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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14869297 No.14869297 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everything spin?

>> No.14869307

Because i have autism and enjoy things spinning

>> No.14869309

You too would spin with angular momentum n* h-bar if you were smart

>> No.14869362

God wanted a challenge, making it all still is easy

>> No.14869416

Because one part of something wants to go one way and another part of it wants to go another

>> No.14869515

Because it's more likely than everything not spinning.

>> No.14869814
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They don't spin, they twirl

>> No.14869827

Because it is going somewhere

>> No.14869862

We must move forward, not backwards, upward, not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom

>> No.14869871

Spinning makes it more stable or something idk. I'm not eloquent enough to convey what I mean.

>> No.14870068
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I'm getting dizzy thinking about this

>> No.14870145
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Everything does not spin. Do not trust freemasons and their lies.

>> No.14870151

Crashing perpendiculars into crashing perpendiculars

>> No.14870347
File: 269 KB, 1600x900, 200818050328-catching-covid-on-a-flight---getty-images-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This plane is flying at 500mph and I can't feel it people flying into the trunk of it
>planes are not real

>> No.14870361
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You never flew a plane, eh? Pilotes and passengers need their belts for a reason. They also would be blown away by the wind if the plane did not keep them isolated from the outside world.

>> No.14870405
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nothing is naturally flat, why would the earth be

>> No.14870418

this entire reality is made of energy/light, to create energy/light requires spinning magnets.

>> No.14870429

since we are in a fluid (aether) everything spins with it in its vortex, hence..... vortex mathematics

>> No.14870534
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>> No.14871003

That's just flat do to your perspective though. That's not really proof, get a telescope go to south Carolina and take take a picture of Morroco and I'll believe you.

>> No.14871007
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>> No.14871019

Nothing is naturally flat though everything small or big works on a round system. Why would the earth be somee magical infinite flat plane when nothing else observable works on that model? And why do flat earthers have to rely on a dome/firmament for their theory to work, you have to apply some roundness so you invent a dome? I'm willing to play with the idea that the idea the Earth might be bigger than we are led to believe, that's what flat earth science is really pointing to.

>> No.14871022
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How do you know how tall those buildings are or how far away they are? Why do you trust scientists telling you distance and height but don't trust them about distance and height about the earth?

>> No.14871028
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Go back to school and practice maths.

>> No.14871033

So you trust science and math but don't trust science and math? You can't just make up stuff or pick and choose what to believe man life doesn't work that way.

>> No.14871039

Like you can't just say "space is fake the moons a hologram all scientist lie and the earth is flat" but then USE their science and numbers in your own theory. I'm sure you see how disingenuous and silly that comes off as right?

>> No.14871051
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Maths is just a language inferior to english in every way(2000 can be replaced by two thousands, but important words like "love" and "compassion" do not exist in maths), trusting it is stupid, I am just laughing at you arrogant soientists.

>> No.14871057

No I'm just curious how you know how far away corsica is or how far away the sears tower is or how far away anything is for that matter.

>> No.14871059

Using english is not equal to using science, soi boy. Observing means using your eyes, not using science, soi boy. Being smart enough to realise science is made up abstract garbage coming from arrogant people claiming to understand the laws of the universe means using my brain, not science, soi boy.
Of course, everything I have, I owe to God, not science, soi boy.

>> No.14871062
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I use faith just like you do when you trust the science and soientist scum telling you there is no God, no afterlife, no justice and that you are just an evolved monkey.
Either you have faith in Jesus and God or you have faith in the snake and his fruit of knowledge(aka science). Make your choice.

>> No.14871068

I don't think you can answer my question of "how do you know how far away something is" without it messing up your flat earth theory.

>> No.14871072
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I do not think you can answer why your antidogmatic stance is not a dogma.

>> No.14871079

I'm actually trying to work with you here and agree with you. But you can't really answer a very very simple question that's observable and the only question that actually matters. But you're being very immature, it's off-putting

>> No.14871093

Sorry, this site is not for people who are below 18 years of age. You are an adult, do your own research, I love you and cannot babysit you. Surely you are smart and mature enough to not require somebody to do your thinking for you? Good.

>> No.14871103

You didn't do your own research you take a bunch of numbers a scientist gave you and put them on an image saying science is fake lol. I get you're just trolling but if you keep acting retarded to be funny one day you're going to be surrounded by actual retards who think they are in good company

>> No.14871112

And if you can't answer that question I don't really think you are the one to tell anybody anything. You can't just have autistic meltdowns every time you're asked to prove what you're preaching you gotta grow up eventually

>> No.14871247

Because it's a good trick.

>> No.14871297

lolis btfo'd with facts and logic

>> No.14871307
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Pedophilia is associated with believing in science and being intiated in science.
The more you study science, the more disconnected from reality you become. Becoming a pedophile is far easier for science believers like the clients of Epstein and Maxwell. Science makes you abnormal, and becoming a pedophile is far easier for atheists who populate school, universities, and the high finance world.

>> No.14871315
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Can any of you flatheads finally give a credible explanation as to why I can only see Ursa Major in the North hemisphere and only see the Southern Cross in the Southern hemisphere, but not both simultaneously from anywhere on your smoothbrain model?

>> No.14871340


>> No.14871358
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Can't any of you soientists try to explain why the Earth isn't moving instead of changing the subject? You cannot. You can only create mental gymnastics, brainwash children, murder them in the name of science via your science juice.
You should be rounded up and shot in the future for your crimes and trying to replace Jesus with science and God's creations with evolved monkeys in the mind of people.

>> No.14871371

Why should I trust your images if you said scientist lie and use photoshop what makes you more trust worthy when you can't even explain how you know the sears tower is 59 miles away? Like answer the question instead using reddit meme images.

>> No.14871381

So do you feel the Earth moving at an incredibly high speed? You are out of touch with reality just like 99.99% of scientists who pumped their veins with mysterious science juice.

>> No.14871387
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Too hard for you? Go back to where you belong, go follow the common consensus.

>> No.14871394
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I bet this guy must believes in the Holohoax. Midwit scientists are all the same kind of people.
When you claim the Earth is a spinning ball, you better have solid proof, not mental gymnastics.

>> No.14871422

I'm not talking about the earth spinning. How do YOU know how far away something is answer the fucking question

>> No.14871459

How do you search for a location? Do you not have the Internet?

>> No.14871475
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So space is fake and the earth is flat but you trust Google maps satellites and scientists measurements on distance?

>> No.14871497

Quit drinking booze.

>> No.14871549
File: 43 KB, 300x359, 1624323612678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life observation is something a gorilla can do, that has nothing to do with science.

>> No.14871580

Then why do you have to rely on scientist numbers for every single explanation you have. Why do you have to rely on a round "dome" aspect for your theory to work? Why do you trust science numbers when it works for you but say NASA is lying? Why do post images and videos and expect people to trust yours but say everything else is photoshop? Why do you use science colloquially when you're trying to make your own science up and act like you're not doing science by posting graphs and numbers and measurements?

>> No.14871583

Why are you bothering arguing with crackheads that found this site on Facebook? Let them live their delusions out, it's funnier that way.

>> No.14871609

Because I'm curious. They always want to start discussions but when they get questioned about simple things like "how far away are the lights of the firmament" which should be a really easy thing to answer on a flat earth model. They start having autistic meltdowns and act immature

>> No.14871627

I'm 100% willing to play with the idea that the earth might be bigger than we think it is, which is completely reasonable and would explain most of the flat earth stuff. But Earth being so anime infinite flat plane with a giant ice wall surrounding it being covered up by every world government is just too kooky for me and doesn't make sense with observation of the natural world, nothing is naturally flat, water doesn't sit flat it always bulges round, you just need to fill a glass up to see that. Cells aren't flat with a dome, right angles aren't natural even crystalline structures of minerals don't follow that. Shit even man made "flat" things are just wedges and round off. It just doesn't make sense that the earth would work differently from everything else.

>> No.14871670
File: 7 KB, 300x400, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because when you lie down the whole room spins

>> No.14872613

the only real answer itt but of course /sci/ retards can't understand it because they are too low IQ. Engineers may be able too

>> No.14872637

you can always know the know high IQ and correct answer in a thread because it gets no responses because no one is smart enough to understand it

>> No.14872712

Not really, numbers can be replaced with English.
Maths is a language, not reality. Science is a human construct, not reality.

>> No.14872738
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>The projection coming from someone who cannot be bothered to search anything, requiring somebody to think for him.
Scientists are garbage.

>> No.14872740
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This is not plebbit, go there where you can find science lovers and common consensus.

>> No.14872746
File: 74 KB, 480x476, 19059425_10209500374487557_1177445418534077539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes more sense than anything else.
The science classes you took at school have rotten your brain. The natural conclusion for anybody who relies on real life observation is that the Earth is not moving and flat. Perspective is deliberately being ignored by scientists in order to justify their existence and steal your money.