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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.81 MB, 4096x2641, FgufvZXXkAAlln8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14971906 No.14971906 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>14968649

Hurricane Edition

>> No.14971914
File: 82 KB, 897x736, 090048_5day_cone_no_line_and_wind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14971917

SLS gaan today?

>> No.14971923

We are (not) going!

>> No.14971925

Holy shit! SLS just tumbled past my house!

>> No.14971931

didn't some chemical propulsion rocket blow up with a ufo in the background?

>> No.14971933

Isaac Arthur the YouTuber
Based or cringe?

>> No.14971940


>> No.14971951

i used to shit on him a lot, but turned out to be counterproductive

>> No.14971973

In another timeline where SLS is Starship? Then yes

>> No.14971982


>> No.14971990
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>> No.14972011

I like how it was someone’s job to whip up an image for this lol

>> No.14972013

So they’re rolling back to the VAB right?

>> No.14972015

It's too late.

>> No.14972016


>> No.14972021

Yep, they had the last chance on Tuesday and now the winds are too strong.
So it would be quite funny if SLS gets damaged.

>> No.14972022
File: 2.00 MB, 1170x1824, 4E4D4AF0-5D2D-4CFC-88C3-8DEFDCABA798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh it’s true. Welp. Starliner got fucked by a little rain. Here’s to SLS getting rocked

>> No.14972023

SLS is in God's hands now

>> No.14972025

Indra, I pray to you to strike down your lightning upon the abomination known as SLS

>> No.14972033
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, lightning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeus here, should've asked me, now I'm not gonna.

>> No.14972039
File: 123 KB, 742x1024, Rembrandt_-_Rape_of_Ganymede_-_WGA19243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo you nonce

>> No.14972043

lightning is SO kino

>> No.14972062

pedo satanist drawing

>> No.14972066
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>> No.14972071
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>> No.14972072


>> No.14972073

time to fire up 15 engines on the booster. you know you want it

>> No.14972075
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>> No.14972077
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>> No.14972079

>methane AND kerosene
as the other anon pointed out with the engines before. just throwing lots of money at the wall and see what sticks. i kinda like it

>> No.14972080
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>> No.14972081

So theyre scrapping the original version, building a reusable first stage starship long march 9 that runs on kerosene that flies in 2030, then 5 years later launching a methane version of that? wtf is the point of starting with kerosene

>> No.14972082

alright SöyGoySpace

>> No.14972084

fucking NASA

>> No.14972085

probably building them in parallel. r&d cost is simply not a concern to the chinese government

>> No.14972089
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>> No.14972093

money is not the issue. management is

>> No.14972097
File: 290 KB, 640x1138, 1668015523401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it kinda looks like sea dragon, minus the single behemoth engine

>> No.14972099

Elon is personally dragging NASA back to space

>> No.14972103

>The Flat Earth Institute of Sciece
The state of /sci/ and /sfg/. Lol, lmao even.
No but you see it's all a hologram. See? If I make shit up to say any observation is false, then I will always be correct, this is the real science they are hiding from you sheeple.

>> No.14972109

flat earth lives rent free in your head

>> No.14972113
File: 700 KB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20221109_104726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck sfg bros, you didnt tell me Uganda is a spacefaring nation now???

>> No.14972115

wait but twitter told me musk was a fraud
I wish people would stop thinking of Musk as a genius engineer and instead look at him as a administrator and praise him for his actual accomplishments. Yes, he wasn't the one who made the rockets, but he was the one who made these rockets possible in the corporate/political angle.

>> No.14972118

twitter lives rent free in your head

>> No.14972119

this is a very twitter phrase of yours

>> No.14972121
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x720, ugandan energy plan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superpower by 2030
What rocket though? I presume they bought a flight with somebody, rather than make an entire rocket in-house.

>> No.14972122

even uganda mogs bezos lmao

>> No.14972127

>10-meter diamter
oh shit oh fuck

>> No.14972136

PearlAfricaSat-1 was partially designed by three Ugandan college students, but was built by the Japanese btw. Went up on Cygnus couple days ago.

>> No.14972138


>> No.14972141

They didnt launch it themselves, obviously. not sure where the picture is from lmao

>> No.14972142

Everybody in Uganda knows kung fu

>> No.14972145

I want to kiss the space anons

>> No.14972149

Ugandan idea men. Uganda, the thinking nation

>> No.14972150

Somewhat impressive to see, I guess Uganda-wanna see it.

>> No.14972155
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Your mirror is coming

>> No.14972162
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New Susanna renders

>> No.14972163
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>> No.14972165
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>> No.14972167
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>> No.14972168
File: 719 KB, 1170x772, 277EAF19-0C9E-4FE8-9E05-44DE7028EC1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based. I guess the real question is:
is this long lehao trying to be traditional and old school, and a bunch of younger engineers see the writing on the wall and the design is just in limbo? Or is lehao trying to spearhead a starship type vehicle. I wonder how much authority he has. He’s getting quite old and probably won’t be kicking it anymore in the 30s-40s

>> No.14972169
File: 135 KB, 1536x864, 1645515904052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this design. Too bad it won't come before the next 2030.

>> No.14972171

You know I made fun of this at first but it’s not the worst idea. Around a year ago berger was saying how they need to do something other than a capsule when they announced they wanted to do human space flight in-house
It’s not a starship but it’s a start

>> No.14972182

>I am now observing TRAPPIST-1 using NIRSpec Bright Object Time Series for 3 hours and 28 minutes. Keywords: Exoplanets.
The observations keep accumulating.

>> No.14972189

love the patina aesthetic that starship has pioneered

>> No.14972232


Another Falcon Heavy slips to Q1/Q2 2023 due Boeing's sat unit not able to deliver on time

>> No.14972242

Should just pack some Starlinks and launch anyway. What's Boeing going to do? Find another launch provider? Hahahahaha.

>> No.14972254
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>> No.14972259
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>> No.14972262

Stop confusing SpaceX and Musk. He’s making an absolute ass of himself literally selling more than twice the yearly budget of SLS to save Twitter because he fucked up and can’t manage it. Should be clear to you that Shotwell is the real boss at SpaceX.

>> No.14972265

People will be working on it, but there's not much point publishing a partially completed program.

>> No.14972268


>> No.14972273
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>> No.14972277

Germany could build Starship in two weeks by the way.

>> No.14972280

Responding to?

>> No.14972281

They can't, all nazis are gone.

>> No.14972283

irrelevant shite. twitterfags need banned

>> No.14972284
File: 405 KB, 1920x1280, 1644035096273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been almost a decade and no one has managed to copy Falcon 9 yet.
Let that sink in.

>> No.14972286

Too much lefty pill turns you into a green haired goblin

>> No.14972288

Yup. Neutron will be the first rocket to match it and that's multiple years out, after Starship.

>> No.14972289

It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.14972296
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>> No.14972297

Musk started the reusability campaign for Falcon at almost the exact same time every other rocket “locked in” their design for the next generation of rockets. This left ULA, ESA, POCKOCMOC etc. with expendable rockets while F9s crashing in the water were being laughed at. Now it’s too late. Everyone has sunk too much money in upcoming rockets and the jump to something like SS is simply too big without first doing it on a smaller scale

>> No.14972304
File: 37 KB, 1024x576, 7F19C5A2-AEFE-4D9F-B4BA-AF451B0734B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk dick riders still exist while he’s making an absolute retard of himself with his autism

>> No.14972307

This troll feeds on tranny pills

>> No.14972312

No he's just a stupid person addicted to social media thus destroying what was left of his critical thinking ability. Many such cases.

>> No.14972321

Nobody gives a shit about autism.

>> No.14972338
File: 147 KB, 1125x1036, CB904567-809E-467D-8AB1-19932E65EB75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck why is NASA leaving SLS out like that?

>> No.14972340

If they roll out, their last roll out happens, which means delay of potentially 3+ months

>> No.14972341
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 2022-11-09 14-17-53 - 0.00.20-0.01.00.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon 9 has never been known to handle high winds well.

>> No.14972343

it's used to worse loads during high sea and presumably octograbber is engaged.

>> No.14972348

Nope, it's just on its legs.

>> No.14972350

If Starship beats SLS, SLS is finished. If SLS is damaged on pad during hurricane, its finished as well

So they have nothing to lose

>> No.14972352

The only thing starship is trying to beat is old age

>> No.14972359

refer to this >>14972284

>> No.14972367

Did some research and apparently Artemis 1 is certified for only one more rollout. So if it rolls out again NASA will have to do more inspections and maybe even ground it

>> No.14972368

it's not even close to shore. the SLS is finished

>> No.14972382
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, sshot-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential 2nd tower/olm in preps @ Starbase

>> No.14972385

yes we've seen it for weeks. unlikely to be an OLM

>> No.14972386
File: 34 KB, 680x382, 1605070221751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they'll just do like they did with the SRBs and declare it to be just fine, nothing to see here, move along.

>> No.14972387
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>> No.14972393

Mate, they’re really asking for Challenger 2 here aren’t they? I’d hate to be NASA right now because if Artemis 1 is unable to fly, it’s over for SLS, and if Artemis 1 does fly and it explodes, it’s also over for SLS

>> No.14972394
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The rest of the space industry tried every trick in the book to shut it all down and keep expendable rockets for maximum profits, from convincing congress and NASA to push against re-usability and underfunding the initial commercial programs to using the media to spin negative PR campaigns and falsified financial studies.

It has been the most pathetic and desperate decade for the legacy space industry and I wish nothing but death and financial ruin for them.

>> No.14972404

SLS is not ready to launch in November. They are only doing these "attempts" for show and were always going to cancel. It would be very convenient if the storm can somehow be blamed for further delays.

>> No.14972411


Old bit insight on SpaceX from Peter Thiel

>> No.14972412

>Peter Thiel

>> No.14972414

Peter Thiel is unfathomably based. Without him there would be no SpaceX

>> No.14972421
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>> No.14972422

Remember when Tory Bruno said it would take 10 flights for reusability to break even? And then Elon went and said it only took 3 flights? Lol

>> No.14972425

>they still dont get it

>> No.14972434
File: 477 KB, 220x123, all fine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA refused to give specifics on gusts during the IAN press release, but said SLS would be fine at "much higher" gusts

>> No.14972435
File: 536 KB, 1003x795, thu morning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm conflicted. I wanted it to explode on launch. This could be an easy way out if they were to call loss of vehicle even without major damage.

>> No.14972436

this thing goes 10,000 miles an hour, of course a strong wind isn't going to hurt it

>> No.14972450

Same here. The best situation would be it fatally damages the rocket, but not in an immediately obvious way.

>> No.14972454

>Mark your calendars, Electron has a date with Launch Complex 2!
>The window for our 1st mission from U.S. soil opens Dec 7 ET. We’re excited to launch for
@hawkeye360 and bring a new launch capability to the Eastern Shore.

>> No.14972456

JWST is looking at Enceladus right now. Can it catch the plumes?

>> No.14972457

Not through air it doesn't. Especially not sideways.

>> No.14972460

Uganda and Rwanda are one of the very few african countries that have their shit together

>> No.14972461

And Botswana?

>> No.14972466

Except he is more than an administrator. There's plenty of accounts of people who know him saying he makes decisions that require in depth knowledge of engineering all the time, be it cars or rockets.
If you want to see an example of a smart business man running a rocket company with smart engineers look at blue origin

>> No.14972469

I swear this guy is the one on a webm with sound where he says a bunch of nonsense inspirational quotes and then flops his tongue around going bleableableablea, I never saved it though and can't find it on /wsg/ right now

>> No.14972470

Also known as Chief Engineer lmao.

>> No.14972472

plenty of administrators make engineering decisions they know nothing about, which is part of why capitalism is a bit broken right now
Elon seems to know what he's doing though because lots of his stuff seems to work

>> No.14972480

>which is part of why capitalism is a bit broken right now
imagine being so delusional. the problem you're referring to exclusively stems from value to customer being replaced by value to shareholder via ponzi scheme.

>> No.14972482

yes that's another part

>> No.14972486

lmao what the hell

>> No.14972491

You should forward this issue to the CEO of Capitalism.

>> No.14972492
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>> No.14972494

I’m telling you guy, Elon needs to cool it or SpaceX will suffer.

>> No.14972495

>plenty of administrators make engineering decisions they know nothing about, which is part of why capitalism is a bit broken right now
That has nothing to do with capitalism. Look at the Soviet Union kek.
It's just a symptom of the economy doing too well for far too long/being artificially held up. Once a there's down turn in the economy incompetent or useless people will be fired.

>> No.14972497

Is he crying about Musk? That seems to be the only thing he's capable of

>> No.14972498

it was a bunch of clips of him recording himself with a phone, in a car and walking around, and he'd say some shit like "it is better to be a man in a garden with a stick... than it is to be a rock in de rain. Ableablehblehbleh."

>> No.14972500

Why are you lying

>> No.14972501

Who cares?

>> No.14972502

I was thinking about just assassinating some people, maybe some car bombs, but now that I've posted this I can't

>> No.14972504


>> No.14972506

I guess you mean this. Tough time nevah lasts

>> No.14972511

Whence you came, you shall return

>> No.14972518
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, New promo of multiple CNSA future missions_ILRS lunar station, Mars sample return, planetary defense 3-29 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China Space promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJQQWFRdG6A

>> No.14972519


Cygnus failed to deploy their solar array due to debris from their stage separation

>> No.14972523

reusable rockets don't have this problem

>> No.14972526

Why is their lander so tiny compared to what NASA makes?
Even Sojourner had a bigger lander. Granted, that was acted as a base station.

>> No.14972529
File: 11 KB, 287x281, biden_goofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden just arrested Musk live on CNN!

>> No.14972530

Biden says Elon should be looked into for national security issues

>> No.14972531

Biden has just said Elon Musk's relationship with foreign powers is "worth looking at"
"How?" asks the press
"There's a lot of ways "

>> No.14972533

What countries, Ukraine?

>> No.14972534
File: 85 KB, 480x600, son_I_am.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weather or not he had done anything inappropriate, I'm not suggesting that
>At worst, at worst we're talking about being looked at
What a fucking nothing burger.

>> No.14972536

Basically the democrat's conspiracy theory against Musk at display

>> No.14972540
File: 33 KB, 680x763, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just making shit up
Based schizoid

>> No.14972542

Saudi Arabia

>> No.14972543

You must go back

>> No.14972545
File: 72 KB, 386x273, nothing_to_get_mad_at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's nothing.

>> No.14972546

Racist Biden attacking Africa's most successful businessman...

>> No.14972547

when's the next SS orbital

>> No.14972549

Reddit might be more your speed

>> No.14972551

Biden is 100% right and that makes Musksuckers seethe

>> No.14972553

Love the Biden cryptic comments. Reminds me of when Biden hinted they're gonna do the gas pipes

>> No.14972554

Just providing info on political developments that may impact rocketry development. It doesn't occur in a vaccum, as efficient as that would be.

>> No.14972556 [DELETED] 


>> No.14972560

Post it on twitter instead

>> No.14972565

The samefagging here is unreal

>> No.14972569

What’s wrong with saying that Elon needs to be careful with what he says?
I am NOT letting starship be sabotaged due to Elon’s lack of filter

>> No.14972572

Biden needs to be impeached for the better of humanity.

>> No.14972574
File: 32 KB, 443x255, all me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious shilling for current thing on here is unreal. Surprised there wasn't more "remember to go vote today" faggotposts.

>> No.14972579

When are they gonna install the panels on the tower?

>> No.14972580
File: 565 KB, 720x540, when you enter the spaceflight general and no one is talking about spaceflight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14972582

Very soon. They have done the grinding on the lower three layers I believe and the paneling has been spotted on site.

>> No.14972584
File: 268 KB, 1200x1600, 471483A7-6241-4BD4-AE06-D7615366DD21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14972585

Not yet. It serves no function and thus a waste of time.

Once they get ~10+ landing going, then its worth it.

>> No.14972589


>> No.14972593

>It serves no function
According to Snitchnigger it is vital to the survival of components inside the tower during the upcoming many engine static fires.
The truth is bound to lie somewhere in between as always.
It does look like they're actively working on it THOUGH.

>> No.14972595

Exactly my feelings.
>leave /sfg/ for a while
>some back to a bunch of posts
>almost nothing of value

>> No.14972603
File: 44 KB, 650x488, astronaut with gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.14972605
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>> No.14972606

We either need more launches to watch or we need something space-related that's super autistic for us to argue about.

>> No.14972607
File: 2.17 MB, 1170x2246, D118AAAF-6848-4D1D-A74A-34497A2625FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14972612

autism is his superpower because it makes him not give a shit what retards like you think

>> No.14972613
File: 36 KB, 293x488, gusts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world’s most powerful rocket – NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) – may experience ground wind gusts of up to 70 mph as it sits on the launch pad before and during lift off for future missions. Understanding how environmental factors affect the rocket will help NASA maintain a safe and reliable distance away from the launch tower during launch.

>> No.14972614

if it could only nudge those SRB seal a bit

>> No.14972616

We'll know in a year when the proprietary period for the data collected in this observation ends

>> No.14972627


>> No.14972631

Make peace with the Lord you orange peace of shit

>> No.14972638

SLS is the Neo of rockets and no Agent Smith hater meanies can make it quit

>> No.14972639


Biden targets Musk

>> No.14972640


75mph now and may get higher

>> No.14972643

Are you misreading the temperature reading, Anon?

>> No.14972646

Can we please automatically ban everyone who posts youtube or twitter links?

>> No.14972649

Nevermind, I thought you meant winds at the pad. It's the hurricane itself that's getting to 75.

>> No.14972651
File: 12 KB, 847x42, E6D5B7D5-E914-4B27-93C4-89B5F1A0B1B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX winning the HLS competition will always be the pinnacle of /sfg/

>> No.14972653
File: 841 KB, 1321x1772, ad0eea5a5c1a578395ca7e892b0e5ba4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, the peak was SN4 and then SN5

>> No.14972658
File: 1.75 MB, 535x713, SN6 hop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gave me such optimism.

>> No.14972659

don't forget DM-2
first FH
The early days of starship dev (pre SN-1)
Dreamliner fucking up

Hell I remember /pol/ back in the Ron Paul days when the whole background was made an American flag for the Curiosity landing

>> No.14972663
File: 55 KB, 690x1024, 5A98F70F-D78B-42D5-97DD-19B64B9B28DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the dark age of MK1 exploding, to SN3 crumpling, to SN4 exploding too

>> No.14972673

Shit was moving so fast it was kino and awesome and every failure was followed by a solution within the month

>> No.14972680

I remember back when my starlink launch threads got like 40+ replies lmao
now I haven't even bothered for ages

it's a shame they're so worried about losing the launch mount and other launch equipment. But that's life now. I think it'll all speed up soon.....

>> No.14972681

he literally spoke to Putin. Was about time if you ask me

>> No.14972684

>whole background was made an American flag for the Curiosity landing

>> No.14972688

He just liquidated $4bn to sink his mismanagement of a dying company he bought at an inflated price. He’s an idiot

>> No.14972695

They also changed the background of /a/ to a picture of Mars and played "Feels So Moon" on loop

>> No.14972706
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>> No.14972710

It's funny to think about but the dry mass of these things is so light they can be moved by ordinary construction equipment

>> No.14972711

I don't get it

>> No.14972712

this is gonna hurt the SS programme

>> No.14972714

They're still ~80-90T

Not as light as imagined, but still much lighter compared to when fully fueled

>> No.14972715

sax-playing dragon-riding honhon man Thomas Pesquet was given a Parisian feast by NASA

>> No.14972719

The amount of cheese he asked for still boggles the mind. I have french relatives and even they thought it was a bit much.

>> No.14972724

Fellow frenchmen aren't going to be happy to see that parmigiano in there

>> No.14972729

Disgusting. This food is probably only from 5, 10 congressional districts, tops.

>> No.14972731

Legend has it that he didn't shit the entire time until he was back on the ground.

>> No.14972741

>enough energy released in those 15 seconds to power the entire united states for an hour.

>> No.14972743
File: 183 KB, 956x494, SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

69mph gusts at pad. It's not doing good, but I doubt anything will fall off. Right?

>> No.14972749

SLS is fucking done for

>> No.14972752

Who’s to say it won’t get waterlogged?

>> No.14972753

Everything will be fine.

>> No.14972756

inshallah SLS will be destroyed

>> No.14972760

Supposedly wind is the main issue and it's rated up to 85 mph gusts.

>> No.14972767

is this a nasa thing where
85mph rating = it's really rated for 200mph but there is margin after cushioning margin built in to the calculation,
or the nasa thing where at 85.001mph the entire stack will implode?

>> No.14972772

It could be 209 mph but if SLS is still standing, NASA will find a way to waiver it

>> No.14972774

Somewhere in between, otherwise they would probably have left it out last time or not left it out this time. The article says "designed to withstand 85 mph (74.4 knot) winds at the 60-foot level with structural margin," which probably means anything above ~95 mph is risking permanent damage.

>> No.14972789
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It's over

>> No.14972806

>inexpensive atlas and delta rockets

>> No.14972814
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SLS will be fine. It has the crawler to keep it from getting lonely.

>> No.14972823

You've got to wonder when exactly this was written. ULA has been working on the Delta IV's retirement plans since at least 2015.

>> No.14972825

guess what, it's not rated for a tree to hit it at 85mph

>> No.14972828

The 90s

>> No.14972843

Not a bad statement then. Delta II and Atlas IIAS put in a lot of good work in the 90s.

>> No.14972859

In my nightly prayers and offerings to Thoth, I'll also be making an appeal to Set, in the hopes that with the hammer of this storm's mighty winds he removes the great evil of SLS from us forever

>> No.14972860
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>> No.14972862
File: 1.22 MB, 1129x1486, SLS-tan with lightning striking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all going to look very silly when the hurricane passes and SLS is just fine.

>> No.14972882

Fine or not, they're still going to have to roll it back to the VAB to check for damage, so a delay is guaranteed either way

>> No.14972883
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80+mph possible inc now

Hurricane heading straight northwards right towards SLS


>> No.14972886


>> No.14972889
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>> No.14972894
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blessings from Flood-chan

>> No.14972896

Holy fucking based

>> No.14972898

Add Thor, he's generally considered protective and a friend to our mortal endeavors.

>> No.14972911
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>> No.14972913

God i hope it falls over

>> No.14972914
File: 114 KB, 1241x1123, autistic_screeching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooddamn it i want to see this orange fat fuck actually fly

>> No.14972918

It'll never happen
Calling it now that a tree gets blown through it
And then the program is cancelled before the second gets to the pad

>> No.14972919


>> No.14972935

You wish.
They will throw tax dollaridoos at it until it flies to the moon once or twice, then switch to an all Starship.mission mode.

Or figure out a way fro LM and Boeing to build an upper stage that can fly on New Glenn or something.

>> No.14972970

more like ligma

>> No.14972981

But didn't they leave it out in the storm precisely because they *can't* roll it back another time without rechecking everything?

>> No.14972982


>> No.14972998
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>> No.14973000


>> No.14973001

Do you guys believe there will be a successful interstellar probe during this century? Even just a simple solar sail probe to Proxima Centauri.
I guess it would be the next biggest meaningful achievement in the space race after humans on Mars.

>> No.14973004

mommy shotwell said yes to the question of seeing the start of interstellar missions in her lifetime
she's also on the board of directors at the Limitless Space Institute so maybe she is a bit kooky

>> No.14973005


>> No.14973007


>> No.14973008

Of your metric is “it doesn’t have to reach another star in under 100 years” then it’s already been done. Pioneers / voyagers / new horizons are bound to hit a star eveeeeentually
If your metric is “80-100 years” then no. The only way to do this would be with a power source so unbelievably powerful it would basically be a weapon of mass destruction too powerful to ever be built

>> No.14973016

That's one of my metrics. The other one is "it will send data when it arrives on another star", so those probes don't count because they will be dead by then.

>> No.14973017
File: 101 KB, 998x655, 383483C1-BA33-45CD-B7DD-B74E1F2B1F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m honestly curious if SLS is gonna be fucked tonight?

>> No.14973018

>she's also on the board of directors at the Limitless Space Institute so maybe she is a bit kooky
>mommy believes in FTL
We're gonna make it.

>> No.14973020

We might be able to launch one in our lifetime, but unless some advances happen with life extension, I don’t think you or I will be alive to see the data come back

>> No.14973025


Tesla's Giga Texas production lead now became vice president of Starship production

We gonna print 1000+ starships in 10 years

>> No.14973027

AFAIK a probe going 20% lightspeed could reach Proxima Centauri in 20 years, which is not unreasonable since this is the time it takes for current outer solar system missions.
But well, at least I hope we get telescopes big enough to image directly some close exoplanets.

>> No.14973034
File: 617 KB, 1157x1212, 0C88FD2E-F124-486A-A056-7636886C1DEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the constant acceleration pill

>> No.14973037

I'm too retarded to understand this

>> No.14973040

I really don't understand how you can be this far into the echo chamber. You don't become the riches man in the world by being an incompetent manager. Fucking christ you reddit teenagers are pathetic.

>> No.14973041

Given the entire leftist MSM, echo chamber isn't that hard. The entire leddit site is filled with leftist echo chambers. Its cancer.

>> No.14973047

It is, in the most literal sense of the phrase, entirely in God's hands.

>> No.14973049

They either have to take the delay or launch a rocket with potential new structural weaknesses

>> No.14973052

you could get to proxima, and back, in 7 years (from your perspective) if you had a ship that could provide constant 1g acceleration
Betelgeuse and back in 20 years
andromeda and back in 50 years
Edge of the observable universe and back in 100 years

>> No.14973055

Ok but
>1. how would a ship do that?
>2. I certainly would not be selected to go on the ship so it's pointless for me.

>> No.14973056

It has never made sense to me either. Even if he wasn't the world's richest man, you don't create that many million/billion dollar companies by pure accident.

>> No.14973060

>how would a ship do that?
meme tech, although you could get a good fraction of that with a (super) small satellite and a mega beamed power source built on earth that spams the small spacecraft with absurd amounts of energy for momentum. You could image the proxima system up close in 20-30 years after launch, but you would also have a death laser on your hands

>> No.14973062

commies think that having daddy's money is the only thing that makes you successful, of course it helps but that's now how things work

>> No.14973064

So the laser sail proposal them, which is the only I consider realistic
>you would also have a death laser on your hands
Welp, I really want them to at least make a giant space telescope.

>> No.14973065

He only got 50k from his father. I got more than that for college from my middle-class parents. i know the 50k figure is accurate because Bloomberg did a big "takedown" of Musk a number of years ago and this is the number they produced, and because they realized it's a piddly sum compared to a very large number of people in US they just push the "Dad had emerald mine" angle.

>> No.14973066

Xe probably read that business insider twitter thread that totally destroyed felon husk (source: BI made it all the fuck up)

>> No.14973070
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>> No.14973072

>a very large number of people in US they just push the "Dad had emerald mine" angle.
Isn't that even mostly misinformation?

>> No.14973075

kek the kaczynski one

>> No.14973077

That doesn't stop them.

>> No.14973090

It wasn't 50K, but ~20K and it wasn't something he "got" but rather an independent investment from the father which his father reaped the reward for that investment.

I could invest in Tesla right now and claim I gave Musk "$5K" while reaping $10K profit a year later. Really, the whole narrative is stupid. But because there's an endless amount of misinformation, the whole thing piles on top of one another and it becomes too stupid to fight against.

>> No.14973098

>it becomes too stupid to fight against.
Only because we're still at the point where we're trying to use facts to fight dumb ideas from emotionally driven people. The appropriate tool for this situation is bullets.

>Emerald mines! Government subsidies! Apartheid space man! Russian Asset!
>Your points are unconvincing. Please remain calm while I naturally select you out of this conversation

We're just not quite there yet.

>> No.14973117

>And then the program is cancelled before the second gets to the pad
Too late, Boing! got 82 Billion USD from the US government to keep flying their orange faggots. On another note, another redacted Space company was eligible but not selected, wonder why that is. Hm.

>> No.14973129

The space shuttle blew up twice and is still a fraction of the embarrassment that SLS is

>> No.14973132

i'm trans :(

>> No.14973135

transitioning from a NEET into an astronaut I hope

>> No.14973137

space shuttle was just a weird nuke delivery vessel so it blowing up was whatever

>> No.14973140

>The only way to do this would be with a power source so unbelievably powerful it would basically be a weapon of mass destruction too powerful to ever be built
that's completely false, explosive power and sustained power are not the same

>> No.14973141

I keep refreshing Berger’s Twitter to see if SLS exploded

>> No.14973144

I am right there is no argument. Do five minutes of research on this yourself

>> No.14973148

there's no such thing as an unarmed (interstellar) spacecraft
t. awthur

>> No.14973152
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, 1654107711331_n_mj_linette_220601_1920x1080-1yeoar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this burnt nugget writes most of the elon musk articles at BI btw

>> No.14973154

Any webcam to see how SLS is doing?

>> No.14973155

The Falcon 9 booster sitting in the storm is really rocking back and forth a lot

>> No.14973157


>> No.14973172

spacex (starship), usa (sls), china (cz9). assuming china is the next to build a superheavy lifter, who will be next to follow suit? my guess is either another american company, or else maybe france will try. their country is the most spaceflight-interested in europe

>> No.14973173

russia will try but it will sit in limbo for three decades

>> No.14973174

I think New Gay with a third stage is technically super heavy lift if it ever gets built.

>> No.14973176
File: 169 KB, 198x864, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it with me

>> No.14973177

that's not interesting
i thought about that, but BO was also talking about New Armstrong (like 6 years ago lmao). doubt we see that before bezos dies, so maybe a third stage is more likely. or else might BO try for second stage reuse instead of a third stage

>> No.14973179

Hard R is a Zubrinesque mini starship, competitive with F9 for payload.

>> No.14973181

I think Japan and India would be capable but only if they suddenly committed to it. Russia will be too broken to do that now. BO wants to do it, but they have done so little so far I have no faith in them. Rocket Lab maybe could be capable, but I guess they will just focus on Neutron for now. So, France might really be the most realistic option.

>> No.14973182

Give me a single reason to justifying Elon’s behavior especially in the context of how Starship has been stagnating. I love space x but his behavior is inexcusable and childish

>> No.14973183
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not superheavy lift, but have you ever wondered why Neutron looks suspicially like a second stage? yup. that's because it is. Neutron's "second stage" is third/kick stage in disguise. As Neutron is flying, RL will secretly build its massive stainless steel first stage. Neutron will sit on top. they will call it Basedtron

>> No.14973184

>>I think Japan and India would be capable but only if they suddenly committed to it.
Japan might be able to make an H3 tricore (H3H3H3?) capable of heavy lift if not super heavy lift. It'd get assraped by Falcon Heavy on cost though, being fully expendable.

>> No.14973187

they fly so infrequently, doubt they can get public support for the funding

>> No.14973188

lol, no. Stagnating country becoming more and more bankrupt.

>> No.14973189

Is Japan going to be part of the Artemis missions? I could only see them throwing that much money for a moon rocket if they couldn't catch a ride with the US.

>> No.14973191

Same reason other billionaires yo don’t like have done it before. I’m sure you separate Steve Jobs marketing talents from the actual technical work of Wozniak and the engineers that have designed the products.

>> No.14973192

Japan will be content with riding shotgun to the Moon on American rockets from American soil. and that's ok

>> No.14973193

What the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.14973198

Which spaceflight organisation has the best logo?

>> No.14973200

Do you genuinely think Musk is responsible for the design or engineering of the projects that SpaceX is doing? Given his actions over the last year or so it’s clear that he’s a deeply insecure narcissist.

>> No.14973204

Since all his actual Wozniak equivalents keep saying that Elon does, in fact, know how to do the engineering and makes executive technical decisions, yes, I do genuinely think so. Now take your (you) and fuck off.

>> No.14973205

Just post your ugly tits or fuck off

>> No.14973210
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>> No.14973211

I don't think he is the ones who does the actual blueprints, but I think he might have a good understanding of them and might have goods points to make while discussing with the proper engineers.

>> No.14973215

Fucking christ I hate you agenda driven reddit niggers that can't see beyond your own hypocrisy. I specifically said MANAGEMENT. He's arguably one of the greatest production managers in the world. Turning incredibly complicated production lines into streamlined, fast and inexpensive ones is the one thing he definitely has the responsibility in making possible.

Again, this isn't reddit. Disingenuous agenda driven garbage doesn't fly nearly as good here.

>> No.14973217

From the ones I checked, I think Rocket Lab has the best one.

>> No.14973221

Why do leftists think CEOs do nothing?

>> No.14973222

Of course, selling 4 SLSs worth of Tesla stock in a panic, tanking his net worth and the market value of Tesla because he fucked up and bought fucking twitter of all things loosing revenue for the company definitely means he’s a genius manager
I’m sure beefing with randos on Twitter and getting angry at trolls is so constructive as that’s all that he seems to be doing these days

>> No.14973225

Many don't. They're just retards there to enforce austerity so that they can sell the company off to some larger company or just take the blame for the company's failings when it files for chapter 11 and they got their benefits package as the company is liquidated.

>> No.14973227

because CEOs are just sadistic capitalist pigs who like to torture their employees while stealing their production

>> No.14973230

>"Heh, yeah, Facebook may have lost 90% of its value, Netflix lost 80% of its value, and Amazon may be in the toilet, but did you know Tesla dipped 20% over a month?"

You're all so tiresome.

>> No.14973232

That literally doesn't exclude one from the other. Being petty and narcissistic isn't mutually exclusive to being brilliant. The man literally has autism ffs. Your entire "argument" relies on that he has become the riches man by pure luck and while being an idiot, which is absolutely fucking retarded. Him not being omnipotent in regards to the reaction for the market doesn't make him in anyway a bad manager.

His success and history speaks for itself. You being some agenda driven underage POS that desperately want your narrative to be true won't change that.

>> No.14973234

Starship would not exist if not for Elon Musk, and you will shake your fist at the sky as men braver than you set up Martian colonies.
The future is bright but you live in the darkness for some reason. lol faggot

>> No.14973235

>He's arguably one of the greatest production managers in the world
Nah it’s the production manager engineers he hired which I accept he can bring in good talent.
Tesla isn’t even better at producing cars than Toyota so even then I don’t understand why you’d call him the greatest in the world.

>> No.14973239

>Solar City
>"Actually, he's a retard, and I'm the smart one."

>> No.14973240

I base this on what I have read from other leading experts in the industries he's involved in and from the people that he has previously worked with, like Tom Mueller. Even in his videos with Everydayastronaut he can't be helped to slip into talking about production management ffs. The biggest reason why Starship is made out of stainless steel is because that was a decision made by Musk to improve the potential of the production line.

And using competitors to claim he's not a good one is absolutely retarded, you think Toyota has an incredible production line of their own? That's how you fucking survive in the car industry.

>> No.14973243

toyoto doesn't have*

>> No.14973244

Toyota is so hilariously backwards on the future of transport I'll be surprised if they dont fade into obscurity or are bought out by a more competant Chinese manufacturer.

>> No.14973247

Please explain his genius management style that has lead to this Twitter debacle. He did that all by himself, the Tesla stock dipped because he sold like 20 million shares because again, he’s made a mess of his management of twitter.

>> No.14973250

Twitter will become the most valuable social media company in history, and so much more. Welcome to the X.com master plan. Strap yourself in, dear redditor

>> No.14973252

What's there to explain? He took a risk and it didn't paid off as of yet. Him not anticipating the immense backlash is not a management issue, it's an appearance issue. He has barely been able to manage anything as of yet. He very clearly has a vision for twitter. Being the hate sink of the narrative obsessed American left, the biggest group on twitter, is not the consequence of his management of the business itself. That's entirely an image problem.

>> No.14973253

he has an image problem because he's never played nice with The Club and gets more successful and influential year over year

>> No.14973255

you forgot OpenAI

>> No.14973256

At this point Starship is limping by in spite of his shenanigans

>> No.14973258

Starship is to limping as SLS is to ___

>> No.14973260


>> No.14973263

That, but also because he clearly is on the spectrum and is not very good at reading social cues. And for the twitter mob and retards like >>14973247 appearance and virtue signaling is FAR more important than what you actually do.

>> No.14973264

SLS can blow up from the storm from all I care. Musk has been such a fucking idiot that I fear he’s risking SpaceX for his ego. If he actually cared about it he wouldn’t have literally have $4 billion in cash to pump into twitter while at the same time claim he needs government contracts for SpaceX

>> No.14973265

>claim he needs government contracts for SpaceX
Yeah, I wonder why he claims SpaceX needs their biggest customer. Do you even read the shit you write?

>> No.14973266
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>limping by
Lol. Lmao. It's never been closer to launch, and never been better in terms of rate of ship and infrastructure manufacture.
Are you the rover masturbator, by any chance? You seem to be very Earther-centric.

>> No.14973269

You're far too low of IQ to understand that everything that has occurred, every minute action by the man we call Elon Musk, is by objective fact accelerating the colonization of Mars.

>> No.14973270

I’d say that saying he’s a “free speech absolutist” while banning people for parody accounts, saying he’s giving the blue check mark to people who pay but the oops were actually just converting the blue marks to grey ones because surprisingly free speech absolutism is fucking retarded

>> No.14973272
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>> No.14973274
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>> No.14973276

how the fuck is bird app accelerating interplanetary colonization? that shit is just ruining humanity

>> No.14973279

Freedom isn't free. Hypocrisy is based. Lying is based.

>> No.14973282

desu if I had millions of bots using my name to peddle crypto scams I'd get pretty touchy about my impersonators too

>> No.14973283

I see you’re huffing on that copium. I was there two months ago. I really wish Starship actually succeeds but Musk is too busy dealing with the self imposed problems of buying failing social media for some fucking reason

>> No.14973285
File: 3 KB, 85x88, xcom_logo85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know

>> No.14973287

As far as I know he has permanently banned anyone. Just blocked people.

And seeing as blue check marks long lost their purpose of verification and is now just a status symbol on twitter having it become a paid service while having independent verification for people and institutions that actually need it is a better alternative.

Again, you really don't care about the changes. You only care that Musk implement them. If you actually look at the changes he's making in a vacuum you can clearly see they are far more sensible than you're willing to give it credit for.

>> No.14973289

hasn't* permanently

>> No.14973290

Atlas V used to be my favourite rocket

>> No.14973293

Like the other guy said, wasting more billions that people in this thread complain about being too much for other projects is for sure helping getting people to mars

>> No.14973294
File: 800 KB, 819x810, whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973300

Nobody but you is caring about what Musk does in his free time on Earth, using money that he made from something other than space launch provider contracts and starlink revenue. This is what YOU care about, not us, because YOU short TSLA. We care about him working on Starship, and the rate of progress, because it is a very capable super heavy launch system. Money does not increase Starship development rate, and we already have a schedule for things to come thanks to transparency reports being mandatory from NASA.

Also: What the fuck is a copium?

>> No.14973301

Twitter will become more valuable than Starlink. Screencap this

>> No.14973304

>Also: What the fuck is a copium?

An aerosol that Russians huff because they are losing against the poorest country in eastern Europe.

>> No.14973305

Shitposting speak for that you're coping. Recently a term hijacked from /v/ by underage retards on reddit and twitter.

>> No.14973312

If I was shorting Tesla I’d be celebrating though

>> No.14973316

Actually is be pretty confident that if the starship project got 4 times the yearly cost of SLS they would have at least static fired the booster with all the engines and fixed the tiles from falling off.
Instead that money is going to Twitter of course

>> No.14973317

There's a product plan I wrote which I wish I kept a copy of in July of 2000, where I thought it would be possible to make the most valuable financial institution in the world. And we're going to execute that plan from 22 years ago, which amazingly no one has done. It's is part of why I think Twitter will be ultimately extremely valuable, because I'm going to execute the X.com gameplan from 22 years ago, with some improvements.

>> No.14973323
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If we pray a little harder it might go completely out of focus, never to be seen again.

>> No.14973325

That's fucking retarded. Starship's development is hindered by human resources and the rate of problem solving. Those aren't problems you can throw money at to fix. More money won't mean they will have all of sudden double the amount of competent people with a deep understanding of the system.

>> No.14973328

If Blue Origin had 1 Trillion dollars they would have finished building O'Neill's cylinder by now

>> No.14973335

Personally I want to see it again. Here. And there. And bits over there...

>> No.14973336

mondo megabits, the martian monetary method

>> No.14973338

with a proper budget Germany could build a Starship in 2 weeks

>> No.14973340

>the martian monetary method

>> No.14973342
File: 2.46 MB, 920x518, Surprised Wee Bey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astra fucks up TROPICS
>Our timeline ends up with inferior hurricane data
>Different data, potentially different rollback decision
>Astra killed SLS

>> No.14973343

Germany has already built them, and buried them, eons ago. When they return the will carry essence through lightning down beneath the cold earth and arise

>> No.14973344
File: 899 KB, 500x225, BFB93E38-73BC-436A-B50B-F25F9013E29B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I go to space if I’m in a career making $50,000 a year?

>> No.14973346

pure kino

>> No.14973348

I enjoyed it, I found it funny at the end they boarded a ship bound for Titan in fucking business suits

>> No.14973354

>echo chamber
>made sense

You gotta realize commies are emotionally driven by narratives rather than truth and logic. These people arent your equals. They are subhuman.

>> No.14973356
File: 29 KB, 871x436, 64E402BE-3BD0-4BB1-9833-CEAD64EEE1C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s my favorite movie. We are all gonna make it, bros…
I will never forget the field trip my shitty public school made to a local science museum in california. I was from an inner city school.
I will not forget how the other kids were bored out of their minds or making fun of the exhibits but 5 year old me stared in awe at a (pre-recorded) video of an astronaut going on a space walk. Looking down at the earth from the void above is the only thing I’ve desired ever since.
I emphasize so much with the main character of Gattaca. I did not ask to be born without a dad in a shitty home in a fucked up city. I’ve done everything I can to bring myself closer to space. Just as Vincent simply persevered to reach his goal, so do I.
Per aspera ad Astra

>> No.14973359

is it even possible to cum in space

>> No.14973361

Yeah probably

>> No.14973362

I refuse to believe every single astronaut has done NoFap for months on end. Every single one. One guy probably at the very least has blasted rope in orbit.

>> No.14973365

That nip tourist that went up last year said he couldn't get a boner in space.

>> No.14973366

why wont nasa name and shame them?

>> No.14973367

Being known as the man who coomed where no man coomed before is not a great honour

Oh shit I forgot

>> No.14973377

Going to bed now but apparently the wind is at 82 mph down at 39B according to the lighting tower. The max safe gust speed is 85 mph.

>> No.14973378
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[54_14_39_46], take=[2022-11-10 00.57.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973381

Wont one of you GET OUT THERE under the cover of STORM??? Make sure it is DONE

>> No.14973386


>> No.14973387

I think /ourgirl/ Nicole won't have any trouble doing the job by herself

>> No.14973390


>> No.14973391
File: 705 KB, 574x535, 1655673230526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long live SpaceX

>> No.14973395

>boarded a ship bound for Titan in fucking business suits
Is this not the future you want?

>> No.14973400

Brazilian astronaut said in a podcast that you can't get your blood pressure enough to get hard while in orbit.

>> No.14973407

yeah ok fair, but if you're living in a reality where a trip to Titan is basically a leisurely trans-atlantic flight , you're practically post scarcity and shouldn't need draconian "astronaut" requirements anymore

>> No.14973410

SLS is only 3 mph away from being fucked lol

>> No.14973413
File: 324 KB, 1125x1371, C6DBC37C-015F-448F-B044-0ECEF429AD37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, Booster 7 will attempt a 16 engine static fire today.

>> No.14973414

My package arrives today too! This could be a very good day, SLS destroyed utterly, Starship static fire, and my package!

>> No.14973417
File: 3.53 MB, 8064x6048, 20221110071211_517264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973418

bros I thought Starship was limping...

>> No.14973421

Yeah same lol. Todays gonna be a good day for me too. Good luck with your package!

For real lol. Goes to show that SpaceX really is the king of spaceflight

>> No.14973424
File: 81 KB, 800x1200, Shitfuck 4 lifting off the KSC launchpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973425

two anons ordered dragon dildos at the same time...

>> No.14973426
File: 44 KB, 202x202, uhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, SpaceX's team is in position and awaiting the call from Muskrat prime.

>> No.14973435
File: 285 KB, 555x900, Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 01-56-42 Atlas V JPSS-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Atlas V launching tonight was filled with RP-1 3 weeks ago

>> No.14973438

lmao probably had to do it to save money on gas

>> No.14973454

Here's what JPSS does

>> No.14973456

Considering the first two decades of spaceflight were in cramped conditions almost continuously suited up, I can believe that

I expect there were shenanigans on Skylab and Mir/Salyut that we never heard about but there was near total lack of privacy. ISS has near complete internal camera coverage

>> No.14973457
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>> No.14973463

Swath width is like 3000km on one of those cameras

Must be gold for atmospheric modeling

>> No.14973468
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>> No.14973470
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>> No.14973477

Crazy timing, this couldn't have hit the pad with greater accuracy. Is the worst past yet?

>> No.14973482

>Feed cut the just as the eyewall hits cape
uhh... SLSisters???

>> No.14973485
File: 97 KB, 800x600, windfield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could get a bit windier but it might be moving too fast west to make up the latitudinal distance

>> No.14973490

>60fps launch

>> No.14973491
File: 267 KB, 1125x1065, 9CDEA98F-A3B2-43BE-B105-9097FB2E2B2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winds reached 97 mph. It’s over.

>> No.14973493
File: 606 KB, 728x546, suborbitonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Construction material from lc39a smashes into SLS
>SpaceX blamed
>Starship grounded until New Glenn flies
Bezos wins again!

>> No.14973495

>another fucking valve issue

>> No.14973497

>feed back up
>SLS still standing

>> No.14973501


>> No.14973505

>coomer goes to space, one of the few people in the world that can
>still only thinks about COOOMING

>> No.14973507

I mean, don't you wonder what it would be like to bust a nut in some strange in zero g?
think of the bouncy tits

>> No.14973512

It's because there is no power.

T. man who is across the state.

>> No.14973514
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>> No.14973515

All the other cameras are on for both streams and lighting only the ones pointing directly at SLS are down.

>> No.14973517
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[32_45], take=[2022-11-10 03.18.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14973520

I'm afraid that rollback is necessary to assess the damage.

>> No.14973528

Max gust of 100mph / 87kts reported.

>> No.14973533
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Spektr-RG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Status report on this poor thing?
Is it still a minefield of political clownery, or did the research teams get their telescope back?

>> No.14973542
File: 110 KB, 1200x583, For the next eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14973559

If you can be the CEO of 5 companies at once it's not a very demanding job

>> No.14973561

just occurred to me elon is one of those overemployed tech workers, wtf somebody stop him

>> No.14973562

>5 companies
And which of those is he directly involved in at any given time?

>> No.14973565

If they have to rebuild the SLS due to wind damage, this is a win for Boeing because the contract is cost plus

>> No.14973566

he works 17 hours a day

>> No.14973574

> Gattaca's feels not reals message is good
fuck off, its pernicious crap

>> No.14973575
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 2022-11-10 02-46-47 - 1.02.18-1.03.18.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973579

Finally, the first other person in the world I've seen that has the same opinion of that movie as me. Are you me? This is unbelievable.

>> No.14973584
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x720, 2022-11-10 02-46-47 - 1.02.35-1.03.55.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973593
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 2022-11-10 02-46-47 - 1.04.18-1.06.17.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973598
File: 46 KB, 735x448, fuck my shit up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Euros successfully ignored the tranny baiter
>As soon as the mutts wake up the entire thread is consumed by replying to him over and over again

>> No.14973606
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[54_18_49_40], take=[2022-11-10 05.07.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14973610

Nah, we are sadly in the minority but plenty of people look at the message and don't approve. If the pilot of the 1st Mars mission fakes his medical records how is that a good thing rather than criminally selfish?

>> No.14973623

The message isn't that he's right in doing it, the message is that will and effort is above expectations based on faith and genetics. Whether he's right or wrong in what he's completely independent from that and is frankly up to the viewer.

It's fucking retarded that people assume the protagonist in a story should inherently always be morally right in his pursuits.

>> No.14973624
File: 379 KB, 1280x720, LOFTID deployment 1-15 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOFTIF deploy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVQ2yoay2k4

>> No.14973625

in what he's doing is*

>> No.14973626

yeah but we don't have a ship that can do 1 g for seven years straight

>> No.14973627

Gattaca isn't really *about* spaceflight, you could swap the setting for trying to become an olympic weightlifter for instance
the real meat of the story is Ethan Hawke overcoming his lack of genetic advantages to be effectively on par with his advantaged peers

>> No.14973629
File: 330 KB, 3226x1548, Screenshot_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino view.

>> No.14973630

Your mom can do 1 g for seven years straight.

>> No.14973636

Nigger are you blind????
I responded, "I agree," to the statement of, "This movie is subtly harmful," which can only really be interpreted as, "I agree that the ideas which this film spits on to advance a very generic plot is a breathtaking treason to the society in which it was presented in."
Or perhaps you are just in damage control because this movie is an integral part of your identity.

>> No.14973642

>projecting this hard
Yeah, you're the one damage controlling. Fuck off with this projecting nonsense. You entirely missed the point of the movie. And no, I'm not >>14973356 so don't give me that disingenuous nonsense about "part of you identity" shit. Pathetic resort either way.

Protagonists don''t have to be morally good people that has their intentions best aligned with what's best for society, that's children tier nonsense to think that is a flaw in the story. He's framed as a very flawed human being, it's not some revelation that his actions are questionable. That's the fucking point.

>> No.14973643

>Gattaca isn't really *about* spaceflight, you could swap the setting for trying to become an olympic weightlifter for instance
weightlifting is an individual endeavor while spaceflight is a team endeavor with the lives of others depending on you, its entirely different
I say that positing 'willpower' as a magic force not rooted in material reality (i.e. genes) is absurd to informed thinkers. Its bilge for postchristian humanist saps. And there is no point where the protagonists virtue is questioned in the film, there's no ambiguity. It all looks very aesthetic I grant you

>> No.14973649

>/sfg/ - Space Film General

>> No.14973650

>weightlifting is an individual endeavor while spaceflight is a team endeavor with the lives of others depending on you, its entirely different
my nigger he got in a rocket in a suit and tie as if he were flying first class on a commercial jet in only the final 60 seconds of the movie. Actual space and spaceflight play no relevance to the story, it's a placeholder goal for the protagonist to achieve. It's not comparable to some exploration trip to Mars in the late 2020s. It's not a space film

>> No.14973653

>I say that positing 'willpower' as a magic force not rooted in material reality (i.e. genes) is absurd to informed thinkers. Its bilge for postchristian humanist saps. And there is no point where the protagonists virtue is questioned in the film, there's no ambiguity. It all looks very aesthetic I grant you
Pseudo intellectuals are so fucking embarrassing to see in action. Will and effort is ultimately what gives results in life. That is reality, you won't amount to anything no matter how genetically gifted you are otherwise. It's a simple fucking point.

>> No.14973661

>it's a placeholder goal for the protagonist to achieve
Disagree, the Faustian nature of spaceflight resonates with the willpower theme. If he was angling to run some luxury holiday resort the film doesn't work

>> No.14973665

>Bunch of adhom chimping out and reddit spacing
>Protagonists don''t have to be morally good people
Holy shit can you just listen for one fucking second instead of running your mouth about things you want to talk about?
THAT WASN'T MY POINT. You intruded on my conversation so YOU should know this before responding.
You are injecting your own complaints about people being biased towards morals within actions in cinema, I am complaining about the story is degrading eugenics and basic concepts of speciation to advance such a generic "overcoming the odds" storyline. Two different arguments, which is what I tried to tell you in the previous post, but you are inflamed by the simplest of bantz- you ignored my point in favour of gentle prodding. Since people are very easily influenced by audio-visual media, such dangerous perceptions of genetic modification demonization are injected into the mind. THIS is my argument. I highly dislike film students churning out trash that negatively impacts scientific endeavor. If eugenics efforts weren't cancelled in the USA and films like these didn't beat the dead horse of the """controversy""", I have no doubt that there would be more talent that could be allocated towards SpaceX and Blue Origin.
As the original poster said, "fuck off, its pernicious crap"
Also, I'm on topic and you are not. Lmao.

>> No.14973671

>pukes out a novel of empty nonsense.
Literally all the garbage you have written is based on completely faulty assumptions. At least try to stay on topic when you're arguing. You're arguing with me and my words. This isn't you making up scenarios to argue about in the shower.

>> No.14973672

>If he was angling to run some luxury holiday resort the film doesn't work
that's why I posted an alternative goal of entering the Olympics
yes trying to get into space is a noble goal, my original point was it's not comparable to the other post about a member of the crew on the first Mars trip lying about their credentials. That analogy to other space situations can't be made because it's not a movie about space, it's about personal achievement in a caste system as an untouchable

>> No.14973682

The space travel in the film has to be portrayed as routine, nbd, can be done in a natty retro suit because if its shown any other way the film falls apart

>> No.14973693

Take your shitty opinion to /tv/ and stop sperging out


>> No.14973708
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>> No.14973711
File: 19 KB, 300x160, toyotaflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toyota is so hilariously backwards on the future of transport
Toyota is still unironically trying to push hydrogen-fuel cars, at least in Japan.

>> No.14973714

It's really tiresome to hear midwits talking about hydrogen. "Dude, batteries are not good enough, hydrogen is the real future".

>> No.14973722
File: 48 KB, 648x164, Ad Astra per Aspergia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay newfriend

>> No.14973728

nothing in the post you replied to even remotely displayed the sentiment you're strawmanning

>> No.14973729


>> No.14973731
File: 1.08 MB, 915x751, 1641636695185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14973735

you're a bitch

>> No.14973738

They're gonna Epstein SLS, aren't they?

>> No.14973741

toyota is based.
the anti elon shill tranny needs to neck itself nonetheless

>> No.14973755
File: 20 KB, 474x266, th-2751245747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large part of the Tianwen-1 mass was for an orbiter

>> No.14973764
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1607465794602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like "Hydrogen clean! Me like clean! Praise me for like clean!" without any understanding of the problems with storing hydrogen. Extreme cryo temps, phase flipping as it goes liquid, weight of storage tanks, embrittlement.

>> No.14973778

I forgot the reason but someone made a good case for why you CAN’T just add a first stage underneath the current neutron design and fast track to a super heavy lift vehicle
I just woke up let me think about it for a moment

>> No.14973781

Why's this going so unremarked? I know ULA isn't as exciting as SpaceX but it's still pretty cool to see one of these inflatable heat shield concepts demonstrated. Are they looking into SMART reuse again?

>> No.14973786

You're the kind of guy that thinks 9 women can produce a baby in one month.

>> No.14973790

who gives a shit about 50 year old ideas that won’t save you any money compared to landing a rocket
Boring. This is like getting excited for fairing separation or parachute deployment. Yeah it used to be hard in the early days of space flight but now it’s common

>> No.14973792

it probably would need stringers or some shit

>> No.14973795

Reminder Tesla makes same amount of money as Toyota while selling 1/8 as much car. The numbers will only improve from now on as Tesla continues to dominate in their execution

>> No.14973798

No I remember now! It’s because neuteon doesn’t have a heat shield like starship. If you made it a second stage that would be way too much energy to get it back

>> No.14973799

SMART sucks compared to propulsive landing, but it would at least make vulcan kind of relevant for megaconstellation deployment when they can't actually produce engines for new vehicles fast enough. It might get ULA enough breathing room to develop their own starship equivalent instead of just getting suffocated out.

>> No.14973802
File: 36 KB, 425x625, 1639235750252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon, valued at $1.882 trillion on June 21, on Thursday reported a comparatively measly $878 billion valuation.
Jeff says "hold my champagne".

>> No.14973811

Inflatable heat shields aren't conceptually limited to jetting the engine compartment for recovery alone. I remember how that ridiculous KSP to Saturn mission used it for the upper stage's reentry protection, though I don't know how they were supposed to keep the bottom heavy engine section from going first.

>> No.14973813

There’s a chance they won’t be able to do that for DoD missions or constellations because Vulcan has only been certified for spookshit in its traditional format
Also BE-4 reusability is still up in the air. I know this is sort of reaching for something to complain about but I’m just going to point out how we don’t know the turnaround rate yet or how long a BE-4 can last. BO wants 100 flights out of each engine but remember this is first and foremost a new glenn engine and NG isn’t exactly a “once a week” rocket
they will probably only launch a few a year

>> No.14973841

What the fuck happened? Pandemic bubble bust?

>> No.14973857
File: 217 KB, 1170x1392, 8B7EA86C-45E6-4683-9461-F95B24818624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn 30 mins before sunset

>> No.14973862

The FED is trying to cause a recession by jacking up interest rates to fix inflation.

>> No.14973882

For real it’s just going to add yet another delay. I don’t expect this thing to be ready to go until 2023 at the earliest

>> No.14973893

8 AM. Today is habbening

>> No.14973897

just wait for Starship orbital flights and landing on the chopstick
and the actual moon missions
there is so much more to come

>> No.14973902

I think a lot of people are going to be surprised, but I wonder if any are going to admit that they were wrong (I doubt it)
I think Twitter will succeed, and Musk will yet again disrupt another industry

>> No.14973906

what is?

>> No.14973909

Potential booster static fire attempt. Possibly up to all 33 engines.

>> No.14973910

Huge explosive blasting static fire.

>> No.14973920

complete non-sequitur, now kill yourself please

>> No.14973922


100+ mph winds lmao

>> No.14973925

Low interest rate = people borrowing money to invest/spending lots
High interest rate = people not borrowing money to invest/people not spending money

>> No.14973927

toyota earned less last quarter than tesla even though they sold like 8x the cars
at this point they are probably going bankrupt (perhaps saved by their goverment, but that will just make the death slower), just too late to get on the EV train in a big way

>> No.14973928
File: 237 KB, 1536x2048, FhNDtSMWYAI-aUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14973930

Where is that retard who was arguing that peak gusts weren't substantially higher than forecasted sustained winds?

>> No.14973931

>but I wonder if any are going to admit that they were wrong (I doubt it)
They move on from one venture to another.

>> No.14973934

the "parody accounts" were breaking rules that have been there since 2017, also being a free speech absolutist and understanding the realities of a platform that needs to make money is not hypocritical, its just what you need to do

>> No.14973938

a place where people are actually able to exchange ideas (Even ones they disagree with) will decrease the polarization of society
the whole app which will consist of much more than twitter is right now (long and short form video with monetization for creators, an online bank, a way to buy stuff directly from merchants to name a few) will become another money maker (some others being starlink and Tesla) for musk and thus a way to fund the mars colony project

>> No.14973939

Highly unlikely. They will have a hard time of it, but they will likely pivot towards licensing existing technology and the solutions to producing said technology and lean on the extant and existing demand for gas powered cars, which will not be going away any time soon.

>> No.14973940

In no place on earth is impersonation a free speech issue.

Only mentally ill trannies like you claim it is

>> No.14973942


Static fire campaign spooling up slowly. Expect atleast few more hours before we get close to this thing

>> No.14973945

what existing technologies? lmaoo

>> No.14973951

Think in terms of the 2030s. The manufacturing processes for batteries already exist and are still being tuned for volume production, and that technology will have seen another eight years of development by the start of the next decade. Think of where Tesla's batteries and manufacturing tech were in 2014 compared to where they are now.

>> No.14973952

They'll just license stuff from some Chinese company. Toyota already partners with Chinese company to make EVs

>> No.14973954


>> No.14973959

The FED printed a massive amount of money and caused insane inflation which they are now trying to fix by raising interest rates, raising interest rates causes the risk free rate to decrease, decreasing expected returns and thus PE ratios are compressing

lower PE ratios and lower earnings due to recession cause lower share prices

>> No.14973960


>> No.14973962

oh you mean Toyota will license tech from other companies and manufacture cars and not that Toyota will let other companies license their tech
that makes sense, not sure if that is going to be enough though
how are they going to compete? What is Toyota bringing to the table? EVs are going to use new manufacturing methods like megacastings

>> No.14973969

Toyota has the name that some unnamed/unknown Chinese startups can latch on to for a mutually beneficial outcome. Toyota will lose out in some prestige due to offshoring techs, but still be able to retain some of the market, while the Chinese/Teslas eat through half of Toyota in 10 years.

>> No.14973971

Toyota is as good as it gets for a finely tuned body in white and interiors production apparatus, so once they have the drive train technology available to them, they would have to screw up really badly to not be able to build the rest of the vehicle in a cost-competitive basis with Tesla.

>> No.14973976

>Limitless Space
They have the most kino FTL video

>> No.14973981

Toyota is anti-Tesla in a way. They don't do iterative approach, they update VERY slowly, they're not efficient as Tesla, they're old, they got brand name.

With the cars going tech route, if Toyota wants to stagnate development, then they'll be slave to some other company. Meanwhile, Tesla is the master of their own destiny with regards to software, motor, battery, electronics, computers, etc.

>> No.14973982

its not just about not screwing up, they have to keep up with the new manufacturing technologies
maybe 10 years ago it was only about the drive train tech, but its moved on

>> No.14973984

I think people might be overselling the gigacastings. Those require their own manufacturing infrastructure, and the big downside is that they're a really expensive way of making parts if you aren't doing massive volume production of each model.

>> No.14973985

NASA will do inspections and roll back again, won't they

>> No.14973986

>People actually think Tesla is a well-run company in any area other than EV engineering instead of a dumpster fire milked for every last penny waiting to run out of steam (I'm not saying it will anytime soon, it's an incredibly profitable dumpster fire right now) and that Elon didn't regret the Twitter deal the instant the ink dried on his due-diligence waiving signature and has been desperately trying to keep up appearance of knowing what he's doing (let's also just forget that part where he tried to weasel out of the deal by repeatedly railing against Twitter)
Come on people, this is /sci/, you're supposed to be smarter than this.
I wish people could separate SpaceX/engineering Musk and everything else Musk, and even on the SpaceX side cracks have been showing, we should all hope that they don't get any larger instead of pretending he's playing 4D chess or whatever. He clearly has good engineering and business acumen in some areas or he wouldn't have gotten to where he is, but the last few years he's been increasingly surrounding himself with yes-men, especially in his interaction with the general public, and either didn't notice or doesn't want to and it's put him on a clear downward spiral. He needs to get his head out of his own ass and realise that he doesn't understand everything on first try and that's OK. Go back to reading every book on the topic like for rocketry instead of reading the Wikipedia article and calling it a day.

Captcha: 4ARKA

>> No.14973987

Gigacasting is just the beginning too. The manufacturing technology 10 years from now will be much different landscape than today.

Remember, Musk wants Tesla to be a manufacturing giant. Manufacturing is the key to security of a nation.

>> No.14973989

This. Currently, the only way for Musk to pour external money into SpaceX, is to sell Tesla shares, which is not sustainable. Once he monetizes Twatter, which should be in a few months, because it's just writing code, as opposed to building actual shit, he will be able to funnel millions into SpaceX.

>> No.14973990
File: 45 KB, 512x512, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me what this picture depicts?

>> No.14973993

extremely low iq

>> No.14973997

if you aren't doing mass production then your models will be even less competitive from a cost standpoint
other stuff other than the drivetrain is the battery tech itself, the cooling system (tesla has integrated all of this into one), the software for the infotaiment system and lastly FSD
the only thing that Toyota is going to do is to give their brand to a Chinese company and then basically run the (chinese companys) factory in Japan? I guess they could stay alive as a shell of their former selves that way but lmao, almost kind of disingenous to call them toyota at that point

>> No.14973998

This is spaceflight general, we don't care about cars here. Please go to /o/ and stay fucked off there unless you want to talk about rockets.

>> No.14974000

>People actually think Tesla is a well-run company in any area other than EV engineering instead of a dumpster fire milked for every last penny waiting to run out of steam

>> No.14974002

what cracks? give concrete examples and argue why those are cracks with respect to what you said

>> No.14974008

Retard lmao

>> No.14974013

lol, lmao even

>> No.14974014

The only reason to cut back on the number of models being sold is if you're optimizing for lower costs in a position where there's not a lot of demand for variety. The auto-industry has always had room for modest volume rate vehicles with good margins, and that's something Toyota still does well.

>> No.14974016

Road is closed

>> No.14974017

Toyota is a Japanese company, they're a stagnant country without any innovation. They lost to Korea, China, and Taiwan with regards to modern electronics. They will lose their hold on cars in US as Tesla brings the US innovation to the greater market.

>> No.14974019

Remember, the measure of future's success isn't past's success but rather current successes drive future success. You can't sit on your parents' money and think you'll do great because of them.

>> No.14974022
File: 627 KB, 1170x640, 5B8429A4-2C8F-4E28-B8B2-3CC338E4D225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks professor pseud

>> No.14974024

Chaotic Neutral

>> No.14974025

>not using vacuum assist
why do they even have female astronauts?

>> No.14974028


>> No.14974033

spacex is chaotic good. Who is lawful good

>> No.14974041

Tianwen's lander pretty much only acted as a lander, nothing more. I don't think it even has solar panels or transmitters, Tianwen is pretty much independent after touchdown

>> No.14974043

I really don't know what you're talking about. The Corolla is the best selling car in the world, and Rav 4 is in second place.

>> No.14974046

For now.
Tesla is quickly moving up with Model Y. Its set to be in the Top 5 this year or close to it. By next year, probably the best selling car in the world

>> No.14974047


New batch of Starlink V2 spotted in Starbase

>> No.14974049
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, sshot-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974059

Tesla's success comes from being innovative and better. Toyota's success comes from being affordable and just plain good. Tesla's well positioned to take advantage of its innovations, but they're going to need to keep improving their enterprise and apparatus to start competing on "affordable," and at $9000 margins per vehicle sold on a vehicle that currently starts at about $60,000, they're not going to get there with the Model Y: its sales are going to drop precipitously as the overlap of people with the means and desire to own one go down with the increased costs of borrowing.

>> No.14974061

The 30-40 k car is already deep in the pipeline.
After Semi and Cybertruck.

>> No.14974064

30k to 40k is an improvement, but they really need a car that actually sells in quantity for 20k - and not like the completely fake and bullshit availability of the Model 3 at 35k.

>> No.14974065


>> No.14974066

Their cars will drop in prices as manufacturing efficiencies take root. Tesla's "inefficiencies" today are building up infrastructure that Toyota build in 1960s. Once the inefficiencies are paid off, its all pure profit margins. Which they can use to leverage sales numbers to their makings and out compete anyone.

>> No.14974068


>> No.14974069

I don't actually how expensive it will be just guessed. It's going to be cheaper though and it's in the making.

>> No.14974070

That one is, unfortunately, not true. The margins per vehicle sold do not have anything to do with their CAPEX; their per vehicle margins are high, but so are their per-vehicle costs. Both need to drop dramatically to achieve massive growth going forward.

>> No.14974075

>car people
I just don't get your kind, cars are boring and all the same. It's like arguing over toothbrush brands.
Roggets are where it's at.

>> No.14974076

Nice trips, but you really shouldn't. I agree with Anon above you though, we shouldn't talk about cars here.

They're only hairline cracks for now luckily and don't have any immediate risk of affecting SpaceX, but regardless of what you think about them, Elon's recent antics have been affecting employees at least to some extent (see that open letter, frivolous maybe and SpaceX will have enough talent to recruit for years but it shows that confidence in the CEO is decreasing and that's not great), Starlink has been pissing off customers aplenty with decreasing throughput, introduction of data caps, and other shenanigans on top of Tesla-tier customer service (read: terrible), this is understandable from the business perspective but making customers think you're no different than the other ISPs after providing better service is terrible for customer acquisition and retention. Then for less verifiable stuff there's rumours from not-great-not-terrible sources about Elon's management getting more erratic and, and I really hope this one is just all from one bogus source and me getting Baader-Meinhof'd but in the past few weeks I've seen two independent discussions about Gwynne potentially leaving, one with alleged (but I would consider hardly trustworthy) internal rumours.

I love how the faces are blurred in the video but not the thumbnail.

>> No.14974083

>I've seen two independent discussions about Gwynne potentially leaving
this is how you can tell the tranny is straight from reddit.
this has been known for more than a year.

>> No.14974088

Their per vehicle costs will come down as well as they transition from manual parts to gigacasting parts.

Tesla has a very high vehicle profit margin on their Chinese cars. Meanwhile their Fremont cars are high labor and low margins. Texas/German factories are ramping up, but due to them not achieving scales yet, their per vehicle margins are low as well.

Fremont factory is undergoing automation upgrade with the new Chinese team from Shanghai as well, so the final piece of the puzzle will close the gap with other newer factories but since it will be at scale, the per vehicle margins will improve dramatically as well

>> No.14974098

It's less an automation problem in Freemont than a processes problem, and one largely brought on by it being their first attempt at the production line and having such high demand that it made no sense to shut it down for improvements.

>> No.14974103

Tesla's Fremon factory car profit margin was ~20% before China ramp up. With Chinese ramp up, the avg became ~30%. With Germany/Texas slow ramp up, it became 25%.

Fremont = 20% (~25+% once automation upgrade)
China = 40%
Germany = 20% (30+% once ramped up)
Texas = 20% (30+% once ramped up)

Current margin avg of 25% gives them ~$9500. Once fully upgraded, their margins will increase to ~$14000+ due to automation lowering the base price of cars.

>> No.14974106

Also if Germany/Texas has chance to get close to 40%+ margin as well, but it wont beat China in margins due to lower labor costs in China.

>> No.14974110

I should add, again, there's no need to be worried about SpaceX except maybe for ability of outside fundraising as Elon's favour with investors possibly erodes (but he should easily be able to sell Tesla stock if necessary) and as I alluded to I do believe that Elon is pretty good at SpaceX stuff so as long as he can maintain that without succumbing to the same issues as elsewhere it's going to be fine and SpaceX has plenty of momentum even without him anyways, it's a well-oiled machine.

I'll admit I don't follow esseffgee as tightly as I should, but I don't remember that and can't find it, I would've expected it to be bigger news. Unless you think speculation about her retiring because Hans did counts.

Reminder that Tesla's margins aren't directly comparable to other companies' because they leave several things like R&D out. Still pretty good for now but that's also in part because they have a backlog still. And they just dropped prices in China quite significantly.

>> No.14974113

They can on average.

>> No.14974116

Right, they can adjust their margins accordingly. China price drop is likely in anticipation of their Texas/Germany scaling upwards and increases in profit margin in those factories will offset the Chinese margin drops. I suspect the Chinese profit margin might be much higher and the Germany/Texas ramping cost to be much higher.

>> No.14974124

>the spam bots are actually buying verification
what is their endgame? this way musk wins obviously. it's too expensive to be sustainable.

>> No.14974127

>too expensive to be sustainable
You only need a few suckers to bite to have the money for verification and then some back in with the crypto scams.

>> No.14974133

>some rich liberal pays to have thousand bots for $8 each
$8000 spent
>gets banned in a day
become internet famous because liberal media wants to craft a narrative that twitter is doomed

It will die down real fast, unless they want to spend $8000 per day on twitter to spam. LMAO

>> No.14974136
File: 234 KB, 960x540, vtorybruno_status_1590735231115403264_960x540.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the heatshield test from ULA

>> No.14974139


>> No.14974154

Worked better then china's!

>> No.14974158

I dunno how to feel about him, the topics he covers are interesting but he tends to be long-winded. And very opinionated about how societies will evolve in the far future, but he presents these opinions as fact.

>> No.14974165

Chopsticks are raised and spread wide.

>> No.14974169

>muh the movies are brainwashing people against my ideals!!!!
Go fuck yourself anon, this is the same kind of bullshit sociologists pull off to censor shit because "it affects minorities and slows social progress!"
Freedom of expression is above whatever you consider correct.

>> No.14974171

hmmm that kinda makes sense actually. esp since it's carbon fiber

>> No.14974175

Your mom is raised and spread

>> No.14974189

is today the 33 engine day or can i go back to sleep

>> No.14974195

Probably not 33.
Maybe none at all if there's issues.

>> No.14974198
File: 166 KB, 1164x1536, 1644529869539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16, and that gives you more throost than Saturn V.

>> No.14974207

you made this up faggot

>> No.14974212

theyre trying, which is more than can be said for the rest of this godforsaken industry

>> No.14974219

looks very good. this was ceramic not ablative right?

>> No.14974220

Read L2 you poor stupid fucker

>> No.14974223
File: 542 KB, 1607x719, loftid_rv_diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOFTID predominantly is not a ULA project. Langley Research Center and others were doing that one.

>> No.14974226


>> No.14974230
File: 813 KB, 1800x1016, D08112B7-036E-47EE-A0BF-18FC784DC9EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOFTID successfully splashed down in the pacific. Great work guys.

>> No.14974234

The colonization of the solar system is of utmost importance.

>> No.14974236

thanks, i did it all sitting right here.

>> No.14974238

Sick, that means 6m+ re-entry is possible anywhere with an atmosphere

Truly large landers are now possible on Mars

>> No.14974241

Always were. the only people that tried to convince us otherwise is JPL

>> No.14974245

large landers are too expensive chud

>> No.14974249

>inflatable ceramic

>> No.14974253

Didn't you hear? You can just print more forever.

>> No.14974254

Probably silicon based refractory ceramic wool.

>> No.14974257

It really is that easy in ceramics

>> No.14974263
File: 120 KB, 945x370, _20221110_191824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunter got you covered

>> No.14974265


>> No.14974266

So it's literally the shit in attics

>> No.14974270

Starship testing started with the big bang

>> No.14974271


Static fire live

>> No.14974272
File: 403 KB, 536x928, {26281494-7C3C-46CA-9689-E76501017BAB}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974274

nice house :)

>> No.14974276

JWST sunshield should've been inflatable

>> No.14974279

Yeah. Of course you could always add a heat shield to the “belly” but still
Not as easy as just making a big booster stage unless you’re ready to expend half of it (which wouldn’t be that bad to be honest?)

>> No.14974280


>> No.14974322

OLM just stopped vaping

>> No.14974323

csi nigger is calling spin prime followed by static

>> No.14974324

Prior to Neutron that would have been Rocket Lab

>> No.14974329

Looks like an AI generated image with KSP in the query.

>> No.14974330

Exactly what Trump did.

>> No.14974334

rent free

>> No.14974336
File: 554 KB, 2048x1368, FhKTIrzVEAE6NZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974337
File: 2.84 MB, 1080x950, Relativityspace-1590495283376709632-20221109 180320-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974339


>> No.14974340

Paywalling made up shit doesn't make it less made up.

>> No.14974342


I closed the stream cause I thought it would take hours and now its like all full wtf

>> No.14974344
File: 284 KB, 1114x583, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974346

and that was 10 minutes ago

>> No.14974347

they're gonna spin prime.

>> No.14974348

No. Any sort of flexible structure is a terrible idea for telescopes. HST's first solar arrays were bendy and they could measure the jitter caused by them flapping in the image quality.

>> No.14974351
File: 1.41 MB, 1241x1512, screenshot-www.isro.gov.in-2022.11.10-13_18_41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LVM3 engine upgraded

>> No.14974356

Is there a stream that doesn't have NSF in the background?

>> No.14974358


>> No.14974361
File: 1.85 MB, 1005x388, spinprime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spin prime

>> No.14974362

peace and quiet here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJRzQsLZGg

>> No.14974364
File: 105 KB, 1125x416, AF50C994-9949-4E4B-83F9-FDB60983D264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of engines in that spin prime. If the data is good, they’ll move towards a static fire today after a recycle

>> No.14974365

Thank you

>> No.14974366


>> No.14974367

His pad cam is set up behind the OLM so you can't really see shit

>> No.14974376

Oh so everyone loves Starship doing it but when SLS leaks you all throw a fit.

>> No.14974383

this you?

>> No.14974386

No, I picked it up from him from his post on leddit

>> No.14974387

Yeah, because Starship is based and SLS is cringe.

>> No.14974388

thats because Starship is supposed to; shitty leaky scam isn't according to the design specifications NASA drew up, but boing! got so used to pork they decided to build a broken rocket and hope they get paid to build another

>> No.14974390

yes literally yes fuck SLS, starship is allowed to leak SLS should have zero problems with its budget and 20 year time frame of development

>> No.14974393

I got 99 problems, but Starship aint one

>> No.14974396

why is there no top frost ring if the methane is loaded?

>> No.14974397

Starship can explode and it wont affect the program too much.

SLS can't leak because it may lead to failure of the ship.

The entire Starship program so far cost less than a single SLS

>> No.14974399


>> No.14974403

best leave it in the ocean. Digging it out would bring bad luck

>> No.14974406


>> No.14974415

truly sad. hope we get hundreds of crewed starships in before it happens again.

>> No.14974418


>> No.14974423

>Found 1 week before SLS launches
An omen?

>> No.14974425

SpaceX weld anon, you still with us bro?

>> No.14974426

>the exact day starship 33 engine static fire
Yes, an omen

>> No.14974431
File: 41 KB, 460x571, IMG_20221110_144711_752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974437

there's no way they launch in a week

>> No.14974439

Germany could build Starship in a day btw if that matters

>> No.14974441

they are literally forced to, it cant roll back again

>> No.14974445

No they can just delay and do inspections and repairs on the pad.

>> No.14974447
File: 2.57 MB, 2420x1816, FhNmFjvUoAACarW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974450

Also I'm sure they could recertify the structure for more rollouts. Would just be a lot of paperwork and calculations probably.

>> No.14974452
File: 8 KB, 261x193, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974455

That fiber blanket looks immaculate. Why don't they just cover the Starship in that stuff?

>> No.14974459

we were too stupid

>> No.14974461

>making all the outer engines gimbal instead of just central one

>> No.14974462

still worth the huge saving in cost

>> No.14974465

Well SpaceX should get on it. Seems like a very neat approach to a non-brittle heat shield.
You're retarded. There would not be a huge cost if they just used regular aluminized teflon tarp instead of hyper engineered micrometer thick stuff.
Massfagging is what makes it expensive.

>> No.14974466

maybe it's not reusable.

>> No.14974470

how many mechanisms does the sunshield have? If it was inflatable those would just be a few valves

>> No.14974473

SLS legit had horrible luck. There has to be some Mandate of Heaven shit

>> No.14974474

there’s a difference between F9-style reentry from the upper atmosphere and interplanetary reentry from the moon or mars
Starship does have thermal blankets by the way, but it has tiles on top of that layer

>> No.14974475

Just a fucking sliding rail. If the mechanisms were expensive then they had retard engineers.
No reason for any of the sunshield part of the telescope to be precision JPL tier machinery.

>> No.14974479

this is the answer for any retard asking why Starship doesn’t just use it

>> No.14974480

pretty sure the inflatable heatshield is also meant for Mars
JWST sunshield has hundres of latches, pulleys cables, motors and whatnot. Why do you think it costs $10 billion

>> No.14974481

True. I wonder if it's impossible to engineer a woven heat shield to withstand that though. It's both ceramic.

>> No.14974482

>JWST sunshield has hundres of latches, pulleys cables, motors and whatnot. Why do you think it costs $10 billion
none of that is required. there is no credible case to be made for the sunshield being precision clockwork machinery. it's just oldspace mindset

>> No.14974486

The problem comes with needing to reenter earth’s atmosphere
/sfg/ has gotten so fucking retarded

>> No.14974490


Something about the Challenger piece being found during all this that feels really coincidental idk

>> No.14974491

>The problem comes with needing to reenter earth’s atmosphere
>/sfg/ has gotten so fucking retarded
earth reentry is not really hotter than mars reentry.
it has enough lift to make both profiles the same.

>> No.14974493

The faggotry in this thread is unbelievable. ULA is not doing anything interesting or new here
This stupid inflatable is Blue Origin levels of old school

>> No.14974496

Redditor spotted. sfg discusses things like this all the time.

>> No.14974497

How did you even find this place? Go back

>> No.14974498

it's that easy in reentry. You literally just have to cover yourself in a blanket

>> No.14974502

The amount of seethe. Really incredible

>> No.14974503

>ULA is not doing anything interesting or new here
Its literally the first ever such test of this system at this scale

>> No.14974505

No it’s not.

>> No.14974506

Shut up. If it's not a tweet by Elon you're allowed to talk about it.

>> No.14974524
File: 18 KB, 386x193, FFBA0D2C-57F2-446D-90CA-B0AA686DF96C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflatable heatshields are cool because they are good at landing stuff on Mars.
NASA estimated that a 20 ton payload to the surface of mars - about enough to send a crew back to low mars orbit - would need a 60 ton lander if the lander used a traditional Orion-style heatshield.
Using an inflatable heatshield, the lander only masses about 25 tons. It cuts in half how beefy the lander is.

>> No.14974528

so what's the scientific reason SpaceX isn't covering Starship in this stuff

>> No.14974530

Also it would be great for the movable hinges.
No more plasma knoives to worry about

>> No.14974532

It doesn’t work with the reentry profile

>> No.14974534
File: 125 KB, 1125x907, F4BD307F-3CBB-4FBA-AF3F-77DB3AEC5717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deployable heatshields to lower the density of a spacecraft and increase its drag to help with mars EDL is not a new idea.
Robert Zubrin’s Mars Direct used deployable heatshields on its landers. These heatshields were not inflatable per se, but used pulleys and servos to unfold a bigger heatshield.

>> No.14974538

inflatable deflatable heatshield sail for outer planet aerobraking

>> No.14974540

SUSIE uses a deployable heatshield :(

>> No.14974542

Are we fueling or still detanking?

>> No.14974544

The tank farm keeps going woosh.

>> No.14974548
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x1152, 8AF8BB78-D100-469D-BB55-DCA9558C7437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fueling should start soonish.

Susie is a cool idea. I wish it came out in the 90’s though

>> No.14974552
File: 143 KB, 887x601, Pluto probe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a idea being considered for a Pluto probe

>> No.14974559

I like the fact that it can land and then hop again

>> No.14974563

Static fire might not be in the cards today. At least we got a spin prime.

>> No.14974567

Why not? Got plenty of time and the OP notice.

>> No.14974568

it's over give it up

>> No.14974569

Forced meme

>> No.14974570

delusional, the writings on the wall

>> No.14974572
File: 310 KB, 1125x1679, BD52416F-D9A1-4ADD-9415-BA59D53B2958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tory Bruno seems concerned about SLS facing heavy winds, and has no info as to whether or not the situation is good

>> No.14974577

Of orion can make it to the moon with ICPS why even upgrade to an even more expensive EUS like what the fuck is the reasoning here besides just generating jobs and stuffing money where it doesn’t belong

>> No.14974579

Bob is retiring

>> No.14974581
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, FhOxJXLVUAIiwD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974582

The world's most powerful rocket. Taking humanity to the moon once again.
SLS really is the pinnacle of modern engineering.

>> No.14974583

I know. Someone @ scott manlet and tell him there will be one less white astronaut for him to complain about now lol

>> No.14974586
File: 336 KB, 1536x2048, FhOy8eOVUAAe4Zu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974588

inb4 being recruited by some company to lead their astronaut core

>> No.14974589

Why does it look so shooped? Noticed that during the announcement too.
Maybe it's the proonting?

>> No.14974593
File: 31 KB, 750x375, muh NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when NASA blasted the soviet union when they took the Buran to the 1989 paris airshow through a storm? Will they apply the same level of criticism to last nights events with SLS?

>> No.14974595

what does he complain about?

>> No.14974596

NASA has turned into the villain

>> No.14974598

White people in general.
It's a Commiefornia thing

>> No.14974602
File: 471 KB, 800x800, 001395e9bb301ccce2d92e5611c2a7f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you apply ceramic cloth to Starship? Like a virgin killer?

>> No.14974603

Ok but what did he say specifically? Also he shitted on Neil deGrasse Tyson not long ago too

>> No.14974604

no, tehy'll jsut inspect the thing, say it's OK and launch
they're literally doomed to succeed at this point

>> No.14974609 [DELETED] 

ZacK Golden aka CSI Starbase aka Golden Boy is saying it was the 13 center engines.
How will L2oids ever recover?

>> No.14974618

If you mean Starship-chan, then yes.
The real rocket, not so much.

>> No.14974624

OLM voont. Nous sommes venir?

>> No.14974629
File: 2.06 MB, 2569x4096, FhO5KpDWIA4Pw60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974638


>> No.14974639

Depress vent again. It’s over.

>> No.14974655

>9 weeks left in the year
>we're already at 16 engine static fires
they might actually get it launched this year

>> No.14974656

>The Verge reached out to Musk for comment. Twitter no longer has a communications department.

>> No.14974659

What a dumb name for a shirt

>> No.14974662

Very based. They're also removing all legacy checkmarks which is the proper thing to do.
I don't see any mismanagement tbqh

>> No.14974663

They might do a full static fire in late December, doubt they are launching this year

>> No.14974667

I listened to the whole Musk call with ad people and whatnot and it was quite good, these news articles seem to be a bit doom and gloom for no good reason

>> No.14974671
File: 2.58 MB, 2315x3055, 88502372_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974672

>for no good reason
Ideological reasons

>> No.14974675
File: 68 KB, 544x536, 1662174610962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's really interesting, please keep talking about social media for normalfags.

>> No.14974678


Some "very minor" damage from hurricane already detected with cameras towards coverings/caulks being loose

More to come with more inspection

>> No.14974683

the comfiest reentry method

>> No.14974690
File: 36 KB, 634x160, sfg_amagicalplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"minor damage"
SLS is kill. Finally

>> No.14974694

Don't mistake incompetence for bad luck fa.m

>> No.14974697

Weather is hard

>> No.14974698
File: 145 KB, 1013x800, spacescopes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which future space telescopes are the most interesting? I only found out about TOLIMAN now but searching for planets on Alpha Centauri will be cool.

>> No.14974703
File: 80 KB, 706x800, No survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be really disappointing if they don't at least try to launch it.

>> No.14974705

Imagine having such an autistic set up that it's not even worth protecting ur rocket from a hurricane

>> No.14974706

Arecibo 2.0 on the far side of the moon.

>> No.14974707


>> No.14974710


>> No.14974711

muh clean pad

muh muli user pad

>only user is NASA Artemis and has no weather structure


>> No.14974714

Let's just keep this board free from child grooming pedophilia, plz.

>> No.14974716

apparently it was bad from the ad peoples perspective, but they seem to be brainlets
they don't care/understand the technical stuff, everything is about brand safety and what is it adjacent to even though Musk talked about that

>> No.14974720

why aren't you saying anything about the furfag?

>> No.14974721
File: 230 KB, 1884x2000, 1664852023785409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974729

now imagine space weather. . .

>> No.14974734

>JPSS-2 solar panel didn't deploy
Northrup Grumman fucked up twice in a row


>> No.14974737

You have serious issues

>> No.14974740
File: 393 KB, 2344x2474, SN8_v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974742


>space weather
hard hard

2 hards make an easy

space weather is easy

>> No.14974747


>> No.14974749
File: 2.95 MB, 946x488, 1649154759330.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974758

it’s simply not that easy in solar paneltry

>> No.14974761

Road about to open. Pisses me off how slow thy're going.

>> No.14974763

Sooooo no static fire today??????

>> No.14974766

>You get 1 (one) SP today, be grateful cretins

Wow it is really over they are old space now

>> No.14974769

Trying to advance a super heavy rocket past the “uhhhhhhh we built it” stage is literally impossible

>> No.14974775

>I can't believe that NASA and SpaceX are not meeting the arbitrary goals that I personally set for them, it is literally finished.

>> No.14974778

Elon Musk should be arrested for failing to develop Starship fast enough. He needs to be held fucking responsible

>> No.14974780
File: 524 KB, 800x379, 1665292956060269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974785

I might sue for emotional damages

>> No.14974786

The ‘arbitrary goal’ is NASA going from a dinky little suborbital rocket to a giant Saturn V in only 6 years

>> No.14974806

To be fair NASA benefited hugely from the Army/Navy/Air Force all having simultaneous R&D efforts feeding their rocket program

The F-1 that the Saturn V used for example was from the Air Force projecting a need for a massive heavy lift vehicle they ended up not building

>> No.14974811

I think nasa people are just not made of the same stuff any more. Neither working smart nor hard.

>> No.14974814

The organization of Theseus. And, buddy, current NASA is a pile of driftwood.

>> No.14974815

It;s not finished, but it is over

>> No.14974833

I wish this would be a lesson for NASA astrophysics to give up their stupid system of one massive flagship project and then only explorers, with nothing in between. They should persue more medium sized probes, missions like Gaia and Kepler have tremendous impact without starving the rest of the division. Thankfully ESA has the right idea and is filling in the gaps.

Euclid is the most interesting in my mind. Over of a third of the sky covered with near-HST resolution. It should find basically all the earliest quasars, which are immensely useful for studying the gas around and between galaxies.
LISA should also provide a lot of insight into the formation of supermassive black holes. Opening up a second band in gravitational waves is very cool. LISA pathfinder was a huge success, proving the difficult technologies can work as required and beyond.

>> No.14974837
File: 879 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[55_07_21_12], take=[2022-11-10 17.17.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974839
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rocket is very pretty

>> No.14974840

I too like smaller and more frequent mission, but aren't flagship missions necessary for some ambitious goals like higher resolution?

>> No.14974843

very sexual

>> No.14974853
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a Starship with small fins.

>> No.14974854

whats the point anymore

>> No.14974857

Well Mars still has zero humans on it.

>> No.14974861

A failure on the launch mount now delays starship for a year

>> No.14974865

It works out in the interests of all parties though. NASA gets best-in-class headline-making science and the comparatively rapid TRL development with smaller missions (whether or not that's "better, faster, cheaper" is up for debate) and ESA gets missions big enough to split up amongst its constituents without breaking the bank while simultaneously having a niche only they can fulfill. As a side benefit ESA gets a lot of collaboration input on the big NASA missions. JAXA's in there too, their exploration missions are also "plugging the gaps" so to speak

>> No.14974871

W-What are the cameras for?

>> No.14974881

There is nothing wrong with large missions, but if you have medium scale ones then these enormous gaps between missions. A flagship can be ambitious but it's still only serving one part of astronomy. And as flagships become more expensive JWSTs long development cycle and cost may become the norm. JWST is great but it's not an x-ray telescope or a far infrared telescope. There's also power in having concurrent facilities to study objects in multiple wavelengths, JWST may expire before the Hubble replacement (Habex/LuVOIR), it will certainly be dead by the time NASA launch an major x-ray telescope and a far infrared one. A program like the Great Observatories will never happen like this, but people forget not all of them were flaghips. It doesn't help that the budget is flat unlike Planetary.

>> No.14974887

>a minute long "behind the scenes" video of a minute long ad
unironically what did Relativity mean by this?

>> No.14974898

>of a minute long ad
I don't think this exists. It's literally just the two fucking images they posted on twitter LMAO

>> No.14974902
File: 641 KB, 844x1069, {CE1A2EDF-8CAA-4B0C-B8EA-E9D59B377C9F}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974908

Bad camera quality unfortunately for this amazing view.
Seems like they're maybe leaving the chopsticks up there for tomorrow?

>> No.14974909
File: 87 KB, 629x767, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nevermind
>next closure is monday

>> No.14974911
File: 343 KB, 603x909, 000591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But apparently shotwell is taking over starbase operations from Elon lol
I guess most of the large problems have been solved then? Or this twitter fire is something much more urgent that needs to be dealt with first

>> No.14974914

It doesnt really work out though, the field is too broad to be sustained by one big telescope every 2 decades. The things ESA has prioritised are not just niches, they are exactly the same top level science that NASA set on.
If you look at the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey the big top priorities in space were a dark energy mission, and x-ray telescope and a gravitational waves mission. NASA is only doing the first one because it blew all the money turning a 1 billion dollar concept into a 4+ billion dollar Roman because of the "donation". A decade passed and they barely started work on the frst priority. ESA On the other hand is building all three. Each decadal lays out many missions for NASA, and they only start one.

>> No.14974919

goddamnit elon, fuck the day he decided to buy twitter

>> No.14974922

literally who

>> No.14974927

I’m gonna be honest, Starbase is great but I’m sure SpaceX wishes it was faster. Issues like the B7 boom and whatnot also made them disappointed with whoever is in charge right now

>> No.14974930

Alternatively, the Jérôme Guillen way out. It really doesn't seem like it's steady enough for the COO to take over or for the COO to take over a project like this anyways (You'd rather expect her to take over Starship in general) but it doesn't say she's stepping down from the COO position for it, right? And I suppose the sugarcoating here is that it's supposedly approaching launchability, at which point you might want to have the operations lead take over or she saw Elon being occupied and decided to swoop in to fix the mess.

I think the B7 boom already led to the Starbase lead being replaced shortly after. This would be another reorg. That Omead Ashfar guy is also weird, he was suspended at Tesla for some sketchy project involving special glass, with others being fired.

>> No.14974931

>apparently shotwell is taking over starbase operations from Elon lol
She's taking over operations from along with Mark Juncosa who unofficially manages Starbase operation for a while now. Juncosa is a Starlink guy who then moved to Starbase to get the project moving quickly few months ago. Now Shotwell is also joining the effort to become the official head, the two heads will likely accelerate the program now that its very close to launch operations. They'll be the official bridge between Musk and his employees, making all the tough decisions like firing/hiring people and reorganizations of the teams who are slacking and need to be moved to another team/etc.

This sorta makes sense given the Starbase has grown quite large for Musk to handle the dealings by himself. Starbase has something like ~2000 employees now. Way higher than the 500 or so a year ago or so.

>> No.14974932

Shotwell overseeing Starbase is quite the departure from the usual rumor that she's retiring in a year (and always a year)

>> No.14974933

Shotwell will retire once she's on a trajectory to Alpha Centauri

>> No.14974934

>shotwell is taking over starbase operations from Elon
>from Elon
can someone sugar coat this for me?

>> No.14974935
File: 444 KB, 1520x2292, FhPdcEgXgAA68cJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974938

>close to operations
>needs to go faster
>lot more people to manage

If I remember right Musk said his biggest concern a while ago was Raptor2 production rate. He's solved that now.

>> No.14974940

>Nic "legally blind" Assuini
hope cosmic perspective is out there. this is shit is cringeworthy

>> No.14974941

>he actually believed the rumor

>> No.14974944
File: 625 KB, 3264x2448, Gwynne-Shotwell-4466072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based. I trust Mommy Shotwell more than Erratic Elon to bring us to Mars.

>> No.14974948

nigger on the side of the road cranking all the sliders on the 2 inch nikon lcd

>> No.14974949

goofy ass colors

>> No.14974953

wish that whore on the right would uncross those legs of hers. why wear that slutty shit otherwise? spread em

>> No.14974958

least sexist space enthusiast

>> No.14974961

It's the RS-25s, man, they're calling up all the ghosts.

>> No.14974964


>> No.14974967

This is now /Shotwell's Fans General/

>> No.14974969

always has been

>> No.14974972

>800 replies
/sfg/ is alive again
SLS is dead again

>> No.14974979

unironically a great thing

>> No.14974981

would be a cool movie poster

>> No.14974983

/Shotwell onlyFans General/

>> No.14974985
File: 815 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[55_09_13_55], take=[2022-11-10 19.10.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new lox tank right?

>> No.14974986

Yeah, Delphin looks like that in person as well.

>> No.14974987

simping for mommy shotwell!

>> No.14974988
File: 32 KB, 828x386, You forgot to attach the Gigachad image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974994
File: 803 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[55_09_21_27], take=[2022-11-10 19.18.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14974999
File: 45 KB, 640x885, 1663174439876129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's a 5 segment SRB. It's happening

>> No.14975000

this picture made me poop my pants

>> No.14975002
File: 307 KB, 1118x986, chew glass and stare into the abyss redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14975003

Wow that insight twitter post was prentice and the replies were just as bad as you expect
>inb4 what post

>> No.14975004

>no way to sugarcoat this
lmao, this is his go-to

>> No.14975005

there is simply no way to sugarcoat this!

>> No.14975006
File: 35 KB, 600x539, Golden Laughing Crying Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14975008

Anyone got the one about the Raptors? I swear it reads the same.

>> No.14975011

it's fucking over twitterbros

>> No.14975013

No coincidence. He's basically lying to get the fuckers in gear. Kinda admirable

>> No.14975016
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, spaceflight muse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an ancient goddess - the muse of spaceflight

>> No.14975017
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[55_09_35_26], take=[2022-11-10 19.32.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14975018

Why the FUCK did he buy Twitter?

>> No.14975020

It will be the state media corporation on mars

>> No.14975021


>> No.14975022

Greatest operational risk is now crab bucket mentality amongst EARTHERS. Using media influence to counter that is a pretty reasonable move.

>> No.14975023
File: 59 KB, 361x236, sugarcoating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14975025

earthers disgust and disappoint me.

>> No.14975028

we should kill all earthers

>> No.14975034
File: 929 KB, 1366x768, Earthers and their government handouts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need. Influence the right governments to kill off the right subsidies and they disappear like hydrogen leaking out of the SLS.

>> No.14975038

Someone has been playing Terra Invicta

>> No.14975041
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 5C232C85-4AD2-4DF6-BCC8-C1AC32719F71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren’t we all Earthers though?

>> No.14975044
File: 200 KB, 794x529, please give me space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the moment.

>> No.14975045

I'm actually from Theia, kinda stuck here.

>> No.14975047
File: 66 KB, 1041x781, 1632423724384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By location, not mindset.

>> No.14975049
File: 485 KB, 586x553, youwouldntgetit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you choose to not ascend from your dirt roots.

>> No.14975053

they call von Braun a German. by all accounts, he was an American

>> No.14975054

So SLS has been "ready to launch" for months now. What's the hold up Joe Biden?

>> No.14975056

SLS is so underpowered they can't launch it outside, they have to launch it through a window. And that window is only open a few times a month because Elon and Ron DeSantis keep closing it.

>> No.14975058

We need to restore control of the Flat Earth Dome to Our Democracy!

>> No.14975064

Arrest Elon Musk, and I'll deal with DeSanta

>> No.14975076

So basically any time Elon says "there is no way to sugarcoat this" it means "there is absolutely nothing that needs sugarcoating"?

>> No.14975077
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[55_10_09_27], take=[2022-11-10 20.05.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14975084

it means "I'm cracking the whip"
god bless him

>> No.14975089

True lmao

>> No.14975125 [DELETED] 

Someone make new thread

>> No.14975126


>> No.14975131

It was on page 10 saw high post figured about to go.

Sls update the hurricane passed and it's standing? And being soaked will have no effect, whens launch scheduled?

>> No.14975132

based beagle

>> No.14975154

No one knows

NASA is sending people to inspect the site visually

>> No.14975165

Just because it still standing doesn't meant that it hasn't suffered some ominous structural damage. They can't tell one way or the other without hauling it back to the VAB to put it under an x-ray, and they can roll it back without running out of certified rolls. The play at this point seem to be run a lot of simulations and then flip a coin based on how comfortable they'd be talking to congress if they guess the flip wrong.

>> No.14975169

wtf I love Starship now

>> No.14975172
File: 111 KB, 1342x1831, SLS is fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very minor damage such as loose caulk and tears in weather coverings

>> No.14975175

They aren’t x-raying they are doing visual inspections

>> No.14975176

>Boeing shares closed at $177.58 (+$8.84, +5.24%) on Nov 10, 2022
>T-6 days and counting until Artemis 1 launch to the Moon
We are going! I hope.

>> No.14975180

expendable inspectors, saving mass, cost, and complexity. They'll arrive at their destination NET next week, although due to budget cuts the mission might be cancelled or postponed to next month. Estimated cost of at least 100 million dollars (plus tip), there was a need to develop and construct some new space-grade equipment and suits to move through such a harsh weather

>> No.14975184

Yes. They'd need to roll it back to the VAB if they actually wanted to x-ray rocket for stress fractures. They can't or don't want to roll it back again, so they're just going to do visual inspections, and a pile of computer simulations to make themselves feel better about it.

>> No.14975186

Today was a record setting rally for markets (CPI came in lower than expected at a mere 7.7%); 5% for Boing is about par.

>> No.14975188

>They'll arrive at their destination NET next week
Reminder this is because the morons in Congress mandated that all traffic along the crawlerway, including personnel, must crawl.