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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14861630 No.14861630 [Reply] [Original]

No gay shit allowed

>> No.14861652 [DELETED] 

Kys poltard. >>>/x/ >>>/pol/

>> No.14861726
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Why do ye hate me, son of man?
Has science not evolved to be a belief system, instead of a method of inquiry?

>> No.14861756

Kys poltard

>> No.14861774

But you do agree that the placebo effect shouldn't work, right? Why would a person taking a sugar pill experience benefits closer to that of taking actual medicine simply because that person believes they are receiving real medicine?

>> No.14861812

You exceeded the budget of words I gave you, not reading that. Kys poltard

>> No.14862250

You are so smart. Please teach me how to me as cool.

>> No.14862262

This isn't God tier. It's midwit and reddit tier.

>> No.14862273

Only known work of Enoch: https://pastebin.com/r2CqShsY

>> No.14862276

Imagine getting overwhelmed by a couple of sentences, but then taking the time to post that you're not going to read something.

>> No.14862296

>No gay shit allowed
>Proceeds to throw on a pair of his sister's panties, shove a lubricated horse cock up his asshole and run up and down the hall waving rainbow flags around
This is why nobody likes /pol/. It's not the racism, it's not the paranoia of powerful kike-ridden governments and corporations, it's not the fascism... all that shit is completely reasonable. It's just because you constantly act like giant faggots.

>> No.14862298

>But you do agree that the placebo effect shouldn't work, right?
why would anyone think that?

>> No.14862305

is this pasta?

>> No.14862319
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I guess my problem with this (other than it appearing to be silly on it's face) is that some of this is easily testable, so why not just test it?

I could generate a billion random numbers right now while you think really hard about wanting high rolls or low rolls or think about nothing as a control and we can actually record and measure some results.

A program which generates random numbers can be constructed in many languages, for free. Computers are cheap and you thinking about higher or lower numbers is free.

There is literally no excuse not to try to reproduce the experiment as it requires no funding or special equipment. I would do it just to answer silly questions like if Java is more resistant to psychic meddling than Fortran 90.

>> No.14862340
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>> No.14862342

it is now

>> No.14862391

Kys poltard

>> No.14862434

>There is literally no excuse not to try to reproduce the experiment as it requires no funding or special equipment. I would do it just to answer silly questions like if Java is more resistant to psychic meddling than Fortran 90.
It has been reproduced a few times.

>> No.14862437
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stay mad impotent cuck, part over here

>> No.14862464

OK i really need to put this out here,, kind of a long story,,

So ive gone thru a bad break up recently,one day getting ready for work listening to joy division new dawn fades staring at myself in the mirror. I have 4 adjacent bulbs above the mirror, the far left one is out. I start singing and getting really emotional and I wasn't really worried about singing well or anything i genuinely just wanted to get the emotion out,, eyes closed bawling yelling MEEEEE- when suddenly, the dead bulb illuminates and im still spiraling and crying but i saw it and thought i just tapped into some telepathic interaction.

its shit like that makes me think about some schizo shit,, inb4 we were always supernatural but were caged to work like rats,,

tldr;turned on lightbulb with deprssed brain

>> No.14862482
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I mean right here right now. This experiment is trivial to set up for anyone with familiarity with any programming language. Literally a random number generator in a loop.

This could be replicated on a large scale by loads of people. We could also do silly things like test what happens when people think adversarially (you want higher, your adversary wants lower) or cooperatively (if two people want higher random numbers is the effect increased?). There are a lot of fun experiments that can be made.

Do you have a link to the original study?

>> No.14862617
File: 946 KB, 1x1, doppler.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the d o p p l e r p i l l

>> No.14862625

Michelson-Morley is the founding myth of modern Scientism so it's the least likely to ever be questioned (despite having significant challenges even by Michelson himself).

>> No.14862631

I'm afraid I don't. The one I remember was actually not a computerized RNG but in fact a pachinko style ball dropper, which naturally accumulates a roughly bell-curve distribution of balls. Some participants were able to shift the curve to the right or left on command despite the balls being dropped from a hopper mechanically in the same manner each time.

>> No.14862638

Very good point. I'd like to remind everyone that "psychosomatic" is a bullshit term only used by lazy, greedy and ignorant doctors who are willfully refusing to research the actual mechanism of what causes a patient's symptoms.

>> No.14862640

This is literally what the 'global consciousness project' does. They have a couple of RNGs spit out numbers and then translate the variance into a color and post it online and then laugh as /pol/ strongly interprets the dot and freaks the fuck out.

>> No.14862923

Green pill is that you?

>> No.14862938
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Global warming is fake

>> No.14862975

so the god tier red pills are just what you all called this guy schizo for talking about here for the last however many years? >>14862340

How embarrassing

>> No.14863135

this board is so slow that it's not like this thread can kill an actively bumped thread more suited to his interests
is it a bot of some kind?
>kys poltard
>kys poltard
>kys poltard
over and over again
if this is a real person, does he actually believe that his posts meant to be worth more consideration than the OP, or an effective dismissal of it? why would someone take the time to write a script that behaves like this and then sic it on sci of all places?

>> No.14863148

>if this is a real person, does he actually believe that his posts meant to be worth more consideration than the OP, or an effective dismissal of it? why would someone take the time to write a script that behaves like this and then sic it on sci of all places?
Because there can be no place free of their influence. They're narcissists who want any view they dislike banned.

>> No.14863149

>There is literally no excuse not to try to reproduce the experiment as it requires no funding or special equipment. I would do it just to answer silly questions like if Java is more resistant to psychic meddling than Fortran 90.
then why are you not doing it?

>> No.14863158

Because telling other people to do it makes him feel smugly superior while also allowing his values to go unchallenged.

>> No.14863167

Lol you're a fucking moron. Get off the science board you don't belong here.

>> No.14863212 [DELETED] 
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anime is for pedophiles, there are no innocent anime watchers

>> No.14863500

The reason it isn't done is the same why you didn't do it besides typing up 200 posts about the topic, or I did.
Because we are too lazy and have other shit going on on in life.
This also applies to wannabe-deboonkers. They are too lazy to try these, because the outcome yields just a few results: null result, a very slight dopamine hit (could also be equally disappointing over having wasted one's time), or a result, which is slightly bewildering but not immediately world view rocking and instead can be rationalized variously.
No true dopamine flood results.

>> No.14863507

Seething CHUD on lifeline

>> No.14864049

This is a God tier reply

>> No.14864091

you know the answer.
if it works, it's proof of telekinesis.
if it doesn't, you did it wrong.

>> No.14864171

dont worry I dunk on them every chance that presents itself

>> No.14864323
File: 27 KB, 750x755, JWST pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who consider themselves authorities on all things scientific are unable to discern the difference between sausage and jwst pic

>> No.14864341
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Mostly because I fell asleep and then forgot about this thread. I wish there was a way for people to ping me on 4chan so I remember the places I went.

Anyways, what kind of math do I need to make to tell if the rolls are abnormal or not?

I can write this I'm SLAMn but someone will have to tell me the math to run so I can make SLAM do it.

Attached is an image of a random number generator created with Maid Books that makes an integer from 0 to 99. If you think it's a little long at two lines, keep in mind it was created only using Maid Books and I didn't have to import a randomness package or anything. Randomness is built into the Maid Book syntax.

I'm gonna take the pop off the definition of RAND so it doesn't consume my stack and run it as many times as I can without crashing the science computer.

I need to know the math part (statistics maybe?) to tell if the results are weird or not. If someone gives me the math they want me to run on the generated data, I will do it and post a screenshot with a big titty ilulu or something in it.

I'll do it just to test SLAM. This is a cool problem and I think a maid language is genuinely well-suited to it.

>> No.14864352
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(Also if I do this experiment I will temporarily turn my trip back on to make it easier for people to find my posts in an archive if they like reading my experiments)

>> No.14864371
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This was the first set of experiments I encountered and I found it very convincing.

It's not random numbers, but trying to project paintings to a sleeping recipient. Their protocols seem solid to me, and they demonstrate a result.

>> No.14864375
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An actual scientific redpill is that consciousness is electromagnetic, not neurons or qualia

>> No.14864385
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>> No.14864455

It's a shame that this doesn't affect anything in any meaningful way. It is not like I now have an edge at the casino or something.
So yeah these results are pretty useless.

>> No.14864516
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The vax is deadly, even the federal government has admitted it. The only holdouts are redditiers and other cringey, deluded IFLS types with media induced messiah complexes and other atheistic power fantasies

>> No.14864528
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>> No.14864571

The problem I have with this is that your claims are exaggerated. Offcourse the vaccine is deadly, probably every vaccine causes deaths. But all of the shit that people who take the vaccine only had 2 years left to live or whatever, I'm not seeing any of that. I would like to see someone compare the deaths from a traditional shot to the C19 one.

Anyways fuck the government and fuck the vaccine.

>> No.14864589

jesus christ thats the cringiest image ive ever seen

is this a humor thread?

>> No.14864593

if you post your grades and credentials it will be

>> No.14864602

>consciousness is electromagnetic, not neurons or qualia
>apples are photosynthesis, not molecules or delicious
literal retardation and 10 levels of zero-iq equivocation and category errors, but go on

>> No.14864603

the bar has moved lower

>> No.14864734

>I would like to see someone compare the deaths from a traditional shot to the C19 one.
Acknowledged vax-related deaths are up 4000%. So it's at minimum that much deadlier than any prior vax.

>> No.14865056
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I wrote some SLAM code to generate random numbers 0-99. I tried to make a billion of them and my computer got hot and my interpreter crashed.

So I restarted and tried just 100M. I successfully made the 100M random numbers, but when I tried to print the stack the interpreter crashed.

I can try again with 10M in a bit. These runs drained the battery of the science computer.

Also I'm pretty sure the science computer has a GPU of some kind so I might try to use it.