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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14883385 No.14883385 [Reply] [Original]

People in this board talk so much about quantum mechanics, consciousness, AGI, and other popsci normie shit, but when you post a thread about something that really requires scientific knowledge, like statistical mechanics or solid state physics, it doesn't matter how interesting the topic is, the thread dies.
You're all brainlets and you should kill yourselves. I wish 4chan required you to provide a bachelor's degree before you're able to post here

>> No.14883415

> I wish 4chan required you to provide a bachelor's degree before you're able to post here
I have a bachelor's degree and I'm a complete moron.
I copied all my homework assignments off chegg. After covid I looked up my quizzes and tests on chegg too. I barely put any effort in my classes and just rode the curve. If things looked bad I'd just email the professor and tell them my mom died and get extra leniency that way.

>> No.14883421

Don't be so hard on yourself. If you earned a bachelor's degree you're the big deal, don't let imposter's syndrome to tear you down

>> No.14883454 [DELETED] 

> I wish 4chan required you to provide a bachelor's degree before you're able to post here
there are already websites like that, why don't you join a degree-holder's only science discussion group on facebook?
why did you get the sense of entitlement that allows you to demand that 4chan cater to your desires when your desires have already been catered to elsewhere on the internet?
if you hate 4chan, why are you here?
just leave and your problems will vanish immediately

>> No.14883458

>t. brainlet highschool dropout

>> No.14883459

>if you hate 4chan, why are you here?
There isn't many other places to go, the internet is centralized more than ever. There are a handful of sites that constitute the vast majority of traffic now. And they all suck in various ways. Really there are no good options.

>> No.14883470

I wish there was a site like 4chan but without the racism, I like the posting system in 4chan. In reddit, I feel on a stage, forced to post extremely high quality posts or risk being punished, and also the posts are saved forever, which fuels my anxiety.
On the other hand, 4chan is very casual and if I say something stupid people ignore me, and even if someone laughs at me, I can still posting in that thread pretending I'm another anon.
If only the mods banned racism and bigotry the same way they ban you for breaking the other rules

>> No.14883481

Racism isn't the reason 4chan sucks.
4chan sucks because people like you showed up.

>> No.14883482

>/pol/ =/= 4chan.

>> No.14883483

if you google "imageboard github" you will get a list of programs that look like 4chan. Simply start running your own instance and cater it to your liking.
btw, kys -nigger

>> No.14883484

You're not helping though.
/sci/ is good for brainsturbation, but at least you get exposed to a spread of new ideas from time to time, if you're lucky.

>> No.14883492

>like statistical mechanics or solid state physics
Maybe those are very specific topics and there are very few anons who can talk on it?

>> No.14883495

>very specific topics
>common undergrad courses

>> No.14883499

They are common topics, but you need to not be an uneducated brainlet to talk about them.

>> No.14883521

>statistical mechanics or solid state physics
>common topics
Depends on level (high school/college/uni/scientisfic) of discussion.

>> No.14883575

i know what science more is than some stupid "scientist". Scientist is just some name they give themselves to sound smart. It's like if a doctor called himself a Medicinist

>> No.14883588

it's more like satirical racism or light hearted racism most of the time. You get some crazies on /pol/ but it's easy to just ignore them. They're usually just misinformed rather than truly hateful, that's the feeling i get anyway. And they say these things because of the fact you're not supposed to say them. There are some people that sound serious but I think it's the minority on the website overall. I like racial humor for example. I'll say the nigger-word on here and then i'll go watch some black comedian make fun of white people and i'll think it's funny, because i know it's not hateful

>> No.14883621
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>I wish 4chan required you to provide a bachelor's degree before you're able to post here
I'm sure 90% of the posts about those topics you listed are made by someone who has *at least* One(1) Master's Degree.

>there are already websites like that, why don't you join a degree-holder's only science discussion group on facebook?
Gatekeeping-Academic-Pseud's are a nontrivial problem for the good of Individuals/Communities/Civilization, because there's too many of them with waaaay more resources and authority/influence than they should have.

>tfw the people in charge of "protecting the West" are just trying to speed-run Civilizational Collapse.
(((They))) outsourced:
>Leadership Roles in Private Enterprise,
>Administrative Positions in Public Offices,
>Important authoritative roles in Academia/Media,
>Responsible for maintaining and protecting the West's Digital Infrastructure, which contains classified, sensitive, private data; ranging from from literal-who private citizens, to Gov Officials such as Directors of IceCream.

>> No.14883660 [DELETED] 
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all imageboard content is created by end users, if you do not like the quality of content you are seeing then you are free to try to improve what you see by contributing superior content.
people who wish to see superior content, but are too low iq, lazy or deluded about their abilities and knowledge are incapable of contributing superior content and often get frustrated and make gratuitous, self-centered threads like this where they blame "everyone except me" for their failures.
>why is /sci/ so lame? if only everyone were super duper mega smart like me the board would be way more better!!
the demanding computer animation guy makes better threads than this predictable, repetitive thread, which gets remade by another self-identified genius on a practically daily bass

>> No.14883795

real. this website is truly something unique and offers a mode of communication that literally cannot be found anywhere else. im glad its here.

>> No.14883801

People say it because it offends people like the guy you quoted, who we want to gatekeep off the website. Eternal September is cancerous and zoom-zooms need to know the culture or fuck off.

>> No.14883802

The answer is 50:50

>> No.14883828

>you should kill yourselves. I wish 4chan required you to provide a bachelor's degree before you're able to post here

Shutup you 18 year old depressive no friends outcast dork , too scared to leave his house loser. You're the fucker who simply needs to free room and die.

>> No.14883837

People like (You) are the reason why this website is bad. People that want to post about the topics that they enjoy leave because of (You). This thread is not about x or y topic, it's about (You).

>> No.14883841

Lieing cunt. Stop pretending to be a genius in distress, you gen z pussy.

Physics forum , boom. Go there. Fuck off.

>> No.14885032

>it's more like satirical racism or light hearted racism
This is what racists actually believe. . .