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14961916 No.14961916 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any scientific evidence that mixing is bad?

>> No.14961945

the evidence suggests it preserves a broader number of genetic features and recombines them more often and more extensively

in short, it's a minor evolutionary accelerant - favorable phenotype combinations will be encountered more frequently and more quickly, and unfavorable ones will be theoretically outcompeted more quickly.

>> No.14961980

Dios mio...

>> No.14961981

>favorable phenotype combinations will be encountered more frequently and more quickly, and unfavorable ones will be theoretically outcompeted more quickly.
In reality though it's the opposite. Hapa children are extremely dysgenic if born between distant races, and rapidly regress to the mean.

>> No.14962016

Lifeforms are supposed to pass on their own genes. You won't achieve that end particularly well if you're more closely related to a random neighbour of yours than you are to your own children.

>in short, it's a minor evolutionary accelerant -
That's retarded. Build a phylogenetic tree, and then start connecting the leaf nodes to each other. The maximum distance between leaf nodes will shrink, not grow. Race mixing kills diversity, and diversity is essential for evolution.

>> No.14962067

>Is there any scientific evidence that mixing is bad?
Don't need science to answer the obvious. Mixing blacks with any other group brings down the non-black group genetically speaking in every way except height on average. Unless it's black and Dutch of course.

>> No.14962082

It's zero-sum.

person a: 0.5
person b: 0.1
person ab: 0.3

This explains the Flynn effect btw.

>> No.14962326

big Polish cock strikes again

>> No.14962470

>in short, it's a minor evolutionary accelerant
Meaningless combination of words. Unless you're accelerating the rate of mutations or shortening the time between generations then evolution is not accelerating.

>diversity is essential for evolution
Evolution does not have goals, hence it doesn't need diversity or establish diversity as being "essential." A petri dish of clones of a single bacterial genome vs a petri dish of highly differentiated genomes will undergo the same amount of evolution in one generation. Evolution does not "care" if there is more diversity to start with.

Maybe you mean species propagation needs diversity?

>> No.14962477

i wish most black girls looked like that.

>> No.14962616

Give it time

>> No.14962763
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>unfavorable ones will be theoretically outcompeted more quickly.

>> No.14962778


>> No.14962781

Now see what happens when the daughter fucks another mixed race person. abomination time

>> No.14962785

>Is there any scientific evidence that mixing is bad?
No but if I have my way every whiteboi will be assigned a black girl, an asian girl and a white girl for scientific and house keeping purposes.

>> No.14962814

This doesn't take into account the social element which race imposes upon people . Doesn't matter how "accelerated" things get if halfblood people are seen as a lower class socially, which they are seen as in literally every country. It'a not even limited to race btw, if you're a serb who was living in bosnia, then came to serbia, the serbs would call you a bosnian and beat you up (assuming that bosnian serbs are different enough from serbian serbs for them to differentiate)

>> No.14962829

That's a moot question given the mountains of evidence comfirting that having mixed societies is bad in the first place.

>> No.14962833

Yes. Mixed babies are 5 times bigger so they rip the vagina when they are born and cause the mother pain if not killing her

>> No.14962836


>> No.14962838

Ppl are gonna mix whether you like it or not, why ask a public board full of creeps that are completely irrelevant to your life of our thoughts on what you should do in your personal life and who you should date? Who the fuck cares the fucking Duchess of England is mixed now

>> No.14962844
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The future is mixed. Deal with it, all the races are gonna mix. In 500 years everyone will look like this

>> No.14962845

Look up outbreeding depression.

>> No.14962848

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.14962850

>Americans will still exist 500 years from now
Actual americans are on the same trajectory as the dodo since 1965, a timespan of less than 60 years.

>> No.14962851
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>> No.14962854

Kill yourself, subhuman. Your worldview is getting wiped out.

>> No.14962860

If by mixed you mean multiple demographics then Yugoslavia, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
If you mean mixed race then all the most dangerous parts of South America. Even within the countries themselves the mixed faux-indigeneous parts tend to be the most dangerous.

>> No.14962862
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it changes, your white family line could turn completely black and vice versa we're human bruh that means all races and I think it would help you to know that humans are mixed we are basically a cross between nordic aliens and monkeys

>> No.14962866

No, it's actually beneficial

>> No.14962870

You're a stupid fuck for even entertaining these "people" and their faux skepticism at this point. Talking to them is clearly not the solution to the rape, murder, robbery, anti-white, anti-West sentiments, political divisions and social instability his likes inflict on society.

>> No.14962875

>it changes
Only in the same way that Russification changed occupied areas.
Americans will be gone and no one left is going to bother to pretend they care about the opinions of pardo mutts.
>all humans are mixed
That's lowly semantic trickery that only a barely thinking individual would fall for.
You might as well argue we can't really differentiate color because it's on a spectrum.

No one would fail to notice that you're very insistent about a particular racial mix either.
All the nations that actually have the mix you think is desirable either balkanize along racial lines or openly talk about marrying blanco in order to improve their children.

>> No.14962878
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>> No.14962883

I asked a question. Calm down, it's very clear you dont have a talking point to stand on considering the knee-jerk reaction. How about to let the adults talk and have your hissy fit somewhere else.

So the proof here isnt anything tangible. Just crime statistics in a South American country?

>> No.14962886

Your worldview and system of values are being rejected all over the world as we speak, and since everyone knows you are a non-reproducing life form, your leftism-prone genes will be erased as well. Your historical portrait will be painted by the people you hate the most. Your story will be told by your enemies. Everything you believe in and hold dear will be shown in such a light that future generations will regard you the same way as we regard the Bolshevik and Nazi criminals today.

>> No.14962897

Ah yes the eldt wing conspiracy. Good to know this was pointless.

>> No.14962899

>le heckin' c-word
Once again confirming yourself to be a mindless drone.

>> No.14962901


>> No.14962904

Make sure to keep up-to-date with your boosters.
We wouldn't want you to not get what you deserve, now don't we.

>> No.14962905

It's funny how your entire worldview and every single word you will shit out in a thread can be predicted just from this thinly veiled denialism (>>14962836). That's how you know it is a cult doctrine rather than a legitimate opinion that should be tolerated.

>> No.14962921

Oh wow two responses from one anon. You must be upset.

>> No.14962928

>reddit migrant doesn't know about cooldowns
You really can spot these "people" from a single word.

>> No.14962931
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You're wrong, and here's proof.
Apologise, demon-worshipping niggerkike.

>> No.14962935

Zelensky lost. Biden lost.

>> No.14962938

>Apparently man children who have knee-jerk reactions to questions making baseless claims is above posting on more than one device.

>> No.14962943

Sorry about your mental illness.

>> No.14962944


>> No.14962952

>Making it this obvious

This is pathetic

>> No.14962957

Double down on your delusional mental illness some more.

>> No.14962965
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Is your plan to lie indefinitely thinking anyone is going to believe you?

>> No.14962968

>i bet you can't prove anything to muh imaginary audience
Reddit niggers are beyond help.

>> No.14962973

So anyways what did you eat for breakfast?

>> No.14962975

Kill yourself.

>> No.14962986

Stop projecting, molochist kike demon.
Lying is a mortal Sin, and yo ushall reap what you sow.

>> No.14962990

Well i mean youre not actually going to give me a real answer so i figured I get to know you. The only thing i know so far is that you have a short-fuse, quick to use buzzwords like black dicks, hate jews and can only make rationalizations based on a very narrow-minded point of view on life. I dont think you had any proof to the claims made and this acting out is only indicative of that. Maybe youre not the anon i asked "like?" to so I'll just look out for a response from that guy. So anyways what did you have for breakfast? If you are that anon well... how was breakfast?

>> No.14963000

>So the proof here isnt anything tangible. Just crime statistics in a South American country?
"Nothing tangible ignore your lying eyes".
Reminder that you will never be a real scientist.

>> No.14963002

You will never form a thought on your own. You will never write a sentence that hasn't been posted thousands of times on twitter. You will never evolve beyond the stage where knowing your position on one issue tells everyone your positions on every issue. You will never be human.

>> No.14963005

So bacon, eggs?

>> No.14963009

It's pretty funny how your psyche crumbles and you fall into psychotic delusions once you start to realize no one here wants you or respects your moronic political views.

>> No.14963013

Man they look so ugly.

>> No.14963039

For white people, yes. The blood of nonwhite, particulalry mongoloid races is clearly apparent in many european phenotypes. Thus those of miscegnative descent look more effeminate, weird, and weak than their pure bred counterparts (bigger lips, broader more bulbous nose instead of long and narrow, epicanthal folds, smaller sloped skulls, smaller jaws, etc.) the biggest tell is the nasal bridge, which is the most pronounced in purebred white populations - thus a white without a nasal bridge is basically a mongol - notice anything about your picture? The girl lacks a nasal bridge.
Because nonwhite traits are not only dominant alleles, but also - perhaps because of their dominance - cruder, they lie dormant and express themselves atavistically as general ugliness and odd-looks. The irish, finns, germans, italians, and russians are prime examples of populations suffering dilution of white genes from rapings that took place possibly more than 3000 years ago.
On the other hand, it is irrelevent if the brown races mix, because they're all share the same morphology - varying shades of brown, varying degrees of prognathism and epicanthalism, broader noses, flatter nasal bridges. In fact, a global unison of the brown races might result in a race that can rival whites.
I laugh in the face of anyone that claims this is racist, as if white people are exempt from the nature of the world - now that would be a racist thing to think.

>> No.14963041

If you want more proof - check my trait description against the mixed people in this post:
They're basically 1:1.

>> No.14963077

It's bad if the parents are dysgenic losers.
Also I think it's much harder to find donors for mixed people than their mono race counterparts
T. Mixed

>> No.14963090




>> No.14963093
File: 6 KB, 444x320, Inbreeding-and-outbreeding-depression-are-a-function-of-the-distance-between-parents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related. We know that there's not an inbreeding problem in Iceland, so that peak occurs somewhere around a moderate population of the same ethnicity (not just the same race, the same ethnic subset of that race). Mixing different races puts you well in to the outbreeding depression part of the curve, even for more closely related races like whites and asians.

>in short, it's a minor evolutionary accelerant - favorable phenotype combinations will be encountered more frequently and more quickly, and unfavorable ones will be theoretically outcompeted more quickly.
Quite literally the opposite. By eliminating recessive traits you get rid of specialized phenotypes, favorable or not.

>The future is mixed. Deal with it, all the races are gonna mix. In 500 years everyone will look like this
No, most places still have basic self preservation instincts. The Chinese, the Arabs, and the Russians aren't going to let themselves be mixed out of existence

>> No.14963096

Inbreeding depression is only valid if you ignore genetic purging.

>> No.14963105

My evidence... is that mixed race people are even uglier than niggers and so clearly a mistake!!

>> No.14963186

My evidence?! I have none! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER I'm having a mental breakdown you reddit leftist tranny (insert /pol/ buzzword here) nigger! See?! Your arguments are invalid, I have called you a nigger! Therefore my argument is valid!

>> No.14963198

Based and redpilled.

>> No.14963213

>>14961916 (OP)
Jiggaboo niggaboo colored cooney
Black porch monkey, brown babooney
Melon muncher, chicken bone sucker
Blue black silverback, big spear chucker

Anyway you figure, the OP is a nigger to me

Dark cold brown bread jungle bunny
Ghetto guru, government honey
Black moon crickets, spooky nigglets!!
Coco negro, magpie, black crow

Anyway you figure, the OP is a nigger to me!!

>> No.14963218
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>> No.14963225

She's gorgeous. Why they got her to play some other character for Resident Evil NOT NAMED Sheva Alamor is beyond me. She's perfect for it.

>> No.14963226

You know trump loves niggers and jews and bane was a communist?

>> No.14963227

world is fallen, no leader possible, all corrupt
no hope :DDDDDD

>> No.14963322
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U.S.A. post