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14870621 No.14870621 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone r3d pill me on university rankings

Why does the U.S always dominate them ? More specifically for STEM stuff like engineering, physics, robotics and CS
You are telling me the U.S has better engineering schools than Germany ? And better Physics schools than the UK ? Yeah that’s a fucking lie ((((((((Ivy league))))))))) schools are a joke

>> No.14870629

>the sal oy vey league

>> No.14870749

Because international (Chinese) students care about them a lot and that's where the universities make their big bucks

>> No.14870828

OP is a salty kraut
I live 3rd world shithole and can still do math better than 75% of the first worlddie plebs on this board, and i'm not even a math student
These rankings are only important if you want to get a job, which is in fact important but you shouldn't take them as a reflection of intelligence or something like that.

>> No.14870842

University rankings are a joke in general. If you want to pursue a life in academia, it does matter a lot. For jobs, university rankings can help you stand out and bypass shitty CV filters. What matters the most is where the university is located relative to an industry hub. It makes it way more easier to land a job straight after. The bonus is you get to laugh at idoits who went to Stanford but landed a position no greater than yours.

>> No.14870845

Meme University is the #1 university in the world in research and student life

>> No.14870877

University rankings are mostly a political game, not a meaningful measurement of any educational or research acumen; it measures mostly how well you can throw your swagger around as an organization and get high-status people to like you. The US has a lot of political heft, so they get to dominate these ratings. Notice in particular that it's universally US organizations doing the rating, that is not a coincidence.

>> No.14871895

You're an actual retard if you're choosing schools based on ranking.

Only thing that matters is if there is respectef faculty doing work you're in interested in and maybe location.

Also ivy leagues are just undergrad traps anyways

>> No.14872131

Thank you for confirming my bias on this

>> No.14872140

College prof here - college rankings are a complete fucking joke that college admins basically pay for as a little badge they can slap on recruitment materials. It's all fucking bullshit.

If you're looking for a grad school, just talk to profs you respect and they'll tell you all about schools they've gone to or worked at or worked with people from and will have a much deeper insight on what schools have the programs you're interested in and the environment suited to you.

Unless you've alienated yourself from all your profs, then you're kind of fucked.

>> No.14872167

A lot of it is about money, it's obvious why US universities prosper in that regard. But it's also places where academia is similarly structured. In Germany the best research institutions are not universities, they are separate like the Max Planck inisitiutes. Many of them have strong ties to local universities, but they're distinct entities. And so none of that research goes towards any ranking. I wouldn't put much stock in it.

>> No.14872405

>it's universally US organizations doing the rating
QS is british

>> No.14872489

Kew s iz bri'ish?

>> No.14873637 [DELETED] 
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