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1491734 No.1491734 [Reply] [Original]

You must post ITT if you watch Fox News solely for its comedic value

>> No.1491736


>> No.1491744
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>> No.1491748
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I have no idea what your talking about....

>> No.1491747

I don't, but I watch Stewart and Colbert making fun of Fox News.

>> No.1491752

Sometimes, but I'm always afraid that my satellite box might be transmitting ratings data and I feel bad if I'm helping Glenn Beck's ratings.

>> No.1491757
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Colbert doesn't make fun of Fox. He said himself that O'Reilly is his role model.

>> No.1491760

i do

>> No.1491763


>> No.1491766

Colbert's entire television persona is satire.

>> No.1491769


bish colbert just be trollin

>> No.1491776

i am unable to watch fox news without wanting to gouge pieces of my brain out.

>> No.1491785


I present to you the intelligence of the average liberal. DURR WAT IS SATIRE?

>> No.1491792


funny how it correlates with the average intelligence of most human beings.

>> No.1491799


No, the bell curve for liberals is clearly a shifted one. I don't have the energy to start with you, but think about it:

most niggers: liberal
most young people: liberal
most Women: liberal

Need I say more?


>> No.1491818

>most niggers: liberal
lol nope, they hate a lot of liberal ideology
>most young people: liberal
lol nope, they just want to smoke weed
>most Women: liberal
lol nope, they just want to get out of doing dishes

>> No.1491850

Fucking liberals! With all their human rights, science, and stem cell research!

>> No.1491860

Implying being young means scoring lower on standardized tests

>> No.1491862
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>> No.1491871
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>> No.1491880

how do you people find the news funny? the oil spill? the wars in afghanistan and iraq? you assholes think that shit is just so hilarious?

>> No.1491908
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Beck totally makes me LOL. I'm waiting for the tinfoil hats to come out. I think as of my last viewing, Obama was working with Space Aliens.

>> No.1491911

>never watches Fox

>> No.1491912
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>> No.1493148
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I thought my post was sufficiently absurd but apparently these retards didn't get the joke. ... even with the attached photo.

>> No.1493162


We're not talking about news. We're talking about Fox News. The oil spill isn't funny, Fox News blaming Obama for the oil spill is funny.

>> No.1493172

We don't get that shit in Canada.

>> No.1493175
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>> No.1493177


>> No.1493178

That surprised me too. /sci/ has low resistance to trolling apparently.

>> No.1493188

I live in the UK, it isnt broadcast over here. I love going to youtube to watch that shit though it is hilarious! It is almost a joke how it can be considered news

>> No.1493190

Fukken mandatory.

>> No.1493211

Cmon guys lets get real here

I watch fox news almost daily for its reporting, alright im a republican but it has nothing to do with fox, they are the most fair and balanced news station going in my opinion, bill o reilly ftw

>> No.1493220
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>> No.1493312

O'reilly insists more people overdose on THC than all other drugs combined. I never took him serious again.

>> No.1493339


>> No.1493359

Billo thinks that 0 > anything? really?

>> No.1493380
