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File: 151 KB, 1599x1066, jbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14973644 No.14973644 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Penrose is dead, is JBP the smartest person in the world?

>> No.14973651
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>Penrose is dead

>> No.14973667

>is JBP the smartest person in the world?
Nope, he doesn't belong to the tribe. Someone else will take on that title.

>> No.14973680

Several hundred million people would need to die before JBP became the smartest person in the world.

>> No.14973683


>> No.14973688
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>Several hundred million
"lol" said the clearly more intelligent savant than you "lmao"

>> No.14973697
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I am very smart
Thoth lives

>> No.14973700

Nah, it's actually you anon

>> No.14973723

hes still alive

>> No.14973734

>Now that Penrose is dead,
Please no. Tell me it isn't so.

>> No.14973744

hes still alive
>also hes related to me

>> No.14973748

Define 'smart'? Because he speaks from ignorance on a variety of topics. If he stuck to psychology that would be one thing, but he rarely does anymore.

>> No.14973754

he is in israel with ben shapiro(second smartest person alive)

>> No.14973768
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>noooo you can't talk about hecking social issues unless you graduated from gender studies

>> No.14973830

I'm not talking about social issues. He regularly speaks from ignorance in regards to Religion and Philosophy. I don't neccesarily mind the social 'issues' he raises, but I do mind most of his propossed cures and remedies.

>> No.14973842

Penrose is an obviously Cornish name

>> No.14973848

>in regards to Religion and Philosophy

>> No.14973965
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Psychology can be automated, especially the diagnostic but also the therapy sides. There are bots such as Replika. Any element of psychology that is an actual science can and should be mechanised.

>> No.14974050

False. Robots cannot sense seriousness or ugency. As such people will instictively know it is purly self diagnosis.

Nothing more. A personal choice, not another person (a superior') valid diagnosis or opinion.

It would be a cheap mirror.

>> No.14974242

Peterson is a limited hangout, controlled opposition Zionist puppet. He has been running from Solzhenitsyns 200 years together for decades.

>> No.14974275
File: 62 KB, 640x848, stefanmolyneux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's Stefan Molyneux

>> No.14974285

> Never realized all psychology past Brentano and Husserl is founded on paradoxical principles.
I've met 120 IQ liberal women who were smarter than JBP.

>> No.14974296

>paradoxical principles
>he could rectify why paradoxes exist amd how to solve them

You never made it and those 120 IQ women are geniuses compared to you. Paychology is simplex, not convoluted, and the paradoxes only exist in dualistic dichotomies when in reality theyre two seperate metrics with a common zero center.

>> No.14974331


>> No.14974407

Check that early life brother

>> No.14974414

Johnson Peterstein dropped 30 IQ points after his Benzo misadventures. Hes lucky to retain his core biological functions.

>> No.14974420

No, we still have Grigori Perelman.

>> No.14974454

>hes related to me
pls ask him to not die

>> No.14974512

There's a difference between being a credentialed expert and being intelligent. Peterson is obviously highly intelligent. Most intelligent? Certainly not.

>> No.14974658

>There's a difference between being a credentialed expert and being intelligent.

I agree, I just don't like that he has somehow become something of a religious authority when he has no legitimate study or training in it. he has a lot of wildely innacruate interpretations of scripture, for example, too many to list. He's clearly intelligent. But should an intelligent Bio-chemist give a lecture in engineering, the basis of which was found in a few books he's read and skimmed over? I don't think so.

Some might say, "well, that isn't his fault he became a religous authority". But he is doing entire lectures on Old Testament and New Testament scripture, they're all on YouTube. It kind of is his fault. It's one thing to mention religiuous precepts off hand in an interview or lecture on Psychology, which is his actual field of expertise. It's another to do entire lectures on them, which denotes the lecturer fancies themselves at least highly competent in the field. And then what's really fucking insane is he will do those lectures and then say, "oh well I'm not Christian". Maybe he's trying not to get cancelled but there are way way way better Religious commentators yet somehow he has cornered the market by teaching an 'alt-rite' friendly version of the faith which in the end will actually turn people away from it.

>> No.14974685

Truly belongs beside Von Neumann and Von Mises. AI needs to save us from this century.

>> No.14974688

He lost 30 IQ points when he was exiled from polite society by people with a deleted early life section but maintained that ethnic cohesion and identification of foreign groups is evil.

>> No.14974704

>earned==good, unearned==bad
Pleb mentality.

>> No.14974713

>Grigori Perelman
Lel they're not even in the same league.

>> No.14974726

Most self-described influential philosopher made the same idiotic bias every human can't help but fall into without ever taking a step back: that nothing outside of their personal experience is real nor relevant until they get a kick in the ass from life for survivorship bias. It's tiring.

>> No.14974727

Not true, he has never been exiled. He started taking benzos because he was feeling very bad when his wife died. Happens to a lot of people

>> No.14974736

Who is in the higher league though?

>> No.14974743

Of the living? Perelman, the Blossom Samurai, Wiles, and Witten, come to mind.

>> No.14974754

>when his wife died
His wife suffered from cancer a few years back, though she's not dead. I assume she's better now since it's been a few years.

>> No.14974771

What the hell is your guys' criteria for "the smartest person in the world"?

>> No.14974904
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1660793237515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he's still the smartest man on the planet.. let that sink in....

>> No.14974907

>the Blossom Samurai
Forgive my ignorance, but who is that?

>> No.14975043

Not even good bait.

>> No.14975055

Very Christian viewpoint.

>> No.14975253
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>> No.14975262

Oh yeah, that guy

>> No.14975296

Its scary to think that you can be in your 50s and still be retardly stupid.

>> No.14975302

Penrose isn't dead you lying nigger.

>> No.14975403
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> esl
> namefag
> high likelyhood of being Asian
Kek, yeah, not engaging you, cunt.

>> No.14975492
File: 314 KB, 640x480, BbRn5gSRgX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JBP is undeniably the smartest person alive. He truly changed my life for the better. After listening to him talk, I now understand humanity on a much deeper level. This bleeds over into my social interactions and motivates me to better myself. If JBP asked, I would suck his dick without hesitation. Do not underestimate the power of linguistic content to dramatically change your world. Always put words first. They are essential to understanding the world you experience.

>> No.14975498
File: 445 KB, 540x930, 2022-10-18_04.03.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that cope and no u's
You got BTFO, you illiterate shitbag.






>> No.14975509
File: 108 KB, 500x651, 1600313268252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just listed a bunch of cunt's professions.

>> No.14975519
File: 343 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20221111-122702_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.btfo seething and coping
Join me on /trv/ where I go on misadventures to Afgjanistan.


My profession is BTFO of chumps like you...regardless of your major, I will BTFO of you.

Return to /xci/, my son...for I am your Father.

>> No.14975522

You're that same schizo who posts screenshots of his phone right?

>> No.14975529
File: 86 KB, 900x582, 1543605273403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre the same anon that pretends to be educated but isnt right?

>no u r
>no u r

One of us posts evidence and proof. The other posts "no u r".

Figure it out, son................

>> No.14975546

underrated comment

>> No.14975840

Jordan isn't even the top 5%. I generally don't like to criticize posters but if you actually think he is anywhere near the smartest individual on the planet then you really are a moron.

I could teach Jordan things about humanity and himself that he could never critically analyze without guidance.

>> No.14975841

Juden Boy Peterstein is a pseud.

>> No.14975919
File: 68 KB, 500x272, 2022-10-05_04.30.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could teach Jordan things about humanity and himself that he could never critically analyze without guidance.
I could say the same to you.

t.Greatest Number Theorist alive

>> No.14975935

You will never be a Psychologist.
Deal with it.


>> No.14975962

Psychology will never be a science. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14975976

Hes not Jewish. He has one Jewish ancestor 5 generations ago.

>> No.14975988
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, zombie-ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Juden Boy Peterstein is a pseud.
Then who are you to validate or invalidate his expertise?

Take your off-topic shitposts to >>>/b/ you PSUED.

t.Developmental Psychologist by proxy of Genetics of Physiology, by way of Phenomenology

You're not a scientist. You're a fan of Science™.

>> No.14975994

>t.Developmental Psychologist
This is a science board. Not a Jewish Pedophile Studies board. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14976009
File: 237 KB, 587x629, 2022-11-10_20.30.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you hold this up means you believe GENETICS plays a role in PSYCHOLOGY.


>> No.14976021

>ben shapiro(second smartest person alive)

according to (((Times Magazine)))

>> No.14976070

The merit is in getting not on having, at least regarding riches and power. Physical beauty is something you can ne proud of without doing anything, because its just you.
While wealth isn't you, the effort to get it implies titanic personal human qualities.

>> No.14976217

I still don't know why Penrose was such an hard-ass towards JBP.

>> No.14976256

Who cares?
You seem to be deeply confused about the difference between your motivations and his. Maybe he doesn't care if his lectures turn people away from Christianity, however you arrived at that conclusion. Maybe he just finds them interesting.
Just because you have some niche pet peeve on what is valid interpretation of scripture doesn't mean it's somehow wrong for him to give a lecture on Genesis or whatever.
We don't have to conform with your gay worldview. An obsession with minutiae and tedium is often cause for a person to be dismissed outright.
I'm sure you had some follow-up post lined up about how Peterson's lecture was invalidated because of some obscure translation of a Greek word. The problem you have is no one cares. And that's your fault.