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14861279 No.14861279 [Reply] [Original]

Friends could you give me a rundown on EE vs ME?

I finished my first year in general engineering, now have to choose between civil, mech or elec when I start second year next week. I've ruled out civil because it seems boring as fuck, struggling to decide between EE or ME

Any help?

>> No.14861362

both are irreplacable and offer interesting topics and fields so its mostly down to personal preference. i cant help with with that

>> No.14861383

ME is cooler but EE will fetch you money.

>> No.14861479


If you like manufacturing, machine design and materials science go for mechanical

If you like circuit theory, signal processing and machine learning go for electrical

Both intersect in the area of control theory and robotics.

>> No.14861535

boths suck and are for nerds with bad breath

t. played football in college

>> No.14862871

>Friends could you give me a rundown on EE vs ME?
>I finished my first year in general engineering, now have to choose between civil, mech or elec when I start second year next week. I've ruled out civil because it seems boring as fuck, struggling to decide between EE or ME
>Any help?

Sounds like you didnt grow up building kits or wrenching on engines, so go with ME, since unless you have already played with circuits as a kid or in high school, the likelihood of you dropping out is higher with EE, note that the dropout/transfer rate is really high in engineering in general, so the main game is to get through it without dropping out, the reality is you probably shouldnt be in the program to begin with but good luck

>> No.14862875

Did you take a physics class yet? If you liked the free body diagrams and the thinking that went into that, go with ME. If you hated it, give with EE.
>t. EE grad student that took all of the first entry level ME classes
P.S. Don’t bother double majoring unless you know someone/somewhere specifically looking for it

>> No.14862881
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They're both great respectable fields that will offer plenty of job security. Mechanical and electrical engineers will always be in-demand.

However, EE and ME are also very difficult unlike CS. Fortunately, it's well worth the struggle since employers are always going to offer high salaries to EE/ME majors. CS majors on the other hand are going to see a huge drop in average income by the end of the decade because so many low IQ retards are majoring in CS. On top of that, most software engineer/developer positions don't even require a CS degree lmao.

>> No.14862903

ME fucks

>> No.14863084

Based, EE also means you can pivot into computer/software engineering after you graduate if that tickles ur dickle

>> No.14863092

>EE also means you can pivot into computer/software engineering
Anybody who's taken a bit of logic and knows arithmetic can get into programming. Scriptkiddies can program. Fapgame makers can program. Web dev fags can program.
Anybody can write some instructions that pop something into a stack and out of it using some conditions.

Why the hell would you wanna get into EE just to program if you know Pajeets and Chinks who've never gone to college can probably program better than you could?

>> No.14863093

ME=boss, manager, big money
EE=low ranked nerd, never a management

>> No.14863185

EE, so you can quickly swap into coding and get 150k as a software dev which is what 90% of white collar does these days anyway.

Who the fuck wants to show up at work in a white shirt, or a suit as a lawyer or a doctor... Walk around hosptial 13 hours a day dealing with shit..

When you can play video games in your underwear and get paid 150k py.

>> No.14863228

You should go civil if you like getting pussy.

>> No.14863268
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Electrical is more efficient but mechanical tech fascinates me more.

>> No.14863334

Mech seems for versatile and seeing as the job market for all engineering jobs is massively oversaturated you want that versatility.

>> No.14863356


>> No.14863446

Is a PE License the license to invent I think it is?
t. wannabe super-scientist

>> No.14863452


>> No.14864058

As I understand it, it means you get the big bucks in exchange for your neck being on the line if you let anything slip by and something goes wrong.

>> No.14864216

Mechanical engineering is where you use cad software to design metal boxes. Electrical engineering is when you do real engineering.

>> No.14864230

>over saturated
lol retard. Are you 12? Engineers are over valued if anything currently. Making 75k min with a bachelor's out of college is not over saturated. Compare that to accountants who make 40k or traddies who make about 50k max 60k out of trade school.

>> No.14864287

What? EE has a higher average salary than ME. Did you do ME?

>> No.14864381

>EE, so you can quickly swap into coding and get 150k as a software dev which is what 90% of white collar does these days anyway.
what's the best type of software dev job you should aim for?

>> No.14864394

Land a job at google then if it's so easy, kek.
Programming is the biggest dunning kruger effect, because it's so accessible from anywhere retards unironically think they're gods once they go past OOP 101.

But surely big tech pays their engineers in the hundreds of thousands of dollars + benefits evne tho anyone could do their job!

>> No.14864624

I just graduated EE and all the job openings suck ass. How do I get a 150K work from home software job? I took 1 class about C and 1 class about java and can't code for shit. What do I do.

>> No.14864653

Leetcode and system design. You could be starting at 200k and never have to listen to some boomer at L3Harris complain about "how good these kids have it these days".

>> No.14864663

i'm ready. just show me the way anon.

>> No.14864704

For leetcode, search up "Blind 75", and for system design, search up a book called "Designing Data-Intensive Applications".

Focus on the leetcode first. It's a grind, it's much easier to understand than your math or physics courses.

>> No.14864856

>Compare that to accountants who make 40k or traddies who make about 50k max 60k out of trade school
neither of those jobs are comparable to the amount of work and time you have to put in to become an engineer.
Neither an accountant or a tradie takes even undergraduate level PDEs for example

>> No.14864905

Machine learning is equally important in continuum mechanics aka ME

>> No.14865060

Blind 75 is bad because all the problems are categorized.
The point of problem solving is doing it without knowing the solution, but the categories give it all away.

I suggest he does leetcode daily challenges every day for a while, and extra randomly picked questions when he's bored. He has zero experience in programming so it's cool if he can regurgitate dynamic programming but if he gets fucked over string / bit manipulation it's over for him, the employer will reject his application right after the interview as they will realize he only knows leetcode shit.

Also keep in mind leetcode is barely the tip of the iceberg, it doesn't cover the actual shit used on the job, sublinear/concurrent/distributed algorithms are not covered by any of the questions, and on the job he won't be able to actually provide value.

Instead anon should aim for Machine Learning jobs instead, ML was pioneered by EEs and it's basically just adaptive signal processing so he should be good at it.

>> No.14865078

Not OP, but how do Chemical Eng and Aerospace Eng stack up with EE/ME?

>> No.14865103

Aerospace Eng is purely (99%) ME

>> No.14865117

Aerospace is largely a meme unless you’ve decided you want to only ever work in the aerospace industry and never work anywhere else. Just go with Mechanical and you’ll get the same skills with less pigeonholing

>> No.14865148

the fuck are you talking about
stochastic PDEs was probably the hardest class during plumbing trade school/apprenticeship

>> No.14865218


>> No.14865329

It's finally all ogre.

>> No.14865333

>The point of problem solving is doing it without knowing the solution, but the categories give it all away.
That’s literally the point, since you’re aiming to get an optimal solution in 20 minutes.

>the employer will reject his application right after the interview as they will realize he only knows leetcode shit.
That’s what they evaluate new grads on. If he’s applying for senior roles it’s already over before it began.

>sublinear/concurrent/distributed algorithms are not covered by any of the questions
Scaling is more or less a solved issue for general use cases, and chances are he’s not going to design the next fucking elastic compute.

>Instead anon should aim for Machine Learning jobs instead
I’ll agree with you on this one, but he would need a master’s to be competitive.

>> No.14865355

their code is mediocre and inefficient, they're basically baseddevs.
an EE code software-hardware relationship because they know the ins and outs of the system while baseddevs just code some laggy cluttered shit, just browse the modern web or play the latest games in the market, they ask a lot to your system and even if you have the most powerful system the software is still unoptimized
just know your craft, studying coding without knowing electronics and stuff will make you a baseddev

>> No.14866086

big tech doesn't pay 400k+ because it's so easy to be a software engineer lmao

this, fuck mechanical engineering t. mechanical engineer

>> No.14866087

you're the retard here, there are literally 5 new graduates per opening in mechanical right now lmao

entry level mech es make the same money today as they did a decade ago when i graduated, wages in that field have totally stagnated

>> No.14866456

I don’t get this. I chose EE specifically because I didn’t like coding. Sure, I can hack stuff together, but I prefer being able to say “it’s a software problem” and throw it back.

>> No.14866490

>I didn’t like coding.
you are going into STEM. you will be coding. evidently you have chosen to be a shitty coder.

>> No.14866928

I'd recommend going for CS. EE & ME are gateways to permanent low salary, obscure as fuck technologies, and forced retirement at 55 followed by working as a Wal*Mart greeter.

>> No.14866977

bad advice

EE and ME will always have jobs available with great salaries.

CS is going downhill. Too many retards graduating with a CS degree and not enough job openings. I can assure you salaries are going to plummet by the end of the decade for software developers

>> No.14867001

>note that the dropout/transfer rate is really high in engineering in general
I spent two years in a maritime academy but quit because I didn't want to work at sea. But I did notice that I was one of the best students of my class, even though I did not think the topics were difficult. Were my classmates just brainlets or do you think I have a shot at getting a college bachelor in engineering and getting into a university master program? I want to dedicate my life to something and I do not want to work for private companies.

>> No.14867909

the sheer amount of "fuck meche" sentiment tells me meche is the way to go

>> No.14867972

Forklift cert

>> No.14867981

obviously electrical cars are the future

>> No.14868680

How do you know you're in an ME/ EE thread?
Some insecure retard who took ME/ EE will bitch about CS unsolicitly. >>14862881

>> No.14868702

EE is cooler if you're at a good university. At the majority of schools however, ME departments will be significantly more well funded. If you're Ivy or at a very good state uni, EE is the best choice all around.

>> No.14870090

I majored in Mechanical and I wish I did CS. I make $85,000 4 years out of college. If I'd done CS I'd be making $130,000+ easy.

>> No.14870597

Just don't do mechatronics or you may commit suicide.

>> No.14870903
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BMEing student here, 2nd year
which are the courses I should take from EEing to be able to create and work with medical devices??
These are the courses

>> No.14870909

>Just don't do mechatronics or you may commit suicide.
Why not? It sounds like the best of ME and EE put together

>> No.14871146

CS is the best choice.
EE will see you moving to a huge metro for work and paying $2000 a month for a shitty studio apartment just so you can make the salary of a McDonald's restaurant manager.

>> No.14871408

It's better to do one properly instead of a mishmash

>> No.14871507
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so which one is the best if you're le ebin tech guy, 110 IQ male, and also a qualified industrial electrician who worked in a few maintenance jobs ?
I plan on going back to university sometime

>> No.14871513

If you're already an electrician, EE is the obvious choice

>> No.14871516

The one EE I know is making 80k right out of undergrad.

>> No.14871538

Depends on what you specialize in. My power electronics friend graduated straight into a 100k position, but I know some ML B.S. guys that are working in data science for cheap. I would say EE is similar to Physics in that your enjoyment of the field and your pay level aren't necessarily correlated.

>> No.14872015

>t. CS retard
You will never be an engineer

>> No.14872155

Hey friend, just curious how much do they pay for data science?

>> No.14872158
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It depends on where you live

>> No.14872188
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well, I am interested in both, I also had a few courses in mechanical engineering in high school (yes, you read that right, this is possible here in europe)
but why the fuck does everyone say that electrical is harder then mechanical ?

>> No.14872207

Dang, data scientist pay isn't bad. Is it competitive to in America?

>> No.14872217

Which country and which modules?

I suppose difficulty depends on your interests, they're both hard. EE has more math maybe that's why.

>> No.14872222
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germany, I had basic technical mechanic, material science , technical drawing (which is basically oldschooll CAD) and machine elements

>> No.14872273

Well we can choose mechanics in our physics or maths module. I didn't do chemistry but I ain't that covers materials.

There is also Product Design which probably does cad. Never heard of machine elements in school though.

How does school work in Germany? What age do you pick your subjects?

>> No.14872433
File: 412 KB, 622x640, ME in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of God OP, listen to me. Mechanical engineering will suck the life out of you. If you think civil eng is boring as fuck, you will hate mech eng, it is slightly less boring since you deal with moving things but it's much more difficult than civil.

>B-but I can build cars! And planes! And robots!
Really? Think about it, can you really? Do you even know what an engineer does on a day to day basis? Cause I assure you, the "creating" part boils down to being one guy with a bunch of other guys doing one specific task as part of the design of one subsystem that goes into a larger system that goes into whatever the fuck you have been sentenced to do BY YOUR OWN POOR LIFE DECISIONS.

And that's only if you live in a decent country with some industrial capability. If you live in a third world country like me you'll probably end up doing the most ridiculous, mind-numbing tasks imaginable. A friend of mine got a job that was advertised for mech engineers. His job was to choose every goddamn pipe in a chemical processing plant according to some technical standard and to talk to suppliers to order the parts.

So please, consider this OP, because I wish someone would have asked me this when I was in college: When you think about physics, would you rather dive deep into it to really understand how the mechanical world works, or just use it as a tool and learn enough to be able to build stuff?

If you are more attracted to understanding the theory, do yourself a favor and go study physics. In ME you will learn some half assed version of the theory that doesn't fully expalins things. Nothing is properly defined, you have no incentive to understand things on a deeper level, it goes only as far as it needs to arrive at the equations you need to design stuff. Don't even get me started on thermodynamics.

BUT if you fully enjoyed your first year, then by all means go for it. I hope you'll achieve the happiness I didn't while studying ME.

>> No.14872566

At around 16 /17 yrs old, at the point where you move on from middle school to high school, there are regular high schools and professional high school with focus on certain professions like engineering, cs, economics...

>> No.14872865

>CS is the best choice.
No, it's not. Just shut the fuck up with this meme. There are a lot more CS grads than software dev openings. On top of that, you don't even need a fucking CS degree to get a dev job.

You're going to see a huge drop in average incomes for software engineers and developers by the end of the decade.

>> No.14873316

You can't learn the mechatronic skillset in 4 years, it should be a masters degree.

>> No.14873318

Thanks for the write up. Can't do physics now but I suppose EE is more like physics than ME.

>> No.14875044

When people talk about coding, they mean full on software development or engineering.
They don't mean basic ass CS101 scripting, which is the most you'll do in some EE roles.

>> No.14875250

Both are pretty average and are promoted like crazy on google. If you like the topics then keep pursuing it but if you are in it for the money then you’ll be disappointed. I have seriously met so many people who didn’t go to school for any stem shit and make way more money than those fucking needs. Life is exactly like high school. The cool kids are better off and fuck finer bitches and make more money.

>> No.14875261

I have never met anyone making that much out of trade school. No. People who work in trades are niggers. Just because Sam Hyde said “get a skill” it doesn’t mean he is right about shit. Trades fucking suck. You will get treated like a nigger your entire life and bust your back for a pretty low pay. I wouldn’t listen to internet niggers like Sam Hyde or faggots on 4chan for life advice. They are all fucking losers. Sam Hyde got lucky, but he’s a fucking ugly weirdo with no wife or kids.

>> No.14875268

Massive faggot.

>> No.14875287

Hey, what uni is great for EE postgrad in the USA, currently living in the 3rd world and i'm not too fond of online rankings

>> No.14875361

>EE and ME will always have jobs available with great salaries.
lmao no, t. ME

>CS is going downhill. Too many retards graduating with a CS degree and not enough job openings. I can assure you salaries are going to plummet by the end of the decade for software developers

patently false, the US still graduates more mechanical engineers than CS per year despite there being several times more job openings for CS grads

>> No.14875363

>There are a lot more CS grads than software dev openings.
hohoho boy wait until you see the ratio of Mech E grads to Mech E jobs, you fucking retard

>> No.14875376
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Honestly I would go EE at the moment for more opportunity because globohomo agenda is for everything to be a Herztian battery powered piece of shit in the future. Though you will be sacrificing the high pay in the future as the market gets more saturated as others in the thread have implied. At the end of the day their electric gizmos still are dependent on oil and rolling metal.

>I have never met anyone making that much out of trade school.
Protip: everyone lies or posts the "before tax" salary because they think a larger quantity means they have a better job. What they never post are union wages, work environment or how many hours they work/ work off the clock/ have to be on call because it wouldn't benefit them.

>Mentions Sam Hyde for some reason
>Mentions that he unironically takes what Sam Hyde says seriously

>> No.14875693

So if I really want to go into aerospace and have a passions for things that fly, would it not be best to do aero over ME? I've heard it said that companies will take an Aero over ME degree holder when it comes to aerospace jobs. Also the ME field is oversaturated as fuck and near impossible to find a job right out of school from what I hear.

>> No.14876018
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>Also the ME field is oversaturated as fuck
and aero isnt?
lol lmao even

>> No.14876234

CS takes the same classes as ME/EE outside the core program courses.

>> No.14876267

>If you are more attracted to understanding the theory, do yourself a favor and go study physics.

CSchad here.
Studying physics is even more retarded than studying ME, unless you know 100% what you're doing.

>> No.14877032
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>Follow your interests
I took ME because i like mechanical solutions etc, but during uni i stated paying a lot more attention to systematic data analysis and therefore did my masters in applied mathematics. Now i work with data analysis at an investment bank. Probably earning way more than the average ME/EE engineer but my point is to not just follow the money, find what you're good at/enjoy and what is needed/useful to your future employers. Learn to self-learn, e.g. if your school only teaches coding in r or matlab, then use the internet to learn some python or vice versa. In closing, remember that your social skills are worth their weight in gold, especially in any corporate environment

>> No.14877481

EE will fuck you up

>> No.14880573

What a retarded thing to say. You can just tell this guy is a CS major.

>> No.14880615

>Too many retards graduating with a CS degree and not enough job openings.
More people graduate from med school, biology/biochem and mechanical engineering than from CS every year.
ME jobs are rare and not very well paid outside of niche industries like automobile (and even then, it's mostly just Tesla paying well because they advertize themselves as a tech company).