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14953969 No.14953969 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time we stop putting autism on a pedestal. Autism is correlated with low empathy levels. In other words, autists are inhuman. They don't have normal human morality. That's why they're self-centered and egotistical. Most evil people in history were autistic.

>> No.14953977

>incel furry frogerino
didn't read post

>> No.14953981

Kill yourself, autist.

>> No.14954008
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>Autism is correlated with low empathy levels.
No it isn't.
>In other words, autists are inhuman.
Autists' neocortexes are working, and thus they are the only real humans. Neurotypical people are at best big brained reptiles.
>They don't have normal human morality.
Neurotypical people have no morality.

>> No.14954045
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>autists have le low empathy levels
Meanwhile the neurotypical normie NPC:

>> No.14954057
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Behold, the mainstream "normal human morality"

>> No.14954124

Would you kindly elaborate on the neocortex theory

>> No.14954166

How accurate are autism tests online?
I did some and I was lightly positive, I'm not autistic like the kids that sit silently and state at puzzle tiles, but I'm what here on 4chan is referred to as an autist, like I have very deep interest in certain subjects and spend most of my time reading about that and dont like "normie" activities like going to the disco, and in general I dont find myself enjoying time with others except very few people
Ironically I have a gf tho

>> No.14954272

Autism is not a disability; it is a personality trait. If they removed your autism, you wouldn't be you anymore. A lot of technological advancements were made by autistic people, so it can be a genetic gift under the correct circumstances. The issue here is that society has refused to accommodate to autistics, thus giving it the illusion that it is a disability. If only society cared and catered to autistic individuals, then it wouldn't be seen as a bad thing

>> No.14954279

both of these posts are morally correct though

>> No.14954292

I don't know, I'm unvaccinated so I'm probably a bit biased but they do both sound fairly authoritarian and politically charged. I doubt they had those views during sars. Maybe if covid was Ebola it would lean towards being reasonable. It's fairly easy to just avoid people when your unvaccinated though too

>> No.14954322

I am autistic and empathetic. I think a lot of autistic people just become assholes because they lose track of themselves, unable to reconcile the moral inconsistencies of neurotips with their understanding of their place in the ecosystem. Sad, imagine the things we could accomplish without all these normies crawling about the earth like pink insects...

>> No.14954377

it's morally correct to shoot people like you and them

>> No.14954392

Take your ragebait back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.14954444

autism is a subset of narcissism

>> No.14954697

My current (probably not final) hypothesis us something like this:
As vision became ubiquitous, the natural evolutionary reaction was to became harder to spot. The predator prey dynamics were likely a lot different from what they are today, and the typical predator relied on being unseen until prey got near enough to get snatched. Mimicry and camouflage was key. Large cerebellums may have evolved to facilitate this battle of wits.
But this eventually reached a sort of conundrum - it was surely possible to become ever more sensitive to anything unusual, but the problem was that most slightly unusual things were not predators. With this ancient brain structure there was a choice between being eaten by a missed predator, or starving through extreme paranoia, escaping from every odd twig or piece of rock and so on. And a new brain structure allowed a way out of this by doing pretty much the opposite and determining what things were not, this is not a predator/this is not a twig,
etc. which was the neocortex. It made all but the most advanced camouflage useless, and much dying out resulted.

This, however, left us with a rather precarious brain structure. There is the cerebellum which creates ideas, and the neocortex, which filters out the impossible based on what has been seen.
When the cerebellum is not working right, you get dumb in the usually understood sense, you can't figure out anything, at all.
But when the neocortex is not working right, you become a fucking genius, with insane deduction skills, and amazing intuition. The problem however is that it's insane in the completely literal sense. To make everything worse, and what allowed our current situation, the neocortex requires very specific nutrients, and is generally prone to failure much more than the old lizard brain.

>> No.14954741

Accuracy depends a lot of the quality of the test and is really hard to gauge. Even experts on autism would have to do a week's work to ascertain the accuracy of the results. If you want to know go talk to a shrink or therapist and ask them to point you to the right person (if they're not the right person already)

>> No.14954758

saying autist having bad empathy is like saying someone with a shitty phone reception is deaf cause they can't hear what is being said over the phone

>> No.14954761

>But when the neocortex is not working right, you become a fucking genius, with insane deduction skills, and amazing intuition. The problem however is that it's insane in the completely literal sense. To make everything worse, and what allowed our current situation, the neocortex requires very specific nutrients, and is generally prone to failure much more than the old lizard brain.
Which nutrients?

>> No.14954772

t. someone who has never seen a low-functioning autist

>> No.14954781

Nah, we had these exact issues during the 1918 flu and the yellow fever epidemics. It's an ancient issue.

I'm sorry, you're going to be medicated for your own good.

>> No.14954794

This: You can't be bad at something you are incapable of doing

>> No.14954801

OP, did you get autism confused with racism?

>> No.14954820

>I'm sorry, you're going to be medicated for your own good.
You need to follow >>14954697 advice and give yourself a lead injection. Preferably directly into your neocortex at high speed.

>> No.14954824

yeah sorry no

take meds now

>> No.14954828

You're the one who wants to enact some psychotic revenge fantasy on people who were right all along about the covid vaccine. You need to be evicted from polite society before you hurt someone.

>> No.14954831

>people who were right all along about the covid vaccine

medication can help with your delusions

>> No.14954984

No refunds. You have to live with it.

>> No.14955040
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>> No.14955059

When people on 4chan call someone an 'autist', they tend to mean that the person is displaying unique quirks or idiosyncrocies, as opposed to the official, medical diagnosis. At least, this is how it seems to me in the 90% of contexts in which I see it used.

In other words, I hope no one is unironically putting autism on a pedestal: My cousin has it and he basically cannot live a normal life, his parents still dress him, he has mental breakdowns in public, it's bad, and I don't wish it on anyway. And he's just 'on the spectrum' too, not even full-blown. I have seen way worse at his groups.

They aren't sympathetic because they don't even really understand what is going on in the world. Our standard day to day interactions are scary and confusing to them. They aren't empathetic because they don't know what that means, because they aren't capable of it. That is one of the primary, determining factors in identifying Autism as a medical diagnosis: incapabilitiy of legitimate empathy.

>> No.14955090

Autism isnt a disease, or a "diagnosis", its like a more wild and less domesticated type of humans, who see the world through the lens of an animal and not as a "person", so to speak. They are seeing things in a completely more factly way, and are unable to communicate well with normies because it is almost like being a different species.
I dont think Autism is a disease, because if anything, being a normie is more of a wonder than being autistic.

>> No.14955099

Are you the guy who thinks you need to megadose lead to encourage autism? Because if so then I agree autists are lead poisoned.

>> No.14955116
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No, but I do think Autism is a way more dope existence than being a meaninigless normie consumer or whatever

>> No.14955323

I mean most autists are /pol/ tier racists anyway

>> No.14955338

Is there a dump or collection of posts like these anywhere?

>> No.14955349
File: 45 KB, 736x783, 130169444446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they tend to mean

They tend to mean "Aspergers", dumbass.

>> No.14955357

it's infinitely better to have low empathy levels than the """empathy""" normies have

>> No.14955516

Society needs social glue

>> No.14955547

Autists are over-romanticized, our shitty media likes to push a troupe that somehow autism isn’t bad, it’s just “different”.

Autism is bad, there is no benefit to autism, any person with it who somehow does well in life would have been 1000x more successful if they weren’t autistic.

They’re insufferable, I eliminate anyone who displays autistic traits in interviews, I’d take a midwit who I can stomach spending a day in the lab with over any gifted autist.

Problems take longer to solve? Who gives a shit, not me.

Disgusting subhumans.

>> No.14955620

Retarded take. Elon Musk is confirmed to be autistic, and it is likely Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are too (but this isn't confirmed). Many famous scientists may have been autistic as well, including Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Thomas Jefferson. High-functioning autists can have a number of advantages over neurotypicals. For instance, they tend to be better at specialized tasks and less likely to lose their cool in emergency situations. They also have different thinking patterns than neurotypicals, which can be situationally useful.

>> No.14955681

No, that isn't me. I'm >>14954697

>> No.14955683

Human level is measured by EQ?

>> No.14955702

>Autism is correlated with low empathy levels
You've obviously never met any female autizmos. No other kind of human being relates to protagonists in TV, movies or books more. I lived with one for 5 years. I'll agree that they're weirdly selective; that they'll be almost sociopathic towards real people. But characters in fiction? They'll have all kinds of emotional attachment and investment. They're anime schoolgirls.

>> No.14955713

*You are correlated with low empathy levels. In other words, you are inhuman. You don't have normal human morality. That's why you're self-centered and egotistical. Most evil people in history were like you. Dumbass.

>> No.14955718 [DELETED] 

autists, aspies and most strange neurodivergent people in general are better humans.
NTs let shit slip away all the time modern society is a direct reflection of NT morality and ideals, not the autist/strange.

>> No.14955727 [DELETED] 

NTA, but we all have prefrontal cortices there is no need for hardwired social glue we all understand concepts of self governing and the need for community.

>> No.14955783

Not that kind of glue. Normie ""empathy"" is completely destructive. It's hard to tell if it's actually real, only so stupid, or little more than just pretend play about who lookes like the better person.

>> No.14955788

>I’d take a midwit who I can stomach spending a day in the lab with over any gifted autist.
>Problems take longer to solve? Who gives a shit, not me.
Time is not the problem, in fact the midwit will probably solve them faster. But the autist will solve them correctly. You get stuck in an endless loop of getting everything wrong AGAIN with the midwit.

>> No.14955789 [DELETED] 

anons keep talking shit about NT empathy, can you kindly provide an example on how "fake" it is?

>> No.14955792 [DELETED] 

>Time is not the problem
it is under unregulated infinite growth capitalism mentality

>> No.14955798

U r gay, it’s not low empathy levels, it just looks that way to you. It’s actually raw honesty and a refusal to participate in groupthink of any kind, they are not in your group or the opposition group, they are independent. They will sometimes lead the groupthink, but they are not truly participating in it from that position, it is the followers who are falling victim to participation in the groupthink. They are also better than the psychopaths who do the same things but with selfish and evil intent.

>> No.14955800

Daily reminder that a million "neurotypical" military men destroyed Iraq because the TV told them to. Maybe some of them had regrets later on, but most of them didn't

>> No.14955806

>A: What do we get for dinner.
>B: (Randomly assumes A wants to get pizza) How about pizza?
>C: I go with pizza
>D: I'm ok with pizza
>E: I don't know, maybe some sushi?
>All (incl. A, who now thinks that B, C and D, want pizza.): no, let's go with pizza.
>every single of them actually wamted sushi.

>> No.14955809

>autists literally believe they are "immune to propaganda"
I had never seen a group in which propaganda and memes of any sort take off faster. Very susceptible to manipulation.

>> No.14955813

There is nothing immoral about this, and neither are these people "low empathy" because the vaccine is not harmful.

>> No.14955815 [DELETED] 

>herd mentality

>> No.14955820

The extreme need for consistency makes creating propaganda that would work on autists almost impossible. Even when it does work, they will discard it as soon as they encounter anything that casts doubt on it. A lot of manipulation techniques are not even noticed and completely ignored.

Neurotypical people are much easier to manipulate as long as your propaganda doesn't contradict their existing beliefs. They will FIGHT anything that casts any doubt on the propaganda (you don't even have to do it yourself) and they are so suggestible that it's often harder not to mislead them.

>> No.14955824

>The extreme need for consistency
You mean pattern recognition which autists are good at. Their judgement however is orders of magnitude worse than in any normie which is why you keep seeing retards on this website falling for literally the the most thinly veiled shit ever as long as it's backed by two infographics stitched together.

You simply get fed false data all the time and there goes your need for consistency. Nobody here checks anything, this site is 90% percent retards.

>> No.14955825

Most people in history were autistic. Normies are actually disabled in wilderness. You even see what happens on pampered survival shows, they fail to throw spears at monkeys instead of following the monkeys or picking up the food the monkeys throw at them. They just keep trying to eat monkeys because apparently they don't know about HIV in monkey blood. >>14953977

>> No.14955837

You have it the other way round.
Just think about it. You have the autists "falling for propaganda" that there are only two genders, and neurotypicals who believe there are seven.
Yes, there is a kind of inverse autist which sort of ultra neurotypical.
Yes, depending on age and place, you may remember the times when it was the other way round, and "autism" was the norm.

>> No.14955850

The rate of transgenderism among the autistic is so high that it's considered a comorbid mental disorder.

>> No.14955853

>When people on 4chan call someone an 'autist', they tend to mean that the person is displaying unique quirks or idiosyncrocies
"Autis[m/t(ic)]" replaced the usage of "Retard[ed/s/ation]".

>> No.14955880

>neurotypicals who believe there are seven.
I guarantee that the vast majority of neurotypicals do not believe it, just get drunk with them.

If anything it's a shouting match between two radical fringes that largely takes place online and reverbates through society with hapless normies taking this side or the other. Funniest part is the seven genders thing was probably cooked up by autists in the first place since the rates of sexual aberrations are demonstrably very high in that population.

>> No.14955888

Yes, but I bet that all of those are the "inverse" autists (their sensory processing is even more diminished than in normal people)
I can't. I talk nonsense when I get drunk, and got it used against me.

>> No.14955930

>their sensory processing is even more diminished than in normal people
Hyper-vigilance is a key factor of autism, they are sensing so many things compared to NTs.

It’s tough to compare sensory processing between NT and ND. NDs sense so much more than NTs, so they are probably processing more than any NT is at any time, but sometimes they are sensing so extremely much that it can be difficult even for them to process and they shut down.

Some ND don’t look you in the eye because they naturally use peripheral vision…peripheral vision gives more detail than directly looking at something (for both NT and ND)…if the ND doesn’t understand how to process all of this extra information or can’t control that extra info, they get overwhelmed. Most NTs don’t even know how to consciously use peripheral vision. Feds get training on peripheral vision and it can become a learned skill for them, but they can’t always process as much as an ND could because fedbois are NT and have baseline NT processing, so they still just naturally discard 90% of the extra information.

>> No.14956229

Science is wrong. Neocortex is for sensory processing, and neurotypicality is its damage. Neurotypicals simply have no capacity to process the sensen as the lizard brain doesn't have the capacity to process the amount of data provided by human vision; it can only manage fovea and motion.
Nothing is overwhelming, NTs often get stuck on something random. As I wrote above >>14954697
I believe the neocortex most likely evolved when predation relied almost completely on camouflage, instead of chasing prey. The neocortex provided a way out of it by allowing to reanalize the unusual. This leaves NT constantly threatened by anything slightly out of the ordinary, as there is no neocortex to process it and determine what it is.

>> No.14958180

As for how it happened, it might needed nothing more than the use of fire. You know how burning coal releases heavy metals, the same must have happened woth wood when it still contained them. Then the problem is that a lot of those fall in the ocean, and over the hundreds of thousands of years, there were no longer enough, and people got insane.

>> No.14958340 [DELETED] 

BTW, I also suspect that the "serial killers" were mostly caused by radio, and the majority of accused were innocent men obsessed with police work. The adoption of radio allowed to easily listen and get to crime scenes to watch, which caused suspicion and eventual false conviction. This ended with radio encription.

>> No.14958341

BTW, I also suspect that the "serial killers" were mostly caused by radio, and the majority of accused were innocent men obsessed with police work. The adoption of radio allowed to easily listen and get to crime scenes to watch, which caused suspicion and eventual false conviction. This ended with radio encryption.

>> No.14960151
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>> No.14960154
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>> No.14960157
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>> No.14960208

Have you taken your rapid lead injection, anon?