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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14853258 No.14853258 [Reply] [Original]

How were they able to theorize the unseen? I am the average braindead zombie so burden my ignorance and also bad grammar. I am really curious to know how any of the major science fags were able to gain knowledge beyond this world or what we see?

>> No.14853280
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Science is the property of Satan, scientists worship the snake who gave Adam and Eve the fruit of knowledge(aka the fruit of science).
if you look into the claims of the Bible seriously you find out they're all true
Dinosaurs are fake, globe is fake, earth is flat, space is fake, evolution is fake (not enough time macroevolution never observed), life arising out of nothing is fake, earth and nature obviously designed by a creator (total solar eclipse is his signature). Jesus has verifiable historicity. Roman sources depict resurrection. Jesus' resurrection is accepted as historically true by skeptical resurrection scholars.

The thirst for knowledge is a sin, just like the lust for power, the craving of money and riches.
The objective of science and scientists is to destroy your perception of reality so you can be conned into believing lies, false realities. The reality that Satan wants you to believe.

>> No.14853291

(((they))) are behind of this and the globohomo shills.
(((they))) want you to eatbugs and live in the pod.
(((they))) made you believe that earth is a globe and that we went to space.

>> No.14853332

(((THEY))) make my dick rock fucking solid

>> No.14853354

Assuming you mean things like relativity or the big bang by the "unseen", then the nonschizo explanation is that all of these phenomena are subtlety hinted by experiments, for example over time we've observed that space is gradually expanding, meaning that as you go back in time, space converges to one point (big bang).

It might seem like these wildly accurate theories pop up out of nowhere but in reality they're built on decades of people dedicating their lives to this field, and even then all of our models are imperfect and flawed in some way.

>> No.14853359
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>> No.14853367

>dark energy was hypothesised to "counter" the big crunch
Was this written by a 13 year old?

>> No.14853387

>over time we've observed that space is gradually expanding
how did you manage to observe that? sounds like you're demanding that your grandiose claims are a given fact because presenting evidence of them isn't something you're capable of doing. which is to say that you're lying, you have never made any such observations, if you had then you wouldn't need to bother trying to avoid showing off your observations. you're probably gay to, being fake and being gay are commonly comorbid

>> No.14853391

>how did you manage to observe that?

>> No.14853457
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>over time I've observed that space is gradually expanding
>wikipedia link as proof
so you observed the expansion of the universe by observing that a propaganda website says the universe is expanding.

>> No.14853464

If you make these, get the order right.
Dark matter first, dark energy second.

>> No.14853478

>>over time I've observed that space is gradually expanding
Where did you see "I've" in my post? Have you taken your medication?
Also you can observe galactic redshift on your own with a consumer telescope (https://astronomy.stackexchange.com/questions/1105/is-it-possible-to-measure-galactic-red-shift-using-consumer-telescope-equipment))

At any rate I'm not replying to a /pol/tard again

>> No.14853538

>how any of the major science fags were able to gain knowledge beyond this world or what we see

>> No.14853600

In Islam it's believed that demons ("Jinn" in Arabic. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/2340/types-of-jinn)) are capable of flying through the heavens. The Jinn use to do that to "steal a hearing" from the angels. They were denied when the last prophet came, here are verses from the quran of devils speaking about their now denied trips to heaven : “And we have sought to reach the heaven; but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires [shuhub].

And verily, we used to sit there in stations, to (steal) a hearing, but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush [shihaaban rasada]” verses from quran 72:8-9.

These are creatures capable of seeing and hearing things beyond this small little world. If the scientists were to find away to summon demons and communicated with them, it's only fair to assume that they made some of type of deal with the devils to gain their worldly knowledge.