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14860178 No.14860178 [Reply] [Original]

literally where Newton held lectures. Back then do you think those geezers let the town whore give a talk?

alright bros. when can we just leave this fucking planet already. a portal to a sane universe would be fantastic.

>> No.14860185

Have sex incel

>> No.14860184

Selfish and arrogant boomers created this mess. Never forget that.

>> No.14860290

probably some shitty kindergarten faculty
it's a good thing these manchildren are locked up in universities and not walking the streets

>> No.14860827

a blu blu

>> No.14860831

Good. Let them drive home the point that their Jew-ridden indoctrination institutions have zero actual respectablity and only circumstantial connection to scientists like Newton.

>> No.14860834


Sorry anon, but all this does is further normalize this madness.

Humanity is very sick.

>> No.14860845

>all this does is further normalize this madness.
No, it doesn't. Hatred and distrust against establishment institutions and the left is at an all-time high.

>> No.14860861

>Hatred and distrust against establishment institutions and the left is at an all-time high.

Which is why ~80% of most first world nations voluntarily signed up to be injected with mystery RNA full well knowing that it hadn't received the full testing, for a disease that had a >99% survival rate.

>> No.14860874

>~80% of most first world nations voluntarily signed up to be injected with mystery RNA
That's not even remotely true. It's more like 50-60%, which is stunningly low, given how hard it was pushed. Why are you spreading vaxxoid propaganda?

>> No.14860884

There's nothing wrong with being a whore. Both sides of the arrangement get what they want. One gets money, the other sex. It's a completely logical and rational transaction. Back in Newtons ere many a Oxford scientist visited the local brothels.

>> No.14860888

>That's not even remotely true.


You can try to claim that they're exaggerating these numbers, but I don't believe it.

4/5 people being vaccinated is in-line with my personal experience.

As an aside, I love when statistics manifest in my personal experience. Like when I learned that 95% of children born to BMWF have the father leave their life, and then I saw this play out in front of me.

True statistics is an amazingly powerful tool, it is no surprise it would be abused so often.

>> No.14860905

Huh. I remember it being 50-60% back when COVID was still relevant. Now it's apparently 80-90%. Weird but I guess government data is on your side on this one, for whatever it's worth.

>> No.14860917

It would have been gauche to bring one back to the lecture hall.

>> No.14860927

Courtesans were accepted in high society.

>> No.14860931

She's not a courtesan.

>> No.14860939

It's also no longer the 1600's

>> No.14860944

She did make millions of dollars in her teens all on her own, maybe she has something worth saying about business and financial management.

>> No.14860946

Our standards have noticeably degraded since then it seems.

>> No.14860958

They are still the same, society is now just more honest.

>> No.14860979

Is this that oxfordunion talk? They let random pajeet politicians, nigger rappers etc to talk, what's wrong with this foid?

>> No.14860982

So they just invite low brow people to point and laugh at them while asking ridiculing questions?

>> No.14860991

I politely disagree; there was more shame in the old times. Now noone gives a fuck and use the shame as a medal.

>> No.14861941

>maybe she has something worth saying about business and financial management.

>> No.14861947

The whole purpose of the bourgeois was to remove the kings and priests off of their backs. priests and kings took their money and told them what to do , who to marry, daily rules and so on . it was awful for the bourgeois bug.

The typical life of a bourgeois is going to orgies at night and then during day getting bored since they have a very shallow meaningless job or even just be trust fund babies and all they do in the afternoon is getting ready to go parties in the evening.
From time to time they want to feel like good guys so back in the day they would go to church on the sunday morning after their saturday night orgy.

Nowadays they just push for humanism, ie the philosophy they themselves crafted to take power.

And women lead the same life of the bourgeoisie, this is why they thrive so much in the bourgeois pinnacle creation: the democratic republic.
A woman truly have no hypocrisy when all she does in her life is using hundreds of orbiters to get them solve her daily life problems, when she gets free gifts by men, when she has lots of casual sex free of charge, when men put her on a pedestal while her skills are non-existent. A woman is hedonistic and she has very little work do to get an easy life.
Women coast thru life thanks to
-being the apex predator on the liberalized sex market (liberalized by the bourgeoisie since bourgeois hate sexual conventions, because it prevents cooming).
Both women and bourgeois are bisexual sex freaks.
-being deeply neurotic, desperate to virtue signal during the day to gain atheist karma points
-being the only species able to sustain high dose of hypocrisy, ie being self centered hedonist but also pushing for more humanism, because they have no introspection faculty

the only difference between a bourgeois and a woman, is that the bourgeois perfectly knows he is a scumbag who doesnt care one bit about the peasants in private, while claiming in public that caring about peasants is super important.

>> No.14861957


>> No.14862067

>There's nothing wrong with being a whore

that's why your mother is a-okay with me

braindead simp doesn't understand societal decay and entropy. it's not the same retard. send me pics of your mom choking on a dildo, what's wrong with being a pornstar anyhow?

>> No.14862069

Good, newton was a moron

>> No.14862083

Depends on the country and the age groups. In the US, over 90% of adults received at least one injection. Most of the uninjected are children, who have much lower rates of getting the injections. When you see the injection percentage reported, it's usually for all people, not just 18+. Narrow it down to just adults and you'll see it is over 90%. Then you have places like Nigeria with much lower injection rates (8.4%). Nigeria has less than 4000 confirmed covid deaths in country of 200 million and a negative excess mortality rate. The negative excess mortality rate means it is unlikely there are a bunch of deaths from covid that weren't attributed to it due to lack of testing.

>> No.14862104

anyone else want to make bets this anons fap collection contains a ton of milf and tranny porn?

>> No.14862113

Newton was at Cambridge, not Oxford

>> No.14862116

Wut? What do they expect her to talk about?

>> No.14862132

The MSM will still try to convince the masses that these institutions contain only the brightest minds and that we should all listen to them. Modern science has largely become mentally disturbed leftist pseudoscience.

>> No.14862148

God I hate this word

>> No.14862150


>> No.14862154

>a negative excess mortality rate
What period of time?

>> No.14862159 [DELETED] 

Based nigerians.

>> No.14862161

>The MSM will still try to convince the masses that these institutions contain only the brightest minds and that we should all listen to them
Well, are you convinced? Wait... did you think you were some elite? lol

>> No.14862164
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>Then you have places like Nigeria with much lower injection rates (8.4%). Nigeria has less than 4000 confirmed covid deaths in country of 200 million and a negative excess mortality rate
Based Nigerians. Figures they would know how to recognize a scam.

>> No.14862808

>I remember it being 50-60% back when COVID was still relevant. Now it's apparently 80-90%.

They started giving it to children.

>> No.14862867

this world is fucked
it all started when obongo did an interview with that retard YT girl who sits in the bathtub full of corn flakes and milk or some stupid shit

>> No.14863270

Do something of value, whore.

>> No.14863332

Good for her

>> No.14863350

Any org on a campus can "invite" anyone they want (in reason) to speak. As long as they go through the proper means and reserve a facility there. An example is I got baited into a going to a "magic show" that ended up being some Christian prayer shit set up by the Christian club at my college. Another example is the time cube guy was invited to speak at Georgia tech. But maybe she is becoming a professor of onlyfans at oxford? You never know without reading the article instead of just the headline.