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14865352 No.14865352 [Reply] [Original]

Whats a more environmentally responsible choice for dinner, a cow raised on grass in a pasture or lettuce which was grown in a greenhouse with a CO2 enriched atmosphere?
Greenhouse "CO2 generators" are just propane burners, its not anything complicated, input fossil fuel, output lettuce.
In contrast, natural outdoor pasture grass removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
The greenhouse agriculture that grows most of what goes into a salad pollutes the atmosphere with excess CO2, raising cattle removes and sequesters CO2.

>> No.14865639
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No surprise, vegetarians are also toxic by every other standard

>> No.14865646

I make sure to feed my cows greenhouse-grown lettue. Fuck green shills. Global warming is a scam.

>> No.14865655

Because I'm sure if vegans want to make their diet seem less alien to outsiders, and thus potentially they wont be criticized. I've seen a lot of vegan people talk about this, actually, and they consider "meat imitations" to be more of appealing to the people who eat a hamburger a day, compared to vegan food.

>> No.14865678

Whether you eat the salad or the cow, the salad still gets grown regardless.
In the case of eating the cow, the cow eats the salad. Whereas you can just eat the salad directly instead. And it takes a lot of salad to make a full-grown cow.

>> No.14865693

Not true. Humans can't eat the grasses that cows are raised on. It turns land which isn't arable into land that can produce food.

>> No.14865867


Vegans are not trying to do that. Corporations are, for the sake of carnivores' pathology.

>> No.14865874
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>Vegans are not trying to do that. Corporations are, for the sake of carnivores' pathology.
Veganoidism is a corporate-induced pathology.

>> No.14865883


It is a Historical fact that the vegan diet is thousands of years old. Ironically, it is one of the best examples of "trad" or "Indo-European" culture, and would be recognized as such were it not for Anglo-Saxon subhumanity.

>> No.14865886

Try some meds instead of supplements.

>> No.14865897


At least skim wikipedia or something. Bum.

>> No.14865900

Omnivore diets are the only historical diet. Eating either meat or plants to the exclusion of the other is only something done in extreme famine conditions or by people such as the Inuits who live in a climate unsuitable for vegetable gathering.

>> No.14865901

Before you make a dumb comment I'll add that it's also done by religious extremists, such as Jains and Buddhists who wanted to deprive themselves intentionally for the expurgation of their sinful desires. They didn't believe it was better, they believed it was a noble sacrifice.

>> No.14865903

I don't need to skim kikepedia for cherrypicked examples of dying cultures imposing arbitrary restrictions on human diet before disappearing. Humans is a species of hunter-gatherers.

>> No.14865907
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the buddha and confucius both enjoyed eating pork, two religions which together make up more than half the world's population

>> No.14865920


"Arbitrary" or "religious" restrictions are what define culture. Hence my point about culture, rather Anglo vulgarity about "species".

>> No.14865922

>"Arbitrary" or "religious" restrictions are what define culture
The arbitrary dogma of dead cultures has no bearing on what humanity has evolved to eat.

>> No.14865935

>evolved to

Totally ideological phrase, backward reasoning from whatever particular cultural context one happens to inhabit.

>> No.14865942

You are mentally ill. Nearly every culture known to men consumes meat going all the way back to pre-civilizational tribes. Veganism is the exception and the reasoning for it is always ideolopgical.

>> No.14865945

gb2/pol culture war faggot

>> No.14865949

>Veganism is the exception and the reasoning for it is always ideolopgical.

Yes, this is what I said. Hence my initial point about culture, as an opposition to vulgar utilitarianism, whether real or imagined.

>> No.14865952

>Yes, this is what I said
Then you concede that your retarded ideology has nothing to do with what humans have evolved to eat and that the subjective cultural tripe is coming soley from you. Now take your meds, dysgenic incel.

>> No.14865964


Infanticide, child labor, child slavery, child sexual abuse, etc. was about as common as the carnivore diet, until very recently, only being abolished by "arbitrary" measures. Does it therefore mean that "human evolved" to abuse their children as such?

>> No.14865965

>Infanticide, child labor, child slavery, child sexual abuse, etc
All inventions of the sort of civilizations that force arbitrary restrictions on diet for """cultural""" reasons.

>> No.14865969



>> No.14865970

Your historical illiteracy is not an argument.

>> No.14865974


As far as I know, children being treated as property was a natural extension of woman being treated as property, which is synonymous with the "nature" you worship.

>> No.14865983

>children being treated as property was a natural extension of woman being treated as property
Both of which are "cultural" inventions of civilizations.

>> No.14865986


No, they are both a natural consequence of the natural human sexual dimorphism, literally how "humans evolved to behave".

>> No.14865991

Your mental illness is truly stunning. There was simply no demand for slaves and female house niggers before agriculture and permanent settlements. The invention of the abuses you keep whining about coincides exactly with the invention of farming. lol

>> No.14865993


Pure speculation.

>> No.14866002

It's common sense combined which explains the total lack of evidence for your claims. Every post of yours is a blatant display of mental illness.

>> No.14866012


The designation of "before agriculture" is almost totally fictitious, never mind its supposed content.

>> No.14866024

>The designation of "before agriculture" is almost totally fictitious
So now you're having a full-blown psychotic episode.

>> No.14866031


Totally fictitious, akin to Marx's fantasies about a pure economy. Pure ideology. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.14866035
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>the time before X was invented is totally fictitious!!
Full-blown psychosis.

>> No.14866042

>the time before X was invented is totally fictitious!!

Yes. A common claim, Philosophically speaking.

>> No.14866049

LOL. You know, I never thought fascism was justified before I became aware of people like you. You'll only have your own rhetoric to blame when your Jewish ilk gets the rope.

>> No.14866078
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They do this to try to appeal to meat eaters. Impossible chicken is not aimed at vegetarians/vegans. It's aimed at meat eaters who want to eat less meat for whatever reason. I don't think such people really exist and view them more as a cope/fantasy that some vegans have. This belief that inside every person is a natural vegan who has somehow been tricked by the culture into eating meat is irrational and has no basis in observable reality.

The process of making convincing fake meat doesn't work because some guy who hasn't had chicken since 2003 and is unwilling to eat it for comparison for moral reasons, while working on an alleged substitute with taste being a very important property of people adopting that substitute, isn't going to be able to get the flavor or texture right even if it is possible entirely from plants. It's a doomed enterprise led by someone incapable of solving the problem.

Most vegans/vegetarians don't actually eat meat substitutes. I am mostly vegetarian due to taste preferences, and I primarily eat vegetable soup and rice with nothing pretending to be meat. When I shop I don't think "what do I get instead of meat?". I just buy the stuff I like and when that's done I have something like a box of quinoa, some rice, some tomatoes, some button mushrooms and a case of diet shasta.

If someone gave me a lab to make fake chicken I'd have a better chance of pulling it off than most of the current researchers, because I am willing to eat reference tendies to make sure my fake chicken is similar enough to the real one (As mentioned my effective vegetarianism is a taste preference, not a moral stance. You can pay me to eat meat).

Even if I personally developed a perfect plant based chicken, I would not regularly eat it, as it imitates something else I don't regularly eat or particularly enjoy. I would also expect even a perfect replacement to fail horribly unless it is artificially promoted and real meat is artificially withdrawn.

>> No.14866081

>They do this to try to appeal to meat eaters.
No, they don't. Meat eaters are perfectly happy to stick to their meat. They do this to try to appeal to virtue-signalling would-be vegoids who have trouble dealing with the blandness of vegoid slop.

>> No.14866093
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>No, they don't. Meat eaters are perfectly happy to stick to their meat. They do this to try to appeal to virtue-signalling would-be vegoids who have trouble dealing with the blandness of vegoid slop.

No, they do this to try to expand their numbers with "alternatives". Vegan meat substitutes are sort of like the food equivalent of Chick Tracts.


A Chick Tract pretends to be a comic book to try to get children who like comics to read about Jesus. The audience is kids who want comics, not adults who already believe in Jesus and are producing the tracts.

They usually fail because they are very low quality, and very boring. A Chick Tract contains the absolute bare minimum effort to get a reader to the Jesus part. It is a charade where the part interesting to the target audience barely exists in the actual book. This makes them ineffective. When I was a kid it was much more common to see another kid ripping a Chick Tract apart to get little sheets of paper to make paper airplanes from, than actually reading them. You never saw a real comic treated the same way, because those were worth reading. Superman or whatever was a genuine article and not religious bait-and-switch.

Vegan meat substitutes are analogous to this. The vegan fantasy is that some combination of social pressure/education and presenting "alternatives" will lead to people dropping meat for plant based alternatives.

This utterly fails in practice because Impossible Chicken tastes like deep-fried pencil erasers and the targeted audience doesn't care about the vegan's proposed ethic. They just want a good meal and Impossible Chicken is incapable of giving them one.

>> No.14866097


...of Greco-German Philosophy, that is to say, another pillar of "trad" stuff, most of all.

>> No.14866106

Like I said, your lot deserves the rope.

>> No.14866107

No, they they do this to try to appeal to virtue-signalling would-be vegoids who have trouble dealing with the blandness of vegoid slop. Seethe.

>> No.14866109


Eat some vegetables to reduce the buttmad.

>> No.14866114

Eat some more estrogen mimickers and then shit out some more generic vegoid talking points.

>> No.14866120

>meat is demonstrably full of hormones, vaccines, "chemicals", parasites, and god only knows what else
>uhh eat some e-estrogen.......heh

>> No.14866122

I was about to boo but then noticed that i wasn't on /ck/, whoops

>> No.14866130

eating a balanced healthy diet isn't nature worship you unhinged silly.

>> No.14866139

>meat is demonstrably full of hormones, vaccines, "chemicals", parasites, and god only knows what else
I'm not an inbred American goblin so I wouldn't know what's in your meat.

>> No.14866140

Stop oppressing women and colored folx, chud!!

>> No.14866146

it's entirely possible to get good meat in america too, you just have to expand your shopping trips beyond fast food and microwave tray dinners.

>> No.14866148

>is obsessed with the idea of vegans supplementing their diet
>proudly claims that meat itself has to be totally supplemented

Can't make this up.

>> No.14866152

but you just did

>> No.14866161

The voices in your head said what?

>> No.14866162


Carnivores even talk about the supposed nutritional minutiae of meat and the supposed ways in which the bodies change in the same way in which trannies talk about hormones.

>> No.14866165

>it's entirely possible to get good meat in america too
I don't believe you. Eating toxic goyslop is an integral part of American culture and tradition whether it's vegoid goyslop or goymeat.

>> No.14866166

See >>14866161

>> No.14866172


In fact, ideological nature worship is practically identical to tranny pathology, that is to say, the rebuke of sociocultural norms in favor of what one thinks one actually is. You will never be natural.

>> No.14866178

>acknowledging that humanity's natural diet includes meat is practically identical to tranny pathology
Then why is troonery and troon acceptance more common among vegans than the general population? lol

>> No.14866581
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>> No.14867098 [DELETED] 

its all transhumanism
vegans don't want to be human and neither do trannys. spacefags don't want to live on earth, which is the only place where humans live. people who want artificial intelligence to guide and accompany them though life don't want humans to fill those roles.

>> No.14867206

Meat tastes great only because you put rocks and plants on it.

>> No.14867225

OP, you seem to know that plants consume CO2. What do you think happens to the one pumped into greenhouses?

>> No.14867235

cows can and do eat different types of plants not just literal grass. Cattle especially likes clover from what I've experienced.

>> No.14867304 [DELETED] 

cows eat whatever is on the ground in front of them, that includes fungus, insects, ground nesting birds and their eggs, rodents and whatever else they can get between their lips. they don't eat barbed plants like thistles cause those hurt the lips. the definition of cows as vegetarians is a stupid lie that scientists invented, cows never heard about that lie and continue being lumbering omnivores who are too ungainly to catch most prey and subsist mainly on the easier to catch and more readily available plants.

>> No.14868240
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>> No.14868255
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Reminder that all your meat comes from söy eating animals

>> No.14868266
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So my food is made out of (You)?

>> No.14868420

don't brag about the fact you've never cooked a steak properly in your life, it's a sad thing

>> No.14868704

>In contrast, natural outdoor pasture grass removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
What about the methane producing cow?

>> No.14868715

Cows are pretty based. Why?

>> No.14868719

In answer to your image's question, I think those products are intended to lure non-vegans into eating them. I only know a few vegans, and they don't eat meat substitutes.

>> No.14868722

Methane is nastier stuff than CO2.

>> No.14868784

I think methane is quite okay. You should curb your prejudices.

>> No.14868829

Methane took my job.

>> No.14870865 [DELETED] 

how come vegans are content to eat environmentally destructive food from co2 enhanced greenhouses?

>> No.14872697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14872840

why is that shop so poorly done?