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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14855258 No.14855258 [Reply] [Original]

One example of this is the genetic code, consistently we see your average atheist online claiming that it's not ACTUALLY a code, even though all of academia agrees it's a literal code. And yes, even the academic atheist.

This is a prime example of cognitive dissonance in action.

There is only one known cause capable of producing code, that being intelligence, thus the implications of it being a literal code are too much for them.

They have to rely on blind faith hoping to one day make the impossible possible via naturalistic means.

>> No.14855269

So you're saying this intelligent "coder" could get the physics to always work without exceptions but couldn't debug shit like Down Syndrome?

>> No.14855271

Hey Alexa, what is "the fall" for 400?

>> No.14855288
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>> No.14855291

Uh huh. I'm going to go ahead and just abort downies with the screening we developed thanks to science.

>> No.14855301

No, that'd be murder sir, which is bad.

Also, what's with the attempt at conflating science with atheism? Science is a neutral tool that can support either paradigm...and newsflash : It's been destroying atheism for the past 50 years.

>> No.14855302
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>it's le heckin' code!!!
Explain what "code" means. Spoiler: you will seethe and deflect.

>> No.14855305

Symbolic information passed between an encoder and a decoder.

Spoiler: Google exist.

>> No.14855310

precise structured mathematical sequencing



>> No.14855312

No one talks to you, NPC nigger ape. Go get your 4th booster.

>> No.14855313

>Symbolic information passed between an encoder and a decoder.
Where do you see any "symbols" in actual, physical DNA?

>> No.14855322

Well, science is people investigating and making arguments based on evidence. Your arguments are of poor quality and therefore unconvincing.

>> No.14855325

SNPs are symbolic for the proteins they encode.

>> No.14855326

Codons are symbols. This is day one stuff.

>> No.14855328
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>> No.14855331

I don't think you have any actual comprehension of what the word "symbol" means.

>> No.14855333

Wow, great rebuttal.

"I anecdotally claim your argument to be unconvincing, therefore I win".

>> No.14855334

See >>14855331

>> No.14855340

Codons literally symbolize the proteins they encode...

>> No.14855345

Yeah. I'm fine with my beliefs. You're the one selling.

>> No.14855350

A symbol is a conventional representation of some idea. To call something a symbol is to imply that its intended to conjure up some corresponding idea in a mind. You're a midwit perverting language.

>> No.14855351

Selfies go on >>>/soc/, quadrivaxxer.

>> No.14855352

A symbol is something which represents another thing (often a more complex thing) for the understanding of an interpreter. That is literally what DNA is for the body. The body interprets compressed information in DNA to produce proteins which are complex but whose information can be stored in a small volume.

>> No.14855353

A codon LITERALLY symbolizes proteins.

And just no, codes are not ideas, lol.

You seem very unaware.

>> No.14855356

A symbol is what I said it is. Discussion closed.

>> No.14855363

Welp, can't argue with that.

>> No.14855372

You can pervert language all you want. I don't argue semantics with imbeciles. Call it a symbol if you want, but once you remove minds from the equation, you completely undermine OP's point, since now just about anything can be construed as an "interpreter" of some "code" without implying any intelligence.

>> No.14855375

I was telling people on this board not to take any vax since 2016 kiddo try again

>> No.14855379

I've only changed my mind about it after the vaccine was proven safe and effective

>> No.14855383

>science vs religion thread

>> No.14855387

A codon is recognized by all biologist in academia as a symbol. This isn't an argument. Codons symbolize protiens.

And no, not everything can be construed as an interpreter of a code without actually being code. That's just absurd.

This is a prime example of the cognitive dissonance OP was talking about.

>> No.14855391

>i'm a low IQ cretin
Oh, okay.

>> No.14855394

>not everything can be construed as an interpreter of a code
Almost everything can be construed as an interpreter of code. Almost any physical system can be viewed as mapping from inputs to outputs when something interacts with it and it responds, so now I can say that any such input is a "symbol" for the corresponding output that gets interpreted by the physical system.

>> No.14855399

>One example of this is the genetic code, consistently we see your average atheist online claiming that it's not ACTUALLY a code, even though all of academia agrees it's a literal code.
This sounds like pointless semantics. Define code.

>This is a prime example of cognitive dissonance in action.
Two groups disagreeing is not cognitive dissonance.

>There is only one known cause capable of producing code, that being intelligence
If by code you simply mean functional information then there is no reason intelligence has to be involved. Natural selection turns random information into functional information.

>> No.14855409

SNPs are mutations. Perhaps you mean nucleotide? No they are not symbols, they are molecules. A, T, G, and C are symbols.

>> No.14855422

Seems like a cope. Humans only exist bc the dinosaurs died out. Had they survived the meteor we wouldn't be here to invent things like religion. You think animals think of religion? No. Bc they don't have the brain capacity to invent ideas or beleive in this idea over that idea. Religion is something we must all suffer from bc we are dmart enough to invent ideas but not smart enough to figure out which ideas are retarded. Religion is 100 percent made up and makes no sense and is only a cope tk how to deal with life.

>> No.14855424

No, they form a substrate amino acids are connected to to form a protein. They aren't symbols. That's like saying enzymes are symbols for a chemical reaction.

>> No.14855427

>That is literally what DNA is for the body.
You mean figuratively. Your comparison only works as an analogy.

>> No.14855429

Already defined code. See above.

Correct, but a group denying science is. (Atheist).

Proof? This is an obvious and recognized fact. Go ahead, try and create code via naturalistic means. We'll be waiting.

Nope, I've already defined code.

>> No.14855431

No, codons don't turn into proteins, they symbolize them. They don't turn into anything.

They're literally symbols for proteins. This is basic molecular biology.

>> No.14855433

Nope, not analogy. It's recognized as literal code by all biologist.

>> No.14855435

>A codon is recognized by all biologist in academia as a symbol.

>And no, not everything can be construed as an interpreter of a code without actually being code.
It can, if you view chemical reactions as code processing.