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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 800x700, PhD01-800x700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14835716 No.14835716 [Reply] [Original]

Story time:
>spend 9 years of my life for a PhD in Polymer Chemistry, multiple publications
>defended my disseration in July
>no jobs in the sector, all my old university classmates are already mid managers before 30 at high end firms
>academia position salary caps out at 50k, extremely cutthroat and competitive

To any undergrads thinking about pursuing this path- DONT. Take it from me. At least my gf supports me but it's been 2 months and I haven't even gotten an interview in the private space and it's becoming very awkward between us. Science and Academia is total horseshit, sorry for the blackpill.

>> No.14835738

The job market sucks in every sector. Even the ones who seem good are just scamming you, because they know you could earn much more if you went independent in those fields.

>> No.14835747

Change your name to something more black sounding legally and you'll be hired immediately

>> No.14835749

>only 2 months
>gf already bitching at you about being unemployed
Fucking hell where do you guys meet these women?

>> No.14835756

Go work for an oil company.

>> No.14835767

Just go get a job in sales. It's the career path for holders of useless university degrees. You can make 6-figures if you're good at it.

>> No.14835773
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You think it's fun when she comes home from her Deloitte office and sees me in my pyjamas, with the only thing that I can tell her is that "hey I'm still looking"? It's horrible and embarassing. I don't have the salary from the lab I was at anymore.
They don't exist. This job I applied for 30 DAYS AGO and not even a rejection, see pic rel. This is also paying in Canadian monopoly fake money on top of that.
I don't have experience in sales, my experience is in the lab. Am I supposed to become a car saleman? Is that the future of educated professionals in physical sciences?

Any PhDs please advise.

>> No.14835774

Just move to a rural area and do your own research.

>> No.14835778 [DELETED] 
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Science and academia is a scam.
Read the Bible if you want to know about truth.

>> No.14835785

>academia position salary caps out at 50k
lol no

>> No.14835786

Have you considered going into finance/equity research specifically?

>> No.14835791

I am most comfortable in a lab but I'm assuming the statistical analysis and math skills are transferrable. The issue is again that why would any firm hire a 29 y/o with a PhD in an unrelated field with no work experience in finance over a specialized BSc with multiple internships under their belt?

Even if I got an interview what would I even say? They would tear me apart just asking for definitions.

>> No.14835792

Can't you go work for some lab as a post-doc while you look for a real job? Does your advisor have anyone who can give you a job? Were you just given a pity degree and then told to subtly fuck off?

>> No.14835795

>Were you just given a pity degree and then told to subtly fuck off?
I am starting to feel that way but 3 years ago I thought nothing of it since I was giving my cohorts the smug pepe face when I continued and they went off to work in industry without finishing a PhD. That's sort of the point of the thread, no?

>> No.14835799

>Were you just given a pity degree and then told to subtly fuck off?
He said he did a 9 fucking year PhD so I'm assuming that's the case. Either his PI was a massive piece of shit or his thesis topic sucked.

>> No.14835801

Take your analytics somewhere else and abandon polymer chemistry

>> No.14835817

Yea modern academia is a hellhole of politics.
Sorry you had to learn it the hard way.

>> No.14836935


>> No.14837125

Isn't 9 years a bit more than normal for a PhD? What country?
Some job suggestions in the /scg/ FAQ. WAGMI.

Great comics, some hit uncomfortably close to home on several occasions.

>> No.14837138

defended in july, teaching at a school for $56k

it's a start - hang in there op

>> No.14837145

I think the average for chem is 5.5 years but yeah there are people that get fucked and stay for 8, 9, 10 years. Not sure whether these people should be lauded for their determination or pitied.

>> No.14837149

that's where you went wrong

>> No.14837151

including coursework 8-9 is on the long end for most experimental research phds (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), but not as uncommon as it used to be. part of the problem is how much higher the standards and expectations are for original experimental work

>> No.14837153

Sorry bro, i want to win a Nobel Prize, so i need that PhD

>> No.14837194

If it makes you feel better, I was in the same boat. Spent only 5 years doing my PhD. It was somewhat hard securing that first job but what I wound up taking a position at a company for ridiculously low pay for a few months just so I could get my foot in the door. After getting through that I had a wide selection to choose from for my next job. 7 years in industry post PhD and I constantly have bay away job offers telling people that I’m perfectly happy at my current job only making 200k a year work from home.

>> No.14837198

Lol yes

>> No.14837274

Are you implying having a PHD makes you almost less qualified for jobs than someone who just got a BS? Like, if that's the case, just remove your PHD from your resume, get a job that pays decent, and move on

>> No.14837291

But what if the moment you do that a polymer scientist position opens up and the recruiter glances over your resume but seeing only a B.S. moves on and your chance is lost forever.

>> No.14837341

That is a lot. In the US I guess? In the UK, where I did my PhD, you are expected to completre within 4 years.

NTA but I have experienced companies that do not want to pay for a PhD, and companies where management didn't like the PhD title, so they issued us new business cards where our academic qualifications were removed.

>> No.14837390

yep USA

>> No.14837391

That’s not much time to finish all the class work and do some really groundbreaking research masters/PhD courses take about 2-3 years and then if you stay for the PhD it’s usually going to be anywhere from another 2-3 years of research for most theory/comp people or 3-5 for most exp/obs people

>> No.14837505

I thought this was already common knowledge, Academia is a shit and the only people who get industry jobs already had the position set up for them before they got their PhD

>> No.14837544

>oh nooo i did something retarded and it didn't pay off
>how could this happen to meee

>> No.14837547

Ever heard of getting a temp job or something dude, yeah it sucks but better than being at home doing nothing. Hell do Uber or something

>> No.14837574

Break bad. Like, you could make drugs for the cartel. You could make drugs on your own and sell them on the dark web, preferably out of a safer country like NL. You could go to Florida, open a bro-supply company selling some bullshit like peptides, SARMs, w/e and you can say your shit is purer and higher quality (even though you're buying from the same chinese labs everyone else is) cause you got a Ph.D in Chemistry and can test it and shit (don't bother actually testing, tho). Sure, it's polymer chemistry, but bros are impressed by anyone with a doctorate. Fucking, you could even write a book on some related topic, maybe even what a fucking scam graduate school is, and people will take it more seriously because you got a Ph.D. I mean, worst case you can tutor the MCAT.

>> No.14837647

on the up you can say you have a PhD

>> No.14837648

Become a drug king pin

>> No.14837816

You should be able to get a job as a public school teacher, assuming you're American.

>> No.14837889

A fate worse than death

>> No.14837921

Not a phd, but a master's in physics
if you have some programming experience, you can pick up data science in under a month
Look up quant positions on linkedin, some of them explicitly ask for people with PhD in math intensive fields, i suppose they'll train you. Most of them also explicitly ask for math/phy/econ/stats but try anyway

>> No.14837965

A PhD isn't something you do if you want to make a lot of money. Rather, it's something you should do if you already have a lot of money.

>> No.14837978

Did you start your PhD right after finishing your undergrad?

>> No.14837985

Not op. I wish someone had told me this at 17, realized this 2 years into my undergrad went on a spiral and graduated with shit grades

>> No.14838029

That depends on the school, and as a qualified chemistry teacher OP wouldn't necessarily have to settle for a shitty one

>> No.14838274

>We're happy to receive your CV ... Mandingo Tyrone ...can you provide us with 3 references?

>> No.14838284

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I would like to understand.
You seem to imply the great difference maker was having your first job with low pay.
Would it be accurate to say then that a PhD grad with no post PhD job experience is fucked, but having any experience will suddenly make you seem like a great employee?
Why is this the case?
I can hardly imagine the same being said for say, someone with just a bachelors

>> No.14838287

he's lying

>> No.14838294

>9 years for your PhD
the fact that they didn't kick you out or end your funding reflects poorly on you and your choice of institution. You should graduate a PhD within 6 years, preferably 5 years.
How many grad internships did you have? Did you go for national lab work? You had NINE chances to do this.
>t. in computational chem from the CS dept, 3rd year PhD student

>> No.14838299

Firms hire STEM PhD's all the time, especially for quant positions. But fair warning - they're incredibly competitive.
>29 y/o
You started your PhD at 20 and still needed to take 9 fucking years? Not only that, but you didn't pick up general skills during A DECADE of lab work to be able to workin other areas of chemistry, physical chem, drug synthesis, materials science, or computational chem, all of which are high impact and, more importantly, hiring?

This is either complete horseshit, or you're actually dumber than a sack of rocks.

>> No.14838302

A PhD in the US is 4-6 years. 6 years is really pushing it.
In the US, the masters is included in the PhD program. Here, you would typically go undergrad -> funded PhD directly, which includes masters coursework / publishing, so there's an expectation that it would take about a year longer than its European counterpart.

>> No.14838329

9 years total you retards. 4 for undergrad, 2 for masters, 3 for PhD.

>> No.14838385

See, I was able to figure out because your friends weren't 30 yet. I didn't even notice figuring it out, it was automatic. Now, what did you learn about asking a den full of retards for career advice?

>> No.14838400

You should have a standing to sue the school for wasted time. False claims, etc ... Your lawyer should be able to figure this out.

>> No.14838419

>You think it's fun when she comes home from her Deloitte office and sees me in my pyjamas, with the only thing that I can tell her is that "hey I'm still looking"? It's horrible and embarassing.
2 months is not a long time to be unemployed. Your girlfriend already whining is not a good sign

>> No.14838423

The time when white collar theoreticians could sit on their ass in an office and make a lot of money are over. Learn a trade and do something useful, egghead

>> No.14838425

unfortunately tracking the 8 billion in size, human cattle, seems like a solved problem

>> No.14838427

What xD

>> No.14838430

Have you considered the possibility that you are a bland, generic midwit with no real value to offer to employers? Having a PhD doesn't mean much today, they hand them out like candy to all sorts of retards so the degree has lost its significance to an extent (heck I knew this PhD in molecular biology who struggled to set up a basic PCR reaction). It does mean you are more expensive to maintain which automatically makes you less desirable especially if you have no distinctive features. How many first authorship papers did you produce, how many of them are on the cover of top journals? Do you have any outstanding skills that set you apart from your peers?

Enough bashing, here is what you do to get a job. Research any new startups in your area and directly email the CEO. Say something along the lines of "hey, I recently got my degree in [insert whatever bullshit research you did] and I am looking for my next challenge. Your work sounds interesting and I would like to learn more about your [concept/platform/technology], would you have time to talk about it?" New startups are looking for people to hire and hardly anyone directly emails the CEO with proactive messages like this.

>> No.14838436

I am the same. PhD in Polymer Science. But I got invited to job interviews (BASF for example).

I still will punish back those who wronged me, though.

>> No.14838441


>> No.14838510

You are crazy if you say theres no work in plastics industry. PhD is fine if you actually make a marketable discovery. That's the point isn't it? Then you get that 20 year patent and can create great value for your employer. Doesn't work if you don't discover something.
Just look at it rationally.
Regardless theres a shortage of mineral feedstock gas/oil thanks to Putin so many european companies are shutting off. Dunno, try to get in regardless as a general wagie and then try to rise up

>> No.14838530

Tonnes of fires wants PhD because it basically means you are smart and can learn things without being handheld which is a very valuable skill.

Your situation is mostly your fault. You need to prepare for what is after you PhD before defending. It usually take about 6 months if you have done nothing before. Use your network or you supervisor network. Also your lab have former students that went to industry and can help you get an interview. If you are not an autist this should be too hard.

This a little too late now but your university should have job fairs to network with companies. Finding jobs through network has a much better success rate that applying to jobs online.

>> No.14838559

I was in your shoes and then switched to tech. I'm in data science

I know how you feel 110%. I became an alcoholic over it. No joke. I switched my career. (and got over the alcoholism)

>> No.14838563
File: 82 KB, 782x1176, phd meme political science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I thought it was just the retards who got meme phds in pol/sci/sociology that struggled to find work

>> No.14838568
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>> No.14838574

Yes you should make her realise it is going to take about 6 months.

>> No.14838613

I have a PhD in Mechanical Eng. Let me help you: Chem PhDs are the only ones that really suck, not "all PhDs". Just look Twitter, you guys are really cringy: photos eating in groups celebrating postdoc positions, pushing obscure agendas, always asking for help 'because academia is too hard'. You are practically a meme that has gone too far. Nobody really respects the fact that you need 4 extra years in postdoc positions because you done nothing in the phd. Also, stop pretending you help the world, because you exactly do the opposite.

>> No.14838650

> You seem to imply the great difference maker was having your first job with low pay.
>Would it be accurate to say then that a PhD grad with no post PhD job experience is fucked, but having any experience will suddenly make you seem like a great employee?
Yes that’s what I am saying.

>Why is this the case?
Business people don’t really know what skills you learned during your PhD and how transferable they are to work. Also PhDs without industry experience just talk completely differently than people with experience do (this is generally true of anyone inexperienced in anything). Academic style of talking scares off employers. A lot of academic work is exploration, creativity, and rigor; a lot of industry work is trying to follow already well understood practices to do as little as possible to get a “good enough” product out with as little effort as possible.

>> No.14838660

I totally agree with this anon. Most startups I know already want people to fill positions but don’t have the resources to do the job search at the moment. An ambitious PhD would be a god send to them. In the 7 years at my current job, a grand total of 3 people actually emailed our CEO about opportunities in my department and I was always immediately asked to review their resumes, and these weren’t even PhDs they were ambitious kids.

>> No.14838668

Same I went to therapy over it. Honestly still kinda hate myself but most people I interact with think working in data science and tech is impressive so that makes me feel a bit better even though it’s total horse shit.

>> No.14838670

>The issue is again that why would any firm hire a 29 y/o with a PhD in an unrelated field with no work experience in finance over a specialized BSc with multiple internships under their belt?
The Big 3 consultancy firms prefer fresh graduates so that they can form tme to fit their practice. What they need, are graduates who can think.
The FAQ goes into details.

>> No.14838671

Good. Less competition

>> No.14838683
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>3 year degree
>100k year 2
>now at 167k cpa + options

>> No.14838694

>Academia is a shit
Sadly that is increasingly true.
>and the only people who get industry jobs already had the position set up for them before they got their PhD
And that is quite wrong.

>A PhD isn't something you do if you want to make a lot of money.
True. There is more to life than money, though that is a hard sell to people in the depth of a PhD study.
>Rather, it's something you should do if you already have a lot of money.
No, that is entirely wrong. I did a PhD in Physics, and the first jobs were badly paid. These days I am rather well paid.

That is why the FAQ was written. Unfortunately, Google buries it in the search results when you search for it.

Well, in that case there is noting wrong with your progression. In the UK I did undergrad 4 years and PhD another 4 years.

>> No.14838711

In my experience this is excellent advice, I recently used it myself to amazing results.
>Be me, masters student
>Want to get a part time gig at a research institute
>Normally, research assistant job postings at this place require very specific qualifications, ultra high grades, recommendation letters, etc
>I directly email head of dept I am interested at working at, even if there is not even a job posting for a position there
>Immediately get an interview
>Interview was more about giving me the best possible job than figuring out if they actually want to hire me
Its a huge power move

>> No.14838766

>You think it's fun when she comes home from her Deloitte office and sees me in my pyjamas,
that's your own fault you fucking idiot
just because you are unemployed doesn't mean you have to look like a fat slob all day
appearance goes a long way, you could at least get up and get dressed

>> No.14838788

Work in additive, slow down crystalization, benefit

>> No.14838806

Yeah man. Dress for the job you want, not what you have!

>> No.14838905

Got a PhD in computational mechanics with a focus in machine learning applications. Multiple publications in good journals, got two awards for my PhD thesis. Salary is crap, no promotions (eternal postdoc position it seems). Recently, got offered a job in a megacorporation as an R&D engineer which pays a lot less than a mediocre software dev position. I got scammed too man.

>> No.14838967

> Got a PhD in computational mechanics with a focus in machine learning applications.
You fell for the ML meme. ML is not something you really need to study, instead you should have studied a fundamental discipline like math, physics, or computer science, and then you can pick up ML by reading blogs over the weekend.

>> No.14839017

I was studying physics at university(2nd). End of the second year i realized that no matter how much i hard study and i get a PhD for physics, i could not get paid for my works. then i left my university. Now i am studying computer science at university. At least i will get paid for my works.

>> No.14839029

>Enter Comp sci PHD
>almost everyone in department is foreign
>class sizes are 300
>cheating happens openly and goes unpunished
>advisors blatantly stop PHD candidates from graduating to make them write papers for them
>this even happened to the students with families to take care of
Shit's a scam, quit after a year

>> No.14839167

>dude just cold call ceos
Quick way to get your email blacklisted Kek.

>> No.14839285

>At least i will get paid for my works.
have you considered being a gigolo? there is a clientele for anything

>> No.14839350

>why would any firm hire a 29 y/o with a PhD in an unrelated field with no work experience in finance
they do this all the time anon. Don’t black pill yourself. You still have a lot of life in front of you and there are going to be a lot of changes

>> No.14839359

>work experience in finance
aka. making shit up

>> No.14839408

>You think it's fun when she comes home from her Deloitte office and sees me in my pyjamas, with the only thing that I can tell her is that "hey I'm still looking"?
The longest I have been unemployed in my life was 4 months. During that time, because I refused to have nothing to do, I cooked, did the laundry, and cleaned the entire home once a day, so my wife would have nothing to complain about when she came home from work. I also exercised more, because I had the time, and continued not only studying shit in my field (optimization) but picking up skills from free sources (like learning basic programming). I even started learning to play the guitar. All just to make sure I wasn't losing time.
It's not hard to not be a fucking slob. If your attitude while unemployed is "I'll sit around in my pajamas until someone gets back to me," then (1) I'm not surprised you're having a hard time finding work and (2) I'm not surprised your girlfriend is angry at you, for all the same reasons men get angry at lazy wives that do nothing at home while they work.

Why haven't you just transitioned over to doing data analytics for an insurance company or a bank? It takes almost no time to learn the basics of that shit.

>> No.14839520

It could be worse. You could have a math PhD and live with your parents like me.

>> No.14839530

>I got scammed too man.
Hardly. You just got the first job, one that brings you up to speed on the industry. You didn't get married to the job, your next one will pay better.
That is how I did it, probably most people.

>> No.14839539

This is where you name the place and warn others from ever applying to positions there.

>> No.14839566

Science and academia is shit tier if you want to be paid well. Meanwhile in the financial sector many salaries start already fairly high and they're typical 9-5 jobs.

> Deloitte
.. Well anon academy is a more cushy job than that horrifying brown-nose culture place that also pays out low salaries.

>> No.14839675

Not every long PhD project is because someone has a shit PI or is a shitty researcher. I knew a guy in fusion research who took 10 years to get through his doctorate and it wasn't because he was a bad researcher or had a bad advisor, it was because he was in a field that had so much competition from other researchers and especially larger projects that he kept getting 'sniped' (some other researcher or group published on a similar finding or diagnostic or experiment or what-have-you before he did). He finished eventually and the stuff he managed to actually get published was top shelf work that landed him a fucking AMAZING gig after grad school, but by the end his dissertation was like a thousand fucking pages because it was the two or three projects he actually got publications out on and the seven or eight that had tons of good data for that he couldn't get published because someone had beat him to the punch.

You see this happen a lot in biology and pharma research, but chemistry and physics have it happen as well.

>> No.14839756


>> No.14839776

They're called family oriented women.

>> No.14839808

2 months of unemployment is not a long period of time.

>> No.14839813

no don't worry about being from an unrelated field, quantitative/trading positions are always given to STEM graduates first and foremost, because the companies know that all the business shit can be picked up on the fly by anyone who was smart enough to do well in advanced mathematics/physics topics and who is a good problem solver by nature.
In fact banks will prefer physics graduate over people who majored in economics or related field, simply because it's not the title they look for, but the intelligence and skillset.

>> No.14839870

see >>14837145

I wasn't replying to you dipshit, maybe this is why you can't get a job? You think you are smarter than you are and that your thread should revolve around you. As always OP is a faggot.

>> No.14840155
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>> No.14840167

You go into STEM not because you love money, but because you love science.

>> No.14840176

>Research any new startups in your area and directly email the CEO
I did this exact thing as a 3rd year undergraduate student. I received a paid internship that I completed concurrent to my fourth (final) year of undergrad studies and am continuing to work for them to this day now that I have graduated.

Nobody is going to hand you anything, you have to go and take it.

>> No.14840180

Do substitute teaching, or tutoring, or hell, even wait tables while you're looking. As long as your gf sees you busy with something while actively working toward your goals she'll probably be satisfied.

Women really hate it when they get back from work or class and see you lounging around or sleeping. My ex-gf threw a fit about this while I was unemployed. Once I was busy she chilled out again. NPC minds.

>> No.14840184

Keep your head up, anon. Continue putting effort forth to get yourself out of the situation.

>> No.14840193

>In fact banks will prefer physics graduate over people who majored in economics or related field
Physics grad here, I can assure that this is in fact complete horseshit. There are a handful of physics PhD's from elite institutions who can get jobs at banks and consulting firms; for everyone else that's a complete meme.

>> No.14840197

>but it's been 2 months
you phd might have been a scam, but 2 months is too early to know. come back in five years and let us know how you're doing.

>> No.14840203

why are you living with your parents? don't you know you can make $300k starting at any job you want?

>> No.14840218

>math PhD
The FAQ needs a lot more about maths. Got something you can contribute?

>> No.14840228

Exactly. Especially not a PhD which is incredibly inefficient way to get a job

>> No.14840233

There’s at 5 math PhDs in this thread and you ask the depressed one stuck with his parents?

>> No.14840234

>9 years
There is your problem.

>> No.14840241


>> No.14840270

Holy kek. I make more money doing quality control for a cafe.

>> No.14840309

BS in mater sci and eng so I have an idea the field you work in. I do a lot of reverse engineering work and failure analysis of polymeric materials using FTIR, DSC, TGA, etc for an American corporation. I have a colleague who has a PHD in Mater Sci and makes 15k more than me but also has five years of Industrial exp than me, it's a giant joke and he even jokes about how much of a waste of time truly a PHD is, M.S. will take you all you need to go unless you prefer todo high end research for a large institution. I make at 27, with five years exp, more than most white collar workers do by the end of their careers.

>> No.14840380

Oh and some actual advice, professional polymeric material testing labs like Element charge 200-300 bucks to give a basic FTIR spectrum on a material. For a 45k FTIR and 15k in libraries you could buy a Perkin-Elmer FTIR and undercut the pro labs and make a nice healthy profit. If you charged 150-200 a sample for reverse engineering work basic FTIR spectrum analysis, you could have an equipment repayment time of 600 samples which is about 2-3 months so long as you can find a stable avenue for work. Believe me I worked with a bunch of dudes at a pro lab and they would make all sorts of mistakes, one guy told me an NBR rubber I had tested was isocetyl sterate which is a component in hand lotion, if you actually earned a PhD you should be able to give more reliable results than that. My colleague got the company to insource our testing a result of cost and the poor results delivered, the large testing corporations are getting complacent.

Having the ability to do DSC and TGA is a nice complement too. If you're willing the branch out and deal with ASTM standards, metallurgical chemistry and tensile testing can be profitable as well with added equipment.

Not actual business advice, since I don't want to be sued, but just an idea of a market you can look at and a high level evaluation of it. Also you should milk the shit out of the PhD and Dr. Status if you work for a testing lab.

>> No.14840545

>Ontario gave 18000 engineering degrees in 2019
>Ontario has 86000 engineers
>This means the average engineering degree holder works in the field for 86/18 = 4.8 years + 4 years of EIT = 8.8 years - aprox 40% foreign degree rate = 5.3 years.

Imagine sacrificing your social life and social skills to get an engineering degree with where the average degree holder only works in the field for 5 years before moving to something else.
On top of that in one of the highest real estate markets in the world, so the salary is dogshit, and you will be forced to live in a tiny ass apartment in depressing toronto, not to mention that the 40% foreign degree holders suppress wages and working conditions even further.

Just saying, there shitty situations elsewhere in STEM as well.
People should really look at supply and demand for degrees.

>> No.14840583

I don't care, I am 100% pursuing a PhD in neuroscience or some other medical field whether I earn 50k or 500k a year.

I have so many goddamn questions which I know how to go about finding an answer to, but would only be able do so with the resources for experiments and studies provided to a PhD researcher.

The ability to pursue your own questions to the fullest extent, for them not to be ignored is worth the PhD alone. If you care about money you have the wrong idea about the PhD you have.

>> No.14840612

With a chemistry PhD, you could probably get into the nootropics and supplement business.

That field is very pressed for actual quality product, NootropicsDepot is one of the only places in existence that has pharmaceutical-grade quality control for their products.

They have their own Reddit page which the owner is very active on, you could learn a lot about the business just reading up on stuff over there.

>> No.14840832

Yeah my name is turdis leszechuan... yall got any jobs?

>> No.14840850

I guarantee this guy was autistic or something and couldn't sell himself or connect with people. There's no other reason a physics grad should be unemployed. No point doing the PhD if you can't follow through.

>> No.14840884

They might work outside ontario

>> No.14840901

>ability to pursue your own questions to the fullest extent, for them not to be ignored is worth the PhD alone
ain't nobody giving you money to answer your questions, unless those happen to coincide with question-du-jour
you have a naive idea of how grants get distributed, you WILL work on whatever your lab managed to secure funds for and your questions certainly won't be among those for a good decade

>> No.14840952

We'll see, but I do happen to be quite good at explaining why a certain question should be researched and additionally I reckon there's a chance I might be able to make good use of all the research equipment just experimenting on myself for certain unanswered personal questions I have.

And aside from all of that, as long as I have even a tiny bit of freedom to guide the focus of the study more than likely I can find something interesting on the topic I'd like to know more about.

Not to mention, even if you never get to personally research a question you have, just having the street cred to discuss it with other knowledgeable scientists makes it worth it to me. I don't even get replies from researchers that I email with questions.

>> No.14840975

That's an extremely generous interpretation

>> No.14841028

you know acedemia is a scam when the people that come out the other side don't know how to make money in their field and need others to give them a job

Here's what you should do: Come up with a creative idea in your field and raise funds to test it, you can either float a loan and use your PhD as a carrot for the bank or you can try crowd funding or funding it yourself with another job

>> No.14841310

If you think she's just a muh gold digger, she wouldn't have been with an unemployed PhD student in the first place.

>> No.14841321
File: 27 KB, 365x634, 1628614144785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is doing a PhD in Polymer Chem right now

Ioh well

>> No.14841325

All of the people with PhDs that I know had jobs lined up before they were done, without even having to do an interview. I'm at a shitty, small university that nobody knows. I can only assume that it's going to be even easier everywhere else.

>> No.14841411

>I don't even get replies from researchers that I email with questions.
lmao how can bioshitters be so pompous? i shot an email at Arkani-Hamed when i was in high school and he actually took time to spoonfeed my retarded ass

>> No.14841424

What a based guy

>> No.14841452

hit the gym, at least work on yourself in between jobs
guarantee it's better than what you're doing which is likely spending 14 hours in front of a screen everyday

>> No.14841470

jesus christ, seems like peak of my dreams

take care, anon, I'm joining you in 9 years

>> No.14841480

Turns out we kind of have all the polymers we know we need, buddy.
Kind of got to get a grant or do some garage chemistry until you come up with a new one with novel properties which are also marketable.
Sorry nobody told you this before you placed yourself in that much debt over a decade of your youth.
At least you have some potentially useful specific knowledge under your belt though.

t high school graduate software engineer

>> No.14841533

All these horror stories have me panicking bros, someone please throw me somr advice:
>(Euro) Masters Student in applied math, live with my gf
>Shes currently working full time and I am currently working part time
>When I started my masters my gf dropped everything including her studies to come live with me
>The idea is that once i finish my masters she picks her studies back up and finishes them
>Additionally we want to get married and have kids
>However my dream had always been a phd at a top euro institution, in either Sweden or Switzerland
>Currently getting really good grades at my masters at a top german uni, as well as top quality exp at my part time job doing research in the topic id like to do my phd in, so I could feasibly actually get a spot in one of the aforementioned places
>Friends, professors and people at work have suggested I do a PhD, they remark I have the talent and academic inclination for it
>Obviously this collides with the plans I have with my girlfriend, a phd in one of these places would pay a pretty decent stipend but nowhere near the amount i would get if I were to go into industry ditectly, which I very easily can given my qualifications
What do?
Is doing a phd a retarded desicion? I want to give my gf and my future kids the life they deserve but I also feel like not doing the phd would be giving up on my dreams and crushing my soul.

>> No.14841537

PhD is eternal, your gf will cheat on you with Ahmed anyway
the path is clear

>> No.14841540

Are you from India?

>> No.14841552

>smug pepe face when I continued and they went off to work in industry without finishing a PhD
They were the smart ones, you should have ducked out of academia first chance you got

>> No.14841553

Lmao no

>> No.14841566

No she wont, please man this is serious stuff

>> No.14841587

Can't she help you get a job at Deloitte? And yeah that fuck sucks for her because consulting work life balance is way worse than your PhD. On top of graduating into a shitty job market you are probably aware that jobs in research are closely guarded by a tight knit community. Now, 2 months is no reason to give up yet, but you should be making plans outside of STEM if you don't get anything by month 6. Anyway I hope you've applied to at least 200 jobs, but besides that getting a position is a fuckton of work that you have to put in through networking, your former PI etc. Fundamentally it fucking sucks to beg for money, but that's life

Anyway, blackpilling yourself is not helping. I strongly doubt you legitimately believed a PhD = 80k in a private lab doing "research and development".

>> No.14841599

Depending on the field PhD positions can pay much more than industry starting salaries. However, at "prestigious" institutions it's ironically rarer to find 100% salary positions because many thirdies are willing to work for even 0% just to try and break into the European job market. Therefore I would recommend you aim for a 100% salary above all, not in Sweden which pays too little. ETH Zurich pays really well in particular. Keep in mind though the entire point is that your gf can resume her studies so you should also talk to her about top Masters programmes in the field near the positions you apply to.

I support my wife and kids on a German doctoral salary (plus some money from the state, but this is only open to Euro citizens), she's probably much more eager to be a house wife than modern culture pressures you both to believe. Always do what makes you both happy, not what society expects of you.

>> No.14841627

If it feels that way it's probably true. Basically your research career is a stillbirth, don't bother applying imo, aim for something new like consulting. Ask your gf for help.

>> No.14841652

1) That's literally fraud if they ask for your transcripts and you don't mention it.
2) Good luck explaining your CV gap.

>> No.14841654

>Therefore I would recommend you aim for a 100% salary above all, not in Sweden which pays too little.
Ive met and talked to PhD students at the place I want to go to (kth) and they get around 3k a month starting out iirc.

>ETH Zurich pays really well in particular.
True, but its really hard to get admitted to this place, ill try either way.

>plus some money from the state, but this is only open to Euro citizens
Both my gf and I are euro citizens.

>she's probably much more eager to be a house wife than modern culture pressures you both to believe. Always do what makes you both happy, not what society expects of you.
She's 100% eager to be a house wife but she does want to finish her studies even if it only ever amounts to a personal achievement of hers. I also think it's fair to support her in her pursue of this as I have 2 bachelors and will have a masters when im done here.

>Depending on the field PhD positions can pay much more than industry starting salaries.
So you can actually be better off with a phd than working in industry? Where exactly does this apply? In my field, I could get s salary around the mid 90k range in Switzerland after my masters. Also, I didnt know about the 100% thing and that thirdies were doing PhDs for free (jesus Christ, getting a job here its not that hard) so thanks for the input, seriously.

>> No.14841663

That's very true, I think the only benefit for poor people in doing a PhD is that you get to meet these people and you then have a chance of escaping the rat race by starting business with.

People who treat a PhD like a job market qualification are fucking retards. It has literally never been that in all its long history.

>> No.14841673

You're retarded if you think she won't. Human beings are not monogamous. Maybe she won't cheat, but she'll at the very least fantasise about some other dude. In fact, she already reads self-insert fanfiction about being married to some celebrity. It's gonna be real funny seeing you sacrifice all your interested for "muh gf" just to see her leave you. Absolute fucking morons, all of you who got fucked over by prioritising "muh gf" deserve the consequences.

>> No.14841698

I'm not sure what kind of gaslighting you've been subjected to, but 3k is more than enough to live well in any euro city and even raise kids, but in general a very comfortable life where you should be able build savings while your waifu finishes her qualification.

>So you can actually be better off with a phd than working in industry? Where exactly does this apply? In my field, I could get s salary around the mid 90k range in Switzerland after my masters.
In Germany, industry engineering salaries are 10k lower on average. Even the starting salary for consulting is lower (based on direct knowledge from friends there). BUT top tier grads will easily out earn PhD employees. The other thing to consider is that top tier companies do not hire people above a certain age and that industry salaries grow much more rapidly than academic IFF you are successful in industry.

Academia isn't very different from industry rates in many regards because of the high salary positions many engineers apply to them, so they become just as competative as the normal job market. Of course, many industry engineers are at academic conferences and vice versa. It's the same circles and the success of your career path in both academia and industry depend more on your performance than than your qualifications. If you're a shit engineer you will not get a paid a lot, if you're a shit researcher you will get paid even less.

>> No.14841705

>>14841698 [cunt]
Yes, those jobs exist, but everyone in Europe is competing for them. It does not work that way that it automatically guarantees better salaries in the shared job market (which is much lower in all fields). In general, it's not true that you "could get s salary around the mid 90k range" until you actually have that offer in hand. There are some PhD alumni I know that earn 100k (usually by R&D manager -> upper tier manager route), but this is coming from a very strong group, some people from the same group are unemployed after a year. The main currency here is your number of publications. In the research community the number and journal quality of your publications is basically all that matters. Your advisor can be a super well connected director at the ETH, but if your publication record sucks there's not much that he can do for you, you will end up unemployed or even worse in teaching. Also if you come from a shithole institution and you have 10 well cited Q1 journal publications then you are considered a strong candidate, but only despite otherwise weak qualifications.

The next pill is hard to swallow, but 4 or less publications is considered "weak" for a PhD, although at 3 you'll be considered a serious candidate for decently paid lab positions. Finish your PhD in 3 years with 3-5 pubs and do some effort in networking. I have yet to encounter someone who did this and failed to find a somewhat decent job.

>> No.14841708

>Human beings are not monogamous.
They are, even in its tribal stage Romans commented on how monogamous Germanic tribal couples were. Most couples live happy lives and would never do anything to hurt the person they love.

Go gaslight someone else you bitter browncel.

>> No.14841721

I know an African guy that asked my professor for a reference to a NASA internship position. The Professor sent an e-mail back saying he doesn't recommend the student, who he not only barely knows, but who also dropped out early after recieving the worst grade in the history of the course (this even after 2 external Professors from Nigeria and South Africa remarked his exams after he accused the faculty of "racism").

He got the job.

>> No.14841728

>Why is this the case?
It's the case in literally every industry. Bachelor grads hires are seen as a liability too. It's only after you have industry experience (and ideally some competator's trade secrets) that you will start being relabelled as "talent".

>> No.14841733

>A DECADE of lab work to be able to workin other areas of chemistry, physical chem, drug synthesis, materials science, or computational chem, all of which are high impact and, more importantly, hiring?
Not a single one of these fields are hiring right now low, in particular the pharma industry laid off over 10k in total so far this year.

>> No.14841734

>Now, what did you learn about asking a den full of retards for career advice?
But you're here too and you don't seem retarded :)

>> No.14841741

>management didn't like the PhD title, so they issued us new business cards where our academic qualifications were removed.
What the fuck, why

>> No.14841742

Charles J Pedersen aka Yasui Yoshio

>> No.14841745

Are you retarded? Make a copy of your resume that’s targeted at the company you’re applying to. It’s not hard.

>> No.14841746

>In Germany, industry engineering salaries are 10k lower on average. Even the starting salary for consulting is lower (based on direct knowledge from friends there). BUT top tier grads will easily out earn PhD employees. The other thing to consider is that top tier companies do not hire people above a certain age and that industry salaries grow much more rapidly than academic IFF you are successful in industry.
I thought it was the opposite actually, pretty interested, maybe the problem is what you mentioned; most people don't get fully funded.

>If you're a shit engineer you will not get a paid a lot, if you're a shit researcher you will get paid even less.
Goes without saying. If youre shit, you get shit. It ought to work like this.

>The next pill is hard to swallow, but 4 or less publications is considered "weak" for a PhD, although at 3 you'll be considered a serious candidate for decently paid lab positions. Finish your PhD in 3 years with 3-5 pubs and do some effort in networking. I have yet to encounter someone who did this and failed to find a somewhat decent job.
Sounds like very solid advice, thank you very much. I actually plan to grind really hard to get published as some sort of supporting in the current job I had, I also plan to do a really good master’s thesis and publish it, I already have something in the works with my supervisor at my job.

Do you have some advice on seeking out a well funded position and actually getting it? If you need to know, currently my gpa is 1.8, and I can feasibly get it up all the way to 1.3 by the time I graduate, I also got 1.0 on some key exams.

>> No.14841747

>pop culture really does turn people into retards

>> No.14841750

>mfw entering year 2 of my molecular biology PhD and still zero first authorships but 6 coauthorships
Not sure how to feel about this

>> No.14841757

No, I wasn't going to call her a gold digger. But 2 months is not a long time for someone to be unemployed, and it's unreasonable to get that annoyed by it. Girls do that shit all the time though so I'm not surprised, but it's not because they're all selfless mothers on the inside.

>> No.14841758

It somehow didn't dawn on me to look him up before. Hard to tell, but it seems like he fell for the DL meme, his "Physics" PhD is actually about neural architectures.

Zero citations. Zero first authorships.

If Anons unironically fear this, you should not even bother with an industry career im STEM. Just work hard in whatever you do, you will succeed.

>> No.14841762

>Dr Philip Elliott
My fucking sides are in orbit.

>> No.14841764

You should feel proud, but concentrate fully on your first authorships now. If you get 3 and finish your thesis by the end of y3 you will be in a very good position. If you only get 1-2 your position will be weaker, but salvagable.

>> No.14841767

You find this in all loser companies. At top tier industry leading companies you find a strong research culture where they respect the title (within reason). It's only in shitty or declining companies (the latter when actuary or MBA eggheads managed to worm their way into butchering formerly great companies to squeeze short term profits out of them).

>> No.14841783

Let's say I'm set regarding money and I'm about to finish my PhD.
Let's also say I'm interested in science journalism
How do I best go about getting a position as a writer/presenter for a reputable outlet where I can talk about new scientific discoveries?

>> No.14841787

>be canadian
>receive a just punishment
We really do live in the best possible world

>> No.14841803
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I feel like Canada is the absolute worst for science jobs. I did a bachelor's in biology and the highest offer I got out of school was 37.5k. Fortunately after 3.5 years I've gotten that up to 80k. The harsh reality is you will probably just have to take what you can get. After a year at one place you can job hop and ask for more. You are right, the sciences suck balls, and so does every other industry because of how oversaturated any industry with "prestige" is.

>> No.14841824

>thought it was the opposite actually
To be more explicit bachelors is 43k starting on average, Masters/Diplom is 48k, a public WiMi salary (aka Doctoral position with a 100% TLV 13 offer) is 50k starting and 54k after the first year. What's nice about this is that you can negotiate this plus 10-20% relatively strongly if they try to lowball you, but most engineers should anyway start earning 60k on average after a few years.

If you marry your chick while she studies you will also get her tax credits so with this more or less young middle class lifestyle while saving 500-1k euros a month depending on your frugality/lifestyle choices.

You never earn the "average" though, you will earn +-30%. So this is why many of your top tier friends will outearn you quickly if they go straight for industry.

Anyway it sounds like you are in a good position. Basically you will only fuck up if you get lazy or burn out. None of the usual blackpill stuff posted here even remotely applies to you don't worry. I myself wasted so much goddamn time stressing about careers due to seeing retards online fail, but it really isn't that hard to succeed if you just stay positive and work hard.

>Do you have some advice on seeking out a well funded position and actually getting it? If you need to know, currently my gpa is 1.8, and I can feasibly get it up all the way to 1.3 by the time I graduate, I also got 1.0 on some key exams.
With this GPA plus EU citizenship you are basically guaranteed a 100% tlv 13 salary. If you go Physics at a Max Planck you might have to settle for 60%, but PIs will cream their pants offering you 100% at any engineering or research position at any other university/national lab. A German degree in general is a 1000 times more valuable than any non-EU degree and about twice as valuable as a prestigious Anglosphere uni degree (who's courses don't feed well into our research requirements).

>> No.14841829

Just browse stepstone, academics, Xing and glassdoor with doctoral and your are of interest as keywords. All the good funded positions are posted there. MPG, Helmoltz, Fraunhofer and Leibniz also all have to legally post all their funded positions on their websites (the national labs are best to work at, but MPG offers less money in exchange for prestige). Also Google DFG graduate schools and centres to get an idea of the research landscapes.

If you got for TUM note that it's normal for them to do a bridging scholarship plus put you on a 2k scholarship (which had many disadvantages as opposed to a proper salary), a better move is to look for national lab positions with 100% tlv 13 tied to the university of your choice

>> No.14841858

My plan is to do a Master's in Statistics, then make some huge bucks in Industry for a few years, after which I will return to Academia doing a PhD in Math, and hopefully get a tenure.

>> No.14841880

This is the grand plan of every naive midwit who will earn a mediocre salary and later rant on LinkedIn about "academic snobs disenfrenchised with industry" because they binned your applications.

>> No.14841887

You are just mad that I made a proper plan unlike you who just jumped straight to academia and can now barely feed himself.

>> No.14841897

Yes, you are smarter than everyone. You know so much more than we do about job markets and the politics in research communities. You would even guess that you also earn more money.

>> No.14841906

>going into academia well past the peak of your fluid intelligence
I hope you like teaching

>> No.14841911
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virology and germ theory are the biggest scams after Christianity

>> No.14841914

>muh plasticity
Why do people keep spouting this meme, when major discoveries in mathematics has been founded by old mathematicians. Also, I do like teaching.

Wtf are you so mad about kek? Are you suggesting well paying jobs don't exist?

>> No.14841928

Yeah same for me, also did optimization in my masters and published a good paper. Annoyingly I was told that there's a huge job market for our skillset (I've come to realise it's only true for CMU and maybe Stanford grads). I lost a full 6 months before I gave up and did a control engineering PhD. During that time I cooked for my wife, did laundry etc. , went to the gym 2-3 hours a day and I even drove her to the clinic if she had a callout in the middle of the night or anything similar (mostly I felt bad because her job was stressful af). She never once got annoyed with me and was always very supportive of my career (now I work full time and she supports me even more than I did her so it paid off).

Anyway looking back my mistake was doing too many targetted job applications and wasting too much time trying to network at conferences etc. The only way to really network is if you make friends with people in the field and the only real way to do that is to work with them for a long period of time.

>> No.14841942

I know well paying jobs exist. I have one. I think you're a midwit that's it. You will figure this out for yourself when you're in your late 20s and finally realise no PI in any programme worth its salt is going bother investing time and money training some oldfag with his most productive years already behind him.

>> No.14842001

You clearly don't have boomer parents who panic and berate you as soon as you hit the 1 month mark.

>> No.14842015


>> No.14842022

I would say it's ironically harder at more prestigious universities where no one gives a shit about you. Small departments usually survive because their research is tailored to serve an actual profitable industry that hire their alumni. Large prestigious insitutions exist because they're good at bullshitting their way into public pots and scamming international students.

YMMV ofc.

>> No.14842039

Arkani-Hamed is a better man than me. I try to reply to everyone, but even having probably a far smaller inbox I struggle to keep up and sometimes forget to respond even to high priority emails (yeah, I keep them unread, but I need to sleep eventually and before I know it I have over 1000 unread e-mails and then some end up being 3-6 months without a response). I seriously don't know how full faculty does it.

>> No.14842040

>PhD student in Electrical Engineering, focus on condensed matter physics
>just want to work for CERN regardless of pay, hell I'll do it for free
How fucked am I? I have practical experience from my lab thankfully. Do I need to slave away as a postdoc for a decade before even bothering with applying? I speak German so that might help.

>> No.14842053

don't need them

>> No.14842057

and everyone clapped

>> No.14842071

>I reckon there's a chance I might be able to make good use of all the research equipment just experimenting on myself for certain unanswered personal questions I have.
Underage or Bait

>> No.14842076

Literally the opposite. Professors know the average fresh graduate doesn't know nearly enough math to do any meaningful research, and they'd rather work with someone who has been studying math for much longer AND has industry experience which gives them more unique perspective in working with math. I'd rather choose someone in their 30s who already knows shit than hold hand of an average 21 year old fresh graduate who has barely learnt any modern math. The youngsters are there for completing my papers kek not doing research.

>> No.14842131

>To be more explicit bachelors is 43k starting on average, Masters/Diplom is 48k, a public WiMi salary (aka Doctoral position with a 100% TLV 13 offer) is 50k starting and 54k after the first year. What's nice about this is that you can negotiate this plus 10-20% relatively strongly if they try to lowball you, but most engineers should anyway start earning 60k on average after a few years.
very interesting, very good to know.

>Anyway it sounds like you are in a good position. Basically you will only fuck up if you get lazy or burn out. None of the usual blackpill stuff posted here even remotely applies to you don't worry. I myself wasted so much goddamn time stressing about careers due to seeing retards online fail, but it really isn't that hard to succeed if you just stay positive and work hard.
nice to know, thanks for the encouragement

>With this GPA plus EU citizenship you are basically guaranteed a 100% tlv 13 salary. If you go Physics at a Max Planck you might have to settle for 60%, but PIs will cream their pants offering you 100% at any engineering or research position at any other university/national lab.
Very, very nice to hear dude

>A German degree in general is a 1000 times more valuable than any non-EU degree and about twice as valuable as a prestigious Anglosphere uni degree (who's courses don't feed well into our research requirements).
What about a German degree from a tu9?

>> No.14842138

>All the good funded positions are posted there. MPG, Helmoltz, Fraunhofer and Leibniz also all have to legally post all their funded positions on their websites (the national labs are best to work at, but MPG offers less money in exchange for prestige). Also Google DFG graduate schools and centres to get an idea of the research landscapes.
Thanks for the tip. My current student position is at Fraunhofer, actually.

>If you got for TUM note that it's normal for them to do a bridging scholarship plus put you on a 2k scholarship (which had many disadvantages as opposed to a proper salary), a better move is to look for national lab positions with 100% tlv 13 tied to the university of your choice
Honestly, I don't find tum appealing at all, I will look into places in germany with more care, until now I had only considered Sweden/Switzerland

I really appreciate the well fleshed out responses, thank you so much!

>> No.14842142

Quite literally you cannot be enrolled to a doctoral programme without an advisor explicitly and formally agreeing to be your PI.

I'm downgrading you from a midwit to a lowwit, you are even more clueless than we originally thought.

Nice opinion piece with a weak LARP attempt at the end. The fact is the typical t1% of 21 year old grad already knows more mathematics than the 30 year old applied industry midwit will ever study in their life time and most students who are destined to be faculty took enough grad level electives to start research immediately. The 21 y/o is far, far more likely to become a colleague than the midlife crisis oldfag who bought his way in.

There's a good reason that it's illegal for old people to start new degrees in many fields. You might be lucky with math that no one cares about wasting time on it, but good luck getting people to care about your research enough to give you faculty.

>> No.14842178

>What about a German degree from a tu9?
I'll be honest I don't know if this makes a difference, I think having Fraunhofer on your CV is actually already far more valuable than your degree in its entirety.

Even the whole Excellence Initiative concept kind of died out I haven't even heard it mentioned in the last 3 years at my institution. My feeling is that prestige does not play a role compared to particular research groups (h-index of PI, funding pools etc.). The only thing in Germany with any true international prestige is Max Planck G.

Definitely go for ETH first, I regret not doing the same I feel it's the best option for europoors. I'm hestitant about Sweden it seems to be where research careers go to die. Germany at least is relatively well connected to everything and pays well in most areas.

>> No.14842201

Even if what you are saying is true (it's not, if you be friends with the right people, returning to academia is piss easy); I am still making money with the industry, and can still research math on my own regardless of whether anyone cares about my work. Imagine being so pathetic that you have to gain approval from others about your """research""". I will be based like Bolzano who kept Real Analysis hidden from the world. I don't need muh PI like you, because unlike you, I already have the money to be autonomous while you cope with your premature PhD.

>> No.14842203

Whatever you need to tell yourself
>muh I dont need funding

>> No.14842231

Can you learn to read please? It's not about funding, it's about enrollment. You're welcome to sit outside the hedges doing research on your own time, just know you'll get sued/retracted if you try to put the department as your affiliation.

Why do think you know anything industry either snotnose? I've been worked full time longer than you've been studying.

>> No.14842247

>I think having Fraunhofer on your CV is actually already far more valuable than your degree in its entirety.
that be pretty sick, I just thought the work I am doing was interesting and that having a research job on my cv would look good. Wouldnt have suspected it was super mega valuable.

>Even the whole Excellence Initiative concept kind of died out I haven't even heard it mentioned in the last 3 years at my institution. My feeling is that prestige does not play a role compared to particular research groups (h-index of PI, funding pools etc.). The only thing in Germany with any true international prestige is Max Planck G.
Yeah my uni is also an excellence uni, in fact the dept that offers my study program is the dept that won the thing for the university. But as you say I havent really heard much about this, if anything at all.

>Definitely go for ETH first, I regret not doing the same I feel it's the best option for europoors. I'm hestitant about Sweden it seems to be where research careers go to die. Germany at least is relatively well connected to everything and pays well in most areas.
ETH seems like a pipe dream honestly, but I will apply anyways, cant hurt.

>> No.14842293

>muh affiliation
I know it is hard for a validation seeking child like you to comprehend this but I literally do not care if anyone reads my research.

>> No.14842369

>I literally do not care if anyone reads my research.
Then why bother writing anything down at you egotistical little shit? What you actually want is literal mental masturbation and to recieve unwarranted praise without a care for the rest of society. Such fundamentally disgusting behaviour is best confined to actual LARPing or more ideally single player RP video games.

>> No.14842393
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>Tranny criticizes Perelman and the likes of his.
kys worthless

>> No.14842404
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>I want to work in academia, but I don't care if people actually apply my findings
You are a retarded fucking nigger
You have never worked in science, you will never work in science and your delusions of what "research" entails and is about are cringeworthy at best and offensive at the worst.
You are a worthless piece of shit who's wasting everybodys time in this thread, you are wasting time of your teachers and your betters every time you open your mouth and I am sure half of the people you interact with daily have had daydreams about putting a bullet in your brain and ending their and your suffering at the same time.

>> No.14842433
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Yes, it is scam. But how is one supposed to publish his results when he mad some discovery (asking for a friend, who is also myself)

>> No.14842435

>writing anything down
Because I can't do anything in my head, duh.

COPE! It's so easy to make academicels seethe. Buckets in a crab.

>> No.14842444

Is a Ph still bad if you get it from an Ivy?

>> No.14842452

>Bachelors at 16-19
>Straigh into gradschool and finished PhD at 24
>Spent his entire career in academia, first at national labs, then research stays in America
>Never spent a microsecond selling out in industry
>Sent his papers to all his colleagues, even people he only met once in America

You are the exact opposite of Perelman.

>> No.14842478


>> No.14842487

I am not watching that. If you have something to say, say it here.

>> No.14842498

All of academia is a scam. Imagine having to pay 500$ just to be allowed to present your accepted work while they pay fat fees to old farts as "invited speakers".

>> No.14842509

>Listen to the racists rambling of a literal who on youtube

>> No.14842546

No one pays that shit out of pocket, don't complain

>> No.14842568
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>tfw I am almost done with my undergrad chemistry degree
h-how do I escape this fate? Should I just go to flight school and try to fly planes? The only issue is that I'm a gigafaggot and I don't want short hair (if I were to join the air force).

>> No.14842572

Yeah I will, because fags are still charging full fees despite virtual presentations.

>> No.14842577

Research job markets, or find your own way to make money. No one has easy answers except to do medicine.

>> No.14842582

do a year of grad school for fun, drop out with an MS, do literally any field technician work and climb your way to a cozy 180k+/yr salary
If you're suave, you can get a company hood to yourself to mess around with while you're still making bank and banging the secretary

>> No.14842610

Why do you care about fees in the slightest? Most of it is aimed at industry reps who want to shill their shit products or learn the latest tech. The rest of it is paid in tax dime. Invited speakers don't really get paid either except in rare circumstances btw.

>> No.14842626

I do because it is a scam. Also it is not always waived, there's reason they have these free slave "volunteer" student programs usually. Invited speakers do get paid, at the very least travel costs plus the rest.

>> No.14842654

>and you ask the depressed one stuck with his parents
I hardly expected the response to be limited to OP only.

>> No.14842658

And literally none of them responded.

>> No.14842689

I am a 33 year old midwit with a 2.8 GPA bachelor's in EE working in customer support.
Do I have any shot at a PHD or is it over.

>> No.14842695

Why the fuck does anyone study pure science in 2022? not only does it pay nothing but it is also dead.

>> No.14842701

Ivy is dead. It was murdred by people with names and addresses.

>> No.14842714

>Ivy is not a living being. It cannot die.
>Every person has a name, and almost all have addresses.
This is /sci/ not /lit/, please be precise with your use of language.

>> No.14842745

Watch the video for details, or fuck off.

>> No.14842746

And that explains why the FAQ is thin on maths.

>> No.14842749

>there's a chance I might be able to make good use of all the research equipment just experimenting on myself
You are in good company, self experiements are far too common and often far too insane.
You might want to look up the archives here for "the wormed one", a 4ch regular that is experimenting with replacing haemoglobin with another compound - in himself. It is a while since I last heard from him.

>> No.14842764

Make a follow-up deal: you both do a PhD.
If this is your dream, and this is serious, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you didn't start your PhD. The snag is of course that there will be an enormous pressure on you to also complete the PhD.

>> No.14842766
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I will NEVER understand how someone can invest years, tens of thousands of dollars and their entire fucking sanity to some subject that they could've pruned from the running after only a couple of weeks of deliberate study on global trends and the job market. Forget snake oil...the oldest and truest scam is some lying faggot telling youngsters to "follow their dreams". FOLLOW THE FUCKING MONEY AND THE DREAMS WILL TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.

Enjoy all the student debt Papa Biden won't waive.

>> No.14842771

Where do I submit to the math faq? Like, do I just make a new thread with my suggestions?

>> No.14842779

> Enjoy all the student debt Papa Biden won't waive.
Biden was never going to forgive any debt, he just wanted republicans to go on record arguing against it.

>> No.14842792
File: 136 KB, 1862x718, The coomed one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a thread or find one like this, or this >>14833216

>the wormed one
I couldn't find anything except schizo ramblings of (you) talking about this supposed "wormed one."

>> No.14843068

>>>14837341 (You)
>>management didn't like the PhD title, so they issued us new business cards where our academic qualifications were removed.
>What the fuck, why
A bit like >>14841767 wrote but also that this was a small defence company where all the very imporyant people had military background without any postgrad qualifications. So they felt that the only thing that counted was the past officer rank. Since I had only been a puny corporal they decided that the PhD was not worth mentioning, in fact it should never be mentioned to them.

It should not come as a shock that the company is now gone.

>> No.14843083

>the pharma industry laid off over 10k in total so far this year.
What!? With the new rate of approval for COVID vaccines, shouldn't this be the new golden age for new medicines?

>> No.14843110

Since when are there PIs in Maths

>> No.14843150

> I strongly doubt you legitimately believed a PhD = 80k in a private lab doing "research and development".
Bros... private industry R&D positions which pay moderately well are real, right?

>> No.14843181

> tfw making 65k euro / year gross in western European country (basically almost 2x median)
> still wondering about going back to academia to finish my phd, making half the money I currently make

Idk if it is worth it. I fucking hate 9-5 wagey work culture. I hate the boomers inside the office. I do not like their approach to IT (insane paranoia about using new things so you're stuck with 20 year old SAS).

> but 3k is more than enough to live well in any euro city

I earn about 3.9k a month after the taxman raped my bunghole. It isn't comfy. I can't even rent a place that isn't next to Muhammad and some other syrian nig enjoying their social rent living space. Then again I'm from the Netherlands and this place is run by a bunch of insane assholes who think nobody under their 30s should rent or own property unless they're an expat abusing favorable tax rulings.

> IFF you are successful in industry.

Come on in any Euro country this ''success'' is just defined as holding a job for 1-2 years without hopping and then going forward to the next job and get a decent pay increase. Company loyalty is a meme (well it is in IT).

> but everyone in Europe is competing for them.

No, not at all. The IT job I took that makes 65k can grow up to 90k gross. But I'd just be letting the taxman rape my bunghole even harder since everything above 70k gets taxed 49% here. People rather want 36 hour work week and so on when they're getting much above 60k in my experience and choose more free time rather than more pay.

> number of publications blah blah
Its your research field that matters. CS pays big bucks. AI, anything economics, anything econometrics, information systems etc should also be able to get you a good tier job IF you want that.

>> No.14843297
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>top tier companies do not hire people above a certain age
above what age?

>> No.14843452

>Your situation is mostly your fault
Perhaps, it's probably not entirely his fault. Most PhD programs are terrible at preparing you for life outside academia. They posit that doing anything other than experiments, like going to career fair, making industry connects, etc, is simply a waste of time. It's also a problem that they let whatever situation you're in escalate to 9 years. I find that biologists are the worst in this regard.

>> No.14843591

I want to do my phd in physics cause I honestly enjoy it.
I get academia is shit but surely there are some research positions at national labs or industry? Or am I deluding myself?

>> No.14843656

Where did you get your PhD? My undergrad research advisor was constantly pestering me with job solicitations.

>> No.14843787
File: 243 KB, 603x671, kill all unitedstatsians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I try to get into a PhD program in Yooropoor? I want EU citizenship one day

>> No.14843846

>Not a single one of these fields are hiring right now low
Pretty sure LANL and other labs have been hiring quite a lot during covid, especially for mat sci

>> No.14843848

a polymer chemist isn't a white collar theoretician. working in synthesizing new stuff isn't "ivory tower" retard...

>> No.14843944

>In fact, she already reads self-insert fanfiction about being married to some celebrity
this is your blackpill fanfiction lmfao

>> No.14843998

>muh good will hunting
You are not Perelman, you want to live a fantasy.
Do you actually have money? Ok so lock yourself in your room and write shit no one will ever read, nobody cares

>> No.14844032

Only two companies benefitted from it (remember the first vax retardedly agreed to a non-profit model) and they are now destroying competition in other areas with their vax money.

Can't legally tell you which companies are laying off, but it will be announced publically after Q3 to avoid stock routes. Anyway we are super fucked because you have experienced STEMcels from this plus the engineers and researcher in the energy sector all flooding the market this graduation cycle. Couple this with just about every public funding agency slicing their bidgets. I think this will be the worst job market since 2008, I just pray it recovers before my next contract ends.

>> No.14844037

>Bros... private industry R&D positions which pay moderately well are real, right?
They've never been real. Reality:
>20-40k jobs as lab monkey tech (hires technicians and 90% of flaked PhD holders for the same position)
>100-240k jobs for the 10% of top PhDs who have specialisist knowledge (i.e. trade secrets/IP from competator companies) or well connected people who got into director positions

Here's where you got confused. The MEAN salary is 80k, but positions that have a mean salary don't exist on the market.

>> No.14844052

this is a meme, you get auto rejected if they already met their diversity hire quota
best response is one where they can't tell

>> No.14844054

You are unironically just uninformed about your options. Netherlands has a 0% deposit mortgage guarantee to all citizens. Just buy a house in a white suburb. In Germany if you rent in an immigrant ghetto it's like 700-800 euros, while renting in a white neighbourhood is 1k at most. The difference in money is not huge, but the difference in life quality is massive and your kids won't end up getting gang rapped in shitty schooks.

>Come on in any Euro country this ''success'' is just defined as holding a job for 1-2 years without hopping and then going forward to the next job and get a decent pay increase.
Depends on your ambitions. You will be a successful IT worker or whatever. If your goal is money success means management by y4.

>No, not at all. The IT job I took that makes 65k can grow up to 90k gross. But I'd just be letting the taxman rape my bunghole even harder since everything above 70k gets taxed 49% here.
I eas talking about positions where you do real, meaningful work like fundamental research. Obviously you can always get a fake job like finance or IT where you fuck over and impede real workers by taking admin rights for no reason other than trying to feel relevant.

>Its your research field that matters. CS pays big bucks.
Not in Europe at all. SAP is the only "tech" industry here at all and it doesn't pay well. You guys are fucking delusional who still believe that American tier tech salaries exist in Europe.
> AI,
SAPs AI positions literally have 5 ML journal publications as a minimum requirement.
>anything economics, anything econometrics, information systems etc should also be able to get you a good tier job IF you want that.
These are all 30-60k cattle positions in Europoorland.

>> No.14844056


(...jk, 32 is absolute max though)

>> No.14844069
File: 7 KB, 255x132, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You expect spending 8 years of 'rigorous' study in a subject to give anything like that?

Most of what it can bring it you is understanding esoteric memes like 'why Riemann works'

>> No.14844070

It's a very bad idea to do a PhD for any reason other than pursuing an academic career in general. The national lab positions do exist, but I'll be honest with you I'm here right now and the only real difference between my contract and a postdoc contract is that I'm paid twice as much (at the cost of intellectual freedom). There ARE researchers here who are employed semi-permanently, but we (me and other younger colleagues) have no idea how to gey those deals or if it's even possible for our generation to still get boomer tier permanent contracts. I got my contract extended only because I helped write a grant that got some money into the lab, but I am already stressed about winning the next one. My job security is even worse than a postdoc position and I get all the worst aspects of academia, the only benefit being no teaching duties.

The age where it was fashionable to employ physics PhDs for 6 figs just to have them in a private sector company ended about 20 years after the bomb dropped with varying resurgence.

>> No.14844074

Everyone is always hiring, the difference is when there are fewer openings the first 100 CVs are all very high quality, mat sci in particular is especially oversaturated because any idiot from any discipline an do it.

>> No.14844076

Can someone actually intelligent properly tell me if academia is so bad if you get your PhD in a top 10 uni. I have the choice between going to ivy or a very well paying job, (which I know I can't sustain for the rest of my life).

>> No.14844080

Lolno, you and a billion other racist thirdies spam my inbox every day and your CVs get insta binned. Why would I hire you when I have over a hundred local undergrads with perfect grades lined up?

>> No.14844083


Pretty much this.

t., Polymer Chemist

>> No.14844084

Black men aren't diversity hires anymore anyway. The only thing that gets you that sweet progressive goodgoy points for wallstreet investment money is having trannies in your company now.

>> No.14844091

How low IQ do you have to be to not realise he means 3y bsc, 2y msc, 4y PhD? It's 9 years total education to get the qualification. No one spends more than 5 years in a position PhD.

>> No.14844098

learn spanish and you're in god mode, get all jobs. (center and latin america)

>> No.14844099

In our workgroup alone we had one dude that took 7 years and one who took 6 back to back. You underestimate the potential for experiments to go horribly wrong repeatedly. I can be disheartening and make you too depressed to really work for a time, which then only makes things worse.

>> No.14844103

It's about as bad as people say which isn't bad at all if you compare it with life in the private sector. A t10 PhD is not a guarantee of anything, if your publication record is shit you're not getting a postdoc anywhere. Publish a good paper in your first year too, people want to see citations building in your Google scholar profile even if your h-index still sucks.

If you do all that and make enough friends in your research community then getting faculty after a postdoc or two is not that difficult, in fact from what I've seen it's even easier than getting a good private industry job at that point.

>> No.14844108


I didn't even mention how many years it took OP to get a Ph.D. You are the one who is low IQ. Learn how the quoting system works on 4Chan and lurk 5 years before you post here again.

>> No.14844115

From my experience, I will always say this, take the fucking money. It's not worth it.

>> No.14844116

You have a really shitty workgroup then, no offence. After 3 years no pub people get kicked out here, if you're not finishing up at 4 no one is going to burn money letting you write your thesis in a 5th year.

What kind of troon bullshit is this? Are you telling us that you fucking cuntheads are wasting tax money feeling sad about yourselves? Someone decided not to fund a cancer clinical study or infrastructure to give you the opportunity you are in and you are pissing on that. This is why intellectuals get purged and lynched so often by taxpayers. Fucking hell I'm joining in at this point.

>> No.14844118

Get a government job and don't look back. Work from the defense industrial complex. They will take you if you look hard enough.

>> No.14844136

>t. Shekelberg

>> No.14844143

>take the fucking money.
It's funny how midwits always say this as if they have option to. The people who would succeed in academia will get a high paying faculty position quickly AND always have the option to sell out in industry. The people who's prospects in academia are grim also don't have the option to sell out and "take the money".

Most of the "postgrad horror stories" you hear is the latter group. They did postgrad precisely because they fouldn't get a good job. Stop being blackpilled by losers, just ask real people in real life for career advice.

>> No.14844152

Nobodies money is being wasted more than usual, you only get paid for 3 years, no matter what happens.

>> No.14844166

Ppl miss out on accounting. You can literally be 90 IQ and get your CPA and make 150k+ a year

>> No.14844200

>The people who's prospects in academia are grim also don't have the option to sell out
I don't know about that since I am probably a counter example. As I said, I have two options (which are almost certain to be offered to me): and Ivy League or equivalent PhD (in math hopefully, statistics definitely), or a VERY well paying job. I certainly have the industry covered but I have zero idea whether I am intelligent enough to succeed in Academia. I have absolutely zero idea about what to fucking research, and I feel so unprepared. I know I like math, and I am good at it, but I am so far away from the cutting edge, I feel like you need to be learning math since childhood to succeed in Academia, but I didn't become interested in math until near the end of my undergraduate in a non-mathematical field (Economics).
Given my case, I feel like I am more likely to fail than succeed when competing with the likes of graduates in math. I am so fucking confused man.

inb4 some econtard
>muh Economics has a lot of math
No it doesn't.

>> No.14844249

I would definitely put you in the bad group and sprinkle some Dunning Kruger in unless you meant you already have the job offer from that "VERY" high paying job. It doesn't work that way in real life, maybe 1/20 of those informal offers you get are legitamate. Unless you have a verifiable offer letter with a number on it it means nothing.

Regarding math I doubt you would even get accepted into a good gradschool, but in general your prospects suck, something like 40% of all PhDs grew up in academic families, nearly everyone else have mentors who have been preparing them from a very young age. They know exactly what topics they want to research and won't waste time in gradschool getting orientated. It's always possible that you are the one in a million genius that defies the odds (Google June Huh), but you will be fighting a very steep uphill battle even if that is the case.

>> No.14844289

I am in the absolute top math uni in my country with high GPA, but I am doing statistics (which is almost a half math degree given it has functional analysis and all), and till history there is not a single person who has graduated from here who has not received a well paying offer letter, or an Ivy offer. Even the absolute retard of the class with shit GPA gets a moderately well paying offer.

>> No.14844366

>I couldn't find anything except schizo ramblings of (you) talking about this supposed "wormed one."
After about 10 seconds of searching:

>> No.14844372

>you can pick up data science in under a month

>> No.14844376

Doesn't count. That's not /sci/.

>> No.14844383

To the very best of my knowledge such programmes are considered applied math programmes targetting non-mathematicians for industrial or research applications. I doubt they consider you a student in a "math programme" and I strongly doubt you did enough postgrad level topology, analysis and geometry to be useful to research projects in a PhD programme. They're not gonna look at your university brand and think you're a yop tier math masters student. If you want to go academic I honestly think you would have better luck in math heavy econ groups, but obviously I don't know all the details of your circumstances. That being said, you yourself mentioned you don't even have a topic in mind.

>> No.14844420

>At least my gf
She hot?

>> No.14844442

>it worked for me so it should work always
In real life, as you're putting it, lots of people have bad experiences with things that worked well for others. Not because they are less able, but because the situation is different every time. Or, in short, you have survivorship bias.
>my captcha was nyga44, lol

>> No.14844481

I definitely intend to have one or two years gap between my masters graduation and PhD admission, with the intention of patching my foundations, and also reading up on all the cutting edge in math. And I definitely don't intend to go for a PhD unless I can achieved a proper publication first.

But suppose I have become a math genius in those two years, how the fuck am I gonna get it published? I'll obviously be working a job for those two years to pay the bills, but could I just leave it and hope to affiliate myself with my alma mater? Does that happen? Do grad schools typically accept literally who masters students as a research scholar under them? I am not completely literally who, because I have good relations with the professors in my university; they all know me as that one non-maths student who picked the most mathematical electives despite being advised not to, but I can't tell if that'll last after graduation; why would they even waste time with me; after all, they're a top exclusive uni, and they get to talk to 10 new genius students every year. Basically, my question is are there are any viable ways to get a research position without going for a PhD?

>> No.14844503
File: 299 KB, 750x417, 1649159027975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not racist (except against Belgians) + I'm shartmerican + I WILL come to the EU one way or another

>> No.14844520

I understand that many things are a matter of luck both in careers and in life, but I'm sick of this pretense that there's these two groups, one going industry and one going academia. And that academia is where otherwise smart students getting cucked while mediorce grads magically get strong industry positions. Everyone knows that many, many dumb/mediocre students get into PhD programmes and the result is predictable. They ALSO would very rarely get high paying industry positions. Meanwhile the rates of successful PhDs coming from strong backgrounds are far higher.

There is no such thing "this guy had an unsuccessful career because he did a PhD". The guy was already unsuccessful. Meanwhile successful people more easily transition between high paying industry and academic roles (the latter of which pays better than some shitty industry job at a medium sized company).

>> No.14844526

>I'm not racist
Then you will never fit in with Europeans so why bother coming here?

>> No.14844574

>could I just leave it and hope to affiliate myself with my alma mater? Does that happen?
No, that's literally fraud and will endly badly for you if you try it.

>Do grad schools typically accept literally who masters students as a research scholar under them?
No, if you want to stand a chance at this then use your network to try an get an RAship from your professors. Explicitly say you want to work on something that could lead to publication.

Yes this is full time, no you can't have both industry and training to be a researcher at once.

>Reading books in your spare time
I have done this to the point that I can qoute sentences and solve exercises in grad level textbooks outside my field, but if you don't have formal credits for it no one will care and application gets binned. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is, even people who know me well and some colleagues in physics come to me to explain concepts which are technically in their field to them. But acknowledging this knowledge as anything even approaching being on the same level with formal education is some billigerent sin that appararently stabs at the heart of the entire facade of modern higher education. So don't try it.

>> No.14844659

I meant leaving my job as in resigning. RA doesn't pay shit, I can't be an RA straight away. I got to have a job or a PhD. Also, I have friends who are math genius that intend to be in academia, I could possibly co-author with them as an independent researcher with no affiliation; that wouldn't be fraud now would it?

Are you stuck in industry as well?

>> No.14844734

>I'm going to waste 6 years of my life working on a PhD instead of building a professional network
>This definitely won't backfire since I'm going to a prestigious PhD program
Don't listen to this fag. Take the fucking money.

>> No.14844760

Actually, I find that medium sized companies pay MORE in general. The big companies ride on the fact that their name is a resume builder and that they typically get sexy government contracts.

Smaller organizations are no names working on niche shit, but tend to pay out the ass.

I don't think you actually know what you're talking about. Anyone reading this, if you have the choice between a PhD and a good-paying job/career, TAKE THE FUCKING JOB. Money is worth less every fucking day in this economy. You need to be building yourself up. Work experience is much more highly valued in these circles than PhDs UNLESS they need someone to rubber stamp shit (common especially in chemistry and pharma). Unless you're blessed with a successful wife or come from a rich family, academia is becoming more and more of a RAW deal everyday.

>> No.14844777

I made more than that with a visiting position even before graduating

>> No.14844859

>visiting position
Nice. What'd you do to deserve that?

>> No.14844893

>Take the fucking money
And then what? What do I do after that?

>> No.14844897


>> No.14844914

Build up your life. Become secure. Work on education in the background. It's not particularly hard to get into masters programs with related work experience and if you've shown you're keeping up with things through self-study and unironically course certificates.

Once you're built up, you can tell your employer to pay for your masters (if they don't, jump to someone who will, you have experience, you're the master now). Once done with that evaluate whether a PhD is even what you want at that point. Weigh out what it gets you.

A PhD is ALWAYS on the table. I know old ass fucks who get PhDs late in life. A good-paying job is very hard to get right and IS NOT getting easier. It's much harder to break into industry then slide into academia because academia will just take your money if it comes down to it.

>> No.14844931

>Once you're built up, you can tell your employer to pay for your masters (if they don't, jump to someone who will, you have experience, you're the master now).

>> No.14844932

Teach me.

>> No.14844946

Ok anons I also need advice on this.

I'm currently pursuing undergrad in math and computer science, I have about 1 to 2 years left before I'm done.

I'm thinking of pursuing a PHD specializing in computer graphics with the end goal of working R&D in industry, I already work in a research position for computer graphics at my uni, it pays peanuts and I'm questioning my decision.

I can easily(with a few months' prep) get a student position here which would be at least 5x my current salary, only thing being is that I don't give a shit about said job.

What do you think would be the safest decision for me?

>> No.14844993

Optiver, booking and flowtraders in my country get pretty close sometimes above usa tech salaries. Banks after that pay very nicely, but not USA level. Booking is quite difficult to get into. In my experience these companies prefer career experience in IT over publications.

I'm on 65k/ yr as juniorish dev. I think my colleagues with more experience are on 75-90k if I look at the salary scales. Upper management is 100k+ and free to get even higher. But you need 10+ years of xp for those positions. Middle management is easier to get into but in my case that would be more of a lateral career move.

>> No.14845028

I make 87k/year running delivery services. My investment costs are a used economy vehicle.

You guys running 7 years of college with 3 years of post graduate school summing to a cost of well over 1/4million dollars are retarded.

>> No.14845041

Really is simple as. Go to conferences, talk to people in your field. I obviously got lucky with my opportunity but it only happened because I had met people

>> No.14845057

Why would they bother talking to a literal who though? What happens in conferences? I am still in undergrad, and never been to one.

>> No.14845099

Just put yourself out there anon, I wouldn't say I'm good at networking either but chase any opportunity you get!

I managed to do alot of networking while searching for my current job, sent a few emails to profs in my uni showing interest in grad school and some of them offered me jobs.

>> No.14845156

If you actually have something to say, they'll love talking to you.
If you're just an undergrad don't worry about it, although it might help you land a grad position (which aren't terribly hard to obtain unless it's a top-tier school). Once you make it, go to every conference you can -- and contribute a talk if there's a way

>> No.14845162

Shut the fuck up worthless talentless trash

>> No.14845187

Bsc takes 3 years, master 1-2. Costs are little to none depending on country. Not everyone lives in a country that doesn't invest into its citizens (like USA)

>> No.14845233

yes all combinations exist. dumb and successful in academia, smart and successful in industry, smart and successful in both, smart and unsuccessful in both, etc etc

>> No.14845255
File: 681 KB, 508x566, 1632820797288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong anon?

>> No.14845572

Time to be a ditch digger in Romania anon

>> No.14845599

but what if I do science not for the money, but just for the sake of it, driven by Faustian romanticism of XIXth century European science, by the search for truth, the longing for understanding the Demiurge's code for this crooked fucked up universe? Am I just a schizo, or a scientist-philosopher, the wise one, the brahmin? or I'm just a naive retard

>> No.14845689


No. There are no industry in the West.

>> No.14845848

I would hardly call 50% tax and 40% estate tax investing in citizens lol.

>> No.14846004

>Sweden it seems to be where research careers go to die
Ouch! do tell more.

>> No.14846010

>There's a good reason that it's illegal for old people to start new degrees in many fields.
Never heard this before, rather it would seem to go against numerous age discrimination laws.

>> No.14846280

I'm a codecel who has now made enough to retire at 30 and am considering going to grad school. Strange the grass is greener.

>> No.14846540
File: 260 KB, 1062x772, BlueJack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cpa also has microcredits.
i do startup taxation and it's insanely easy
tax consulting maybe depressing but fuck is it nice money

>> No.14846716


>> No.14847330

shine on, you based schizo, science needs people like you

>> No.14847491

It's over. To old, weak mindset.

>> No.14847507

This is the reason I switched to Quant dev path, I did undergrad research at ENS, France btw.

>> No.14847509

>The only issue is that I'm a gigafaggot and I don't want short hair
Don’t waste other people’s time. You already know the solution. Just buy a step stool and some rope and get it over with.

>> No.14847513

>false precision in natural language

>> No.14847606
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Uniroincally try sales, bro.

>> No.14848051
File: 68 KB, 750x750, 1644625975452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still go to grad school if I spend 10 years in the military first? My professor is an ex-green beret...

>> No.14848402

>My professor is an ex-green beret...
I am just imagining the dude laying down some supressive fire before storming his labs...

>> No.14848409

>Where do I submit to the math faq?
This thread hit autosage, please hop over to >>>/sci/scg and write. The FAQ is a continuing work in progress.

t.FAQ editor

>> No.14849564

Good thread, see you all over in SCG.