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14843904 No.14843904 [Reply] [Original]

Do NPCs have no inner monologue?


>> No.14843907

>internal monologue

If you hear voices in your head you're just schizophrenic, what is this weird cope.

>> No.14843911

I have my internal monologue in musical notes

>> No.14843936
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When they read, it's an external monologue? Can they visualize scenes?
I still believe that anyone can think in moving images, text, sounds, pure abstract thoughts etc and I'm being psyopped or gas-lighted by three letter agencies (or even two letter agencies) that this is far from normal. How can visual arts be common otherwise? Book covers? Comics?

>> No.14843963
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>Of course i hear voices in my head revealing the truth of the sacred geometry of the universe and the mysteries of mathematics to me, how could you tell?

>> No.14843971

Lol imagine thinking at the speed of your voice

>> No.14844004

>thought is text generation
Projecting, NPC.

>> No.14844011

Dude I know, and they think we're the stupid ones who can't think

>> No.14844018

i can do both

>> No.14844020

Inner monologue is literally a sign of you being indoctrinated too much by movies, so you start hearing a narrator.
Real humans just know what they want to do.

>> No.14844024

I'm glad you guys aren't like /pol/, they're all saying everyone has to have an internal monologue

>> No.14844026

Wow wordlets get triggered when you remind them they're not fully human
>Lol imagine thinking at the speed of your voice
You literally did that as you were typing this out, tard

>> No.14844029

Npcs definitely exists but it's not like inner monologue is any proof or definitive explanation. According to gurdjief being conscious and self aware is luxury and that life has no need for it and to some is even dangerous. People who are doing so and decide to be self aware are doing it at the risk of their own death because realizations can cause mental problems which could result into suicide.

>> No.14844039
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This is my instinct as well, but from what I can tell, we really do share this planet with undeveloped hominins. We have all seen the studies where they test children of different ages whether they have a grasp of e.g. object permanence. It turns out there are a series of well-understood “milestones” like that which some children reach sooner than others. Into the teenage years, however the Experts start to get real vague: “understands abstract concepts” is about it. They do not clarify when pressed. I suspect that the true list extends quite a bit farther, but with the uncomfortable caveat that many so-called “people” will never reach them

>> No.14844407

No, you think first and then you narrate it with your inner voice

>> No.14844412

im gonna assume that inner monologue is caused by reading

>> No.14844422

NPCs probably have inner monologue, but it's not developed enough to make them into a person that is capable of their own thoughts.

>> No.14844434

that's why they are incapable of forge their own thoughts/opinions, that's why they all talk and look the same, that's why they are submissive to authorities and so easily controlled.
this is an essential function in everything related to identity structure, their identity is corrupted, if you cant manage conversation with yourself you cant question yourself or anything else, you cant look on things from different perspective and you cant empathize with anything, this is literally mental retardation

>> No.14844742

I'm the only person smart enough to have a meaningful conversation with

>> No.14844754

Can NPC's not listen to songs they like in their head? JFC imagine not having an auditory component to your imagination.

>> No.14844755

Everyone talks about having inner vision but no one talks about having inner tastes and inner smells. Curious.

>> No.14844765
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Barely any correlation. Nearly all NPCs have verbal shart constantly looping in their heads.

>> No.14844768

Probably because the ability to visualize is far more useful than the ability to imagine smells.

>> No.14844782

You wouldn't be saying that if you had the ability to imagine tastes and smells

>> No.14844789

I do have it and it's completely useless.

>> No.14844800

But can you imagine temperature and control your imagined body temperature at will?

>> No.14844806

No and that would be even more useless. What are you sperging off about, anyway?

>> No.14844819

Why are you seething at your inability to imagine temperature you temperature NPC?

>> No.14844828

So you're eternally butthurt because you're an aphantasic drone. Okay. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.14844855

Notice how you start malfunctioning when you sense the retarded idea of "NPC" falling apart. Get a life virgin

>> No.14844880

The only thing I've noticed is the way you're losing your mind with rage. When I initially replied to you, I was addressing your question in an objective manner and wasn't thinking about NPCs, but you just couldn't help demonstrating that you're a nonhuman drone.

>> No.14844890

You didn't address shit, virgin. Now kill yourself and stop replying to me.

>> No.14844899
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>You didn't address shit
I did: people talk about visualizing but not about imagining smells because most people can visualize but few people can imagine smells, and the reason for that is that visualization is vastly more useful and thus selected for.

>> No.14844933

Im a tranny btw so I get lots of bussy unlike you virgin

>> No.14844938

This retarded and shameless virgin keeps replying...

>> No.14844964

why is this NPC tranny tripping bros?

>> No.14844977

Excessive inner monoglogue can be sign of starting schizophrenia

>> No.14844998

tranny going bananny

>> No.14845464

I'd say they have diminished inner monologue and diminished, diluted consciousness in general, but sometimes when I catch some heavy Heideggerian vibes I kinda feel that they're in fact just Das Man NPC's in comparison to me, the OG Dasein, sometimes these vibes can drive me to the dark valley of solipsism

>> No.14845475
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>> No.14845480
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Daniel Dennett is an NPC


>> No.14845494

Literally everyone capable of speech has inner monologue. Say something out loud. Now say something, but keep your mouth closed and don't move your tongue. Ta-dah, you just experienced inner monologue.

>> No.14845574

this is just echoing words inside your mind, "inner monologue" is the operation of talking to yourself and thats the same as do it out loud, but since you dont have 2 mouths you manage the conversation vocally and inside your head simultaneously.
this guy is lack of basic brain functionality and bitching about it this is hilarious

>> No.14845621

btw, why nobody besides me ever noticed that NPCs were already discovered back in the days first by the gnostics (NPCs=hylics, non-NPCs=psychics, pneumatics), and then by Heidegger (NPCs=das man, non-NPCs=dasein)?

>> No.14845664
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>"inner monologue" is the operation of talking to yourself
Looks like the anti-NPC-meme-regurgitating crowd is also composed of NPCs.

>> No.14845667
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Speaking as an NPC, in all but full support for globalhomo and still religiously wearing a face diaper, I can confirm we do indeed have inner monologues, in which we'll even argue with ourselves in our conflicting self-generated dialogue trees. Sometimes the inner dialogue will use other NPC's voices, usually parents or loved ones.

Though I keep coming across fellow NPCs who don't realize they are NPCs, usually those with a dialogue tree that includes belief in the existence of NPCs.

Also inner taste and smell, when I think of burning or burgers, I get a vague impression of the taste/smell. I'm class #2 for visuals, unless I focus on the internal image, then I'm class #1, though my apples always have a worm hole for some reason.

>> No.14845674
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>your mental state while you were writing that post

>> No.14845701

Posting on 4chan is as close to a state of zen an NPC can achieve. Just adding dialogue to the dead internet.

>> No.14845739
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>point out pic related in the /pol/ thread you also made yesterday
>no replies
>no one wants to even consider this because it would shatter their ego they've built up over being the superior enlightened thinker with words



predictable, you just want to feel superior over others instead of getting to the truth of cognition and meta-cognition, it is the most frustrating thing to engage in discussion on this site in good faith

>> No.14845743


>> No.14845766

Completely nonsense of course, unless you believe someone who is born deaf/mute and lacks such a thing also is somehow an "NPC" because of it.

Even just thinking about it critically, it's clear the content of speech whether or not you verbalize it in your mind or out loud is derived from the subconscious so inner monologue isn't something fundamental to human intelligence but some learned social behavior that is common.

>> No.14845767

OP isnt white

>> No.14845769

Having an internal monologue is not a sufficient condition for self-reflection but it is a necessary one. You're a confirmed NP.

>> No.14845771

>i am not truly sentient
Thanks for being upfront about it.

>> No.14845772

>bro I learned about this thing called Gnosticism on this board like a year ago and I am the only person to ever think about it
stfu moron

>> No.14845773

Voluntarily letting go of inner distractions to achieve a state of heightened understanding vs. having none to begin with.

>> No.14845784
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>but it is a necessary one

No it isn't, I can reflect and introspect on my thoughts or events or future possibilities or my daydreams or my own meta-cognition without needing to utilize my "minds mouth", the only times I ever use my "minds mouth" is when imagining dialogue with someone in a daydream or to prepare for IRL encounter (rarely)

You and everyone else who thinks like you make the mistake of assuming thinking with words is necessary to think deeply and abstractly when its often the opposite, furthermore the mistaken assumption that thinking without words is not active, conscious, effortful thinking at all

All you need to understand is there is not really one superior method of thinking over the other it depends on context. If you aren't social and don't engage in conversation IRL often and don't write or poetry or theater then thinking in words is not necessary, its a slower, less efficient method by some respects.

>> No.14845786

I actually have the opposite, I spend an unhealthy amount of time in a near schizophrenic state daydreaming both with inner monologue and visually.

You are just a low IQ person who probably never explored how thought is derived.

>> No.14845790

Your pseudo-buddhist cope is irrelevant. My point still stands.

>> No.14845795
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>No it isn't
Yes, it is.

>> No.14845796

>pseudo-buddhist cope
You have identified fully with your monkey mind, it and your ego are inseparable, you should give a read into some of that buddhist literature, even the basics, it can provide new insight

>> No.14845798

>I spend an unhealthy amount of time in a near schizophrenic state
Who cares about your hot takes, then?

>> No.14845805

Watching 3 minute pop-buddhist videos doesn't make you englightened, pseud.

>> No.14845806

>Even just thinking about it critically, it's clear the content of speech whether or not you verbalize it in your mind or out loud is derived from the subconscious so inner monologue isn't something fundamental to human intelligence but some learned social behavior that is common.

Yeah, the evidence for this being true comes from the tip of the tongue phenomenon for instance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_of_the_tongue

>> No.14845808


>> No.14845813

There is nothing "hot" about my take. I simple gave an example of how stupid the claim is, under the assumption that someone is born deaf/mute they would be an NPC because they didn't develop the ability to verbalize internally. A more intelligent person than yourself can easily draw a deeper analysis of the problem when confronted with such an example and should be thinking about how fundamental it must be.

Like the low IQ ape that you are, you didn't address anything in my post because you ironically enough display human bot behavior.

>> No.14845817

You're a low-IQ pseud. You will never comprehend the first thing about buddhist philosophy.

>> No.14845818

Tell me what you know of buddhist philosophy then

>> No.14845820

>the assumption that someone is born deaf/mute they would be an NPC because they didn't develop the ability to verbalize internally
Whose assumption is that?
>I spend an unhealthy amount of time in a near schizophrenic state
Oh, so you're arguing with voices in your head.

>> No.14845823

Why? It's simply irrelevant in this discussion. You keep rambling about someone "identifying" with something but it's clear as day that you're projecting.

>> No.14845825

Are you just retarded or what? The assumption of the thread/video is that having no inner monologue is indicative of someone being an NPC. You personally even claimed that you can't be fully sentient without it.

This is the last time I respond to your low IQ posts.

>> No.14845830

That just slows your thinking down

I have experience with the full spectrum

>completely non-verbal thinking
>mix of non-verbal and verbal
>completely verbal thinking

The former is most efficient and feels like you are literally thinking at the speed of thought, the latter is slow, very self-referential, the middle is the worst of both because you are repeating your thoughts twice essentially and thinking speed suffers

>> No.14845836

>It's simply irrelevant in this discussion.

>Your pseudo-buddhist cope

>You will never comprehend the first thing about buddhist philosophy.

Seems very relevant, why don't you share what you know about it and how you think it fits in to this phenomenon then

>> No.14845839

>having no inner monologue is indicative of someone being an NPC
It is. I guess the trouble is that you, as an NPC, have no idea what an inner monologue is, so you think the only form of it is hearing a little voice in your head. LOL

>> No.14845843

>Seems very relevant
Seems very relevant to you because you're projecting something about identifying with a "monkey mind". Maybe if you were capable of genuine self-reflection, you would be able to acknowledge my observation.

>> No.14845874

Yeah, it's a good example. Honestly I was thinking a lot about this, because the first time I heard about this phenomenon it completely blew my mind that there are people who lack inner speech and/or mental imagining. Intuitively I thought it's impossible, and it's hard to imagine thinking without it if you do, but it lead me to thinking more about how you are just subconsciously doing all of this first and then (to a large extent but not entirely) consciously forming it verbally in your head. I assume for people who lack this kind of verbal representation of these subconscious processes it is represented in some other more subtle manner.

>> No.14845877



>> No.14845879

>it's clear the content of speech whether or not you verbalize it in your mind or out loud is derived from the subconscious so inner monologue isn't something fundamental to human intelligence
Maybe if you were capable of conscious reasoning, you'd be able to see that this is a total nonsequitur.

>> No.14845886

>projecting something about identifying with a "monkey mind".

Well its true if you're this attached to it, mistake it as "You", etc. If you knew buddhist philosophy or even the basics you would understand that, its relevant to you dismissing buddhism as "cope" while simultaneously claiming to know so much about it, which is it, maybe reflect on that?

>> No.14845887

the video actually takes the opposite stance retard. OP is a NPC so his cope is to say that people with inner monologues are the NPCs not the no loggers

>> No.14845902

>the latter is slow, very self-referential
this is true for just simple tasks but to foster actual understanding it is essential. If you just read shit without actually discussing it in your mind it no different than "spouting of at the mouth" like low IQ fucktards do. Anyone can read fast and talk out their ass. Intelligent people make measured and THOUGHTFUL responses. If you arent inner monolouging then being "thoughtful" is beyond your comprehension because you are just stimulus triggered and give conditioned responses which is the definition of what an NPC is, a conditioned bot empty of foresight and introspection

>> No.14845906

>Well its true if you're this attached to it, mistake it as "You", etc.
What does that have to do with this discussion? Notice how you're projecting repeatedly but you are completely unaware of that.

>> No.14845919

>What does that have to do with this discussion?
>its relevant to you dismissing buddhism as "cope" while simultaneously claiming to know so much about it, which is it, maybe reflect on that?

>> No.14845924

>If you arent inner monolouging then being "thoughtful" is beyond your comprehension

Conflating inner reflection/introspection with inner monologue/dialogue again >>14845739
There is nothing about non-verbal/unsymbolic thinking that precludes thoughtful self reflection/introspection, I do it all the time, don't need to verbalize it internally though, is that so hard to grasp?

>> No.14845951

You are stunningly retarded.

>> No.14846839
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, Eureka Seven Ao 13 04.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you handle graphics?

>> No.14846862

I refuse to believe anyone actually naturally thinks in words. They are able to easily translate their thoughts into words, and they stupidly believe this to mean they think I'm word form.

If you went around using words to think all day, you'd get nothing done.

>> No.14846870

I wonder if you would pass the "to the left of the blue door" test. I know people raised without language, who picked it up as adults, generally can't, not sure about those who don't think with words.

Granted, for reflexive things I don't, beyond "oh shit" or "ouch", which may or may not be fully verbalized.

>> No.14846877

As a proud NPC, I have a very high res graphics processor, although when dreaming sometimes background objects go missing.

But if someone says "car" without being specific, I always imagine my car, but down to the dust on the fender. If someone mentions a specific model, I tend to think of a specific one I've seen, but if I'm not familiar with said, it tends to be my car, my friend's old Trans Am, or a friend's truck, depending on how masculine or sporty the name is.

>> No.14846890

hey nigger you totally ignored the Heidegger part tho

>> No.14846895
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i used to think inner monologue was a good thing but then you realise you're meant to feel life not think it

>> No.14846906

It's not like I CAN'T think with words, I just don't do it naturally except for when I'm reading something. If I feel like a ham sandwich I don't think the words "I feel like eating a ham sandwich", I just fucking know what I feel like eating.

>> No.14846934

You don't audibly hear it, it's in your mind, it's you.
Your're an NPC. You are stimulated and manipulated by marketers/authorities and you just react like an animal. Sucks to be you

>> No.14846941

If you're not thinking with language you're just running on hormones

>> No.14847238

Yes and inner monologue doesn't determine if ur NPC or not, what matter is the ability to visualize. A sane human doesn't have a voice that comments every action he does

>> No.14847257

and thats when mental visualization and abstraction comes in

>> No.14847281

>not hearing constant internal screaming
Must be weird.

>> No.14847343

Carl Jung said something like people without an psychic inner world are npc's/nonconscious. There, take that!
I can affirm, I've been on it at every angle.
I've been a bright kid with reflection, recollection, individual thought patterns about the world.
I've been a droning, animal, unconscious passive nothing.
I've had a literal separate world within me in the form of lost time in a world completely as real as this one.

The thing in between is similar to dementia, except worse, because it's dysfunctional/mad. It's a symptom of systematic abuse, ritually malformed consciousness into impoverishment of thought, a diminished collective and individual pattern recognition (such as empathy towards others/cues), an absence of adaptation and higher thought.

With psychic regained consciousness one can now experience a system of thinking, which reflects a system of boundaries emplaced in the environment, revealing self-other orientation, higher forms of interdimensional interdependence in thought, emotion, and bijective. That is, I can be with you as interdependent causally with you, without acausal intra-dependent blank stares or self-obsession, learning your personal common sense or profiling at a high level and feel encouraged to do so, as a privileged and entitled person (such rights).

I'm still pretty fuckin' crazy though, but at least I'm capable of adaptation and not a repressed sum, not even capable of emerging, a void in societal dysregulation. At least I can now regulate my affairs, and direct my selfhood qua the negation of void, passion, delusion, false symbiosis of necessary social living and required for the group pact within the these dire situation currently with cultures of harmful symptoms on it.
Does that make me a parasite? Shot an inference. At least I'm valid! And so are you if you're reading this post, understand it, or it doesn't matter to you. Maybe pennywise, as well. Ya know? Freedom, not mental slavery! >qua this?

Kids shouldn't know she-t.

>> No.14847370

Not only does having a rich inner world allow oneself those privileges, it also allows one an open door to insight into memetic culture, genes, symbolic expression, If one loves something enough they'll go after it! It is simply to talk about something figuratively, but another thing to ask why and how is it with me right now, and be present to answer those questions. There's not room for all the memes in the head. Did you know there's a such thing as an antimeme? It is not simply a typical question of historicity, but also bearing. So a memetic expression is not simply to figure, this means that or that. One must have integrated some of these symbols, and already have them as robust pieces of conscious ideas. Then one can start to question, why does it make me experience and do xyz. How do I compensate myself with the usage of this meme? This encapsulates both the affect, personality, and wish fulfilment. One can simply ask, 'how does this make me feel?' In addition to recalling it's context, if one is able to.
One could perhaps prove the feeling-tone is injective to the core wish, but the theoretical wish is not necessary. However, the wish is surjective to the compensatory genetic expression, as a matter of the id (biological drive). But the wish can be displaced, which is homeomorphic to clustered phenomena. Compensation is just a symptom of epiphenomena, observe that it is surjective to collective wishes of personalities, interdependent to one another, not intra-connection qualified or as it may, this may occur too in specificity.

>> No.14848328

>A sane human doesn't have a voice that comments every action he does
Yes inner monologue is narrator from your latest di caprio movie, literally what it is, retard

>> No.14848446

are there people ITT who unironically talk to themselves and think WE'RE the weird ones???

>> No.14848449

you arent smart enough to have a conversation with me. I may as well have a conversation with a mosquito

>> No.14848458

When I'm speed reading is about the only time I don't. But when I want a sandwich, I do indeed think, "I'm a gonna get a sammich". When I'm *really* tired, I might think "I need thingie..." though I may forget what 'thingie' was if I find something more appetizing when I hit the kitchen.

>> No.14849892

I got a B- on my IQ test, dumb fuck. I'm way smarter than a mosquito

>> No.14849928

>You literally did that as you were typing this out, tard
I know its hard to understand for a brainlet like you, i dont want to make you understand i just want you to know your thinking process is inferior lmao

>> No.14850583 [DELETED] 

Anyone who doesn’t have an internal monologue is about halfway to being brain dead.

>> No.14850808

>So this guy has a theory about people who have no internal monologue, a category of which I am a member. Err, we don't sit there an have a voice that narrates our entire, like, lives, 24/7...
This guy doesn't even know what thoughts are, so why should I watch the rest of the video?
Also, it's amazing someone who cannot think can somehow edit a video. That's what I don't understand. Blind people cannot read. Deaf people cannot hear. If you're blind and deaf inside your head, how are you thinking? How can you recognize words or people's faces? How do you remember things when you're not actively looking at them?
I'm inclined to think people who claim they can't or don't do these things actually must do them, but they're somehow too stupid to realize what they're doing. Like people who claim they can't imagine images describe it as if other people can summon literal hallucinations superimposed over their visual field, instead of, you know, just seeing a thing inside your head, which is what a thought is.

Like, take an apple. You know what an apple is. "Apple" is not an abstraction. You can't "feel" an apple, like an emotion. If you bit into an apple, and it had the texture of a hotdog or smelled like an orange, or felt gritty to the touch, you'd know something was wrong because you know what an apple is. "Apple" exists in your head and follows you around. Otherwise your only knowledge of an apple would be when you're actively eating and sensing it. If there was something "wrong" about it, how could you possibly know, unless you know what apples are? And the only way to know what something is is to possess the ability to think about that thing. To remember it. To recollect its touch, taste, sight, smell, and texture. To suggest otherwise would mean every human is born knowing what apples are.

>> No.14850833

You sound like an overcompensating NPC who can't tell the difference between having mental processes and verbally reflecting on those mental processes.

>> No.14850846

And you sound like a bot programmed to spam these threads with inane thoughts.

>> No.14850861

>inane thoughts.
Sums up your whole post. When you say you can't understand how someone can edit a video without verbal thoughts, you are telling me that you are incapable of simple planning unless you spell out every step for yourself. This is far more bizarre and concerning.

>> No.14850867

I'm suspecting you are this Allah Gold person yourself, since you seem very insecure about your apparent lack of a basic mental capability, just as he does.

>When you say you can't understand how someone can edit a video without verbal thoughts, you are telling me that you are incapable of simple planning unless you spell out every step for yourself.
Explain to me what you think "inner monologue" means, and I'll explain the difficulty you're having with the concept.

>> No.14850875

>Explain to me what you think "inner monologue" means,
Verbal reflection. Either way, instead of deflecting, let's talk about your mental disability. So you're saying you can't plan simple actions without going through the steps verbally? How bad is it? Can you prepare a simple meal without it? How about going to the toilet to take a piss? Do you reason through that verbally as well? lol

>> No.14850884

So, later in the video, around 23 minutes, the subject mentions someone with what's known as a "split-brain," where the corpus callosum has been severed or removed, which is a real phenomenon that has been studied. Allah Gold falsely claims this is impossible, which makes all his micro-managing of pointing out mistakes all the more cringeworthy, as he obviously feels he's very intelligent (despite not understanding what thoughts are).

>> No.14850895
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>why should I watch the rest of the video?
>So, later in the video, around 23 minutes, the subject mentions
That video is 30 minutes long. You did watch the rest of the video.

>> No.14850896

When people like me talk about other people who claim to have no inner monologue, it means they can't think. To say you can think, you're just not thinking "verbally" is nonsense. If you think an inner monologue is a literal monologue being recited internally, you're missing the point.
The reason I'm not shocked when words fly out of my face (or in this instance, through my fingertips) is because those words are already cocked and loaded in my mind. The words form, and then they are conveyed. If you're able to do this, you have an internal monologue, so you don't have to get all butthurt about other people who do have one being better than you.

I jumped around.

>> No.14850900

>To say you can think, you're just not thinking "verbally" is nonsense
Explain how you think through the process of going to take a piss. Your disability is alien to me. I just want to understand.

>> No.14850922

>I feel an uncomfortable pressure in my bladder
>I recognize this discomfort as the prelude to urination
>I locate an acceptable place to urinate, based on an awareness of laws and social mores
>I make the appropriate preparations for urination (door closing, seat lifting)
>I unzip my pants if wearing pants
>I remove my penis from my underwear
>I relax the muscles holding the urine inside my body
>I urinate, keeping sure to aim the stream in an appropriate place
>I wriggle my penis around to dislodge excess urine from my urethra
>I return my penis to within my underwear
>I zip, if necessary
>I flush, if necessary
>I wash my hands if someone's watching me exit or I'm about to touch something I don't want errant piss particles to touch
>I return to my previous activity

>> No.14850926

So what part of that involves anything that falls under "internal monologue"? lol. You're legit disabled.

>> No.14850935

The part where I can remember what pissing is and organize it into a comical greentext to dab on mongs who don't understand what thinking is.

>> No.14850941

Here's how someone with no inner monologue pisses:
>Feels an uncomfortable pressure in their bladder
>Says aloud, "Oh, God, what is it?!"
>Pisses all over their pants
>Says aloud, "No, not again! How does this keep happening??"
>Can't figure out why their room constantly stinks of dried piss
>Somehow manages to edit a video and upload it to YouTube

>> No.14850944

>The part where I can remember what pissing is and organize it into a comical greentext
So in other words, you spend most of your life going about your business in a fully dronelike manner, without awareness of what you're doing until it's time for you to spam this board with your botlike drivel?

>> No.14850949

In other words I know what pissing is and can access that knowledge, which is stored inside my brain, just as is my memory of calling *you* a bot, which you are insecurely repeating back to me. You can't seem to decide if having an internal monologue or lacking one is bad, so you'll probably just go with what most other people think.

>> No.14850950

Okay, but what part of the sequence in >>14850922 involves your "internal monologue"? Your programming is seriously glitching out.

>> No.14850969

Looks like I broke the bot. It stopped replying.

>> No.14851007

I had a friend who came over to my house. We were dicking around online and pulled up an Adam Ruins Everything video, in which he says the terminology about "alpha males" as applied to wolves turned out to be wrong. Wolf packs were actually more like families, with a patriarch.

Days later, I used the term "alpha male," and this same friend start going on about, "Did you know the terminology about alpha males is wrong?" I said, "Yeah, we watched that Adam Ruins Everything video about it."
"Oh, I didn't know he did a video about it."
This dude literally had no memory of where information we both encountered at the same time, in the same place, had come from.

I suspect most people are like this. They hear something, believe it, then lose the "scaffolding" of how the belief came about. But this isn't so much a case of "no inner monologue" as it is "artificial inner monologue," like they have thoughts, but they're being inserted. And that's the layout of the NPC meme.
>Pause beat

>> No.14851016

>Days later
>This dude literally had no memory of where information we both encountered at the same time, in the same place, had come from.
>I suspect most people are like this.
The absolute desperation of cattle heads to distinguish themselves from the rest of the dumb masses... in the end of the day, when your sort keeps prattling on about how everyone else doesn't a stream of verbal shart in their heads or doesn't remember what they saw two days ago, the only real conclusion I draw is that you have the set the bar real low for yourselves.

>> No.14851112
File: 648 KB, 1424x1676, positive disintegration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14851314

I kek'd

>> No.14851612

imagine that shitty wojak bell curve meme
left, retard, no inner monologue because he's retarded
middle, normie, inner monologue using language to contextualize everything
right, high iq whatever, has no need for internal monologue because words are too restrictive, can conceptualize completely abstractly and without the need for words

>> No.14851617

wouldn't having the inner monologue be the very definition of an npc?
>they act on instinct blaa blaa
what would you know about not having a voice constantly blabbing in your head?
yeah not thanks npcs