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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14993105 No.14993105 [Reply] [Original]

Disprove a single thing this man said throughout his entire career without bringing up:
A: points he made against himself
B: points that have no basis in fact, and are blindly accepted as critique because they are from a popular source

>> No.14993119

>*Inhales crushed psychedelic mushrooms
Mushrooms aren't alien species

>> No.14993124

There's literally no way of proving whether or not they are without a time machine. As well, it's slowly becoming a commonly accepted theory. Even for octopuses.

>> No.14993552

>There's literally no way of proving whether or not they are without a time machine.
It's trivial to prove.
most of their genes overlap with other "certainly earth" life genetics and they don't have regular horizontal gene transfer with other kingdoms (certainly not animals). this means that it's not possible that a fungus fell from space then integrated itself to earth by exchanging genes

>> No.14993558

Cheers, OP. May ye be alive at the end of the world

>> No.14993679

Mushrooms are an alien species compared to humans.

>> No.14993695

Archaea are "alien species compared to humans" too. so what?

>> No.14993715

well, for starters both his two most popular hypotheses are well known to have zero basis in fact, i.e. the stoned ape hypothesis and the timewave zero hypothesis
the latter has been shown to neither have any correlation whatsoever to events that were past when he formulated it nor to events occurring since then, and the former goes against every piece of paleoanthropological evidence there is, since this evidence makes it clear that H. sapiens had already developed our large brains before emerging onto the savanna
don't get me wrong, I love Terence, and you probably won't find another person who has listened to and read his material nearly as much as I have, but a lot of the ideas he tried to pass of as scientific were total bullshit
his brother Dennis was always the more scientifically minded of the two

>> No.14993734

No, they share a lot of DNA in common.

>> No.14993746

humans and fungi share over 50% of their DNA

>> No.14993756

Kind of like how you share 50% of your post with the post right above yours.

>> No.14993759

yes, not a bad analogy

>> No.14993847

Not even fucking close

>> No.14993867

you dont inhale them you tard you eat them

>> No.14993881

inhaling food is a common colloquialism meaning eating it very quickly

>> No.14993909
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>> No.14993933
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>Disprove a single thing this man said
I literally can't because 10% of them are true and 90% of them are Not Even Wrong. I love the guy but come on, this is not /sci/ material.

>> No.14993935

That just tells me we are fungi descendants

>> No.14993936

Except he goes out of his way to say "crushed", as if he means literally inhale. But of course, he does that mainly to trigger autists like you two.

>> No.14993977

2012 didn't end and my video games aren't improving as fast as they used to
but like he said – a lot of tech is being worked on at the same time and someone could connect the dots tomorrow and suddenly leap ahead into a technology beyond our wildest dreams

>> No.14993982

Crushed food is easier to eat without chewing, so you can "inhale" it much more efficiently.

>> No.14993986

Timewave and stoned ape are bullshit, but it doesn't matter because the richness of his ideas is way ahead of time

>> No.14993994

>he doesn't know
taking drugs by crushing them and inhaling them makes the effect much stronger (if the molecule can pass the alveolar membrane). second best way is literally shoving it up your ass.
I don't know if psilocybin can pass and that doesn't matter. what i meant is that he is a hardcore drug user as only hardcore drug users do this (or do the drug enema/rectal ingestion) for normally orally ingested drugs

>> No.14994396

yep, exactly

>> No.14994409 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14994424
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>> No.14994441

you didn't read the guidelines, fag

>> No.14994540

>they're dumb because... they're dumb!

>> No.14994598

I absolutely did
he did not make those points against himself at all, he argued very strongly for them, nor is there any lack of basis in fact in what I'm saying

>> No.14994665


>> No.14994702
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he's one a the very few interesting and relevant philosophers the 20th century produced. he's probably a good 300 years ahead of his time tho, so academia won't touch him

>> No.14994705
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enlightened statement