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File: 30 KB, 400x400, Thunderf00t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14844808 No.14844808 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFO's Musk fans into oblivion for the past 6 years.

>> No.14844816

Hi Thundercuck
I can hear that disingenuous scoff from here.

>> No.14844865

The cringecuck

>> No.14844875

I'm convinced this faggot literally shits onions.

>> No.14844980

>twiddles the knobs of some machine that he had no part in inventing or creating
>look guys im science XD

next you'll tell me electronic noise is music

>> No.14845135
File: 532 KB, 586x514, thunderf00t SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14845234

What was Thunderfoot wrong about?

>> No.14845238

>you can't use a tool if you didn't make it

>> No.14845244

Everything SpaceX related.

>> No.14845246

why even care about BTFOing one another, are you a loser one upper?

>> No.14845253

how's that mars base tranny?

>> No.14845268
File: 219 KB, 1258x279, 2022-09-13 17_44_59-(1) thunderf00t debunk - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thundercuck is still seething about the video almost a year later
Holy fucking kek

>> No.14845270

ahah it's a fucking swede

>> No.14845279
File: 105 KB, 897x469, 1662978016817814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, I'm just another guy that walked into the thread.

>> No.14845297

Like what? Give examples.

>> No.14845393

not the anon who posted that. but it was pretty retarded of thunderf00t to compare the falcon 9 to the DC-X

>> No.14845414

>Denyed falcon 9 would land
>claimed landing rockets was luck
>Denyed Falcon 9 could be reused

>> No.14845503
File: 866 KB, 813x1008, 1657055358095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He doesent understand engineering, business or manufacturing, yet he thinks he knows it all. Thundercuck is the oposit of humble.


>> No.14845577
File: 370 KB, 720x783, 1632725201513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>BTFO's Musk fans into oblivion for the past 6 years.
You love to see it

>> No.14845597

In general? He seems to mostly go through promo bullshit, pounce on oversimplifications and conclude that the actual product wont work.

>> No.14845610

Based Peter Hague already debunked Thundercuck in a lengthy essay. One is an Astrophysics Ph.D. who works at Cambridge Uni, and the other is a chemist who doesn't understand basic physics.

>> No.14845694

fuck Thunderc00nt but I want to know/catalog specific examples like >>14845610
I also remember in his Veritasium "busting" he mentioned something about CO2 not being polar because "the average position of the charges is zero" - but that's also incorrect. A basic dipole with two charges also has an average charge position of zero but clearly is a polar system

I feel like Blunderf00k is the type of person who would start to crumble if actually confronted with a bunch of his own mistakes. Deboonkers fucking suck and it's high time Cunterd00f was taken down a few pegs

>> No.14845700

>I feel like Blunderf00k is the type of person who would start to crumble if actually confronted with a bunch of his own mistakes. Deboonkers fucking suck and it's high time Cunterd00f was taken down a few pegs
He's a more smug version of BS Dave and really does need to be BTFO again. It's also funny that OP used an old photo of him, he looks like an old lady now. He aged really badly from all his malding.

>> No.14845728

Great link.

>> No.14845736
File: 417 KB, 1000x600, Phil-Mason-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's starting to look like a friend's grandma. The similarities are really creepy.

>> No.14845744

Will he start taking estrogen soon?

>> No.14845745

Fuck off phil you irrelevant, tedious, alcoholic

>> No.14845754


>> No.14845761

Excellent. Unfortunately he doesn't have a Like button to click so opinion disgarded

>> No.14845764

Extremely based, trad, climate skeptic Phil Mason BTFOs green party shills and electric car scammers.

>> No.14845822

>So Mason literally forgot that planets orbit the Sun.
Well, that's a bit embarrassing.

>> No.14845860

>is Jew
Into the trash it goes

>> No.14845901

rent free

>> No.14845907

He is so smart and yet poor and trying to bait people into watching his videos by constant rumbling about Elon Musk who is successful and rich.

>> No.14845921

I used to like this guy and still watch some of his vids, but holy shit is he obsessed with Elon Musk.

>> No.14845949
File: 140 KB, 1080x805, 1653657485792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the academicuck mentality, he thinks he deserves to be more famous and respected despite the fact that his work is useless and irrelevant except to the 100 or so people that work in his niche` area of physical chemistry

>> No.14845955

Must be nice to be an 18 year old, 110 iq pajeet....

>> No.14845959

He's 100% just jealous.

>> No.14845991

Perhaps but he's made over $600k from just YouTube. He knows what makes money there, which right now is Musk and SpaceX videos.

>> No.14845998

It's not bad for side income but that's fairly small potatoes for a decade of work
If he just came up with something useful a single research grant would eclipse that
Instead his experiments are so useless he literally has to use money from teenagers to perform them

>> No.14846005

$60,000 a year before taxes for a full-time job? Yeah, I stand behind my assertion that he's jealous of the brazillionaire.

>> No.14846184

It's funny, if you just saw he neck you'd think he was in shape but he was those spindly twig arms.

>> No.14846194

I have no idea how much time he spends on making the videos but he has a fulltime job at a government lab so this is just spending money for him. I wouldn't accept a job that only pays $60k but I wouldn't mind having that as side income.

>> No.14846202

He has the onions male fizeek

>> No.14846209 [DELETED] 

Musk fans. Grow some pubes.

>> No.14846228

Brexit really made this guy go off the deep end.

>> No.14846237

Nah he was always like that. He originated in the fedora cesspool of New Atheism in the 2000s. People only started noticing he was cringe because they grew up and he didn't.

>> No.14846266

Include his patreon, it pulls in a couple of thousand alone per video

>> No.14846269


>> No.14846309

Old thundercuck: Video is 80% discussion about the facts, 10% snark/snide comments and 10% 'funny sidelines'
New thundercuck: Video is 80% snide snobbish diatribe unrelated to the topic and constant self-reference to his previous 'accomplishments', 10% on the actual topic and 10% cherry picking examples to defend his neurotic ego.

Musk aims for 150% and delivers 90% but the shit he's done and is doing is exceptionally reasonable. He just identifies (large) opportunities in the market where bleeding edge gives way to leading edge and goes in hard.

>> No.14846311

>his work is useless and irrelevant except to the 100 or so people that work in his niche` area
That's not so bad, but he could have at least upgraded himself. Get clothes, haircut, you know, to look like a proper human being. This way people will also want to deal with you and you can get into business. Like Elon does.
Your meme science project means nothing if you look like a hobo

>> No.14846412
File: 477 KB, 876x983, ryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14846483

This. He fell off. I think he has a brain disease.

>> No.14846518

that is really embarrassing. imagine being so confidently incorrect about something so basic

>> No.14846707
File: 131 KB, 194x275, KFh0sTy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention his lates prediction, its totally retarded.


>> No.14846798

>TSLA bubble
People way smarter and wealthier than thundercuck have lost billions shorting TSLA.

>> No.14846883

He looks like he harasses customer service workers for misgendering him

>> No.14847197 [DELETED] 

Government lab work sucks and probably doesn’t pay a lot.
If you watch his videos, the background of his house is usually like squalor-level.
Seems like he’s an absolutely miserable person.

>> No.14847204

I noticed that it's always some armchair specialist or some retarded tankie seething about Musk. Meanwhile, qualified people from the industry usually respect him.

PS There was a guy called Montana Skeptic who posted about Tesla and it turned out he was yet another short seller from some investment company. What a surprise.

>> No.14848646
File: 231 KB, 1060x593, styx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Styxhexenhammer666 now regularly washes his hair and stopped with the 'leather jacket, no shirt' look as his popularity increased. Phil seems to go out of his way to look as crappy as possible. It's probably a cope for something but I don't care enough to theorize what.

>> No.14848653

Yeah, especially with long hair it is very visible if you dont wash them.
Either wash them regularly or cut them like any decent male person

>> No.14848672

He lives in some leftist bughive. Even if he did make a good salary he couldn't afford to live in a real house.

>> No.14848965 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 1200x818, E9544802-3AB0-4570-90E6-EA6CAE357FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's probably a cope for something but I don't care enough to theorize what.
You see this a lot in people who are smart, but not financially successful. Like if you were to go to a MENSA meet-up (Pro-tip: DON’T!) everyone is unkempt, smells bad, drives shitty cars, and wears terrible clothing.

>> No.14848972 [DELETED] 
File: 686 KB, 1284x2778, 2645AE77-A7D5-43D8-926C-4F807391F0E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder he’s so weird, he wasted time discovering something that had literally no commercial value whatsoever, lmfao

>> No.14848988

>It's probably a cope for something but I don't care enough to theorize what.
He's in his 40s and childless. It's the fedora equivalent of becoming a wine aunt.

>> No.14848990

It's a bit ironic that a deboonker's research provides very good evidence of the electrical nature of chemistry. He'd probably shit himself if Wal Thornhill cited his papers.

>> No.14849048 [DELETED] 

Shit that’s a good idea, we should email Mason’s papers to people like Thornhill to goad them into citing Mason’s paper on electro-chemistry, kek

>> No.14849167 [DELETED] 

That would be pretty hilarious. I can legitimately see that information being very useful to an electric universe guy. Electrochemistry can be easily construed as a macro-scale concession to their micro-scale beliefs on the electric atom. Especially when it's related to the chemistry of elements.

>> No.14849169

I can legitimately see that information being very useful to an electric universe guy. Electrochemistry can be easily construed as a macro-scale concession to their micro-scale beliefs on the electric atom. Especially when it's related to the chemistry of elements.

>> No.14849459

If he was smarter there might be some interesting potential for battery tech there
But nope bro can't invent that'd take away time from pooblishing gotta pooblish or perish

>> No.14849487

Delivered 76000 cars per year
Revenue was $7 billion
Market cap of $30 billion
Flown F9 28 times.
Company value ~$15 billion
Net worth of ~$10 billion
Delivers ~1.5 million cars per year
Revenue ~$70 billion
Market cap of $940 billion
F9 has launched 175 times
FH has launched 3 times
Starlink has launched 3000 satellites
Company valuation of ~$130 billion
Net worth of $265 billion dollar
Richest man on earth ($100 billion richer than next richest Bezos)

>Thundercuck 2016
Nobody youtuber
>Thundercuck 2022
Nobody youtuber

>> No.14849528

Is it like a very fast corrosion? I don't think Na+ would repel itself but it's just a rapid dissociation

>> No.14849533

market cap is inflated by jews and nobody is buying hundreds of thousands of teslas a year, meds

>> No.14849560

>nobody is buying hundreds of thousands of teslas a year, meds

They're buying millions a year.


>> No.14851809

The classic, "here's a tiny inconsequential thing that wrong, therefore your entire criticism about my preposterous idea falls flat."
He already made a video debunking you tards.

>> No.14851845
File: 3.05 MB, 1x1, (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right) Patrik Hermansson, David Lawrence, Joe Mulhall, Simon Murdoch - The International Alt-Right _ Fascism for the 21st Century_-Routledge (2020).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14851927

Man I forgot this is why he has a million followers
Too many fedoratards that never grew out of the phase, that think they're smarter than everyone else despite barely passing high school and having a tested IQ within one standard deviation of the mean.
We're holding him to the same academic standards he should be holding himself to. Maybe, just maybe, Thunderb00f is throwing stones in a glass house.
Wow Blunderf00k is graceless in defeat

>> No.14851934


Absolutely graceless when given a taste of his own medicine, what a fucking arrogant and pathetic human being. What a sad man, and how sad must be the people that watch and defend him.

>> No.14851937
File: 147 KB, 800x789, 23523433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-fact world!!
Feelings don't care about your facts. Good riddance with the delusional that it was ever any other way. :^)

>> No.14851945

>1+1 = 2, by the way, i think i left the milk on the counter.
>milks not on the counter
>I knew 1+1=3, fucking blunderdoof.

>> No.14851950

Extreme cope.

>> No.14851951

His argument stands, minor quibbles aside. Seethe.

>> No.14851961

>His argument stands
Not in this thread they don't. You can keep screeching about how good his arguments is but no one's buying it. lol

>> No.14851981

>not in muh echochamber
>im a faggot
>f a g g o t
>f a g g o t
>f a g g o t
>f a g g o t
Wow, it's true.

>> No.14852001

Literally no one is defending the stupid and outlandish ideas he's "deboonking" (which a high school physics educated person could do, so IDK why you'd need to watch)
We're pointing out the hypocrisy in being an "academic scientific" deboonker that is very fast and loose with his facts, sometimes to the point of being incorrect himself.
It's very clear that he's not interested in actual scientific discussion, he doesn't care about the facts, he just wants to shit out a video as quickly as possible to satisfy drooling midwits like you that crave the sensation of feeling smarter than someone else because it never, ever fucking happens in your real life.

>> No.14852002

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.14852005

If your results show 1+1 =3,

1 +1 = 3 (wrong when chemcels do it)
1 + 1 + 1i = 3 (i = imaginary, correct when physics chad do it)
blunderdoof is a chemcel living in our world. He should learn to keep his head down and accept what his superiors say.

>> No.14852007

Why are you foaming at the mouth? Go back to your YT comment section, thunderbot.

>> No.14852008


>> No.14852015

Retard here, how is it that anons can't unanimously conclude if he's right or wrong? I know science is all about debating but it's not like this is new uncharted territory for science, these arguments are based on well known established facts, right? At least I assume so. How is a retard like me supposed to know who is right?

>> No.14852018

Thundercuck is wrong. The science is settled. The problem is that science-denying chuds just won't give up.

>> No.14852019

>How is a retard like me supposed to know who is right?
Since you're retarded go watch and clap for thunderBl00f, that's what retards seem to do

>> No.14852025

This is the reason I choose to major in literature and culinary arts instead of science, everything is subjective there.

>> No.14852027

what is the best food

>> No.14852032

Whatever you like :)

>> No.14852039

That gave me diabetes.

>> No.14852306

Like all leftists he'll never accomplish something tangible. If there's a g_d then his hell will be watching Ayn Rand's final speech repeatedly forever.

>> No.14852346

He's already childless in his 40s. His hell will be watching Elon Musk have 50 children with 50 women.

>> No.14852516
File: 676 KB, 800x953, harsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That... that was harsh, man.

>> No.14852606

> "Oy that Musk bloke yeh issa propah wanker yeh"

>> No.14852686
File: 2.15 MB, 5616x3744, Anita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given how much time he spent on videos about pic related, it's obvious he had a bit of a school boy crush on her. Must have devastated him when she never made any type of response video or even acknowledged his existence. At least his Musk obsession is just about grifting instead of the beast with two backs.

>> No.14852692

>Pathetic loser bases his entire YouTube persona around Elon Musk
Both Musktards and Thundercucks should kill themselves

>> No.14852697

>Literally who does literally nothing
>BTFO's space conqueror
in your pozzed e-celeb simp discord chat, maybe he does, meds

>> No.14852811

>umm akkualy rockets can't work if they're decelerating
>ignoring that rockets work in fucking space
>thinks he's a fucking genius for knowing that metal expands when it gets hot
There's a reason he sticks to retard tire kickstarter scams.

>> No.14852839

Even for scams he picks the lowest hanging fruit possible. He won't even touch the bigger green energy scams since they align with his politics.

>> No.14853223

This is an ad hominem thread where we criticize his looks and lifestyle choices, fuck out of here with your argumentative crap.

>> No.14853329

We can, and will, do both.

>> No.14853369 [DELETED] 

The correlation between dysgenic appearance and bad opinions is high.

>> No.14853511
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1603432791360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He talks about engineering. Not science. It's very easy to work out what is and isn't theoretically possible according to physical laws. But engineers are a bunch of witches that have to make things in real life.

>> No.14853522
File: 38 KB, 511x384, Dave Jones and wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's not an engineer so he should leave such videos to channels like EEVBlog, which have the proper engineering expertise.

>> No.14853563

Dave has partially copied thunderf00t and his deboonking of shitty kikestarters, but i get it since an audience of engineers is tiny as is visible on all his theory videos

>> No.14853595
File: 248 KB, 960x1200, 1656924526617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His biggest problem is that he never shed his 14yo atheist phase. He talks about things that he has little to no specialist knowledge of, in an arrogant and confrontational way that gets old very quickly. He brings up challenges that range from solved 60 years ago to very significant and presents them all as big gotchas. If I lunched a kickstarter to dig a hole in my back yard he'd go on about how there's roots and stones and water and I might need planning consent and digging is a whole lot of work. As if he's the only one that noticed it and they are totally insurmountable issues and he's got me, because he's a smart boy smarty paints that saw right through my bullshit and now I'm BUSTED, BUSTED, BUSTED. The second problem I have is that takes 10 godbdam minutes to explain the simplest things. Something that I've seen others do in 2 minutes take him 15. There's amateurs who don't feel the need to remind everyone about their nuclear physics degree that know much more about specific subjects, say jet propulsion or whatever he's a leading expert on this month, that cover events in a way more becoming of adults who I'd rather be watching. But occasionally I'll still watch a vid for the same reason one might watch an episode of ancient aliens.

>> No.14853611

I think it's more than those capacitor in a box scams are so simple and stupid yet wide spread that they're just easy content. Almost everyone from big Clive to mighty car mods has had a laugh at their expense at some point. Playing wack a mole with kickstarter scams isn't anything groundbreaking either.

>> No.14853640

Facts dont matter to haters LMAO

If you look at what he's achieved in those "6 years" since youtuber "skeptic" starting "dunking", you'll quickly begin to see how trash their opinions are.

Ultimately, Musk filters brainlets and midwit failures who had at one point in time some talent but had done nothing in their life. So they blame other successful people to claim their own moral superiority. Its bucket in crab mentality applied to personal level. Insecurity is what drives them.

>> No.14853654

ultimately, you will never go to space tranny

>> No.14853760


>> No.14853873

He said the UFO was a bird

>> No.14853902

Remember when he debated Carl of Swindon about Brexit and his entire MO was to wait for Carl to make a claim about the EU, exclaim “boolshit!”, wait for Carl to look it up and prove it to him, and then quickly move on without accepting that he was wrong? I remember

Really ruined any credibility he had. He couldn’t just admit that he wanted to stay in the EU because he got research grants from them. Instead he had to pretend that he held the rational and evidence-based position

>> No.14854123

I intentionally picked Dave because he covers some of the same ground but does it with rigor and doesn't wander off into the weeds with all the other junk Phil gets into. Dave has the background for analyzing and criticizing these products, Phil doesn't. At best, Phil can look at idealized equations of how something theoretically would work while Dave understands the actual engineering and is able to use that to take apart the scams. Meanwhile Phil needs some more clicks to cover his grocery bills, so he churns out another 'I hate Musk' video while Dave makes a video on how to repair a broken oscilloscope. Phil offers nothing that isn't better covered by Dave but Dave adds a lot of value that Phil is unable to produce.

>> No.14854125

>The second problem I have is that takes 10 godbdam minutes to explain the simplest things.
He's creating content for the YouTube algorithm, which rewards longer video with more appearances in peoples Recommended Videos feed and also allows him to run more ads during the video. Everything he does is to maximize YT revenue. It's just a money making scheme for him. Obviously most YouTubers want to make money from their videos but only a few are willing to sacrifice integrity to maximize it.

>> No.14854403
File: 59 KB, 706x671, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread, fuck muskcucks into the dirt

>> No.14854414

I want anita to crush my fucking balls, just destroy them

>> No.14854415

That guy needs to go on Lex's show and then a drone strike sent in minecraft.

>> No.14854475

There's a company called Avalanche Fusion that is a complete scam for instance, could be easily debunked by someone competent at physics but hey, instead you have "Dr." Phil Mason

>> No.14854640

Trannies are the ones who hate Musk.

>> No.14854641

He was very mum on Solyndra and other "green energy" scams.

>> No.14854888


>> No.14856508

Sometimes he's right (solar roadways iirc), sometimes he reaches the right conclusion for the wrong reasons (hyperloop) or tries to prove it in retarded ways (the vacuum "experiment" he did for it), and sometimes he's just wrong.
The main issue though is that he's either completely disingenuous or a complete moron and either way can't be trusted. If you can tell the difference between the above, you don't need his "debunking", if you can't then you can never tell when he's spouting bullshit and shouldn't watch or you'll be misled.
The spacex ones are the best examples because he both seems to have a personal obsession with it and because anything musk related is good clickbait, so he's doubly incentivized to "cover" them.
He adds random factors to his cost calculations, mixes up marginal and program costs, mixes up cost and price, ignores or uses post-inflation numbers inconsistently, uses contractual minimum launch masses instead of the real launch masses, compares cost to LEO and cost to ISS when the directly comparable numbers were literally in the source he used, etc etc.
Individually each mistake might be excusable, but they add up to massive disparities between his point and reality, and they conveniently only seem to happen when it benefits his point.
Maybe >>14846309 is right, I remember his earlier stuff being more on point, or maybe I just knew less then and spotted fewer mistakes. Fuck watching them again to check