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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14960314 No.14960314 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love science fellow chads

>> No.14960875

that's a load of BULLSHIT. It may have been true a while ago, but not anymore. Phones now have GHz processors in them. Cortical neurons fire at 0.16 Hz, and humans have ~86 billion neurons, so that's like 14 billion pulses per second. An apple iphone 11 has 8.5 billion transistors and a clock speed of 2.65 GHz. A single phone could easily have more pulses than a human brain in a day. This is a nonsensical comparison.


>> No.14960881

Dude I heckin hate science I’m such a le heckin contrarian look how much smarter I am than the plebs...

>> No.14960898

>Dude I heckin hate science

>> No.14960909
File: 173 KB, 992x1034, the science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14960937
File: 832 KB, 3033x2166, Baffin_Island_-_Clouded_Mt_Asgard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it ironic that there is a large cross over between people like OP and people who think that:
>Philosophers/logicians have nothing to do with mathematics or comp sci (despite inventing many fields of mathematics).
>Philosophy of science is irrelevant to doing science.
>Quantum foundations is payed science because... uh, it is just unfalsifiable or something. (Nevermind that the same thing was said of atoms and then quarks)
>Seem unable to grasp that there is a deep connection between the validity of statistical techniques and logic
>Deny that theoretical work is essential to the development of applied technologies.
>On board with heavy siloed field gatekeeping.
>Distrustful of or flat out reject any findings that disagree with human intuition and naive realism.
>Distrustful or flat out reject cross disciplinary, relational fields (information theory, chaos theory, or more specific crossovers such as biosemiotics, econophysics, etc.)

The irony is that, having rejected interest in these as relevant to le based STEM, and is instead le double plus invaded humanities, they are essentially saying "my field dictates what sort of inquiry is appropriate," which is the very sort of herd thinking they are butthurt about.

Of course, that's not to say that Kuhn hasn't been bad in some ways for science. Everyone wants to be a paradigm shifter and glom onto the oddball theories. There is obviously a balance to be struck. But being thoughtful about the nature of the knowledge you're trying to build doesn't necessarily mean you have to go against the grain; it just means you know why you're going with it, rather than just "because X is proper and part of le based section of knowledge because of popular opinion, Y is not."

Pic unrelated, nice mountain.

>> No.14960945

o i am baffin

>> No.14960959

Yes, contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, rather than actually caring about what’s right or wrong.

>> No.14961135

It needs to be a little bit more subtle to be believable, even if there is a lot of crazy shit out there

>> No.14961191
File: 1.40 MB, 1438x2278, odomtech overview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science itself is based on brains and consciousness now. the scientific community has been out of the loop for all scientific progress.

>> No.14961375
File: 55 KB, 720x778, 1661365855233417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, no it doesn't. I've seen this one all around despite the fact that it is:
>A. Ridiculous, if they were trying to obfuscate they wouldn't lay it out as a fractional rounding number.
>B. Is for a year that the stats still aren't out for (I think). In any event, it came out and went viral long before that data existed.
>C. Blacks are historically responsible for more than 50% of homicides, not violent crime as a whole, it is radically off by almost double.

But it doesn't matter. People just gulp it down. There is a huge conspiracy to hide that Black homicide rates are high. Nevermind that the FBI publishes these stats, that there is an entire huge genre of gangster rap that has been popular for decades that talks about this, that there are hit shows and movies such as the Wire that document this, or that urban politicians campaign explicitly on this issue all the time- in fact, the libs tried to hide it from you.

And why would they hide it if the answer wasn't obviously genetics? Surely there can't be historical records of levels of violent crime in a community plummeting over time. Surely, it couldn't be a world wide phenomena that comes with development. Nope, it's genetics and the libs are hiding the fact by making billions of dollars worth of music and entertainment about it.

Just like how they passed immigration reform in the 60s so that they could win elections 60 years in the future. They even brainwashed the GOP into voting for it, with more Dems against it than Reps. It couldn't possibly be that it was voted on as a way to fight the "labor shortage," and did exactly what it was intended to.

Of course, one has to wonder why a party that held Congress for 70 years straight after the GOP discredited itself with the Depression was thinking of needing migrant voters half a century later when they were in the middle of their century winning streak. Those Jews sure are devious!