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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14975921 No.14975921 [Reply] [Original]

How badly is 4chan damaging the brains of people, especially developing adolescents, who use it frequently? My gut instinct is that being exposed to a constant stream of negativity, psychological provocation and repetition of images, phrases, and statements, particularly when the majority are anti-social or extreme, cannot be good for human beings and especially those who are still developing.

>> No.14975931

I actually believe if you scanned the brain of a frequent and dependent 4chan user you will find abnormalities. Now you could argue that those existed or would have existed irrespective of their 4chan activities, but I think that's a copout and this should be investigated. I believe 4chan is breeding psychopaths.

>> No.14975942

You're using 4chan as an example when kids are growing up groomed, obsessed with exaggerated features, etc. on pretty much every popular social media platform?

>> No.14975946

Let me fetch 100 elementary schoolers and give 50 of them access to 4chan. Will post results in 6 years

>> No.14975959

Conflating two different issues.

>> No.14975963

It's making them significantly dumber. Not that different from any other extremist echochamber.

>> No.14975965
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>4chan is breeding psychopaths.
Based & red-pilled.

>> No.14975979

they deserve to suffer for being underagedb&

>> No.14975983

4chan is not an echo chamber because unlike Twitter and plebbit, opposing views are not censored here.

>> No.14975987

It absolutely is, you dumb 4channer.

>> No.14975993

no it's actually not retard

>> No.14976000

Your brain has already been killed by this website. Now you're just a mindless zombie who can only repeat stale "4chan vs reddit" memes.

>> No.14976007

>being exposed to a constant stream of negativity, psychological provocation and repetition of images, phrases, and statements, particularly when the majority are anti-social or extreme
The only difference is the anti-social aspect.

>> No.14976012

>Adolescents of the past experiencing famine, domestic violence, tribal warfare, and disease weren't inundated with negative stimuli
>Adolescents today are uniquely impacted by negative stimuli, however will they survive?
Today OP was a faggot.

>> No.14976014
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How badly is modern society damaging the brains of people, especially developing adolescents, who use it frequently? My gut instinct is that being exposed to a constant stream of negativity, psychological provocation and repetition of images, phrases, and statements, particularly when the majority are anti-social or extreme, cannot be good for human beings and especially those who are still developing.

>> No.14976016
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4chan is cinnabar. Where you can forge yourself in fire or be consumed by it. The constant stream of negativity is only a bad juxtaposed to the naive and hubristic goodness that is cultivated ad censorium on other parts of the net. The place that concedes that were all stupid idiotic sinners instead of white washing it. Its not for Tom and Jane who just want a rudimentary information sphere that justifies their coexistence and 9-5 job, its for those who seek the path of ascended master

>> No.14976031
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I have a feeling that some mods and jannies follow certain anons around the site. They try to provoke them with certain things, they must have information about them from previous posts. They try to pull off some sort of physiological warfare.
Of course it’s totally useless on strong minded people. I usually just have a laugh when I notice certain “coincidences”. These are grown up men / trannies trying to get a reaction out of you, absolutely embarrassing.
I’m sure some weak minded anons, especially on /pol/, are guided towards a path of self-destruction and sometimes in a path of general destruction of themselves and others.
The mods and jannies have the power to track you down. If you think anything is suspicious it’s most likely them.

>> No.14976037

>opposing views are not censored here.
No, they just get shouted down with abuse and name calling instead.

>> No.14976044
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Yes. What's wrong with that? You're not entitled to have people engage with your regurgitated corporate narrative.

>> No.14976048

4chan is so benign to a platform like ThotTok, Insta, or Plebbit it's not even funny. You are completely anonymous here. Effects relating to identity etc. like your appearance are irrelevant. You have no internet good boy points tracker like on Ribbit.
My claim is 4chan does not have any bad psychological/mental effects. However, it can turn you into a chud, political convictions-wise. but that is not a mental thing.

>> No.14976052
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>it can turn you into a chud

>> No.14976054

Surely you mean ThisThot?

>> No.14976058

Not only do you not get censored for spouting your rotten views here, but ironically, the more people you manage to trigger, the more (You)'s you will get and the more exposure your drivel will get. What you're basically whining about is that no one finds any merit in your ideas and everyone hates you. That's on you.

>> No.14976064

Reality has a well known liberal bias and 4channers just can't accept that.

>> No.14976065

Nguyen's topology of echo chambers versus epistemic bubbles doesn't hold up. The issue from an information theoretic perspective is signal to noise ratio and how it effects our level of surprise about the world.

Information does not appear to undergo natural selection. Information is selected for on different grounds than voracity. The Ascent of Information is a pretty good book on this. You see deception at work in genetics all the time. Animals will develop traits that are signals for fitness but which no longer represent the underlying fitness the trait was originally supposed to signal. To be sure, if deception based mating strategies become too common, group fitness will fall, and deception will be selected against as organisms die before reproducing. But clearly deception based strategies can exist in robust, stable forms in species.

We reproduce information based on it being funny, novel, boosting our feels.

Take pic related. It is a fake. It has been heavily reproduced despite coming out before the FBI stats it claims as a source and basing its claim about all violent crime rates on the fact that Blacks are responsible for sightly more than half of all homicides alone. Blacks have never approached near 50% of ALL violent crime; it's a switch.

Studies in complexity and chaos theory show how even small preferences to be near people somewhat like you can result in strong segregation tends. On a grid of squares with black and white tiles, you only need to have it that black or white pieces move only if all of their neighbors are of another type to get segregation given certain initial conditions.

Thus, places like /pol/ become echo chambers from emergent phenomena, not due to design.

Donald Hoffman has some good work showing that veracity ≠ fitness in natural selection.

>> No.14976071

In other words, you're upset that the social programmers who dicate your entire worldview no longer have a monopoly on propaganda?

>> No.14976080
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Forgot the pic.

Ioniadas' paper, "Why Most Research Findings are False," which itself might have garnered so much attention despite being false, shows how novelty boosts reproduction for information. When this information does not reflect reality, the signal to noise ratio effectively falls.

He is a great example because he became famous (infamous) due to a poorly reasoned paper doing (frequentist garbage) napkin math that showed COVID would hardly kill anyone even if nothing was done about it. Because his perspective was novel and hit people's feels, it got boosted and was all over Fox News and other right wing outlets. His false information spread far beyond his correct papers.

Anyhow, /pol/ does censor discourse. I've been banned multiple times for starting topics about the inordinate amount of the budget that goes to seniors and how seniors hold all leadership there. Social Security, $1.5 trillion in UBI per year, is a divisive topic for the GOP and clearly some Boomer mod does not want it discussed.

Vice has looked into how the moderator and janitor team is selected and there is strong evidence that those with leftist leanings are purges routinely so that RapeApe can keep us fiefdom pure. Notably, the other Chans, despite being more open in the amount of violent discourse they allow, tend to censor leftist opinions harder.

The GPT-4 model trained on /pol/, which got released on /pol/ and spammed it, showed how easy it is for AI to reduce signal to noise ratio and effectively bend discourse in one direction.

It doesn't help that the social sciences use frequentist statistical techniques that have basic logical errors vis-á-vis inductive inference, resulting in the replication crisis, something that will repeat until the way stats is taught is torn down and built back up with some foundations in logic.

>> No.14976085

In other words, you're upset that the social programmers who dicate your entire worldview no longer have a monopoly on propaganda? :^)

>> No.14976090

Notice how those posts trigger your botlike behavior.

>> No.14976092

So what should we do? Should we stablish a Ministry of Truth to stop the spread of fake news? Or maybe shut down the internet? :^)

>> No.14976093

No. You're trying to box me into "the other side," so you can uncritically reject my premises, which is a common response for people stuck in echo chambers.

I am saying that academia, major media outlets, government policy papers, journals, etc. ALL suffer from these phenomena. There is no easy solution dealing with false information because as you gain more information about a system false information naturally becomes more novel, which confers reproductive advantage. This is publication bias in a nutshell.

I am saying the distinction is meaningless. It is merely one of degree. To counter the negative effects of feedback mechanisms you often need a systems based approach, not Nguyen's "just read a diversity of opinion bro."

This also fails because if you hold all sources equal and most people are wrong then you will assign higher probability to the false position.

>> No.14976099

>t. pseud

>> No.14976107

>You're trying to box me into "the other side,"
Oh, I am? The "other side" of what? What's my side? :^)

>you often need a systems based approach
Like what?

>> No.14976113

Notice how you continue to post botlike replies

>> No.14976117

You're such a dumb nigger that you think exposing your obsession with me and my antics is supposed to make me angry instead of giving me the smug sense of self-satisfaction that it does.

>> No.14976119

>Canned response to dismiss arguments based on the traits of the source (i.e. not within the circle of trust).

The funniest version of this phenomena is people responding "orange man bad," to anything that could be taken as remotely critical of Trump.

The meme was meant to point out how liberals were getting outraged by everything the President did, even stuff that was standard for his predecessors. However, it morphed into canned response by/ptg/tards, a faliure to discriminate the difference between some criticisms of Trump being invalid because they were from "NPCs" who were uncritically angry about any of his actions, and the idea that all criticism of the President was unwarranted because it must have been made by such NPCs.

>> No.14976120

4chan is a mushroom breeding ground for neo-Nazis and anti-vaxxers. It's the same fucking thing - just 180 degree political views.

>> No.14976123
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"Orange man bad" bad.

>> No.14976124

You should stop sharting out your hallucinations :^)

>> No.14976125

It's the anonymity that makes it worse.
There is no social mechanism to keep you in place, the anonymity can allow you to spiral into depravity, unlock your worst nature, and allow for sociopathy or other anti-social behaviour to develop.

>> No.14976128

I'm sure your imaginary audience backs you up, but you and I both know.

>> No.14976130
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>There is no social mechanism to keep you in place
Does it anger you when people don't conform your social norms?

>> No.14976134

Know what, mouthbreather?

>> No.14976135

No, exactly the anonymity shields your personality from ill effects. Tiktok has had multiple trends straight out of /b/, only this time it's allowed and enforced through group consensus and your actual identity is given "permission" to follow the trend. The Chinese gov can tweak that algorithm however they like so it can only be considered extremely subversive by design.

>> No.14976136

It's interesting how much more motivated you are to respond to one-liner insults than to legitimate questions about your regurgitated rhetoric.

>> No.14976141
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>thread about how 4chan damages people's brains devolves into an excellent example of how 4chan damages people's brains
It's almost like performance art.

>> No.14976143

False equivalence. I assumed you have a specific view of the world and of me because you said:

>In other words, you're upset that the social programmers who dicate your entire worldview no longer have a monopoly on propaganda?

i.e., an inference based on your claim that I must want people in positions of power to control the flow of information.

You based your assumption on a post that simply said the echo chamber distinction was invalid and that the propagation of false information is inevitable.

Drawing the inference that my post must represent the desire for elite control, when nothing of the sort of said, is what I was commenting on. Again, a false equivalence of where our inferences have come from.

It's the difference of:
>If not my world view, then this specific one that favors elites
>If someone draws a bad inference like the above, that appear to be primed to reject all views that do not comport with their own and assign them to a rival position.

>> No.14976147

>I assumed you have a specific view of the world
If you were the one assuming, why did you project it on me? Either way, I'm still waiting for you to explain what kind of "systems approach" you want to see stablished to combat this dreadful stream of misinformation.

>> No.14976148

>No, exactly the anonymity shields your personality from ill effects
No it doesn't. Hence why people are constantly seething here and bait threads get to the post count everyday. People have got so angry here that they've doxxed people, tried to kill people, or did kill people.

>> No.14976154

>his point
>your head
4chan has much less potential to "make" people do anything precisely because you don't gain any social brownie points from conforming to anything.

>they've doxxed people, tried to kill people, or did kill people
Based. What does it have to do with anonymity?

>> No.14976157

And what happens when someone writes "nigger" on facebook, a witch-hunt begins and their life is ruined. Or twitter, before Elon where you could write "kill all white people" without any repercussions, but when you wrote "immigration might be a problem" you would be banned. You can't really conflate the polarization caused by such an obvious bias with some retard getting mad at BBC threads.

>> No.14976161

Abnormalities but not necesssary for the worse, you forget that other than shitposting, being active on this board really kicks in the brain when it comes to arguing, psychology, discussions, its literally virtual greek hall forum, the things argued here are sometimes really exceptional to find in real life or usual everyday situations

>> No.14976163

>a witch-hunt begins and their life is ruined.

>> No.14976165

No he is mad that he doesnt get social points for whatever you can larp here about like on facebook or reddit. It really rustles the normie woke fags

>> No.14976166
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Imagine having so little impulse control you expose yourself like this and undermine your whole argument.

>> No.14976176

Not my argument. Racists don't deserve mercy.

>> No.14976178

The way to deal with bad information where it is most relevant, in the sciences, is to have databases of null findings and encourage the production of large numbers of null findings as a metric for assigning people to tenure track. Machine learning can give us tools to search these databases efficiently. For any positive finding, prior related null findings should be used as a means of generating a Bayseian prior. Use of data to form a Bayseian prior should count as a citation, encouraging the publication of null findings.

Barring extremely sensitive data, all data sets should be published. Static papers should be less the norm and interactive dashboards more the norm (journals can host Tableau, Power BI, or open source solutions. This allows people to efficiently visually inspect a model with controls added and removed; it is built in robustness checking.

When regularly updated data is used, paper's models should simply have a SQL query to grab the updated data and then subject the hypotheses to Bayseian updating. The maximal entropy principal, the statistical version of Ockham's Razor, should be taught to grad students.

Linear models for complex dynamical systems should be held suspect. Students should at least be taught how to use splines, Kerbal regression, etc. A linear model paired with a simulation would be better. This stuff isn't that hard to teach.

High citation papers should be flagged by their journals and subject to Bayesian updating or some form of similar test.

The problem now is that findings are held static in time, but the technology exists to update many of these (polsci stuff with correlates of war, etc.).

Careers and journals can then be ranked based on a parametric survival measure of how well their work survived scrutiny (Wiebull regressions might work), which is a good proxy for diligence in robustness testing.

>> No.14976180

Good to see you agree that the lack of anonimity increases the potential for socially-induced real-life spergouts.

>> No.14976181

How does any of that solve the problem of plebs accepting and sharing information based on factors other than its truthfulness?

>> No.14976184

Good to see you agree that real life /pol/tards should be eradicated

>> No.14976187

Your worldview and system of values are being rejected all over the world as we speak, and since everyone knows you are a non-reproducing life form, your leftism-prone genes will be erased as well. Your historical portrait will be painted by the people you hate the most. Your story will be told by your enemies. Everything you believe in and hold dear will be shown in such a light that future generations will regard you the same way as we regard the Bolshevik and Nazi criminals today.

>> No.14976188

Automatic hypothesis generation of the sort used in physics would also help.

But above all, the system needs a change in how statistical inference is taught. Grad students should not graduate not knowing the difference between probability in mathematics, frequentism, propensity, and subjectivism.

They should run through the Mr. Smith's children problem to show how Keynes' principal of indifference can be very difficult to properly place (black being equal to white in a jar of marbles in terms of frequency does not mean each pairing of two marbles has equal frequency, etc.) Really, information theory and the concepts of mathematical surprise and philosophical discernmenability should be taught alongside stats.

It's pretty bad that students still learn about Adam Smith's "magic hand," in terms of markets being magic, not in terms of them being complex dynamical systems, which exist everywhere in nature.

For media, obviously there are some systematic approaches in terms of how the public is educated and tools they can use. A browser plugin can ID well known faked images like >>14976080 and ID them on screen. The problem of course is that the database will invariably get fake fakes, which can be used to discredit it. You likely need some sort of adversarial model to work on this full time.

The problem isn't that fact checking can't work, it is that the volume of information and level of noise make it impossible for people to do at this point.

>> No.14976190

>For media, obviously there are some systematic approaches in terms of how the public is educated
> A browser plugin can ID well known faked images
>The problem isn't that fact checking can't work
And finally, after the long exposition of pseud drivel, he begins to expose himself...

>> No.14976194
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>me posting on 4chan with 35 different tabs open

>> No.14976195

Trump lost.

>> No.14976197

What's your education/what field do you work in?

>> No.14976198

>muh orange man
No one cares, drone.

>> No.14976200
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>> No.14976202

>n-nn-o one cares!!
Seethe more. Trump lost.

>> No.14976205

Bad information in science is more of a problem then in the public. 25% of Americans said they thought W. Bush had planned 9/11 in the 00s. People believe in ghosts and magic and all sorts of shit.

They respect more robust epistemological systems because they get results. Science beat out magic in medicine because antibiotics actually make your infection go away. People buy physics, at least in principal, because it allows engines to run efficiently, their phones to work, etc. In science, you have a system where untrue results SHOULD, in principal, face strong selection pressures.

Think about it this way, a genome is a one way membranes that lets information about the enviornment in and doesn't let it out. Traits with strong selection value remain in the population. That doesn't mean you don't have plenty of random noise, junk, bad mutations that lead to disease, etc. But it does mean you progress towards greater information about the enviornment.

The way to keep accountable government and avoid the problem that people, in the aggregate, are very poorly informed on political issues is to not do first past the post general elections. You could instead so exponential elector selection. Groups of 7 to 9 pick one among them to represent them. These go to another group of 7-9 who in turn pick one rep. In small groups, everyone can make informed decisions about who they chose. Due to the nature of exponential growth, you only need 9 groups to represent the entire electorate.

A small panel can then spend time interviewing a professional manager, akin to the county/city manager system, which dramatically outperforms elected officials in general.

The vast majority of people will only have to interact in 1-3 groups, so the time sink isn't any larger than the current primary/general setting. As the groups represent more people, you give them more time to vet candidates. For the executive, you can allow experts to help with interviews.

>> No.14976211

If fact checking can't work then knowledge is impossible and science is impossible. I know the word "fact checking" triggers your identity politics sensitivities, but obviously you can compare observations to correspondence with reality (or coherence with other theories) or else you might as well believe in magic.

>> No.14976215

People are having a normal reaction to a profoundly anti-human society.

>> No.14976218

>They respect more robust epistemological systems because they get results.
That makes people more susceptible to buying into information branded as "science", but it doesn't make them think critically or scientifically.

>all that drivel about imaginary election systems
That's not what I asked. How do you solve the problem of plebs accepting and sharing information based on factors other than its truthfulness?

>> No.14976219

4chan was good for me.
I used to be a massive sadboi with anxiety and depression issues.
It wasn't until I embraced the anger and negativity that 4chan was peddling that I began to succeed in life. 4chan taught me how to hate. For that I am forever grateful.

>> No.14976220

Yet you live in one

>> No.14976222

>If fact checking can't work then knowledge is impossible and science is impossible
Why? We've been doing fine without it for most of human history.

>sperging out against current year's designated boogeyman again

>> No.14976226

I work on finance and code monkeying because no one hires academic philosophers except as adjuncts to teach chronological slogs through the subject for $18 an hour. However, my area of (now independent, lol) exploration is philosophy of information, the bastard child of philosophy of mathematics/math itself, epistemology, theoretical computer science, and logic. You could throw metaphysics/physics in there because of the "it from bit" folks.

>> No.14976233

I’m generally positive here. Let’s lighten up folks

>> No.14976238

>I work on finance and code monkeying because no one hires academic philosophers
In other words, you have no scientific education. Who woulda thunk?

>> No.14976244

That's what he said, retard.

>> No.14976249

You don't, lol. It doesn't matter what the general public thinks about X in a well functioning society except in the broadest sense.

Part of the reason an independent civil service is considered essential in most models of successful state formation (e.g. it's a leg of Fukuyama's still) is because the general public can't effectively make decisions about many issues.

Accountable government is designed to give top level executive leadership a strong incentive to make the lives of the median person better off. The system is there to remove recalcitrant elites and corrupt rulers. The accountability part, where the general public votes for high level leadership, is separate from the part that competently runs a state.

This is why, contrary to the media and partisan expectations, life in America stays relatively the same when the Presidency changes hands. We don't alternate between communist and fascist hellscapes. The same careerists are doing all the work.

And notably, even highly partisan civil servants normally have much more nuanced ideas about the field they actually work in because they actually understand it at more than a base level.

The problem with the current system is that noise is leaking out of the public spaces that have always been filled with shit.

Same thing happened when the printing press was first developed. You likely have oscillations in the system where you hit a critical mass of bullshit, which causes disaster, and then feedback mechanisms clamp down on bullshit. The public goes along because they all just suffered due to an avalanche of extremist, manichean bullshit.

>> No.14976258

>You don't
Okay, then the paragraphs upon paragraphs of wank you keep churning out are pretty much irrelevant.

>It doesn't matter what the general public thinks about X in a well functioning society
In a well-functioning society, what the public thinks about X is all that matters.

>> No.14976260

Ah, credentialism.

I have a two bachelor's degree in scientific fields and one masters. Those were not my terminal fields of study

>> No.14976261

You're literally giving a heavily rose-colored glasses account of oligarchy.

>> No.14976264

>In a well-functioning society, what the public thinks about X is all that matter
rule by duh plebs is le based

no in a good society the plebs are told to shut the fuck up

u done goofed bruh

>> No.14976267

>Ah, credentialism.
Oh, suddenly you don't like credentialism? So in your "well-functioning" society, where the views of the general public don't matter, who makes the "informed decisions" for them?

>> No.14976269

Just say outright you're a fascist. Why hide behind paragraphs of pseudoscientific wank?

>> No.14976274

If you don't take it seriously and avoid pol nonsense, I think you're good.

>> No.14976278

>How do you solve the problem of plebs accepting and sharing information based on factors other than its truthfulness?
This isn’t actually a problem. The problem is establishing a system which can properly filter signal from noise. What other people do is not of concern. Those who seek truth need a functional system

>> No.14976280

>People didn't check the voracity of statements made by others until Snopes came out.

What exactly do you think science is Anon? How did people come to know about the world and reject wrong propositions for true(r) ones?

>> No.14976287

>This isn’t actually a problem
I agree. The real problems start when your handlers gets a monopoly on spreading bullshit branded as "science".

>What other people do is not of concern.
Why not? They're ultimately the ones who establish the character of your society by upholding one system of values or another.

>> No.14976289

I unironically believe 4chan is the healthiest social media. All the others mindfuck you with personalized algos, as well as pressure to maintain an identity through posts

>> No.14976294

>What exactly do you think science is Anon?
Science is not a "fact-checking" system, nigger.

>> No.14976299

doesn't matter, CNN told me that right wing extremism is the highest it's ever been

>> No.14976300
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What type of hater? See >>14976274

>> No.14976306

>Why not?
Because we are talking about separating good information from bad information. Controlling thoughts is not a solution to removing bad information

>> No.14976310
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>fact checking
nwo great reset faggotry

There was never any "fact checking" before, because "fact checking" is a code word for fraudulently denying evidence.

>> No.14976313

>we are talking about separating good information from bad information
You're the only one driveling on and on about it as some standalone issue.

>> No.14976319

Establishing truth is the standalone issue. All good things from society follow

>> No.14976326

>Establishing truth is the standalone issue. All good things from society follow
Nothing relevant follows from your system for "establishing truth", in terms of the public attitude, unless you find a way to convince the public of your so-called truths.

>> No.14976334

I guess I’m more optimistic than you. If you had a system which properly signaled valuable ideas, those who followed would benefit. New societies can be established based on foundations created now, without us needing to understand how they will be created

>> No.14976338

We already have a system for figuring out reality that is better than watching CNN. Why do so many people still get their "truths" from CNN? :^(

>> No.14976341
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>4chan is a mushroom breeding ground for neo-Nazis and anti-vaxxers

>> No.14976344

I have been using 4chan for about 6 years (I am now a 20 something grad student). This website is an addiction, I would think not much different from social media addiction.
Personality wise I am much the same, though my world view has been altered. For example I went from a race-realist sex-realist etc. liberterian, to pretty much a National Socialist.

>> No.14976346

>be leftard
>always have a video about how cwazy they are inside

>> No.14976348

Are you sure 4chan is to blame rather than the absolute state of Western societies? The last 6 years should have been enough to awaken the fascist in anyone with normal human sensibilities.

>> No.14976354
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Where do you get your “truths” from then?

>> No.14976356

Ooops, did I trigger something related to your political views by mentioning CNN? Why did you avoid my question?

>> No.14976358

It's unfair what the democrat government did to him, he was so based and redpilled just like me :^(

>> No.14976359

And what system is that?

>> No.14976362

Why are you equally avoiding his question?

>> No.14976372

Because unlike "him" (you), I'm not a PFC-deficient nigger you can get a preprogrammed kneejerk reaction out of.

>> No.14976373
File: 265 KB, 1200x1200, DqJW4rmUcAA6z-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously think my line of thinking and conclusions are correct, and based on reason, evidence, etc.
Yes, seeing the consequences of liberalism, anti-science, Jews, "democracy", egalitarianism etc. (which has accelerated recently) should do much make people feel like there is something deeply wrong.

>> No.14976377

I don't know... science or something? It's not perfect, but surely that's more reliable than CNN.

>> No.14976378

But you would like to control the thoughts of others. Or is that not the point of your concern over what other people think?

>> No.14976381

>you would like to control the thoughts of others
No, I wouldn't. I'm not sure about you, though, with your talks about "educating" the public and establishing "fake image" databases.

>> No.14976384

Yes the magical word, science, will solve it

>> No.14976392

That's not my contention. The guy is saying we need Science 2.0 to save society from CNN. I'm just wondering why Science 1.0 isn't cutting it.

>> No.14976395

That’s not me, dunno what that means

>> No.14976400

>The last 6 years should have been enough to awaken the fascist in anyone with normal human sensibilities
Different anon here.
Apathy is bliss.
You read/hear about what's happening in the country/world and you realize you don't give a shit because it doesn't directly affect you; you see how others react emotionally to current/recent events and you see it as overreaction over shit that doesn't concern them.
Regardless of social status, I have always been a winner because I was born as a privileged white male.

>> No.14976402

The mechanisms for establishing truth have been gamed

>> No.14976403

>You read/hear about what's happening in the country/world and you realize you don't give a shit because it doesn't directly affect you
I said "normal human sensibilities". Your cattle-like docility is abnormal.

>> No.14976405

How could Science 1.0 have been "gamed" if most people don't rely on it in the first place?

>> No.14976407

Will someone please think of the white males

>> No.14976425

Have a (You).

>> No.14976430

What the hell is this post. What are you talking about most people don’t rely on it?
How could science be gamed? In many ways. Broken peer review, faking data, corrupt regulations, inability to reproduce findings - the fruits of which are called science and do greatly affect you

>> No.14976437

>What are you talking about most people don’t rely on it?
People don't read scientific research to establish what is true, let alone conduct it. That includes you.

>> No.14976446

That’s exactly what people do. What the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.14976453

>That’s exactly what people do.
A small minority of them, and even then, only for a small minority of issues they're willing to take a stance on. I know you're a low-sentience individual, but even someone like you should be able to do the minimal amount of self-reflection needed to realize you never bothered to read any research on most of the things you "know".

>> No.14976487

Damn you caught me I’m just a layperson but science is also being gamed and that does affect all of our lives. Basically I know what you’re trying to say and it’s retarded. A simple analogy is a pilot of an airplane doesn’t build the airplane. A savant like you can take it from there

>> No.14976489

>I know what you’re trying to say and it’s retarded
I'm not "trying" to say anything, you dumb animal. I'm telling you directly that people don't rely on science to decide what is true in the first place.

>> No.14976495

Pointless to the original discussion. Alrighty then

>> No.14976503

>Pointless to the original discussion
The "original discussion" was about how Science 2.0 is going to fix society by disseminating heckin' peckin' trutherinos, but we've already established that people don't rely on science to decide what is true in the first place.

>> No.14976543

If I didn't have cats, I would live there, and be perfectly content. Cats would lose their mind in that box though.

>> No.14976556

When did you first realize you were homosexual?

>> No.14976574

>I've been banned multiple times for starting topics about the inordinate amount of the budget that goes to seniors and how seniors hold all leadership there
link to one of these threads on 4plebs

>> No.14976621

not just asking you for busy work BTW, have tried searching on 4plebs for deleted OP's about seniors, senior+budget and social security (assuming that's what you mean about budget) and don't see anything that isn't copypasta spam

>> No.14976640

Wrong. People calling you a retard and refusing to engage isn't censorship.

This is still better than being outright banned or shadow banned like every other site. At some level you have to expect that challenging people's beliefs will make some number of them refuse to engage.

>> No.14976659

TV and paper media was the original breeding ground for antivaxxers because they couldn't take the shame of being wrong and doubled down on one guy's ploy to sell his pills. They probably sold more papers spreading the fear anyway.
That time it was about the MMR vaccine causing autism.

>> No.14976678

The actual science-denying antivaxxers you're talking about were overwhelmingly left-leaning. The same people are now forced clotshot injectionists. "Antivaxxers" don't exist. People who refuse to participate in your mRNA shot human trials are not "antivaxxers".

>> No.14976703

being anti- a vax makes you antivax by definition

>> No.14976707

>This is still better than being outright banned
It's also better than letting these nomaldrone cancer cells spread their regurgitated corporate narrative and infest yet another corner of the internet. It's the most appropriate response. This false dichotomy between shadowbanning people and treating disgusting values and opinions with the same respect that you give legitimate opinions needs to die.

>> No.14976719

>being anti- a vax makes you antivax by definition
Wrong and mentally ill take. This is what brainwashing looks like and it's nice that you go out of your way to explicitly state your absurd view.

>> No.14976743
File: 682 KB, 2048x1438, IMG_20221025_181528_947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that /pol/ is an echo chamber to an extent. Though it is not possibly comparable to reddit or twitter where you are instantly censored for saying something some tranny mod does not like. I have been censored for simply pointing out X group of people has a higher IQ than Y group of people and that environmental factors don't explain it. Or by stating that the overwhelming majority of accomplishment across domains, bet it science, music, art, math etc. has come from European peoples.
In /pol/ it is absolutely true a good number are just contrarian NPCs without an original thought of their own. Take for example the Holocaust. I don't believe it happened, but I am well versed with the main arguments on all sides, and can adequately address them. Many, maybe even most on /pol/ who also believe it didn't happen have no idea or interest in the real arguments and simply parrot what other anons and their info graphics say
But I also do see real communists, liberals, and libertarians post there. Yes they get quickly attacked by the mob, many will just post wojacks and other stupid memes as responses, but some people will also address the points made and provide counterarguments. In other words one sees real discussion and debate, you just have to dig through a lot of shit. This is almost non-existent on other forums.

>> No.14976750

well what SHOULD you call being opposed to vaccines? oppovax?

>> No.14976755

There is nothing wrong with a community having some established baseline views and values and refusing to dive head-first into the millionth discussion about the same generic talking points and opinions that it has already considered and rejected. Bring something new to the table and /pol/ will probably discuss it.

>> No.14976761

Notice how your mental illness and tiny mind cause you to mistakenly conflate "opposed to vaccinces" with "opposed to this poorly-tested mRNA shot" just like you've been programmed to.

>> No.14976762

>from libertarian to reality-denying holocaust-truther
that's the real leap that defines a /pol/tard from a rational conservative.

>> No.14976767

Rational conservatives are good goyim and best friends with Israel, just like their MIGAlord. :^)

>> No.14976773

maybe having a reliable ally in the ME is more important than a bunch of butthurt palestinians?

>> No.14976775

I'm not sure I follow, are you in favor of bans for NPC tier opinions? If so I disagree because the kind of discussion that comes out of those disagreements innoculoates people against said opinions. It's the reason why normie websites like Reddit and Twitter have to censor, because their arguments are shallow and inconsistent and they know this.

>> No.14976784
File: 374 KB, 690x582, 1668142233995553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is bound to fail. It is fundementally passive in nature, and will cede ground to an idealistic side with something to actively fight for. In the USA, republicans are just democrats lagging ~10-15 years behind. Both parties are controlled by Jews.
You likely do not know anything about the Holocaust, and are no different from the /pol/ contrarian NPCs except you take the other side.

>> No.14976788
File: 37 KB, 621x414, 324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-israel i-is our greatest ally!!
Ok, golem.

>> No.14976790
File: 63 KB, 789x460, wfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conservatives stand athwart history yelling STOP

>> No.14976796

>are you in favor of bans
No. I'm in favor of reacting with heaps of abuse against normie corporate narratives and regurgitated leftist talking points. These discussions no longer serve any purpose except to make the people who spout them feel comfortable.

>> No.14976798

This mRNA vaccine yes

>> No.14976802

>i-i-it's a heckin' vaccine!
The perils of being a label-thinking drone...

>> No.14976820

I completely agree. But without some people addressing the arguments, to an outside observer it will come off as a dogmatic echo chamber, rather than well-founded ideas and positions.

>> No.14976831

>to an outside observer it will come off as a dogmatic echo chamber
You mean to the outside observer who himself comes from a dogmatic echo chamber, tries to spread his regurgitated talking points on /pol/ and gets spammed with soijaks? Who cares?

>> No.14976834

Why does it matter how it comes off to outside observers? The problem with echo chambers is the effect it has on people inside

>> No.14976852

Niggers of course.
And also faggots.

>> No.14976899

I think as long as one person posts a genuine refutation it's fine for the majority to shit on them, especially if they remain entrenched.

>> No.14976908

There's always at least a handful of absolute fucking niggerbrains giving these people their (You)'s and you're probably one of them. The tragic thing is that you think you're making things better.

>> No.14976940

>self induced schizophrenia with memes
Unironically seek help

>> No.14976946

I'm convinced that people that ring up trannies in unrelated topics are addicted to tranny porn

>> No.14976953

The objective isn't to convince the person posting, it's to convince people lurking. We were all newfags at some point.

>> No.14976960

So just like a hugbox that censors then

>> No.14976968

Okay, I'll give you that, depending on the strength and conclusiveness of the refutation.

>> No.14976971

Nothing is being "censored" and everyone is free to evaluate your dross for themselves. You are not entitled to the social approval and updoots you crave.

>> No.14976973

>not being an edgy racist is a disgusting value and being confronted with that reality hurts my feefees

>> No.14976977

You can "confront" people all you want. Just don't cry and whinge when you get shat on by everyone.

>> No.14976982

You mean the arguments of 14 year olds that can't say slurs on their COD?

>> No.14976997

Nigger, why are you regrugitating your entire Twitter repertoire at ne? No one is stopping you from shitting up /pol/ with your worthless views, but don't get bent out of shape when people correctly regard them as below consideration.

>> No.14977063

literal gaslighting

>> No.14977151


>> No.14977157

There was just an op-ed in the New York Times titled "Reality Now Has a Conservative Bias"

>> No.14977167

i've been on this site for 15 years and just now learned about this
how embarrassing, i wonder if any of my bans were posted there.

>> No.14977191

4chan is a web 1.0 relic

>> No.14977195

and as such, is healthier than every other platform

>> No.14977203

i hope it never changes

>> No.14977204

i agree

>> No.14977548


>> No.14977558

web 1.0 is static content, midwit

>> No.14977611

I disagree with your post, i don't think this place is an echo chamber. However, buy disagreeing and joining the legions of other anons that also dont think this is an echo chamber, I have effectively contributed to the existence of an echo chamber

>> No.14977627

>No. You're trying to box me into "the other side," so you can uncritically reject my premises, which is a common response for people stuck in echo chambers.
It's also a common response in places with dishonest lefty shills that try to waste our time. Just saying

>> No.14977637

You're gonna see a lot more of that "stop trying to box me in" from leftists in the coming years. People are getting really fed up with leftism and they can sense it.

>> No.14977642

It's just the latest version of "X wasn't REAL communism!" whenever their idiotic ideas are exposed by reality for what they are.
Leftists always lie, because the tribe that tells them what to think worship the great deceiver.

>> No.14977699
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I miss him so much.

>> No.14977750

Hard to say, but it's definitely less damaging than browsing Instagram or Twitter, or watching CNN.

>> No.14977836

Don’t forget about the crazy mods and jannies that are probably trying to manipulate anons into some sort of relationship.
They are so mentally ill that they think they are actually going to connect with certain users on 4chan. Tranny posting coupled with the constant Discord links. And it’s probably not just the trannies that are preying, this site in run by all sorts of fuck-ups with nothing better to do.

>> No.14977925

My grammar definitely has atrophied

>> No.14977939

OP is complete horseshit. The "social media" industry is little more than electronic organized crime, and 4chan is a bastion of freedom in these dark times.
OP brings an anti-4chan narrative that can only serve the interests of the dark social media lobby, a hideously anti-social bunch of jerks if ever there was one

>> No.14977943

4chan is damaging the outcomes of the "social media" industry, so it's a very important tool for dealing with electronic organized crime
OP is spreading nasty demoralization, and you should go to /pol/ and ask the nice folks there what they think about OP's rhetoric...

>> No.14977946

Of course it is. Spend a weekend off this fucking website and you will hate going back on it because you notice your mood instantly drop
The anonymous nature of the board just means you are subject to very angry people

>> No.14977947

The simple fact of the matter is: the "social media" industry lives in FEAR of 4chan, and that is a fact to be celebrated, but it also means we must be ever vigilant and demand strong government oversight of the nasty, filthy "social media" industry...can anyone say, "Congressional hearings"?

>> No.14977949

4chan is a very important tool for inflicting terror on the "social media" industry.
To a great extent, 4chan is about inflicting terror on the "social media" industry.

>> No.14977971
File: 87 KB, 999x769, 463545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend a weekend off this fucking website

>> No.14977984

It is more likely that people with those abnormalities are more likely to find and start using 4chan in the first place

>> No.14978312

/g/ turned me into a freetard

>> No.14978316
File: 370 KB, 1691x808, 1606872141192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anonymous nature of the board just means you are subject to very angry people.

That's what I love about it though. Imagine going through your life with everybody acting like chick-fil-a employees. Constantly killing you with their kindness...literally. Makes me sick just thinking about it. Man is a miserable pile of secrets and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>To a great extent, 4chan is about inflicting terror on the "social media" industry.
But only because the social media talks about just how much it fucking sucks. We don't ever go to you.

>> No.14978317

You are right

>> No.14978332

The fact that this thread has so many replies is proof of what a shit board /sci/ is. All of you are worthless trash

>> No.14978360

Live by the sword die by the sword.

>> No.14978365

The abnormalities observed are adaptations from scanning, analyzing, and refuting arguments time and again so many times that my prefrontal cortex has physically grown. I refute people in real life. I garuntee you arguing on this website is better LSAT prep than taking a course. 4chan has enhanced my cognitive function and ability to sort through data smog. It's refuted the petty banal and quite frankly disgusting lives of the average person who is intent on fufilling base pleasures. As for psychopathy, this is usually a pop sci term. I see my self as being very empathetic in feeling and magnanimous in behavior. Yet because I don't subscribe to vague idealistic terms like muh justice muh equality muh right side of x, which makes soiboys like you think a post is "edgy". If you want to see psychopaths, reddit and faceborg are more your speed with their witchunts to get people fired like buh bye job. I can't imagine paying someone a low salary. I can't imagine getting someone fired and confining them to financial ruin and starvation. And you think 4chan is the bad guy here? No way, José. This site would be my favorite place if there wasn't anime, gaming and porn boards.

>> No.14978373

holy shit is this whole post new pasta

>> No.14978415

I grew up on 4chan especially /sci/ and this vastly improved my life and probably my cognitive capacity as well. My parents were apathetic and inattentive to us, so me and my brothers had to basically raise ourselves. Even before /sci/ there was a part of /b/ that would essentially become this board by posting in /sci/ence and math general (hoping that Moot would make us a containment board which is how /sci/ was born (yes, this is literally /b/ with a theme)). I got amazing exposure to undergrad and postgrad students who would recommend me textbooks etc. which I started studying at the age twelve. Because freshman books were far superior to our shitty middleschool/highschool books I breezed through school with top marks in my year. My teachers never understood why I did so well while refusing to do homework in favour of team sports I mostly sucked at. It was really down to simple exposure on 4chan guiding me in the right direction from an early age. By university /sci/ was existent and this allowed me to gain an intricate understanding of how academia works and how to navigate the politicals. The brutal honesty found here in particular is not found anywhere else. I would never have gotten into a top tier gradschool without this place. Throughout my career I've been refered to as "precocious", "genius", "well-read", "diligent" etc. by professors and leading researchers in my field which are all untrue. My one and only trick is exposure to mutlidisciplinary researchers shitposting on 4chan. I far outperformed my PhD cohort as well. And this was because I understood how things worked earlier and didn't cope about how many and what quality papers I needed to do well. My h-index was also really good because from /sci/ I learned to do an URA (I didn't know this was a thing) instead of an industry internship and got my name on a paper early.

>> No.14978416

As for general cognition, as I mentioned before our parents largely neglected us. Despite English being a second home language for me, I almost had a speech and writing impairment problem since I never had much opportunity to practice talking and writing (the former only in another Germanic language with cousins/siblings). It was actually very difficult for me to write down even a simple 4chan post. However, the opportunity to practice writing without my name attached to the post (and the brutal feedback found only here) was amazing for my development. I went from struggling to string a sentence together to writing essays and poems in less than 6 months. I never quite caught up, by my English teacher took my aside one day and basically asked me how I went from a low functioning autist to being able to write about such mature themes so quickly. I never lost my writing ability again. I wrote my 79 page Masters thesis in 2 days over a weekend. More controversially I'm also convinced that this speed in being to produce words so quickly also allowed me to be shaper and witty in conversation and even general cognition in arithmetics and proof writing.

/fit/ also unironically taught me how to talk to girls and how to date, plus proper nutrition (I was cooking for myself since 13 to escaped the lazily boiled starch sugar our parents fed us). I married a smart 10/10 qt.

Thank you for everything 4chan.

>> No.14978419

People don't normally write walls of text like this unless they're on ADHD meds.

>> No.14978422

On all the other sites mentioned posting literal statistics can get you banned. You've just been in echo chambers for so long that you've stopped realising what opposing views even are. You should think about the fact that in your chambers it's normal to refer to what 1 in 2 people you meet on street vote for as "extremism".

4chan is literally the norm, when it's allowed to be expressed.

>> No.14978424

I'm not on meds, but I'm almost certainly on the spectrum. I'm proud of myself for what I have accomplished despite my disability.

>> No.14978426

>4chan vs reddit

Nah, 4chan already won this culture war ages ago. Reddit is just 4chan light now bar a few subreddit bubbles acting as containment cages for freaks.

>> No.14978435

4chan has always been the ultimate expression of liberalism and individualism. In modern day idealogue terms it literally had one of the first /lgbt/ boards. You just don't like the fact that neither modern leftism nor conservacuckism are truly liberal. They are both authoritatian right wing idealogies that fight for parliamentarianism and coporate interests.

You literally attack invididualist interests daily and don't even realise it.

>> No.14978442

>This picture that initially blew up on old Twitter is the perfect example of why 4chan is bad!
Holy shit lol. Anyway your posts are completely devoid of useful proposals for a better alternative. If you get your information from CNN you would believe that 10000 people died as a result of the Fukushima meltdown (the real number is 0 btw).

Traditional media is dying because it is no longer fit for its purpose and survives pricesely based on the false fitness single traits you are proposing.

You are literally mad that truth is winning out and that it's becoming apparent thay you can no longer control what people think. I will enjoy your kind seething as 4chan subculture in all its beauty and ugliness spreads from new twitter into all the other social media spaces.

>> No.14978449

>COVID would hardly kill anyone even if nothing was done about it
So, litetally what happened in Sweden with no lockdowns?

>> No.14978463

4chan is good for the brain, it builds critical thinking and truth, regular social media promotes stupidity and non critical thinking,

>> No.14978471

You're in a cult and you don't even realize it

>> No.14978519

>You're in a cult and you don't even realize it
You're in a cult and you don't even realize it.

>> No.14978522

Why do you think he's "in a cult"?

>> No.14978523

Because Anon disagrees with the views of OP's cult leaders.

>> No.14978527

>kids are growing up groomed
First thing coming up to my mind reading those words is 4chan, not social media

>> No.14978537

Probably because you're heavily brainwashed.

>> No.14978579

Kids aren't even allowed to post on 4chan.

>> No.14978618

Bro, not going to lie, I've experienced much more demotivating and mortifying content on twitter than I have in the very asshole of this site.

Honestly, I'm not even a regular user. I just come here when i need a break.

>> No.14978623

This. They're only allowed to go on /sci/

>> No.14978652

It might be good if somehow it works similarly to the immune system.
If children at early age get exposed to enough filthy germs, they can become immune.

>> No.14978660

> have autism
> start using 4chan

not the other way around

>> No.14978815
File: 209 KB, 1024x512, 1661107891302340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is more than just an economic aspect to left vs right.
Socially the west is fully under the grip of left wing ideaologies e.g. individualism, liberalism, feminism, egalitarianism, LGBT, multiculturalism etc.
The "authoritarianism" you see are natural consequences of holding dogmas to the status of truth, which then require authoritarianism to mantain or else they fall apart. This related to the so-called paradox of tolerence (one must be intolerant of intolerenace in a tolerant socieity otherwise...)
I agree with you on the economic and parliamentary side. If only there was some ideaology that blended social conservatism with economic centrism

>> No.14978819

>individualism, liberalism,
These are right wing idealogies.
Not an idealogy.

>> No.14978825
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qualialess golems arguing about jewish left vs. jewish right labels

>> No.14979068

This site is overwhelmingly negative and hateful and it can definitely be bad to take in that energy all day every day. There's so much blackpill shit on every board about how society is doomed and its impossible to get a job or a house, the market is failing, boomers ruined the world, all women are cheating whores, niggers and jews etc. and much of it isn't even true. And the stuff that is true almost doesnt exist at all if you just go outside and live your life. Yea youll run into some of it but obsessing is only hurting yourself.
On top of that, anons typically hate on everything from videogames to society. Everything is framed as an aggressive hate war instead of talking about what you love. You like anime? You're a manchild tranny. Don't like anime? Normalfag with shit taste. People just call the guy with the opposing opinion a faggot. It can be fun obviously but reading that stuff every day can have an effect on your inner monologue at least, which messes with your brain. Even if it's just 4chan and not to be taken seriously, waking up daily to see 9 people called you a retarded faggot last night can't be that healthy.
I feel bad for obsessed /pol/fags who post nonstop on every board about jews, fags and trannies, they are fucked in the head and things probably could've been different for them if they didn't take all this shit so seriously. Some are just shitposting but a lot of anons are ridiculously passionate about that stuff.
/scg/ for example makes it seem impossible to get a job sometimes. But I easily got a decent one within 2 weeks of looking after graduation, with no internship or experience and just doing my homework and going home.
Had a lot of great discussion on here too but there's so much shitflinging

>> No.14979071

>i am a normalfag

>> No.14979079

I can help you with your experiments. How about you let me study the female students?

>> No.14979087

Weeb tranny detected

>> No.14979090

Weebery and troonery are mainstream normie interests.

>> No.14979223

>How badly is 4chan damaging the brains of people,
Idk usually it makes me happy when i go outside and see that RL is way better as described over here.

>especially developing adolescents,
don*t think that any healthy young will stay here. For the others it's the best place.

>use it frequently?
Gives me knowledge of sides people usually hide. Had made me way more comfy outside. For an naive optimist like me who lives on a sunny flower glade 4chan is a constant warning about "what's behind the smile".

>> No.14979338

If it was an echo chamber retards like you wouldn’t be allowed to post such stupid nonsense. Instead you post like a retard and receive many different kinds of perfectly legitimate criticism.

In an ideal world (in which your IQ is higher than 90) you could even learn from such criticism

>> No.14979393

>Christianity was our spiritual truth
Stopped reading the screenshot there; I can't take anything seriously when religion is brought up, regardless if the poster is theist or atheist.

>> No.14979397

>you spelled a word wrong
midwit moment

>> No.14979478
File: 566 KB, 376x300, 1667766486036300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What point are you even making?

>> No.14979482

Worry about tiktok instead OP

>> No.14979495

if not 4chan than somewhere else. the internet in general is changing everyone.

>how bad do marlboro cigarettes damage lungs?
>newports? sorry, not interested in studying those

>> No.14979555


>> No.14979561

Echo chamber means everyone believes the same thing like /pol/ or Tumblr

>> No.14979922
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Anyine that thinks /pol/ is an echo chamber does not browse it. There are more "contentious" opinions and positions to be sure, but as a whole it is incredibly diverse. e.g. there is /chug/ and /uhg/, pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine war generals.
You have /tcg/, Tucker generals, despite much of the board considering him a kike controlled opposition puppet. You have /nsg/ - National Socialist General every Sunday, yet there's also some that think Hitler was a Jewish puppet who put the Jews in comfy camps while he took Europeans to war and ultimately established Israel. There's regularly debates on abortion, gay rights, democracy, fascism, marxism etc., where you see many sides. Yes as a whole the board has tended to converge towards certain positions (e.g. anti-liberalism, acknowledgement of the Jewish Question etc.), but that's the nature of a forum that encourages debate: shitty arguments without good reasoning and evidence get rejected whilst good arguments with strong supporting evidence are adopted.
Can anyone point to a less echo-chamber-y political forum than /pol/? r/politics? r/LateStageCapitalism? Twitter?

>> No.14980038

>less echochambery political forum
Going outside and touching grass

>> No.14980040

Honestly the comments on 4chan are a cut above the general internet at this point. You have to be pretty literate to really be able to use 4chan at all. That cuts off about 30-35% of the population who either can't read, or don't like to read.

>> No.14980068

I sometimes wonder if it made me better or not. Started mid highschool. It filled in the gaps of having no friends also it felt way more genuine then my real life some how... Yeah people are assholes on here that sort of the point but also people are very honest and you know the kindness/advice from random strangers isn't fake.

Irl and on karma based sites like reddit people were nicer on paper no one will call you a fag but its less genuine. And I noticed this place while having more shitty advice the handful of insightful things occasionally said are more meaningful. Whereas on reddit I could browse it for 3 hours and find anything but mediocre points or observations.

But the biggest downsides were social. I internalized the idea of not being a normie and made it an identity. If I had been alive before the internet I probably would be more well adjusted the internet pretty much gave me the bare minimum interaction to feel like I did not need other people. I've tried to make friends irl with some success but I never have felt like an organic friendship completely. So it made me feel less bad about being a weird sperg but also it ruined any chance I had of seriously being well integrated. But for all I know that's copium maybe I would be even more isolated because at least the internet made me feel like I wasn't a total weirdo so I had more confidence. Its hard to say the internet in general has both caused me great issues and saved my life a handful of times so no clue whether the benefits were overall good or bad. I probably never would have been a normie but I remember when I made serious effort I could emulate it just still felt like it was fake.

>> No.14980070

These days though the site is overall bad. I mean occasionally I come back to places like /pol or /biz. But its really pointless people are retarded or bots. You gotta work hard to just have a thread with well intentioned people.

>> No.14980089
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>and allow for sociopathy to develope

>> No.14980095
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These anons understand

>> No.14980196

Seethe is not legitimate criticism retard

>> No.14980205

I have similar sentiments. I visit both 4chan and reddit and at times I stop going on 4chan and solely use reddit. Time will pass and for whatever reason I'm always brought back here. I don't know I always feel at "home" here and I feel that 4channers while being fucking retarded sometimes are my kindred spirits. I find that on reddit memes, conversations, posts etc. are usually always average but on 4chan you'll find the best of the internet and the worst.

>> No.14980214

4chan is unironically the midwit meme in full. Not so much that its smart but that it has a lot of retards and some very smart people. Reddit is just mediocrity in its purest form

>> No.14980223

The smartest posters on reddit are smarter than the smartest posters on 4chan. If you disagree with this, you haven't used reddit at all.

>> No.14980324

/pol/ has actual, real, leftists too. Unlike in American politics where you have one party that pretends to be, but has most actual policies to the right of the GOP.

>> No.14980326

>I internalized the idea of not being a normie and made it an identity.
This is still a newfag idea. A stupid meme that didn't exist before /r9k/.

That being said everyone in highschool wants to be special in some way too, and in that sense being called normal can be an insult in real life too. Always has been.

>> No.14981440

4chan is not the problem, its people. I don't know whats wrong with young generations but the world "frequently" sums you up, you drink one whisky you become alcoholic, watch one porn movie and you are addicted, everything you do becomes your obsession. Just visit the site from time to time goddamn.

>> No.14981445

The abnormalities observed are adaptations from scanning, analyzing, and refuting arguments time and again so many times that my prefrontal cortex has physically grown. I refute people in real life. I garuntee you arguing on this website is better LSAT prep than taking a course. 4chan has enhanced my cognitive function and ability to sort through data smog. It's refuted the petty banal and quite frankly disgusting lives of the average person who is intent on fufilling base pleasures. As for psychopathy, this is usually a pop sci term. I see my self as being very empathetic in feeling and magnanimous in behavior. Yet because I don't subscribe to vague idealistic terms like muh justice muh equality muh right side of x, which makes soiboys like you think a post is "edgy". If you want to see psychopaths, reddit and faceborg are more your speed with their witchunts to get people fired like buh bye job. I can't imagine paying someone a low salary. I can't imagine getting someone fired and confining them to financial ruin and starvation. And you think 4chan is the bad guy here? No way, José. This site would be my favorite place if there wasn't anime, gaming and porn boards.

>> No.14981449

psychopaths ARE BORN, not made

>> No.14981459

have you EVER been on /pol/ before?
That place is 90% filled with shill threads and bots

>> No.14981478

its just mindboggling to me how someone who spends time on this website cant see the connection between jews and 90% of the bullshit that happens in the world.
Like how? Do you turn of your brain and close your eyes while browsing?

>> No.14981569

There’s a lot of people who get off on “lolcows”
I’d fully expect there are plenty of those who are eager to discover “the next Chris-Chan” of this place.
I wouldn’t put it beyond some trying to socially engineer that outcome to arrive faster.
In the good old days this site would counter raid them.

>> No.14981573
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It has a receiver for a brain and dots for eyes.

>> No.14981602

It's the opposite, opposing views are highlighted here, by showing how many replies a post gets. Look how many posts replied to you, that's because you're wrong, and a lot of people wanted to tell you so.

Furthermore, it's better than a plain dislike button because you have to explain why you dislike a given post. The only people who are telling you you are wrong are the ones who can at least attempt to put together a coherent thought. Updoots and downdoots are for brainlets.

>> No.14981608

if you're worried about what happened yesterday on the 4chins then you're using it wrong. I don't even let this place save cookies. Yesterday's (You)s are dust in the wind.

>> No.14981639

Its all about cultural cohesion.

>> No.14981647

>when kids are growing up groomed, obsessed with exaggerated features, etc.
Like kids on 4chan?

>> No.14981657

4chan is literally a nazi echo chamber and it has been one consistently for at least 6 years now. It's the reason why moot left

>> No.14981662

>It's the opposite, opposing views are highlighted here
This. If you post something particlarly saucy and manage to trigger the board, your point of view will only get more exposure from all the times people link back to your post. Pro-controversy is baked into the very design and the userbase is insanely argumentative. People call 4chan an echochamber because they can't deal with the fact that their normie views are hated.

>> No.14981667

>4chan is so benign
Like literally every spree shooter in the last decade visited this place.
It's a breeding ground for hate speech

>> No.14981670

See >>14981662. The fact that most channers recognize you fir the scum that you are and let you know you are hated, doesn't make it into an echo chamber. All the hateful (You) you get are proof that others are hearing your jewish kvetching loud and clear.

>> No.14981679

You have been radicalized by online malefactors and you have started to believe in their shitposting
A dangerous mix

>> No.14981682
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>You have been radicalized
Why is that bad?

>> No.14981685

>their normie views are hated.
It is you who can't deal with the fact that right wing extremists and fascists made a home out of this place and turned it into a textbook definition of echo chamber.
It's why you're all packing up against the few dissident opinions like wild dogs.

>> No.14981691

>What if the internet turned me into a hateful bigot that blame the woes of the world on minorities?
>Hate is good. Down is up.
Yes, radicalized you were.

>> No.14981692

>a textbook definition of echo chamber.
Please refer back to >>14981662. You are allowed to shit out your drivel, you are listened to and you are hated because your views have no merit.

>> No.14981695

>The fact that most channers recognize you fir the scum that you are
>If you disagree with me, you are scum
Like I said, a nazi echo chamber and nothing more.

>> No.14981699

Oh, I see. So it's not that people are "radicalized", but the fact that they specifically grow to hate you and your worldview? I can see why you wouldn't like that.

>> No.14981702

>you are hated because
Because this place is a fascist echo chamber where only hate thrives, and nothing else.

>> No.14981703

Some people who disagree with me are not scum. You, specifically, are scum and it's morally okay to kill you without any trial. What does it have to do with "echo chambers"?

>> No.14981707

Every time you post, you demonstrate why you deserve every bit of hatred directed against you. Hating you doesn't make 4chan into an echo chamber. You are not entitled to have your subhuman values respected.

>> No.14981709

You barely know anything about me and my worldview, and you're ready to hate it, hilarious.
Yes, you were radicalized by anonymous hate speech. It's the reason why you're obsessed with anti-semitism or whatever stupid ideology that lets you blame everything wrong in the world on one demographic.

>> No.14981713

>You barely know anything about me and my worldview,
Your stance on every single issue can be reliably predicted based on your first post, which is actually a good measure of how little humanity there is in you. Anyway, I'm still waiting for you to explain why it's objectively bad for a community to hate you and your values.

>> No.14981714

>Literally a fascist regurgitating his love for tyranny
>Not a nazi echo chamber, I swear
It's an echo chamber because it's crowded with users like you who will just keep perpetuating the cycles of hate inside your mind.

>> No.14981718

>Hating you doesn't make 4chan into an echo chamber.
It does, actually. Since hate speech is pretty abundant in this site and any dissidence like mine is slim and sparse.
My beliefs aren't subhuman. You just found the perfect breeding ground for hate speech, but somehow if we call it an echo chamber it hurts your feelings, lmao.

>> No.14981720
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>This will only ever happen to my enemies
>The system will never be turned on me

>> No.14981723

The only thing people here agree on is that you are scum. Why does that make 4chan into an echo chamber? Is a community that roundly rejects pedos an echo chamber only on account of it? :^)

>> No.14981727

>dissidence like mine is slim and sparse.
The "dissidence" of child molesters is slim and sparse in most communities. That doesn't mean all communities where pedos are hated, are echo chambers.

>> No.14981729

>Why hate is bad?
Of course that someone who visits nazi echo chambers to drown in shitposting and hate speech would lose grasp on morality.
Darling hatred poisons your soul and turns you into an unlovable beast. I hope you're that far gone yet

>> No.14981730

These "dissident opinions" are not being censored you dumb fuck. If you can't defend your positions with anything other than
>muhhh hate speech
>muhhh nazis
then don't be surprised when you're rightfully ridiculed.

>> No.14981732

>hate speech
Rhetoric only a contemptible subhuman can spew, but I'm still waiting for you to explain why it's objectively bad for a community to hate you and your values.

>> No.14981734

ummmm sweaty?? it's an echo chamber unless my view is respected and equally represented here. don't you understand what a heckin' echo chamber is? an echo chamber is a place where people hate me and my opinions

>> No.14981735

>people here agree on is that you are scum
The anonymous council has spoken?
You have a very weird definition of what makes someone scum.
I think we can all agree that you are the scum, and as such, you find solace and company with the other hateful low lives in these threads.
>roundly rejects pedos
Sir how new are you?

>> No.14981736

If only 4chan hate was reserved to pedos.
Instead, it's directed towards mostly everybody else.
This is an echo chamber even if it hurts your feelings to admit so

>> No.14981739

>The anonymous council has spoken?
Apparently, since you're clearly getting enough pushback to make you cry and whinge about it. Also, why did you deflect? Is a community where pro-pedophilia views don't have an equal representation an echo chamber?

>> No.14981742

Is a community where pro-pedophilia views don't have an equal representation an echo chamber? Notice how you're forced to deflect again. Keep replying like a vile little kike. Every time you do, you justify more hatred against you. :^)

>> No.14981743

>These "dissident opinions" are not being censored
No, they're only being met with a small army of disagreeing shitposters that are so quick to revert their discourse to hate speech
Also known as an echo chamber

>> No.14981745

>they're only being met with a small army of disagreeing shitposters
What's wrong with that?

>Also known as an echo chamber
An echo chamber is a place where your subhumans views are disrespected? Okay, why is it bad for a place to be an echo chamber?

>> No.14981746

>Calls others subhumans
>Can't see how hate is bad
>Can't admit 4chan is an echo chamber
The face of delusion

>> No.14981749

Explain how hate is bad when it is warranted.

>> No.14981750

>Is a community where pro-pedophilia views don't have an equal representation an echo chamber?
Oh yes, of course, which makes the entire world an anti pedo echo chamber with few exceptions like Africa, middle East and oh would you look at that... 4chan.

>> No.14981755

14 or retarded? Maybe both.
Grow up. Your 4chan hate speech obsession will make you lonelier

>> No.14981759

>when it is warranted
Oh but that's the dilemma, isn't it? Every hate is warranted when your enemies are the target.
An opinion you would so quickly change if it was you who was a target of hate

>> No.14981760

So what's an echo chamber again? A place where most people shit all over you and your views? Do your views deserve some special regard, or is it a principle that a good online community should have respect and equal representation of every viewpoint, like pedophilia, nazism, radical Islam etc.? :^)

>> No.14981763

You are hated and you are afraid. I'm actually Israeli but dealing with American kikes has unironically made me realize Hitler was right. Everything the Nazis said is true about you.

>> No.14981764

>what's an echo chamber again?
This place, where anything that slightly disagrees with the nazi rhetoric will be shunned and hated as "subhuman scum"

>> No.14981766
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>antisemitism is bad becasue...i-it just IS o-okay
I bet you think it's a total coincidence jews have been hated for millenia in EVERY SINGLE host nation they inhabit. You're so ignorant it is unbelieveable. Fuck off to your actual echo chamber where any and all the "hate speech" is banned

>> No.14981768

>Do your views deserve some special regard
It's funny because you don't even know what my "views" are. At this point all you know is that I don't hate jews, and that is enough for you to completely disenfranchise me.
At some point you have to realize you were radicalized by the internet

>> No.14981769

>anything that slightly disagrees with the nazi rhetoric will be shunned
Most posters on 4chan don't agree with anything that resembles actual Nazism. Why do you call everything you disagree with Nazism?

>> No.14981770

One can safely infer your views from your rhetoric, if given nothing else.
Go ahead why don't you spout your views and defend them.

>> No.14981772

>all you know is that I don't hate jews, and that is enough for you to completely disenfranchise me.
Why are you lying? I don't care if someone doesn't hate jews. Notice how you use classic kike pilpul every time I address you with a legitimate question.

>> No.14981775

>Hating random demographics is a good thing
>Hate is good
>Down is up
What a big clown you are.
I could dare you to find a single demographic that wasn't thoroughly hated in the pages of history, anon. Hating people is very easy. It's why you do it. Humans have been hating each other consistently. You are just very ignorant, so you perpetuate the cycle

>> No.14981779

>Most posters on 4chan don't agree with anything that resembles actual Nazism
And yet you have someone in this thread arguing in favor of jew hating.
Are you blind or just pretending?

>> No.14981782

Hating people is bad and your heart is filled with hate. Those are my views

>> No.14981783

>yet you have someone in this thread arguing in favor of jew hating.
So what? Most channers are indifferent to Jews, and hating Jews is not nazism or any particular ideology.

>> No.14981785

>random demographics
It's not random.
I dislike blacks as a group because they are a low IQ, criminal race incapable of mantaining a highly advanced civilization.
I hate Jews because they are subversive, hijack your institutions, preach degeneracy, generally prone to parasitic behavior etc.

>> No.14981786

>the lying kike gets caught and tries to deflect again
Why don't you state your actual sociopolitical beliefs? Is it because they're exactly what everyone assumes they are? You will deflect again in your next post. :^)

>> No.14981792

>Most channers are indifferent to Jews
Why do you lie like that?
Why do you pretend so poorly?
>hating Jews is not nazism
No, just a key feature of the ideology.
The guy literally posted a hitler gif and you're already trying to assuage the nazi claims, lmao.

>> No.14981797

>Why don't you state your actual sociopolitical beliefs?
There are so many, anon, do you want to know anything specific?
Now don't be shocked, by I also don't hate black people. Can you deal with that?

>> No.14981799
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I bet you know just so much about national socialism.
>key feature of the ideaology
It really is not. Antisemitism was a natural sentiment prevelant all over the West. Marx also hated Jews (despite being one), one would not call anti-semitism central to marxism now would we?

>> No.14981804

>Why do you lie like that?
I don't. The vast majority of discussions on 4chan don't concern Jews in any way. Why do you come here with your ADL narratives and expect anything but disdain?

Thanks for conceding my point. Most of the people who hates jews aren't nazis.

>> No.14981805

>I was radicalized by online fringe groups and now adhere to a nazi fascist world view
I'm so sad for you. It's hard to imagine someone like that having any friends at all.
Don't you think it's hilarious how you hate jews for preaching degeneracy as you come to the one of the most degenerate corners of the internet

>> No.14981809

>The vast majority of discussions on 4chan don't concern Jews in any way
>He said in a thread that literally derailed into jews
Your blindness is amusing
Most 4chan Jew haters are definitely nazis though.

>> No.14981811
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> do you want to know anything specific?
I already know everything.

>> No.14981812

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when your only response to anything is
In effect you censored yourself. You didn't speak up. You didn't explain or defend your views yourself coherently, only namecalling and vague platitudes
Fuck you I am done wasting my time.

>> No.14981813

>Your blindness is amusing
What portion of the posts and threads on 4chan do you think mention your longnose tribe?

>Most 4chan Jew haters are definitely nazis though.

>> No.14981814

>one would not call anti-semitism central to marxism now would we?
Of course not, you won't find anything about jew genocide in the communist manifesto or marx's capital
You will find plenty of it in mein kampf though.
>Everybody hated jews
Oh but some more than others. Some hated them enough to promulgate genocide.

>> No.14981816

>Oh but some more than others
Why do you keep responding with worthless deflections?

>> No.14981818

But that's the thing, anon, what is more to say?
Someone accused 4chan of being an echo chamber and the thread got jumped by a pack of chuds eager to defend their echo chamber,and they can't even attempt to hide their Hitler gifs or other tokens of hitlerism fanboyism.
This thread is a perfect example of how 4chan is an echo chamber

>> No.14981821

>What portion of the posts and threads on 4chan do you think mention your longnose tribe?
I doubt they speak of anything else on pol

>> No.14981825

>Of course not, you won't find anything about jew genocide in the communist manifesto or marx's capital. You will find plenty of it in mein kampf though
>Oh but some more than others. Some hated them enough to promulgate genocide.
How do you think I know you have never read Mein Kampf, or read/heard anything Hitler has EVER said.
Hitler NEVER, in public, private, speech or writing, explicitly expressed genocidal intent towards Jews. The closest thing was a speech in 1939 which was understood in the context of deportation.
I bet that is news for you. Mainstream historians concede there is nothing linking him to the Holocaust (which totally happened btw):
>“we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.”
>source: THE -- so called -- "holocaust historian" Raul Hilberg

>> No.14981827

Because you respond with blatant lies?
You try to pass jew hating as a rule, and not just a delusion from your favorite dictator.

>> No.14981829

>I doubt they speak of anything else on pol
I didn't ask you anything about /pol/. How come every time you post, you either lie or deflect?

>> No.14981836

>How do you think I know you have never read Mein Kampf
Have you? He literally calls jews parasites in multiple passages
>Hitler fanboy resorts to lying about his favourite dictator's lifelong obsession with jews
And then you ask how is this place an echo chamber.
This is how.

>> No.14981837

>Because you respond with blatant lies?
What did he lie about? He correctly pointed out that loads if not most people had a disdain for kikes regardless of their political allegiance. It's talking to the likes of you that makes most people realize what the nature of a jew is.

>> No.14981839

This place is an echo chamber because he correctly points out that most antisemites aren't nazis, and that jews weren't that important to nazism as an ideology?

>> No.14981840

Of course I have read it. I know you haven't. And yes he effectively called Jews parasites several times. That is not calling for genocide. You're so dishonest and disingenuous it is unbelieveable.

>> No.14981842

>that loads if not most people had a disdain for kikes
This is where you're letting 4chan induced brainrot cloud your better judgement.
No, anon, most people are not filled with hatred.
That's just you

>> No.14981845

>most antisemites aren't nazis
One sentence in and you're already wrong

>> No.14981846

They did back then, and thanks to your efforts, that's coming back. But why did you deflect again, and how come I was able to correctly recognize you as a jew?

>> No.14981849

>Calling a demographic parasites is not asking for genocide
And then you call me disingenuous.
Please tell us what you do with parasites in your house, anon.

>> No.14981851

יהודון מושתן ומניאק. בגללך ובגלל דומייך הייתה שואה. איך אפשר לא לשנוא רפש שקרן כמוך?

>> No.14981853

Isn't /pol/ part of 4chan though? It's by far the most infectious part that spreads to every other board, including this one

>> No.14981856

>Isn't /pol/ part of 4chan though?
I didn't ask you about /pol/, kike. I asked you about 4chan. Although I'm willing to bet most threads on /pol/ aren't about Jews, either.

>> No.14981857

When college kids call the capitalists/top 1% parasitic are they advocating for their genocide?
I will edcuate you. Deportation was always explicitly the plan. For example

>> No.14981859

>that jews weren't that important to nazism as an ideology?
Nazism is all about the Aryan race eugenicist propaganda of being superior to other races, and that ladder ends with jews at the bottom. This was a key point in nat soc ideology.
But since 4chan is an echo chamber, you won't allow anyone to talk bad shit about your idol Adolph in the thread

>> No.14981864

>thanks to your efforts
Lmao you don't even know who I am. I'm not a jew. Once more you're wrong. But also delusional, lost in this echo chamber.

>> No.14981868

Most of Hitler's writings, speeches and actions weren't about your longnose tribe. Most of the people murdered by the Nazis weren't kikes, either, even if I buy your 6 gorillion figure.

>you won't allow anyone to talk bad shit about your idol Adolph in the thread
What are you talking about, kike? Gassing your people was the only good thing Hitler has ever done.

>> No.14981869

>I asked you about 4chan
/pol/ is part of 4chan, virgin.

>> No.14981874

Why did you deflect again, kike? Please continue to generate hatred and disgust against yourself. :^)

>> No.14981875

Yes, college kids are asking for the rich 1% to be genocided.
>Deportation was always explicitly the plan
>Ends up genociding them in practice
Oh but at least they had humane plans, right? That's what counts. The plan. Not the reality of its implementation that left millions of victims

>> No.14981876

I hate this because it is a half-truth. Eugenics and racialism was a part of National Socialism (national = nation = race). But that is not all it's about. e.g. the pic here >>14978815

>> No.14981881

>Most of Hitler's writings, speeches and actions weren't about your longnose tribe. Most of the people murdered by the Nazis weren't kikes, either, even if I buy your 6 gorillion figure.
Oh you're right, the natsoc party did so much evil shit to so many people, jews are just a fraction of that.
It's like you're listing reasons why nazism is bad, so I'm gad you're hearing the voices of reason

>> No.14981882

Given that this entire time all you've done is lie, deflect, and namecall, while me and others try to have an actual conversation, I am not going to enter an earnest conversation on the totally legitimate historical event that is the Holocaust. For one, I know you know nothing about it.

>> No.14981885

>it is a half-truth
No, anon, it is the whole truth
You're just so desperate to say anything that could even remotely assuage Hitler's guilt.
You're that much of a fanboy

>> No.14981892

By half truth I was very clear. Eugenics and racialism was imbedded into national socialism. But there was much more to the ideaology.

>> No.14981895

So you concede that most antisemites aren't Nazis, and that hating Jews is not that important to Nazism in practice.

>> No.14981896

>all you've done is lie,
Aren't you the said Hitler didn't really call for jew genocide, he just called them dangerous parasites that couldn't live in a normal society?
You are literally defending hitler. It's so crazy to me that we're having this conversation right here, and you're still trying to deny that 4chan isn't an echo chamber

>> No.14981899

>Tend to censor leftist opinions more
Proof. There's like multiple leftist echo chamber boards here. You've got /co/ and /lgbt/ both. Not to mention /r9k/ penchant for anarchism.

>> No.14981902

>But there was much more
Eugenics and racism was literally the main aspect of the ideology

>> No.14981903
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>It's so crazy to me that we're having this conversation right here, and you're still trying to deny that 4chan isn't an echo chamber
You just can't make this shit up.

>> No.14981910

Well my bad then, I had no idea that college kids were calling for the murder of ~10,000,000 people in the west (largely or mostly jews btw).
There is no lie there. Sarcasm aside you know damn well calling people parasites is not the same as calling for an industrial mass murder.
Do you work for the JIDF?

>> No.14981911

Hating jews is definitely an important part of nazism, but you know how hate speech works, don't you? It's circles inside circles. There's always another group to hate. Nazism is also about hating other minorities, lgbt, people of colour, gypsies, communists, and any other dissident of the regime

>> No.14981913
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Shut the fuck up, bigot. The very fact that we're having a heckin' conversation, instead of you straight up agreeing with me that everyone on 4chan is a Nazi, is proof that checkin' 4chan is an echo chamber just like everyone told me back on reddit.

>> No.14981917

Lgbt is literally littered with /pol/ shitposting and /r9k/ is literally /pol/. You are very blind if you think there's any leftist representation in this site

>> No.14981920

>Hating jews is definitely an important part of nazism
Most of Hitler's writings, speeches and actions weren't about your longnose tribe. Most of the people murdered by the Nazis weren't kikes, either, even if I buy your 6 gorillion figure. Either way, you concede that most posters on 4chan don't care about jews, and most posters who hate jews don't subscribe to nazi ideology. Why do you keep deflecting like a kike?

>> No.14981922

4chan is pretty shit, but knock for knock, it's not the worst thing for an adolescent mind. At worse it turns you into a conspiracy theorist and then into an extreme skeptic of things.

There's a strong balance of wild fucking claims that end both true, completely false, and somewhere in the middle across almost all the boards. This fucks up newfags who typically cling to something false as evidence of stupidity and reject the chans or cling to something true as evidence of some godly truth being spoken here.

They don't really break out of this cycle until they've been consistent on the chans for a couple years.

At least for me, someone who has posted on and off for about a decade now, it made me a very strong academic and competent corporate worker. Probably dangerously competent. I understand too well the influences on those around me.

>> No.14981925

>calling people parasites is not the same as calling for an industrial mass murder
When you make a whole ideology about hating them, take power and become an autocracy of hate, yes that's exactly what happens. It's exactly what happened.
Hitler set his play one piece at a time. The antisemitic propaganda campaign he engendered lasted more than 10 years, and jews were only a few of the persecuted groups.

>> No.14981928

>most posters who hate jews don't subscribe to nazi ideology

>> No.14981931

>/lgbt/ is littered with /pol shitposting
Lmao, every single general on that board was taken over by leftist groups. It's not even a shadow of its former self (which was led by actual right wing gay terrorists). All the personalities are left leaning now. You KNOW nothing.

/r9k/ is just woman hating. They're pretty open in their hatred of the right and any of these mechanisms put on them to control them. They want everyone to get fucked hard because literally no one champions them.

You need to get more exposure to the other boards. Just because they are unfiltered spaces and edgy, doesn't mean that they are right wing. That's kind of a retarded stance if anything. You can go on /leftypol/ wherever they reside now and see the same sort of posting behaviors as the rest of the chans.

>> No.14981932

>Most of Hitler's writings, speeches and actions weren't about your longnose tribe.
No, it was mostly about eliminating dissidents with brute force, which is exactly what he did.

>> No.14981935

>Multiple people eager to defend hitlerism on a fucking science board
>Not an echo chamber
I feel pity for you

>> No.14981937

Kanye is NOT a Nazi and you are racist for claiming such a thing.

>> No.14981942

The fact this shitty thread didn't get nuked by the mods kind of disproves any claims of echo chamber behavior. It's not even scientific just bait.

>> No.14981943

>They're pretty open in their hatred of the right
Don't know if delusional, disingenuous or just deceitful.
Either way, what is the point of carrying a conversation if you will blatant lie like that?
>/pol/ is actually a left wing safe hub

>> No.14981951

>whole ideaology about hating them
I have addressed this already.>>14981814
>autocracy of hate
Meaningless world salad
>It's exactly what happened.
You don't know anything about the Holocaust. If you do prove me wrong
What was the name of the report about ~1,000,000 Jews being sent to a Reinhardt camp. Also name that camp. This is not obscure it is common knowledge to those familiar with the topic.

>> No.14981956

>Holocaust denier
You're in the perfect site for that. It's an echo chamber for a reason

>> No.14981960

I never said /pol/ was left wing, but /leftypol/ is culturally not very different than the rest of the chans. They have the same posting behaviors and produce memes themselves that can take off like Chud.

>> No.14981962

So you don't know anything, cool.

>> No.14981967

>more kvetching, insults and deflections
Thanks for demonstrating why you are so hated. Violence against you is morally and rationally justified.

>> No.14981968
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The amount of evidence you have to ignore in order to doubt the Holocaust happened puts you on the same level of a flat earther.
Don't tell me, let me guess: unvaxxed?
Damn echo chamber, it attracts the worst of the worst

>> No.14981973

Enlighten me on what you think is the strongest evidence. Remember the claims too.

>> No.14981974

>why you are so hated
More hated than nazis in the public sphere?
Lmao good one

>> No.14981979

>More hated than nazis in the public sphere?
Unironically yes. More hated than your nonexistence boogeyman, since you're a real problem and your politics are making people miserable out in the real world. You deserve what's coming. Better beg your fascist handlers to censor the internet fadter.

>> No.14981990

>Identify undesirables with labels
>Evict them and send them to secluded ghettos
>Dislodge them by train to different prisions across the country
>Everyday, thousands of prisioners get in
>No one gets out
The sad thing is that genocides are not an uncommon thing in history, they were performed multiple times by various autocratic regimes. British empire did it with indians. Europeans did it to native Americans in the new world. Turkish empire did it to Armenians. Everyone did it to gypsies.
And yet, your ignorance, your blindness and conceit prevents you from seeing the obvious truth, that your favourite dictator was actually a mean and naughty boy.
Who would have thought? A dictator? Evil? What are the odds?
You idolize him so much you can't see it.

>> No.14981996

>nonexistence boogeyman
But you exist, anon, unfortunately.
Nazism is no boogeyman. The bitch of fascism is always in heat.

>> No.14982001

Fascism is what you and your handlers represent. The days when you could shut down everyone who opposes you could be shut down by calling him the N word are long over. You will face physical consequences.

>> No.14982005

What is the evidence for your claim? For example mass graves at these camps? War time gas chambers? A paper trail? Photographs?
Since you know nothing I will tell YOU what you are supposed to defend.
Auschwitz 1.1 million deaths, mostly gassing using a delousing agent used to fight the spread of Typhus, known as Zyklon B, which release CO.
Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor approx 1.5 million deaths, using dissel engine exhaust. These bodies where then put in mass graves at these camps at known locations. Then exhumed and cremated.

>> No.14982021

>Fascism is what you and your handlers represent
No, that's wrong. Nazi fascism are a scope of autocratic far right wing ideologies that spurned in the first half of the 20th century in Europe, with prominent names like Mussolini, Hitler, Salazar, Franco, etc
Please educate yourself.

>> No.14982025

You are finally right about something

>> No.14982027

>What is the evidence for your claim?
Where do you live?
Depending on where you live you could visit a Holocaust memorial museum. There's a great one in New York. It's like a natural history museum, filled with evidence, but if you bring a creationist inside, he will just dismiss every bit of evidence.
In the end of the day you want to believe that the Holocaust is fake because you're far too much infatuated with uncle Adolph to admit he did something bad.
Who could have thought? The guy willing to plunge a continent into war and chaos and sacrifice millions of pure white Aryan young males would also be willing to do terrible terrible crimes of war... Are you shocked?

>> No.14982029

I meant to say kind of right

>> No.14982044

Well the evidence should be plenty then. Start with

>> No.14982487

My point was I don't want to hear about the jewish cabal in every random thread about every interest and hobby, you fags are beyond obsessed and it's lame and annoying

>> No.14983700
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Who is radicalizing? And how?

>> No.14983705

like what. Give one example