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File: 58 KB, 650x366, 878233-kepler-mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1487106 No.1487106 [Reply] [Original]


Surely there must be intelligent life on one of those planets.

>> No.1487121

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k alphabet soup

>> No.1487139

Why does everything exist? What if nothing existed?

>> No.1487159
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>> No.1487156

Depends whether or not you are platonic.

>> No.1487167

If I have a jar with 10 billion coins and the first one I pick is a dime, surely there must be more dimes.

Not really, especially if the dime is there on accident or placed there on top of the pennies, then even though I have the one example of the dime, it doesn't guarantee anymore then the one I'm holding.

You scientists are so objective and skeptical until you get a fetish for something.

>> No.1487176

Define "life", OP

>> No.1487179

I am excited, feels like there is so much to do and so little time.

>> No.1487185

Fuck it, we'll all be dead before they ever find anything

>> No.1487191

They better fucking hurry up and prove Einstein wrong then, I wanna see some alien pussy. And with 100 million chances, something out there will give your average human a boner.

>> No.1487196



>> No.1487204

if it has a hole with no teeth, and isn't a carnivore, then i think that won't be too hard.

>> No.1487205

Probabilities cut both ways, true. Sure it is a fetish, but it is SCIENCE, you get to learn new stuff, that is what scientists do, higher probabilities of something fascinating happening means lots of shit to do. No mysteries no science.

>> No.1487212


who says other life reproduces like we do?

>> No.1487216

Who says you can't fuck it?

>> No.1487224

not familiar with what einstein said on this. care to elaborate?

>> No.1487231

I have a boner already! Mission accomplished!

>> No.1487229

now lets kill religion and go explore our amazing universe

>> No.1487227

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k starting

>> No.1487222

Coming from the Kirk School of Interplanetary Relations I see...

>> No.1487239


Good luck

>> No.1487249

I would add: With both.

>> No.1487251

>100 million habitable planets in the Milky Way Galaxy
Maybe Gene was right all along.

>> No.1487275


Who says it needs to. and with 100 million lottery tickets, you're bound to hit the jackpot eventually. Especially if you lower your standards a massive amount.

>> No.1487309


>> No.1487318

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k miley cyrus records

>> No.1487326


Oh that poor sentient blob of goo that appears after 127 consecutive lifeless but with the possibility to sustain life planets.

>> No.1487327

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k vaccinations

>> No.1487330

You are just being statistically ignorant, a jar of coins is a terrible analogy, especially considering the galaxy, has a more or less regular distribution of star temperatures and sizes(when going laterally around the galactic core)

>> No.1487334

I don't think you understand. Our galaxy is an incredibly large object in a universe that is is so large and so absolutely full of shit, we can't possibly comprehend it all. This is no jar of pennies. That comparison isn't at all valid when considering something on so grand a scale as a galaxy or all of the galaxies in the universe. You cannot discount the possibility that, on planets other than our Earth, the matter of the cosmos has arranged itself into or resembling patterns that we would call living.

Planets are not unique to our sun. Earth-like properties are not unique to Earth. Beyond that, we're not even aware of how many different ways life can work (being that we're only familiar with lifeforms that have only recently arisen on Earth), so it's possible that you may not even need a planet like Earth.

>> No.1487354

You're not special. WE'RE not special.

Stop circle jerking yourself.

>> No.1487395
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>> No.1487414
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I'd fuck it.

>> No.1487644


>> No.1487675

are you that full of yourself? If everything in the universe exists that allows what you see around you including life to exist, then it sure hell should happen elsewhere in the universe.

>> No.1487780

If we're being hypothetical, what we need to do is get both time travel and faster then light travel at the same time.

-Find uninhabited but habitable planet using FTL travel.
-Gather a shitload of photosynthetic algae and various extremophiles.
-Go back 1 million years
-dump your payload on uninhabited planet (let's call it planet X).
-Go forward half a million years
-Make sure planet X is covered in primitive life (if not redo this step with different algae)
-Get samples
-go back to start time


-Grab a shitload of Criminals (or volunteers or whatever)
-Grab some necessary wildlife/plants (whatever can survive off of your new primitive life from half a million years ago without dying, and then be eaten by people)
-OPTIONAL: See what planet X looks like in present day (doesn't matter at all)
-go back in time half a million years
-dump them and some assorted earth wildlife on Planet X (don't leave any tech)
-Go forward in time.
-WHAM Fuckable 'aliens'.
-(if something goes wrong ie: they die or aren't fuckable redo step 2)

And that is how you make your classic fuckable Rubber forehead alien from Startrek/wars/etc.

tl;dr : time machines + faster then light travel = intergalactic pussy

>> No.1489002
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>> No.1489018
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>> No.1489024

>Surely there must be intelligent life on one of those planets.

Yes, on Earth.

>> No.1489034

404 no intelligence found

>> No.1489043

It's not like we're going to know whether there's any life, intelligent or not, on any of these planets anytime soon. For the most part, we know planets are there by observing the variations in the light coming from their stars. Details that go beyond the mass/size of the planet are out of our reach, including whether it has any life or even if the sky is blue. Most of the time we can barely tell that "it's probably a gas giant".

>> No.1489050
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>> No.1489058

We can do spectroscopy on the atmosphere of planets that pass between us and their star.

The sunlight reflected off the atmosphere tells us what the atmosphere is composed of.

>> No.1489060


2014, webb space telescope

>> No.1489065
File: 7 KB, 55x60, 1280141829288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed your picture

>> No.1489080

>PhD in Aerospace Engineering and postdoctoral work in FTL travel.
>Early access to regenerative medicine and immortality.
>Free ticket to any planet in the galaxy.

See ya later, suckers.

>> No.1489087

Moar like...

>See ya later, creationists.

>> No.1489089

Creationist detected, I'll handle this:

Where are the pre-cambrian rabbits?
Why do we share over 96% of our DNA with other primates?
Why do whales have tiny vestigial limbs?
Why do Manatees/Seals have nails on their flippers?

Alright those were simple questions, but they should be enough to make him run back to his church and maybe cry over his bible.

>> No.1489093

>Phd in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k without trying

>> No.1489099

>didn't read lol


>> No.1489138

This proves ET life? You watched too much TV as a kid.

>> No.1489149


>> No.1489168


Too bad America will be like "herp derp God Jesus Bible" and Nasa will be shut down.

>> No.1489177


It's the way god made them.

>> No.1489415
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>> No.1489429

>America will be like "herp derp God Jesus Bible"
laughed till I blacked out

>> No.1489450
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>> No.1489463


>> No.1489471

The American Empire will unite our planet.
Afterward we shall take our conquest to the sea of stars.

>> No.1489483

The European Empire will unite our planet.
Afterward we shall take our conquest to the sea of stars


>> No.1489493
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>> No.1489495
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> America
> Empire

>> No.1489508

You know, thinking about it, this is more plausible.
While US goes around 'liberating' people, grabbing for resources, the EU instead goes "Hey! Wanna join our AWESOME club? Are you AWESOME enough? Ok, we'll give you X years to prove you're AWESOME."

>> No.1489522

And then one member stops being so AWESOME and can't meet requirements, and the club tells that member to get its shit together, but that member can't, and now the entire club is borrowing money from their parents to keep him from moving away to some trailer park.

>> No.1489523


>> No.1489524

>implying America hasn't already culturally conquered all 1st world countries

>> No.1489525

>implying that Greece shouldn't move to a trailer park for being shitty

>implying germany is europe's parent?

>> No.1489528

Not Gordonia.
>mfw I made a reference to an indie film that's only had 3 screenings

>> No.1489529

South Americans aspire to be AWESOME too and thus they formed UNASUR. Eventually these kind of unions might merge to some degree.

>> No.1489530
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>implying america has any culture

>> No.1489531

With pop culture, media and so on and so forth, sure. But not religion. Thankfully, the rest of the developed, democratized nations and societies are far more secular.

>> No.1489533


> American
> Culture


>> No.1489541
File: 64 KB, 500x739, redneck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, America has a culture.

>> No.1489543


>> No.1489555

in b4 manifest destiny... IN SPACE!

>> No.1489556

>implying it wouldn't be the end of humanity on earth, if people started dying later, while continuing to breed like rabbits.

>> No.1489560

Imagine if there is life out there and they resemble us even just enough that we find it fuckable.

It's like discovering the Americas all over again.
I'm up for fucking intergalactic indians, who's with me?

>> No.1489566

Fucking furry, go back to watching Avatar.

>> No.1489571

What about suspending brains in virtual reality, never reproducing?

>> No.1489574

Who's saying that they'll be furries?

For all we know, they could be some sort of plant life that we find attractive.

>> No.1489575

Most transhumanists will engineer away their sexual desires, behaviors and reproductive organs. The ones who don't will be seen as perverts and they will be exiled to the pervert prison sector of the galaxy.

>> No.1489579
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1.2 to 1.57 billion Muslims - no intellegens

>> No.1489581

Strangely, I believe this completely.

>> No.1489584

It would be awesome to be surrounded by perverts who all want to fuck.

>> No.1489587

>it would be sweet to be locked in a place with a bunch of horny mutant men

>> No.1489599

>it would be awesome to be gang raped by furries aboard a colony ship for several millennia straight

>> No.1489687


>> No.1489697

Why do these planets even exist if the Bible were true.

>> No.1489863


>> No.1489880

Guess it means the Bible isn't true. Or maybe God just put those habitable planets there to test our faith.

>> No.1489895

Yeah 'cause God obviously only wants the most blind and ignorant people in heaven

>> No.1489917

>Implying earth is like a special unique flower because we're all so special and wonderful.

There's other life out there somewhere.

>> No.1489925
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>> No.1490027
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We shall spread democracy to other planets!

...one alien at a time

>> No.1490043

I think they will have discovered it before, and implemented a better system.

>> No.1490078


>> No.1490230

We need to hurry up and find those other planets so we can spread the Word of God to 'em, obviously.

>> No.1490659
