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14857433 No.14857433 [Reply] [Original]

what is the smallest building block of matter and how does the physics engine of universe determine what they're equal to?

>> No.14857436


>> No.14857453

folded spinning matter

>> No.14857463
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good lad

>> No.14857471


>> No.14857623

Very very tiny Lego pieces

>> No.14857773

What is a computer simulation made of

>> No.14858713
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fundamentally they are information
in a literal sense they are solutions, self-evident solutions in a fuzzy, constrained quantized view of a, in our minds, (multi)field existence
the field is in all
and they are some point values, not abstractly, but literally. their literal embodiment is that of a point value, they are a point value, and they embody a point value
matter is made of these things, so to ask what these things are made of, is a weird thing to say
they are not _made_ of things
they are informational data points in a field
> that's weird
yes the field is weird, and that so many points in the fields, with the rules that exist (the rules themselves are nuts) - create other weird things
the thing is matter seems normal to us
but matter is no more normal that the things below matter
quantum isn't weird
nothing is erased
time doesn't exist
entanglement isn't just normal, it's boring and required, in fact it's a LIMITATION
"spooky action" and "delayed choices" and "wave like" is all fucking shit
> is it a wave of a particle
is WHAT a wave of a particle?
you are not talking about the same thing
light isn't one thing
it's a field of unquantized energy that moves around, takes two paths, and because time doesn't exist, light can event ("collapse") at the point where you detect it, but the underlying field of number values still permeated
the way in which things collapse and pull out of the field is fascinating and THIS is something we've not really looked at because we can't see it
but I think there are ways to see it
by forcing the creating of certain particles and trying to saturate the limits of the creation of these particles
or playing with very specific energies of EM waves around those frequencies and materials and seeing how you can show a limitation of close proximity emissions
like a shadow of inverse probability around one emission
this is akin to the domain wall limitations we've seen, and these are hyper local interesting constraints

>> No.14858740
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They are computational objects. You can think of them as volume pixels if they are rendered or probability distribution in an un-rendered form, or data on a 'hard drive' (metaphor, data is not really stored in the physical (virtual) spacetime world, be it on a hard drive or anything else, as the spacetime world is virtual, and only exists in the mind of a player upon rendering) representing possible results of measurement . At that very small level, they never even have to be rendered though, only the effects of them have to be rendered, clicks on a counter, digitally amplified dots on a screen, diffraction pattern etc. They very rarely have to be rendered at all and again, only the effects of them have to be rendered. They are not causing anything so the system doesn't render them because it renders only on an as needed basis only. See picrel.

>> No.14858745

Electricity and troons

>> No.14858748

That's a good witten

>> No.14858755
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so, with regard to this
Our causation does not come from WITHIN spacetime, as spacetime space is virtual and emergent from underlying NON-LOCAL (outside spacetime) info processing. The computer MUST be non-local (outside of spacetime) because the computer can not be in the same world it outputs, see picrel

So all of these subatomic particles don't have to be rendered unless measured/observed by a player/consciousness. Hence why there are the two types of reality, the one that can be inferred as 'The deterministic, unitary, continuous time evolution of an isolated system that obeys the Schrödinger equation (or a relativistic equivalent, i.e. the Dirac equation' and 'The probabilistic, non-unitary, non-local, discontinuous change brought about by observation and measurement. Once the measurement is taken, the a random draw from a probability distribution is taken, some possibilities are more probable of course, they the computer calculates what would be probable and only THEN (upon measurement) does it define a value.

Here is a time stamped vid that describes the difference between a deterministic, bottoms up simulation, where every value of every particle at every moment everywhere in the universe has to be defined, vs ours, a top down probabilistic and statistical simulation rendered only according to the specs of what the senses of the players can process and whatever tools the create to enhances there senses, telescopes, microscopes etc. Just put it on one 1.5 and listen for a few minutes.

>> No.14858776

Pure logic.

>> No.14858786
File: 238 KB, 1744x986, Bell correlations between spatially separated pairs of atoms .pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regard to this
>Our causation does not come from WITHIN spacetime, as spacetime is virtual and emergent from underlying NON-LOCAL (outside spacetime) info processing. The computer MUST be non-local (outside of spacetime) because the computer can not be in the same world it outputs
It was the quantum physics revelation that the 'collapse' of the wave function has no physical causal explanation which was the first hint. It is a discontinuous change from the wave function, and so can't be derived deterministically from the wave function, the born rule must be applied. This was the first clue that causation is calculational and coming from outside the spacetime (non-local, outside the universe (outside the virtual space). The second major clue was FTL bell correlations during entanglement. see picrel for proof through experimental verification.

And this can happen because in a virtual world, all pixels are equadistant from the processor, and so they do not have to obey spacetime causation rules. The spacetime causation is a SIMULATED causation. And this, by the way, is why consciousness can not be caused by brains, being that brains are in spacetime, and so they are spatially organized computational objects only, ie they are virtual. Consciousness is outside the universe, and so not 'in' brains, and it is only made to feel like we are 'inside' of heads through the VR method of immersion. So the physical world is a data stream rendered to minds, and elementary particles, like all matter, are processed, organized and structured data rendered to observers in minds. And so ultimately, they are made of mind.

The second part of causation is AGENT causation from a free will awareness unit, which, in a participatory way, helps to decide what of the physical world gets rendered. It's adequate determinism of the physical world = agent causation.

>> No.14858800
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With regard to this
Things like the orbits of planets are EFFECTIVELY deterministic since they are so large that there is low uncertainty and constantly monitored, and this is why the deterministic dif eqs map on to them with such utility. But there is still SOME uncertainty. Every delta T a random draw from a probability distribution is taken by the computer and the probable outcome is going to be that it will continue apparently continuously deterministically. There would be SOME non-zero chance that a planet or some other macro celestial object could tunnel across the universe from one refresh frame to the next. I believe this is reported actually in some of the ancient myths. The smaller down you go, ie our level, the more uncertainty and the more probabilistic things become. More chance, more free will.

So the physical reality is not a continuous. It's discrete and without infinities. picrel.

>> No.14858809
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here is the source for this
by the way

>> No.14858850

My dude doesn't know about leptons and preons BRUUHHH