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File: 44 KB, 540x482, QwCUnU5o3tMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960985 No.14960985 [Reply] [Original]

What is the IQ threshold for being able to tell the difference between on screen fantasyland and IRL life? What fraction of people are below that threshold?

>> No.14960987

delete this please

>> No.14960997

A TV show where we drop these people in ghettos all across America where their beliefs will be challenged would truly be a spectacle.

>> No.14960999

Kek. Maybe this is what the jews are aiming for

>> No.14961629

>poverty has no effect on people's attitudes

>> No.14961632

Poverty doesn't make any other race as criminal as blacks.

>> No.14961807

Black poverty is not an excuse because its caused by blacks. Its like when Russians claim they are bad at things because they are poor, as if that was also not their own fault

>> No.14961969

<100 and >135

>> No.14962043

>tell the difference between on screen fantasyland and IRL life
>on screen fantasyland
At least that screen tells you it's fantasy, unlike the screen you're peering through right now.
There is much lies and misinformation on the internet, and as the internet has grown so has to the lies and deceit. It's become harder and harder for people to tell what is truth while online.

The simple solution. Believe nothing unless it is something you witness first hand in person. If you read something on the internet, never accept it as truth or fact, but accept it for what it is. That is "some thing someone on the internet said." Even if you think you know who the person the person saying it, the fact remains they are only words can never be fact unless experienced 1st hand by yourself.
Your own ability for logical rational reasoning, as well as your deeper intuitions and feelings are your strongest assets in discerning the truth, but if people blindly believe everything they hear from a "trusted source" then they are surrendering their assets. Learn how to command your rationalism and intuition, and NEVER relinquish command of either to someone who wish tell you what is true and what isn't. Your beliefs are your divine god given rights. Never blindly surrender them to someone else.

>> No.14962064


>> No.14962065

not seen much of the rapes, machetes and decline myself yet.

>> No.14962193
File: 144 KB, 994x1024, 1657508954192m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha, stupid rightwingers, my neigherhood is just fine, i dont see any problems where i live. Where i am it's just wonderfull, maybe you'd be happer if you stoped caring :)

>> No.14962255
File: 894 KB, 592x1280, Ilhan Omar tells constituents.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video footage?
different races CANT co-exist, elections will only become a racial headcount

>> No.14962327

This isn't in discussion retard.
>>14961632 >>14961807
Dumb answers, he's changing the goalpost. The point is normal people (brainwashed by TV) think poor people are saints who would never commit crime

>> No.14962338 [DELETED] 

I'll make no comments about any specific video, but in general a video can be show without context, in which case it becomes a "lie of omission."

>> No.14962341

I'll make no comments about any specific video, but in general a video can be shown without context, in which case it becomes a "lie of omission."

>> No.14962355
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14962799

watch these videos im begging you

>> No.14963419
File: 499 KB, 476x1000, Single_Mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fantasy, vs the reality.
White girl raised in a white community of two parent families.
She has learned when a woman says "I will love you forever" it is a statement of the magnitude of her love at that MOMENT.
She has learned when a man says "I will love you forever" it is a statement of his feelings now and in the future.

A Black man raised by a single mother in a community of single mother families.

White girl and Black man fall in love and he tells her "I will love you forever". She thinks he wants to be with her forever, so she has sex and gets pregnant.l
He leaves her because he was raised by women so his expression of "I will love you forever" meant how he felt at that MOMENT.

This explains why we have so many single white women with half-Black children.

>> No.14963457

I don't know is coffee good for you?

>> No.14963527
File: 290 KB, 1498x2723, NYC murder rates compared to poverty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poverty explanation has been debunked.

>> No.14963532
File: 368 KB, 1200x1200, Single_mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Black men raised in a single parent family by a woman.

>> No.14963703

That's a false correlation because those stats are higher if you just look at blacks alone. Being black causes crime and single parenthood, single parenthood doesn't cause black behavior.

>> No.14963711

umm this is like antisemitic or something are you a nazi?
