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14862940 No.14862940 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't a startup pursue lab grown penises

grow a penis from your own reprogrammed cells with a custom hormone blend and incubation time so as to meet exact specifications

penis transplants have been performed with great success to the point where the nerves are reconnected and the organ is fully functioning to the point of orgasm

so many billions would be poured into this

idg why there hasn't been an ipo already

then when all the rich dudes get their designer penises maybe the science will be at the point where we can get functioning vital organs on a mass scale

>> No.14862944

That would be human experimentation for something no critical, retard.

>OP must be chink to worry about his small pepe

>> No.14862946

>that would be human experimentation for something no critical, retard.

you mean like vaccinating for covid?

it's 2022, designer penises is a trillion dollar idea

>> No.14864151

most of the science has already been done, there are plenty of people who suffered from accidents that would volunteer for studies, once the science is even more perfected lobby the fda to make having micropenis a debilitating condition, everyone with small penis now gets a new penis covered by insurance

>> No.14864158
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cripplecock kike

>> No.14864190

my dick well above average and i would never undergo a surgery like this, i've even had cosmetic surgery offered by family but i refuse.

my point is you can take advantage of people's insecurity and degeneracy to further science and make massive profits that would eclipse that of even viagra.

>> No.14864197

transmen would probably pay top dollar to have a functioning penis grown from their own cells instead of one cut and frankensteined into something resembling one.

>> No.14864236

>you mean like vaccinating for covid?
Even if the covid was a meme (for healthy people, and no super-lethal var) pharma corps used the goverment to fund a new tech that will be used for danguerous diseases.

>> No.14864255

yea, sure, now take that same moral approach to designer penises

people are seriously slacking here

>> No.14864278

I feel like their is probably better ways to grow pensises then amputating then attacking a new one. Probably a growth hormone implant. Purposely make the hormone have a short half life before it falls apart so it stays in around the area its implanted. Or have a growth hormone implant and another implant implanted deeper inside that secrets a chemical that reacts and that attaches to and makes the hormone unable to react with receptors preventing most of it from spreading to other parts of the body and preventing your endocrine system from making blockers. Both more feasible then lab grown pensises. We already have implants you just need make the chemicals.

>> No.14864311

out of my wheelhouse but i don't think mature penises would react the same way to the growth inducing hormones, you'd have to revert the penis to an immature state first which i can imagine being super fucking tricky especially if it's still attached to your body

>> No.14864345

Fleshy stuff is different that height and other shit. Your bones have growth plates that close up. HG actually makes you flesh grow and certian bones like in your hands. It also causes diabetes heart disease cancer all that shit. Basically you want to induce acromegaly just in your dick which actually does increase penis size. Your penis may become less sensitive but I have a feeling you can overload it with shit tons of hormones.

>> No.14864354

there is only evidence of hormone treatments increasing penis size in children

you think adults haven't tried?

>> No.14864363

You can try but the issue is injecting hormones in low level causes your body to make blockers and if you overload it it's not targeted and will give you diabetes heart disease etc and you will have minimal growth while becoming disformed. That's why you need to just overload the penis area using hormones with short half life or another chemical to prevent it going else where.

>> No.14864372

i don't think it's that simple, people take cocktails of hormones and inhibitors so that their body can't block their action and it doesn't make their dick bigger while the rest of their muscles and shit grow

>> No.14864393

Some parts grow more then others. There hasn't been studies on dick growth so its only speculation why dick doesn't grow but I'm guessing is it because less sensitive with age but still can be grown.

>> No.14864406

so by the time the implant is figured out you move your business model to other organs and capitalize on the aging

>> No.14864443

There’s a lot of money that would be going towards this if people weren’t so concerned about pearl-clutching over transsexuals.

>> No.14864549

Modern fashion looks like shit. These guys are dressed like 13 year old boys who drink 4 liters of mountain dew every day and spend all day watching anime and listening to shitty rap music.

>> No.14864721
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>Clitoris grows from taking androgenic hormones
>The adult penis does not
I think it would be interesting to figure out the androgen induced growth mechanism at play in clitoromegaly and then study how the penis differs as a start. Since the clitoris is pretty much a mini penis in many regards.