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14862438 No.14862438 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, will we live to see the colonization of Mars? How long will it take?

>> No.14862442

Don't know, sure as fuck a lot faster thanks to SpaceX however.

>> No.14862449

So-called futurists are fucking morons when it comes to predicting the future.
Take Heinlein's predictions for the year 2000 as an example:
>Interplanetary travel is waiting at your front door — C.O.D. It’s yours when you pay for it.
>The most important military fact of this century is that there is no way to repel an attack from outer space.
>It is utterly impossible that the United States will start a “preventive war.” We will fight when attacked, either directly or in a territory we have guaranteed to defend.
>In fifteen years the housing shortage will be solved by a “breakthrough” into new technologies which will make every house now standing as obsolete as privies.
>We’ll all be getting a little hungry by and by.
>The cult of the phony in art will disappear. So-called “modern art” will be discussed only by psychiatrists.
>Cancer, the common cold, and tooth decay will all be conquered; the revolutionary new problem in medical research will be to accomplish “regeneration,” i.e., to enable a man to grow a new leg, rather than fit him with an artificial limb.
>By the end of this century mankind will have explored this solar system, and the first ship intended to reach the nearest star will be a-building.
>Intelligent life will be found on Mars.
>A thousand miles an hour at a cent a mile will be commonplace; short hauls will be made in evacuated subways at extreme speed.
>A major objective of applied physics will be to control gravity.
>We will not achieve a “World State” in the predictable future. Nevertheless, Communism will vanish from this planet. Mostly, depending on what you call China.
>Increasing mobility will disenfranchise a majority of the population. About 1990 a constitutional amendment will do away with state lines while retaining the semblance.
>Fish and yeast will become our principal sources of proteins. Beef will be a luxury; lamb and mutton will disappear.
Clarke was based, however.

>> No.14862541

What's even the point? How would the world benefit from it? What resources does Mars have?

>> No.14862546

We'll have to wait for Sabine Hossenfelder video to confirm that this is pseudo-science.

>> No.14862551

None whites wouldn't understand

>> No.14862553

The point is simply human expansion there is nothing wrong with that all after all all life expanded from a lone microbe 3.8 billion years ago.

>> No.14862584

"All life expanded from a microbe"

>Can't re-create the most fundamental step of chemicals forming life with multi-million dollar labs and technology

>Thinks this is plausible on a pre-biktic earth

Anon I...

>> No.14862613

>there is nothing wrong with that
Nothing right either

>> No.14862657

All you will ever see are CGIs of the missions and perhaps some radio transmission from a plane in the director of mars

>> No.14862660
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Does this man ever keep his promises?

>> No.14863017

Its a little disingenuous to cherry pick the errors.
There was also:
>Contraception and control of disease is revising relations between the sexes to an extent that will change our entire social and economic structure.
>Your personal telephone will be small enough to carry in your handbag. Your house telephone will record messages, answer simple inquiries, and transmit vision.
>Mankind will not destroy itself, nor will "Civilization" be destroyed.
>The list of things he predicted we wouldn't get.
>The most important military fact of this century is that there is no way to repel an attack from outer space.
Is right. ICBMs are functionally uninterceptable and that fact massively affected geopolitics

There are also partially correct ones.
Freud IS considered a pre-scientific, intuitive pioneer, use of psychoanalysis for diagnosis has significantly declined, and neuroscience is an increasingly important part of psychology, even if psychoanalysis hasn't been done away with entirely .
No world state is present, and communist governments as they existed don't anymore, even if the ideology still exists and some states remain nominally communist.
Aircraft aren't controlled by a continent wide system, but they do have a wide range of supporting infrastructure and are increasingly automated.
Tl:dr its too far to call futurists morons, but treating them as oracles is retarded too. They can at best give you things to watch for, which does have some value.

>> No.14863029

Nah, but atleast elon set the foundation for it. It might actually happen in like 60 years

>> No.14863030

You're complaining about literally nothing important.

>> No.14863031

No. If colonizing Mars is dependent on Musk, it will not happen.

>> No.14863038
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>> No.14863059

Yes and no

No because the earth is flat

Yes because they can just make up some CGI and you will shallow it

>> No.14863079


Musk and spacex have not even demonstrated the capability to reach mars by sending a private owned lander or rover. I dont think humans will reach mars for at least 50 years and then it will only be for temporary exploration. Nobody wants to live their whole life on a sterile cold airless dessert with planet-wide dust storms where you can never go outside - without a spacesuit.

>> No.14863088

Gotta love it when urban pod dwellers who will never even leave their bughive, let alone the planet, keep referencing this painting, like they're some adventurers for posting space shuttle trannime pics and arguing about which psychopath's big metal phallus is best to worship.

>> No.14863098

>>We will not achieve a “World State” in the predictable future. Nevertheless, Communism will vanish from this planet. Mostly, depending on what you call China.
Damn that one was pretty good. Everything else was batshit crazy tho

>> No.14863198



>> No.14863200
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What the fuck kind of body does Musk have?

>> No.14863249

HGH abuse

>> No.14863260

I just posted a funny mildly racist photo I found on the internet you dramatic faggot.

>> No.14863267

It gets posted unironically in this context, without the nigger tweets, over and over again. It's what pod-dwelling NPCs actually believe and I admit it really gets under my skin because their degenerate system of values is the actual reason why almost no one will ever experience what that painting is supposed to depict ever again.

>> No.14863338

It's because white people are addicted to climbing the tallest mountain in the world just to scratch it off their bucket list. No other races are addicted to adventure and exploration like the europeans. Of course there will be a boat load of them waiting to go to mars even if death is guaranteed. And nothing will stop minorities from going to. But mostly the non-europeans simply won't want to go at first for the same reason they don't climb huge mountains.

>> No.14863833
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>Human on Mars by 2020
I like how Musk fans kinda "forgot" about that little promise. Oops! But it's le ebin rocket tony stark so he gets a free pass for defrauding everybody. Musk is a fraud.

>> No.14863841

>>It is utterly impossible that the United States will start a “preventive war.” We will fight when attacked, either directly or in a territory we have guaranteed to defend.
>We will not achieve a “World State” in the predictable future. Nevertheless, Communism will vanish from this planet
Haha lmao what a pseud. Instantly disregarded the rest of his fantasies for being such a clueless retard. Absolutely no ability to analyze how modes of production have changed and evolved throughout history and oblivious to everything that isn't the present. Oof. I mean he is a sci-fi writer after all. It's like imagine saying capitalism will vanish from this planet living in feudalism before the Industrial Revolution. He clearly hasn't read Marx and isn't aware of historical materialism which debunks Fukuyama's end of history nonsense. Never post this retard again.
>>A thousand miles an hour at a cent a mile will be commonplace
He even believes the hyperloop LOL

>> No.14864411

Brown hands typed this post

>> No.14866609
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two weeks

>> No.14866624
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>> No.14866631
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>almost no one will ever experience what that painting is supposed to depict ever again.
Feel free to explore pic wearing a policeman cosplay, it will be quite am adventure

>> No.14866632

>No other races are addicted to adventure and exploration like the europeans
Europeans weren't interested in that popsci faggotry that molded you mind during your childhood that culminated in your stupid post. They wanted profit, so they saught alternative routes to commerce.

>> No.14866997

At the rate things are going we won't live to see humans go back to the Moon.

>> No.14868876

What if we try to establish a presence on the Moon first?

>> No.14868966
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YES, moon is easier to get to.
Once Moon colony is established THEN Mars colony can follow and use all the knowledge learned from the lunar colony.

>> No.14869121

That doesn't mean we can't send someone on Mars, but a permanent lunar presence seems like the obvious choice to me. I don't know, I may be wrong.

>> No.14869123


>> No.14869135

>I may be wrong.
little doubt that you are, you engage in idiotic escapist space fantasies as a way to avoid addressing the very real problems in your very real life here on earth, were very human has always lived.
>b-b-but if only there was somewhere else
>i could go there and ppl wouldn't know about what an ass i made of myself on earth
maybe try reincarnation

>> No.14869146

Baby teenager talking.

Fuck off, you're still going to school on monday.

>> No.14871434
File: 63 KB, 679x960, 1602383651175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is fake, just like most of science.

>> No.14871561

One step towards solar system domination