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File: 298 KB, 888x407, 2022-09-21 01_45_06-Norse code_ are white supremacists reading too much into The Northman_ _ The Nor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14862765 No.14862765 [Reply] [Original]

>more recent research reveals that societies such as those in Viking-era Scandinavia were in fact multicultural and multiracial.

Anyone got the source? I want to read it

>> No.14862767

It's fake.

>> No.14862770


>> No.14862855
File: 23 KB, 240x325, Ljidda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual number of Scandinavians traveling to other countries to go a Viking & coming back was only a small portion of the population. Occasionally they did bring back foreign women whose children would intermarry into the community, but almost all of those would be from other Northern European locations. Likewise, there are a few cases of people with Irish & Scottish DNA being buried as Vikings, but those are unusual.

Basically, the people in OP's picture are cherry picking some unusual cases and presenting them as much more common than they were. It would be like someone claiming that the Arabic pennisula was super diverse melting pot during WWI because they had a white guy fighting alongside them.

>> No.14862969

They make all kinds of weird and sweeping assumptions based on outliers. If they find a bead in Norway from the Far East, they see that as evidence of direct trade instead of something that was traded dozens of times across two continents over an extended period of time. Of course something that was a novelty would get traded as novelty made it valuable. The culture where the item ended up wouldn't need direct trade or even knowledge of the originating culture. More recently some fabric scrap with something like 'Allah is great' written in Arabic was found in a Scandinavian country, which was then held up as proof that Muslims had long had a presence there, instead of the more logical conclusion that it was something that had been traded many times before it made its way to people who saw it as something unique and probably had no clue what the markings on the cloth meant.
Video unrelated but mentioning Scandinavia reminded me that I had been grooving to it recently.

>> No.14863304
File: 53 KB, 1199x296, 8FFB4B2A-C847-4F09-8FB2-F679402A8C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More recently some fabric scrap with something like 'Allah is great' written in Arabic was found in a Scandinavian country, which was then held up as proof that Muslims had long had a presence there
pic related?

>> No.14863745

White Europe is a myth. There were many black folx in Europe during medieval times

>> No.14863754
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1662254305416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14863757

It probably wasn't traded at all but pillaged.

>> No.14863791

The people who try to argue europe was always filled with nonwhite people, and hence claim nonwhite representation in historical films isn't obvious propaganda almost always do so in bad faith. They take one or two notable examples of soldiers/immigrants from MENA (a few of whom might have been black) living in europe during the time of the Roman Empire or later to seriously claim that europe was multicultrual.
The irony is that the same people will cry about whitewashing when actually white historical characters (say Cleopatra) are portrayed as white because Egypt at large wasn't.

>> No.14863944

Holy shit I hate reddit..
>question some retarded woman's fantasy of nigger filled Europe, and her sources being unscientific blog posts
>get a warning from mods to not be "disrespectful" i.e, don't question their flair users.

>> No.14864136
File: 1.10 MB, 851x531, NC4yMS4yMC5wbmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as recently as a hundred, hundred-fifty years ago, if someone in Europe wanted to see a black person they would probably have to go to the zoo, or circus exhibit.