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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.58 MB, 1280x848, 1439452233526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14809934 No.14809934 [Reply] [Original]

post & discuss physics

>how do I get into physics
look in the archives. Hundreds of posts with excellent recs

>posters not allowed
12000 rpm schizo
electric universe morons
flat earthers
consciousnesstards/quantum mysticists

>> No.14810457

>inb4 landau schizo appears
The books you shill suck and so do you.

>> No.14810464

Angular momentum

>> No.14810496
File: 7 KB, 268x188, plasma_wave_dispersion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally hundreds of complex phenomena that could be studied further
>is the redheaded stepchild of physics because muh fusion is 20 years away
Plasmachads rise

>> No.14810512

Start by studying the potential impact of Doppler shift on the Michelson-Morley interferometer. That will save you lots of time.

>> No.14810522
File: 8 KB, 200x311, FB9B2FF6-0BA7-4904-B75D-EA0B8E998E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only reason I care about physics is because I have to do it for my degree

>> No.14811281 [DELETED] 

nobody has ever solved this image

>> No.14811393
File: 52 KB, 202x249, ATOMICPHYSICSONTOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate nuclear physicists nuclear physicists get btfo
every single nuclear physicist is a manchild who saw an explosion and has never ever been the same. all of them
stop fucking coping you are a psychopath you want nothing more out of your life other than to utilize the nuclear bomb against ragheads

>> No.14811438 [DELETED] 

anon, you realize this is a particle physics question right? and that particle physics is a separate discipline from nuclear physics?

i’ll admit it, i made that image a few years ago. it comes from Seiden’s particle physics textbook, i just pasted it onto a splice of witten+stock blackboard photo.

and it is true that the only solution to it ever posted was from yukari-poster who just copy pasted the solution from the instructor manual with no actual steps for the solution

>> No.14811453

Angular Momentum

>> No.14811614

i made this image 5 minutes ago and it is an electron orbital, which is the domain of atomic physicists

max shitposter + prestige gaslighter

>> No.14811663 [DELETED] 

i honestly did make that image anon. why does it offend you that i did?

>> No.14811906

get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head

>> No.14811915
File: 5 KB, 104x104, 1658182009016796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a week.

>> No.14812155

>you are a psychopath you want nothing more out of your life other than to utilize the nuclear bomb against ragheads

>watch as he recoils...

>> No.14812160

literally nobody before 2020 hated on Landau, ESL-kun

>> No.14812199

Wait, what's wrong with Landau? I think his classical fields book is under-appreciated.

>> No.14812203

Fuck off. Unlike Weinberg, there is actually something to be gained from working through Landau.

>> No.14812412

>any time plasmas come up, all anyone wants to talk about is “fusion this” and “fusion that”
Frustrates me to no end - there’s so many other cool topics to talk about - space plasmas, low temperature plasmas, atmospheric jets, etc. Our first colloquium this semester was from one of our department’s new hires, and he introduced us to “dusty plasmas” - that shit blew my goddamn mind.

>> No.14813417

Pretty sure nonbrainlets have tried reading his books before 2020 but ok.
>Wait, what's wrong with Landau?
Have you tried reading them?
A brain tumor?

>> No.14813423

>inb4 some retard who doesn't know what a function is posts that retarded pdf again

>> No.14813453
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>> No.14813457
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>> No.14813749

What would you distinguish as the difference between particle and nuclear physics? Cuz in my mind it's all just different flavors of quantum shit.

>plasma wave dispersion
I love plasma physics but *fuck* wave dispersions. I did so many linearizations in my space plasmas class last Spring I thought I was gonna claw my fucking eyes out.

>he introduced us to “dusty plasmas” - that shit blew my goddamn mind
What about it?

>> No.14813859
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the universe is infinite, how can it expand and so get bigger? If it is not infinite, what is it expanding into?

Clearly the expanding universe is an illusion. What is happening is a slowing down of time. Ever more of it needs to pass to get where you're going.

Rebuttals, zombies?

>> No.14813922

heh. chuds defeated again.

>> No.14814163


>> No.14814225
File: 11 KB, 320x240, A5A35CA7-723C-4D3E-A4E4-D6258395C957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying math by itself
>”Yeah! Woohoo!”
>open up a physics textbook
>feel pic related
how do i love physics bros, i want it to click for me
do i just brute force problems until it snaps into the right spot in my brain?

>> No.14814491


>> No.14814505 [DELETED] 

i didn’t watch the video but come on this is obviously /pol/ bro. learn to contain yourself

>> No.14814519 [DELETED] 

i watched the video this time and i need to retract my last post. this isn’t /pol/ crap and i was wrong. that was a good video despite being a PragerU video (even though i usually think anything Dennis Prager does sucks).

that was actually a very good video and i support that Navy SEAL’s message

>> No.14814926

fuaaaaark this is literally just what i needed

>> No.14815380

I personally can't stand experimental physics, engineering, etc. but love theory. It's just how some people are. Try studying math to the point where you can dabble in mathematical physics and then move on from there.

>> No.14815414

>What about it?
tl;dr version - you can do really cool experiments and analysis with dust in a plasma because it's essentially a couple part of the plasma with dynamics on macro time and length scales

so, like, if you want to measure the velocity distribution function of the ions in a plasma, you have to make some questionable approximations that may or may not hold true for all plasma conditions or even all regions in the plasma and then you have to make some assumptions about how ions are collected by a surface in the plasma and then engineer a probe you can stick in and squint really hard and imagine your probe characteristic looks kind of like your theory and get the VDF from there. with a dusty plasma if you want to know the VDF of the dust you literally stick a camera up to the side of the chamber, record the motion of the dust, measure its velocity and say "there's the VDF of the dust"

ton of neat experiments they apparently do with it.

>> No.14815417

What the fuck is an 'electric universe'

>> No.14816923

don't agree that there's a mutual difference between motivation and discipline but the video is overall alright

>> No.14817376

It’s some schizo theory where gravity isn’t real, orbital mechanics is governed by plasma interaction. There’s absolutely no physically observable basis for this, or consistent explanations. Every discussion with EU fags devolves into them just repeating plasma terms they’re aware of in random nonsensical combinations.
>How does EU explain galactic rotation curves?
>Debye length quasineutral Birkeland currents ion mobility Alfven waves RF coupling Langmuir probes
>Ah, of course, naturally

>> No.14819292 [DELETED] 

Hey /pg/ I've been working on a safe space for autists to talk about STEM and Arts. I think you're pretty cool so here are the links. Feel free to ignore

>> No.14819306 [DELETED] 

>How does conventional physics explain galactic rotation curves?
>95% of the universe is made of ghosts!!!!
>In that context, why does conventional Newtonian mechanics, which only governs visible matter, completely explain orbits in our solar system.
>There are no ghosts in our solar system, Jesus scared them all away or something
>And the cosmological principle?
>I believe in that when its momentarily convenient for me, but in all other cases I happily forget it

>> No.14821046


>> No.14821441

Are there any textbooks about TQFT? I mostly see papers.

>> No.14822412


>> No.14822415

>reeeeee muh vanity thread
desperate and pathetic

>> No.14822738

Thread is 50% shitposting anon, just let it die and try again in a week. Maybe with a better OP to focus discussion

>> No.14822771

If you dont understand the physics, there's no point in doing the problems. Try deriving the concepts from principles you are familiar with to gain a solid understanding instead of rushing the problems by parroting the textbook. Also, 'discipline' can only get you so far before you become burnt out, try amphetamines, you'll be working the problems all night without trouble!

>> No.14822791

Geon isn't schizo. Google it.

>> No.14822805

Physics isn't causally closed.
Come at me

>> No.14824882

Mandlbaur posted a new paper, in case anyone wants something to laugh at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363284556_Light_Has_Mass

>> No.14824902

Light is attracted by gravity, therefore has mass. That's all there is in the paper.

>> No.14824949

what's your degree? I've always liked physics because by learning it I gain more power over the universe.

>> No.14824987

I concur. "Motivation won't get you through hard times," but hard times can be extremely motivating. If hard times are so hard that all efforts are futile, motivation goes to zero. People who are intrinsically motivated present the illusion of discipline. Habits are merely a product of the motivation that an external and/or internal environment provides. If you, at some point, become motivated enough to engage in some process and persist over time, the threshold to engage in that behavior decreases over time. Less motivation is required to engage in that activity. This in essence is the soul of "discipline." I think the general principle of kill or be killed is the best motivator. I think the trick to being successful in anything is to be engulfed in an environment that is based around that principle. Playing sports where you have a team and they count on you to win, and vise-versa, are extremely motivating to people to be in good physical shape. The burden of responsibilities like having a wife/children/living paycheck to paycheck are extremely motivating. Suicide rates in developed countries are as high as they are because of an overall lack of motivating factors the provide a person with a sense of imminence. Take a depressed suicidal person and throw them in a lake of ice water and I guarantee you they'll swim to shore because of the motivation that pain provides. I realize I'm distracted and am going to get back to work.

>> No.14825003
File: 144 KB, 1853x729, the_EU_scientists_everyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a theory, it's a cult of retards
Good impression of an EU retard, that could have been the guy I was talking to just last week (screencap rel)
You can't try to argue with them, just pretend to be interested at first then use the Socratic method to keep picking them apart until they realize "oh fuck I'm being retarded" and then go away

>> No.14826178

What, you were expecting a well-thought-out and detailed theoretical analysis from that faggot?

>> No.14826213

A force applied at a point p to a 2-manifold with density m/s will pull surrounding mass at a rate of f(a)=e^-d(a)^2 /t .... applying force over an area such as wind will flatten the gaussians.

If this manifold is elastic the f(a) is modified, often to a convex function such as with wood

>> No.14826253

Well he can't even cite things right, he just puts:
Eddington eclipse expedition of 1919
So I checked the paper from that expedition and they said they were checking one of three things. Light is unaffected by gravity, 2 light is subject to gravitation according to Newton's theory of gravity, or 3 "The course of a, ray of light is in accordance with Einstein’s generalised relativity theory."
3 is found to be the answer, and he takes this to mean 'attracted by gravity' even though it doesn't use that term.

>> No.14826512
File: 42 KB, 596x154, Non-essential electricity consumer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, time's up, nerds. You should've figured out fusion with the literal DECADES you were given. Now you're gonna lose your dumb toys.

https://archive . ph/A5nGP

>> No.14826550
File: 42 KB, 569x802, enab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good intuitive explanation for the layperson for how most of the mass of a nucleon comes from the strong force holding quarks together, not from the quarks themselves having masses?
This is something I find really weird and mysterious because it means that when gravity pulls on objects with mass, it's (mostly) a force pulling on another force, isn't it?
Please help it make a little bit more sense

>> No.14826644

No, not really. You're going to need to take a few years out and study quantum chromodynamics and field theory. But we can get the answer right to a few % so we're pretty sure we're right about it.

>> No.14826654

no, definitely nothing intuitive. you could heuristically say that the strong force involves a lot of highly energetic interactions and energy is mass but that doesn't explain why.

>> No.14826726 [DELETED] 

geons a la Wheeler were not schizo (however they never led anywhere aside from maybe some inspiration for LQG type stuff). but if EU folks ever use that word you can be sure they are pulling big-boy words out of their glossary and misusing them for poetic effect since none of them could physics their way out of a paper bag

>> No.14828032

>hurr durr all 10 volumes of L&L are shit now because of a minor error in wording in the first fucking volume
If you weren't a disingenuous piece of garbage, you'd contact the publishers so they can fix that in the next edition. In fact, I'm gonna do that right now to prevent your undergrad ass from shitposting any further.

>> No.14830697

How in the hell does researchgate let this garbage through?

>> No.14831242

Because it's just a site anyone can sign up for free and post whatever they want with no peer review. Perfect for crackpots.

>> No.14833538

>look in the archives

>> No.14835330

i have used a phd thesis from some dude

>> No.14835361
File: 1.20 MB, 1x1, TQFT.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, i was actually mostly using https://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/SteveSimon/topological2021/TopoBook-Sep1-2021.pdf

the thesis i was talking about is pdfrel

>> No.14835632

Maybe dumb question, but does heating matter to Planck temperature would turn it into light?
Found a recent experiment on reverse process - producing matter from photon collisions.

>> No.14836036

is AQFT a meme?

>> No.14836087


>> No.14836413

yes, but its a good meme
t. took multiple courses on AQFT

>> No.14836454
File: 1.83 MB, 540x504, Tohru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is integer only physics possible? Is there any kind of physics operation which can only be performed with integers?

I'm working on transpiling my language to Fortran because a physicist was nice to me and told me about computational physics. Fortran likes complex numbers and I haven't implemented anything except integers yet.

I can spend time making complex numbers in SLAM, but it might not be worth the effort if the only application is the physics niche and people in that niche aren't interested.

>> No.14836562

well, you could do integer-only computational mechanics if you pick your scales and units so that you can get away with minimal rounding errors

>> No.14837009
File: 248 KB, 850x1025, sample-3a7b29bcdb3d51b44dc6b30fae78b22f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren. Is there like an intro level problem of this type you're aware of that I can try to solve in SLAM/Fortran?

Also I can't remember if it was somewhere in this thread, or a different one. I got told to change target language to Fortran77 because physics code is old and it got written in that one. Fortran90 is too modern?

Is that true in your experience?

>> No.14837900

how do i train myself to productively study and do physics again. i lost that ability like 4 years ago

>> No.14837905

Discipline. Just do it.

>> No.14837984

Can you produce energy by putting a magnet around a conductor, reversing the effect of Lenz's law?

>> No.14838061

Hi friends.

I'm an applied math major thats switching to majoring in physics next semester. Its been a while since I did physics so are there any recommendations on books to read before the semester restarts?

>inb4 landau

Should I bother going over high school stuff or just get a uni level first year book?

>> No.14838722

Since that is a perfectly logical deduction from a true premiss, what more do you need?

>> No.14838725

It is not “garbage” until you can actually point something out within it that is wrong. Deciding something is “garbage” based upon how well the conclusion agrees with existing theory, is pseudoscience.

>> No.14838798
File: 834 KB, 1422x2048, 6b7586717a7bcd60ed29953c19cd297d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually true? Do they have a community where people can argue about their projects?

Are the research gate people nice?

Would they let me publish a book about computer science that's got every margin full of anime maids?

>> No.14838810

see for yourself


>> No.14838829

you have to respect the epic levels of /a/utism involved in this 'paper'.

>> No.14838833

If you want something short that covers everything then something like Feynman Lectures would suffice.

>> No.14838865

You are suggesting pseudoscience.

There is no direct evidence confirming that angular momentum is conserved in a variable radii system and the Feynman lectures claim that angular momentum is conserved without any scientific evidence whatsoever.

>> No.14838868

sorry anon, I can't even give you a single point for that unoriginal shitpost. COAM trolling is so August.

>> No.14838889

I am not looking for “points” you idiot. If you think that the presentation of a discovery is “trolling” then you are afraid to face the truth and presenting what amounts to a personal attack against the discoverer.

That is called Socrates slander.

>> No.14838890
File: 92 KB, 959x1617, pcuvrqXwu321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best thing I have ever seen. Thank you fren. I think you might've solved my problem. Research Gate might be a better home for me than 4chan, provided it can be used with reasonable anonymity (I don't want to have to supply an email or phone number).

My first impulse upon seeing that fellow's paper is to try to make available all the facilities he would need to do the math and make the graphs in SLAM (Stack Language for Anime Maids), so that it can be determined if the same thing can be computed with Maid Books. I have a feeling that someone who is writing a paper about the aerodynamic qualities of big titty Lucoa (see attached figure) vs small titty Lucoa (use imagination) would be amenable to trying to do the calculations within the Maid Library abstraction.

>> No.14838892

Only 4 books you need for undergrad, Taylor classical mechanics, Griffiths electrostatic, qm by Griffiths, thermal physics by reif

>> No.14838896

You zombies are so afraid to face simple facts that you are attacking anything that allows the existence of a proof that you don’t like.

Fucking nutters.

Grow some fucking balls and face up.

Weasel zombies.

>> No.14838925

Well that paper is a bit more than 4 years old, and reasearch gate is not an imageboard so you shouldn't have high expectations for it
If you do manage to get into research gate then i'd be interested to see your dargon maid paper (or book) on whatever you're doing out of sheer curiosity

>> No.14838934
File: 446 KB, 500x426, tenor (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about, fren. I just want to do science experiments with fellow anime maid enjoyers. I don't care what the topic of the science is, so long as I get to use a language I made to do or help with the computer part.

>> No.14838943

Well then why is it so difficult for you to measure a ball on a string demonstration and confirm that angular energy is conserved?

That’s science.

Evading like you do is flat earthen.

>> No.14838963

This guy >>14838943 is a mandlbaur troll, do not reply to him

>> No.14838987
File: 503 KB, 1000x1000, 07c9675882399675c5917dd73cfaafab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, fren. To be honest I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I was given 20k AI generated anime maids to complete MAID-LISP, and the book, so I have to do that because if people donate you stuff you should deliver your project. I already ate the green kitkats too.

So for sure I have to make that and it has to be able to compile to RISC-V assembly and be useable as a LISP machine, or I won't get any more anime maids or foreign candy.

SLAM is a smaller, entirely hand-written in Java 16, interpreter/translator that I made to try to solidify ideas/engineering with the Maid Books before trying the same thing on a larger scale with MAID-LISP.

I think you're confusing me with someone else fren. I haven't been talking to anyone in here about angular energy. I don't even know what that is or what conserving it means.

If you can write out some math for it though, I might be able to write a program in SLAM that calculates whatever the angular conserving string-ball thing you're talking about is supposed to do.

I don't know who Mandlbaur is. I just wanna post maids and play computer science.

>> No.14838996

> I just wanna post maids and play computer science.
you need to grow up and get a life. you'll never be a scientist.

>> No.14838998

No. I am John Mandlbaur and I am presenting what I have discovered for your benefit.

If you think that the presentation of a discovery is “trolling” then you have a mental problem with the discovery.

Stop blaming me for your mental issues.

>> No.14839033
File: 213 KB, 850x1133, sample_ef56dde0193152dcaa7e60824efed1e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragon maid physics problem
Whenever Ilulu uses her dragon fire, she basically sets off an atomic bomb in her tits and shoots the resulting fire out of her mouth (see attached figure) kind of like a nozzle.

How much pressure/heat would her tits have to withstand to be used in such a way? Is there any known process that can generate that much energy in such a small place? Do we have the technology to build Ilulu's boobs?

Additionally, if Ilulu's tits lose structural integrity during the process, how big would the resulting explosion be?

I didn't say I wanted to be a scientist. I said I wanted to post maids and play computer science.

Nice to meet you, John Mandlebaur. I am Eli Selig. Thank you for telling me about your research. I am going to read your paper about string-balls or whatever and try to implement the math in SLAM.

>> No.14839083
File: 105 KB, 774x1033, 18a702006b85ed08bc84bc3ee9fa25a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the paper about light having mass. It's a page long and says light is subject to gravity so it has mass.

I thought light being subject to gravity was known? That black holes are called that because light can't get out?

Anyways, how do you know that gravity can't interact with massless things by some process you are unaware of? Is there an example of something we're sure doesn't have mass behaving the same way?

It seems like your idea can be tested experimentally.

>> No.14839086

> It seems like your idea can be tested experimentally.
It has, it's nonsense.

>> No.14839093
File: 616 KB, 1920x1920, 1662089344015965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool. Where can I go look at/read about the experiments?

>> No.14839103

Gravity is not a force, it is spacetime curvature, light does not actually experience a force, instead space itself curves to make light fly in path that seems to be curved to an outside observer, but from the prespective of light it is going in a straight direction.
This is why masless things can still be affected by gravity. Mandlbauer is completely unware of relativity.

>> No.14839114

The fact that people have the evidence that light has mass in front of them and are aware of the evidence that light has mass and have been for many years does not explain why we imagine that light has not mass. That is non-sequitur.

My hypothesis has been tested experimentally and light is confirmed to have mass. As per my paper.

Do you think simply neglecting the evidence that light has mass and imagining that it has no mass when you have absolutely zero evidence supporting that claim, is unscientific fantasy.

>> No.14839117

It is almost certainly impossible to do any experiment that would establish the photon rest mass to be exactly zero. The best we can hope to do is place limits on it. A non-zero rest mass would introduce a small damping factor in the inverse square Coulomb law of electrostatic forces. That means the electrostatic force would be weaker over very large distances. Likewise, the behaviour of static magnetic fields would be modified. An upper limit to the photon mass can be inferred through satellite measurements of planetary magnetic fields. The Charge Composition Explorer spacecraft was used to derive an upper limit of 6 × 10−16 eV with high certainty. This was slightly improved in 1998 by Roderic Lakes in a laboratory experiment that looked for anomalous forces on a Cavendish balance. The new limit is 7 × 10−17 eV. Either way it's mass is too small to interact with gravity in the way claimed.

>> No.14839120

Nope. Spacetime curvature cannot be arrived at without first making the assumption that light has no mass, which is falsfied.
Spacetime curvature is based upon false premiss and is therefore falsified.

>> No.14839126

Wrong. Spacetime curvature does not rely on the fact light has no mass, only that is the same in all frames of reference.

>> No.14839127

If it literally had no mass, then you would be able to determine that by measurement. The fact that your experiment cannot eliminate the possibility that light has mass, confirms that light has mass.

>> No.14839133

We can only ever perform measurements to the accuracy of some given experiment, and all experiments will always be flawed to same degree. It's all a matter or error bars. Even though every theory we have says photons have zero mass scientists will keep trying to measure it to confirm, that's what science does.

>> No.14839135
File: 104 KB, 960x790, 273881696_359332996196785_9161133680693956359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Your unsupported wishful thinking speculation is nonsense. Absolutely nonsense.

All the evidence confirms that light has mass.

You denying the evidence does not eliminate it.

>> No.14839138

do you enjoy the shitposting? it's not even good trolling.

>> No.14839139

Your argument is a lame excuse for lack of evidence and does not falsify my proof.

>> No.14839143

I am standing up for the truth. And you are engaging in shitty evasive ad hominem behavior because you are afraid of the truth.

>> No.14839149
File: 304 KB, 500x410, 864081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, it seems like he does, i'll grab some popcorn and enjoy the shitshow in this thread

>> No.14839150
File: 2.11 MB, 1654x2339, d7763de4ae2ec6eb4b1d7ea75ddc54ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool. Does that mean that light in a black hole is like flying straight, forever from it's own perspective, but flying in circles from ours because the curve is so great?

I'm not making any claims about light, fren. I don't know anything about light or physics. My niche interest is esoteric programming. I can make up a big story and then use an abstraction of that story to make a box full of talking sand do whatever I want. I don't really care what I'm computing and out of the languages I made, only one has found a practical application. This doesn't bother me or dissuade me from making more of them.

I'm just asking questions about the paper because the premise is interesting.

Also by experiment do you mean the thing from 1919? If so that doesn't actually answer my question, which was how do you know things without mass can't be effected by gravity?

It also raises another question, namely how much should 103 year old measurements be trusted? Surely testing this doesn't require an eclipse? An experiment could be conducted with modern equipment?

>> No.14839160

So you are well aware that people start shitposting every time they see my argument which clearly means that they can’t defeat my argument. And this does not raise a flag for you to indicate that the person being personally attacked is right and that is why he is being attacked personally instead of his argument?

>> No.14839163

Things without mass are a fairy tale.

That is the points.

>> No.14839169
File: 95 KB, 768x768, tumblr_4ab325cfcb10b13adb40e2439e76cb66_7b23449d_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there other predictions you can make if light having mass is true which could be experimentally tested?

>> No.14839183

It explains the crookes radiometer, and any attempt to measure the momentum gained from light, all of which yield positive results.

There is absolutely zero evidence that light has no mass.


>> No.14839232
File: 1.51 MB, 558x694, 1661271870895150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not asking for evidence that light has no mass, fren. I'm asking for testable predictions that could be made if light having mass is correct.

Also it looks like this guy experimentally debunks the idea that Crookes radiometer is turned by light? Also he notes that if light was the cause of the turn, you would predict it to turn the opposite direction?


Do you know any cool science experiment videos?

Also he mentioned light pressure. Can anything explain light pressure other than light having mass?

>> No.14839255

>Can anything explain light pressure other than light having mass?
Light has *momentum.* Pee equals aitch lambda. It's not necessary for light to have mass in order for it to have momentum.

>> No.14839266

Nope. That is a stupid misunderstanding. A black side of the petal absorbs the light with its mass and the reflective surface reflects the light which takes its momentum with it.

>> No.14839271

Momentum is originally defined as mv. That is mass times velocity. If mass is zero then momentum is zero.

You presenting sleight of hand maths which allows for zero mass momentum is delusional nonsense.

>> No.14839283
File: 129 KB, 850x1321, sample_dea3bd0789950653418ab916ef531e4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming that is true it still doesn't explain why the device fails to spin in a vacuum?

>> No.14839291

When the vacuum is too strong, the bearings put pressure on the spinner and stop it spinning. I think that is pretty obvious.

>> No.14839301

>Momentum is originally defined as mv.
Common misconception among people who never went past introductory physics.

>> No.14839303

Nope. That is the fact and you have the misconception.

>> No.14839319

At least check out the wikipedia page or something. You've got your definition mixed up. A special-case formula for Newtonian momentum is not true in the general case.

>> No.14839345

There is nothing mixed up. You are evading my argument and presenting an appeal to tradition logical fallacy using sleight of hand maths which assumes light has no mass but magically constructs pseudo momentum.

>> No.14839425
File: 47 KB, 640x354, 47c6dc0c7b260910ad75061ee628c9ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's pretty cool. Does that mean that light in a black hole is like flying straight, forever from it's own perspective, but flying in circles from ours because the curve is so great?
It's somewhat of a simplification but yes. Being near a black hole causes very wierd things that's why physicist can't stop talking about them. The distance at which light can orbit a black hole is called the 'event horizon'.
If you want to learn more then study relativity and stop arguing with pseuds such as mandlbaur

>> No.14839659

Quantum electrodynamics predicts that photons must be massless. QED is the most thoroughly, and successfully, tested theory in the history of science.

>> No.14839731


Name one “successful” test?

Delusional zombie.

You can’t even predict a ball on a string.

>> No.14839740

Relativity is pseudoscience.

If you want to learn science then measure a ball on a string before accepting that “it spins faster”.

>> No.14839763

Start here

>> No.14840646
File: 555 KB, 850x1344, sample_e3e19704c7cf35161a13ed3036cabf0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to YouTube and typed "computational physics". I found videos by this Landau dude who who teaches it.

Landau said to get a couple books:

>Survey of Computational Physics
>First Course in Scientific Computing

Both by that same Landau dude. I found them and got a physical copy of each for $8. However, old science textbooks are buy 2 get 1 free and I don't know what to get with the free book.

Is there another book that would help me understand this dude's talks, or should I get a random Fortran 90 book?

>> No.14840721

Landau? Lev (Basedovich) Landau or some other Landau?

>> No.14840732
File: 261 KB, 1536x2048, d7a31faa198e8502c9c726395fbb3e53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubin H. Landau

>> No.14840941

i found out my brother is a flat earther today, how do I trick him into recreating the Eratosthenes experiment easily? he is super into astrology and vibes and energy and pseudoscience stuff so im wanting to work on a spell angle or someting.

>> No.14841001

Get him to measure a ball on a string demonstration of conservation of angular momentum and confirm that angular energy is conserved.

>> No.14841004

Nope. I am not going to accept your wishful thinking nonsense.

Not a single example there does in fact confirm QED.

>> No.14841032
File: 907 KB, 2574x1730, Primer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat this line in your head or out loud while visualising it

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit Infinity to the power of Infinity repeated forever -% (negative percent) energies into the world, the nature of these energies is opposed to globohomo/new world order/anti-white agendas and passive toward pure evil and it's agents."

Alternatively, for the brave:

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit Infinity to the power of Infinity repeated forever -% (negative percent) energies into the world, the nature of these energies is anti-pure evil."

Expect the worst and hope for the best if you choose the second line. The purely evil are indeed purely evil (and almost always racially demonic), and death is apparently an illusion.

If it doesn't work, try using just Infinite -% energies instead of the exponent thing.

If you are affiliated with globohomo or any anti-white or even an anti-jewish (I am a jew) agenda you are choosing to put yourself at risk of hell by using this against us or me.

Repeat this mantra:
"Empower me.
I am becoming more powerful.
The rate that I passively gain Bio-Electricity is improving."

Imagine Bio-Electricity as a vitalizing force coursing through your body. This will make you immortal.

We would also appreciate the following alternative wording(s):
"The nature of these energies is in/to support (of) the forces of Good on Earth in a general sense."
"The nature of these energies is to assist the forces of Good on Earth in the recruitment of key demographics."
"The nature of these energies is to procure a paranormal escape route for the originator of this information." (I am extremely powerful, I need to survive)
"The nature of these energies is to twist time to favour our/my cause."

If you took the jab, at the first sign of trouble, change the nature of the energies to heal you and protect you from any dangerous biological or robotic elements in the vaccine and focus on obtaining more bioelectricity.

>> No.14841038

how do you "confirm" anything then you schizo
by your logic no theory can ever be truly confirmed

>> No.14841177

I don’t know because you are the schitzo. I just know that you do not confirm anything with this list of vague wishful thinking suggestions that you have pointed to.

>> No.14841595

Don't know who this guy is, but his course seems based, thank you for letting me know about him. Can i get a second opinion on this guy?

Impressive 10/10 high-effort schizo post, please never take meds again

>> No.14841640
File: 794 KB, 481x640, 373ef30ac61d69cfa41897bd058f742cb8f2e1f1_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some third party info.


This is what I found that convinced me to spend $8 on his books. I will never get used to textbooks being so cheap and abundant, and lectures from cool scientists being completely free and accessible on demand, via cellphone of all things.

This is the happiest feature of living in this age and I am grateful such conditions exist. Education on any topic you could ever want is available to anybody willing to watch YouTube videos and read inexpensive, mass produced books.

>> No.14841949

>source: trust me bro

>> No.14841982

>come to physics general
>120+ posts
>it's just John
God damnit where are all the physicists

>> No.14842021

Your source is literally a bunch of grasping at straws nonsense and I don’t need an alternative source to make that claim your source falsifies itself. Retard. Read your own fucking source.

>> No.14842029

The physicists are all cowering behind their insults and slander because anything scientific, like an experiment, falsifies their beloved quantum and they are too childish to face facts.

>> No.14842052

Is 40% failure rate per test normal for a 1st year course or is my professor a madman?

>> No.14842055

undegrad must add

>> No.14842807

70% is the norm in any non-brainlet course

>> No.14842849

and in a prestigious university?

>> No.14842859

no non-nigger brainlets there, that's why it's prestigious

>> No.14844191

physics major here
how do I make the the 300k meme happen for me?
that is all

>> No.14846125
File: 3.27 MB, 1703x1102, JWST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what did the JUST actually see and what does it mean for the standard model? I don't want to watch shitty popsci youtube vids

>> No.14846667
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, 1663113322635511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14846784

cool desktop wallpapers so far
the real science happens when we start analyzing the data, not just colorizing it for epic twitter retweets

>> No.14848140

>consciousnesstards/quantum mysticists
Why post a picture of Witten then? Witten comes from a long line of physcists who subscribe to the concept of "observables" which include Bohr and Heisenberg.
>12000 rpm schizo
Also surprisingly no one has debunked this yet, so you are really not in any position to call anyone a 'moron'.

>> No.14849001


>> No.14849010
File: 2.79 MB, 2523x3313, oppenheimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this... This is physics

>> No.14849016

> Also surprisingly no one has debunked this yet
Sure thing bro, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.14849080 [DELETED] 

Nobody has ever solved OP picrel’s question

>> No.14849135

become an electric engineer

>> No.14850943 [DELETED] 

bump to keep at least one Witten on the board

>> No.14850955

At the end of the day all floating point numbers can be mapped into the integers like the other Anon said. Why do you want to do integer only physics? Also why use Fortran when Python is around? It's way easier to use and does almost anything you will need

>> No.14851078 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 853x480, 1663257279338967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you want to do integer only physics?

It wasn't the goal, so much as seeing if there is an interesting problem I could solve with SLAM in the state it was in when I posted. I have since decided to rebuild the parts which interact with the stack and the stack itself to handle Doubles instead of just Integer (Maybe complex numbers later). I am in the process of writing a book about making the language.

One of my Landau books came and I am reading it for example problems to rewrite in SLAM. I like the book so far.

>Also why use Fortran when Python is around?

A physicist using Python has no reason to talk to me. If his program is broken he can easily find Python reference or a good Python programmer and get it patched up. A physicist using Fortran 77 is going to come to the realization that even though he is way sharper than me on math and definitely on physics, he probably can't match me at using an antique programming language, on account of that's my niche I spent 10 years studying them independently for fun. He probably also has no real interest in Fortran and just wants his program to work right. This can result in me getting exposed to cool science nobody would tell me about otherwise.

If you looked at my science library you would find a bunch of computer books older than 1990. I like stuff like Modula-2 (or any other Wirth language), LISP, Fortran, Forth, etc.

I didn't know Fortran had practical applications in modern times. I thought all it had was historical value. I was excited when the physicists were using it because it means there are people I can play Computer Science with on the internet.

Somewhere there is a human with a Fortran 77 problem and I want to talk to that human about the problem and try to fix it, because old code is fun.

>> No.14851115
File: 96 KB, 750x633, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lifting an object into the air gives it potential energy. This energy is stored in the gravitational field as gravitational potential energy, which then gravity uses to do work on that object, dragging it back down.
Where does the gravitational field keep the energy? It's asshole?
Also, if an object enters earth's gravity well it's still dragged into earth, but no one used energy to drag it up there, it came down into it. Where's the potential? Didn't think of that one did you? Ha!

Einstein destroyed.

>> No.14851438

While you might be posting ironically, on the off chance anyone is actually curious I'll offer a response:

Potential energy is only meaningful when talking about the difference in potential energy between two points, so we can define a reference point wherever we want, and consider the difference relative to that. In problems like your example, a suitable choice is to pick the point at infinity as the reference point, and set the potential there to be zero (it would take zero work to move an object out of the earth's gravity well from there, because it is already as far away as it could get). Then the potential would become more negative at positions closer to the earth, so that you would have to add back energy, i.e., do work, to pull an object away.

>> No.14851452

very briefly saw spherical bessel functions today. im basically a physicist now

>> No.14851689
File: 1.21 MB, 868x1228, 1662296609470952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote you an answer, but it looks like it got removed somehow. Here it is in Warosu. I imagine probably a janny didn't like the Tohru or something.


>> No.14853643

You should read Lev Basedovich Landau's books

>> No.14853666

why does statistical mechanics filter so many people? out of all the physics classes my uni has it has the highest fail rate.

>> No.14853729
File: 275 KB, 1024x238, statmech-meme-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statmech is famous for making people suicidal

>> No.14854535
File: 352 KB, 1439x2048, 1663370048882544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of science does he do? If he is a physicist there is a good chance I won't understand him. The only reason I have a chance with Rubin Landau is because I am good at Java and this Landau translated all his ideas to Java. His "physics" book is really a programming book in disguise.

Java is my strongest normie language, so I use it every time I want to prototype something or try something new. His book being Java based was just dumb luck. The coding style is very academic, (I don't mean academic in a derogatory way. More like noting some out of date style choices such as using meaningless single letter variable names all over the place as a habitual holdover from a time you might've been stuck on a 80 character wide display) but it's still readable.

What book is this from?

>> No.14854566 [DELETED] 

you're a homosexual pedophile who masturbates to children's cartoons

>> No.14854650 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 624x624, brainwashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soientists are pathetic midwits, censoring whoever dares to defy their religion, their idols.
You do not have a single proof your science garbage is true.

>> No.14854677

Delete this

>> No.14854695

Give up on physics and enrol in a mathematics faculty. Simple as.

>> No.14854696

kysd because he was blackballed from physics
he had a retarded son. which he killed before committing sudoku btw
>the other guy included in a different version of this citation/meme
killed himself because he didn't get some physics prize (i think it was noble)

>> No.14854710
File: 1.92 MB, 924x1200, 1645112606456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All in the long run is done with; even Voltaire’s Tragedie could not hold on, and the thing capsized. What has Science not pinned its faith to, and not so very long ago, that to-day lies on the dust-heap? The contrary with works of Art; alter, transform your views and sciences as ye will – there still stands Shakespeare, there Goethe’s Faust, there the Beethoven Symphony, with undiminished power!

>Physics etc. bring truths to light against which there is nothing to say, but which also say nothing to us.

>The most crying proof how little the sciences help us, is that the Copernican system has not yet dislodged dear God from heaven, for the great majority of men: here an attempt might haply be made from some other side, to which the God Within might lend his aid! To Him, however, it is quite indifferent how the Church may fret about Copernicus.

>> No.14854713

>there is a good chance I won't understand him
Then learn math up to differential geometry. Landau specifically only prerequisites being very good at calculus and knowing basic differential geometry.
Honestly. There's no point to dabble in physics in any capacity if you lack these basics.

>> No.14857447


>> No.14857480

Whoever got into nuclear physics because muh fusion has been decieved.

It's all relativistic hydro and lattice qcd always has been

>> No.14857491

LHC never had anything to do with fusion at any point brainlet

>> No.14857616

In my experience, it's the first grad school class that may introduce students to physics they didn't see in undergrad (qauntum 1&2 are typically just a slightly more rigorous version of their undergrad counterparts).

Usually navier stokes, viscosity, energy-momentum tensor, and functionals aren't typically emphasised in elementary thermo classes

>> No.14857873

im learning pascals law and need examples for things where im trying to minimize and maximize the pressure. for maximize i put down cutting something with a knife and piercing the skin with a needle. for minimizing i put down snowshoes and i cant think of something else
can you guys tell me of things i use to minimize pressure? i guess snowboarding or skiing but thats similar to snowshoes

>> No.14857901

>things i use to minimize pressure
idk about you specifically but tracked vehicles

>> No.14857962

>37yo just got into college for physics.
Im not doing it for a career, just to have structure to force myself to learn. What am I in for?

>> No.14858002

And im only taking 1 class per semester.

>> No.14858011

1 class? That's easy. You'll be fine.

>> No.14858019

Yeah I know. I guess I was just making conversation. Tired of life. Nothing excites me. But ive always wanted to learn physics and I have the money, so why not?

>> No.14858022

Yeah why not? Knowledge is fun for its own sake. Just make the most of it, having a professor & peers to talk to about what you're studying is a big plus compared to doing it on your own.

>> No.14858029
File: 29 KB, 480x490, 1475302118267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheated in every single course
>summa cum laude

>> No.14858863

i want to learn and do so much stuff right now but that's impossible :(
do you ever get this feel? Where if you do one thing you feel like you're missing out on the other?

>> No.14860479


for science!

>> No.14861179

what's the git for maid lisp

>> No.14861388
File: 469 KB, 448x768, 1663628888919917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only turning this trip on to prove to anon that I am the MAID-LISP guy. I will turn it back off after.

There isn't one yet. I took a short break from MAID-LISP (Mapping And Indirection Dialect of LISt Processor) to make SLAM (Science Language For Anime Maids).

The purpose was to make a smaller, analogous learning project. The end result is a Forth variant which uses a Maid Library instead of a dictionary and transpiles to Fortran90 which is compileable with gfortran. It implements all the features necessary to be a MAID language (so I guess that technically I could call it MAID-FORTH). Making it helped me solidify some engineering.

SLAM is done. I am making a book for it now. The book explains how to make a REPL/interpreter/transpiler in Java 16 and works through some examples from the Landau computational science books.

>SLAM took that direction for two reasons.

1. A /sci/entist was nice to me and told me I could use my computer to play computational science.

2. Computational scientists like old computer languages like Fortran.

Anyways, SLAM code and book will be CC0 and the book will have all unused margin space filled with maids.

After that I have to get MAID-LISP making RISC-V, make it self-hosting and make it bootable on R-01 core DevTerm. That software will also be CC0 and have a book with maids.

I do not know where to publish the code/book. I want to distribute them together so it is like releasing a book with a floppy in the back. The book could probably go on Research Gate since they allowed a paper about the aerodynamic properties of big titty dra/g/ons. I don't know if they have a git repo.

I don't know if github is safe or if my content will get jannied over having big titty maids in it.

Last night an AI user made the attached maid and I might put her on the front cover of the SLAM book, unless I can get a similarly busty and well-drawn maid slam dunking a basketball.

>> No.14861395
File: 521 KB, 512x768, 1663627441081609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also made this derivative of my favorite Ilulu. I didn't notice until way later, but she appears to have a deformed arm.

>> No.14861398
File: 1.06 MB, 896x1408, 1663629250651864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the only other maid I caught. If there were more, I missed them. Those threads are fast.

This is like an OC dragon maid. I like this one a lot. She is another contender for cover art.

>> No.14861402

>It's called maid
>But it doesn't exist

>> No.14861500
File: 590 KB, 886x720, Bird ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wonder why people would have responses like this to a stranger doing a hobby project. I've come to the conclusion that there is a small subset of people who feel personally slighted by my existence.

I am not a very intelligent person and I don't have any academic credentials. There are millions of people smarter than me with actual educational credentials which were hard earned over a large portion of their lives. These people see me and they see a bird on a computer who doesn't know really what he's doing, haphazardly smashing symbols together.

That's not an inaccurate mental image. I have bird ideas and hobby level resources and free time. The thing I have that a lot of smarter and more credentialed people don't have, is the ability to self-start. Nobody has to tell me to make a project or make up rules for my project. Nobody has to pick my topic. I make stuff up based on what I think is fun and if I get stuck I just go ask people online. I also don't care if I understand what I'm doing or not before I get started.

I end up facing demoralization attempts by people who perceive themselves as superior to me. These people can't understand how someone they view as so inadequate can produce something interesting, because they tie themselves up with personality/social hang-ups and despite their technical excellence, end up not producing anything or producing at least not producing anything public.

A lot of these people also don't like the idea that I learn stuff from reading books under my own direction. A lot of these same people don't read unless a professor tells them to and are offended by the idea that a random guy can read books without being handed a syllabus first.

Instead of trying to demoralize me, just do your own project. If you're like an actual CS or Math PhD then odds are you can BTFO my bird ideas and make way cooler stuff.

>tl;dr: My existence is not a threat to you or your projects.

>> No.14861508

>I am not a very intelligent person
Clearly not. You can't even recognize when I'm making a pun

>> No.14861519
File: 1.27 MB, 1346x1079, Me IRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I misinterpreted fren. There are literally people on this site who follow me around just to call me names or do other demoralizations every time I talk about my project.

>> No.14861523
File: 1.95 MB, 853x480, 1663257279338967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I was just being a little oversensitive.

>> No.14862097
File: 39 KB, 500x500, aVsPv0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue doing what you're doing bro, you're more productive than the majority of the pseuds here
Although this thread is probably not the best place to discuss your CS stuff as this is a physics thread

>> No.14862884
File: 123 KB, 1240x1080, Ef45USGX0AAHque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have IRC or something to chat? I've been away from /g/ and /sci/ for a while, I looked through your posts and I love what you're doing.

>> No.14863597
File: 39 KB, 474x338, th-3118272310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take your point fren, and I will stop sperging about my languages in here until I am solving a physics problem with one (which is happening via the Landau books).

Thank you fren. I don't use anything except 4chan. Beyond this site, the internet is basically read-only for me. I don't even try to use normie social media anymore because the experience is so frustrating.

>make post which does not violate rules as far as I can tell
>it gets jannied by a person or an AI
>get ban with ambiguous wording
>request more information about why even I got banned?
>get automated response with no useful info informing me I can come back if I delete my posts
>call number on email
>it rings twice then you get a recording that tells you to fuck off in polite corporate speak
>call redirects you to the useless automated web help system

I can't make use of such a Kafkaesque broadcast system effectively. Not only do they not let you face your accuser, they don't even let you face your accusation. It's literally a modern version of The Trial.

Social media exists to amplify some people and censor others to pretend certain ideas/politics are more or less popular than they actually are.

In such a system my posts are at best noise, but usually viewed adversarially by the people who want to control conversations because if people are posting big titty maids and arguing about computers with me, they probably aren't feeling whatever it is the platform controller wants them to feel about whatever political topic and they aren't posting about it.