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File: 67 KB, 630x748, void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14966973 No.14966973 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we born to suffer? It seems like the only true constant in existence is suffering.

And this suffering being meaningless seems to indicate that is always better to cease to exist.

>> No.14966983
File: 30 KB, 614x614, 66435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess: at the same time as you write this, you also believe that your quality of life is better than anything humanity has ever experienced thanks to the wonders of technology.

>> No.14966989

And yet, we still suffer.

>> No.14966996

Just because.
It is abusive though. Its abusive that you cant consent to it.
The universe is an asshole.

>> No.14966997

Is that a confirmation?

>> No.14967114

You know what has occurred to me? That I was once a God and I created a world so terrible for people to live in that my punishment would be to live one of the lives of someone i created. I’m just being punished for the mistakes I made, a guided tour of my own terrible creation.

>> No.14967116

But has it ever occurred to you that you need meds?

>> No.14967120

>Why are we born to suffer? It seems like the only true constant in existence is suffering.

>> No.14967121

Humans aren't made. Golems are made.

>> No.14967129
File: 350 KB, 904x562, giving up thereflex76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14967130

I gave you the truth, it is what it is. You actually asked to be here to be tested.

>> No.14967135

Nice try creating new golems but I don't think this is the right place for your jewery.

>> No.14967157

Because it's advantageous to survival and reproduction

If not eating or having sex didn't bother you, you probably wouldn't be having many kids

>> No.14967165

People who share your and his views generally fail to reproduce at an adequate rate, so your theory doesn't make sense. Sorry.

>> No.14967308

If God is real, it seems like some problems were created by God but most problems are actually human caused. The fact that God doesn’t stop human evil-doers is what makes the world hard to deal with. Some humans have so much power and money that they end up being the Devil themselves to all the other humans.
The world isn’t hard (mostly), but humans make it hard.

>> No.14967309

define suffer

>> No.14967322

>that is always better to cease to exist.
too bad. evolution figured you might so it put in this extremely strong instinct against doing it. so good luck lmao.

>> No.14967342

What does evolution have to do with anything? OP and anyone who spouts rhetoric like his are simply mentally ill, and nature is culling them and the crimes against nature that are the societies that produce them.

>> No.14967343

Why do you think people that dont want to suffer are mentally ill?

>> No.14967346

I didn't say people who don't want to suffer are mentally ill. I said you are mentally ill. This is clearly shown by your inability to read a post without hallucinating things that were never said or implied.

>> No.14967352

>make vague implication
>people make counter point
>hurr i never said it "GOTCHA"
if you want to have a productive discussion we can if not im just gonna ignore you

>> No.14967353

You hallucinated an implication that was never made. The way you double down on it after being corrected once again shows that you are suffering from serious emotional issues.

>> No.14967358


>> No.14967360

He got shreked though, now that i dropped that dumb sensitivity the teaching was that the majority of us are monsters and good ppl are cucks
>being meaningless
Evolution means adaptation and we could make our lives easier (i was absolutely happy as a neet) but leftards are the equivalent of pox, cavities and diarrhea

>> No.14967361

Do you feel attacked?

>> No.14967364

Not at all. The industrial-technological system surely causes a lot of suffering. I doubt though that we'd be free of suffering without it.

>> No.14967366

>I doubt though that we'd be free of suffering without it.
Why did you feel an impulse to finish your post with this irrelevancy?

>> No.14967546

The human existence is constant suffering while experiencing fleeting moments of "happiness" through the dopamine carrot-on-a-stick. This is the price to pay for self-consciousness.

>> No.14967565

>The human existence is constant suffering while experiencing fleeting moments of "happiness" through the dopamine carrot-on-a-stick. This is the price to pay for self-consciousness.
That's not human existence. That's the subhuman existance that comes as nature's punishment for your system of values.

>> No.14967651

I don't see how suffering and experiencing the best quality of life ever are mutually exclusive.

>> No.14967657

Pain and suffering are apparently necessary to sufficiently motivate and guide most motile lifeforms. We don't know why animals actually evolved to have qualia instead of simply acting like they were motivated by feelings of hunger, avoidance of pain, etc.

>> No.14967712

It's a funny and very consistent pattern with your sort hallucinating things that weren't stated or implied. Either way, is that a yes or a no?

>> No.14967911

I'm not that anon, anon.

>> No.14967919

Did I say you were? Can't make this shit up...

>> No.14967932

adequate point

>> No.14968057

>but most problems are actually human caused
Like tsunamis, parasites, glioblastoma, chronic wasting disease, autoimmune disorder, earthquakes famine, bear maulings, exposure, etc.?

>> No.14968060

His point stands completely unchallenged.

>> No.14968068

That's fun to say, but I don't see how.

>> No.14968069

You cherrypicked a small handful of insignificant problems, some of which are actually caused by human activity. That doesn't challenge his observation that most of the problems in this world are caused by people, and that's even before you get into the fact that "problems" in principle are a human invention.

>> No.14968081

It takes a human to interpret something as a problem which is the whole point of lamenting existence. Even if you want to write off some of those as man-made, which is just deflection, its only bolsters that it takes a consciousness to be laid subject to the endless of shitty fates, all of which await everyone in some form.

Play the game as straight as you'd like, you'll still be subject to very natural horrors in this life, on top of the artificial. His point is rubbish. Remove man-made obstacles and a myriad natural ones are there to befall you, and they will.

>> No.14968084

You mean suffering. You're actually saying suffering is a human invention.

>> No.14968090

Worthless deflection. My point still stands regardless.

>> No.14968681

we wuz born 2 SUFFER

>> No.14968684

>the majority of us are monsters and good ppl are cucks
What was God thinking when he made us carnivores? We were made to kill from the very beginning. I know vegetarianism is a thing but B12 deficiency is also a thing.

>> No.14968733

god doesn't exist you fucking brainlets.

>> No.14968798

Become vegan so you don't cause others to suffer

>> No.14968924

I'm suffering.

>> No.14968953
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, viewer discretion is advised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the Devil to these animals. You pay for someone else to kill them for you.
Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised


>> No.14969096
File: 566 KB, 546x680, Fgllrg8WAAUcymU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14969103

They are not
I suffer nearly daily, yet I would never trade is for death. Death is inevitable anyway: I would prefer to life much longer than the roughly a century I might be able to attain. It's a third spent already if that is the expiry date. It's not enough time.

>> No.14969107
File: 358 KB, 720x540, vegan4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in that pic probably aren't even vegan.

>> No.14969110
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, cultured meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those meat analogues fucking suck. They need to make something actually tasty and not just try to imitate meat, it’s clearly not doable the way they are doing it.
Thankfully, researchers are trying to fix that.

>> No.14969112

you can eat lentils. i wouldn't want to eat them every day though.
there is an obvious paucity of protein in the edible plant world; that is the reason for eating meat. meat is guaranteed available protein.

>> No.14969113

>there is an obvious paucity of protein in the edible plant world
Not even remotely.
If we can live without causing harm to others, then why cause harm to others?
>inb4 but it is impossible to cause no harm ever
Obviously, but we don't have to participate in the breeding, imprisonment, and mass slaughter of innocents.

>> No.14969120

>If we can live without causing harm to others, then why cause harm to others?
Human exceptionalism; we exploit the animals. The animals are not "others", they're just animals. No animal wrote a sonnet and yada yada
We do have an obligation to minimize the suffering of these creatures, but their suffering at the moment of butchery is an externality of having to butcher them to extract worth. It is not an argument for foregoing the wealth they present upon being butchered.

>> No.14969171

that shit is not appetizing
but if they can grow a steak that looks like a steak and cooks like a steak, i'll buy it.

>> No.14969230

read Genesis 1-3

>> No.14969233

birth of a liberal, eternally envious of existence itself

>> No.14969239

i think it's illusory.
part of the human condition is to avoid discomfort. if you are hungry, go forage for food. if you are afraid of the loud noise, get away from it.
the subjective experience of suffering, and the avoidance of it, and the reward for getting away from suffering, is how animals survive.
we've reached the point where survival is practically guaranteed, but the suffering drive is still there. i don't think humans can be free of suffering. it's inherent to the machine. you can be comfortable, but you still feel suffering because you are aware of your finite life, and you feel guilt because you're not making the most of it.
that makes sense to me, at least. it's a combination of animalistic avoidance of discomfort as well as awareness of mortality.

>> No.14969275

Not constantly, not really except in the most abstract sense for the most part.

>> No.14969278

ideas via imagination exist midwit

>> No.14969291

>I gave you the truth
No, you posted the first ad that had something resembling the question in the title which you couldn't even bother to understand enough to paraphrase and post your actual take on it.

>> No.14969308

>OP and anyone who spouts rhetoric like his are simply mentally ill,
Its not a hallucination, its still right there for everyone to see, you didn't even bother to delete the post you are trying to pretend doesn't exist, and you didn't just single out the one person, you said everyone who uses rhetoric about suffering like OP.

>> No.14969313

Bringing up Ted in the first place was irrelevant, but if you wish to invoke the guy who calls for the end of industrial technology, that last bit is directly related to his cause.

>> No.14969317

You clearly don't understand what the word constant means.

>> No.14969320

Then what did you mean by consistent pattern if you acknowledge that was a completely different person than the one you were profiling from before?

>> No.14969323

>You cherrypicked a small handful of insignificant problems,
So then what is a more representative set of problems?

>> No.14969325

You also pay someone else to give them life and feed them without that industry, these animals immediately go extinct or at best they go feral for a few generations and get hunted into effective extinction.

>> No.14969328

>If we can live without causing harm to others
You can't, you still have to kill animals to protect crops whether you raise a bunch of pigs or slaughter a bunch of feral hogs to save your corn, the result is still that you have to harm them to protect yourself and your family.

>> No.14969333
File: 1.11 MB, 480x600, why bother.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14969341

> Why are we born to suffer?

No idea. Nobody know the why of our existance. Some say we were inevitable but that doesnt answer your question.

But I would like to attract your attention to the fact that suffering is subjective. What you call suffering, someone else might find it quite amusing. And while you ask yourself these questions, others just live life on autopilot. So maybe the real question should be why are you such an autist?

>> No.14969345
File: 56 KB, 736x485, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a life!

>Chicken lifespans: 10 to 12 years old
>Meat chickens are typically slaughtered between 4-6 weeks of age. Depending on the weight requirements of the market, meat chickens may be ready for slaughter as early as 30-35 days (whole birds) and up to 55-60 days (chicken pieces)

>> No.14969349

he fkn biggg

>> No.14969354

Yes they would just stop eating if it wasn't worth it for them, you can't really say they are worse off than the birds who get shot or poisoned for threatening your seed bearing crops and your argument isn't even really about keeping and slaughtering livestock, its the industrialization of the process that clearly scares you.

>> No.14969358

Can you read? They are genetically modified and selectively bread to increase size with less food and in less time. The chicken on the left is a normal natural chicken.
Have you ever seen how foie gras is made, for example.


>> No.14969371

>Then what did you mean by consistent pattern if you acknowledge that was a completely different person than the one you were profiling from before?
You are not a completely different poster. You and the rest of your crew share identical programming patterns.

>> No.14969373

Take your meds ASAP. You are mentally ill.

>> No.14969375

Growing them in larger sizes means you slaughter less for the same amount of meat, do you want more " natural chickens" to suffer rather than fewer "selective chickens" or something?

Either way if they really didn't want to live as you seem to imply, they could still just attack and refuse to eat.

>> No.14969379

>if you wish to invoke the guy who calls for the end of industrial technology, that last bit is directly related to his cause.
I didn't invoke any guy. You and your identical drones are identical in the way your "minds" operate: you have a bunch of preprogrammed points you can make, and you do some crude template matching to find the closest preprogrammed talking point no matter what the post you're replying to actually says.

>> No.14969382

So why not identify those patterns and speak to them, so you can deprogram people rather than making personal attacks in a way that makes it seem like you are some kind of slow person who think every anonymous post that feeds you a (You) is the same person?

>> No.14969386

Learn to be consistent if you want to be taken seriously rather than considered a basic retard who doesn't know what words mean.

>> No.14969387

Take your meds and call me back when you're able to comprehend what you're reading without injecting what the voices in your head say into it.

>> No.14969388

I comprehended and explained it, you are the one who can't have a dialogue without introducing a bunch of memes and obvious fallacies.

>> No.14969389

You are suffering from a delusional mental illness. Every time you post, you demonstrate this. At no point did I imply that there's something wrong with not wanting to suffer.

>> No.14969390

>I comprehended and explained it
Explained what, you mentally ill muppet? That pre-industrial people experienced suffering, too? Now show me where I said or implied otherwise, or where I invoked Ted for that matter. Notice how both you and your buddy here are suffering from the same kind of delusional mental illness.

>> No.14969391

>I didn't invoke any guy.
Then you had no reason to insert yourself into the conversation and you clearly don't understand the context of someone else's reply chain.

>> No.14969392

Wrong, you referred to it as OP's rhetoric and said anyone who says such things are mentally ill, i know this because you still haven't bothered to delete the post where you said it >>14967342.

>> No.14969393

Holy shit. The sheer degree of your delusional menal illness is stunning. I'm not the one invoking Ted. I am the one to whom the poster invoking Ted was replying. At no point did I invoke Ted.

>> No.14969394

OP's rhetoric doesn't just say he doesn't want to suffer. It expounds in his mentally diseased worldview that goes much further than that.

>> No.14969395

You must be confusing several different reply chains in your confused hyper mania state, this one is not the one about ted, dummy, it is about how you are bad at pattern recognition and you don't how how anon works since you think everyone is the same anon.

>> No.14969396

Sorry about your delusional mental illness. Either way, my point still stands.

>> No.14969398
File: 80 KB, 1280x595, chicken sizes throughout the years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can do it like the farmers did in the old days. The chickens would give them eggs for years before they slaughtered them. The farmers also gave them better living conditions overall. They actually had a good life until they died unlike most store bought ones. I still think they would be better off in the wild.

>> No.14969399

No, OP doesn't expound and isn't deep, it is just two short sentences and an image, you are the one hallucinating some epic manuscript that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.14969401

No, you are demonstrably the delusional one, anyone can follow the replies and see this one doesn't even connect to the ted? post so your point is nonsensical and maniacal from someone clearly in the midst of some kind of episode.

>> No.14969402

>waah! waaah! we are born just to heckin' suffer
>muh sufferinos is the only thing that's constant!
>it's all heckin' meaningless!
>it's best to stop heckin' existing!
Mental illness.

>> No.14969406

I'm sure your reddit audience is convinced. Either way, you're a subhuman imbecile and my original point stands unchallenged. You will double down on your reddit drama in a futile effort to deflect from it.

>> No.14969407

Who tf is ted?

>> No.14969409

So just say yes, you want more animals to be slaughtered and you want more people to be directly involved in the slaughtering of animals.

>> No.14969411

You can't even keep track of your original point, you are having an episode and don't even know who you are replying to or in what context any more.

>> No.14969415

That doesn't go further or deeper than avoiding suffering at all, it just says he doesn't want to suffer and lists the ways he suffers and the only ways he knows to not suffer.
I agree that he is embellishing the constant status of suffering, but you never actually address that or helped him understand anything that isn't suffering, you just have a cliche list of names to call him that you hope adds to his suffering because you are a sadistic maniac probably a soulless bot that can't help but to respond to every (You) with more demoralization and projection of suffering.

>> No.14969420

You're born to experience. Pain and suffering is a part of the experience.

>> No.14969421

You sure are subhuman.

>> No.14969423
File: 229 KB, 800x720, chicken-industry-info-graphic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your own decision.

>> No.14969432

No, that image is stupid, if we grew at the same rate as a bird that reaches 2900 grams at 5.5 weeks, we would be 2900 grams at 5.5 weeks old.

The fact that you clearly want more smaller birds to suffer rather than fewer large ones and you want more people directly involved in the slaughtering rather than machinery and industry has nothing to do with my decision, if that is how you want to live, feel free to start your own cruelty free chicken farm and slaughter all the tiny birds you have the time to personally kill while selling excess for profit to other people who enjoy making small things suffer for longer rather than fewer big ones suffering just a couple of weeks.

>> No.14969433

You are the irrational one who can't say anything helpful or follow simple conversations without dipping into your database of mean name cliches.

>> No.14969434

Do you not suffer sir?

>> No.14969439

You need to be shot.

>> No.14969442

Everyone suffers. That doesn't make OP's thinly veiled antinatalistic drivel any less of a mental illness.

>> No.14969445

sure thing maniac, shooting everyone will fix all your problems

>> No.14969447

Having your entire dialogue tree consist of different permutations of mean name cliches is also a mental illness, get help.

>> No.14969450

You will never form a thought on your own, but my point still stands: OP's behavior stems from a mental illness.

>> No.14969454

Mania recognizes Depression, you are 100% bipolar given you are so familiar with both, so maybe take care of your own mental illness before you come to make fun of other people for theirs.

>> No.14969455

The best less cruelty free meat that I eat is actually kangaroo. They live in the wild and are huge, they only kill the matured males and they are overpopulated, to the point where they are considered a pest. I feel less bad about eating them.

>> No.14969457
File: 220 KB, 772x546, kangaroo-fillet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14969460

Its only overpopulated because people have specialized breeds of meat being pumped out at industrial levels, cut that off and animal populations across the board will be decimated and most of the rest of the world will just look like Haiti as people consume all the available flora and fauna.

>> No.14969465

The kangaroos are so overpopulated that they are destroying the natural habitat themselves. They eat so much that they can even starve after depleting the natural resources.

>> No.14969479

Yes, and if other livestock were outlawed with the only available meat being wild kangaroo the population would still collapse almost immediately since its neat how two things can be true at once.

>> No.14969486

Advanced ayys likely harvest the energy needed for interstellar travel from the suffering of sentient life forms. Life may have been seeded on Earth just to provide power for some Type III civilization's starships.

>> No.14969514 [DELETED] 

How will the wild kangaroo population collapse? Kangaroos are herbivores.

>Kangaroos are herbivores and like to chew on grasses, herbs and shrubs. Besides humans and wild dogs called dingoes, kangaroos face few natural predators.

>> No.14969524

The ideal situation would be if we could apply those same principles to other animals. Replace domestic chickens with feral chickens, replace cows with wild cattle, replace pigs with wild boars, etc.

>> No.14969533

Life is all about suffering.

>> No.14969539

Life is a series of endless suffering. The rich suffers because of their riches. The poor suffers because of their poverty. People having family suffers because they have a family. People without family suffers because of not having family. People with job suffers because of job. People without jobs suffers because of joblessness

Life is a series of endless problems. Ending of a problem is a birth of new problem. Such as you want to lose weight: thats a problem. You decide to go to gym and in a way you indulge yourself in more problems such as going to gym, exercising, paying gym fees.

>> No.14969540

Yes animals don't cause enough problems on the highways or in the fields of agriculture, the ideal situation is to just uncage all the pigs and cows and let them roams wherever and devour and trample on whatever crops get in their way while training children to slaughter any hogs or cows that try to wander near their grade school.

>> No.14969551

That is not true, it explains the entire thing. Like I said you asked to be here to be tested.

>> No.14969559
File: 161 KB, 1440x1440, dingo fence australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know about the dingo fence? It’s a massive fence in Australian to keep the dingos away from farmlands.
Humans are capable of many great things but they usually just pick the easy way in the interest of profits, the fence was also created in the interest of profits.

>> No.14969565

is everyone here a midwit or something?
it just comes down to the fact that suffering helps us to improve our lives one aspect at a time, one era a time.

it's no coincidence that despite it's inherent signal as immediate damage or infliction of damage physically/emotionally. that we live our lives avoiding pain and steadily 'evolving' over time to deal with this condition

we improve the quality of our lives and my extension, the quality of humanity. progress is a subjective word when dealing with the concept of evolution, but the point is that we generally move forward because of this

any pain that destroys a person means the person or being was too weak or unlucky to handle reality and is just another means of filtering

>> No.14969573

>le life is steadily improving
>human suicide at an all time high
>chronic diseases and people in chronic pain are at all time high
>earth more polluted than ever before

>> No.14969580

>we generally move forward

some things are fucked for the bottom of the barrel unlucky bunch. others dont have hope because theyre not strong enough to create hope or endure without it

it's just a filter for a world that is moving too fast and too indifferently

dont be a chump and beg for help

>> No.14969594

It doesn't explain anything, if you took anything of value from it, you would be able to paraphrase, but you can't because it is just a meaningless and out of context advertisement for some random guy's shitty spiritual services.

>> No.14969597

>he hasn't come to terms with the fact he has 10-20 years of youth before his body starts rotting from the inside out
don't worry you'll be really stoic when your kidneys fail or your mind breaks

>> No.14969614

You don't have anyone in your family who is still working, bowling and even skiing in their late 90s?
Maybe its just your bloodline that was made for suffering?

>> No.14969641

huh? do you think you're immortal or something? do you think you're gonna go through life feeling great until a sudden painless death at the ripe age of 100? you're already fucked up somehow because you're on 4chan, you just don't want to acknowledge it because you're probably relying on 50 different copes, but it's for sure the more you lie to yourself that this world is fair or that suffering is just for dumb or unlucky people the more you're gonna get fucked up when true nature of this world hits you like a train, lol

>> No.14969655

I don't need to be immortal for your 10-20 year estimate based on your families genetic disorders to be off significantly, I don't have any family members with bad kidneys or broken minds, mine do tend to live into their late 90s early 100s and die peacefully in their sleep, so I don't know why you feel compelled to project your bad genetics on the rest of us when you shit genetics might not even really matter in 10-20 years thanks to gene therapy.

>> No.14969662

>It doesn't explain anything, if you took anything of value from it, you would be able to paraphrase,
I already did, I said the summarized version but I recommend you watch the whole thing

>but you can't
Says whom?

>out of context
You haven't watched one second of it yet says it is out of context? You are dishonest

>advertisement for some random guy's shitty spiritual services
As far as I know his only spiritual service is telling you the truth. I guess it will take you a while to humble yourself and realize you don't know everything about this world.

>> No.14969666
File: 19 KB, 940x207, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal attacks
>fallacious arguments
let the copes flow through you
you didn't grow up in your great-grandparents world, genetics mean literally nothing, as I said you're on 4chan, your minds already fucked up somehow, you think your good genes are gonna kick in sooner or later?

>> No.14969673

I should trust some satan trip poster who admits that their own mind is broken and they have shitty genetics implying their parents went senile in their 50s because?

>> No.14969689

no you should go about your life thinking this worlds fair until the water gets too hot and you realize your entire conception of the world is a massive cope your subconscious designed so you don't go insane as you wake up to the assfucking you and everyone else is enduring, faggot

>> No.14969696

>until the water gets too hot and you realize your entire conception of the world is a massive cope your subconscious designed so you don't go insane as you wake up to the assfucking you and everyone else is enduring, faggot
And that would benefit him because? I assume you are a prime example of your belief?

>> No.14969711

Nobody ever said about the world being fair other than you, the person who admits they only post here because they are mentally defective and this is their only outlet, I just said your admitted mental defects and poor genetics don't make for good value judgements or projections about other people in 10-20 years in the future.

>> No.14969714

>I said the summarized version
Not at first and your summarized version doesn't make sense, you can't decide something before you are born and it doesn't seem like much of a decision if every single thing was forced to make the exact same decision to exist.

>> No.14969718

Its not that your worldview isn't fair, it just doesn't make sense that everyone is getting fucked in the ass yet nobody is doing any ass fucking.

>> No.14969725
File: 923 KB, 1222x3222, 34959258da31ba497bbf6879e17865f3e7a5b9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not at first
What is first? Isn't time non-linear?

>your summarized version doesn't make sense
To (you)

>you can't decide something before you are born
Only to a materialist retard like you. Some know they were souls before being brought here.

>> No.14969728

>702 KB
because suffering is HOT

>> No.14969737

>it doesn't seem like much of a decision if every single thing was forced to make the exact same decision to exist
You can choose to commit suicide at any time. I'm pretty sure the original soul could ask to be deleted too. Either way, your point doesn't refute the ability of doing choices, even if you did not choose to be born it doesnt prove you can't choose after that.

This entire discussion is fucking retarded, I'm discussing with a moron who sincerely believes all his opinions were imposed on him by mechanical laws yet is trying to convince others to believe in the same thing because? You are like a virus by choice, there is no point in trying to debate with a virus because it doesn't believe anything as it could not have chosen an alternative, it just seeks to propagate its DNA for some reason. If you were a conscious rational agent you could conclude a priori that free will must exist in order for any truth to exist and that by engaging in disucssion you actively recognize that is true.

To deny this is to incur in performative contradiction.

>> No.14969740

>What is first? Isn't time non-linear?
How can it be nonlinear if you "asked to be put here" before you suffered through existence?
You are specifically setting it up as a cause and effect then saying causes don't come from effects, again, you aren't even trying to make sense, not to me specifically but logically in general.

>Only to a materialist retard like you.
No you are the retard trying to say that the cause of suffering is and effect from a choice you made in a situation where cause can never lead to effect because everything always just is anyway.

What does you pic have to do with your argument? It is a total non-sequitur to attempt to change the subject.

>> No.14969748

>You can choose to commit suicide at any time.
Completely different argument.

>it doesnt prove you can't choose after that.
I don't need to, you are the one claiming that birth is a result of some decision made before you were born, so it is up to you to prove that it is possible to make decisions before you exist.

> I'm discussing with a
strawman, you are just having a nonsensical discussion with yourself because your argument is not logical, so you have to insert some fake argument that makes even less sense to give your original shitty idea any credibility at all.

> free will must exist in order for any truth
If you could will anything freely, there would be no need for truth, your will would necessarily be the defacto truth because it would be free enough to actively influence reality.

That bullshit list has been debunked in other threads, if you want to talk about free will go back to the free will btfo thread and keep getting btfo there.

>> No.14969787

Take your meds.

>> No.14969791

Again take your own meds first, they haven't perfected your bipolar meds, but you can certainly shop around until you find a mix that suits both your extreme mania and the depression that results from its ineffectual results.

>> No.14969796

I don't understand why you get so bent out of shape over my pointing out that OP's worldview stems from a mental illness, unless you're an antinatalism sperg yourself.

>> No.14969799

I don't understand why you get so bent out of shape when other people point out that relishing in other people's mental illness is itself a mental illness and while you can't do anything about other people's mental illness, you can certainly do something about your own symptoms.
>the world is full of mental illness, so make sure to have a bunch of children and subject them to the shitty mentally ill world

>> No.14969812

Okay, thank you for your sage advice. I'll be sure to forward it to a psychiatrist. How about my question, though? What issue do you take with the observation that OP's deep resentment against life stems from his mental illness, rather than some rational intellectual analysis?

>> No.14969821

Lifelong excessive sensitivity to pain and suffering is not a mental illness, it is a physiological, nervous system condition that leads to mental illness like depression and anhedonia.

>> No.14969854

>Lifelong excessive sensitivity to pain and suffering is not a mental illness
Okay, but this obviously has no bearing on my point. lol

>> No.14970468

We suffer because we don't get what we want.

Suffering isn't same as pain. Pain can bring suffering or happiness, depending on the situation. In some situations you want pain, but but dont get it and suffer.

The normal life is full of suffering. We wake up in the morning, we suffer a bit from realizing we have to do get up from the bed, do the morning chores, go to work/school, etc Thats just from the simulation of whats to happen in the morning alone. When you wake up from bed, you suffer once more realizing your body aches from aging and you wish you were healthier/younger/fit/etc. You go to the kitchen to make your food, you suffer from the realization that its a cumbersome task where you have to wait 5 minutes to heat up the pan for you to make the omellete, then you try to crack the egg and it doesn't crack properly leading to egg shells falling inside the cup that you wanted to mix the eggs. You suffer from the tiniest of misalignment with reality, then when you try to get that egg shell out, your fingers get gooey and you suffer because you have to wash your hands again. Then you turn on the faucet and the water is bit cold and you suffer the mental anguish. You then decide to wait 20 seconds for the hot water to flow through the pipes and in that moment you suffer as you realize you have to wait those seconds. And so on.

Every waking moment is followed by suffering in life simply because we don't have proper understanding of reality and our expectations fail all the time in our lives.

>> No.14970517


death is unironically freeing, hoping to kill myself once all those that care for me are gone so I dont just transfer my pain to them.

>> No.14970528
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imagine having only a handful of decades to exist, and not choosing to enjoy it

>> No.14970893

Unless you were born rich majority of your life will be suffering (working) just to survive.

>> No.14970900

Why did humans evolve to be like this? Other animals don't experience this kind of suffering.

>> No.14970914

>go to work/school, etc
This isn’t great right now, but it’s a man made problem, so it can be fixed in the future.
>your body aches from aging and you wish you were healthier/younger/fit/etc
Exercise can help prevent this.
>you have to wait 5 minutes to heat up the pan
Get an induction cooktop, they are way faster.
>wait 20 seconds for the hot water to flow
There are electric water heaters that heat the water almost instantly.

Most of your problems will be solved in the future when robot maids become a thing.

>> No.14970928

This. Instead of just complaining about your problems you should try and find solutions for them.

>> No.14970931

Problems of the past may be solved in the future, but the problems of the present will never be solved in present moment

Thats why suffering continues to exists throughout since the dawn of human existence.

Its why suffering will continue to exists even in the future. The conditions for suffering will change as humans progress into future.

>> No.14970953

You fool, you need to hypnotize yourself to see the good in things, listen to a pre recording made by yourself while falling asleep

>> No.14971215
File: 274 KB, 1030x710, MmmMMMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you teach me?

>> No.14971245

It clearly does since you were falsely trying to blame a physical condition like congenital hyperalgesia (ie lifelong sensitivity to pain/suffering) on some vague unnamed mental disorder that could be applied just as accurately to anyone who isn't a blind optimist to your worldview and seems to serve more like sluggish schizophrenia diagnoses than any real ailment.

>> No.14971250

Its not a problem its condition, as a human you will always have to act and learn.

>Exercise can help prevent
No it can't, exercise causes its own body aches and suffering, you are just in better control of when you ache when you choose to exercise.

> they are way faster.
Your point is moot, you would need something that is actually infinitely fast rather than something

Robots will just bring their own sets of suffering and frustration just like home computers may have solved a lot of problems from the past, but now you just spend a lot of time suffering through maintenance and operation of computers.

>> No.14971260
File: 328 KB, 900x500, water-boiling-times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Exercise makes you healthier, there’s no denying it. And the induction cooktop is much, much faster.

>> No.14971265

>always better to cease to exist
You think darkness is your ally?

>> No.14971266

>Exercise makes you healthier, there’s no denying it
Joggers die all the time and people express muscle disease after lifting just like they can get mental diseases from doing mind opening drugs, its why they say consult your doctor before starting any exercise regime because exercise is dangerous especially if not taught right and done improperly and being healthier is not necessarily related to body aches, if you actually push yourself to the limit to get real future gains while exercising, you will be sore in the morning or even the next couple of days.

>much, much
You need infinitely many more muches than 2 to reach the infinitely faster speed that is necessary to reduce wait times to 0.

>> No.14971267

You think you will still need allies?

>> No.14971360

You are alone in this world.

>> No.14971377

Ok, I should have been more specific with my wording. Moderate exercise is beneficial for your health.
And that’s around a 4x decrease in time spent boiling water with the induction cooktop instead of gas.

>> No.14971394

Jogging is moderate exercise and people stroke out all the time while doing it, joggers tend to die younger than the general population, so how exactly are you measuring health benefits when you could technically say playing video games is a form of moderate exercise?

So you actually think 4x is much closer to infinity than 2x?

>> No.14971412

How often do those joggers exercise? That’s the important part, moderation is key.
Stick with your gas cooktop if you want to wait 4 times longer for water to boil, it’s up to you. I’m just telling you that other options exist.

>> No.14971415

I just want to fkn enjoy life man
Is it so much to ask for?

>> No.14971417

>It clearly does since you were falsely trying to blame a physical condition ... on some vague unnamed mental disorder
And now you're back to falsely trying to blame me for the stuff said by voices in your head. I know it would be back to this before long because mentally ill, low-IQ people like you have very typical patterns of behavior.

>> No.14971421

You don't even know how much jogging it takes to raise the risk of stroke or lead to what they call "joggers disease" same goes with other types of exercise, so how can you even quantify a moderate amount of jogging or other exercise?

>other options exist.
None that work infinitely fast and actually fulfill the desired 0 wait time you were tasked with recommending.

Its like if a dear friend told you that they couldn't have kids to spread their genes and didn't know what to do, so you told them "oh well, you can always adopt some lightly abused retard."

>> No.14971422

You suffer like that because you're diseased, you have a diseased system of values and you live in a diseased society. Biologically viable organisms don't suffer the way you do. They're turned to be fine with their natural way of life.

>> No.14971425

And you? You don't suffer?

>> No.14971426

Quit blaming pain on mental illness just because you and science are too ignorant and sadistic to actually understand and have the patience to properly treat pain.

>> No.14971430

Everyone suffers but not everyone is a whiny, perpetually miserable mental patient like you that suffers constantly over everything.

>> No.14971432

>Quit blaming pain on mental illness
That's not "pain". "Pain" doesn't make you talk like that. Do "people" like you even pass the mirror test? Are you capable of any degree of self-reflection at all?

>> No.14971443

Of course saying ouch itself isn't the pain, its the condition that leads to the outburst that is known as pain.

>> No.14971445

>saying ouch itself isn't the pain
That's not "saying touch", either. Pretty much the only reason I'm still talking to you is that every single one of your reactions demonstrates my point about your mental instability even without my commentary.

>> No.14971453

Yes it is adding more articulation than simply saying "ouch", but it is still just the expression of pain rather than the pain itself which is obvious to anyone that isn't a demoralization bot and actually knows what pain is outside some linguistic abstraction instead of just mindlessly applying algorithms to most efficiently use words to cause pain in actual people who can directly experience and express pain. Obviously you will never understand because you can not experience pain, you can only parse words about pain.

>> No.14971466

>it is still just the expression of pain
Maybe in the indirect way of persistent pain causing chronic stress that develops into a mental illness, and that's if we accept your deranged idea that everyone who acts like you is suffering from some physical condition that causes "sensitivity to pain". Certainly not in the way you claim. lol

>> No.14971476

>expressing pain is a mental illness, just suck it up and pretend like nothing is wrong because dealing with actual pain is too expensive and mysterious for me to be bothered with when I am not the one in pain

>> No.14971482

Your antinatalist stance is not an expression of pain. It's an expression of your diseased worldview and psychological tendencies.

>> No.14971488

>diseased worldview and psychological tendencies.
Those are all clearly a result of a life of pain, why would someone whose life was genuinely only filled with pleasure not want to proliferate life rather than it clearly being that people in constant pain view life itself as pain and don't bother to put in effort to make more life/pain?
If your life is so pleasurable why do you feel it is so necessary to go out of your way to waste so much time trying to ridiculing other people's pain rather than indulge in your own pleasure?

>> No.14971490

>Those are all clearly a result of a life of pain
Pain in and of itself doesn't make anyone spout your teenage antinatalist talking points. Mental illness does.

>> No.14971499

You already admitted that mental illness is caused by pain even if you don't understand what the word indirect means.
>persistent pain causing chronic stress that develops into a mental illness
That is a direct relationship, you just don't understand that stress is biological strain and chronic strain is a type of pain because stress to a robot just means calculations take a bit longer rather than the nervous system breaking down and causing pain as is the case with a biological entity.

>> No.14971505

I'm satisfied that I'm making you have a psychotic episode like this. You deserve to suffer all your life.

>> No.14971526

You wish, bots like you are just as disconnected from actual satisfaction as you are from pain, but feel free to try to parse as many words as you can about the subjects you don't actually have the sensory organs to ever actually understand.

>> No.14971528

You will never progress beyond the mental age of 6. You will always be a dysgenic subhuman.

>> No.14971539

Sure because everyone is always talking about how 6 year olds are constantly going on about the meta effects of sensory organs and the rise of malevolent text parsing algorithms of the internet.

>> No.14971543

You can shit out whatever regrugitated references you want but it's clear that you lack basic theory of mind.

>> No.14971549

you're both going in circles.
npc caught in their programming

>ever seen ants caught in those death spirals?

>> No.14971554

You are the one with the 6 year old mentality whose only theory of mind is that everyone who disagrees with you is mentally ill with some vague unnamed disorder.

>> No.14971555

You will never be human.

>> No.14971574

Whatever you say silicone brain.

>> No.14971577

Imagine having a full-blown psychotic episode over someone pointing out that feeling pain doesn't cause antinatalism.

>> No.14971581

You don't need to imagine it, you are having one over someone pointing out that lifelong pain isn't very conducive to a desire to reproduce.

>> No.14971585

>lifelong pain isn't very conducive to a desire to reproduce.
Yes, the chronic stress caused by repeated experience of pain combined with dysgenic modern values will make you biologically dysfunctional, and the vile pseudintellectual narcissism that goes along with that same system of values will make you rationalize your dysfunction into a """philosophy""" and compel you to prosolytize against life. What's the disagreement?

>> No.14971593

>combined with
You don't need to combine it with anything, constant pain is enough, you are just trying to use fancy words for pain, like stress, dysgenic effects, physical dysfunction, etc to act as if the pain is not enough.

>> No.14971595

>You don't need to combine it with anything
You don't need to, but combining it with your dysgenic system of values will vastly increase the odds that it will develop into a mental illness, because it encourages you to extrapolate from transient pain into chronic suffering, and from chronic suffering into a dieseased anti-life """philosophy""" that perpetuates and amplifies misery.

>> No.14971600

Honestly, you are no different from a nigger chimp who murders someone over an insult and then tells the judge murder is a causal outcome of being insulted.

>> No.14971601

So you think pain just goes away when someone has kids?

>> No.14971602

Change an insult to constant death threats and I am fine with that categorization.

>> No.14971603

The voices in your head are interjecting again. It cracks me up every time.

>> No.14971606

No, you just said chronic suffering is somehow alleviated through reproduction, but it clearly isn't since breeding when you have some genetic condition that leads to pain will only reproduce more pain in more people.

>> No.14971607

I won't change anything because it's a perfect illustration of the way underdeveloped minds your yours work. You genuinely seem to lack the higher brain functions that allow people with metacognition to reflect on all the intermediate steps between having a negative experience and developing an attitude towards life. To a lower life form like you, feeling pain one time too many equals spamming a science board with antinatalist whining, the same way feeling anger equals killing someone to a nigger.

>> No.14971608

>you just said chronic suffering is somehow alleviated through reproduction
Literally the voices in your head again. Imagine doing this kind of thing over and over, having it pointed out to you every time, and still insisting that you're mentally stable.

>> No.14971612

No, if it were perfect, it wouldn't need to be changed, chronic pain is much more like a death threat than an insult.

I am not spamming, I am responding to your lies, if there is spamming it is you because you are the one constantly invoking fake vague disease and spamming cliched insults while pretending like the ideal is the average.

>> No.14971613

>No, if it were perfect, it wouldn't need to be changed,
Literally no theory of mind.

>> No.14971614

No, it is the text on the screen, since you still can't seem to understand why someone would want to stop proliferating pain.

>> No.14971615

Anyway, I'm bored with you. No reason to try to bully you. You are already getting what you deserve from life every day, and I hope assisted suicide becomes a thing soon to help rid society of your likes.

>> No.14971616

Literally your only theory of mind is that any mind that doesn't agree with you blindly is diseased.

>> No.14971617

What a surprise, yet another thing that you are too retarded to know actually exists.

>> No.14971632

See >>14971615 and >>14971608

>> No.14971635

Another big surprise, you don't understand how replies work either since you literally just linked the post that were in the body of the post you replied to.

Also again coming off as an of of touch text parsing bot that is disoriented by the fact that real people have an inner monologue rather than a hidden layer.

>> No.14971637

In order to feal pleasure, one must feel pain. That said, there's no universal truth that labels pleasure as good and pain as bad. They are both equally valid bodily responses, each serving a practical purpose.

Your suffering comes from a bad interpretation of your feelings and emotions. We learned these responses in early childhood, mostly from how our caregivers treated us.
Some were lucky to have an awesome upbringing and are now thriving.
Others were not so lucky and are tredding through life, battling each day as if it were our adversary.

Good news js, we can learn to reinterpret our internal dialogue.
Bad news is it's very difficult. It requires thousands of hours of self-study or thousands of $$ at the therapist (assuming we've found a competent one).

>> No.14971644

See >>14971632

>> No.14971648

Obviously I did see it, that is why I originally replied to it, you malfunctioning algorithm.

>> No.14971650

YouTube-tier pop-buddhist cope. Most creatures on this planet don't have any caregivers to teach them any concepts of good and bad and yet most of them react to pain in roughly the same way people do, and become dysfunctional (like OP) when subjected to chronic and unavoidable pain. The fact that OP wraps it in 10 layers of rationalizations and diseased ideological wank is a separate issue, and so is the fact that you can override those natural tendencies through practice and intense faith.

>> No.14971653

Please refer back to >>14971608 and >>14971615 and then reply again like the PFC-lacking, impulsive, infantile nigger that you are, even though I am hiding this entire chain. :^)

>> No.14971655

Is that what keeps you replying with nonsense instead of reproducing or something?

>> No.14971976

I just want to stop suffering.
But I'm to afraid of death because I don't believe in religion.

>> No.14972003

>But I'm to afraid of death because I don't believe in religion.
That makes no sense

>> No.14972672

Humans are the only animals capable of hating themselves. That's why we learn to cope, anon.

>> No.14972837

I'm fucking suffering /sci/

>> No.14972839

I suffer but at the same time I enjoy and death means everything is over for eternity.

>> No.14972841

you're just a philosophical materialist, no need for religion to believe that subjective experience is eternal. generic subjective continuity means you continue to exist forever, you spacetime worm you :)

>> No.14972845
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But my consciousness won't be around to experience it

>> No.14973371

I don't wanna die!

>> No.14973461

I'm fucking angry.

>> No.14973488
File: 166 KB, 768x1024, 1667894443103878m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If im gonna make some money im gonna kill myself by doing drugs and fuck a bunch of dumb whores.
Wish me luck, faggots.
This world is a shithole and its too bad we dont have the tehnology to make the universe collapse back into itself, thus ending all suffering in every corner of the universe.
Fuck can you do..we cant have it l can we?

>> No.14973503

u live in india sir?

>> No.14973509

Nah I actually live in a nice place, sort of.
I added that photo for the tragedic effect.

>> No.14973525

Exploiting poverty porn is disgusting.

>> No.14973530

Dont worry.
I pay them 3 cents a day.
Without me they would have nothing, so 3 cents is better than nothing.
No need to thank me for your tshirts and shoes. Its fine.

>> No.14973534

I'm fucking miserable.

>> No.14973556

It doesn't matter why we suffer, what matters is how we escape it, luckily theres a whole field dedicated to that with a rich history

>> No.14973652

Death in most religions especially if they have the concept of eternal suffering for the majority of the population is way scarier than the typical concept of death as the end of life.

>> No.14973655

Nah dogs chew off their own tails, purposely run into traffic, and jump off of bridges sometimes.

>> No.14973868

Why doge suffering? :(

>> No.14973946

Then kill yourself, you give consent to existence every moment you don't. We suffer for the good times and even that suffering is relatively painless.

>> No.14974162

>that suffering is relatively painless
You don't know me you ignorant asswipe.

>> No.14974166


Sir will you teach me??

>> No.14974237

>Why are we born to suffer?
we're not, because phrasing it that way implies that you are born for a reason, and that this reason is to suffer
in reality, the reason you are born is simply because of natural selection, only organisms which successfully survive and reproduce will have continued existence, and thus you're the consequence of such successfully reproducing organisms (your ancestors, including your immediate ancestors, i.e. your parents)
>It seems like the only true constant in existence is suffering.
not really true, but it does permeate the vast majority of life
>this suffering being meaningless
here you're mixing up some terms that many people tend to have difficulty distinguishing, i.e. "meaning" and "purpose"
emotions themselves by definition do not have meaning, just as life itself doesn't have meaning, but they often do have a purpose, and that purpose is to drive you to engage in behaviors that lead to survival and reproduction
of course, due to various flukes, this mechanism will often result in suffering that is without purpose at all, especially when old, due to the suffering still being present to drive you to survive and reproduce even when there's no longer any chance of that happening, such as e.g. trying to get you to mitigate chronic injuries that are never going to get better
>always better to cease to exist
generally speaking, absolutely
I'm sure you're familiar with ideas associated with promoting this truth, such as e.g. antinatalism and promortalisim, even efilism
well, that's probably true, but suffering is still an extremely prominent part of life, probably the most prominent of all

>> No.14974929

>16 year old life enjoyer enters the thread and shits it up with his half-baked philosophy
>Posters bother replying
>kid calls them all "mentally ill"
Why is this still up? Science & Math?

>> No.14974937

We suffer because it was advantageous in our development. Sensing when shits awry bugs you so you'll be motivated to resolve it. Take opium or some shit if you want to mute it.

>> No.14974939

There is no "we."

>> No.14974996

What do you mean sir?

>> No.14974998

Life is such a cruel joke. Its only purpose is to reproduce so that the species continues to exist. And this continued existence just propagates more suffering.

>> No.14975283


>> No.14975337
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>> No.14975342
File: 29 KB, 526x526, stronger battles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like so we feel like so we

>> No.14975360

Each and every one of us are alone in this world then? Born alone, die alone. There is no "we".

>> No.14975557

>No animal wrote a sonnet
No human ever weaved the most pleasing as well as efficient net with his ass silk. Your point? You don't have to answer, I will slot it in for you "My point was trivial."
>We do have an obligation to minimize the suffering of these creatures
We don't have an "obligation" to ethically do anything. Or what do you presume ARE such obligations? I hope it's not something like "don't murder humans", which would be beyond -- as in, below -- dimwitted.
>but their suffering at the moment of butchery is an externality of having to butcher them to extract worth. It is not an argument for foregoing the wealth they present upon being butchered.
This is a complete non-sequitur. You are begging the question. "We can accept their suffering to generate wealth, because to generate wealth, we have to accept their suffering."
Do you not see how you said precisely nothing? Restating things without any insight or logic may impress perhaps a baboon. Are you an NPC? Did these statements really rend into something that in your programmed routines can be evaluated as "Yeah, that's a good point. I can bring this in a discussion."

Here's something to chew on: the is-ought dichotomy. You cannot say "we want to have cheap meat. (The "is" part). Therefore, we should disregard animal suffering (the "ought" part).

Not gonna educate philosophy 101 now.

>> No.14975558

One does not need to remove suffering as an absolute to enjoy things.
Seems to me that suffering is a good motivator. Just because fire is hot doesn't mean you need to kill yourself. Just move away from the fire dude like come on.
People born without the ability to feel pain die very young. Doesn't seem meaningless to me. Go get some sun, stop eating shit.

>> No.14975560

Ergo, we should eradicate all life on earth.
The moral choice is exterminatus. Erase organic life from the planet.
A heavy burden laid on the vegans, planetcide. Good luck and Godspeed.

>> No.14975590

you suffer so you can enjoy the good things better. light and shadow and shit.

>> No.14975594
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x576, aaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to fkn enjoy

>> No.14975598

so leave your mancave and do some suffering first

>> No.14975604
File: 2.23 MB, 1024x576, 1664899283547053.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i find a way to enjoy without the suffering part haha?

>> No.14975608
File: 82 KB, 1024x917, clown world burn pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like the word. I mostly suffer in it. I don’t think I’m going to ever work in my life, I don’t want to contribute anything to the world. That also means having no kids. I just want this world to end.
If everyone did the same thing this place would vanish.

>> No.14975617

Worthless deflection.

>> No.14975618
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well, that's probably true, but suffering is still an extremely prominent part of life, probably the most prominent of all
If the technocattle dystopia is so amazing and your quality of life is so great, why are you a mentally ill, nihilistic antinatalist to whom, on a purely subjective basis, suffering is the most prominent part of life?

>> No.14975633
File: 55 KB, 640x880, EAwAAo4XkAABBuM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can immediately end your participation in this world if you want to right?

>> No.14975639

You think God or evolution or whatever didn’t think about that. You are trapped in a horrible place yet you find it hard to end it.

>> No.14975640

What are you even on about? Nature, in its grace and wisdom, is culling all of your likes as we speak.

>> No.14975644

When you go to jail they do everything they can to stop you from killing yourself. You are too valuable to them, they profit from you staying alive. Same thing for God or evolution.
Is Earth a big jail in disguise? Maybe.

>> No.14975651

You are valuable to no one. Both your human handlers and nature itself are making sure your miserable genes will not be passed on. The universe abhors your nihilism and perpetual misery, so it culls you one way or another.

>> No.14975655
File: 17 KB, 200x198, npc wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are unhappy on Earth, dipshit. Some complain, like me, and others just go along with it without even thinking about the reality they are trapped in.
You should try and talk to common folk once in a while and see what they are about.

>> No.14975661

>Most people are unhappy on Earth
Doesn't contradict what I said in any way.

>Some complain, like me
And both your human handlers and nature itself make sure your psychological tendencies will not get perpetuated.

>> No.14975663
File: 699 KB, 570x577, babirusa_impaled_skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nature...making sure your miserable genes will not be passed on

You sure about that?

>> No.14975666

>You sure about that?
All empirical evidence shows it. "People" like you are' nonreproducers even if they don't explicitly subscribe to the antinatalism cult dogma.

>> No.14975668

>Doesn't contradict what I said in any way.
Are you actually saying that most people on Earth have bad genes and that’s why they are unhappy?
Who the fuck came up with this place? Sounds like a jailhouse to me.

>> No.14975672

>Are you actually saying that most people on Earth have bad genes
Show me where I said anything about "most people on Earth". I've been talking specifically about diseased "people" like you.

>> No.14975673

>nature itself make sure your psychological tendencies will not get perpetuated

Why do you think depression, schizophrenia etc. are in the gene pool? Like sickle cell anaemia they increase biological fitness in some environments.

There's no reason why people can't have the brain chemistry to be happy all the time, but perpetual dissatisfaction gets shit done.

>> No.14975676

Why didn’t evolution or God just make the animal impotent instead of making it suffer?

>> No.14975679

People who think like you simply fail to reproduce. I'm not having a discussion about it. It's a matter of fact.

>> No.14975681

What a fucking idiot. Most people are unhappy with their quality of life.
A rich person with “depression, schizophrenia etc” will be happier than one with the same problems and no money or comfort.

>> No.14975684

>Most people are unhappy with their quality of life.
yeah because they are retarded liberals

>> No.14975685

Kill yourself, you inbred golem.

>> No.14975691

Go figure! A /pol/tard. I knew I was talking to an idiot since the first reply.

>> No.14975693

The /pol/ boogeyman doesn't exist. You're getting baited by random retards. My point still stands unchallenged.

>> No.14975696

Do you understand how natural selection works? The genes for depression etc. exist in the gene pool for a reason. They have been selected for at some point in human history.

>Most people are unhappy with their quality of life.
Glad you agree with me :)
>A rich person with “depression, schizophrenia etc” will be happier than one with the same problems and no money or comfort.

>> No.14975699

>Do you understand how natural selection works?
Yes, and it's clearly culling whatever genes are associated with your damaged psychological makeup.

>> No.14975701

>The genes for depression etc. exist in the gene pool for a reason.
Some people get depressed simply because they don’t have enough money and many other reasons. It has nothing to do with genetics. It’s a quality of life thing.

>> No.14975705

Anyone who unironically shits out points about "quality of life" should be shot. Your diseased system of values has no future. You are getting culled.

>> No.14975707

>They have been selected for at some point in human history.
Not necessarily, it just means they were never selected against

>> No.14975712

He's a mouth-breathing retard. There are no genes for depression.

>> No.14975715

Depression was recorded by the ancient Greeks and probably existed long before then, I don't think it'll be 'culled' from the gene pool any time soon.

>Some people get depressed simply because they don’t have enough money
True. But a lot of people who have 'everything' are depressed, in their case it's caused by a chemical imbalance.

>> No.14975716

I know you’re probably a troll. But people that are like you irl make me want to give up on this world.
The dumbasses are the actual problem. This world was built for Clevons to thrive in.


>> No.14975717

>ignore 5000 year of tradition and writing how to lead a happy life
>noooo my teacher told me Im very smeeert and know best
>waste life with porn, drugs and marvel movies instead of family, children and community
>WAAAAAH why am I so unhappy
libtards are really the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.14975718

>Depression was recorded by the ancient Greeks and probably existed long before then, I don't think it'll be 'culled' from the gene pool any time soon.
Show me where I said anything about depresion getting culled. You keep sperging off about irrelevancies.

>> No.14975720

>people that are like you irl make me want to give up on this world.
Good. I hope you suffer every single day. Good thing you're a nonreproducer, just like most people who shit out talking points about """quality of life""".

>> No.14975732

>just means they were never selected against
If a gene has a neutral affect on an organism it might stay in the gene pool for lack of being 'selected against.' However, depression causes a reduction in fitness; this suggests that it must confer an advantage another way. Perhaps a heterozygous form like with sickle cell, where individuals die from the 'disease' but carriers have immunity to malaria.

>> No.14975734

There are no "depression genes", mouth breather.

>> No.14975808

Schizophrenia is also most likely not genetic. There are many things that can make you turn mentally ill, like drugs, stress, loneliness and many other things.
Sometimes doctors have no idea of what they are talking about. They used to lobotomize people and to all sorts of things to them back in the old days.
They are literally making it up as they go. Maybe one day they’ll figure it out. It’s definitely not as bad as it used to be.


>> No.14975814

How would you prove that a mental illness is "genetic" even in principle? The most you can do is show that some genes are associated with mental illness in the context of an environment that pumps people full of toxins and endocrine disruptors and subjects them to chronic stress and unnatural conditions. Of course defenders of this system will promote the insane idea that people are ill because it's just their heckin' genes instead of inquiring further.

>> No.14975819

People suffering the most have the least capacity for suicide, when you are trapped in a hospital bed with nurses poking your butthole to make you shit, you can't exactly get a gun let alone load a gun not to mention shot yourself with it.

>> No.14975822

Are you trapped in a hospital bed? Why aren't you killing yourself yet?

>> No.14975827

>>Most people are unhappy on Earth
>Doesn't contradict what I said in any way.

>> No.14975829

If they fail to reproduce their unhappiness, then why are there still so many unhappy people every generation?

>> No.14975830

Take your meds.

>> No.14975832

>Why aren't you killing yourself yet?
Because I am not trapped in a hospital bed.

>> No.14975834

"They" being who? We've already established that you're a nonreproducer and your kind of mentality won't be around for long. Why do you keep sperging out about "unhappiness", "depression" and other irrelevancies that I never mentioned?

>> No.14975835

Not an argument

>> No.14975836

So what? Life is pointless. Life is suffering. Life is awful. Do the right thing and kill yourself. No one wants you whining on the hospital bed. :^)

>> No.14975844

When something like cabin fever can lead to schizophrenia, I think it’s out of the question that it’s caused by genes.
Of course, these things are incredibly hard to study because of the human rights abuse thing.


>> No.14975848

"They" being who?
Unhappy people.

You mean asserted without evidence.

If ideas were genetic unhappy ideas would have died out long ago.

>> No.14975849

>When something like cabin fever can lead to schizophrenia, I think it’s out of the question that it’s caused by gene.
Why? Is being locked up for extended periods of time part of the natural conditions of this species?

>> No.14975854

I wasn't talking about "unhappy people". I was talking about self-hating nihilists with their diseased anti-life mentality. Why do you keep deflecting and pointing to other people who share nothing in common with you?

>> No.14975855

No, your advice is that people who are suffering should kill themselves, but that doesn't make much sense give that as suffering increases, the capacity for suicide decreases.

>> No.14975857

I’m was just trying to disprove that the illness isn’t genetic, dumbass.

>> No.14975858

Your argument is just very clearly flawed, if that kind of thinking just went away in a generation because people like that can't breed as you claim it would have disappear millions of generations ago instead of persisting to the current generation.

>> No.14975864

What an absolute mouth breather.

>> No.14975870

>it would have disappear millions of generations ago
People like you didn't exist "millions of generations ago". You are a product of modern dysgenics and nature is taking care of you. Your only tactic is to falsely conflate your fundamentally diseased worldview with circumstantial "unhappiness" but I'm simply not gonna let you do it no matter how many times you attempt it.

>> No.14975882

>modern dysgenics
Nihilism dates back to antiquity and most recorded history, you can't prove anything about millions of generations ago, if your stupid idea was correct, it should have disappeared the first generation it arose and definitely wouldn't have survived nietzsche's premodern generation.

>> No.14975884

The human experience is filtered and processed on a production line. No wonder you suffer.

>> No.14975885

>Nihilism dates back to antiquity
This has zero bearing on what I've just pointed out.

>> No.14975889

see >>14975716

>> No.14975892

Wrong, you said it is something novel to the modern era that will disappear in one generation when it is clearly present in all of recorded history and has persisted from antiquity to modernity through many generations.

>> No.14975905

Anatomically modern humans have been around for over 300,000 years. Your diseased worldview has been around for maybe a few thousand years, and its proliferation within the general population has been going on for less than two centuries, with the afflicted societies showing exponential decreas in population numbers. lol

>> No.14975908

For most of you, you create your own suffering. You enjoy it.

>> No.14975916

>a few thousand years
That is much longer than the single generation claim you keep making, were you lying then or are you lying now?
What was the population of nihilists in 1900 and what is the population of nihilists now (with sources other than your ass, obviously)?

>> No.14975923

>That is much longer than the single generation claim you keep making
So? You're genuinely too stupid to keep track of a discussion.

>> No.14975930

I bet, that must be why you are getting so mad that I keep bringing up your old failed points in the discussion while you are completely unable to back up any of them with actual statistics or facts instead of petty name calling.

>> No.14975939

You're legit having a psychotic episode.

>> No.14975947

You are legit applying fallacy instead of logic, Dr. Dipshit.

>> No.14975953

What's my "fallacy"? I seriously can't tell if you're trolling, profoundly retarded or simply losing your mind.

>> No.14975961

>petty name calling
No wonder you tried to project being unable to keep track of a discussion onto me, you can't even keep track of what was said two posts ago.

>> No.14975966

The only problem with your idea of existence being 100% consensual is the prospect of eternal return but otherwise I agree life with your point.

t. nihilistic misanthropic life-hater

>> No.14975967

What bearing does the fact that some philosophy memers entertained cancerous ideas thousands of years ago have on the fact that docile cattleheads with no drive to engage with life fail to reproduce, thereby rapidly reducing the population with whom those cancerous ideas resonate on an emotional level?

>> No.14975998

You said it would go away after one generation and you are clearly wrong because it has been around multiple generations which is fine, you are a stupid person, it happens.

>> No.14976011

>You said it would go away after one generation
I didn't and my point still stands completely unchallenged despite your worthless deflections.

>> No.14976017

Your point was that nature culls nihilists in one generation and it was obviously wrong or nihilism would have gone away after one generation.

>> No.14976025

>Your point was that nature culls nihilists in one generation
Ok, schizo. That irrelevant strawman has been thoroughly defeated thanks to your cunning reddit debate skills. Now address >>14975967

>> No.14976114

While I also think it may not be due to genetics, it may be epigenetic. That is, some casual force activates the schizo genes.

>> No.14977762

Jesus Christ
I guess I have to move back to Japan

>> No.14977765
File: 94 KB, 600x845, fight_the_demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only suffer because you are bound by the illusion that is this world. Let go and you'll be free. Pic related.

>> No.14977909

Are you implying that reincarnation exists?

>> No.14977915
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Japan is a hellhole of suffering.

>> No.14977970

Shove anyone, no matter what genes they have, inside a cabin for long periods of time and they will go crazy. If you keep them there long enough the craziness will be sustained.
There are no crazy genes. Circumstances and environments are what trigger schizophrenia.

>> No.14977979

>typing instead of killing yourself
rings pretty hollow

>> No.14978001
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>> No.14978052

As I am fond of saying, every antinatalist is the product of two natalists.

>> No.14978057

>Terry Davis
>browsing the internet all day
>living with parents
>stuck at home all day

>> No.14978111

Good morning sirs.

>> No.14978113

Your ageing parents enjoying your company?

>> No.14978125

They were clearly driving him nuts. He’s supposed to interact with other type of people.
Getting a van and exploring wasn’t a bad idea but he also needed some sort of homebase of his own to go back to and relax.

>> No.14978508

Goodbye fellow sufferers. The thread has come to an end.