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14984714 No.14984714 [Reply] [Original]

This man proved that modern peer review is nonsense dogshit and yet nobody seems to care. Why?

>> No.14984721

>yet nobody seems to care. Why?
The only people who care about "peer reviewed" are the people benefitting from the "scratch my back and I will scratch yours" quid-pro-quo in "science" these days.

Normies don't give a shit about that, or the new S o yence. Dancing with the Fags is on the TV!

>> No.14984724

>Normies don't give a shit about that,
Yes and no, normies are really stupid people that hear "peer review" and then automatically accept I as dogma. My point is that nobody top to bottom seems to care that even a literal retarded person can pass peer review these days

>> No.14984726

Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont proved that in the 2000s. It's old news.

>> No.14984729

Are they the ones that published the study that "diversity" causes a net negative?

>> No.14984745

Well what alternative do we have?

>> No.14984750

No they wrote a study that was just gibberish and got it put out in peer reviewed journals.

>> No.14984751

The system we had before peer review was created in the 1960s: journals publish based on interest and showcase new developments in a field.

>> No.14984755

This makes way more sense than giving some pretentious faggot professors the idea they are special

>> No.14984756

it can only be strange to put science in quotes.

>> No.14984764

Hey well "science" says that 2 year olds can identify as trans... So

>> No.14984790
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The state of science today.

>> No.14984798

what does being 2 years old have to do with anything? it doesn't.

>> No.14984822

Poltard incels like him often spend their time thinking about little children, while calling everyone else "pedos" and "groomers". That's conservative hypocrisy for ya.

This dude is not a real scientist. He's a right wing YouTuber who has made a career promoting racist dog whistles. Nobody cares if he did a PhD at some shitty school 20 years ago. He's not an established scholar in any field. The only "research" he ever published was fraudulent and completely made up. He's a liar and a fraud and a racist.

>> No.14984825

Someone below the age of puberty has no idea about their sexuality, meaning all "child trans" are just being sexually abused by their parents.

>> No.14984834

gender isn't sexuality. am i talking to a 60 iq moron?

>> No.14984835
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Lmao he literally has a degree from a shitty state university in fucking Tennessee. You can't make this shit up. This is the type of dude they consider a "scholar" in a state like Tennessee.

>> No.14984840 [DELETED] 

"Gender" in distinction from biological sex was made up by a pedophile in the 50s. Anyone who believes in the modern definition of "gender" is a pedophile or pedophile enabler.

Sexual orientation/attraction doesn't develop until puberty, so children shouldn't be forcibly introduced to sex and sexuality before they develop their own perspective.

>> No.14984888

nobody healthy cares about science bullshit, mathematicians care about ideas, everyone smart mocks basedentists, programmers and engineers care about results. everyone that matters in my life knows that science is bullshit that doesn't check all tickboxes because I educate the people around me
listen brothers, normies aren't really depressed people.
Depressed people can't believe in Jesus, because Jesus represents that men can be as perfect as God, only different by words

>> No.14984889

>Someone below the age of puberty has no idea about their sexuality, meaning all "child trans" are just being sexually abused by their parents.
Parent's grooming their kids to be faggots.

Is there any more reason than that to bring back scaphism? https://culturacolectiva.com/history/scaphism-ancient-persian-torture-method-with-milk-and-honey/

>> No.14984965

While I agree with the concept, I think modern torture methods blow Scaphism out of the water.

>> No.14985045

what modern methods are these of which you speak? * taking notes *

>> No.14985070

American conservatives literally pride themselves on being less educated, it’s true

>> No.14985081

Solitary confinement, to add to it play the same song loudly and constantly, maybe choose another song each 28 days. Also, intermittent burnings, electrocutions, waterboardings.

Also, drug induced torture with the use mefloquine and various research chemical psychedelics.

>> No.14985098

>drug induced
Sounds like heaven! Where do we sign up?

>> No.14985103

>literally pride themselves
^ Either sub 90 I.Q. hands wrote this, or is ESL. kek!

>> No.14985106

Well they certainly aren’t ashamed of it

>> No.14985147

>I'm too dumb to understand shit.

>> No.14985152

Sorry, please, do explain

>> No.14985159

Based mathematicians use peer review to destroy the CCP
If you don't have peer review, then CCP mathematicians can just copy communist marketing tactics and say
>Just listen to me, I have the next piece of the puzzle, the next link in the chain, and the other end of that chain is salvation
You have to force the CCP mathematicians to go to Western publishers just like everybody else, and those editors tend to search for technical peers to review the content, in addition to any editing they request in-house

>> No.14985184
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>> No.14985288

Regardless of sexual orientation, the differences between before and after puberty are monumental. What prevents "boy" from being a separate gender from "man" and "girl" a separate gender from "woman"?
Pre-pubescent boys and girls do not and can not know what it's like to be men or women. So how can they know what they want to be when they grow up?

>> No.14985736

It was right up until 2015 when leftists decided to change the definition. Try picking up a dictionary from 2000

>> No.14985738

This entire thread is about how three professors wrote over a dozen bullshit journals which were lauded by peer review. And here you are bragging about "being educated" lmao. As a buddy of mine once said, "Even an actual retard could get a degree from here these days." (Referring to UofM Ann Arbor)

>> No.14985750

>A 2 year old has the cognitive capacity to understand sex and that "he's the wrong sex trapped in a body"
>It's the conservatives obsessed with children
You redditor.cultists are going to get your heads caved in

>> No.14985800

Then why to they need sex hormones?

>> No.14985806

No one cares because everyone other than the fucking science lovers already knew that and those people aren't swayed by facts or evidence.

>> No.14985904

What is your issue with the university of Tennessee?
There have been schizos and racists from various universities, his views in whatever topic you disagree with have nothing to do with his work in that university 20 years ago. Grow up.

>> No.14985916

This. Imagine in ironically believing fly-over-state rhetoric.

>> No.14985920
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>> No.14985923

>agreeing with two conflicting posts

>> No.14986141

What does UofT have to do with peer reviewers accepting 100% garbage submissions?

>> No.14986148

hang yourself faggot

>> No.14986204

This also bump

>> No.14986243

I find it ironic when the "college educated" are begging for tax money to pay off their bogus degrees

>> No.14991867

Karry Mullis proved this in the 90s

>> No.14991876

>This man proved that modern peer review is nonsense dogshit and yet nobody seems to care. Why?
What do the peer reviewed studies say about his proof?

>> No.14992185

They say his (intentionally absurd) fake articles are absolutely incredible and laudable heckin valid sciencerino.

>> No.14992395

in other news, water is wet

>> No.14992430
