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14884552 No.14884552 [Reply] [Original]

I always had the impression that people in academically rigorous fields like Math, Physics, etc..generally held informed/nuanced opinions on even subject matters outside their field. But the more interact with them the more I realise the very few are genuinely like that. The rest generally hold retarded opinions on everything ranging from econ to history(although they like to talk like they're the authority on the matter). I'm not talking about some bums from lower tier unis. A Math Phd (from a fairly well known uni in Europe) now stalks me on my social media because he got BTFO on a history related topic. He was a maoist btw. Like how the fuck does this happen? Can your biases and base instincts override the logical part of your brain that easily?

>> No.14884555

>Like how the fuck does this happen?
What do you think should happen when you subject yourself to constant brainwashing?

>Can your biases and base instincts override the logical part of your brain that easily?
You have it completely backwards. It's the "logical" part of the brain that sometimes overrides the default mode based on intuition. This takes conscious intent. Academic midwits have no such intent.

>> No.14884559

Not every STEMcel is Von Neumann. Very few are well rounded individuals with intellectual humility. We aren't in the days where you need to be a naturally gifted individual to be a STEM phd. An individual with average intelligence but with the patience and the ability grind can become a phd.

>> No.14884564

It's common for people in certain fields to feel like they're super brilliant because they know one thing, but then actually be giant midwits or autists who just ended up hyper-specialized.

Noam Chomsky is an example of this. Or Richard Dawkins. They're both quite lauded in their spheres, but they both have insanely simplistic viewpoints when leaving those spheres.

>> No.14884569

a piece of paper hanging on the wall in your office doesn't make you smart. most people are retarded


>> No.14884572

This. Most STEMcels are midwits. University degrees are just certificates of obedience.

>> No.14884578

No you're just a worthless talentles trash and there are greater people at multiple things anon, please cope

>> No.14884579

Chomsky can run circles around you on most topics chud.

>> No.14884581


>> No.14884586

You are not intelligent enough to understand his opinions, capitalist pig.

>> No.14884590
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>Chomsky can run circles around you
lmfao I consider anything between 100-140 IQ as midwit. Hes a normie-tier man, at best.

Whats a "midwit" to you, since you think Noam is "smart"?

>> No.14884606

Must be why he deleted his tweets then.

>> No.14884610

>Whats a "midwit" to you
Having cat pics saved on your phone.

>> No.14884619

it doesn't matter how smart you are if you are using flawed information to form your opinion
being good at math doesn't mean you are necessarily capable of discerning propaganda from fact, or misinfo and disinfo from fact
there is also the added layer for the super intelligent of risk vs. reward for 'noticing' and being vocal about things
dare you speak up and lose your grants/funding/opportunities? or do you pretend to have normie opinions and regurgitate the establishment party line so you can keep rolling in dough?
there have been plenty of moments in my life when I knew the truth about something, but nodded along with an obvious falsehood, because there was no benefit to speaking up
being actually-intelligent means also being able to identify the risk factors of displaying dangerous intelligence
power is okay with smart people staying in their lane, but if power notices smart people questioning their structure, they will destroy them ruthlessly
its a tiresome game and if all you really care about is a particular subject, deciding to stay in your lane is an acceptable fate (for most)
grifters like Chomsky survive off of being contentious and questioning the status quo, and its just another application of intellect in a field, in his case he is an entertainer, which is fine, but make no mistake, it IS a grift since he has no deliverables

>> No.14884625

I think Chomsky started off sincere but became a grifter later on.

>> No.14884627
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Go back to /b/.
This is a discussion about intelligence, academia and relevance between them.

>> No.14884631

>people hold retarded opinions in subjects which they're not experts on
Wow, so shocking!

>> No.14884634
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not enjoying cat pics is peak midwitism

>> No.14884638
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>people hold retarded opinions in subjects which they're not experts on
Im more of an expert on infectious diseases than someone with a PhD and 40 years experience in the field.

Riddle me that....

>> No.14884640
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>>He was a maoist btw
>OP thinks this is a retarded take
You are too retarded to understand this man's intelligence
Maybe you should get a math PhD before accusing people of retarded takes

>> No.14884645

Uncle Ted wasn't a maoist btw.

>> No.14884650

Not the op, but the day a mathematician addresses my proof instead of making desperate excuses and threats and then runs away with his tail between his legs because I don’t bow to his “superior intellect” retardedness and accept that I am wrong because he is too afraid to face up to the truth, is the day that they are not, all of them ,completely ignorant psychotic morons.

>> No.14884656
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>my proof
Can I get a quick rundown of what its trying to solve/show?

>> No.14884659

No. Here is my proof. Address it instead of appealing to tradition logical fallacy.


>> No.14884661

Isnt this the same problen that dark matyer and the electric universe are dealing with?

If their not willing to think critically about dark matter, which is spoken about in offical academia, theyre not gunna look to outsiders for solutions.

In my personal research, the dark matter thing is known psuedo science but it there for the security of the people. Meaning if everyone realized all of "science" is completely wrong and blind the people of earth would flip the fuck out.

>> No.14884662

The last time a cat person got uppity against me irl, I brutally beat them up. Busted their nose and teeth reaaaaal good. Just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.14884664
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Go back to /b/.
I can see through your false bravado, kid. I would fold you in half.

>> No.14884668

My numbers.
Bench 185kg, Squat 235kg, OHP 110kg, Deadlift 240kg
I can tear you from limb to limb.

>> No.14884670

Post body.
>I swear...if youre that puffy motherfucker....

>> No.14884672
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>>quick rundown
>One day a guy called J. Mandlbaur decides to do an experiment in his garage
>Discovers he can violate COAM (conservation of angular momentum) with a ball on a penis
>Physicists try to shut him down vigorously
>Shocks everyone when he proves light has a mass (and thus his dick too)
>Johnny then goes on to disprove much of modern physics with a blow to the work-energy principle
>Gets contact from aliens who tell him that the real formula for the surface area of a sphere is [math] 2 \pi^2 r^2 [/math]
>J. Mandibular is now on a mission to BTFO mathematicians

>> No.14884686

You accept that it is fine for the best minds of our time scientists to waste their lives away studying bullshit to protect their sensitive little egos from facing the truth?

Fucking deluded cope bullshit.

>> No.14884688

Mathematicians btfo their own fucking asses by being the ignorant creeps they are. Address my paper or fuck off you stupid cunt.

>> No.14884706
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this man (chris langan) has 200 I.Q

if you check his instagram, his pictures near the bottom show that he doesn't know how to crop an image properly. how can this be? that a 200 I.Q man doesn't know how to use technology properly?

the answer is that life only gives you so much time to gain expertise in one thing. the more you focus attention on one area, the more another area atrophies due to not being used

you can try to become a jack of all trades, but this means having a shallow generalized understanding of everything, and how it all connects..without having any detail, nuance, specifics and intellectual depth

the world favors specialists compartmentalized into their own little boxes. companies take advantage of this and keep everyone walled off from each other in their own lanes, so that nobody ever finds out what the overall big picture, intent and impact of the final product is

generalized intelligence is associated with wisdom and crystallized intelligence. older people tend to have wisdom because they've seen so much stuff happen in their lives, that they've built up a repertoire with which they can INTUIT an understanding. They can look at something that has an overwhelming amount of variables to it, and take a shot in the dark that will end up being fairly accurate

>> No.14884724

>that a 200 I.Q man doesn't know how to use technology properly?
Your analogy doesn't make sense because it's not like he's pretending to be an expert photoshop. He probably doesn't care how his cropping looks. But politics, history, and econ discussions are different. These are topics that many seem to care deeply about. Many even seem to put a lot of effort into it(Chomsky for example). The more accurate answer is that many people are simply unwilling to let go of their biases on these topics.

>> No.14884727

Being gifted doesn't make you smart. Intelligence requires self-awareness.

>> No.14884736


Sit down and calm down....bigger fish than you are fighting the good fight...regardless if you see it or not. My work concurs with much of his, or Ken Wheelers, or Norman the Wild-burger.

All of them are doing the work against the Evil Empire.

>> No.14884738

Don’t tell me to calm down you piece of arrogant shit. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14884741

>protect their sensitive little egos from facing the truth?
No...you also think Im dumber than you and disregarded my words.

Sit Down, boy....Ive cracked this further than you ever will AND attempted to publish my works publicly, JUST LIKE ERIC.

Have you done that? Has your proven works be rejcted by academia because it would "upset the culture too much"?

Again......Im deeper than you, heed my word more than your emotions, son.

>> No.14884745

Woman moment. Breath and have a cup of cammomile tea or some shit.

>> No.14884755

Not really, most adults know most everything in this life is bullshit and most people have no clue wtf is going at any given time. You all are dumb kids so you still have faith in systems and institutions because you havent had a enough years to see how retarded and full of shit they are and they are pretty much always wrong about everything, or lying to you. Depends on how cynical you are whether it is the former or the latter

>> No.14884780
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>Your analogy doesn't make sense because it's not like he's pretending to be an expert photoshop

The point was that just because people have a high I.Q, does not mean they'll be wise or "street smart". They prioritize certain things just like you pointed out, and so neglect other things

See, you can't read between the lines son. You are probably a really smart guy, but can't pick up basic things like this because you're a math major or something

>> No.14884800

>Not really
Then explain to me how its not.

>> No.14884804

He's pretty dull at history, which is one of my areas of expertise. I can't take anyone seriously who is an academic and a supporter of Pol Pot. Right-wingers who are anti-intellectual sure, but not a member of the intelligentsia.

>> No.14884820

You can be extremely smart regarding some topics and a completely retarded regarding others, like, I was great in chemistry but awful in literature, having a math pdh doesn't mean you have an economics one

>> No.14884837


Bodhi.....its doesnt matter if its a ball on a string or a star orbiting a black hole.....

Explain it to me like this is your one chance to explain it to a full classroom of professors.

>> No.14884867

>The point was that just because people have a high I.Q, does not mean they'll be wise or "street smart"
And my point was you're arguing against a claim that was never made. It was about smart people not using the cognitive abilities on subject matter that they do care about even if it isn't their field. If you want to double down, by all means do so but I understood you just fine.

>> No.14884880

Intelligentsia wants you to think Men are women and oral history should be treated as equally as written documents. Chomsky is the least of your problems.

>> No.14884887

>oral history should be treated as equally as written documents

The ancient stories passed down for literally millenia? Yeah, I DO treat those as equal to documentation. Write (post) a lie?.....pffft.....unheard of.

>> No.14884924

>What do you think should happen when you subject yourself to constant brainwashing?
We all are, bro. Some people are just weak.

>> No.14884934

Fuck off.

>> No.14884940

I have done plenty of work nitwit.

I have made literally hundreds of submissions.


How many have you made?

>> No.14884956
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Yes modern academia is full of mythomaniac sociopaths, their ego is tied to be right at all times. They just cannot compute being wrong, so you must be destroyed in order to correct 'reality'. Sure not everyone is like that, but in the same way not all the surface of a mine field has explosive devices beneath.
In my country (as in many I think) if you contradict a professor, even for the stupidest detail on the most irrelevant topic (idk adding salt before or after the water in the pot is boiling), you're basically scarred for life and they will make you suffer. They can also put you down even if they agree with you, if they already dislike you, eh. Having tenure, they can remain insufferable and arrogant all their life. And yet they force their phd students and postgrads to call them by first name (the way it is in Ivy League teams), even if their career could be ruined at the fist signs of disagreement (or jealousy if the underling had a brilliant thought). Most people are conditioned to revere them as demigods, in the same way if a movie has won an Oscar cannot have major flaws.
> Very few are well rounded individuals with intellectual humility
my own personal life philosophy. Nobody is perfect, sure someone can be smart sometimes, but very much prone to errors in any other moment. Apparently being decent and pleasant and helpful is a superpower in these dire times. You made a mistake? Who cares, let's fix it up, it would be better next time, and here's some cake. I made a mistake? Eh, you're right. I'll try to improve. Let's have a drink
Society would improve 220% if everyone had this simple chillaxing attitude

>> No.14884959

>you're basically scarred for life and they will make you suffer. They can also put you down even if they agree with you, if they already dislike you, eh.
This is female behavior.

>> No.14884966

I dont give my works to midwits with PhDs, I give it to people who's credentials I respect. Harvard? Dunce Factory.

You'd best learn to stop fighting the machine, sir....you're SUBmitting your work to your lessers, if you have any merit you would give it to your peers.

>> No.14884967

nah, men for the vast part, young and old.

>> No.14884971

>The ancient stories passed down for literally millenia?
Well, at least you recognize them for what they're. Stories. Kek.

>> No.14884973
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Archetypical narratives used to express physiological/genetic proclivities.
>A book on genetic hybridization that relates to the Eucharist being a symbol for genetic lineage.

You are swimming in deeper waters than you can swim, my son...

>> No.14884985

>Archetypical narratives used to express physiological/genetic proclivities.
I don't have anything against "deducing" info based on these stories instead of taking them at face value and treating them as fact.

>> No.14885003
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>About 3/5th into the book it references later gene transfers, how such hybridization occures.

I would sink you into the bottom of the ocean. Deep, dark, waters...

>To understand how such lateral transfers occure one must have a deep understanding of physics to know how information is communicated between seperate entities, through the electromagnetic fields our bodies produce.

Deeper than you knew possible...

>> No.14885010

Fuck off.

>> No.14885015

Not that anon but what are these books about?

>> No.14885034

Anon discovered that an academic certificate doesn't actually make you an intelligent person, it just means you got through all the bullshit.

>> No.14885040
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>Fuck off.



>> No.14885044

Genetics...I literally said as much in my posts....

Come on, Anon....youre wanted to know without learning...it doesnt work like that...

>> No.14885061

Fuck you you stinking cunt.

>> No.14885068
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>stinking cunt

Pretty sure you're the one with one of those

>> No.14885096

Why are you harassing me?

>> No.14885105

>140 IQ, which about 1% of the population falls under, is a midwit
Kys retard.

>> No.14885110

I grade on a sliding scale, not normie-perspective-is-base scale because I am not one.

Up yo game, foo...

>> No.14885115
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>Up yo game, foo...

>> No.14885117

>Retard who thinks 140 IQ is midwit doesn't understand how IQ is defined
Color me shocked.

>> No.14885121

IQ is a hyper-specialized quotient irrespective of real world applications.

You dont understans intelligence or...fuck, anything. Begone, back to /b/ with you.

>> No.14885125

Would you expect a guy who knows a fuck ton about cars and engines to know anything about history or physics? No.

My brother is a gifted electrical engineer and works all day making shit I wouldn't have the faintest clue where to start with. He doesn't know fuck all about history or english literature, because people aren't jeopardy contestants (and even those guys know only the most basic facts about wide ranges of topics). There simply isn't enough time in most people's lives to get to know everything, so many rely on biases and base instincts, and it typically serves them well. Until it doesn't, like when they're asked difficult questions or asked to form an original thought on a topic they have little information in.

>> No.14885150

Ya dawg. I talk street and fuck yo shit up in the klass room n shit.

Drunk'd be goin hard fr fr. I talk ignirant amd shit and refute all yo claimz cuz you be dumb n shit.


>> No.14885236

What the fuck does "hyper-specialized" mean, dumbass? How is it different from "specialized", which is already an extremely narrow scope of study? Jesus Christ you're an idiot.

>> No.14885304

stop having a trannygasm

>> No.14885316

Address my paper or fuck off.
Stop trolling

>> No.14885322


>> No.14885342

Address my paper if you want me to stop.

Is that difficult to understand?