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14995593 No.14995593 [Reply] [Original]

A flock of sheep in Inner Mongolia have been walking in a circle for over 3 days and nobody knows why.

>> No.14995604

They're signalling that they are unhappy with the current threat to our democracy.

>> No.14995628


>> No.14995630

>Although there are 34 sheep pens at the farm, only the sheep in one of the pens — number 13 — have been acting this way.
the cursed pen

>> No.14995648

radiowave pollution and synthetic telepathy

>> No.14995676

They're protesting against the discrimination of LGBTBBQ's and slave labour at the Qatar WC

>> No.14995685

Could be an artifact of their natural flocking behavior being constrained by the pen they're in. Something about that particular location and size of the pen is causing their natural behavior to sort of fold in on itself. Move one of the walls of the pen and see if the looping behavior becomes something more complex or brownian.

>> No.14995699

Caused by a shift in earth's magnetic field. animals are more sensitive to it.

>> No.14995791

Ants do it often

>> No.14995796

honestly, the twitter video itself says it's a bacterial infection that causes one-sided brain damage, and circling is common

>> No.14995803
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, slow and heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesnt the shepherd stop it?

>> No.14995811

I do that when I'm severely constipated

>> No.14995815

They've heard a New Zealander is coming to visit and none of them want to be at the back of the queue.

>> No.14995829

siberian witches
it's why the deer in Russia are all kinds of wrong, also

>> No.14995831
File: 161 KB, 839x1200, 0_Cvxckmysx6Mb_uC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides are in picrel

>> No.14995925

Sheep aren't as highly evolved and don't make such extensive use of path signaling chemicals as ants.

>> No.14995955

It's true

>> No.14996141

Little do they know we like it when they struggle a bit.

>> No.14996184

They converted to islam but forgot to build a black box to walk in circles around.

>> No.14996187

if you tell a bunch people to walk in random direction in a limited space, they will end up walking in concentric circles. Takes a couple of seconds to form up.
Once you get into that motion, you can't stop or change direction to sharply, as you will start bumping into others or others into you, which for a sheep might mean it will get picked off by wolves.
This is not just some subconscious herd programing either, it's just spatial mechanics.
In large groups, individuals start behaving like fluid particles and you get vortexes, streams, pressure waves, turbulances, etc.
That's why people get crushed in mobs like in Korea the other day
people think they can just stand their ground - they can't, you need to keep walking until the pressure drops

I couldn't find video from the human study I've seen like a decade ago, so here are ants I guess

>> No.14997541
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>> No.14997794
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>A flock of sheep in Inner Mongolia have been walking in a circle for over 3 days and nobody knows why.
They sense a disturbance in the force.

>> No.14997830
File: 7 KB, 400x218, lufberry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a lufbery circle. they've assumed a defensive formation

>> No.14998033
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>Explain This Scientifically
Staged hoax.
The farmer spent weeks training one of his sheep to walk in circles and the remaining sheep copied it like sheep.

>> No.14998044

Could be why nobody has been able to stop them

>> No.14998890


They were told that it would prevent COIVD.

>> No.14999340
File: 128 KB, 1440x711, Transphobia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A flock of sheep in Inner Mongolia have been walking in a circle for over 3 days and nobody knows why.

I asked my WOKE SJW friend why and Xe said it is obviously because the farmer is failing to allow the sheep to express their inter-sexual desires.

>> No.14999369

This pic is hilarious.

>> No.14999411

I've heard that something like this can happen with ants because of how they lay pheromone trails. They'll get caught endlessly walking in a closed loop following the same trail over and over again until they run out of energy, because they're laying more pheromone and reinforcing the loop

>> No.14999415

theyre chinese sheep so 13 isnt unlucky

>> No.14999427

its called a death spiral.

>> No.14999493

They're on the lam.

>> No.15000360

The Chinese are experimenting with focused 6G tech via satellites.

>> No.15000759

It’s like an ant death circle but for sheep