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14850455 No.14850455 [Reply] [Original]

This makes me think so


>> No.14850544 [DELETED] 

Yes, they absolutely are scam artists.
Much better to stick with physical therapy and massages.

>> No.14850575

even if you explain to people how it's a scam they will still keep going. so i guess there's still value in the experience and placebo and sense of hope for healing

>> No.14850608

every time I watch these videos or any medical related thing my whole body feels sick and I feel full body tingly anxiety n queasy.

>> No.14850611

Of course it is, but fixing problems with someone's spine with real medical care is expensive and dangerous so we just all have to play along.

>> No.14850656

If it wasn't for the chiropractor I'd be in 24/7 pain that no amount of stretching could fix.

>> No.14850663


It's the only useful medical practice.

It's not bio bullshit, but mechanics.

>> No.14850670

tell that to the paralyzed girl in OP

>> No.14850673
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the girl in the video is a nice peice of ass, I wish I could be a shitty pseudo medical practitioner who gets to feel up hotties like this

>> No.14850685

that's why the video angers me. she probably had incredible feet and fucked like a beast until that boomer paralyzed her

>> No.14850695

Chiropractors are great, but I'd probably tell them to stay away from your neck or take an aspirin beforehand.

>> No.14850706

There is clearly some merit to it, but nowadays medical science just lacks the balls to find out how it actually works.
In the past we would have paralyzed hundreds of people by fucking around and noting down everything over a 10 year period, and at the end we would have a pretty good grasp of the actual mechanics.

>> No.14850729
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yes, they're a scam. I crack my own neck and back for FREE. With only a few simple stretches I can crack the entire length of my spine in a very satisfying way. chiropractics charge obscene amounts of money for something you can do yourself for FREE. Also they're all weird dudes and getting manhandled like that and paying for the experience makes you a faggot. Just saying.

>> No.14850733

and yes I can even crack my tailbone. It's a simple matter of flexing your legs correctly. If you're some kind of tard who can't figure out how to use your own body, you can watch instructional videos on youtube

>> No.14850793

>nowadays medical science just lacks the balls to find out how it actually works.
lmao, imagine uttering such nonsense when couple years ago medical "science" was transplanting pig trachea to humans, with mortality that would put ebola to shame, all while getting touted as a breakthrough (not in euthanising)

>> No.14851301

the real goal is getting your strength and mobility up so that you crack LESS. imagine if some gymnast had to crack 100 times before every practice. that would be a bad sign.

>> No.14851347

Not only they are a scam they also can inflict permanent damage to your spine, you could paralyzed from the neck down, needing assistance to eat and shit for the rest of your fucked up life.
Dont do it.
Chiropractors are low iq dumb subhuman cattle normies who dont know what they're doing.

>> No.14851490

And WHAT exactly is the bio-physical process you call "cracking" and how is it beneficial to health?

>> No.14851502

>neck feels stiff
>twist head
>crack sound
>neck feels better

>> No.14851505

Somebody post that webm of that chiro at the beach, essentially fucking a girl with his knee or something

>> No.14851510

It's to release built up gas in your body that you can't burp or fart out hence why you hear the "crack" or "pop" sound. That said can anyone recommend me devices that help crack my back and neck consistently?

>> No.14851518

Of course it's a scam, just like all other alternative medicine. If there was scientific evidence it would be called medicine, not alternative medicine.

Chiropractic was literally founded by a guy in the 1800s after saying "he received it from another world".

>> No.14851523

Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective.

It has been studied several times you fucking idiot. Kill yourself.

>> No.14851552

I tried it once at the behest of my mother and it left my back more sore than the first time I went skydiving. It's on the same level as bloodletting.

>> No.14851703
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Same injury killed a cricketer. There's tiny arteries in the neck, one bad knock and you're dead. Chiro-cowboy shit is asking for it.

>> No.14851709

post chiropractic kino


>> No.14851719

Surgeons never kill people, that's why hospitals don't pay for medical malpractice insurance. MDs never misdiagnose and prescribe unnecessary medications or order unneeded procedures. Pharmacists never dispense the incorrect meds.

>> No.14851748
File: 39 KB, 784x463, A866533C-66D2-4576-BD10-EF0FE7DD1BB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling your back/neck on a stiff roller does the same thing as a chiro. Your back makes a bunch of horrible noises you didn’t know it could make and then you feel more relaxed for a few hours.

>> No.14852456

I guess you're thinking of Luo Dong. Dude doesn't even claim to be a chiropractor or a professional therapist of any kind.

>> No.14852723

Sincere question then: why do my neck and back feel so much better in the morning after I've stretched and "cracked" them. I feel much more flexible after doing so. Sometimes it relieves headaches also

>> No.14852747

Yeah it’s literally no different to cracking you knuckles.
I can crack most joints in my body: knuckles, elbows, knees, toes, neck. It can often ache if I don’t crack them. Feels much better once cracked.
But I have to wonder whether chiropractors effectively create work for themselves. I actually couldn’t crack my neck for most of my life until my friend twisted my head in a first aid training thing. And now it hurts if I don’t crack my neck every day or two. So I wonder if chiropractors ever do that to their patients spines and effectively keep themselves in business

>> No.14852752

Nigger this shit is solved science. It’s bubbles of nitrogen that build up between your joints. The “crack” is actually a pop as the nitrogen is dispersed.

>> No.14852759

Yes, stairs. Lie at the top of your stairs and shuffle your shoulders over the edge. Does the trick for me. Obviously don’t be a retard, hold onto something if you’re gonna shuffle yourself half way over the edge or some shit, but I’ve never fallen for what it’s worth

>> No.14852764

Master Luo Dong is basically an amateur masseur who tries to convince people to make donations to some kind of tax fraud cult he's running. I'm not sure if he really has a sexual motive because there are enough videos of him molesting men in the exact same way.

>> No.14852776

>Caitlin Jensen graduated from Georgia Southern University this May with a degree in Chemistry and Biology, ready to live the American dream. She was excited about all the career opportunities and possibilities on her horizon.

Well there's a silver lining. At least now she doesn't have to deal with the reality of her potential career opportunities.

>> No.14852777

cracking your neck and back solves like 90% of your bodily issues unironically

>> No.14853005

Its not exactly a scam. Certainly not homeopathy tier. Some of the manipulations can genuinely help in some cases. Violent manipulation of stiff joints and muscles can get things moving again. The minor damage caused by these manipulations can help as well, consider that exercise works by causing damage. Basically, sometimes a good mauling is what your body needs.

>> No.14853141

Also why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is more dangerous than it seems. You get choked enough times eventually your arteries get damaged.

>> No.14853147

One of the things I do that works for me, is lay facing up on the ground with my hands behind my head. Then I raise my hips off the ground and pull my chin toward my collarbone. Then, while still pulling my chin to my collarbone, I lower my hips back to the ground. Huge, resonating cracks every time.

>> No.14853171
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>It’s bubbles of nitrogen that build up between your joints

That's what the chiro-schizos claim. Where's the evidence that is correct and observable?

>> No.14853181

wrong you dumb fuck. It doesn't disperse shit.
It's observable, but it's not really a 'build up' so much as when you bend or flex a joint firmly, it creatives a cavitation in the fluids between the joints.The cavitation collapsing as the joint returns to the right spacing causes the 'crack'. Doing this to yourself is generally harmless, but having some manhandling gorilla do it to your fucking spine can cause back problems, obviously.
It feels good because any pressure in your joint is relieved by the sudden motion, which is why it's good if your hands feel cramped or something.

>> No.14854095

Same here with my arthroscopic knee surgery

>> No.14854479

there's probably an ounce of good in chiropractic adjustments on the back while avoiding the spine, but there is no science or consistency to actual chiropractic "practice." Their explanations are a bunch of woo.
So it's probably better to go to a reputable (read: recommended by your doctor) physical therapist + get a massage for typical, non-adjustment relief.

Also sit up straight, stretch, and stand more often. So many problems come from bad posture.

>> No.14854492

>Are chiropractors a scam?
is water wet ?

>> No.14855118

>he thinks medicine can fix spine problems

>> No.14855268

yes you can learn to pop anything in your own body 100% safely by isometrically flexing major muscle groups near the area then dynamically flexing a jointed muscle near that area while rotating certain areas

this is not only of greater convenience but because youre generating heat and bloodflow to those areas it is a lot safer and feels much better. there are some decent chyros who can give you ideas of the movement + force combinations that crack/pop (release co2 buildup) in that area but its best to create the effect yourself as isometrically as possible.

chyros are not you and they cant adjust their techniques dynamically in response to how they feel. and youll never be bracing properly to be safe for them. so be your own chiro but yes its legit when u work on yourself and do the same shit they do. you can feel supple, pain free and energized