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14879758 No.14879758 [Reply] [Original]

How far are scientists from discovering how to dramatically extend our lifespans, reverse aging, or make us functionally immortal?
I know a lot reckon we might be able to do it by the next century, but I'm going to be really fucking pissed if I die of old age like 10 years before we can potentially live forever.

>> No.14879768
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On an unrelated note, Avg. Life Expectancy is declining.
So that's probably a good sign.

>> No.14880231

We are probably closer than you might think. Some experts say around 2030s - 2040s we may achieve longevity escape velocity.

>> No.14880388


>> No.14880390

>just 20 more years bro

>> No.14880414

Hey schizo, the RNA vaccines are mRNA, not related to gene editing using gRNA.

The vaccines that does modify the DNA are "DNA vaccines" like ZyCoV-D have nothing to do with CRISPR.

>> No.14880565
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human life expectancies have been decreasing for the past two decades as a result of the efforts of medical scientists.
at the turn of the century, medical error wasn't on the top ten list of most common causes of death, medical errors are now the 2nd most common cause of death after heart disease. medical errors surpassed cancer two years ago.
alexander flemming's generation of medical scientists is long gone, the current crop of incompetents trade on flemming's reputation, but they have none of his ability and none of his legitimate desire to do good, they only want to get paid and get a blue checkmark

>> No.14881047

If it's going to be invented you will not be able to afford it anyway.

>> No.14881503

Not happening. We're living too long as it is, as evidenced by the dementia epidemic.

>> No.14881504

yes maybe if you use enough word maze people will believe you correct?
mothers are feeding their children with milk filled with vaccine mRNA, look it up