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14878813 No.14878813 [Reply] [Original]

This research letter was accepted for publication in July of this year and published today, almost two whole years after the global covid-19 vaccination drive began. It will be interesting to see what else is found out as more is discovered regarding the total effects of the experimental injections on the human body.



>> No.14878816

Link to main source


>> No.14880489


>> No.14880497

I'll be surprised if anything changes. Moderna's already working on an mRNA-based flu vaccine. Any risks will be justified.

>> No.14880843

It's up to the people to elect a government that will punish them for this.

>> No.14880845

Scientists need to be fucking lynched.

>> No.14881063

this is a good thing. vaxcattle blindly trusted. if they don't get somehow memed by it, they will just blindly trust again.

>> No.14881129

flu isn't contagious...

>> No.14881186
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Remember when they started dumping some of their data back in May?

>> No.14881196
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>> No.14881200
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>Any risks will be justified.
Fuck off you absolute subhuman.

>> No.14881202
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>> No.14881203

>Posting this and acting like it's bad news.

Immunity to a pandemic virus conferred to your offspring naturally through breastmilk is bad how? Furthermore, how do you have enough neurons to breathe?

>> No.14881206

Let me rephrase, any risks will be justified by politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

>> No.14881213

What if I told you two things can be true at once: there can be a global pandemic AND global institutions can act greedily and selfishly to reflate a bursting corporate debt bubble through reckless monetary policy to protect the investments and preserve the power structure?


>> No.14881214

Scientists told us it couldn't leave the shoulder muscle

>> No.14881224

The vast majority of whatever is in any intramuscular injections don't leave the muscle group it's injected into, but yeah -- the voices of public health organizations were disingenuous and unfortunately that lack of trust has led to far out beliefs like yours. Of course some material will get into systemic circulation.

>> No.14881225

>Immunity to a pandemic virus conferred to your offspring naturally through breastmilk is bad how?
They're not passing on antibodies, they're passing on LNPs and mRNA. That's pretty damn unnatural.

>> No.14881235

Well yeah, the LNP's and mRNA might not be naturally but the means through which they're conveyed to the offspring is lol. Still, the fact is a baby's immune system does the same thing with that material that an adult's does: generates an immune response and that response confers protection from whatever antigen the mRNA is coding.

So again, my question remains: How is that bad?

>> No.14881249

>Admits public health officials lied
>Your belief is far out!
Hope you're quadruple vaxxed.

>> No.14881255

>Still, the fact is a baby's immune system does the same thing with that material that an adult's does
How do we know that? Their immune development is not the same as an adult's. Innate immunity is their strength, not adaptive immunity.

>So again, my question remains: How is that bad?
Putting aside potential qualms with the actual injections, the dose the infant will receive is not controlled (the variability was substantial), and the area of uptake is not controlled.

>> No.14881301

I don't have far out beliefs. I just don't trust scientists and never will again.

>> No.14881315

>Still, the fact is a baby's immune system does the same thing with that material that an adult's does:
Takes it right to the heart, killing them with myocarditis.

>> No.14881362
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>there can be a global pandemic
I don't consider the rising rates "islamaphobia", or the frightening levels of "White Males existing" to be a justifiable excuse for trying to Genocide/Enslave White people and use their children as nonconsensual Medical Test subjects.

>> No.14881371
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>The vast majority of whatever is in any intramuscular injections don't leave the muscle group it's injected into
You shouldn't speak on such authority regarding the matter, because you clearly don't understand what you're saying.

>So again, my question remains: How is that bad?
Do you still not understand what's going on?

>> No.14881396

have a summary:

what could go wrong? myocarditis? ADE? OAS? Cancer? ADCC? Amyloidosis?
take your pick

>> No.14881431

The shill's dying words.
18 months. You retards had the facts for 20 months, blasted at you nonstop. And still you didn't know. Don't know what it will take to get through to a plebbitor.

>> No.14881792

They'll be blamed by the survivors.

>> No.14881868

It wasn't supposed to be safe. The deaths are the intended outcome, not a side-effect.