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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14874735 No.14874735 [Reply] [Original]

Justice needs to be done on Scientists. Their bodies, their livelihoods. Extreme and uncompromising justice.

>> No.14874778


>> No.14874804

Context? faggot.

>> No.14874882


>> No.14874889

Aussie police brutality, they face slammed a little girl into the pavement...

>> No.14874894

*Don't know if that's what is occurring there but they did some egregious things, even seizing a man's daughter and forcibly injecting her

>> No.14874949
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typical zogfuckingbot

>> No.14875012

how lefties can see that and honestly think they are the good guys?

>> No.14875036

They're kept from seeing it, and the few who do see it are fed a diet of lies to tell them that only people who deserve violence receive it from the state.

>> No.14875042

ah yes, because everyone knows lefties love cops and cops are lefties

>> No.14875048
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they never cared about being the "good guys" they only care about power. They are also very low IQ

>> No.14875051

Cops are soldiers of the powers that be. Lefties love cops when they shoot the right people.

>> No.14875053

and mentally unstable

>> No.14875054

Is there a point to this thread?

>> No.14875063

i bet that you are one of those who justified police brutality against "antivaxxers"
dumb cunt

>> No.14875066

the left loves policing of superficial morality. to them it's good if people die in the name of the new current thing because they hate old established things.

>> No.14875095

science implications

>> No.14875962

>Blaming science and scientists for the stupid actions of a police officer

>> No.14875966

He did it in the name of Sci*nce.

>> No.14875986

what the fuck

>> No.14875987
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demonize people for two years, calming they are existential threat, lies and lies and more lies.
you seem to forget how many of them openly instigate, and how many of them were silent in the face of it.
yes the cop action is driven from what the scientists said

>> No.14876017

She has clearly right wing look and demeanor, in my opinion.

>> No.14876039

looks based
greetings from kazakhstan

>> No.14876924

Australian cops choking a woman out to force a cuckmuzzle on her.

>> No.14876948

Science made that woman a criminal for not wearing the mask. Science told that police officer that attacking people for blasphemy is okay.

>> No.14876983

name them
is there a supercut of the most iconic shit that the nauzzies did over covid?
i want to make posters and get roos to put them up in arrival terminals at airports and shit to remind people forever of this fallen fascist anti-white shithole

>> No.14877430

Scientism is the new civic religion.

>> No.14877751 [DELETED] 

keep playing retarded

>> No.14879518

That's not how we treat women in the west. You should stay in your third wold state.

>> No.14879531

We know better Chud.
Covid is an existential threat so we need to sacrifice our morality for the common good, get it Chud?

>> No.14879657

The hard left is characterized by the belief that everyone who does not agree with their vision is ontologically evil and therefore all acts against them are good. The ends ALWAYS justify the means.

>> No.14879664


>> No.14879684

>They're kept from seeing it, and the few who do see it are fed a diet of lies to tell them that only people who deserve violence receive it from the state.
you're a naive retard, leftists are genocidal trash and all support extreme violence against anyone who isn't a leftist

>> No.14879694

>and cops are lefties
This one clearly is.

>> No.14879732

She’s a grown woman and he didn’t face slam her. It’s a terrible video already without you embellishing shit unnecessarily

>> No.14879735

>s-s-she's a g-grown woman, chud!!
This is what the terminal stage of bootlicking looks like.

>> No.14879879

Leftists hold, or used to hold a remembrance day for a guy who "got murdered by a Nazi". There is a video where he gets stabbed in self defence, attacking people in a pub or a club obviously looking for trouble. But they talk about it as if a Nazi sought him and stabbed him.

>> No.14879896

She must have been a Nazi and they don't have human status

>> No.14879920

Because leftists are stupid cucks who enjoy watching their mothers and sisters getting fucked.

>> No.14879926

Not everyone who leans left is at that level. There are plenty of normies who see science as a wonderful thing that gives them fun new technotoys and saves them from the medical consequences of their poor lifestyle choices. They want to believe science is morally good and that those who are associated with science are good people. Seeing this type of thing done in the name of science won't necessarily make them immediately turn away from their blind faith in it but does plant seeds in their minds about the wisdom of trusting science unconditionally and giving the government the power to enforce anything that "science" says is best.

>> No.14879945
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Absolutely nothing to do with science. Go back to >>/pol/ please.