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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14979155 No.14979155 [Reply] [Original]

How much of this kind of wetware/flesh based technology is possible irl?

>> No.14979206
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it's not really all that practical. Biology is a lot fucking slower than electricity. Biocomputers make absolutely no sense at all. Computers don't make sense, but biological intelligence might be used for certain thing. Why bother with AI when biological intelligence exists? However, machines are starting to get pretty organic looking. Eventually, we may have the technology to much a Giger-esque nightmare world possible.

>> No.14979218

I can see one benefit to a bio-computer over an metal and silicon one
Density, electricity efficiency, and maintenance
For the less than a volt of electricity our brains make to function a whole body, organ and sensory systems, mind, and memory, a computer would have to be more powerful than anything we have available today.
Plus, should such a massive supercomputer be made to replicate all the abilities of the human brain, it would need not only tons of electricity, but also tons of cooling infrastructure, maintenance would be a huge expense, and the whole thing would be quite fragile

But anything 'wetware' related is so ethically impossible, slow, and also vulnerable to unforseen damages (achoo) that it wouldn't be worth the development

>> No.14979245

biocomputers don't use electricity, they have to be fed. They create waste which needs to be disposed of, they can't be turned off, they are ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE slower than electrical computers and MUCH MUCH MUCH noisier, making them USELESS for any serious computing. The worst part is that you can't copy software on to them like we can with conventional computers, they have to be retrained every single time. It doesn't make sense to use biology for computers, it may make sense to use it for intelligence. However, not being able to copy learned data really limits things. It is an expensive and long process to train dogs to sniff for drugs.

>> No.14979445

>they have to be fed. They create waste which needs to be disposed of, they can't be turned off
As long i get to make electronics out of them cheaply, i am willing to deal with every problem we may face with them, such as being more fragile than conventional hardware. It's still perfect for server applications.
It's also a waste to not make use of technology that evolved of billions of years.
>they are ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE slower than electrical computers and MUCH MUCH MUCH noisier, making them USELESS for any serious computing
I don't get where did you get this idea, biological brain are slower for sure, but they're more quiet, efficient and complex than your average bare metal computer with simple on/off channels.
>However, not being able to copy learned data really limits things. It is an expensive and long process to train dogs to sniff for drugs.
Except we can copy learned data with our DNA.

>> No.14979450

>they are ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE slower than electrical computers
Biological systems are actually several powers of ten faster at processing non-trivial problems.

>> No.14979462
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So what was this game actually about?
I read someone say that it's supposed to be a metaphor for miscarriage. If that's true that's lame as hell because I want the lore to actually make sense.

>> No.14979474

It's mainly visual art, and ngl i fell in love with it, i love body horror and biopunk stuff.

Too bad they didn't receive enough funding to develope further so here it is half aborted, still the developers made a book on what it was meant to be originally: https://mega.nz/file/E5hQ1Qxb#LAEA721czZMM5XQdME5QoU929KrWdS4Cesjv_RKeLyY

>> No.14979569

I just watched a YouTube playthrough since it's short and barely has any gameplay. It's 100% carried by the stunning art direction. There's no dialogue or text so the game is very light in plot.

>> No.14979571

It's a tech demo. There's literally no plot.

>> No.14980990

The plot is pretty much in your face. You're a lowly guy from a fallen civilization trying to make it into an advanced matrioshka brain system but at some point a parasite, which was another lowly guy that got infected by some weird goop, took a liking to you and prevented you from getting there.

>> No.14981117
File: 137 KB, 1081x1146, 2EB04EFC-18A6-4690-BAB6-55189C8C8635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have to be fed
>They create waste which needs to be disposed of
>create giant lab grown brain
>hook it up to giant lab grown digestive system
>give it constant stream of nutrient paste
>use the poop as fertilizer
>world hunger solved

>> No.14981161
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it's probably in open use

>> No.14981172

>belief affect reality
so why is the earth still a flat plane, why is space still a lie, why is oil abiotic and infinite, why is glabal warming invalid, why are trannies men, why does your master Lucifer the Satan keeps failing like a pathetic retard ?

>> No.14981174

It still seems up for interpretation.
Why is the second protagonist seemingly born inside of the facility? Why are there no other animate creatures there except for ones who try to kill you? It's also implied that the first protagonist getting turned into the brain parasite is an intended function of the facility. It's not a cut and dry game.

>> No.14981182

this game looks based

>> No.14981186

This guys brain is a lot slower than electricity.

>> No.14981193

brain uses electricity

>> No.14981198

there are reports on twitter of biological ufos

>> No.14981199
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>> No.14981207

>The Lexx

>> No.14981395

Neurons do use electricity.