No.15003067
File: 118 KB, 1566x1141, 432841742668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound upset. Got anything beside facebook memes and buzzwords?

>> No.15003086

Me make number big to scare! Me think big number scary when small unit!

>> No.15003090

so you agree that the sea level is rising? Thanks

>> No.15003105

The entire Eastern Seaboard is sinking due to glacial rebound flexing the continental plate. You're just a cuckold with no geological background.

>> No.15003126

I merely addressed the claim that there was no sea level rise in NY. Glad to see we've moved on from "there's no sea level rise" to "AGW isn't the cause".

Do you have any papers that attribute all of observed sea level rise to glacial rebound? Thanks

>> No.15003132

>Considering earth was completely ice-free for 80% of it's existance and life prospered much more during warmer periods
Prove it
>Considering earth was completely ice-free for 80% of it's existance and life prospered much more during warmer periods,
Skiing is fun

>> No.15003133

>Do you have any papers that attribute all of observed sea level rise to glacial rebound? Thanks
Moving the goalpoasts. Red card for fallacious argumentation.

>> No.15003137

>Moving the goalpoasts. Red card for fallacious argumentation.
I know, right? First they post crap memes about no observed sea level rise, then they move on to "m-muh glaciers"

>> No.15003141

OP is a giant sloth or a Tyrannosaurus Rex

>> No.15003148

The only things wrong with fascism is its favoring of the rich elites, and its archaic obsession with racial/ethnic nationalism over cultural nationalism.

>> No.15003155

Pilpul. Black card for fallacious argumentation. Leave the stadium.

>> No.15003170

Okay, so far we have established that:
1. sea levels are rising,
2. post-glacial phenomena don't explain the entire observed sea level rise (still waiting for a proof otherwise).

Feel free to address the above claims. Otherwise: cope.

>> No.15004007

>world is colder than it was 8k years ago
>we are due for another ice age shortly

>> No.15004132

Sea level rise has not accelerated ever in history, and other parts of the continent are experiencing sea level decline, proving that it is related to glacial phenomena.

>> No.15004148

bruh it's supposed to be like 3°C not 300

>> No.15004264
File: 737 KB, 1168x2456, church-and-white-2006 + slrg-uoc + 2022-noaa-report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea level rise has not accelerated ever in history
Wrong. Here are just a few estimates of the modern sea-level rise acceleration:
[1] https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2005GL024826
[2] https://sealevel.colorado.edu/index.php/data/2021rel2

>other parts of the continent are experiencing sea level decline
Some parts, sure:
[3] https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/hazards/sealevelrise/sealevelrise-tech-report.html (see bottom of the pic)

>proving that it is related to glacial phenomena.
Yes, they're related. It's just that glacial phenomena, as I've already said, "don't explain the entire observed sea level rise."

>> No.15004265

Because without ice and snow white people would go extinct

>> No.15004267

>posts charts from 1995 with extremely small scale measurements to explain long term trends

Only the time periods that are convenient while you downplay other factors like solar activity and magnetic field strength.

Look back at a chart over the entire Holocene.

>> No.15004287
File: 597 KB, 622x1312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores an abstract that considers a time period from 1870 to 2004

>> No.15004290

Life is gay

>> No.15004292

>ignores the last 10,000 years with periods of extreme temperature changes, only ever visually chart the data the fits the narrative

>> No.15004317
File: 1.87 MB, 2562x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>periods of extreme temperature changes
Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

>> No.15004328
File: 234 KB, 1180x1089, younger-dryas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great source. The younger dryas warming was within 2 years, and may have been within days, its not possible to tell

>> No.15004346

Cute Greenland i.e. local temperatures graph.
So you agree that sea level rise has been accelerating for the last century or so?

>> No.15004356

>ignores a literal 20 degree Celsius temperature change within a decade that has persisted for 12,000 years, ignores all other studies showing the same temperature changes throughout the world during the periods on that chart

>posts a retard graph with no axis explanation, that is in AD/BC rather than BP

Yes the sea level is rising, yes, its down to an increase in solar particle output and the fact the earths magnetic field dropped by 15% in 200 years, and probably has dropped an incredible amount more in the last 10 years.

Co2 output is shown to have a massive lag on temperature change on all ice core samples.

Why is the earths magnetic field dropping 15+% allowing much more particle forcing in weather not something you people even consider?

>> No.15004358

>he doesn't know this has been proven true in all parts of the world
Glad you're here to LARP as a climate scientist, undergrad. Go back to studying.

>> No.15004384
File: 202 KB, 803x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've mentioned solar and magnetic causes again, yet provided not a single actual source. Does the 20th century solar/magnetic trend explains the global temperature or the sea level trend? If so, show the relevant papers. I'd wager you can't.

>> No.15004402






Combine this with the current geomagnetic climate:



Please read

>> No.15004403

You keep moving the goalposts and then "cite" studies that don't even examine the thing being talked about. Just go home. You're washed up.

>> No.15004413

Speaking of moving the goalposts: I'm glad that most seem to agree that
- sea levels are rising,
- the rising trend is accelerating.

>> No.15004543

First impressions:

Interesting - however, the paper doesn't prove a connection between climate and magnetic field. On the contrary, it relies on an hypothesis from Svensmark and Friis-Christensen (1997). Svensmark's hypothesis was evaluated by (for example) Bagó and Butler, 2000:

I merely skimmed through those, perhaps I'll find more time tomorrow. Besides, I had asked about linking modern temperatures/sea level rise to solar/magnetic trends.

Interesting, but doesn't explain modern trends - unless we've missed a recent 3-6 Sv solar storm I guess?

NASA has addressed the "weakening magnetic field vs. climate" claim here: https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3104/flip-flop-why-variations-in-earths-magnetic-field-arent-causing-todays-climate-change/

The related paper (Livermore et al. 2020) doesn't say much about the climate.

>> No.15004558

>- the rising trend is accelerating.
Completely unproven by you btw.

>> No.15004561

>NASA has addressed the "weakening magnetic field vs. climate" claim here: https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3104/flip-flop-why-variations-in-earths-magnetic-field-arent-causing-todays-climate-change/
That's unscientific cope to prevent the dissolution of a narrative the government is literally telling them to pursue. None of their complaints are satisfactory as there is no evidence behind them.

>> No.15004587

>Interesting, but doesn't explain modern trends - unless we've missed a recent 3-6 Sv solar storm I guess?

Don't worry you wont miss the next one.

The related paper (Livermore et al. 2020) doesn't say much about the climate.

No, it just shows we are undergoing the start of a magnetic excursion starting around 150 years ago. Those events are extremely tightly linked to climate changes and mass extinctions.

Regarding the NASA article you referenced, I wont be reading it. They open with the following claim:

"We’ll also discuss physics-based reasons why changes in the magnetic field can’t impact climate."

For my counter argument, please see mars.

>> No.15004601



>> No.15004658

>The related paper (Livermore et al. 2020) doesn't say much about the climate.

With this I am not really referencing the paper, just the movement of magnetic north.

Swap that with whatever study you want documenting the magnetic pole change since 1600 or before