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File: 369 KB, 512x512, fatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14867391 No.14867391 [Reply] [Original]

scientificalyl speaking whats the solution for the obesity epidemic???

>> No.14867404

large-scale genocide.

>> No.14867414

Put more sugar and fats in food.

>> No.14867417

Purchasing expensive exercise equipment and then discarding it curbside, untouched, a year later.

>> No.14867500

>obesity epidemic
not my problem muttoid

>> No.14867505

More regulations, more veg, less meat, less sugar.

>> No.14867524

>more regulations
>he doesn't understand that this is an exclusively american problem because regulations are being written by the fast food lobby
americans need to delete regulations to fix most of their problems

>> No.14867532

>americans need to delete regulations to fix most of their problems
They need to delete some corporations to fix most of their problems.

>> No.14867539

only on the grounds of breaking up monopolies. commie taking away your piece of the pie shit literally never works as intended

>> No.14867548

ration food supplies in the USA

>> No.14867549

Obesity, crime, addictions, these are all symptomatic of mentally unhealthy economies. Despite the rise in consumer comforts, the things that ACTUALLY make people happy like friends, family, relationships, and having children are less and less possible every year. Only when society is built to treat these things as rights and not privileges will any of the above problems be lessened.

>> No.14867592

Looks like fat-rat(ionalist) not-at-all midwits are injecting themselves with semaglutide these days. This is cutting-edge Science.

>> No.14867596

i really want to see americans benig driven to the point of a survival situation just to see how many of these obese mutts die

>> No.14867658

Basic mathematical education, staple menu suggestions, educating children about food proportions. Better entertainment, discourage socilization.

>> No.14867661

proper diet & regular exercise.
these is no other answer re: obesity

>> No.14867669

Make them run. If they don't run hit them with a stick until they run. It will work.

>> No.14867670
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Fasting and walking.

>> No.14867686
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Heavy taxes on seed oils. That is where almost all the extra calories in the American diet over the last few decades are coming from.

>> No.14867691
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You'll have to pry my subsidy bux from my cold dead hands.

>> No.14867694

Ever hear the phrase "you can't out run a bad diet"? It takes a fuck ton of exercise to burn a useful amount of calories, so for most cases calorie control is more helpful. That said, everyone should do some exercise for its other benefits, like simply being stronger in general, and it is good for most people's mental well being.

>> No.14867707

How about we just change those subsidies to move that seed oil into making biodiesel instead? Keeps the farmers happy, makes people less fat, and helps appease some of the hippy green types.

>> No.14867708

>It takes a fuck ton of exercise
Get a bigger stick, idiot

>> No.14867709

Why do people get so mad if you suggest this?

>> No.14867710

Just use the stick to hit people when they eat too much.

>> No.14867715

why did our bodies evolve to require an unfeasible amount of exercise to burn any meaningful amount of calories? Your average Joe will never be able to out run anything more than the god damn BBQ in a set of fries. You would think our body would evolve to be able to burn fat more wisely but nope.

>> No.14867751
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Because for the vast majority of human history food was much harder to get than it is now. Piling on fat when there was a surplus was far more likely to help you than cause you harm. Only the very wealthy could have the sort of permanent food surplus we have now, and well being fat never stopped a rich person from having kids. (Well, ordinary fat at least, not hamplanet fat).

>> No.14867752

We didn't evolve to sit around eating hot pockets and drinking beer all day you dumb fuck. We evolved to wake up, kill something, preferably something big, by jogging behind it until it had a heart attack, then drag it home, tear it open, and eat til you got sleepy, probably do nothing the next day, then start over, and bang rocks together when you get bored.

>> No.14867754

Or making real feed for animals, like plains grasses. Tank the cost of meat production and everyone wins.

>> No.14867836

Obesity is genetic.

>> No.14867846

>hurr durr make them diet
Anyone else notice how this shit always comes from somebody who literally chokes on tons of junk food every day but stays skinny anyway?

>> No.14867852

fat people just have to go on their journey, its all intertwined with their past, values, ego growth and whatnot, and likely intertwined with our society and shit like others pointed out

>> No.14867868

>lard projecting

>> No.14867878

finally, the era of AI generated image+question threads

>> No.14867979

Gene editing to limit fat and carb intake.

You'll have slimey shits.

>> No.14868015

Add back lead, mercury and cadmium, (and possibly other nutrients that are needed) so that people don't suffer from kwashiorkor any more.

>> No.14868133

>chokes on tons of junk food every day but stays skinny anyway
Junk food is irrelevant
How many CALORIES of junk food are these skinny people eating? Way fewer than the calories of "healthy food" fat people are eating.
And yes, believe it or not, it's very easy to not even hit 2000 calories in a day if you aren't addicted to food. A McDonalds cheeseburger is only 300 calories, and plenty satisfying on its own as a meal. It's kind of difficult to believe people can so easily eat 6 or 7 cheeseburgers' worth of calories every day, let alone many more calories beyond that.

>> No.14868173

The problem is the lack of microbutrients, not too many calories. Aside from lead, mercury and xadmium as such, methyl mercury cysteine is an essential amino acid. There is no disease from too much food. It isn't even fat storage, it's thermogenic tissue, which is more vulnerable, together with the artery lining, bone marrow and the liver. People have kwashiorkor.

>> No.14868200

Kwashiorkor is protein deficiency you pseud. For all the problems obese people in developed countries have, a shortage of protein is definitely not one.
And kwashiorkor victims only have small amounts of weight in the form of water retention (edema). Completely different from obese people in developed nations who have hundreds of pounds of excess bodyfat.
It's the calories. Simple as.

>> No.14868205

Stop eating so much

>> No.14868223

Methyl mercury cysteine is missing from western diet as somebody decided the body uses it by mistake.

>> No.14868246

Are you seriously arguing fat people don't eat fish?

>> No.14868249

I have a good weight but that anon is right. I know some people who eat a lot more than me and a lot more junk food and they stay skinny (not even "normal" weight/fat ratio, I'm talking you can see the bones) with no issues, while if I do all three main meals in a day I gain weight, unless I eat low calorie/tasteless stuff like celery but at that point I'm not even eating I'm just abritrarily filling my stomach. Some people have objectively easier when it comes to fat. On the flipside I have decent muscles (but I plateau rather early when natty unless I'm willing to get fat)

>> No.14868260

>the body uses it by mistake
Evolutionary biology isn't a decision making entity that pre-plans things. Mercury is taken in because of its similarity to methionine, and because mercury being taken in this way didn't happen often enough in large enough quantities to prevent the organisms working that way from reproducing before dying.
Similar to how you can asphyxiate with nitrogen and not feel like you're suffocating. Because the lack of specificity in your body knowing the difference between nitrogen without oxygen vs. regular air wasn't ever causing more organisms to die before reproducing to the point of such an alternative biology ever getting selected for in place of what we have which is simply looking for carbon dioxide to not be there.

>> No.14868271

Sort of yes, but a lot of commercially sold fish are very low in it. Also it's supposed to be more or less everywhere, it's only missing in modern soils, similar with the other two heavy metals.
>Mercury is taken in because of its similarity to methionine
This is just so plainly absurd considering that much more similar molecules are treated completely differently. Fungi can obtain mercury directly from the cinnabarite rock, and the amount of mercury on land is supposed to be vast, judging from the amount in permafrost. And that is taking in mind that it generally formed after the peak of some kind of washdown event that peaked 26ky ago.

>> No.14868293

>This is just so plainly absurd considering that much more similar molecules are treated completely differently.
Which ones? And similar how exactly?
>Fungi can obtain mercury directly from the cinnabarite rock
Not sure how that's any different from fish or other organisms taking in mercury despite mercury not being a nutrient. You believe fungi and everything else is doing this 'on purpose' so using one as an argument for the that doesn't make sense unless somehow now fungi are the ones doing it for real and everything else isn't.

>> No.14868301

>Which ones? And similar how exactly?
Any you can think of, IDK, glucose and fructose.
>that doesn't make sense unless somehow now fungi are the ones doing it for real and everything else isn't.
Yes, exactly. Nothing about it makes any sense unless every organsm accumulates mercury on purpose.

>> No.14868313
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this, based, /thread.

>> No.14868347

>Yes, exactly. Nothing about it makes any sense unless every organsm accumulates mercury on purpose.
No, the point is you making fungi an argument for it being intentional makes no sense unless you believe fungi are doing it in some way that animals aren't (because otherwise it's not an argument and you're just repeating your conclusion that organisms use mercury intentionally), and if you do believe that then it still doesn't make sense because now you're saying animals don't do what fungi do when fungi were supposed to be your argument for animals.
>Any you can think of, IDK, glucose and fructose.
Glucose and fructose aren't more similar and neither is anything like the mercury vs. methionine case.
Do you also believe lead is a nutrient?

>> No.14868364

The point that I'm making with fungi is that they can obtain mercury from a naturally occuring mineral (so they don't only reprocess mercury released by people, but the process is with no doubt 100% natural) which is also quite inert, so the probability of this being an accident is basically zero.
>Do you also believe lead is a nutrient?
Yes. It is required for correct emmetropization (its deficiency results in myopia) glucose metabolism (its deficiency causes type 2 diabetes) hormone release (its deficiency causes precocious puberty and gigantism) and for the neocortex to work. The actual function of the neocortex is sensory processing and simplification.

>> No.14868371

>100% natural
What does that have to do with anything? Being artificial was never the issue.
At this point you're arguing the body is a magical omniscient genius that never absorbs anything unless it'll benefit itself, and that poisoning in general is a lie.

>> No.14868399

>>100% natural
>What does that have to do with anything?
It means its presence is natural and not manmade pollution. Aside from its presence in the permafrost.
>Being artificial was never the issue.
On the contrary, thathas always been the central point of the issue.

>> No.14868403
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Amphetamines. People will either become thin or die from cardiac arrest

>> No.14868422

A life without good food is like a life without sex. You are constantly frustrated and on edge, always having cravings that you can't fulfil. Basically, a food incel. I'll die before I go on a diet.

>> No.14868431

We just need to start shaming fat people again. Asian countries don't have a lot of fatties because they get mocked for it

>> No.14868435

How much sex do you receive with your corpulent, pinniped-adjacent body?

>> No.14868558
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>> No.14868670

The real problem is people don't know how to cook.
It is completely possible to make healthy, tasty salads, vegetables, and fruits that are high in nutrients and low in calories, that are filling due to their high fiber, and that you can eat a lot of while staying healthy and not getting fat.
If all you eat are fried foods and fats and meats and processed snacks you're going to get fat even if you try to exercise. It's not enough to work out, you have to eat basically only vegetables as well. The problem is that people don't know how to cook so they don't like vegetables. It's easy to cook meat that tastes good, you just cook it or roast it. Most retards aren't satisfied eating some vegetables with salt and pepper and lemon juice because they're too used to eating highly processed shit that's engineered to be addictive.

>> No.14868839

Social solutions that are supported by statistics. Weight loss Meds are still quite far away. At least ones that won't give you permanent damage.