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15001557 No.15001557 [Reply] [Original]

>btfo's the scientific method and academia in your path

>> No.15001583
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>shows a lot of irregularities about the planet's past
>points out weird coincidences in migration in correlation to various impacts
>shows evidence of large scale devastation and flooding
>is legitimately bringing up good information and some things should be revised
>also has his own theories that are completely personal and for fun
>everyone uses this as a method to discredit him

>> No.15001671

They hate him for shaming them, and for proving that Whites taught civilization to the world.

>> No.15001679

>also has his own theories that are completely personal and for fun
>sells millions of books and shows teaching people his crackpot ideas
>completely personal

>> No.15001681

Go back to /pol/, racist chud.

>> No.15001690

Yes, they are. His retarded ass shit sells, but he always insists that they are just his theories.
There's so much retardation being spread in the world at the moment, why are you defending the actions of academics dismissing good evidence because the guy makes a living from his personal theories?

>> No.15002327

psudo but comfy af

>> No.15002355

>didnt name the jew
into the trash

>> No.15002373
File: 501 KB, 607x1455, goback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you tranny hall monitors are much more annoying than any bigoted comment and contribute much more negatively to board culture

try going back to the site you came from instead of shitting on ours faggot

>> No.15002394

This desu. I don't care what bullshit he comes up with, it's creative and fun compared to the tired shit political activists in academia keep pushing.

>> No.15002397

actually buvo (I know I spelled this wrong) did name sort of name the jew before he died. He said it took him a long time realize that there is in fact an international conspiracy to cover up what people like them were trying to expose about hidden history

>> No.15002434

alt archaeology is a fun subject, it's great to see this guy got a documentary deal. anyone seen it yet?

>> No.15002443

he has been doing documentaries for over 20 years bud

>> No.15002447 [DELETED] 

oh I didn't know, I'm only 15 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 40 seconds

>> No.15002456

I saw it, my roommate is really into this stuff. I keep having to explain to him that no, there is no pre-civilization which got destroyed. If there were where are the cities? Where is the agriculture? Where is their inventions and writing?
But, but they're underwater!

Okay dumbass, when agriculture and cities began they took over all of Europe and Asia in a matter of centuries. Yet this idiot is suggesting that someone invented civilization all on their own with no input or trade with anyone else then disappeared from 1 catastrophe never to be seen again. It's mind bogglingly stupid. It is however neat if you're a fantasy fiction writer.

>> No.15002465

what seems so ridiculous about a giant cataclysm wiping out an ancient civilization?

if you rule this possibility out, when do you insist civilization started? how could YOU possibly know whether or not previous civilizations sprouted up and died within the 10s of thosands of years of pre-history?

>> No.15002477

It relies on the idea that this ancient civilization created a city and agriculture and nobody living in it ever thought to itself, gee whiz, there's all this empty open land out there I think I'll make a second city somewhere else. If cities and agriculture are a great idea then we should see evidence of dozens of cities from this civilization. We don't. It's a massive flaw in a stupid idea. The guy's a retarded hack who keeps getting told to either produce evidence of this civilization or fuck off. He refuses to do either and makes idiots online fall for his stupidity.

It IS admittedly a neat idea for a fantasy novel.

>> No.15002483

and you are wrong and stupid. All those things are easily found. But here is the secret .... you have to look first moron!

>> No.15002489

That's not necessarily true at all, you're inventing arbitrary parameters that allow you to dismiss the idea without justifying them.

>It relies on the idea that this ancient civilization created a city and agriculture and nobody living in it ever thought to itself, gee whiz, there's all this empty open land out there I think I'll make a second city somewhere else.
Maybe they did it in a way that you wouldn't recognize. Maybe all of the cities were wiped away in the cataclysm. Maybe technology was more necessarily localized in an ice age.

You're discounting the idea as if it's completely ridiculous, but you can't justify why you think so. I sense the same institutionalist bias that clotshot advocates and people who believe in mass media display, you're looking for an excuse to dismiss new information instead of assessing things objectively and accepting that it could very well be true.

Again, when do you think civilization started, since you're so sure? It's not enough to shut down claims, you must also back your own theory of the case or you're just shitflinging.

>> No.15002501


>> No.15002510

Okay, then produce the evidence. Not 'hey this looks neat, I bet they learned this from some previous unknown civilization'. Show me the cities.

This is idiocy. We have the remains of cities which were burned to the ground. We have the remains of cities which were covered in lava. We have the remains of cities washed away in floods, flattened by earthquakes and buried in landslides. To suggest that a dozen or more cities simply vanished is stupid. Either produce evidence or fuck off.

And no, suggesting that 'oh but there was only 1 or 2 cities!' is also stupid. We know how humans work, they are not unknowable alien life forms who's thoughts are inscrutable. Humans take good ideas and share them through trade. Nothing about your argument makes any sense.

>> No.15002532

You're not even making an argument, you're digging your heels in at "SHOW ME EVIDENCE OF A DOZEN CITIES NOW" and crossing your arms with a "hmph" when we correctly point out your unfounded arrogance and lack of debate skills.

Step 1 of finding the cities you want to find is acknowledging that they could possibly exist in the first place. To do so, you have to stop denying and dodging the question of a world-ending cataclysm (which I've picked up as the psychological reason you reject this theory, it frightens you) ending this civilization at some point in the distant past.

Again, you MUST if you are a rational person, acknowledge that Graham Hancock COULD possibly be right. You don't even need to affirm this, the structure of your arguments thus far has placed supremacy on reason itself, and your reason dictates that you acknowledge he COULD be right. We will begin our debate when you make this basic concession of Truth.

>> No.15002533



this is my personal video archive, a playlist called hidden history

yw for spoon feeding you

>> No.15002546

He does this in multiple threads, it's sad that I can tell who it is just from how obnoxiously vapid his posts are.

>> No.15002563

All those destroyed cities that we know of aren't 14,000 years old

>> No.15002582

>Be White People
>Get head start while Jews finish their selective breeding program
>25% of world's population, control the Americas, Europe, India, Africa, Australia, and huge swaths of Asia. Even China is a thrall of the Whites.
>Flash forward
>Jews take back ancestoral homeland
>Lose control of Latin America (White ruling elite has lost serious power)
>Black POTUS
>Lose all holdings in Africa
>Lose almost all holdings in Asia. Russia, the remaining White power with Asian holdings is a shit show and is in the process of becoming a thrall to China, the Tartar yolk restored.
>London, New York City, and Paris majority non-White
>US, UK, France, and Germany all minority White with this generations' lifetime
>Now just 8.7% of population, less than 5% of under 18s
>Europe will become minority European far more rapidly than Americas became minority Amerindian.
>Largest economy now Asiatic
>Wealthiest Westerners own growing, vastly disproportionate amount of wealth; Jews are 25-33% of billionaires despite being a tiny minority, owning far more than hundreds of millions of Whites combined
>Massive overrepresentation of Jews in major achievement in science and math. Also cultural institutions
White's aren't shit. They have been absolutely BTFO. I'm half white and used to rage on /pol/ about other darkies, but then I realized blacks are to whites as whites are to Jews. There is only one master race, success speaks for itself. I don't even hate anymore. If any people go transhuman and colonize the stars it still be the Jews.

>> No.15002593
File: 58 KB, 1130x678, IM_NOT_A_SHILL_GOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im half white I promise goy I-I meaa fellow whites

>> No.15002662

>This is idiocy. We have the remains of cities which were burned to the ground. We have the remains of cities which were covered in lava. We have the remains of cities washed away in floods, flattened by earthquakes and buried in landslides. To suggest that a dozen or more cities simply vanished is stupid. Either produce evidence or fuck off.
>And no, suggesting that 'oh but there was only 1 or 2 cities!' is also stupid. We know how humans work, they are not unknowable alien life forms who's thoughts are inscrutable. Humans take good ideas and share them through trade. Nothing about your argument makes any sense.
We know for an absolute fact that many monuments in the Middle East and South America are from before the cataclysm and were simply reused by later civilizations (or not! Tiwanaku was never re-used extensively). We know this because Tiwanaku, for example, has docks positioned where the lakeshore would have been before massive geological upheaval dated to over 10,000 years ago shifted the entire plateau down on one side and made the lake flow down entirely into the north half of its basin.

>> No.15002666

Trannyhumanism, demoralization, yeah I'm with >>15002593 on this one.

>> No.15002832

There no good evidence for his fantastical ideas though. No one questions that ancient people were more advanced than previously thought, however his theories about lost advanced civilizations are bullshit, especially when he has previously written about Atlantis nonsense. There’s mountains of artifacts of ice age people, yet this flood only completely, 100% wiped out the artifacts of this fantastic civilization

>> No.15002836

No evidence of a cataclysm of that magnitude, the scabland flooding only impacted NW North America. The floods that inspired flood myths are known and local to that region.

>> No.15002837

Go take your HRT.

>> No.15002841

>he doesnt know about the iridium layer is or the massive creator in the yucatan
Why do stupid people act like they know things they dont? I am an anthropology minor and the iridum layer is common knowledge, 101 level shit. I know you are s psued hack so would you like me to explain the significance of the iruidum layer to you?

>> No.15002843

The best evidence is Gobekli Tepe which shows ancient hunter-gatherer / proto-agriculturalists could form a stable society and build cool structures. Doubt there's Atlantis out there, but I support niggas trying to find evidence of it

>> No.15002845


>> No.15002847

>btfo scientific method
Interesting way of saying "I make shit up" and "it came to me in a dream"

>> No.15002860

whites have already lost.
At a certain point it stops being demoralization and starts being the objective truth. Everything he said in that post is factually correct. The only way to start reversing it, is to acknowledge that its' happening.
This is why whites are being genocided, they still have delusions of grandeur, and don't realize how fucked they truly are.

>> No.15002874

there is a billion white people on this planet. We aint going no where bud sorry to burst your bubble. your tribe however .... future doesnt look so great

>> No.15002875

>whites have already lost.
>so just give up, goyim.
That's quite the nose you've got.

>> No.15002876

You mean the impact that happened 66 million years ago? What does that have to do with anything in this topic?
The melt water pulses of the collapse of the ice sheets at their fastest, raised sea level by 30-40 cm per year. It clearly wasn’t as he claims a global tsunami of a sudden 30m wave rolling in.

>> No.15002882

Pole shift sloshback.

>> No.15002901

>there is a billion white people on this planet. We aint going no where bud sorry to burst your bubble. your tribe however .... future doesnt look so great
As I said delusions of grandeur. There are only 745 million whites left on earth. That sound like a lot, until you realize there are 1.5 Billion Africans Alone. Taking in to consideration the stagnant birth rates of whites; for every BMWF couple, there is one less white person. When you add up all the other interracial parings like WMAF it isn't hard to see a world where whites become extinct.
But go ahead, call me a Jew for using logic.
The funny part is, you probably fantasize about fucking Asian women not realizing that YOU are a part of the problem.

>> No.15004392



>> No.15004407

Slate is one of the outlets pleading for clemency for them for their slander against pharma resisters. Food for thought.

>> No.15004465

guy is literally saying niggers wrote and documented the seeds to civilizations

>> No.15004568

You mean Egyptians?

>> No.15005289
File: 30 KB, 568x335, 12321262_201756906863879_7836387250656785094_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible already blows away science and academia(which is based on naturalism)

>> No.15005330

shows like this are a really fun kinda guilty pleasures.

>> No.15005408

incredibly biased strawman

>> No.15005417

doesn't look at a single argument presented by Hancock, attempts to smear him by association with another person who appears on the show and claims Hancock is twisting the words of other people to suit his agenda. Basic personal attack stuff, later argues people should ignore his claims entirely so it doesn't waste real academics time and that people who are interested should simply read wikipedia lol.

>> No.15005427

They're so transparent aren't they? It's only sad that people trust them.

>> No.15005462

The Bible is unironically shit tier in terms of mythology and philosophy

>> No.15005481
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>> No.15005562
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>> No.15005635

That's ironic give the guy in OP bases his entire theory on the flood(which is recounted in the Bible et al.)

>> No.15005638

I don't think they hate Christainity, not directly at least. They hate the western degenerate society, which though on paper The West is still Christian, it's actually atheistic hedonistic nightmare