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File: 92 KB, 720x406, ftl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14952449 No.14952449 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when we invent faster-than-light travel?

>> No.14952458

Every part of the vehicle/ship/spheroid or traveller has to be super smooth. Yeah stuff just breaks if you go that fast.

>> No.14952461

Takes a real smooth ass gangsta to break the laws of physics. Maybe you could pop a cap in Gods ass?

>> No.14952465

You're suffering from the Satanist delusion.

>> No.14952529
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Nothing happens. We are currently able to get to the moon faster than our ancestors could cross an ocean, and yet there's nobody living on the moon. Schizophrenic jews and their liberal lapdogs would undoubtedly use the technology to stargate african immigrants into small town USA and to funnel resources into their own scrooge mcduck vaults until they can finally kick back and watch the entire world burn around them from their ivory towers.

>> No.14952705
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on picrel you can see we will launch satellites out into every direction in space, i don't know what that's called, some math fag will know, when lines project outwards in all directions perpendicular from a sphere, like the things on the hellraiser mans head. It will be easy because by then we will have a space elevator too. So we can mass produce satellites and mass deploy them into every direction in space at light speed and will have huge data storage too so we can collect up all that data and analyse it so we know where good places to go are. And because we'll be living to like 1000 years old we'll have plenty of time to pick some good spots to try first and we can drive our personal alcubierre drive warp spaceships into space at our leisure and then sooner or later we'll run into the person who created the universe and we can ask them what the fuck is going on and why didn't we get some kind of instruction manual for the universe cause we had to work all this shit out and it's hard

>> No.14952815

time travel. idiots try to kill Hitler. would explain his hate of Jews if time travellers tried to kill him because everyone would say this is for the Jews he has yet to kill would be the first to try to kill him. also would mean that Hitler was fighting Jewish time travellers and beating the French at the same time.

>> No.14952825

It will have to use warp-bubble technology so it won't be that different from normal travel I guess. Just really dank as you see the stars around you start contracting

You'll need machines to retain the same memes and technological knowledge as well

>> No.14952857

You can't travel faster than the speed of light.

>> No.14952861

Causality violations.

If those are possible, then whatever happens when effect precedes cause can happen. If they are not, then we cannot go FTL. I would bet on the latter.

>> No.14952937

Intergalactic feds come to our planet and demand to see our FTL license.

>> No.14953243

time travel is only possible into the future. the past is a myth. it is purely a product of one's mind. you can create whichever past you want and make it a reality if you get enough people to believe you

>> No.14953287

but that doesn't work on a Penrose diagram.

>> No.14954325

Zoom ping da billa bung da and then you unexists when your ship collides with some space rock.

>> No.14954344

how is it that literally almost 150 years after einstein calculated all the relativity shit and realized weird causality-related shit starts happening if you even consider FTL travel and retards still chatter about this shit?


>> No.14954463

I started to get shit done once i decided to not fight the laws of nature anymore. Theres so much we can do in reality

>> No.14954472

I think any attempt at FTL is gonna require a curvature of spacetime. If it is possible it doesn't break causality because you're not actually going faster than light but the space around you is, the universe for example expands at faster than light speed after a certain amount of distance from us.

>> No.14954600

Reality sucks man.

>> No.14954625
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Light travels? Proof?

>> No.14954629
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its hilarious how the low IQs are all attracted to the same topics.

>> No.14954712

The proof is all around you and every single light source in the universe.

>> No.14954723

>someone invents ship capable of constant acceleration with years of fuel
>could theoretically reach the end of the universe in 40 years of travel, subjective time
>now possible to colonize other systems
>but every time someone travels hundreds or thousands of years will pass in objective time
wonder how a galactic civilization would not fall apart due to this fact

>> No.14954742

Yes, not many people take this into consideration. Even if we sent someone millions of light years to another galaxy, double that time would have passed from the time they left until the time they got back.

The Earth they returned to would be completely different and so much time would have passed that no one would even remember the mission or who the fuck they are. And that is if humans haven't gone extinct by then.

>> No.14954748

If we ever meet the creator of our universe we should declare war on him.

>> No.14954753
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The creator din do nuffins.
Pic related is the true evil.

>> No.14954754

Probably the reason why they don't exist in the first place

>> No.14954773
File: 6 KB, 263x191, Thespeedofalreadythere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it just does okay!

Yeah whatever you conspiracy theorist.

>> No.14955669

The part the arrow is pointing to is clearly not brighter. Nice try though.

>> No.14956487

Neutrinos can

>> No.14956497

Look up superluminal light

>> No.14956503

YOU can't travel faster than light.
Doesn't mean scientists 50,000 years from now figure out a way.

>> No.14956745

Neutrinos travel at the speed of light. Nothing except the expansion of space travels faster than light.

>> No.14956908
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>this means there's now proof light travels

Nice, but still no. Also: "brighter" than which part? It's brighter despite 3 polarizing filters guiding/blocking the light as opposed to 2 which block it completely (which implies the way light "exists" doesn't even remotely have to do with "traveling" or "speed" because it couldn't be logically explained how these results occur). You can only explain it with the implication of a medium, a medium which can't possibly exist because the null result of a failed hypothesis "proved" otherwise.

>> No.14956920

ur gf fucking cracks it

>> No.14956922
File: 17 KB, 592x570, greta pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have /sfg/ as a containment board for you idiots, but instead of posting your comic book fantasies there, you insist on creating a whole new thread for your ridiculous fantasies
>What happens when we invent faster-than-light travel?
how far have you gotten on the problem?

>> No.14956969

People approach this issue with the mindset that humanity is somehow fated to solve space travel just because we invented sailboats on earth. We were only able to achieve what we've achieved so far because the conditions were arbitrarily favorable. What if the earth's circumference had been much greater but the extra surface area was more ocean? What if the moon was much further away? What if Mars and Venus didn't exist? We'd have a much different outlook on what's possible or feasible. The delusion we've developed from having "easy" goals is what fuels fantasies like faster than light travel. We can't accept that the universe wasn't designed to be explored by us.

>> No.14957789

>What happens when we invent faster-than-light travel?
In of that very rare moments of enlightenment over here one guy stated that due to the high velocity every possible wave of "light" will be shortened beyond X-ray and immediately kill you. Sure this dumb idiotic forum of absolute ignorance neither mentioned nor discussed that. Hope out of the typical ignorance of idiots and not on the far more probable possibility they cannot even imagine this simple idea.

>> No.14957831

>high velocity every possible wave of "light" will be shortened beyond X-ray and immediately kill you
>Sure this dumb idiotic forum of absolute ignorance neither mentioned nor discussed that
Surely this dumb idiot and the "enlightened" individual he's speaking of didn't think of using the same principle to destructively interfere with said waves or use the same displacing of the waves to displace whatever the fuck it is in your way so you can go through water/solid objects and do physics retardation. Just like those UFO's with air traffic control lights.

>yes traveling faster than light would then cause "light" to travel faster than "this other light" and yield x-rays and higher frequencies despite c being "constant" and displacement occurring at both the source and destination of where it's induced to exist. Where are they're induced to exist? A vacuum obviously.

Someone is going to try and reconcile this and it's not going to go well.

>> No.14957837
File: 841 KB, 220x165, main-qimg-ed1999dfbb4b31fc82435f95161a1985[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh but nooo! That would be physically impossible due to the "energy requirements". We can't just make an array of low wattage coherent lights just construct/destruct these more powerful waves into existence!

>> No.14958653
File: 121 KB, 1500x1001, tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We discover to be in another universe, because ours doesn't let that.
Possible explanations:
1) Isekai is actually possible
2) multidimensional explosion or something
3) pic is you

>> No.14959230

Why are you posting a picture of a random soldier as an symbol of skill and ability?

>> No.14959232

I still don't understand why FTL travel would break causality

>> No.14959236

I agree that time travel is only possible forwards, but you are wrong on the second part. What has happened, happened. Even if you made everyone on earth believe something false happened, it objectively didn't.

>> No.14959239

>a medium which can't possibly exist because the null result of a failed hypothesis "proved" otherwise.
Funny enough, the MM experiment is one of the few modern physics experiments that's been extensively replicated, and all replications done in open air have given consistent positive results. You can only get a null result when you perform the experiment in a sealed container, which as you might expect would naturally insulate the aether inside from drag.

>> No.14959246
File: 1.40 MB, 1438x2278, odomtech overview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we enter the astral plane

>> No.14959309

they believe that time is relative to space due, and that something happening at 12 would not be happening at the same time to different people in different places. they were tricked by einstein's meme math

>> No.14959328

Under very specific conditions it should be possible to send messages to the past.
You can just imagine the future has changed.

>> No.14959360

>the MM experiment is one of the few modern physics experiments that's been extensively replicated, and all replications done in open air have given consistent positive results.
LOLNO. The subsequent experiments after also provided a host of other null results, which is the only reason it was "extensively replicated" in the first place.

>You can only get a null result when you perform the experiment in a sealed container, which as you might expect would naturally insulate the aether inside from drag.
No you get a "null result" when the proposed result isn't what was expected/no significant change as opposed to the control. Maybe they should have had a crack at one of the many other aether theories instead of failing consistently to disprove only one of them (perhaps due to some poor assumptions made in the hypothesis).

>> No.14959364

IDK, I feel like the Fermi Paradox suggests that once you understand the universe well enough you no longer are interested in moving through space-time in the conventional way we are used to.

There are obviously other potential answers, but a lot of theories in physics (mathematical universe, idealist perspectives, etc.) seem to suggest, to me at least, that a sufficiently advanced culture no longer thinks in terms of space time and no longer cares about exploring it because that's not where the relevant discoveries are.

>> No.14959378

You would get places faster than the speed of light dictates. From the reference frame of someone watching light from where you left you would appear to arrive at their location before you left.

But we already know causality propagates faster than the speed of light from tests of Bell Inequalities. Entanglement is instantaneous, faster than light, and not due to hidden variables (barring some weird work around to bring them back in). Causality already is moving FTL. The term non-locality is just cope to save another theory.

Despite all the Popper dick sucking, falsification isn't how theories get picked. If it was, we would have abandoned Newtons laws decades in because they failed to predict the planets' orbits. Instead we posited extra explanatory variables, just like epicycles. We keep a theory until a better one exists. A better one will probably get rid of spacetime although and treat it as a field and then maybe entanglement will make more sense.

Quantum tunneling also appears to propagate faster than light. Conservation of energy is also experimentally falsified, so we'll see where it all goes in due time.

Sometimes all the data is already there but it takes a conceptual shift to see how it makes sense. This was true of relativity and might be true now. Wilzek's book on ether made me more convinced of this.

>> No.14959610

Entanglement does not allow for the transmission of information. The problem with FTL is information moving faster than light.

>> No.14959685
File: 31 KB, 315x499, 51CIYyV9siL._SX313_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is the route cope line people are told to recite. Until Bell's Inequalities were tested and forced this to be accepted as a "good" answer, it wasn't generally thought to be acceptable. What people cared about was if causality could propagate faster than light.

The use of the term information itself is a hint since it's something that is incredibly vague and used poorly by many physicists. You'll see books and articles of people claiming that "the universe is made of information," and that various particles store X bits of information. This is nonsense. A particle only has information in that it differs from the background, from the measurements of "(relative) void. You need difference to have surprise and information entropy is defined by surprise.

But there isn't a solid consensus on what it is in the first place. It's a rare work that actually takes this seriously instead of assuming Shannon Entropy answers this (it doesn't). Pic related. Bohm was good on this sort of thing too.

You'll see a similar problem with decoherence and "sharing information causes collapse." First, where is this in the Schrodinger equation. Collapse is adhoc, Everett's point still stands on that. Second, components of entangled systems have mutual information. Information about the system is being shared.

You'll find the same Copenhagen murkiness about what constitutes observation lurking in what constitutes information exchange, just with extra levels of confusion (and sometimes obscurantism) to get around it.

>> No.14960100
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>> No.14961430

kill and run.
hit and run.

>> No.14961740
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>Explaining a null result instead of just forming an actual, proper hypothesis and doing an experiment

It's an undetectable MEDIUM, just like Einstein said. There is no experiment that can prove the existence of it, it can only be logically inferred as the truth simple because "there is no other way".

>> No.14962218
File: 39 KB, 452x472, Screenshot_20221104-215858_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
