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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 895 KB, 1958x1259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15003284 No.15003284 [Reply] [Original]

Look at what we did chat!

>> No.15003285

80mi flyby is going to the coolest fucking thing ever to see if they can keep the stream live

>> No.15003287

why is this even happening right now

>> No.15003295

Because the spacecraft launched a few days ago and is now nearing the moon.

>> No.15003296

where all da white stars at

>> No.15003298

Getting BLACKED.

>> No.15003302

just looking at that blackness of space is scary

>> No.15003304
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>> No.15003306

not so fast nasa, i know it takes a full second for light from the moon to reach earth. its not live at all. checkmate

>> No.15003307

Yeah, it's totally real and is really happening in real life.

>> No.15003311

dinosaur bones are just regular animal bones like elephants that deformed from millions of years of pressures and water. they never existed

>> No.15003312
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>> No.15003314

can you not see stars while in space? only on earth?

>> No.15003319

Would have to adjust the camera to capture those tiny specks, but then the rest of the image would look really blown out

>> No.15003322

>5000 miles out
about the distance of la to london. i thought this thing was going like 30,000 mph?

>> No.15003328

~600mph currently, will go 5000mph later

>> No.15003330

if its going to be just 80 miles above the surface in 1.5 hours its going faster than 600

>> No.15003333

Report it for desinformation. Earth is flat, so they are practicing desinformation

>> No.15003336

gravity truly is an amazing phenomenon

>> No.15003338

speed affected by gravity is not excluded from top speed

>> No.15003339

science changed though, they don't believe an asteroid killed dinos no more

>> No.15003340

It's accelerating

>> No.15003342

if the camera picked up sound would we hear anything at all?

>> No.15003343

It's all CGI bro, the "moon", the background space, the white dots, the plastic looking machine

>> No.15003346


>> No.15003349

Have sex, virgin.

>> No.15003353

how hard/easy would it be to fuck this up if youre controlling it? is it like "oops burned at 1 arcsecond too far to the left/for 1 second too long, its lost to space forever now" or is there a lot of leeway?

>> No.15003357

Is this supposed to be real ?

>> No.15003360

put like a 32k camera on some shit and launch it right into jupiter

>> No.15003362

If the mic was sensitive enough you would hear vibrations from within the spacecraft itself, but nothing else.

>> No.15003366

why/how would anything vibrate

>> No.15003367

Make me, bitch

>> No.15003369

It needs to be pretty precise, but you can make minor corrections after the burn as necessary.

>> No.15003370

if i took a shit on the moon would it stay there forever

>> No.15003374

>if I throw a ball up in the air it will never stop moving at any point until it hits the ground

>> No.15003378

There are various motors, pumps, thrusters, etc. That produce vibrations when in operation.
For example there is a life support system circulating air and a thermal management system circulating coolant.

>> No.15003381

>0.5 seconds after tossing the ball up
>whats its speed
>um 0 because its gonna stop on the ground in a few seconds

>> No.15003383

so theyre using this also to test life support systems for a manned trip?

>> No.15003384

It would eventually become buried in dust, but it would take a long time.

>> No.15003386

I mean besides dust or getting hit by a meteor. would it say in poop state forever? would the sun melt it?

>> No.15003390

>~5400 miles out
>~25 minutes pass
>traveling ~700mph during that span
>4100 miles out
maffs dont add up

>> No.15003392

They're testing everything on the spacecraft, but their number one objective in this mission is to test the heat shield during Earth re-entry.

>> No.15003394
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>> No.15003397
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theyre testing everything, they specifically took a slow gravity assist encounter so they could get more time to collect data

>> No.15003398

is there no way to just enter the atmosphere slower?

>> No.15003399

The moisture would boil off immediately so it might just kind of crumble. Depends on your diet I suppose.

>> No.15003402

a lot of indian chicken curry and garlic naan and mcdonalds

>> No.15003403
File: 2.68 MB, 560x420, art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moon is coming towards Orion, Orion is kinda just hanging still compared to the moon's orbit

>> No.15003407

You could use propellant to slow down, but it would take more than the spacecraft has.

>> No.15003408

you could jettison the black crew members

>> No.15003410

just not enough mass, not even a full slave ship of ejecting niggas would make a dent, itd be more economical to use rocket fuel

>> No.15003411

>open https://www.nasa.gov/specials/trackartemis/
>unity logo comes up
somewhere /g/ and /v/ are screaming

>> No.15003413
File: 66 KB, 1363x747, aremis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15003422

Why does it look so fake?

>> No.15003425

>Through Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon, paving the way for a long-term lunar presence and serving as a steppingstone to send astronauts to Mars. We are going.

>> No.15003426

idk, what should it look like

>> No.15003434

the announcer on liftoff was maximum cringe.

i cant wait to hear what woke bullshit they say when they land.

part of me is so excited to be going to the moon. but then another part of me wants it to fucking explode for the woke bullshit

>> No.15003436

no athmosphere so only lighting comes from direct source and reflections from surfaces, no diffusion, so naturally it would look like a toy
or it is a toy you decide

>> No.15003445

looks more real than any ksp mod ive seen

>> No.15003448

Imagine going to the moon and all the media wants to talk to you about is how youre a nigger

>> No.15003468

The 720p NASA experience

>> No.15003471

f youre not a white or asian man then your skin color and/or vagina is your identity. i recently binge watched all like 150 episodes of penn and teller's fool us, 4 magicians per show so with repeats like 500. every single black guy or woman could not shut up about how they were black/a woman doing le white mans things dey dont want us

>> No.15003475

shadows don't even match
low effort nasa

>> No.15003476
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who would be funny to photoshop into this

>> No.15003479
File: 170 KB, 1283x719, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy artemis streams with anime girl

>> No.15003480

because it is

>> No.15003481


>> No.15003482

>part of me is so excited to be going to the moon
You are not going to the moon, you are mentally ill

>> No.15003485
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this is ridiculous

>> No.15003486


>> No.15003490
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>hey catch!

>> No.15003491
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What the fuck?

>> No.15003493


>> No.15003502

>signal loss in 2 minutes
bruh wtf it really is fake and gay

>> No.15003503

how big is the actual living area in this thing?

>> No.15003506

if it was fake could they not just say they have another spacecraft on an angle giving signal?

>> No.15003511

dinosaurs don't exist and all the bones are plaster :)

>> No.15003512
File: 1.42 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 09-26-22 Artemis I Close Flyby of the Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15003513

vaccine face

>> No.15003514

le och vinka pojkar

>> No.15003516

they already are claiming to have telemetry

if they dont film it and post the flyby this will be the most baka cringe onion waste of time, they being NASA means my expectations are low

>> No.15003518


>> No.15003519

>telemetry driven animation

>> No.15003521
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>> No.15003526
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>> No.15003528

>anime girl calls it "orion-chan"

>> No.15003530


The only thing more ridiculous than the cardboard cutout of the moon is the design of the craft, it has so many rivets and doodads on the outside precisely to dare you call their bluff.

>> No.15003531

>look at me I'm le whore, look at me

>> No.15003533
File: 118 KB, 509x339, istockphoto-921345702-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got just the right thing for you honey *unzips*

>> No.15003536


>> No.15003540

weight is expensive, hence you make the most rickety looking thing you can imagine that is still within safe tolerances

>> No.15003542

Really though, why don't we have relay satellites at L2, L4, L5 Lagrange points to keep uplink to DSN? Surely we will need that before commercial Lunar operations are viable.

>> No.15003543
File: 139 KB, 1534x1143, AS15-85-11471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weight is expensive

>> No.15003546

yeah? every kilogram of weight is like 20 kilograms of fuel to get it into orbit

>> No.15003550

well they are supposedly going to put a small space station into lunar orbit so i guess they will use that

>> No.15003554


>> No.15003557

even if space was real you would never go there

>> No.15003559

arent there already satellites around the moon? Id imagine theyre all just antiquated and only good for telemetry and basic transmission

>> No.15003560

space doesn't exist, gravity doesn't exist, lagrange points don't exist
that's why

>> No.15003561


peanut brain: fuel is expensive therefore we will make the vehicles as sturdy as possible to raise their chance of survival to the best of our abilities in order to minimize the amount of trips

GALAXY BRAIN: fuel is expensive therefore we will make piles of junk that look like they were botched together by hillbillies in order to maximize the amount of trips

>> No.15003563


>> No.15003572

>it's le real because it looks le fake :)))

>> No.15003575

>its fake because i think it looks fake

>> No.15003576

what did the schizos mean by this.
how low iq do you have to be to think apollo photos are fake

>> No.15003584

Damn, look at that tiny lil blue dot
I'm there

>> No.15003587

for earth to be center frame like that they must have actually gotten signal a lot sooner, ofc they gotta hide the aliens from us

>> No.15003593

How would that minimize the amount of trips? I'm not getting this

>> No.15003594

>hide the aliens
kek the US government literally said aliens disabled their nukes LMAO

>> No.15003596

The camera wouldn't be able to see shit once it entered Jupiter's atmosphere and the winds would break it in seconds.

>> No.15003601
File: 104 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10-02-27 Artemis I Close Flyby of the Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15003604
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>the winds would break it in seconds
why didn't the cameras used to film nuke tests break?

>> No.15003605
File: 29 KB, 381x382, b51986fd64fef87b8adcd363a3996fdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image of the moon in bloodborne
do flat earthers now get mad at the moon literally existing?

>> No.15003716
File: 3.80 MB, 3840x2160, 1669031782906478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did NASA mean by this?

>> No.15003720
File: 371 KB, 2220x1080, 1669032011767206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon egg

>> No.15003738

>i cant wait to hear what woke bullshit they say when they land.

>> No.15003743

>You are not going to the moon, you are mentally ill
says the tranny

>> No.15003784

trannies don't exist and you will never go to space, let alone the moon (even if space was real)

>> No.15003788

What if you aren't real? Can you prove it? There's more evidence of space being real than you being real.

>> No.15003789

cope trannoid you're literally arguing with your own delusions

>> No.15003791

When is SpaceX going to do a round around the Moon?

>> No.15003794

>your own delusions
you will never go to space and you will never be a comfy truckerino on mars or whatever it is you basedboys daydream about

>muh sophism

>> No.15003795

Long time. The rocket doesn't even work yet.

>> No.15003799

>when is based elonino taking us to le moon!
never, dumbfuck
wasn't le car in space enough for you? your cockroach milk is getting cold

>> No.15003800

>>>15003789 (You) #
>>your own delusions
>you will never go to space and you will never be a comfy truckerino on mars or whatever it is you basedboys daydream about
>>>15003788 #
>>muh sophism
>>>15003791 #
>>when is based elonino taking us to le moon!
>never, dumbfuck
>wasn't le car in space enough for you? your cockroach milk is getting cold
what are you seething at tranny

>> No.15003806

if you call me a tranny enough times maybe based muskerino will give you a free ticket to mars

>> No.15003810

you really dislike being called that huh

>> No.15003811



>> No.15003812

why can't you cope with the fact that you're never going to space?

>> No.15003814

>>>15003810 (You) #
>why can't you cope with the fact that you're never going to space?
what is it that makes you seethe so much tranny

>> No.15003815

>BURRRRP morty the moon is collapsing into its spaghettification horizon

>> No.15003819

you didn't answer

>> No.15003821

that's because you aren't talking to me tranny

>> No.15003824

keep it up
elonino has reserved a place for you in the based white ethnostate on mars

>> No.15003832

Fucking idiot, you were talking to me

>> No.15003833

>>>15003821 (You) #
>keep it up
>elonino has reserved a place for you in the based white ethnostate on mars
getting insanely flustered by his own delusions

>> No.15003841
File: 27 KB, 1399x951, I FOOOOOOOOOOOOKIN LUUUUUUUUV OUR BIG BLEU BEUTIFUL HOEM1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The craft is supposed to be garbage can.

>> No.15003845

based posts
you elite specimens will make a fine addition to the based white ethnostate on mars
praise spacex and science

>> No.15003846

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15003853

holy fr*cknuggets... we're so heckin small and insignificant... I'll go back to my pod to eat the bugs now...

>> No.15003856

Where has this musk Mars shit come from?

>> No.15003863

same place "niggers are the reason we don't have space elevators" comes from

>> No.15003870

you must be really mad. what are you seething at

>> No.15003871

I'm mad because you're never going to space

>> No.15003874

He'll never go to space.
I'll never find love.
You'll never be a woman.

We're all lacking, anon, no need to rub it in.

>> No.15003876

>>>15003870 (You) #
>I'm mad because you're never going to space
what is there to be mad about

>> No.15003936

I genuinely got sad when I heard that faggot announcer, America needs a good war, maybe one that features a land invasion into the states this time

>> No.15003984

>a land invasion into the states
that started a long time ago

>> No.15004987


needs a soundtrack.
