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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, Anki-icon.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14974034 No.14974034 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest invention of mankind and the single reason why i havent failed out of college yet

>> No.14974052

I'm too lazy to set it up desu.

>> No.14974097

what are you studying? it isn't so useful for applied careers, isn't it

>> No.14974104
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>be me, zoomer with no attention span whatsoever.
>have shit memory because of it.
>start using anki.
> grades start to improve even for courses that I absolutely despise.
> some time passes by.
> grades start to worsen.
> I keep forgetting to crate new cards and I am too fucking lazy to go through the material and make cards out of it.

Why is the human brain hardwired to forget ? Life would be so much easier if we could decide what to remember and what to forget .

Also any advise for making cards. I often feel that I make them to long, pack too much information or not enough.

>> No.14974114

I'm in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Business. It's good enough to cram in basic knowledge, the real learning comes from solving problems though

>> No.14974115

I prefer 3 or 4 cards with a little information than one card with a bunch of it. Try to aim for 3 to 4 bullet points per card

>> No.14974135

thx for the advice. How do you apply that to something that is really wordy and packed full of information like math definitions. Cutting it into chunks and making a card for every single chunk maybe?

>> No.14974147

Not him, but you could try putting all the necessary conditions in separate bullet points, like

>t a natural number

>z=x+y*t is a whatever

That would make it more digestible in my opinion. You could also just leave out the first part if you think it's obvious.

>> No.14974151

You could make an entirely seperate deck for a particularly big proof/definition/whatever. The great thing is that you can cut the problem into the tiniest chunks without getting all mixed up with other decks.

Also, try to formulate questions like you would encounter them in an actual exam. I.e. what is the definition of X, what are some advantages of process Y, whats the difference between Z and Q, etc.

>> No.14974772

it's mediocre

>> No.14974800

>Use anki for all memorization
>Solve practice problems and write the entire solution on small text on all your reference sheets for exams
You are now invincible.

>> No.14974808

I have never once. Not once. Used memorization tools outside of flashcards when I was learning Latin.

Honestly, they aren't needed as long as you know how to read and digest material properly.

>> No.14974818

and you wil forget everything after you get your diploma, congratulations

>> No.14974822

I will write some notes on learning in general. I'm a math student I realized that the key to learning, is about creating an empty layout of the things you want to learn. One always has a naive idea of what a subject is about, if you build on top of this wrong knowledge, you have a neighborhood of good knowledge to help you build your new memory. This is basically the one way I teach and learn

>> No.14974826

No man don't be like that I can help you.
First you have to stop craving for distraction.
The zero thing, is dropping all your attention craving activities, go cold fucking turkey. Bath yourself on cold water first thing in the morning to get the hardest thing out of the way at the beginning of the day. Stop eating garbage food: Eat yougurt + (meat + veggies on slow doses) and eventually the meat and veggies will taste better. This is because you create a microbiota ecosystem that lives well around those kinds of food in your gut.
Only after you've made this, you dropped your internet addiction and started meditating on your real worries outside of the internet, then you will be fired up to do anything you want in life. It's not that you're stupid, it's that you're an addict and you're just in denial like most of the people here.

>> No.14974831

note: you can drop the yogurt after you get used to the taste of meat and veggies, eventually you will find the balance you prefer of veggies vs meat, but don't eat ANY carb heavy shit. No cake, tortilla, bread, cookies, etc. Those are consumed very fast by microbiota in your gut and they get angry at you for starving them. This is why carbs are kind of addictive. Instead meat and veggies are layered and microbiota don't go autistic on you.
There's a book on this topic https://www.gaps.me/
I don't recommend reading it, I basically told you all you need from it. If you search about it you will come with your own conclusions. Google, bing, etc are all pozzed you need to actually ask people and see podcasts of related topics so that the algorithm doesn't directly block the searches with irrelevant answers

>> No.14974870

Anki is godlike for medical school, if you are in medicine and not using anki you are legit mentally retarded.
How would you use it in a lot of other fields though? Can't imagine it being very useful in Engineering or even other Sciences, unless to maybe memorize some things.

>> No.14974890

I know spaced repetition and active recall is the best way to study, but I'm too much of a lazy fuck to set it up.

>> No.14975146
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Engineers can use Anki to memorize a long list of equations they aren't expected to derive. (What is the capacitance of a PCB trace with these dimensions?) Mathematicians can use Anki to memorize definitions. (Is a noncommunicative monoid a type of endofunctor?)

>> No.14975182

Just actually learn something ffs don't just develop an automatic response from one thing to another so that's the only thing you think of when you hear the prompt. You box yourself in. No wonder doctors are retards but pass as intelligent

>> No.14975695

you don't need an entire anki deck to memorize 5-10 equations, just write them on paper and keep it around as reference.
Anki is a meme for anything besides learning 100+ dumb vocabulary words

>> No.14975757

i love anki
I use it in CS to keep concepts fresh in my mind and for having cards with small questions on I can solve while going to uni

>> No.14977070
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I get tired of memorizing Laplace transforms and trig identities. Worse, courses like electronics teach analysis of nonlinear devices, like diodes, to undergraduates by throwing out unexplained equations.

You can, of course, memorize these by *only* doing problems, but it's easier to do both.

>> No.14977147

if you have to learn in college it's already over
>imagine not memorizing the entire grey acanomy in one reading
lol what a retard

>> No.14977423

anki is a useless meme
org-roam for notes and if you need to cram, you can easily do spaced repetition on your notes

>> No.14977731

It calculates the time for the spaced repetitions and alerts you when you need to memorize again. Saying Anki is a meme is like saying studying note cards is a meme.

>> No.14977849

>It calculates the time for the spaced repetitions and alerts you when you need to memorize again
couple dozens lines of elisp and you have the same crap, except it's over your org-roam notes which are structured, superior to cards and you don't have to waste time making cards

>> No.14977941
File: 1.01 MB, 1899x912, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki is 10/10 and easy to use.

>> No.14978058
File: 23 KB, 811x191, image_2022-11-11_214426619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro what is this heatmap

>> No.14978152

I just didn't use it, took courses that didn't need anki because I need electives badly. My old days are just latin honestly

>> No.14978155

Anki is amazing for med school, OK for biology, bad for engineering/physics and atrocious for mathematics/CS. The subjects are listed in terms of decreasing ratio of declarative to procedural knowledge. Most of med is declarative (memorisation), most of CS is procedural (coding).

Anki creates a 1 to 1 mapping between a prompt and answer, which is what you need in med. Mathematics/CS solutions are more similar to long branches of simple operations. You can use it for more simple stuff like definitions, but it does not improve your problem solving.

>> No.14978165

Redpill me on problem solving with it

>> No.14978186

Anyone who uses this retarded bullshit is basically broadcasting to everyone with half a brain that their degree is fake and all it requires is rote memorization. You are a dumb fucking fraud. It's hilarious that you morons haven't realized this yet.

>> No.14978196

Back in the cage

>> No.14978217

LOL found the mad midwit studying the arts

>> No.14978296

how do I meditate on my worries? just self-reflection but legs crossed?

>> No.14978459

What everybody seems to totally forget is that there are different types of learners. You have a psychomotoric learning type, that needs anki and other stuff you can hold in your hands and make a physical connection with. Visual learning types, the one who actually can only rely on reading ablut stuff and remember it correctly. Auditive learners who prefer to listen, like audio boots or Youtube vids. Last but not least social learners who learn best when learning in a Group or explaining others what they need to learn. Most people are a mixture wirh peaks in one direction, learn what type of learner you are and experience a boost in your grades, it is that simple.

>> No.14978474

>The reason I haven't failed is because I just memorised everything like a parrot
Anon you might be stupid

>> No.14978653

i can tell you're american

>> No.14978656

wops sorry le heckin science changed, you are memorizing something you don't actually understand and neither does science

>> No.14978658

>What everybody seems to totally forget is that there are different types of learners.
There aren't, this is a complete meme, but I will let you think you're right to reduce my competition

>> No.14978659

it's useless for most stem related subjects, I could see it being useful for chemistry but that's it

>> No.14978708

It is godtier for language learning although /sci/ probably doesn't give a shit about this. I would bet there are weebs on this board that use it for japanese.

>> No.14979001

No, take cold showers. When you freak out to the cold, you're stressed, and you can choose to relax. Do it every once in a while to remember the feeling of relaxation. Then you will start doing it everywhere else, try stopping yourself from laughing, that's the same feeling as relaxation. Don't try to worry about your worries, just forget everything, literally forget about everything. It doesn't help to think about your problems, you need a notebook and a pen to squash the coming storm of ideas that you have, you will polish your ideas by trial and error. But first you need a clear mind to do that, and relaxation. Both diet and the training of relaxation of cold showers will provide you that.
worse, I'm mexican

>> No.14979049
File: 10 KB, 645x149, anki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are rookie numbers.

>> No.14979059

Why are you seething so hard? I just use it to learn languages and to memorize definitions sometimes. Obviously you still have to solve actual problems, it's just a supplement.

>> No.14979819

There is no actual difference between memorization of concepts and their relationships, and genuine understanding of a topic. This applies to all fields including physics, math, etc. This makes the average /sci/ fag seethe, but your seething changes nothing.
It is entirely possible to use anki to memorize entire physics textbooks, all the equations and their derivations and relationships to other concepts (you can construct flashcards that show these relationships and such), and you will indeed understand the physics as well as be able to solve problems, derive new solutions, etc. There is no field or degree where this is not applicable - not math, not computer science, not engineering, not anything.

>> No.14979841

I use it for all the words that I can't give a precise definition for.

>> No.14979932
File: 489 KB, 1588x2048, 1667997458481263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no actual difference between memorization of concepts and their relationships, and genuine understanding of a topic.
This is the sad almost truth. Rote memorization takes you extremely far.

>> No.14980007

Supermemo is much better, but is too heavily tied into Windows. The supermemo web app is okay, but needs a lot of work. Anki has a decent mobile app, which makes it worth it if only to do reps on your phone.

>> No.14980127

you haven't failed out of college yet?!

>> No.14980478


>> No.14980608

>There is no actual difference between memorization of concepts and their relationships, and genuine understanding of a topic
If you try to memorize without understanding you won't be able to recall what you memorized once.

Moreover, "genuine understanding" means you can tell what is the underlying structure, what is going on. "Memorization of concepts and their relationships" usually means rote learning procedures, which break down as soon as you encounter a problem worded differently, you cannot apply it to situations you didn't drill examples of, and consequently since you can't really apply the ideas since you understood nothing you will eventually forget whatever concepts and relations you memorized once, thus wasting your time.

>> No.14980617

>It is entirely possible to use anki to memorize entire physics textbooks, all the equations and their derivations and relationships to other concepts (you can construct flashcards that show these relationships and such), and you will indeed understand the physics as well as be able to solve problems, derive new solutions, etc.
Peope who do this would not be able to solve problems like these, I can tell from first hand experience

Feel free to try them and be honest about what you did. I'm pretty sure you will try applying a procedure you memorized and end up finding the wrong answer.

>> No.14980659

>memorize without understanding you won't be able to recall what you memorized once.
memorization without understanding the concept is not memorization of the concept. First, you understand the concept and then practice recalling it through SRS.
>"genuine understanding" means you can tell what is the underlying structure, what is going on
Which is done by memorizing the underlying structure by first recognizing it and then practicing recalling it.
>"Memorization of concepts and their relationships" usually means rote learning procedures
>you can't really apply the ideas since you understood nothing
>you will eventually forget whatever concepts and relations you memorized once

>> No.14980681

>memorization without understanding the concept is not memorization of the concept.
You're changing your initial point by changing the meaning of the words you use because you know you are wrong ever since you read my reply. You can memorize any concept and recall it anytime, that's called recitation, doesn't mean you understand what you're reciting.

>First, you understand the concept
You contradict yourself, if undestanding was implied in memorization there wouldn't be different words for them. You can understand what someone said and forget about it 5 seconds later, you can memorize a password and see no meaning in it thus not understanding it. This should be obvious to see so I think you're trying to justify to yourself that your past years have been wasted with wrong learning methodologies.

>and then practice recalling it through SRS
Good luck reviewing what you memorized by recalling it every single day or week without having any idea why they're useful.

Don't know why I'm trying to argue with you, I gain nothing from this and I could eventually earn a competitor, though that risk is low from what I've analysed of your personality.

>> No.14980794

as a physicsfag i cant find any use for it . Just solve more exercise problems or recreate the proofs.For me its the perfect language learning tool . I owe my french to this program

>> No.14982321

>You're changing your initial point by changing the meaning of the words you use
Wrong. Memorizing the concept is understanding the concept, recitation of the concept is understanding the concept, which was the original statement. I did not say you simply memorize verbatim a sentence, I stated that you memorize the concept. The rest of your post doesn't matter because this initial premise of yours is wrong.

>> No.14983080
File: 348 KB, 1332x1949, rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If everyone did this, most of their problems would be solved.

>> No.14983775

It's not the almost truth, it is the entire truth. Also why would it be sad?
Given any topic about anything that exists, the fundamental concepts and their relationships to each other comprise a complete description of the topic. There is nothing else to it. This applies to literally everything, there is no system that exists that isn't composed of concepts and relationships (relationships are themselves concepts but im making this separation for clarity). Whether it be physics or literature or economics or math or biology or anything else, the concepts and their relationships comprise a complete description of the system/field/topic.
Spaced repetition active recall systems like Anki allow one to completely memorize the concepts and relationships, which means one can master all there is to know about any given subject. The anons talking about "anki is good for language learning and biology but not math and physics" are idiots and wrong. There is no field that is somehow more than fundamental concepts and their relationships to each other, and any concept or relation can be converted to an image or verbal description and put onto a flash card to be integrated into your knowledge base. Physics and pure mathematics are not special.
Also, using spaces repetition to solidify ones understanding of the concepts and their relations transfers to intuition, which improves one's ability to write new proofs or solve new problems and such. There is nothing in math that isn't amenable to memorization. I know this because I got a degree in pure math from a top ten uni and I used anki to straight up memorize definitions and entire proofs step by step. Of course it works and it drastically improves your mathematical intuition.

>> No.14983792

you sound like an obnoxious midwit with a tenuous grasp on reality, it's like you're arguing a 2d viewpoint in a 3d universe

>> No.14983801
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For those of you who use it for language and specifically vocabulary, how do you handle revision? My anki is not set up to where I feel like it gives me enough of new cards that I've memorized in the past few days/week, and so I end up forgetting those cards pretty fast.

So in practice I have to stop like a retard every week or so and go through the entire vocabulary deck that I've done up until that point - mind you, these are hundreds of words - otherwise I'm worried that I'll forget some stuff.

>> No.14983885

You are a coping retard who doesn't want to accept the reality of learning.

>> No.14983966

For you anons who claim that anki and spaced repetition couldn't be used for math or physics, could you give a specific example of something in a physics textbook which couldn't in principle be turned into a flashcard (or a few flashcards) and then reinforced in anki?

>> No.14983967

use it for french and its a godsend. The language community is pretty big on it and you can find many premade decks.Anki is my religion but personally as you said cant find a single usage for it for my physics .

>> No.14983976

I mean just solve the exercises , and make a commitment to solve some problems after 2 weeks . i mean what would your anki card consist of ? some definition or a solved problem ? just redo it on your own

>> No.14984009

Why not both?

>> No.14986213
File: 47 KB, 509x288, 1667630321805199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are things worth memorizing that can't be expressed as flash cards. People have to practice the things they learn to fully absorb them. You can't learn to do research or write well through rote memorization anymore than you can shoot straight or drive without practice.

Of course, memorization will take you very far.

>> No.14986286

I thought you were some biology major shit.
wtf are you doing cramming stuff with Anki? I went through EE without cramming really anything.

>> No.14986306

You don't need to memorize anything in (Electrical) engineering, retards. Just do some problems to get a feel for the equations if you're too retarded to do the derivation in your mind really quick (which shouldn't be tough for most equations if you were paying attention while studying the concepts).

>memorizing Laplace transforms and trig identities
should've memorized trig identities in high school. also, they're used so ubiquitously that you shouldn't normally forget them.
And Laplace transforms? There's literally only a handful that you actually need to memorize; rest you can derive at the spot using the properties.

> There is no actual difference between memorization of concepts and their relationships, and genuine understanding of a topic
you are genuinely stupid. There are a lot of implicit implications embedded in equations that you cannot unravel without an understanding. You wouldn't memorize a way of thinking.
Memorization is a way out for high school retards because their working memory is not large enough to understand it.

>> No.14986315

>Why is the human brain hardwired to forget ? Life would be so much easier if we could decide what to remember and what to forget .
Kinda answered your own question, think about all the information we are confronted with in a day, and how much we only need to remember for a minute (like a verification code)

>> No.14986361
File: 249 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20221115_141214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And Laplace transforms? There's literally only a handful that you actually need to memorize; rest you can derive at the spot using the properties.

>> No.14986457

How often do you really need to solve for hyperbolic functions? Once in a blue moon, and you can just reduce it to [math]e^x[/math] form and solve.
I really doubt you ever need to memorize the whole lookup table. If they will test you on very niche inverse transforms, they'll probably allow lookup tables in the exam hall.

>> No.14992011


>> No.14993793

I tried learning jap with this shit but gave up. It was trying to teach me words like "commodity" when I don't even know how to say hat. Fuck you core 2k. With that being said I don't think this is a good way to go through college for a lot of fields. It trains you to be able to quickly regurgitate information which is not what you should be taking away from all this unless you're trying to be a doctor.

>> No.14993991

Just download the shared decks and edit them so it suits you