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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14855925 No.14855925 [Reply] [Original]

>all scientists are just rich kids playing around and wasting their background's wealth

>> No.14855939

It means they're open to explore fields of research without fear, just following their interests and where their research takes the,. the results aren't compromised by concerns about advancement of one's position in the administration

>> No.14855955

This exactly. Science has always been the wealthy man’s endeavour. How else spend all that time.

>> No.14855962


>> No.14855969

Good question. Even if you don’t understand anything about science, you get to enjoy the benefits

>> No.14856037


>> No.14856279
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>All scientists are just conmen and whores who sell themselves to the highest bidder.

>> No.14856302

it was much, much better when that was the case

>> No.14856306

Understanding is one of the only benefits, the “conveniences” are mostly deleterious, although the latter makes the former possibly easier on some cases but I’m not 100% convinced

>> No.14856324
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>their background's wealth
>Their countryman's wealth
FTFY. Remember, science is subsidized because it couldn't function any other way. You think the government left enough smart rich kids behind when it breeds the exact opposite?

>Like they did during Weimar
The price of a sandwich, Schultz.

>> No.14856372

It's a depressing system.
subsidise retard consumers to breed while penalising the fertility of the smartest
Who benefits from this?

>> No.14856404

I really hate large (or tall) wooden houses, in europe libsharts/scandicucks have been pushing this idea of building comie blocks (and high rise buildings in general) from wood, absolute retardation.

>> No.14856428

Government wants tax cattle. Government benefits from creating more tax cattle. The right left paradigm is a meme; republicans exist to be tax whales and democrats exist to make sure progressive policies will always receive support (from blm and mentally ill hobos that can be mobilized in an instant to start mostly peaceful protests) so that our system of representation maintains the facade of integrity. Mobsters are in charge.