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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14969996 No.14969996 [Reply] [Original]

>Highest passed math class is Calculus
>Failed it the first time, aced it the second
>Pretty much forgot all of the details but remember the concepts
If I wanted to, say, learn math to the level of a Wall Street quant, which "courses" should I be focusing on, and how long should I expect to take on each one before I reached a competent level of understanding? (I'll note that the goal is not necessarily to make money, but to not feel like an idiot who squandered his potential anymore.)(It's also to make money.)

>> No.14970094

Wall Street quant would not have failed calc I.
Wall Street quant utilizes stochastic calculus which is a graduate school mathematics course, so yoy will have to essentially complete a masters in mathematics.
>"I want duhhh monee"
I know you do nigger, but you clearly have no actual interest in math, so it will never happen.

A thread died for this.

>> No.14970208

>but you clearly have no actual interest in math
I actually do, but it's been overridden by the lizard brain terror of how far I've fallen from never having gotten worse than an A- in a math course before calc, and how directionless I am on the journey to making up lost ground.

You can just say you don't know.

>> No.14970216

Shut up retard. Calc is fucking easy. If you're sitting here and making up all this cope bullshit, you're unironically ngmi and are not cut out for it anyway.

>> No.14970234

Okay. What comes after calc?

>> No.14970244

Also, how long should it take someone to pass a university calc exam?

>> No.14970293

Ignoring that shit and going right to category theory and formalization of Hegelian dislectical.

>> No.14970332

What I'm getting from this is that the questions I'm asking are ones people are paid to give the answers to, and everyone else is under-qualified to do so (including everyone on this board).

You could have said that 3 hours ago.

>> No.14971204

>A thread died for this
and nothing of value was lost

>> No.14971206

If your goal is to learn something for money or a job then you won't learn it, because you have no real interest in it.

Notice how most math autists on this board are just neets or doctorate students? It's because they care about math, that's why they are good at it, they love it and devote themselves to it for the sake of it.

>> No.14972204

I assume by calc you mean differential calc. Based on the course when I was in university it should be something like this:
Integral calc
Multi variable calc
Vector calc
Analysis 1
Analysis 2
Probability 1
Probability 2

You’ll also want to take:
Ordinary differential equations
Partial differential equations
Applied partial differential equations
Numerical partial differential equations
Linear algebra
Complex analysis (maybe)
Various abstract algebra courses (maybe)

>> No.14972591

(not OP)
>tfw at my university in Stockholm we study two-month long combined differential+integral calc course with final exam and no midterms.
>tfw my friends in the US ace university calc and understand it better because they are given 4 months each for integral and differential calc as separate courses including graded midterms, quizzes and final exams for respective course.

I fucking hate this aspect of the Scandinavian higher education and their "muh save costs due to state funding = cut resources and allocated time for courses and tenure" mentality.

>> No.14972751

Sorry for your struggles, Vikingbro.

This is actually extremely helpful, though. Follow that scheme, spending time to internalize the basics is not a waste, got it.

>> No.14972827

Fuck courses. Fuck school. Teach yourself. First read Precalculus by Stitz and Zeiger, available for free online.
Then read Infinitesimal Approach by Keisler. Use that as your main book for calculus, but there are a few areas (don't remember where specifically) that he isn't very clear. Any time something isn't adding up, cross reference Calculus (volumes 1 and 2) by Apostol.
May take a few months, may take a year or more, depends how much time you spend, how in depth you go, how much latent knowledge you still have from before, and how fast of a learner you are.

>> No.14972831

And to be clear >>14972827 is to refresh yourself on the basic stuff and go a little beyond that. After getting through that stuff, then go into whatever more advanced topics interest you or are relevant to you.
>You'll also want to take
Assuming by 'take' you mean take classes at school, no, fuck that and fuck you, kys. Fuck school. Learning from books is infinitely superior to going to school. FUCK SCHOOL AND FUCK YOU, RETARDED FAGGOT.

>> No.14972865

The US model is some Chinese professor that doesn't speak English, only cares about research, has useless office hours, and a lecture hall with 150 students.
Taking a full semester for each calc is a waste of time, and a ton of schools have already shifted to 8 week courses.
Whole world is shifting towards what you have. Consider that a bit over 100 years ago, your bachelors ended after calculus... there is too much to cover, content needs to be compressed.

>> No.14972873
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>Fuck school. Learning from books is infinitely superior to going to school

Uni is just a certifying agency. You learn exactly the same way in uni, from books.

I don't understand the seething that has overcome 4chan over just going to university. Seems like some fox and the grapes thing over degrees being so damn expensive.

>> No.14972878
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>You learn exactly the same way in uni, from books.
>he actually believes this

>> No.14972881

Jesus didn't make the world. God did.

>> No.14972901

University is first and foremost a networking experience, you can self-study math all you want but nobody will hire you to do anything with it, and it will be much harder to pitch talks and papers to people who you have no social connection to

>> No.14973036

OP here, I got my degree, I agree that school is useless unless you're an extrovert and spend most of your time building connections to take advantage of later. You know, nepotism. I mean, networking.

>> No.14973039
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Based. Thanks.

>> No.14973912

imagine the comfiness

>> No.14974176

Yeah thats a true assessment, yoy just need the paper. No one really cares how competent you are if you don't have a degree. Retards on /g/ getting trolled into doing 2 month bootcamps for 20k instead of a 4 year degree for 40k.