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14994129 No.14994129 [Reply] [Original]

Why is kissing considered some default gesture of romance? Mouths are for eating, breathing, and making noises. No other animals kiss. Putting your lips and tongue together is so arbitrary. Makes as much sense as rubbing your elbows.

>> No.14994138
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>op btfod

>> No.14994145

If you weren't a bot, you could have figured out the answer through self-reflection.

>> No.14994150

Because our ancestors used to chew on food and pass it to the mouth of their loved ones, to feed then

>> No.14994168

Retard-tier takes like this are why so many people become convinced that evo psych is pseudoscience.

>> No.14994173

Neurotic overthinking like this is why you're a virgin

We kiss because its intimate and feels nice

>> No.14994241
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>> No.14994242

Are you a bot?

>> No.14994247

No, why would a bot reply to your shitty post?

>> No.14994260

If you're not a bot, why did you think simply referencing what I've just dismissed makes sense?

>> No.14994271

I posted the wikipedia article that proves what I said is true. Read where it says premastication fuking autist

>> No.14994276

>proves what I said is true
Are you insane?

>> No.14994284

I guess human females have had a lot of selective advantage in evolution that comes with their intelligence. They can require you to beat your competition, gather tons of resources, have good genetics, and give them tokens of loyalty including romance and kissing.

In many other animals, the male just gets to round 'em up and mount 'em up. No kissing required. Lucky fellas.

>> No.14994335

nerve endings equals pleasure and to build a herd immunity.
sharing mouth biomes are not only the ultimate sense of personal space, but it's also essential to health when spending time literally touching eachother just to stay warm/save space, like all nest-builders do.

>> No.14994338

incel take

>> No.14994340

>Why is kissing considered some default gesture of romance?
Is it really universal? I doubt there doesn't exist cultures outside that don't value kissing as much. And romance is not inherit to humans, it learned.

>> No.14994407

What the fuck, serious? It feels really good.

>> No.14994419

sharing microbe biomes so both organisms have the same bacteria ecosystem

>> No.14994471

Kissing is a chore

>> No.14994478

It feels like nothing. It was a big scam. You all told me it felt good and when I finally did it, I felt nothing special. I still failed to cum from it despite doing it for hours with my gf

>> No.14994480


>> No.14994536

It's called culture OP. You'd understand if you went outside every now and then

>> No.14994688
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>Mouths are for eating, breathing, and making noises.

For the majority of animal species, they are also a way of gathering information about the world. Why do u think babies instinctively put everything in their mouth?

Kissing is a great way for your immune system to gather info about a potential mate. If u pay attention, it can also tell u about psychological variables as well

>> No.14994700

Sharing breath is considered one of the most intimate things you can do. To contrast the Western kiss, consider the Polynesian nose touch. Sharing breath by holding one's nose beside one's lover's or close friend's was considered the most intimate gesture in many Polynesian societies. All cultures either do one of these two things, kissing or nose-to-nose contact.

>> No.14994716

as a male how else will you absorb her dna into your body?

>> No.14994740
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>> No.14994779

On some level, I find it repulsive as well. My mouth is supposed to be my sacred space and now this thing wants to get in?

Never been kissed though so just speculation on my part.

>> No.14995048

>Never been kissed though
didn't need to specify that, we can tell

>> No.14995052

Nuptial gifts are common

>> No.14995054

I remember fapping to that set of pictures of adriana lima as a teen, those pictures must be almost 20 years old by now.

>> No.14995058

>Mouths are for eating, breathing, and making noises
vagina is for piss and ass is for poop

>> No.14995065

That's true.

>> No.14995073

>vagina is for piss

>> No.14995079
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>> No.14995083

Most African tribes don't kiss.
It's not a human universal.

>> No.14995098

seriously though it does feel a bit good, although when i was young i was told it ONLY feels good to women, which is untrue

>> No.14995110

i also felt notin, and sometimes the mouth is smelly, i only do this too look normal when i was a teen

>> No.14995135

I only kissed 1 time.
It was with my first and only gf in 3rd grade.
She lived 2 doors down and we used to spend a lot of time together playing outside.
One day I was up a tree and she was sitting on the grass next to it and kept telling me to come down because she wanted to "tell me something."
I finally came down and she said if I asked her to be my gf she might say yes. So I asked her and she said yes.
The next day we were playing in the woods and I was building a """"house"""" for us. She said she wanted to show me a secret and grabbed my hand and took me to a little meadow by a stream. She told me to close my eyes. I did and she kissed me. I remember opening my eyes in shock and she had her eyes closed and then opened them and stared into mine.
Anyways, I never recovered from all of that, it was too magical. I'm now a 33 year old virgin.

>> No.14995144

I'm sure where there is no kissing, there are substitutes in humans for pair bonding. Women are never going to put up with reproduction with no pair bonding rituals

>> No.14995255

You're missing out on nothing. I just lost my virginity a month ago and it wasn't as good as fapping, kissing wasn't as good as fapping either.
Telling you that it's good is just bullshit normies created to make you feel bad. I look forward to my daily fap more than the sex I could get .

>> No.14995282

lips are an erogenous zone and the most sensitive one outside of the groin

>> No.14995295

She tried to have sex with me later on when we were teens but I was too autistic to understand what was happening.
We grew up together and weren't really """bf/gf""" after elementary school but all my experiences with girls came from her and when I moved away at 18 that was it.
It feels weird to grow up with a person since you were little kids and then they are just gone. Like I said I'm in my 30s now, even though I failed hard because autism I realize I will never have a connection that is built on stuff like that ever again.

>> No.14995297

i just want to know what it's like to kiss a girl

>> No.14995299

When youre fucking a girl deep in the pussy, also putting your tongue in her mouth while thrusting balls deep..virgin OP detected.

>> No.14995319

Other animals kiss. Almost every mammal will have some form of show of affection which involves rubbing its face into the face of what it likes.
Kissing and close contact offers the advantage that it will acclimate you to the germs and bacteria of the people who are most likely to infect you. Maybe it's not the final or effective cause but it is a possible factor to consider.

>> No.14995320

Depends if she kisses well. Bad kissers are a terrible thing, and it absolutely has nothing to do with how the girl looks or acts.

>> No.14995357

Evo psych is nothing but retarded takes, so yeah. The sky is also blue, water is wet, and if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.

>> No.14995360

When did people start calling anons "4channers"?

>> No.14995396

Are you retarded? Kissing is a cultural practice - these don't need to abide by muh logic. It's like asking why people hug. If you wanted to get into the nitty gritty science of it, the intimacy of kissing (skin on skin contact) releases serotonin and strengthens bonds between people. Plus it feels really fucking good.

>> No.14995404
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>Are you retarded? Kissing is a cultural practice - these don't need to abide by muh logic. It's like asking why people hug. If you wanted to get into the nitty gritty science of it, the intimacy of kissing (skin on skin contact) releases serotonin and strengthens bonds between people. Plus it feels really fucking good.

>> No.14995405

oxytocin* Got the two confused there, my bad.

>> No.14995409

Primo. Am gay. But I also love macking while jackhammering that shit.

>> No.14995442

Lips and mouth are an erogenous zone chud. Someone you like getting in your face and trying to shove their tongue down your throat is hot. Normally this should be arousing because those areas are erogenous and conceptionally it's very lewd. Swapping spit and eating face and the like. As to why those areas are erogenous it could be a behavior that influences the levels of certain hormones or neurotransmitters. I've heard the idea that it's a way to test the immunologic compatibility of potential mates through saliva acquisition via smooching.

>> No.14995461
File: 58 KB, 214x268, H.O.M.U.N.C.U.L.U.S[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kissing is a cultural practice
>Plus it feels really fucking good
fist bumping is a cultural practice but it doesn't feel really fucking good you pseud.

>> No.14995469

can you read? what point are you even trying to make

>> No.14995682

April 19, 2018

>> No.14995703

It's symbolic of hunger, then it is abstracted as a hunger of love and thus is satisfied by another desiring mouth.

>> No.14995722

Both hunger and sexual desire are intrinsic, directly experienced impulses, there is no need for one to be expressed as an analogy or symbol of the other.

>> No.14995726

you immediately intuit

>> No.14995727

In ancient times when the man would come home after a hunt and not have anything, the woman would kiss him to make sure he wasn't lying and eaten the food himself. Then it became a funny gigaboomer(caveman) joke to say you didn't catch any food, then the woman would kiss the man and taste food and, with a big smile on his face, the man would say "ha ha got you good honey". This would arouse the woman and kissing evolved into what it is today.

tldr: always kiss women after you eat

>> No.14995728

Never got the appeal of kissing either. Maybe it feels something above neutral if you do it with somewhat you truly care about instead of a random sloot.

>> No.14995739

elbows aren't nearly as sensitive as touching lips
it's the same reason why we rub nipples or massage feets or look and talk to someone we like
we want to sense each other and express and communicate good feels
simple as

>> No.14995773

Hunger as an abstraction is in all humans, hunger for food is just one aspect.

>> No.14995783

No it isn't you fucking retard, hunger is when you want to eat food. Then it is used as an abstraction for general desire, and you come along and put it as an abstraction first.
Hmm gee I wonder which came first, the generalized abstraction or the sensation of your stomach's walls churning against one another.

>> No.14995863

The (your?) post offered exactly zero explanatory power and was mostly invalid due to incorrectly saying kissing is a "cultural practice" since every human naturally tries to do it irrespective of culture. Outside of the incorrect parts it's merely listing basic facts around the concept of kissing that almost everyone already knows. It doesn't answer OP's questions at all but condescendingly acts like it does, hence pseud.

>> No.14995929

Not the guy you were replying to, but I was the one that wrote the original response. I think you're right and I have to take back what I said since now that I think about it, I didn't offer any real explanation, like you said. That aside though, I was wondering if you had an explanation for kissing because I'd like to know too since my original ideas on kissing were debunked.

>> No.14996182

Impressive. Anon, I've got some pizza here and do like you guys' posts. I want to show my love for you, come closer.

>> No.14996186
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>I'm now a 33 year old virgin.

>> No.14996212

projecting virgins.

i kiss and fuck regularly. warm sloppy lips and tongues and clanging teeth is not fun or erotic. and when the girl wants to kiss every 5 fucking minutes its just annoying. i feel nothing from kissing

>> No.14996268

God created man from darkness and formed the mouths. He poured his blood(divine soul) into all of us. By tasting another’s tongue we taste God.

>> No.14996270


>> No.14996297

>one of the most intimate things you can do
what is the MOST intimate thing you can do? Asking for a fren no bulli plz

>> No.14996337

It's not arbitrary. Animals fundamentally are digesting tubes. The anus and mouth are the most important exterior-facing bits (I am not making this up). Naturally, the mouth is extremely sensitive. Hence, displays of intimacy.

>> No.14996406
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kek, or as the kids say, "OMEGALUL"

>> No.14997775
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Sex is bascially romanticising cannibalism.

We try to suck, nibble, swallow our lovers during sex.

Kissing = form of chewing, licking, eating.
Nuzzling boobs = feeding action.
Oral sex, both fellatio and cunnilingus = self explanitory.

Intercourse is about the only non-oral form of sex, and it is a form of "stabbing" and invading the female host, so a form of violence as well.

That's why bitches like food so much, it replaces their need to be "filled" and "eat".

Give them coom to swallow instead. Low calorie, good for them to swallow.

>> No.14998051 [DELETED] 

It's clear that kissing releases oxytocin which is known to create much stronger relationship bonds like you said. However, it would make more sense for only men to get attached to a woman so the man is more inclined to protect her, women don't particularly need to be attached to one partner: there's always some simp who will protect her even if she's banging chad. And in terms of selecting the best genes it doesn't really make sense that females get a rise out of kissing. They shouldn't get attached to one man: he could die at any time and she could sneak off and cuck him for better genes etc. Also like you said there is a bit of chemical exchange in saliva, maybe that benefit females someone, but I don't think women refuse a mate due to "chemicals they sense" in saliva, but I don't know. Maybe that's what women mean when they say "he was a bad kisser" and they don't realize it.

These conundrums could indicate that men and women enjoy kissing for different gene propagating success strategies. It's possibly more successful for the man to be attached to one woman to protect her, but for women some other reason. Maybe since humans have the largest penises of all primates the women need extra help in getting aroused to lubricate the vagina, so kissing is a step in that process that benefits women. But in terms of fitness women should be more attracted to rapists who don't care if their vagina is dry.

It's all quite paradoxical at this point. And of course this still doesn't answer OPs question: why the lips? This only potentially answers why the benefits of kissing, but you could get almost the same benefits rubbing any other part of the body if our biology was made that way.

>> No.14998053

It's clear that kissing releases oxytocin which is known to create much stronger relationship bonds like you said. However, it would make more sense for only men to get attached to a woman so the man is more inclined to protect her, women don't particularly need to be attached to one partner: there's always some simp who will protect her even if she's banging chad. And in terms of selecting the best genes it doesn't really make sense that females get a rise out of kissing. They shouldn't get attached to one man: he could die at any time and she could sneak off and cuck him for better genes etc. Also there is a bit of chemical exchange in saliva, maybe that benefit females somewhat. I don't think women refuse a mate due to "chemicals they sense" in saliva, but I don't know. Maybe that's what women mean when they say "he was a bad kisser" and they don't realize it.

These conundrums could indicate that men and women enjoy kissing for different gene propagating success strategies. It's possibly more successful for the man to be attached to one woman to protect her, but for women some other reason. Maybe since humans have the largest penises of all primates the women need extra help in getting aroused to lubricate the vagina, so kissing is a step in that process that benefits women. But in terms of fitness women should be more attracted to rapists who don't care if their vagina is dry.

It's all quite paradoxical at this point. And of course this still doesn't answer OPs question: why the lips? This only potentially gives the benefits of kissing, but you could get almost the same benefits rubbing any other part of the body if our biology was made that way.

>> No.14998063

You're fucking autistic, bud. Some shit can't be explained in a systematically, formalized set of descriptions - it's simply understood intuitively.

>> No.14998071

use simple logic
everything you do instinctively has a purpose in terms of survival, so why would kissing help you survive. It's a simple germ exchange to ensure compatibility before pregnancy. Allergies, fungus, bacteria, viruses, etc. Your partner will die long before you waste years of your short life raising a failed child.

>> No.14998396


>> No.14999965
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>> No.15000343

>confused virgin makes puzzled noises

>> No.15000374

>control f
>conscious experience sensuality
>no results

>> No.15000529

What a sad day for a science thread